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Cybercrime among Undergraduate Students: Problems and Solutions. A Case Study of Nigeria

  • Roland Olanrewaju Oladehin
  • 4569-4589
  • Mar 25, 2025
  • Criminology

Cybercrime among Undergraduate Students: Problems and Solutions. A Case Study of Nigeria

Roland Olanrewaju Oladehin

Criminology, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Received: 17 February 2025; Accepted: 24 February 2025; Published: 25 March 2025


Cybercrime encompasses criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet, and indeed there’s an upsurge of cybercrime in Nigeria, as the internet has created several platforms such as social media, e-commerce, and dating sites via which individuals target victims, and engage in cybercrimes. Research indicates that undergraduate students in Nigeria engage in, and are affected by cybercrime.  This study was carried out to investigate cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria, specifically, the types of cybercrimes affecting students, the contributing factors, and the implications for victims and society. This study employed qualitative methods, utilizing secondary data through a comprehensive review of existing literature.  The findings revealed that personal information theft, phishing, online financial fraud, credit card fraud, auction or online shopping fraud, cyberbullying, online stalking, ransom ware and malware attacks are the types of cybercrime affecting undergraduate students in Nigeria. The factors contributing to cybercrime among undergraduate students were youth unemployment and poverty, urbanization, quest for quick wealth, peer pressure, lack of sanctions and corruption in law enforcement agencies, and lack of cyber-awareness and knowledge. Research findings also found that there are no existing recommendations or guidelines related to understanding the severity of the experiences faced by victims of cybercrime in Nigeria. The study’s result emphasizes the grave problem of cybercrime among Nigerian undergraduate students. The results highlight the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to address this issue and deter students from it. The study’s conclusions also add to the body of knowledge already available about the phenomena.

Keywords: Cybercrime, internet, undergraduate students, cybercrime problems, Nigeria


Cybercrime encompasses criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet (35), and indeed there’s an upsurge of cybercrime in Nigeria, as the internet has created several platforms such as social media, e-commerce, and dating sites via which individuals target victims, and engage in cybercrimes. Regarding the severity of cybercrime incidents in Nigeria, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) revealed in 2017 that Nigeria ranked 3rd globally in cybercrime rallying behind the United Kingdom and the United States of America (57), and 7.5% of hackers globally said to be Nigerians (6). In 2020, Nigeria ranked 16th in countries most affected by cybercrime on FBI’s Global Cybercrime Victims Report in 2020 (14). In 2021, the country ranked 2nd in romance fraud, as a type of cybercrime with about 1,129 cases reported and a startling $16.8 million lost to romance fraud (77). Currently, Nigeria is among the top 10 internet scamming countries in the world (80), and has the 3rd highest crime index in Africa (66). In Nigeria, some people have accepted cybercrime as a way of life (58), with the majority of them being young people and are mostly found in tertiary institutions (85). Several factors including Nigeria’s lack of sufficient enforcement mechanisms encourage young people particularly students to explore their criminal talents in the online sphere, and how they may profit from it without being discovered (46) (10). The problem of students engaging in cybercrime is severe. In addition to the severity of victims’ experience regarding their finances, mental and psychological health, it also affects the students’ via the possibility of damaging their personal reputations as well as potential legal ramifications if they are discovered (27) (29).  Cybercrime among students is a menace, and consequently, it is necessary to investigate cybercrime among students. For academics, policymakers, and every individual, understanding cybercrime among students is of utmost relevance. The results of this study will be helpful in educating policy makers and the general public on the severity of students’ engagement in cybercrimes, which will help in the development and application of effective strategies, and interventions that will curb the menace.

Statement of the Problem

The contribution of the internet to the academic development of Nigerian undergraduates have been marred by the intentional emergence of new waves of crimes, of which cybercrime is the most prevalent. Cybercrime is a growing global problem, expected to cost $10.5 trillion by 2025, with phishing attacks accounting for 80% of reported cybercrimes and being the second most common cause of data breaches impacting over 422 million individuals globally as at 2022 (74). In Nigeria, cybercrime poses a threat with young people driving the trend, a sizeable number of them usually undergraduate students. According to a 2007 survey, Nigeria ranked 3rd for both the amount of online criminal activity, and the frequency of cybercrime among a substantial segment of young people.  Currently, there are about 1.8 million undergraduate students in Nigeria (83), and studies revealed that many of these undergraduate students engage in one or more kinds of cybercrime (12)(64). According to the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), over 2,800 young people majorly students were convicted in 2022 for different types of cybercrime, and over 50,000 students especially males are engaged in cybercrimes (75). The increase in cybercrimes such as hacking, identity theft, and social media fraud among others, has raised concerns over the negative effects on students’ personal and academic lives. Various factors including the development of new social media applications and platforms, the lack of adequate awareness and education of cyber security among others further exacerbates students’ vulnerability to participating in or becoming victims of cybercrime. The number of concerning cybercrimes by undergraduate students that occur in Nigeria is growing every day, and each one is more horrifying than the last.

Theoretical Framework

Various theories exist to explain criminal behavior, however the Differential Association Theory developed by Edwin Sutherland in 1939 is adopted in this study. According to (8) the Differential association theory developed in 1939 by Edwin Sutherland is predicated on the idea that criminal or deviant behaviour can be learned. The hypothesis contends that exposure to criminal associations and definitions supportive of criminal tendencies motivates someone to engage in criminal activities. This implies that someone is likely to become a criminal themselves, as a result of exposure to more acceptable criminal behavior. In other words, criminal behaviour starts to emerge when someone is exposed to more criminal influences or social messages that support wrongdoing. Naturally, these depends on the manner of communication, as well as the frequency, how long and how intensive they learn.  According to the differential association theory, people pick up the attitudes, skills, and values that drive criminal behavior through their interactions with others. This would imply that observing, associating with, and dealing with other people who are engaging in the unlawful behavior influences an individual’s decision to partake in it. The theory also contends that people learn to transgress certain norms as a result of their environment (Sutherland, 1939). This however, can be observed in environment with poor socioeconomic situations that promote unfavorable perceptions of the law and authority.

In Nigerian higher institutions, those who commit cybercrime typically pick up this criminal behaviour from their friends and acquaintances through social interaction (37). Their social interactions could originate from interacting on social media with people who are already committing the crime or have comparable interests. It is possible to be persuaded by others they encounter with physically and online, even if they do not now have any desire to engage in the crime. Additionally, the environment is favorable for such crimes. Due to the country’s economic situation, Nigeria has a shortage of jobs for young people, lax cyber laws, ineffective security personnel, and a lack of strict penalties for offenders, and, most importantly, the availability of numerous social media platforms and the permeability of the internet have provided a fertile environment for cybercrime to flourish.

In Sutherland’s opinion (101), cyber criminals may not have been born criminals; instead, they seem to pick up these nefarious skills through frequent contact and engagement with other cyber criminals who are already out there. He also posited that criminal activity is learned through a process of social influence that is frequently uncoordinated and uneven, much like other types of human behavior. Individuals learn non-criminal behaviors in the same manner in which they learn criminal behaviors. Because of this, some people interact with those who follow criminal standards and end up becoming criminals as a result, while others may not. Perhaps, this further helps to explain why some Nigerian undergraduate students who interact with other cybercriminals choose to engage in cybercrime while others choose not to. In conclusion, the differential association theory with its several hypotheses helps to explain why cybercrime is spreading so swiftly across the society, and how undergraduate students’ in Nigerian Universities pick up the practice by participating in cybercrime.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria.

Research Objectives

  1. To determine the primary cybercrimes affecting undergraduate students in Nigeria.
  2. To ascertain the factors contributing to cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria.
  3. To assess the implications of cybercrime on both the students and the victims, and the society.
  4. To examine existing recommendations for addressing the severity of the victims’ experiences within the Nigerian context.

Research Questions

  1. What are the primary cybercrimes that affect undergraduate students in Nigeria?
  2. What are the factors contributing to cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria?
  3. What are the implications of cybercrime?
  4. What recommendations exist regarding the severity of were reviewed to assess the extent of cybercrime among the victims’ experiences?

Significance of the Study

The internet has become an indispensable aspect of individuals’ lives, including students. However, in these contemporary times of technology abuse and misapplication, the internet has also been seen as an avenue for cybercrimes.  The widespread use of the internet in Nigeria has led to an increase in the prevalence of cybercrime, mostly among students, posing severe implications for both the students and their victims (18). Understanding cybercrime among students is very crucial. While there have been several studies on cybercrime among students, with a majority being descriptive, and carried out to investigate the types of cybercrime affecting students, and the factors contributing to cybercrime among students in different parts of Nigeria, (102) (14) (43) (85), there is a dearth of empirical studies, and only very little research exists on the implications of cybercrime on students and most especially existing recommendations regarding the severity of victims’ experiences. This research by identifying the problems, and solutions associated with cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria, this research will be very helpful in revealing not only the types and factors contributing to cybercrime among students; but also the implications of cybercrime on the students and the victims; and existing recommendations regarding the severity of victims’ experiences of cybercrime in Nigeria. By addressing this gap in literature, this study will provide valuable insights into the dynamics of cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria. Also, this research will help tertiary institutions to develop focused preventative and intervention strategies to protect their students’ online experience. Additionally, law enforcement agencies can utilize the study’s findings to enhance their methods for cybercrime identification and investigation, which will ultimately result in a more effective response to cybercrime. By better understanding the unique difficulties faced by undergraduate students, policymakers will also be able to formulate laws and policies that are specifically designed to deal with cybercrime issues among students.  By offering insights into the specific context of Nigerian undergraduate students, the findings will also benefit the broader field of cybercrime research, hence expanding the body of knowledge in the fight against cybercrime globally. The study’s overall significance stems from its ability to influence laws, curricula, and awareness initiatives that can lessen the implications and severity of cybercrime among Nigerian undergraduate students.

Definition of Related Terms

Cybercrime: A term used to describe a broad spectrum of criminal activities/behaviors that involve the use of digital devices and/or networks/internet. Technology is used in these crimes to perpetrate fraud, identity theft, data breaches, computer viruses, scams, and other malicious acts.

Cybercriminals: Individuals involved in cybercrimes, who exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to gain unauthorized access, steal confidential data, interfere with services, and harm people, businesses, and governments financially or in terms of their reputation.

Students: Recognized and enrolled participants in an academic program or institutions. In this case, tertiary institutions, i.e. Universities

Undergraduate: Students of colleges or Universities who have not graduated yet.

Internet: The internet is a global network that links millions of computers and other devices all over the world. It facilitates communication, information sharing and dissemination, and access to a range of online services.

Victims: People who have been harmed, injured, or have experienced unfavorable outcomes as a result of being exposed to or impacted by a certain incident, situation, or conduct.

Factors: The precise components, elements or variables that have the ability to affect a certain result or phenomenon. Here, it refers to the factors or conditions that cause students to engage in social media fraud.

Implications: The possible effect or result of an action or a decision. In this case cybercrime

Severity: The fact or condition of being severe.


A qualitative research design was employed, utilizing a comprehensive literature review and secondary data analysis. Academic journal articles, government reports, and law enforcement records Nigerian undergraduates. Data were categorized based on the types of cybercrime affecting students, contributing factors, implications of cybercrime, and existing recommendations in curbing the menace.


Primary Cybercrimes Affecting Undergraduate Students

Research indicates that there are several types of cybercrime, which includes personal information theft, phishing, online financial fraud, credit card fraud, auction or online shopping fraud, cyberbullying, online stalking, ransom ware and malware attacks. In the Nigerian context, (85) indicated that all of these cybercrimes are related to those committed by undergraduate students, as well as cybercrimes that affect students, and can be grouped into four categories such as identity theft, online fraud, hacking and harassment (45).

  1. Identity Theft: According to the Criminal Division US Department of Justice (24), identity theft is a term used to describe a variety of criminal activities when a person fraudulently obtains, and utilizes the personal information of another person in a way that entails deceit or fraud, usually with the intention of making money. According to statistics, identity theft ranked second in terms of reported losses globally, with over $2.6 billion in 2022 (up from $2.4 billion in 2021). Identity frauds can occur in several ways, either through social media personal information theft, account takeovers, or phishing. However, studies (70)(85) indicates that personal information theft and phishing are the commonest identity thefts in Nigeria, and are mostly associated with the Nigerian National Identification, which was involved in 18% of fraudulent activities, despite being stolen in only 0.1% of cases (90). Social media personal information theft involves combing social media sites for personal data including names, photos, dates of birth, addresses, states of origin, and occupations of unsuspecting individuals that they might steal and use them for several impersonations. In Nigeria, identity thieves use these stolen information to access the victims’ online bank accounts, apply for credit cards and loans in their names, shop online, or open social media accounts in their names. With those accounts, they can send phishing links, promote phony giveaways and contests, or ask friends and family for money (17). Studies (16)(17)(30) reveal that phishing scams are notably one of the most prevalent types of cybercrime in Nigeria. According to section 58 of the Cybercrime (Prohibition, Prevention) Act 2015, phishing is a fraudulent practice of pretending to be a reliable source in an electronic communication in an effort to get private information, including credit card numbers, usernames, and passwords. According to (85), phishing is a popular identity fraud that Nigerian youths including undergraduate students are engaged in, and they mostly carried out phishing scams via email or a phone call masquerading as banks, loan services, or scholarships schemes, calling to require users to give out personal credentials to update their bank account information, change details or verify accounts or make a change to an account or divulge information (70)(27). According to (32)(35)(49), the fraudsters use tactics like threats of account termination, fines, or other bad outcomes if the recipient does not respond right away to convey a sense of urgency in their messages. The intention is to trick the victim into disclosing information that can be exploited for identity theft, unlawful access to accounts, or several other fraudulent acts.
  2. These studies also reveal that undergraduate student, asides engaging in identity theft, are also impacted by it. According to studies (36) (27) (38), the widespread use of smartphones by students is an avenue through which security risks affect students in tertiary institutions. While, students’ susceptibility to phishing is said to be influenced by their self-efficacy, the capacity to learn about anti-phishing techniques, and protection motivation, their attitude toward disclosing personal information online, yet students, all over the world are impacted by phishing and have fallen victim to serious phishing that can or have resulted in identity theft and financial loss. In a survey by (27), it was found students are four times more susceptible than other users to identity fraud particularly phishing. While another survey by (50), found that, it is due to the fact that most undergraduate students are not extremely concerned about fraud, even though they are somewhat aware of the overall risk of identity theft. As a result, identity theft has a moderate to severe impact on these students.
  3. Online Fraud: According to a study  by (52), there are many ways to defraud consumers online, and the typical types of fraud include romance scam, advance fee fraud, investment scam, inheritance scam, social media quiz scam, job scams, lottery scam, give away scams, online shopping scams, and Ponzi schemes. Research in the Nigerian context, (1)(12)(15), found the most prevalent online frauds engaged in by Nigerian youths, particularly undergraduate students, to be romance scams, advance fee scams, investment scams, shopping scams, and Nigerian prince scams.

Advance Fee Fraud as explained by (76) (79), is a type of fraud commonly attributed to Nigerians where someone is promised money, products to be delivered, or a prize to be won in exchange for paying specific fees, charges, taxes, or levies upfront. These studies including (24) and (86), reveal that the advance fee fraud are confidence schemes used by fraudsters in Nigeria. They take the form of official looking letters with official seals, stamps, and signatures, or proposals purporting to be from Nigerian government officials, businesses already in business, or contracts. In order to pull off this scam, fraudsters typically tell potential victims that there is a substantial amount of money that is frozen or trapped for a variety of reasons. They then offer the potential victim a portion of the money as compensation if they can assist in facilitating the release of the money. Nigerian youths, notably undergraduate students, use the internet and online platforms to entice their victims in this advance fee fraud since they are aware of how alluring “get rich offers” can be.

Romance Scams according to (1), is a type of cybercrime that involves tricking someone into thinking they are in a real love connection by using false pretenses. In order to entice and deceive victims, perpetrators use a variety of strategies, such as fabricating profiles on dating sites using stolen images of attractive individuals and prematurely declaring love for the victim. This is a contemporary, sneaky, and rapidly expanding scam that takes advantage of social media and dating app developments and harms people emotionally and financially. The United States Federal Trade Commission (92), in their report confirms that there have been reports of almost 70,000 romance scams, with purported losses amounting to an astounding $1.3 billion in money. In their analysis of the impact of online dating scams on individuals, (95), found that these social engineering tactics prey on victims’ emotions in an effort to get them to reveal private or sensitive information or send money to their purported partner—an attractive stranger who, without their knowledge, fabricates a health, financial, or employment emergency. According to (93), Nigeria is said to rank third in the world and having the highest number of online romance scammers in Africa. This is only one of many cybercrimes that young people in the country conduct on a regular basis, and the number of them has increased significantly and quickly (1). According to a research of the top 10 countries for scammers, in 2021, Nigeria was accountable for 1129 romance scams that cost £12.1 million, or an average of £10,700 in losses per victim (11).

According to (1) (49), the Cybercrimes Prohibition and Prevention Act of 2015 prohibits some practices, yet the rise in crime in Nigeria has flouted the law. The nefarious actions of romance scammers continue to flourish in Nigeria despite the enabling legislation and the efforts of law enforcement agencies to stop online dating frauds, and Nigerian youths mostly undergraduate students are the ones driving this trend.  While there is no reliable statistics on the percentage of romance scams in Nigeria, which might be due to the idea that both perpetrators and victims of online dating scams are hard to find or would not cooperate in research, there is actually a number of investigations have revealed that the Nigerians are ranked among the world’s worst offenders according to the volume of victim complaints and the severity of financial losses. An article by (73) on cybercrime revealed that higher educational institutions in Nigeria, such as universities, polytechnics and colleges of education, are allegedly turning to become havens for youths involved in internet fraud, most especially romance scams. Based on a quantitative analysis of accounts by (95), and additional research (1) (4) (36) (40) (65), it is proposed that victims of romance scams are primarily middle-aged, well-educated women, particularly those from Western countries. These victims tend to be more impulsive, more trustworthy, less empathetic, and possess an addictive personality. These studies in an attempt to disentangle the methods and strategies, investigated and grouped them into five phases. To lure potential victims, criminals first create captivating profiles on dating and social media platforms using photographs they have stolen. Once an offender shows interest in their victim, they proceed to the next phase of their relationship-building process. In this second phase, they pay close attention to the details their victims share, grooming and priming them to send money.  In the third phase, various narratives and deceptive tactics are used to win over the victims and begin the real fraud and extortion. Under the pretense of sending the victim “birthday gifts,” “valentine’s day gifts,” or some other “big surprise,” they may ask for the victim’s shipping address. But eventually, the fake “parcel” will get blocked in transit because of its exact contents, which were not declared and which customs scanning machines discovered to be “precious and expensive jewelries.” The victims may be subjected to cybersex abuse during the fourth stage. In the absence of cybersex, their avarice and adultery, as well as their misplaced trust, emotional instability, and strong romantic beliefs, are exploited. The last phase occurs when victims become engaged in the deceit and begin depositing money or fees into pre-designated bank accounts. In his article, (88) revealed that there has been an increase in the sophistication of tactics employed to perpetuate romance scams. According to the article, Nigerian students are now incorporating ritual killings and charm dependency, in their romance fraud instead of the more common strategy of defrauding victims. In his research, “A Spiritual Dimension to Cybercrime in Nigeria,” (87), stated  that with the assistance of spiritualists who craft charms and talismans for them to seek spiritual power and control over their victims, these people, begin practicing voodoo or juju. They employ a variety of charms made from various materials, including human and animal parts, blood, roots, herbs, and drinks. When using these charms, some of them are told to perform incantations and chant their victims’ names a predetermined number of times before speaking with them about business or making a phone conversation or video call in order to enhance their chances of hypnotizing and controlling their victims. Also, (2) (3) (48) asserts that these cybercriminals mostly comprising of undergraduates, may have realized that it is becoming more difficult to locate and convince victims as a result of people’s growing knowledge of cybercrimes, hence, they begin to adopt these tactics to defraud victims of billions of dollars.

Investment Scams according to (80) and (100), in an investment fraud, the scammer initiates contact with the victim directly via social media. They will attempt to build a relationship with the victim first, and then they will swiftly reveal the specifics of a huge ongoing investment opportunity that allowed them to make so much money so quickly, promising large returns with negligible to no risk. Investments scam is currently one of the biggest frauds on social media right now, most of them involving crypto currencies, money-trading, and Ponzi schemes. The Ponzi schemes in particular are a type of scam that use the money of more recent investors to entice investors and pay returns to previous investors. Investors are tricked in Ponzi schemes by either falsely claiming that profits come from real, nonexistent business ventures or by inflating the size and profitability of real, profitable ventures and using fresh funding to inflate or augment these profits. But the scammers vanish from sight as the plan continues until it collapses. In their study, (86) found that Nigerian students are involved in investment scams and that in certain cases, they demand an advance payment in order to access the investment plan. Knowing how alluring “get rich quick offers” can be, these undergraduate students involved in investment scams will post on social media sites with an image of wealth, usually claiming that they can make quick income with little to no effort. To find out how, individuals who are interested merely need to send a direct message. In the event that victims contact the imposter, they are urged to submit a specific amount of money and promise to increase the victim’s payment by 100, 200, or even 500 percent in a matter of hours or minutes. And when the victims do as instructed, the fraudster drains the victims of their money and assets, and goes silent on the victims, with no sign of the fraudster anywhere (43). In Nigeria, fraudulent investment schemes are common and have been popping up online, and Nigerian undergraduate students in different institutions are directly engaged in investment scams, and have reportedly been arrested for it.  According to the Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), it arrested 69 undergraduate students for internet frauds including investment scams, and later released 58 in November 2023 (26).  Before their release it arrested 19 others in a different tertiary institution for the same crime (55).  According to the antigraft agency, it have arrested over 6000 undergraduate students across different institutions in Nigeria in the past three years for several internet fraud of which investment scams is the second highest in order (26).

Online Shopping Scams, according to (21) are scams in which the scammers pose as reputable online retailers by using phony websites or phony advertisements on reputable store websites. With the advancement of smartphones and computers, people can now make online purchases, pay for them, interact with other customers online, and have goods delivered right to their homes. Cybercriminals have been drawn to this fast expansion and are now using e-commerce to carry out their fraudulent activities (5). Scammers have persisted in tricking online shoppers by creating phony websites or profiles on legitimate retailer websites, as well as phony advertisements that mimic real online retail establishments. As bait, they present goods and services at enticing pricing. Even though there are a lot of trustworthy online retailers, con artists can take advantage of the anonymity offered by the internet to defraud gullible customers (66). Research by (4) and (45) has shown that the most popular social media platforms in Nigeria for online shopping frauds are Instagram, Facebook Marketplace, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. On these platforms, they create false business profiles and purport to offer goods that, don’t exist using promotions, deals, and unbelievable prices as enticement for victims.

  1. Hacking and Harassment: In their study, (22) defined hacking as the unauthorized use of or access to computers or networks by the circumvention of standard security procedures or the use of security flaws. Hackers may target networks or systems in an effort to steal data or money, or they may do it just to cause disruptions to companies. Also, that hacking occurs in several ways, with ransom ware and malware attacks as the most popular. In their study on ransom ware and malware attacks, (54) and (99) revealed that cybercriminals are consistently exploring different approaches to spread ransom ware, and that the focus of ransom ware and malware attacks has switched from people to companies and organizations for the sake of larger ransoms. In his study (53) showed that hackers have always hijack and take control of multiple social networking sites in Nigeria, and sometimes demand money in exchange for the release of user data, most frequently occurring on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. These cybercriminals even go so far as to message friends and family via the approved page, demanding money or any other form of support.

In an online news report in 2015, the writer revealed that hacking is a problem among undergraduate students. As students in higher education are exposed to ethical hacking, some of them turn their skills into fraud (64).  Numerous allegations have surfaced of university websites being hacked or taken over by hacker students. Undergraduate student hackers take advantage of security loops in university firewalls to hack into the school system, obtain access to examinations access ahead of schedule, modify student records, and escalate identity theft (83)(64)(35). They also use these vulnerabilities to launch large-scale attacks that have the potential to compromise data and even take down higher education portals, and even other institutions

Cyber Harassment is another form of cybercrime that is common globally. Harassment can happen on chat apps, social media, and mobile devices. It is a pattern of behavior meant to intimidate, frighten, embarrass, and silence the target (29). Also, cyber harassment can occur in different forms, but the most common ways are cyberbullying and cyber stalking.

The term “cyberbullying” is a multifaceted phenomenon. It is generally understood to be an intentional, violent act that targets a victim on multiple occasions over an extended period of time and is carried out via electronic methods. According to (98), cyber bullying is also defined as the act of sending text messages or photographs to someone with the purpose of causing them pain or embarrassment via the internet, mobile phones, or other technologies.

In the Nigerian context, (98), explained further that cyberbullying is simply described as sending offensive or humiliating content using technology, while according to (8), it exists in various forms including visual, verbal and sexual cyberbullying as well as trolling and deception. In their analysis on the prevalence and prevention strategies of cyberbullying among Nigerian students, (69), found that cybercrime is prevalent among Nigerian students, and it involves a range of actions such as harassing someone repeatedly via texts or emails even after they have asked to stop communicating. Additionally, it may entail public acts like making threats, defaming, making fun of someone online, hacking or damaging someone else’s online content, spreading false information to discredit or degrade the target, spreading rumors to incite hatred, and divulging private information to defame or embarrass victims. A study carried out on cyberbullying among undergraduate students in a Nigerian university by (62), showed that undergraduate are also affected by online harassment with 48% and 57% of undergraduates reporting that they had experienced bullying via various social media platforms. Other research by (3) (74) also showed a significant incidence of cyberbullying in Nigeria, particularly among Nigerian undergraduates.

Cyber stalking on the other hand is often interchanged with cyberbullying. However, according to (82), cyber stalking involves hacking or attacking a victim’s smartphone or computer with malicious software that allows cyber stalkers to monitor their victims, and often time online stalking is followed by real life stalking. However, both cyber stalking and cyberbullying are driven by the urge to dominate, scare or sway a victim. Both are engaged in by undergraduate students, however, the high prevalence of cyberbullying among undergraduate students in Nigeria suggests that apart from Students engaging in cyberbullying, other students are also targeted by cyberbullies who use social media platforms to harass, intimidate or defame them for several reasons including financial gains. Different types of cybercrime evolve in tandem with technology, and asides the common cybercrimes in which students engage in, others include social media quiz scam, which entails using an online test or quiz to gain access to your accounts and steal your personal data; ATM fraud, lottery and giveaway fraud, job scam (21), and recently crypto currency enabled cybercrime in which students take advantage of emerging technologies like crypto currencies and block chain, to steal funds from exchanges, wallets, and smart contracts, and even creating crypto tokens from which unsuspecting individuals are defrauded (18).

Factors Contributing to Cybercrime among Undergraduate Students

  1. Unemployment and Poverty: Research indicates that youth unemployment is cited as a main factor responsible for youth engagement in cybercrime in Nigeria. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in 2023, Nigeria’s youth unemployment rate increased from 14.2% in 2016 to 16.2% in early 2017 and 18.8% in late 2017. It rose to 37.7% in 2022 and41% as of 2023. In their research (71), showed a connection between unemployment, poverty and criminality. In another study, (10), revealed that poverty is a direct result of unemployment, and that those who are unable to support themselves through work or other legal and socially acceptable ways resort to crime. Furthermore, youth unemployment leads to anti-social behaviors, and that when young people lack access to legal methods of support, they grow up in a culture that condones criminal behavior, which leads them to turn to crime as a means of surviving. A study by (56), reveals that unemployment rates leave young people idle and vulnerable to turning to crime to meet their basic requirements. According to studies conducted by (7) (9) (10) (28), results showcases that undergraduate students in Nigeria generally have no idea what to do when they graduate from college, which leads many to turn to criminal activity. In these studies, more than 5 million Nigerian university graduates are unemployed, although each year more students graduate from tertiary institutions adding to the growing number of unemployed youths. Another study conducted by (86), examined the factors that influence internet fraud among undergraduate students at the University of Ibadan in Western Nigeria. Findings revealed that undergraduate students believed that the country’s high unemployment rate made being wise pointless, and that the only way to survive was to be creative, with cybercrime being the first of many options. Also, (92)  in a research on causes and perception of cybercrime in Caritas University in Enugu found that unemployment is the primary factor influencing cybercrime, in the Eastern region of Nigeria. Another study, (32), found that 83.19% of undergraduate students at Landmark University in Nigeria’s middle belt believed that students’ involvement in crime is a direct outcome of unemployment. These studies indicates that across all regions of Nigeria, unemployment is a non-differential factor contributing to cybercrime among undergraduate students, and unemployment results to poverty which has a  negative effect on youths in that it leaves them with few options, which leads some of them to turn to crime. In other words, youth cybercrime in Nigeria is a direct result of both unemployment and poverty (9) (16). in a research by (69), the majority of Nigerian undergraduate students are claimed to be living below the poverty line, or just $1 per day, and they have no idea what to do with their lives after graduation from college. Thus, the use of cybercrime to clear the path for the future. In another study by (9), findings showcased that the majority of cybercriminals in Nigerian universities are students from low-income families whose parents were unable to provide for them. The majority of these pupils resort to cybercrime as a way of surviving when they lack the basic essentials for human comfort and survival. Some students find it challenging to begin and complete their education without difficulty due to Nigeria’s economic circumstances, particularly financial obstacles. Thus, some students unintentionally commit cybercrime because they are unable to pay for stipends, tuition, housing, and other fundamental needs that are expected of all university students. In addition, it is less difficult to enter the criminal world in Nigeria than it is to obtain well-paying employment. Also, the payoff for cybercrime is enormous, many times greater than what the typical Nigerian would receive for a respectable job.
  2. Urbanization: Research (36) (96) also showed that urbanization which is the large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas is a contributing factor to cybercrime in Nigeria. In the research on periscoping urbanization and emerging security concerns in Enugu city in Eastern Nigeria, by (96), the authors revealed that urbanization is strongly correlated with cybercrime in Nigeria. Another study exploring youth awareness of cybercrime and factors engendering its proliferation in Nigeria, (72), found urbanization to be a casual factor of cybercrime in Western Nigeria. In a different study aimed at finding out factors that predict engagement in cyber-crime among students, (30) found that youth explicitly cited urbanization as the primary source of cybercrime. While Nigeria keeps urbanizing, these studies reveal that urbanization will not be beneficial if there are no job creations… because there will be influx of people into urban cities and joblessness will make them resolve to crime to meet up with the standard of the living prevalent therein. Also, that urbanization is a major contributor to cybercrime among youths, with a higher proportion of undergraduate students falling into this category, and is actually more of a cause than unemployment and poverty put together.
  3. Quest for Quick Wealth: According to research, (89) (57) (52) (74) (30), the quest for quick wealth is the most identified responsible cause for students’ engagement in Cybercrime in Nigeria, and is greed motivated. In a research by (28), young people’s motivation for committing cybercrimes is their desire to get quick money. In another study, (74) revealed that today’s Nigerian youth exhibit a high degree of impatience in their pursuit of wealth. That author asserted that Nigerian youths do not want to accept hard effort and pursue their goals steadily. Rather they want to live like their rich colleagues, who may or may not be cybercriminals, because they observe their opulent lifestyle and feel inspired to emulate it. Many of these students are eventually persuaded and drawn into cybercrime by their peers. Commiserating (74), (30) contend that youths are growing increasingly indolent and unprepared for hard labor. Young people tend to be lazy all the time. They do not care if it means committing crimes in order to swiftly become wealthy and want to work less. Their only worry is how to find quick and simple ways to earn money and get wealthy; regardless of the repercussions of their illicit activity. In another study conducted in Lagos state, (57) found that a large number of young people in Nigeria spend their entire day online, partly because of the country’s high unemployment rate and partly because they believe that they may get wealthy quickly using the internet. The youth in Nigeria are forced to pursue wealth by any means necessary due to the overemphasis on it in the society. Because of its speed, anonymity, and near-guaranteed returns, cybercrime has gained popularity among young people. Another related study, (52) revealed that in the Western Nigerian states of Ogun, Oyo, and Lagos, there is a widening wealth gap and that many people try to get to the top as quickly as possible because any business that wants to succeed needs to have a high rate of return on investment that is growing at a geometric rate with little risk. The majority of cybercrime only needs a supportive environment and minimal effort. Nigeria is one such place, and a lot of cybercriminals prey on it. The observation that young people in Nigeria not only confront significant unemployment rates but also live in a society that strongly values wealth is ultimate issue associated with this. Many young people are influenced by the pressures of society and the widening wealth and poverty gaps to take short cuts in order to succeed financially, even if it means engaging in illegal activity like cybercrime.
  4. Peer Pressure: Research have documented a link between cybercrime and peer pressure as peer pressure is found to be the best indicator, of the likelihood that young people will commit cybercrime (39). According to research by (69) on the nature and causes of cybercrime among undergraduates in Zaria, northern Nigeria, results showed that 86%, the majority of respondents thought that peer groups were to blame for cybercrime. Another study by a Nigerian scholar, conducted among Nigerians in England, also revealed that peer pressure is the primary reason luring Nigerian youth into cybercrimes, as reported by all 100 respondents (32). According to the study, young individuals who leave their homes to pursue tertiary education are also more susceptible to joining groups on campus since they are thought to be more likely to commit cybercrime.
  5. Lack of Sanctions and Corruption in Law Enforcement Agencies: Studies have shown that although Nigeria has legislation to address social media fraud and other online crimes, such as the Cybercrimes (Prohibition and Prevention) Act 2015 and others, cybercrimes are still common because law enforcement authorities are compromised. In their study on cybercrime in Nigeria, (37), assert that young people in Nigeria, including students, continue to engage in cybercrime because they are aware of the country’s lax laws on the cybercrimes, which allow them to escape punishment or go almost uncaught. Asides that, law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are underfunded and thus unable to effectively enforce the laws. A related study by (48), supported the aforementioned claims, arguing that because of systemic corruption, cybercriminals are able to bribe their way out of sanctions, giving them the confidence to carry on and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. According to another study, (75) claimed the reasons why this is common is because law enforcement agencies in African nations’ law enforcement agencies lack the manpower, intelligence, and infrastructure necessary to combat cybercrime. Another study by (74) further clarifies the situation by explaining that security forces in Nigeria, particularly the Nigerian Police and its Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), are aware of the activities of cybercriminals and periodically search their hideouts, including university campuses. However, it is unexpected that the police and SARS extort money from these cybercriminals in a manner more comparable to “you rub my back and I rub your back” rather than apprehending and holding them and reporting them to the EFCC. What is more, is that even after being placed under arrest, the offenders remain in custody until their cronies show up to release them on bond, usually for a sum determined by the individual’s value. In an article by Channels News, study by there have been reports of regular security agents accompanying detainees to ATMs so they can take out cash to free themselves, should they be able to do so. To be on the safe, (41) revealed in their study that some of these cybercriminals frequent police stations to tip off the law enforcement agents. As a result, the security officers frequently work along with these crooks. They never run into problems; instead, the police officers they pay notify them when their hideouts are about to be investigated so they can get ready by hiding anything that could lead to their exposure. When the demands made by the security agents become intolerable, they move to another location. The study revealed that because they are confident in their ability to free themselves or in the ability of their friends or colleagues to do so, these cybercriminals are not deterred when they are detained. The law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are so corrupt that there is a culture of lax enforcement, which encourages cybercriminals to commit crimes because they know they can bribe their way out of penalties and avoid consequences.
  6. Lack of Cyber-awareness and Knowledge: Research indicates that many people are still ignorant of the risks associated with the digital world today. It is possible for people or organizations to ignore fundamental security precautions, such changing passwords, due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of digital security procedures. In a study on cyber security issues in Nigeria, (40) indicated that a large number of individuals click on dubious links without realizing the security concerns. People who utilize social media and have a high risk propensity are typically more vulnerable to cybercrimes and more likely to become victims of cybercrime as they unknowingly assist cybercriminals in their acts. The study also revealed that victims of cybercrime were primarily caused by their own lack of cyber security awareness and expertise. That there will be fewer victims among Nigerians if those who use internet-enabled services and transactions are informed about cyber security precautions. In another study, (74) also contends that security system flaws or vulnerabilities are frequently the cause of cybercrimes. According to them, only few people prioritize security, and not everyone is knowledgeable about cyber security. Likewise, cybercriminals also employ social engineering strategies to coerce people into divulging private information or gaining access to protected networks. Ignorance of social engineering methods can increase the effectiveness and ease of execution of these kinds of attacks. Hence, according to (17), cybercriminals, especially undergraduate students, take advantage of security flaws to perpetrate cybercrimes, prey on people’s ignorance, or utilize social engineering to trick others.

Implications of Cybercrime 

  1. Implication on Undergraduate Students (Perpetrators): Research have shown that the most common effects of cybercrime on students include absenteeism, low academic performance, and occasionally a high risk of university dropout. In a study on the implications of cybercrime on the academic achievement of university undergraduates (41) found a strong correlation between student learning outcomes and cybercrime. In a similar study, (28) revealed that cybercrime had a major negative impact on students’ academic achievement, and the reason for the decline in students’ academic performance is that they begin to pay less attention to their studies after engaging in cybercrime. The study also revealed that students who engage in cybercrime lose interest in their education and become sidetracked from their studies because they believe that education is a deception, despite the income they gain via this fraudulent activity. Some even go so far as to leave college in order to become part of the cybercrime pyramid. Unaware of their unexpected prosperity, they develop haughtiness, deviance, and contempt towards the school administration, ultimately resulting in their expulsion or dropout from the school. Other studies, however, found that in today’s digital world, most undergraduate students do not drop out of school anymore. A study on the implications of cybercrime on the academic performance of undergraduate mathematical science students, (7) discovered that with the advancement in technology, and the introduction of artificial intelligence, these students are able to hack into school systems, see examination sheet beforehand, and even change their records in the school system. The study revealed that undergraduate cybercriminals hardly drop out of school. Some of them stay in school but do not attend lectures. What they do is simply sort their lectures for grades. A qualitative analysis on the impact of social media on youth involvement in cybercrime in Delta State also revealed that students who commit cybercrime jeopardize not only their academic performance but also their reputation, the integrity of their school, and their families. Students who are caught are sometimes paraded before newsmen and featured in national and international newspapers, blogs, and television, endangering not only their own reputations but also the reputations of their parents and the universities they attend (78).
  2. Implications of Cybercrime on Victims: According to a 2016 report by the UK Government, cybercrime has devastating impacts on victims such that victims of cybercrime may suffer severe financial, emotional, and psychological repercussions as well as physical harm as a result of financial losses. An ITRC study in 2022, also indicates that after losing control of their assets to cybercriminals, victims of cybercrime had a considerable emotional response. In addition, the victims experienced strained relationships with their family and friends, feelings of betrayal, rage, embarrassment, stress, and depression, and the hopelessness and emotional anguish could have long-lasting effects (21). Within the Nigerian context, there are not many empirical evidences in the literature. However, studies by (37) have indicated that identity theft can lead to legal issues as well as reputational damage, while according to (48), cyberbullying and stalking can result in social isolation, mental health problems, and even suicide. In a study by (28), the author explains that the consequences of cybercrime are true and same everywhere, as some victims of social media fraud and their families sell their most prized possessions or take out sizable bank loans to finance the investment or transactions. This leaves them deeply impoverished and filled with resentment towards their situation in life as well as their growing debt. Some people may rely on prostitution, stealing, illegal drug usage, and other criminal activity to make ends meet. The victims commit suicide under unbearable circumstances. Furthermore, the study explains that the lack of literature is due to the unfortunate fact that most victims of cybercrime in Nigeria do not report the scam, and others are unable to do so because they are too arrogant, conceited, or ignorant, or because they do not even “know their scammers,” which lessens the possibility that the cybercriminals will be caught.
  3. Implications of Cybercrime on the Nigerian Society: Studies reveal that asides the psychological distress and personal agony, cybercrime have a detrimental impact on a country’s political, economic, and national psyche. In a study by (45), cybercrime poses a risk to the financial stability and security of a country. Affected stakeholders typically predict losses based on assumptions because they lack records of losses incurred, or, to put it another way, information on concealed losses. A 2020 report by the Financial Derivatives Company reported that Nigeria suffered an estimated N250 billion ($649 million) in financial losses annually as a result of cybercrime in 2017 and N288 billion ($800 million) in 2018. In 2024, Nigeria loses as least $500 million a year to various types of cybercrime nationwide, according to reports from the Nigerian Senate and the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) (65). The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) claims that these losses are related to the rise in cybercrimes in Nigeria, which is further supported by the transition to an electronic and internet-based “e-society” that leaves e-dealing open to the detrimental effects of cybercrime. Studies (45) (34) also indicates that cybercrime can destroy image home and abroad, insecurity of life and properties, and inculcate the fear of doing business with Nigeria citizens. According to a study on the nature, causes and consequences of cybercrime in Nigeria, (34) contend that cybercrime has seriously harmed the nation’s reputation abroad, to the point where the nation is currently experiencing reputational issues. Because some Nigerian cybercriminals operate there, many Nigerians who travel outside the nation are regularly the targets of unwarranted stigmatization and slurs. Since some foreigners view and consider persons of Nigerian descent as scammers, fraudsters, dupes, 419ers, etc., many Nigerians are treated with dishonor, disrespect, and indecency. The international perception of Nigeria has suffered immeasurable harm as a result of such derogatory portrayal. In actuality, this is clear from daily living today. In recent times, engaging in social interactions via the internet with foreigners as a Nigerian has become problematic in and of itself, as it can be difficult to dispel the impression that you are not a prospective scammer or connected to one. In another research on cybercrime and its economic impact on Nigeria, (31) reveals that the majority of Nigerians who are looking for jobs overseas are turned down because cybercrime is so common in Nigeria. An article by the, further reported that because of their fraudulent operations in the country, Nigerians were prohibited from entering the United Arab Emirates in October 2022. In 2023, however, the ban was lifted, but discussions about how the lifting of the ban does not improve Nigeria’s bad name or image in the United Arab Emirates continues even after it has been lifted (15). In another article by Vanguard on why Nigerians are banned, (100) it was reported that the Seychelles government had also imposed limits on Nigerian visitors entering the nation for the same reason—the country’s high rate of criminal activity among Nigerians, which includes internet fraud—before the UAE reversed its ban in July 2023.

Existing Recommendations Regarding the Severity of Victims Experiences

Studies (57) indicates that cybercrime victimization occurs on both an institutional and an individual level. Regarding how to handle the severity of victims experiences, there are recommendations and guidelines that exist to guide actions regarding victims. In Nigeria, previous studies have only focused on addressing the problems of the crimes itself rather than the experiences of victims, hence, studies do not showcase any existing recommendations that exists for law enforcement and victim-centered agencies in developing nations so they can look into, evaluate, and assist victims of cybercrime. However, having reviewed pertinent literature on recommendations regarding victim’s experiences generally, the following discussion will now outline and briefly discuss some existing recommendations that could be adopted as solutions to cybercrime victimization in Nigeria.

  1. Recommendation I – Training and Increased Knowledge on Cybercrime, Victims and Perpetrators: one of the recommendations that studies propose is centered on training and increased knowledge. Research on cybercrime reporting behaviors among small- and medium-sized enterprises in the Netherlands, (101) contends that knowing more about cybercrimes and the victims, and perpetrators would help law enforcement be more prepared and have a greater capacity for the identification of pertinent evidence. The study further explained that improved public participation and signposting, along with training to expand understanding and offer standardized responses to cybercrime reports, will enhance reporting rates and experiences. In another study on effective cybercrime policing strategies, (36) asserts that if increased training is provided, law enforcement could actively collaborate with other pertinent public and commercial entities, like banks, credit card firms, internet marketplaces, and help desks, it might be successful.
  2. Recommendation II – Victim Centered support: The second recommendation is centered on the support needs of victims of cybercrime. According to (36)(58), Cybercrime victims may require a wide range of support services, from more essential ones to more basic ones like giving them a temporary phone or computer while their belongings are being held by the authorities for forensic examination. Nonetheless, strategies for combating cybercrime must prioritize victim-centered assistance programs that cater to the particular needs of those who have been victimized by cybercrime.
  3. Recommendation III – Raising Public Awareness: Several studies (21) (18) (8) (30) (42) have indicated public awareness in several instances regarding cybercrime. According to (21), public awareness campaigns and educational programs have the power to significantly impact how society views appropriate behavior and can serve as useful instruments in educating the public about cyber-based victimization. Many people are either unaware of the harm that comes with being a victim of cybercrime or do not think that the harm caused by cybercrime is comparable to that of other types of victimization. Hence (30) contends that the public should be educated about cyber-based victimization, and that public awareness will address the general public’s ignorance of cybercrime, draw attention to the detrimental effects on victims, promoting reporting of victimizations as well as raise awareness of digital literacy in relation to online safety, privacy, and interpersonal interactions. In addition to being aware of the world at large, essential players in the criminal justice system must have the necessary training to react appropriately to victims. This would entail understanding the kinds of assistance that a victim of cybercrime could require and offering such assistance in a thoughtful and nonjudgmental way (8).
  4. Recommendation IV – Promote Cross-sector Partnership: Research showcases effective collaboration between a numbers of partners is necessary when it comes to finding solutions to cyber victimization. In a research on cyber-victimization experience among higher education students, (42) showed that efforts involving collaborations is necessary to prevent and address cyber victimization. Law enforcement must also adopt a flexible strategy because cybercrime frequently transcends national, provincial, and territorial borders. Research found that victims of cybercrime rarely report to a single place which is meant to be the police, instead they are prone to report to the authorities from where they were defrauded. According to a study by (70) reported that cybercrime victims fail to report to the police because they had the thoughts that police would do nothing and that the case or cybercrime was not serious enough to warrant reporting. For instance, if someone was defrauded from her bank, the individual prefers to report to the bank rather than police. Therefore, the police should collaborate across different sectors including tertiary institutions, banks, organizations etc., to track down perpetrators of cybercrime.
  5. Recommendation V – Legislation: According to the comprehensive study on cybercrime by the UNODC (104), it reports that cybercrime laws set forth expectations for the public, with regard to how they should utilize computers, the internet, and other digital technology. Along with strategies to lower the risk of cybercrime and minimize the potential harm it may do it also covers criminal procedure, evidence, and other facets of criminal justice in cyberspace. In Nigeria, there are a few legislations regarding cybercrime including the Nigeria Criminal Code Act (68). According to an article on the laws of the federation, (58) reports that the highest codified legislation in Nigeria for criminal investigation, prosecution, and sentencing of offenders is the Nigerian Criminal Code containing the most recent consolidated version of the code. It is based on the Nigeria Criminal Code Act of 1916 (68), the Nigeria Penal Code Act of 1960, and other criminal statutes that the Nigerian Parliament has occasionally passed. According to the UNODC (106), these laws whenever put in place to address cybercrime and cybercrime victimization should be made aware to the general public for everyone to know the laws and their provisions. Also that they should be updated to include current trends and patterns as well as implemented and strictly adhered to, to be effective in addressing cybercrime, whether the crime itself or victims.


Cybercrime has become an increasingly prevalent issue among undergraduate students in Nigeria, presenting serious problems for both the students, and the society at large. In this comprehensive literature review, cybercrime among undergraduate students in Nigeria is examined. The primary cybercrimes affecting undergraduate students was investigated, along with contributing factors, the implications of cybercrime on the undergraduate students themselves, their victims and the Nigerian society as a whole, and the existing recommendations regarding the severity of victims’ experiences. The findings indicates that personal information theft, phishing, online financial fraud, credit card fraud, auction or online shopping fraud, cyberbullying, online stalking, ransom ware and malware attacks are the types of cybercrime affecting undergraduate students in Nigeria. The factors contributing to cybercrime among undergraduate students are youth unemployment and poverty, urbanization, quest for quick wealth, peer pressure, lack of sanctions and corruption in law enforcement agencies, and lack of cyber-awareness and knowledge. The research also found that there are no existing recommendations or guidelines related to understanding the severity of the experiences faced by victims of cybercrime in Nigeria. However, the study proposed existing recommendations outside the Nigerian context that can be adopted regarding victimization in Nigeria.

Contribution to the Literature

The findings of this research complement the body of literature by identifying the main types of cybercrime affecting Nigerian undergraduate students, which supports the conclusions of earlier studies that show a sizable student engagement in cybercrime. The study adds to the body of literature by pointing out that the factors contributing to cybercrime among undergraduate students include youth unemployment and poverty, quest for quick wealth, among other things. Additionally, by examining the implications of cybercrime on the victims, the students, and Nigerian society at large, and determining that these issues include financial ramifications, loss of trust and opportunity, reputational injury and degradation, and psychological effects. Most significantly, the report highlights the lack of guidelines or recommendations considering the severity of cybercrime victims in Nigeria, and discusses existing recommendations accessible in other countries that Nigeria may mimic. Additionally, the findings may shed light on additional research and practical solutions to the issue, as well as help policymakers and educators in developing policies and strategies to stop and deter students and youths in general from engaging in cybercrime.


Based on the finding of this research, the following recommendations are proposed.

  1. Academic Theoretical Recommendations: Firstly, courses on ethical hacking and cyber security should be included in all undergraduate programs, so that students will become more aware of the issue of cybercrime and acquire the knowledge and abilities to detect and stop it. Secondly, interdisciplinary research initiatives on cybercrime should be promoted across all disciplines to help advance a comprehensive understanding of cybercrime and enable practical countermeasures. Lastly, a contributing factor to students’ engagement in cybercrime is the quest for quick wealth. In addition to providing jobs, the government should work with Nigerian tertiary institutions to implement financial literacy programs, entrepreneurship and skill development initiatives, mentorship programs, and career guidance and counseling. This will help students who are motivated by the desire for rapid wealth to refocus their attention toward legitimate and long-term ways to achieve financial success.
  2. Recommendations regarding Victimization: Regular seminars, workshop, and social media campaigns can be used to educate and raise awareness of the general public and undergraduate students about prevalent cyber threats such phishing, identity theft, and online frauds. Also, increase public awareness of cyber-based victimization, and the need of adopting privacy settings, the dangers of disclosing personal information on social media, the necessity of updating software and hardware to avoid vulnerabilities that could be used by hackers, and other aspects of safe online conduct.
  3. Policy Recommendations: First, educational institutions should create and implement thorough cyber security policies to control and protect networks, databases, and information systems in tertiary institutions. Second, alliances between cyber security and law enforcement agencies should be formed to establish avenues for reporting cybercrimes and requesting aid, and to guarantee that law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system receive sufficient training on cyber victimization. Third, is to promote the adoption, update, and enforcement of strict cybercrime laws and regulations in Nigeria so that criminals face the proper punishments. Fourth, is to combat cybercrime, law enforcement organizations need to be well-versed in the newest strategies, projects, and technological advancements. Additionally, they must have the resources at their disposal to combat social media fraud, including lucrative salaries that will discourage them from being lured or compromised in the process. Lastly, collaborative partnership across different sectors in Nigeria should be formed to facilitate exchange of information in order to jointly fight cybercrime in Nigeria.


First and foremost, I am indebted to my supervisor, Dr. Kemp Christian, for his patience, vast knowledge and constant support. His valuable guidance and expertise have aided me in every step of this research. Last, but certainly not the least, I would like to thank my family for their unwavering support during this study, especially to my wife, Oluwatosin Rebecca Oladehin. My parents, Mr. John & Mrs. Clara Oladehin, my brother, Raymond Olayiwola Oladehin, and his wife, Oluwadarasimi Oladehin. I am so grateful to them for their love, thoughtful support and encouragement, all of which went a long way towards helping me succeed in this endeavor.


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