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Chat GPT: Enhancing Students’ Writing Skills For Efl Students In Descriptive Text

  • Farda Amini
  • Arik Susanti
  • 2273-2285
  • Nov 15, 2024
  • Education

Chat GPT: Enhancing Students’ Writing Skills For EFL Students In Descriptive Text

Farda Amini, Arik Susanti*

English Education Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author


Received: 10 October 2024; Accepted: 15 October 2024; Published: 15 November 2024


Writing is a crucial ability that holds great significance in communication, education, and societal influence. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential effects of using Chat GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) as an instructional tool for teaching descriptive text on EFL (English as Foreign Language) students. This study utilized a quasi-experimental methodology and included 68 children from a state Junior High School in Sampang. The samples were selected via purposive sampling. The researcher allocated 34 students to the control group and 34 students to the experimental group. Data was collected through a test that involved composing essay questions. An independent sample t-test was used to assess the pre-test and post-test data using inferential statistics. The finding demonstrates that Chat GPT has a beneficial effect on improving students’ writing skills. The average score obtained in the post-test by the experimental group (76.24) was higher compared to the control group (69.50) due to the beneficial impact of technology on students’ learning process. The 2-tailed significance value is 0.009, which is below the threshold of 0.05. This indicates a statistically significant improvement in writing skills. Ultimately, employing Chat GPT as an educational media yields a beneficial influence on students’ writing proficiency. Teachers are advised to utilize technology in order to enhance students’ writing abilities. It is suggested to implement Chat GPT as an educational medium to engage students’ participation for future researchers.

Keywords: Chat GPT, Writing Skills, Media, Technology, Descriptive Text.


Writing is a crucial ability that holds great significance in communication, education, and social influence. It is the potential, particularly in education and the environment. It is in line with that writing is the process of conveying ideas, thoughts, and emotions through a spoken or written system designed for the members of a particular linguistic community (Sun et al., 2021). Writing is crucial for engaging with ideas, opinions, and conduct. Individuals may have a variety of motivations for wanting to transmit messages, essays, articles, emails, or papers. When writing, it is important to acknowledge the need to consider your audience, which may consist of adults, any number of citizens, or a combination of both. The specific audience may be identifiable or ambiguous. Writing can be classified into two distinct categories: formal and casual.

In the modern era, the most crucial writing abilities are facilitating communication between individuals across continents, countries, states, and regions (Rao, 2017). In order to effectively communicate with individuals from different parts of the world, it is necessary to have a shared universal language. English fulfills this function, and individuals endeavor to acquire it in order to accomplish their objectives. Individuals acquire English language proficiency due to its indispensable nature in everyday existence. Furthermore, writing is one of the most essential skills in language.

Nevertheless, the process of instructing and acquiring writing skills is difficult due to the extensive nature of writing. The process of thinking in writing is challenging to represent due to its reliance on the students’ imagination to connect ideas and process thoughts, resulting in a well-structured written text with effective linguistic organization. The definition mentioned by Brown (2012) implies that writing is a multifaceted endeavor. The intricate nature of writing implies that it also requires a sophisticated talent. Visually, kids need to learn how to coordinate their hands and eyes when writing.

Moreover, the writing process encompasses several distinct stages, namely planning, drafting, reviewing, editing, and publishing (Mammadova, 2021). In the planning stages, the writer engages in the beginning step of the writing process. This involves organizing thoughts, generating concepts, and establishing the framework of the composition. Once the preparation phase is finished, the writer proceeds to the drafting stage. During this stage, individuals begin to articulate their ideas by constructing phrases and paragraphs, so producing the initial version of the writing. Subsequently, Review entails a thorough evaluation of a first draft to analyze the general coherence, clarity, and effectiveness of the text. At this juncture, writers have the opportunity to receive input from teachers, peers, or other individuals.

The ultimate stage of the writing process is editing, which involves honing the language, grammar, punctuation, and style of the piece. During the editing stage, it is important for the writer to focus on sentence structure, word selection, and overall language proficiency. Moreover, the writer proceeds to the stage of publishing once the editing process is complete. During this stage, the writer presents a finalized and refined version of the work to the target audience.

Oshima & Hogue (2007) identified five categories for judging writing. The themes covered include content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. The information is clearly stated and effectively elucidates the topic with pertinence. The main concept or point is well supported with sufficient details. Organization refers to the effectiveness of the introduction, expansion, and conclusion, the logical arrangement of ideas, and the right length. Grammar is defined by several key elements, including topical sentences, paragraph unity, coherence, rhetorical conventions, and reference. Additionally, fluency and diversity are important aspects of grammar. In terms of vocabulary, it involves the use of lexicon (words), syntax, strong verbs, and specific nouns. The mechanics of writing encompass aspects such as accurate spelling, proper grammar, identifying relevant sources, maintaining a logical organization, and ensuring a visually appealing look.

Therefore, the skill of writing can be seen as challenging. Writing in Indonesia continues to present numerous hurdles for students due to various obstacles encountered during the writing process. Furthermore, according to the assertion made by Ningrum et al. (2023), students encountered difficulties when engaging in writing activities inside an educational environment where English was employed as the primary language of communication. In addition, initial observations conducted at a junior high school in Sampang revealed that the students exhibited inadequate writing abilities, particularly in the area of ​​descriptive language.

During the interview with the English teacher, it was discovered that students faced difficulties in organizing sentences to effectively complete a written descriptive paragraph. In addition, she expressed the need for assistance in enhancing pupils’ proficiency in composing descriptive text. The school promotes the acquisition of tablets or mobile devices with the hope that they will enhance the lesson or activity. However, teachers must fully include technology into their classroom instruction of writing. They are made sure to showcase writing using traditional or physical paper-based formats. Students encounter difficulties comprehending the process and formulating responses to questions subsequent to locating the topic. Sianipar and Gultom (2022) found that using unstimulating material in writing workshops can diminish students’ passion and involvement in enhancing their writing abilities.

Furthermore, technology plays a key part in education throughout the digital age, as a wide range of tools and resources are incorporated into the classroom to improve learning outcomes. Chat GPT is a technology that helps enhance learning in the English classroom. As a result, pupils exhibit a lack of interest in the instructional materials provided by the teacher, leading to a negative impact on their writing proficiency (Bozic, 2023). Chat GPT, an educational tool used in English language classrooms, is a technology that can enhance the learning process. However, according to a study by KATAR et al. (2023), they contend that Chat GPT has made substantial advancements and evolved from being just a theoretical idea to a widely adopted technology in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and education. According to the research, it can be inferred that Chat GPT can function as a professional educational instrument to enhance pupils in English learning environments.

However, the prior study exclusively examined students within the scout community and undergraduate students, and it did not provide any comparisons with other media except than Chat GPT. In addition, the researcher discovered four studies. The initial study conducted by Hawanti in 2023 revealed that training via Chat GPT reduces students’ concerns regarding learning and has an impact on their psychological well-being in English classrooms. Subsequently, Ni Putu undertook a study to employ Chat GPT in KMB programs with the aim of promoting accountability and personalized learning. Chat GPT has the capacity to direct the learning process, establish objectives, and make determinations on the acquisition of the English language. The research discovered that students can enhance their objectives through several means, such as receiving individualized language learning assistance using Chat GPT (Ni Putu, 2023).

Furthermore, the third set of studies elucidated that Chat GPT has a significant positive influence on students’ motivation to learn (Hanum Siregar et al., 2023). Her findings demonstrated that male students exhibit higher levels of dominance in terms of usage. Younger students exhibit a higher propensity to utilize Chat GPT compared to their older counterparts. The study also discovered that the utilization of Chat GPT has a noteworthy favorable effect on pupils’ enthusiasm to learn. In addition, Prananta et al. (2023) fourth study on Chat GPT digital technology identified other advantages for education and learning, including the need to exercise caution when using offered information, being courageous, and verifying crucial information from trustworthy sources.

Nevertheless, the research conducted by Hawanti, Ni Putu, Hanum, and Paranata did not investigate the disparities between students who employ Chat GPT and those who employ conventional techniques such as books. Readers may have a better understanding of the extent to which students have progressed, but they may not accept the comparison between Chat GPT as a learning tool and traditional media. According to the fourth previous study, Chat GPT offers numerous benefits for students learning activities. However, earlier studies did not utilize Chat GPT to enhance descriptive writing skills.

In order to address this deficiency, the researcher employs Chat GPT as an instructional tool to investigate if the use of Chat GPT in teaching descriptive text yields a notable improvement in the writing proficiency of junior high school pupils. Hence, the researcher conducted a quasi-experimental study to assess the influence of Chat GPT on improving the writing abilities of junior high school students in descriptive text. The study’s backdrop has led to the development of the following research questions: Is there a notable enhancement in writing skills for junior high school pupils in descriptive text when using Chat GPT as a learning medium?


Research Design and Participants

This study was designed as quasi-experimental research, mostly using quantitative approaches. Quasi-experimental study design involves two distinct groups of participants (Creswell, 2012). As a result, the individuals involved in this study were not assigned to the two groups in a random manner. This study employed a quasi-experimental design to investigate the potential of Chat GPT in enhancing students’ writing proficiency. Moreover, this study included two distinct student groups: an experimental group and a control group. The researcher took the experiment because it allowed the researcher to systematically investigate cause and effect relationships.

 Specifically, the sample is a smaller group selected from the larger population under study (Creswel, 2012). This is chosen by a form of convenience sampling. As a result, the researcher chose two seventh-grade pupils who were accessible. Subsequently, a total of 68 students were selected from two eighth-grade courses for the purpose of sampling. The experimental group comprised 34 students, whereas the control group consisted of merely 34 youngsters.

Instruments of the study

The instrument employed in this investigation was a written examination assessing individuals’ preferred location. The examination was divided into two sections: the preliminary assessment and the final assessment. The pre-test, as described by (Creswell, 2012), is a method used to assess various features that participants rate before undergoing therapy. In contrast, the post-test is employed to measure elements that participant rate after the treatment has been administered.

The study assessed the students’ writing proficiency by use of essay questions. The process of asking a question consists of three distinct stages: identification, description, and composing a summary paragraph. The students must fulfill a writing examination that includes three elements: identity, directions, and questions presented in a table format. In addition, they have the option of using the paragraphs offered for their work.

The writing exam rubric was used to modify the test questions sourced from various origins. The writing assessment rubric was derived from the work of (Brown, 2007). The reason for selecting this rubric was its inclusion of five areas that essentially relate to the most crucial elements of writing: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics.

Data Collection Procedure

There are several steps involved in gathering data. In this study, the data was initially collected through tests. Data collection takes place in several steps. The treatment is divided into six sessions as depicted in Table 1. Both groups are given a post-treatment test to evaluate the impact of the treatment.

Table 1. The Process of Treatment

Meeting Activities
Experimental Group Control Group
1 Students got the writing test pre-test on a paper-based Students got the writing test pre-test on a paper-based
2 Students learn how to look at the following picture in the activity and answer the questions by listening to the audio. Also, finding a generic structure of descriptive text, and writing a summary about the place using printed material and PowerPoint. Then, students learn how to check grammar using Chat GPT. Students learn how to look at the following picture in the activity and answer the questions by listening to the audio. Also, finding a generic structure of descriptive text, and writing a summary about the place using printed material and PowerPoint.
Furthermore, students log in to their Chat GPT account that students create before to copy their writing. Second, students can type on Message by Chat GPT.
So, the errors of sentences are found from instant feedback of Chat GPT.
3 Students learn how to compare 2 descriptive texts of places, find the simple present in the descriptive text of places, and find adjectives in descriptive texts of places using printed material and PowerPoint. Then, students learn how to search topic ideas using Chat GPT. Students learn how to compare 2 descriptive texts of places, find the simple present in the descriptive text of places, and find adjectives in descriptive texts of places using printed material and PowerPoint.
Furthermore, students log in to their Chat GPT account that students create before to copy their writing. Second, students can type on Message by Chat GPT to find a lot of topic ideas, for example: “Please find a lot of topic ideas about holidays in Malang”.
So, the result of your question will be responded to by Chat GPT.
4 Students learn how to order the sentences provided by teacher regarding the descriptive text of place and answer missing sentences of descriptive text of place using printed material and PowerPoint. Then, students learn how to check vocabulary using Chat GPT. Students learn how to order the sentences provided by the teacher regarding the descriptive text of place and answer missing sentences of descriptive text of place using printed material and PowerPoint.
Furthermore, students log in to their Chat GPT account that students create before to copy their writing. Second, students can type on Message by Chat GPT to check vocabulary (familiar or unfamiliar), for example: “Please check that vocabulary from tourist and guide”. So, the result of your question will be responded to by Chat GPT.
5 Students can publish a simple paragraph that answers before using the QR Code. Then, students learn how to check the mechanics of writing (spelling, punctuation, and capitalization) to make a good simple paragraph using Chat GPT. Students can publish a simple paragraph that answers before using the QR Code.
Furthermore, students log in to their Chat GPT account that students create before to copy their writing. Second, students can type on Message by Chat GPT.
So, the errors of mechanic are found from instant feedback of Chat GPT.
6 Students got the writing test post-test using paper-based Students got the writing test post-test using paper-based

Data Analysis

Data was analyzed using inferential statistics to verify hypothesis testing with SPSS 25. Prior to that, the researchers conducted homogeneity and normality evaluations.

The experimental group’s significance was indicated by a pre-test value of 0.107 and a post-test value of 0.150, as per the normality test results. Additionally, the control group’s pre-test significance value was 0.025, while the post-test significance value was 0.054. The normality test has a higher standard; therefore, the significance value must exceed 0.05. Consequently, it can be inferred that the data that has been gathered is normally distributed.  Consequently, the homogeneity requirement is not satisfied if the significance level is less than 0.05. The significance value of this mean was 0.157, as determined by the data homogeneity test results. The minimum criteria were satisfied if the significance value was greater than 0.05. Consequently, the data in this investigation was uniform.

In order to address the research question and verify the hypotheses, an independent sample t-test was implemented due to the homogeneity and normally distributed nature of the data. Subsequently, the experimental and control groups were compared using the independent sample t-test. In order to determine whether the two groups significantly differed in their writing tests, the t-value was determined using an independent sample t-test. A significance level of 0.05 was employed to evaluate the data. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis () is accepted when the t-value is less than 0.05, and the null hypothesis () is accepted when the t-value is greater than 0.05. Otherwise, the alternative hypothesis is rejected.


The findings indicate that Chat GPT has the potential to enhance students’ proficiency in composing descriptive texts. Next, the data from the pre-test was analyzed using inferential statistics. The average score of the pre-test was computed for both the experimental group and the control group. The table displays the calculated mean scores of the two groups. Table 2 displays the information.

Table 2. Mean score analysis of pre-test results between the experimental group and control group

Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pre-test Score Experimental group 34 64.32 17.466 2.995
Control group 34 59.62 15.711 2.694

Based on Table 2, the average score of the experimental group in the writing pre-test was 64.32 (with a standard deviation of 17.466), while the control group had a score of 59.62 (with a standard deviation of 15.711). Furthermore, the average score of the experimental group remained superior to that of the control group. Subsequently, the pre-test was examined to determine whether there was a notable disparity in the writing test scores between the two groups. The outcome of the independent sample t-test is displayed in Table 3.

Table 3. Independent sample t-test analysis of pre-test scores between the experimental group and control group

Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
Pre-test Score Equal variances assumed 0.39 0.535 1.168 66 0.247 4.706 4.029 -3.338 12.750
Equal variances not assumed 1.168 65.274 0.247 4.706 4.029 -3.340 12.752

According to the data in the table above, the independent sample t-test analysis of pre-test scores between the experimental group and control group did not show a significant difference. This was evidenced by the notable 2-tailed result of 0.247, surpassing the threshold of 0.05. Consequently, both the experimental and control groups occupied identical positions. Both groups exhibited similar performance in the writing test pre-test, and their equality was confirmed.

Following the analysis of the pre-test findings, the writing test scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-test can be assessed using inferential statistics, specifically an independent sample t-test. The post-test was conducted to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups. Subsequently, the mean score of both groups was computed. Table 4 displays the information.

Table 4. Mean score analysis of post-test results between the experimental group and control group

Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Post-test Score Experimental Group 34 76.24 10.088 1.73
Control Group 34 69.5 10.678 1.831

Table 4 shows that the average score of the experimental group in the post-test analysis of writing was 76.24 (SD=10.088), while the control group scored 69.50 (SD=10.678). Subsequently, the average score of the post-test analysis in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. The findings demonstrate that the experimental group exhibits a greater capacity to enhance their writing abilities compared to the control group. Thus, the independent sample t-test was employed to analyze the post-test results of the experimental and control groups. The outcome of the independent sample t-test is displayed in Table 5.

Table 5. Independent sample t-test analysis of post-test scores between the experimental group and control group

Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
Test Score Equal variances assumed 2.048 0.157 2.674 66 0.009 6.735 2.519 1.706 11.765
Equal variances not assumed 2.674 65.788 0.009 6.735 2.519 1.705 11.765

The table above displays the outcomes of the independent sample t-test, indicating a significant difference in the post-test scores between the two groups. This was evidenced by the notable 2-tailed p-value of 0.009, which was below the threshold of 0.05. Consequently, the post-test scores of the experimental and control groups exhibited substantial differences.

The data analysis results indicate that there were differences in the writing skills of students who used Chat GPT as a learning tool in the classroom compared to those who did not. Both groups exhibited similar performance in the writing test pre-test, and their equality was confirmed.

The experimental group attained a pre-test mean score of 64.32, whereas the control group had a score of 59.62. Nevertheless, the two groups exhibited distinct improvements following four sessions of treatments administered to the experimental group. Based on the study of the post-test data, it is evident that the experimental group had superior writing skills compared to the control group. The experimental group achieved a post-test mean score of 76.24, while the control group received a mean score of just 69.50. Illustrated by the data analysis findings. Using Chat GPT as a learning medium resulted in a substantial enhancement of students’ writing skills. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis can be affirmed while the null hypothesis is refuted.

Table 6. Improvement in writing skills aspect in the descriptive text between the experimental group and control group.

Aspect of Writing Assessment Average Score Increase
Experimental group Control group
Content 22.94 19.85 3.09
Organization 16.32 15.08 1.24
Grammar 12.29 11.82 0.47
Vocabulary 12.64 11.55 1.09
Mechanic 12.02 11.17 0.85
Total 76.21 69,47

According to Table 6, it was got from all aspects of descriptive text writing improved. From the experimental group and control group, the aspect that had a higher increase was content. There was also an increase in organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics that had lower average scores organization (1.24), grammar (0.47), vocabulary (1.09), and mechanics (0.85). Thus, it can be concluded that students from both groups were able to write descriptive text well with content compared to organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics.


The findings indicated that utilizing Chat GPT as an educational tool can effectively enhance the writing proficiency of junior high students in the genre of descriptive texts. This is attributed to the fact that Chat GPT facilitates the integration of technology into the process of learning and mastering the art of descriptive writing. Subsequently, pupils receive assistance in generating novel concepts for crafting descriptive texts and enhancing their writing abilities with the utilization of Chat GPT. This aligns with Brown (2012) assertion that students can cultivate a profound level of coherence in their writing by effectively developing ideas and material.

Moreover, Chat GPT can enhance students’ writing activities by improving their vocabulary and grammar skills. Chat GPT offers an immediate feedback function, allowing students to promptly receive feedback on their writing by engaging with Chat GPT to verify grammar. This can be advantageous for identifying areas of enhancement and honing their skills in real-time, ensuring that pupils have no difficulty comprehending a paragraph constructed based on their knowledge.

Furthermore, Chat GPT assists students in enhancing their vocabulary by exposing them to a wide array of lexical items. Additionally, the sentence structures seen in the responses generated by Chat GPT can assist students in enhancing their vocabulary and refining their language proficiency. According to Oshima (2007), children have the ability to carefully select their words (vocabulary) and employ sophisticated grammatical structures to convey stress and emphasis (grammar). Subsequently, the mean score for the writing aspect indicates that the content sections have seen more improvement compared to organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.

During the brainstorming and drafting stages, students exhibit more engagement when utilizing Chat GPT as a learning medium, as they tend to choose technology over traditional lecture-based learning approaches that lack multimedia elements. Thus, students enhance their skills in content and organization when the teacher allows them to utilize GPT Chat throughout the writing phase of a text. This approach ensures that students remain the focal point of the learning process, while the teacher assumes the role of a facilitator. This aligns with Hogue (2007) assertion that the assessment of written content is clearly defined and effectively conveys the subject matter with relevance. The information provided contains sufficient specifics pertaining to the central notion or idea. The structure of a text refers to its efficiency in terms of introducing, expanding, and concluding ideas, maintaining a logical order of thinking, and being an acceptable length.

In addition, incorporating Chat GPT into the learning process fosters students’ enthusiasm for writing abilities, so prompting them to actively inquire about the functionalities of Chat GPT to aid their learning. During the learning process, students have the ability to establish communication with one another. In addition, students contribute to a dynamic and enjoyable classroom environment.  Students can outline the key concepts of the subject and subsequently articulate or structure their thoughts in written form utilizing descriptive language, including identification and description. The identification phase occurs when the students successfully recognize and comprehend the phenomenon that is being explained. During the description stage, the students were instructed to methodically articulate the components, attributes, and features of their preferred locations.

Moreover, kids have the potential to enhance their vocabulary. It signifies their ability to choose suitable vocabulary and integrate it into coherent sentences. The pupils successfully minimized grammatical errors, namely in their utilization of the simple present tense. Finally, they would eliminate mechanical faults, such as grammar and punctuation, in their writing endeavors. It suggests they employed focused attention to effectively apply mechanics in their writing.

The act of writing can enhance students’ learning behavior and motivation. Students exhibit greater engagement in seeking guidance from teachers regarding challenges encountered in their writing endeavors. When faced with challenges related to unfamiliar vocabulary or proper grammatical usage, they exhibit greater confidence in seeking assistance from the teacher either individually or through group discussions. Subsequently, they have a sense of joy and curiosity towards acquiring English language skills, particularly in the area of writing. They recognize the value of efficiently incorporating the writing process into their learning, and eagerly embrace each stage of the writing process. (1) Planning stage: During this phase, the instructor aims to stimulate and facilitate the exchange of ideas among pupils in order to gather or generate ideas related to the topic. The teacher guides students in posing inquiries to stimulate their thoughts during the writing process. (2) Drafting: During this stage, the teacher instructs students to begin composing a preliminary version, or rough draft, using the ideas they have gathered. (3) Reviewing: During this stage, the teacher assigns multiple students the task of reading a preliminary version of a written work, while other students assist in identifying and correcting any errors in the draft. (4) Editing: During this stage, the process of pairing is merged with the implementation of editing activities. Their task is to revise the document with regards to its content, structure, vocabulary, language, and mechanics. (5) Publishing: The teacher instructs pupils to swap their work with other couples. They offer feedback on the writing of the other pair, and they review and provide comments or edits for enhancement. These stages are executed by student pairs. Their motivation also experiences a significant boost when writing with their companion.

Furthermore, it has the potential to enhance the overall ambiance of the classroom during the teaching and learning process, resulting in a more vibrant and improved learning environment compared to the previous state. The children were filled with anticipation and eagerness towards the writing process. They possessed a substantial degree of awareness and self-assurance in their writing proficiency. Moreover, this predicament prompted the kids to intensify their concentration in their writing courses. They have displayed a heightened level of commitment and creativity in their writing progress, frequently engaging in active participation by seeking clarification and posing inquiries when faced with difficulties in understanding the lesson. In addition, kids did not experience boredom with writing exercises due to the implementation of a less demanding teaching style. The teacher employed a novel and captivating approach to stimulate pupils’ writing abilities. The teacher allocated sufficient time, exemplars, and protocols for pupils to engage in writing activities.

In summary, Chat GPT has the capacity to aid pupils in enhancing their writing abilities during pre-writing tasks. Chat GPT greatly helps pupils’ writing production by providing assistance in generating ideas. Therefore, it is advantageous for students to engage in producing uncomplicated assignments rather than intricate settings.


Using GPT Chat as a learning medium has a beneficial effect on the descriptive writing process. Chat GPT enhances educational technology by providing descriptive language that helps students develop a deeper understanding of technology and engage in enjoyable and captivating learning activities. Student writing has the potential to impact the learning environment established in the classroom.

This study aims to examine the writing proficiency of pupils by utilizing Chat GPT. The researcher is unable to provide a report as we are interested in assessing their level of writing skills. While Chat GPT is really a potent tool, it is not without its limits. These include the possibility of biases in the generated content, occasional mistakes, and the inability to offer individualized input. These constraints may impact the caliber of support offered to the pupils.

Moreover, employing Chat GPT has the potential to foster the creation of advanced and precise instructional AI applications. Developers should prioritize the creation of applications that are specifically tailored for educational use, integrating functionalities that cater to the distinct requirements of students and teachers. Additionally, there is the possibility of developing collaborative platforms that facilitate student collaboration and interaction with Chat GPT as a learning tool, which has the ability to enhance their writing abilities and cultivate a supportive community of learners.


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