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Customer Satisfaction among J&T Users in Terengganu

  • Siti Noor Aishah Mohd Sidik
  • Hanis Athirah Abd Sukor
  • Nur Fatwa Atiqah
  • Aiezwa Zetty Syafina Saedon
  • Fatin Syafiqah Mohd Apandi
  • Muhammad Kamal Fudhail Mohd Rahim
  • 352-362
  • Sep 28, 2024
  • Business Management

Customer Satisfaction among J&T Users in Terengganu

Siti Noor Aishah Mohd Sidik1*, Hanis Athirah Abd Sukor2, Nur Fatwa Atiqah2, Aiezwa Zetty Syafina Saedon2, Fatin Syafiqah Mohd Apandi2, Muhammad Kamal Fudhail Mohd Rahim2

1Faculty Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi Mara, 23000 Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia

2Universiti Teknologi Mara, 23000 Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia

*Correspondence Author


Received: 13 September 2024; Accepted: 19 September 2024; Published: 28 September 2024


Service delivery plays a vital role since the buying behavior has changed. The customer prefers to buy products online and expects products to be delivered on time and in the best condition. This phenomenon is a challenge to the company to always maintain the best service to the customer and compete with other competitors. This study wants to identify the factors that influence satisfaction among J&T users. The service quality dimension, which is tangibility, reliability, assurance, empathy, and responsiveness, is all under investigation. This sample of this study consisted of J&T uses from Terengganu. 300 questionnaires were distributed to respondents via online, and 249 data were collected and usable. The questionnaire feedback was analyzed using SPSS to access the regression effect of each research variable. The study discovered that tangibility, reliability, empathy, and responsiveness influence customer satisfaction. Regression analysis also proven that empathy is the most critical factor impacting customer satisfaction. The findings as a guideline for service delivery companies to always upgrade the service to the customers.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Tangibility, Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness


Customer satisfaction is a crucial component that affects a business’s performance. In the context of service delivery, elements of service quality such as reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible are important factors that will affect customer satisfaction (Nguyen, Pham, Tran, & Pham, 2020; Supriyanto, Wiyono, & Burhanuddin, 2021; Akmal, Panjaitan, & Ginting, 2023; Alzaydi, 2024). Recently, courier services in Malaysia got a thousand boxes every day since customers preferred to purchase desired goods through an internet platform. Online purchasing has been a popular way to avoid physical touch with others and maintain social distance (Aryani, Nair, Hoo, Kee, Lim, Chandran, & Desai, 2021). Customers often prefer online shopping since it provides several discounts and special deals at various periods. This circumstance is causing a surge in demand for courier services. J&T Express is a courier firm in Southeast Asia that prioritizes client service and efficiency. Shopping sites including Lazada, Shopee, TikTok, and others have chosen J&T Express as a logistics partner. J&T Express’s tremendous development may undoubtedly be attributed to its excellent user experience.

In a competitive market, understanding the factors that drive consumer satisfaction is crucial.  Customers who are satisfied with a firm are more likely to engage in positive behaviors such as brand loyalty, positive word of mouth, and service repetition (Sivadas & Jindal, 2017; Kim, Ng, & Kim, 2009; Cuong, 2020; Liu & He, 2024). However, customers also have a power to share their feelings about courier services. Nowadays, customers use social media to express their feelings. They complained about slow service, inadequate tracking mechanisms, bad customer support, and delayed deliveries. This issue will indirectly influence other customers’ decisions to use J&T services. Indeed, with a single click, bad comments can indirectly ruin the company’s reputation. In order to achieve customer satisfaction, companies need to meet consumers ‘requirements and expectations to provide services that satisfy customers (Tang, Tan, Tan, Tan, Almawad, & Alosaimi, 2022). Therefore, considering this issue, this study wants to examine factors that influence customer satisfaction among J& T users which are tangibility, reliability assurance, empathy and responsiveness. This study is important as a guideline to service providers to measure the important factors that can influence customer satisfaction, and indirectly create strategies to compete with other competitors.


Customer Satisfaction: Satisfaction has become an essential issue in the business market. Satisfaction is the degree to which a product or service meets or exceeds a customer’s expectations. The issue of customer satisfaction is continuously getting special attention from the researcher. This is due satisfaction as the root for analyzing business performance via customer feedback (Harsono, Widyantoro, Prawitowati, & Rachmat, 2023). In courier service, customers expect to receive good service and an efficient support system. The unpleasant experience could lead to dissatisfaction among the users. In fact, a company that satisfies their customers will get competitive advantages (Suchánek & Králová, 2019). Customer willingness to share positive word of mouth on an online platform and loyal to the same provider (Harsono et al., 2023; Liu & He, 2024). Therefore, it is clear that customer satisfaction has an important effect on businesses performance. In Malaysia, the majority of the previous research on satisfaction was carried out in various research contexts. The researchers access satisfaction among hotel, food delivery service, retail, and bank customers (Mohammed & Rashid, 2018; Nayan & Hassan, 2020; Al-Suraihi, Ibrahim, Al-Tahitah, & Abdulrab, 2020; Raeha binti Abdul Hapzis, 2024). However, there is still limited attention given to the factors that foster satisfaction among courier service. Previous research has also revealed contradictory findings between the service quality component and satisfaction (Fida, Ahmed, Al-Balushi, & Singh, 2020; Balinado, Prasetyo, Young, Persada, Miraja, & Redi, A2021; Lookman, 2022). Therefore, this study intends to examine whether service quality dimension influence satisfaction among J& T users in Malaysia.

Tangibility: Tangibility refers to the physical elements associated with a service or product, such as facilities, equipment, and personnel appearance. In the context of courier service, company is compulsory to provide good facilities to the customers (e.g. digital facilities and customer service centre). In fact, customer prefer to choose the company that provide good facilities and able to solve their problem. Generally, customer need a system that they can trace the parcel and provide details of parcel movement. The professionalism and appearance of employees also can influence how customers perceive service quality. Considering this issue, numerous studies have examined the link between tangible and customer satisfaction in various context (eg: marine service, car rental, fast food industry, restaurant and banking). The study found that tangible is important element that will affect emotion of the customer and will be satisfied with service provided by the company (Nguyen, Nisar, TKnox, & Prabhakar, 2018; Megahed, & Abbas, 2021; Setiono, & Hidayat, 2022; Awara, Anyadighibe, & Ofum, 2022). Customer also tend to feel more satisfied when employees treat them with courtesy and communicate well (Lenka, Suar, & Mohapatra, (2009; Anh, Dung, On, & Tam, 2021). Therefore, to ensure customer satisfy with tangible element, company can actively ask customer feedback. In fact, regularly gathering feedback on tangible aspects can help businesses understand their impact on customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement (Aishah, & Shaari, 2017; Jirásek, Gaffke, & Windsperger, 2023). Therefore, understanding how tangible influences customer satisfaction is crucial to compete with other competitors. Based on this issue, the following hypothesis was proposed:

H1: There is a significant influence between tangibility and customer satisfaction.

Reliability: In a service context, reliability refers to the ability of the service provider to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. It includes meeting deadlines, delivering consistent quality, and minimizing errors. Generally, reliability is the most important element that will influence customer satisfaction. The customer expects they will receive the parcel at the right time without any errors. Numerous studies have examined the link between reliability and customer satisfaction in various contexts (e.g., automotive, hotel, and banking service). The study found that employees that perform the task in efficient time are able to improve customer satisfaction among the customers (Balinado, Prasetyo, Young, Persada, Miraja, & Redi, 2021; Junaidi, Halim, Fahmi, Nawawi, Derani, & Kamarudin, 2024; Sumsunnaher, Al Masud, Rana, Rahman, Ahmed, & Hossain, 2024). However, service failures, such as late deliveries or product errors, are common in courier services, and they may affect consumer feeling and satisfaction. In fact, service failure influences customers’ decisions to remain loyal to a specific organization (Kim & Baker, 2020). Therefore, based on this issue, the following hypothesis was proposed:

H2: There is a significant influence between reliability and customer satisfaction.

Assurance: Assurance is competence, courtesy, credibility, and security provided by the service staff. It involves employees’ knowledge and skills to reinforce a feeling of safety and confidence with the company. Trust is built when customers receive the parcel without any damage. In the service delivery context, clear communication with customers is crucial to developing brand trust (Khadim, Hanan, Arshad, Saleem, & Khadim, 2018; Kalogiannidis, 2021). Employees must provide clear information about products or services, address concerns, and be responsive to any customer complaints and inquiries. In terms of security, the company must ensure that packages are handled securely and that the delivery process is safe, with proper tracking and data protection. In fact, the more customers are secure with the company, the more they will be loyal to the company (Setiawan & Patricia, 2022). Moreover, research shows that knowledge and expertise of service staff positively impact satisfaction. Studies in courier service revealed that customers feel satisfy when the staff treat them with courtesy (Yoon, Muir, Yoon, & Kim, 2022; Abdullah, Abd Manaf, Ahsan, & Azam, 2022). This is in line with the previous research that also found that assurance has a positive relationship with customer satisfaction (Ogiemwonyi, Harun, Rahman, Alam, & Hamawandy, 2020; Ali, Gardi, Othman, Ahmed, Ismael, Hamza & Anwar, 2021; Setiono & Hidayat, 2022). Therefore, based on this issue, the following hypothesis was proposed:

H3: There is a significant influence between assurance and customer satisfaction.

Empathy: Empathy is an important aspect in determining consumer satisfaction. In a service context, the empathy influences the consumer’s experience with the service (Umasuthan, Park, & Ryu, 2017). The staff must be concerned about client issues, such as delayed or lost packages, and provide effective solutions. Customers are more likely to feel valued and satisfied when their feelings and demands are acknowledged (Widagdo et al., 2024). In fact, customers that feel emotionally attached to a brand are more likely to provide favorable feedback to the companies (Putra, Astuti, Kusumawati, & Abdillah, 2020; Lin & Choe, 2022). The positive feedback will influence other customer decision to choose the same company. Customers also are satisfied with courier services when employees demonstrate empathy in solving their problems (Samad, Mohamad, Muhamad, Shaari, & Rahmat, 2021). This is consistent with previous research, which found that empathy has a positive relationship with customer satisfaction in a various of contexts, including public health, transportation, courier services, and banking (Merdekawati, 2023; Sutanto, 2023; Ong, German, Dangaran, Paz, & Macatangay, 2024; Hai, Zandi, Mansori, & Shahzad, 2024). Based on this issue, the following hypothesis was proposed:

H4: There is a significant influence between empathy and customer satisfaction.

Responsiveness: Responsiveness refers to how quickly and effectively the staff reacts to customer inquiries, requests, or issues, as well as the timeliness and accuracy of delivery. The ability of the staff to give a quick response to any inquiries from customers contributes to higher customer satisfaction (Patel, Mishra, Chishti, & Modi, 2024). In fact, customers who feel satisfied with the service will be loyal to support the same courier company (Celuch, Walz, & Hartman, 2018; Holloway, 2024). In reality, customers expect the service provider to solve their problem in an efficient time. Company commitment to update and provide solutions to the customer indirectly will affect customer trust, and they will share positive experiences with other customers (Celuch et al., 2018; Balaji, 2014). Studies by Karim and Chowdhury (2014) revealed that communication with customers about delivery schedules and rapid handling of complaints directly influenced customer satisfaction. In this industry, customers expect not only the fast delivery of packages but also quick responses when things go wrong. This is in line with previous studies that also argue that responsiveness is an important predictor that influences satisfaction among the customers (Noor, Alhidayatullah, & Amal, 2023; Agarwal & Dhingra, 2023; Sutanto, 2023). Therefore, the company must ensure that the staff can manage any delivery issue or complain well. The responsiveness indirectly can give a competitive advantage in the industry. The customer will be loyal to a brand that is always concerned with their problems. Therefore, based on this issue, the following hypothesis was proposed:

H5: There is a significant influence between responsiveness and customer satisfaction

Based on the discussions above, a conceptual framework is developed, as shown in Figure 1.

Conceptual Framework Factor Influence Customer Satisfaction

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Factor Influence Customer Satisfaction


This survey included 350 people who had previously used J&T services. The most active Facebook community in Dungun was selected to collect the data. The questionnaire was issued via the Facebook inbox after getting permission from the respondents. The samples were chosen by selecting any three people from a list on the Facebook group. However, only 249 questionnaires were gathered and are usable for data analysis. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to evaluate reliability, descriptive analysis, and multiple regression. In terms of measurement, this study adapted a questionnaire from previous research. The item for all research variables is adapted from Uzir, Al Halbusi, Thurasamy, Hock, Aljaberi, Hasan, and Hamid (2021). Respondents assessed their degree of agreement to questions using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (disagree) to 5 (extremely agree).

Reliability Analysis

A reliability test was conducted to examine the internal inconsistency of the instruments employed in this study, which are tangible, reliability, assurance, empathy, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. The questionnaire was sent to the 30 customer who has experiences using delivery service via online survey. Table 1 below show result of reliability analysis for each variable.

Table 1: Reliability Analysis for Research Variables.

Research Variables Cronbach’s alpha
Customer satisfaction 0.920
Tangible 0.560
Reliability 0.798
Assurance 0.858
Empathy 0.782
Responsiveness 0.810

Customer satisfaction has the highest Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.920. This score indicates the strength of association between items is excellent. This followed by assurance (0.858), responsiveness (0.810), reliability (0.798), empathy (0.782), and tangible (0.560).


249 respondents participated in this study by answering the questionnaire via random sampling. Table 1 list the demographic profile of the respondents.

Table 2: Demographic Profile of Respondents

Item    (Frequency (n=249) Percentage (%)
 Gender Male 169 67.9
Female 80 32.1
Age 16 – 20 years old 1 0.4
20 – 25 years old 135 54.2
26 – 28 years old 112 45
Above 28 years old 1 0.4
Occupation Employed (full-time) 113 45.4
Self-employed 54 21.7
Student 82 32.9
 Income RM1,000 – RM2,000 55 22.1
RM2500 – RM4,000 111 44.6
RM4500 – RM6,000 82 32.9
RM6500 or more 1 0.4
Frequency using delivery service Weekly 4 1.6
Once a month 125 50.2
Frequently 59 23.7
Once in a six month 60 24.1
Once a year 1 4

Table 2 illustrates 67.9% of male and 32.1.% female J & T users involve in this study.  Majority of the respondent age range form 20-25 years (54.2%), and followed by 26-28 years old (54.2%). In term of income, 111 respondents earn income RM 2000- RM 4000 (44.6%) and 22.1 % earn income RM 1000- RM 2000 per month. Respondent also is full time workers (45.4%), self-employed (21/7%) and still a student (32.9%).  The users also just use once a month for delivery service form J& T (50.2%) and 24/1 % users use once in a six month.

Table 3: Descriptive Analysis for Research Variables

Variables Mean Standard Deviation
Customer Satisfaction 3.92 0.371
Tangible 4.14 0.236
Reliability 4.33 0.531
Assurance 4.05 0.240
Empathy 4.05 0.368
Responsiveness 4.15 0.345

Table 3 illustrates descriptive analysis for research variables. The mean for customer satisfaction is 3.92. Reliability shows the highest mean value (4.33), followed by responsiveness (4.15), tangible (4.14) and lastly assurance and empathy are 4.05.

Regression Analysis

Multiple regression analysis signifies the predictive power of independent variables towards the dependent variables. The coefficient of determination R² value indicates model fit. In the light of suggestions proposed by Cohen (1988), an R² value of 0.02 indicates poor model fit or weak contribution of the model; an R² value of 0.13 is considered a moderate level of model fit; whereas an R² value of 0.26 and above indicates substantial contribution of the model, or, in other words, it indicates good model fit.

Table 4: Regression Analysis Result

Variables Un-standardized beta Standardized Beta t- Value P- Value
Tangible 0.510 0.325 5.685 0.000
Reliability -0.201 -3.752 -3.752 0.000
Responsiveness 0.394 0.366 5.124 0.000
Empathy 0.408 0.404 4.694 0.000
Assurance 0.115 0.075 1.504 0.134
R 0.753
R square 0.568
F 63.832

Based on table 4, the largest beta value is empathy (β 0.404, ρ≤0.05). This indicates that empathy is the most important factor that influences satisfaction among J&T users. This is followed by responsiveness (β 0.366, ρ≤0.05), tangibleness (β 0.325, ρ≤0.05), and reliability, which negatively influence satisfaction with β -3.752, ρ≤0.05. However, assurance does not influence satisfaction among the customers with (β 0.075, ρ≥0.05). Based on the R square result, all the research variables (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance) contribute 56.8% toward customer satisafction. Which is highly significant, and the model is fit as the F statistic is 63.832 (F≥1) and the ρ-value is 0.000 and less than (ρ≤0.05).


This study found that tangibility, reliability, empathy, and responsiveness influence customer satisfaction. However, assurance did not influence satisfaction among J & T customers in Terengganu. Based on the finding, the most important factor that the company needs to be aware of is empathy. Empathy is the ability of the company to solve customer problems and react to customer complaints. When customers face any issues with the service, empathetic responses from the business can de-escalate negative emotions and lead to quicker and more satisfactory resolutions. In fact, customers who receive good treatment from the company will feel more secure and attach with the company. This is in line with recent studies in Indonesia and Malaysia, which revealed that empathy is essential to developing positive emotion and satisfaction among hotel, resort, and railway customers (Yeong, Knox, & Prabhakar, 2022; Huda, Beureukat, Melati, & Digdowiseiso, 2023).

The next factor is tangibility. This study revealed that customer satisfaction with J&T delivery services is significantly influenced by the tangible elements (e.g., the condition of parcels, delivery method, and communication). This finding is in line with the previous studies, which have also found that tangible element positively influence satisfaction among the customers (Wahid, Dangi, Abd Jabar, Muhamed, & Paino, 2017; Le, Nguyen, & Le, 2020; Nyabundi, Aliata, & Odondo, 2021; Setiono & Hidayat, 2022). In a competitive era, reliability also an important element for successful business. Reliability refers to the ability of a company or service provider to consistently perform promised services accurately and dependably. The customer who receives the parcel in efficient time will be satisfied with the company. This is in line with another study that also revealed that reliability is an important factor that influences satisfaction toward banking services (Iberahim, Taufik, Adzmir, & Saharuddin, 2016; Wang, Zhang, Zhu, & Wang, 2020; Bungatang & Reynel, 2021; Khan, Lima, & Mahmud, 2021). The last factor that influences satisfaction is responsiveness. Previous studies indicate that responsiveness is a very strong predictor that will influence customer emotion, particularly when it comes to dealing with customers and well-executed service procedures (Setiono & Hidayat, 2022; Patel, Mishra, Chishti, & Modi, 2024). Therefore, the company must always upgrade the service quality element in the service to develop satisfaction among the customers’ satisfaction level among the customers. Service quality is a root for getting a competitive advantage in the business.


This study has several limitations, which are that it only focuses on J&T users in Terengganu. Therefore, the result cannot be generalized to other customers in another region. The comparison between types of service providers (e.g., Flash Express, Shopee Express) can enhance the generalizability of the findings in the Malaysian context.


Finally, this study will serve as a guideline for the organization in determining the most significant aspect in service delivery. In the service context, tangibility, dependability, empathy, assurance, and responsiveness are essential predictors of client happiness. In order to compete with other providers in the same business, the organization must improve the level of service. The best way to update the service is through an online platform. The company can stay in touch with its customers by conducting online surveys and developing a chat system on its website or Facebook. This strategy can fix the customer’s problem, and the consumer will feel connected to the company. In fact, customers have the ability to spread negative feelings on social media if they are dissatisfied with the company. Therefore, the best service from the company indirectly can avoid any negative issue in social media.


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