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Development of an Optimization Model for the Utilization of Village Fund in Puri Mojokerto District

Development of an Optimization Model for the Utilization of Village Fund in Puri Mojokerto District

Soffia Pudji Estiasih1, Aminatuzzuhro2, Andhika Cahyono Putra3
1University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
2University of Wijaya Putra Surabaya
3University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Received: 04 June 2023; Accepted: 29 June 2023; Published: 08 August 2023


The purpose of this research was to develop a model for optimizing the use of Village Fund in Kebonagung Village, Puri Village, and Mlaten Village, Puri Mojokerto District. The type of this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, this research instrument involves informants who can provide information about the situation and background conditions of the research, namely village officials, village consultative bodies (BPD), community leaders and universities. Sources of data are primary and secondary data, data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique is to identify the role of stakeholders in the utilization of Village Fund, formulate a model for utilizing Village Fund and developing a model for utilizing Village Fund.

The results show that the optimization model for the use of Village Fund is expected to be able to provide solutions in exploring village resource potential and development through empowering Village Fund, so that it can spur the economic activities of residents. Program selection in utilizing Village Fund must refer to the selection of program priorities that can accelerate community economic empowerment and solutions in leveraging community economic growth. The three villages have enormous resource potential, therefore it is necessary to map the selection of program priorities through an integrated research directed at analyzing the strengths and opportunities possessed by each village, so that the use of Village Fund is truly in line with the goals of empowerment and increasing the economy and welfare. community members as well as programs for sustainable use of Village Fund.

The recommendations in this research are: The need for the use of Village Fund which is prepared based on a standardized role model in accordance with the characteristics of each village, the need for synchronization of stakeholder roles in order to integrate the optimal use of Village Fund. The importance of compiling a program for utilizing Village Fund with reference to the management of village funds in accordance with regulations and principles of good governance and the involvement of stakeholders in preparing the APBDes.

Keywords: Model Development, Optimization, Utilization of Village Fund Aid


Indonesia in the implementation of effective governance divides governmental affairs from the center to the regions, taking into account the conditions of each region. The delegation of authority from the central government to the regions is known as the principle of decentralization within the framework of a unitary state. The principle of decentralization is the principle that gives the opportunity and flexibility to the regions to carry out the widest possible autonomy. Regional Heads through Village Heads are required to utilize natural resources, establish policies through programs, activities and prioritize community needs, in order to achieve village economy and carry out governance that is accountable, transparent, professional, effective and efficient, clean, and free from collusion, corruption and nepotism (KKN).

Regional autonomy is something that is familiar, since 1999 with the issuance of Law no. 5 of 1974, regarding the Fundamentals of Regional Government, has begun to be socialized. The implementation of Regional Autonomy was only felt by the community in 2014, with the issuance of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. According to Law Number 23 of 2014, Regional Autonomy is the right, authority and obligation of an autonomous region to regulate and manage government affairs and the interests of the local community in accordance with statutory regulations. The smallest form of regional autonomy is the village. According to Dwipayana et al (2003) defines a village as an area occupied by a number of residents as a community unit including legal community units that have the lowest government organization and are directly under the sub-district head.

The village has a source of income in the form of village original income, tax sharing and district/city regional retribution, budget allocations from the APBN, financial assistance from the provincial APBD and district/city APBD. The village’s overall source of income is used to fund all the authorities that are the responsibility of the village. The use of village funds is prioritized in the field of village development in the maintenance of community welfare facilities and infrastructure, economic business and social education, and in the field of empowering rural communities by developing entrepreneurship, as well as expanding the individual economy through the procurement or provision of capital. Even in determining priorities in the use of village funds agreed and decided through village meetings by considering village typologies based on the level of development of village progress.

Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014 concerning Village Funds are funds originating from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget earmarked for villages that are transferred through the Regency/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget. Village funds are obtained from the Government as a supporting facility for development and community empowerment in a village, where the assistance is used as a community facility in developing and advancing the productivity of a village.

In terms of village financial management, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 113 of 2014 concerning Village Financial Management, the village head has the authority. In managing these village funds, the Village Head is obliged to submit a report on the realization of the implementation of the APBDes to the Regent/Mayor in the form of a first semester report and a year-end report. in writing with information media that is easily accessible to the public, in order to realize an orderly, transparent, accountable and quality village fund management.

Utilization of village fund assistance requires three stages of the program that must be carried out, namely training, mentoring and development programs, but the implementation of these three programs is not easy because of inhibiting factors, therefore it is necessary to synergize stakeholders in the utilization of village fund assistance. Optimizing the use of village fund assistance as a model requires support from stakeholders which include: a) Bureaucracy, b) Business people, c) Academics, d) Community empowerment. This model is a necessity that cannot be avoided because of global changes, changes want to continue to exist, demands of people’s tastes and technology, so that the role of stakeholders greatly determines the direction of change in the optimization model for the utilization of village fund assistance that is acceptable to the environment, thus contributing to the development of village resource potential. that benefit the local economy and the environment.

  Integrated village development with the development of the SME sector is expected to be able to address various problems faced in rural areas, including managerial aspects and aspects of micro working capital (Wahyudiono et al, 2018). Weaknesses in the managerial aspects and aspects of micro working capital have not yet been thoroughly obtained from policy makers, both from the Bureaucracy/Government and Higher Education circles, while what is currently being done is a partial solution and is not carried out consistently and continuously so that the problems occur cannot be completely resolved, therefore a holistic research step is needed in order to formulate an optimization model for the use of village fund assistance in encouraging village development.

According to Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, village funds are defined as funds sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) intended for Villages which are transferred through the Regency/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and are used to finance the implementation of Governance, implementation of development, community development and community empowerment. Based on Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014 concerning Village Funds originating from the APBN, they are allocated in an equitable manner based on basic allocations, the allocations calculated taking into account the population, poverty rate, area size, and level of geographical difficulty of villages in each Regency/City. The purpose of channeling village funds is as a form of the state’s commitment to protecting and empowering villages so that they become strong, advanced, independent and democratic. With village funds, villages can create village development and empowerment towards a just, prosperous and prosperous society.

Based on Law (UU) Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Government Regulation (PP) Number 60 of 2014 concerning Village Funds originating from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget, as well as Village Minister Regulations and Minister of Finance Regulations governing budgeting, distribution, utilization to accountability for Village Fund reporting. In 2021, the total Village Fund ceiling is Rp. 72 trillion which will be distributed to 74,961 villages with a realization as of 10 January 2022 of Rp. 71.85 trillion for 74,939 villages. The Village Law also spells out Village Income which can be classified according to groups and types of Village Income which consists of the Village Original Income (PADesa) group and the transfer group. This Village Fund Allocation is included in the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) transfer group, which is a balancing fund received by the District/City. In the Provincial Expenditure Revenue Budget and Regency/City Regional Expenditures after deducting the special allocation funds. This is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 113 of 2014, concerning Village Financial Management. So far, village development still depends a lot on Village Original Income and community self-help, the amount and nature of which cannot be predicted. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Village Funds were disbursed for handling COVID-19 at least 8% of the total Village Funds, Direct Cash Assistance for Village Funds (BLT-DD) of 40% of the total Village Funds, for food security of 20% of the total Funds Villages and for national priority programs in accordance with village authority of 32% of the total Village Fund.

There are 3 (three) types of Village Fund Assistance in Puri Mojokerto District, namely (1) Allocation of Village Funds originating from the Center given to all villages (2) Village Funds originating from the Regency Government given to all Villages as a companion of Allocation of Village Funds and (3) Village Financial Assistance from the District Government given to Villages that support District activities. The urgency in this research is the need to formulate an optimization model for the use of Village Fund assistance through integrated research with the development of the real sector in rural areas and contribute to the welfare of society. The formulation of the problem in this study is how is the Development of an Optimization Model for the Utilization of Village Fund Assistance in Kebonagung Village, Puri Village, Mlaten Village, Puri Mojokerto District? The purpose of preparing this model is to formulate an Optimization Model for the Utilization of Village Fund Assistance in Kebonagung Village, Puri Village, and Mlaten Village, Puri Mojokerto District.


Village Administration

Village administration is part of the National Government whose implementation is aimed at rural areas. Village governance is a process in which the efforts of the village community concerned are combined with the government’s efforts to improve the standard of living of the community (Surasih, 2006). Village government is a subsystem of the government administration system, so that villages have the authority to regulate and manage the interests of their community (Wijaya, 2008). Law No. 6 of 2014 states, Villages are legal community units that have territorial boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage government affairs, local community interests based on community initiatives, origin rights, and/or traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the system. the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Meanwhile, according to Law Number 6 of 2014 it is said that Village Government is the implementation of Government affairs and the interests of the local community within the system of Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government places the village as a legal community unit that has the right and authority to regulate and manage the interests of the local community in accordance with the original rights of the village. This division of authority is too absolute for the regions to make the balance and power between the center and the regions disproportionate, so that central and provincial control over the regions is lost. Dwipayana et al, (2003) stated that village governance that is democratic (participatory, accountable, transparent and responsive) can be more robust and able to work effectively if it is supported by equality, balance and trust between elements in the village. Government is defined as a group of people who manage authority, carry out leadership and coordination of government and community development from the institutions where they work. The village was formed on the initiative of the community by taking into account the origins of the village and the socio-cultural conditions of the local community. The village is the lowest unit in the government system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and is the closest to the community. According to Government Regulation Number 72 of 2005 Article 1 number 6 it is stated that Village Government is the implementation of government affairs by the Village Government and the Village Consultative Body in regulating and managing the interests of the local community based on local origins and customs that are recognized and respected in the system of government of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia.

According to Article 64 PP No. 43 of 2014 concerning regulations for implementing Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, a Village Consultative Body or what is referred to by another name is an institution that carries out government functions whose members are representatives of villagers based on regional representation and are determined democratically . Meanwhile, according to Article 55 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, the BPD has the function of discussing and agreeing on the Draft Village Regulations with the Village Head, accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the village community and supervising the performance of the Village Head. The supervisory function of the BPD includes supervising the implementation of village regulations, the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget and decisions of the Village Head.

Principles of Village Fund Use

The principle of using village funds according to the Ministry of Finance (2017) is as follows:

  1. The principle of justice prioritizes the rights and interests of all villagers without discrimination.
  2. The principle of priority needs, prioritizing village interests that are more urgent, more needed and directly related to the interests of the majority of the village community.
  3. The principle of village authority prioritizes origin rights and village-scale local authority.
  4. Participatory principle, prioritizing community initiatives and creativity.
  5. The principle of self-management and based on village resources, prioritizing implementation independently by utilizing village natural resources, prioritizing the energy, thoughts and skills of villagers and local wisdom.

The legal basis for Village Fund Management is Permendagri Number 113 of 2014 concerning Village Financial Management. The principles of Village Financial Management are transparent, accountable, participatory, orderly and budget discipline. The term for managing village finances is one year from January 1 to December 31 of the current year. The village financial plan is set forth in the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes). The role of the Village Head in managing village finances is to hold village financial management power and represent the village government in the ownership of separated village assets.

Nurcholis (2011) argues that the village government is required to manage village finances in a transparent, accountable, participatory manner and is carried out in an orderly and disciplined manner. Transparent means that it is managed openly, accountable means it is legally accountable, and participatory means it involves the community in its preparation. The use of village funds needs to be directed at supporting the alleviation of underdeveloped villages in order to realize village independence. Priority for the Use of Village Funds

The use of village funds needs to be directed at supporting the alleviation of underdeveloped villages in order to realize village independence. The use of village funds is basically the right of the Village Government in accordance with the authority and priority needs of the local village community while still prioritizing the principle of justice. However, in order to oversee and ensure the achievement of village development goals, the government sets priorities for the use of village funds every year.

The priority for using village funds in 2018 in accordance with Permendes Number 19 of 2017 is to prioritize village development and empower village communities. The field of village development is directed at procurement of construction, development and maintenance of village infrastructure, village economic enterprises, environment and others. Whereas in the field of village community empowerment it is directed at increasing community participation in planning, implementing and supervising village development, developing village information systems, supporting capital and managing productive economic enterprises, supporting management of economic enterprises, supporting management of environmental preservation, developing inter-village cooperation and cooperation villages with third parties, support for dealing with and dealing with natural disasters.

The use of the Village Fund in 2019 is prioritized in the areas of village development and empowering village communities, financing the implementation of priority programs and activities that are cross-sectoral. Whereas in 2020 the use of Village Funds will be prioritized to finance the implementation of programs and activities in the field of village development and village community empowerment. The priority for using Village Funds in 2021 is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Villages and Transmigration Number 13 of 2020 concerning priority use of village funds in 2021, there are 3 (three), namely:

  1. National Economic Recovery according to village authority,
  2. National Priority Program according to village authorities and,
  3. Adapting to new village habits.

The priority for using Village Funds for 2022 as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Village for PDTT Number 7 of 2021 concerning priority use for village funds for 2022 has 3 (three) focuses, namely:

  1. National Economic Recovery according to village authority,
  2. National Priority Program according to village authorities and,
  3. Mitigation and handling of natural and non-natural disasters according to village authority.

Unlike previous years, the use of Village Funds for 2022 is also regulated in Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 104 of 2021 concerning Details of the State Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year. Based on the PERPRES, in Article 5 paragraph (4) the use of Village Funds for 2022 is regulated as follows:

  1. The social protection program is in the form of direct village cash assistance of at least 40% (forty percent),
  2. Food and animal security program of at least 20% (twenty percent),
  3. Funding support for handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is at least 8% (eight percent) of the Village Fund Allocation for each village,
  4. Other priority sector programs.

The total 100% (one hundred percent) of the Village Fund received by each village, the Village Government can only allocate 32% (thirty two percent) of the Village Fund to meet the needs of other priority sector programs.

Village Revenue Sources

Village income sources are explained in chapter VIII Article 72 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, village income sources come from:

  1. Village original income consists of business results, asset results, self-help and participation, mutual cooperation and other village original income,
  2. State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Allocation
  3. Part of the results of regional taxes and regional levies Regency/City
  4. Allocation of village funds which are part of the balancing funds received by the Regency/City,
  5. Financial assistance from the Provincial Revenue and Expenditure Budget and the Regency/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget
  6. Non-binding grants and donations from third parties,
  7. Other legal regional income.

Basic Theory and Allocation of Village Funds

The basic theory of Village Fund allocation is Compliance Theory or compliance theory which explains the influence of compliance behavior in the socialization process. Individuals tend to obey laws that are considered in accordance with internal norms with strong support for the values and goals to be achieved. Normative commitment through personal morality means obeying the law, because the law is considered a necessity, while normative commitment through legitimacy means complying with regulations because the law-making authority has the right to see behavior (Arifiyanto and Kurrohman, 2014).

With this concept, the Village Government in managing Village Funds should be at the level of regulations that have been made by the Government. Compliance theory is applied to Village Government in implementing the Village Law up to Financial Management, it must refer to existing regulations, with the Village Government complying with existing regulations, it does not rule out the possibility that the Village Government can realize Good Governance. By being given the duties, responsibilities, authorities and including the status and roles they have, the Village apparatus must obey in carrying out their duties with trust and have a sense of responsibility.

Village Fund Allocation according to Simanjuntak and Hidayanto (2002) states that the formulation of the allocation of aid funds must have the characteristics of adequacy, flexibility and stability. Adequacy means that the allocation of funds can cover the regional government’s funding needs. Flexible means that the amount of allocated funds is adjusted to the ability of the central government, while stable means that there is certainty for regional governments in obtaining fund allocations. The government’s policy to allocate village fund assistance is a breath of fresh air to encourage more open community participation in economic access (Lin and Ho, 2019).

According to Sahdan et al (2004) Village Fund Allocation, which is then called ADD, is a state responsive fund to finance village authority. According to Widjaja (2004) Village Fund Allocation is in the context of increasing empowerment, welfare and equitable development in rural areas through Village Funds APBD District, Provincial and Central Government, district, provincial and central governments need to realize APBD funds of 10% each for Allocation funds Village Fund. Nurcholis (2011), states that Village Fund Allocations are funds sourced from the Regency Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) which are allocated with the aim of equal distribution of financial capacity among villages to fund village needs in the context of administering government and implementing development and community services.

Optimizing the Utilization of Village Funds

Optimization is a process to achieve ideal results or effective values that can be achieved. Optimization can be interpreted as a form of optimizing something that already exists, or designing and making something optimally. Cantonnet, (2019), Optimization is a process for utilizing and distributing tasks, authority and economic resources among members of the organization, so that each member can obtain appropriate resources to achieve organizational goals. Optimizing the use of Village Funds is a process of optimizing village funds, in order to encourage village development that is able to explore economic potentials that can be developed by village communities.

The use of village funds is more directed at economic recovery and priority sectors in order to accelerate the development and empowerment of rural communities. During the Covid-19 pandemic, village funds were also used to provide Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) to affected residents. The results of the distribution of village funds from 2015 to 2020 can be seen from the indicators of the number of poor people in the village. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the number of poor people in villages in March 2015 was 17.89 million people and decreased to 15.26 million people in March 2020. The data shows that the use of village funds has a positive effect on reducing the number of poor people in villages. before the Covid-19 pandemic hit Indonesia. During 2015 to 2020, village funds have produced various output achievements in the form of infrastructure that are very beneficial for survival in the village. However, vigilance is needed against possible obstacles in its distribution and utilization. Village funds sourced from the APBN play a very important role in realizing national economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, village funds should be maintained and utilized as much as possible for the prosperity of the community (Yuwono, 2022).


This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, Bungin (2014), states that qualitative descriptive research aims to summarize situations, conditions, or social reality phenomena that exist in the research object to find out reality to the surface as characters, traits, descriptions of certain phenomena and conditions. This research instrument involves informants who can provide information about the situation and background conditions of the research. Informants were determined based on the consideration that they were considered capable of providing data and information regarding the use of village fund assistance, namely Village Officials, BPD, Community Leaders and Universities. The number of respondents for Village Apparatus, BPD Agency and Community Figures, was 3 (three) respondents for each village, so that the number of respondents’ answers was 9 (nine). While respondents for Higher Education amounted to 5 respondents. Data sources, primary and secondary data, data collection through observation (Djam’an and Aan, 2009), interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique is to identify the role of stakeholders in the utilization of village fund assistance, formulate a model for utilizing village fund assistance and developing a model for utilizing village fund assistance.


Village funds are funds originating from the State Income and Expenditure Budget which are earmarked for villages which are transferred through the Regency/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget and are used to finance government administration, development implementation, community development and community empowerment. Village financial management is determined by the Regent/Mayor and is guided by the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 113 of 2014 concerning guidelines for managing village finances, which states that village finances are all village rights and obligations that can be valued in money and everything in the form of money and related goods. with the implementation of village rights and obligations. And all village financial management activities include: planning, implementation, administration, reporting and accountability. The process of managing village finances is carried out by the village head as outlined in village regulations concerning the Village Budget.

Village funds are funds from the APBN that are transferred through the Regency/City APBD which are prioritized for development and community empowerment. The purpose of these village funds is to eradicate poverty, advance the village economy, overcome development disparities between villages, and improve public services in villages (DJPK, Ministry of Finance). Villages and rural areas are currently the focus in accelerating regional development, especially in suburban areas. In general, the number of poor rural population has decreased, but there are several provinces that have not experienced a decline. However, the rural poor are still higher than the urban poor.

This requires further research to see whether village funds are able to have an impact on reducing poverty directly or indirectly. Utilization of village fund assistance still has weaknesses in the process of planning, organizing, implementing and controlling. In order to make better use of village funds, it is important to have community involvement in planning, monitoring and evaluation. The importance of lower or community aspirations regarding the use of village funds, so that village funds will be more absorbed in their use. Community involvement is not the result of an awakened awareness that will give birth to dependence (Umanailo, 2018).

An independent village is the goal of optimal utilization of village funds through rural infrastructure development. Independent village does not yet have a standard definition, but refers to the indicators used to classify villages based on the Village Development Index (IPD). Optimal utilization of village funds will be able to encourage villages to be able to provide public service facilities for underprivileged citizens, as well as being able to provide jobs for their citizens. The availability of jobs in the village will reduce unemployment, as well as reduce poverty. More and more independent villages, villages will become spearheads that play a role in national poverty alleviation, so it is very logical that village development is a top priority for the success of national development (Rahayu, 2017). Soemantri (2011) also states that the Village Government consists of the village head and village apparatus, while the village apparatus consists of the village secretary and other apparatus, namely the village secretariat, field technical implementation and regional elements, the number of which is adjusted to local socio-cultural needs and conditions.

Village funds in Kebonagung Village, Mlaten Village, and Puri Village, Puri District, Mojokerto Regency are prioritized for financing the implementation of local village-scale programs and activities with the aim of improving the welfare of village communities and the quality of life of the community as well as reducing poverty. The priority of village funds allocated to finance the field of community empowerment is based on village conditions and potential, in line with achieving the targets of the Village Government Work Plan or Village Development Work Plan (RKPDesa) and Village Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMDes) each year.

In this analysis and discussion, researchers need to carry out mapping which aims to map the role of stakeholders in optimizing the use of village fund assistance. The purpose of this mapping is to describe the characteristics of the role of stakeholders in optimizing the use of village fund assistance, so that it can be used as a reference in formulating a model for optimizing the use of village fund assistance. Based on the respondent’s answer to the statement by giving the answer “yes”, then it is then used to compile a mapping of stakeholder roles in optimizing the use of village fund assistance categorized in:

  • Low category for “yes” answers < 34%
  • Moderate category for “yes” answers 35%-68%
  • High category for “yes” answers 69%-100%

Mapping the Role of Village Apparatuses

The role of a leader is very important in an existing organization, especially leaders who have strong charisma to build their village in a better direction, besides that a leader must be professional in acting or making decisions. The role of the existing village head is quite good in managing village funds sourced from the APBN, where with the existence of these village funds, many changes have occurred both in the field of development and the field of community empowerment.

Based on the results of the mapping, it can be explained that the role of village apparatus is related to the use of village fund assistance with a percentage of “yes” 92.93%. The results of this mapping show that optimizing the use of village fund assistance in this model emphasizes: UMKM Development, Welfare Programs, IT Competency Training, and Higher Education Collaboration Student Programs

Mapping the Role of the Village Consultative Body

Another stakeholder role in empowerment is the Village Consultative Body (BPD), although it does not have a direct interest relationship, the BPD also plays a role in managing village funds because the BPD has the right to exercise oversight and, together with the village government, is responsible for these activities. The role of the BPD is to contribute to the planning stage of compiling the Village Fund Activity Plan List (DRK) and to participate with the community in working together in the implementation of village infrastructure development. Based on the research conducted, the BPD has carried out its functions properly in accordance with Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning the main functions of the village BPD. The Village Consultative Body (BPD) is an institution in the village which is usually considered a legislative body that supervises the implementation of the government. The role of the BPD in managing village funds in Kebonagung Village, Mlaten Village and Puri Village, Puri District, Mojokerto Regency is in accordance with the management of the APBDes. These roles range from planning, implementation, monitoring to accountability

Based on the results of the mapping, it can be explained that the role of the Village Consultative Body is related to the utilization of village fund assistance with an average percentage of respondents answering “yes” 93.4%. The results of this mapping show that optimizing the use of village fund assistance in this model places more emphasis on: Improved Development of Better Facilities and Infrastructure, Development of the MSME sector, Development of Social Media/IT, Development of Education and Worship Infrastructure Facilities.

Mapping the Role of Community Figures

Each character has the ability or expertise in the elements of his character so that they can play a role in the field of character they master. In this case, individuals can be considered worthy of being called community leaders. The role of community leaders in terms of increasing community participation in the use of village fund assistance is needed to increase the success of village development. Iqbal (2016) states that this cannot be separated from the influence or interference of community leaders in making decisions and creating very strong patterns of thinking or behavior of the community, where community leaders with their figures are able to give the impression of influencing the community.

Based on the results of the mapping, it can be explained that the role of community leaders is related to the utilization of village fund assistance with an average percentage of respondents answering “yes” 99%. The results of this mapping show that optimizing the utilization of village fund assistance in this model places more emphasis on: Improved Development of Better Facilities and Infrastructure, Development of the MSME sector, Development of Social Media/IT, Development of Education and Worship Infrastructure Facilities.

Mapping the Role of Higher Education

Universities have a strategic role in advancing the village which includes aspects as educators, catalysts, facilitators and developers to overcome various problems in the use of village fund assistance according to the characteristics of each village. The role of tertiary institutions is as an educator through the curriculum, while as a catalyst it can carry out an inventory of economic potential through student research (MBKM) as well as become a center for assisted villages. Meanwhile, the role of the facilitator appears in apprenticeship activities, village assistance in preparing financial reports related to village fund assistance and as a developer can assist villages in developing the village economy through community service, KKN and cooperation of assisted villages. Regarding the independent campus program which is integrated with village development, it has been outlined in various programs such as apprenticeships/practical work, village projects, teaching at schools, research, student entrepreneurship, independent studies and projects as an effort to help rural communities in building the people’s economy through BUMDes, Cooperatives and other Organizations.

Based on the results of the mapping, it can be explained that the role of tertiary institutions is related to the use of village fund assistance with an average percentage of respondents answering “yes” 96%. The results of this mapping show that optimizing the use of village fund assistance in this model places more emphasis on: Optimizing Student Programs, Research assignments in villages, Implementation of entrepreneurship projects in villages, Thesis with village fund problems as objects, Optimization of cooperation with assisted villages.


Development of an Optimization Model for the Utilization of Village Fund

Based on the above mapping, it can be seen the value of the respondent’s statement for each of the stakeholders and indicators observed, then the relevant data is reduced so that it can be used as a reference in preparing the development of an optimization model for village fund aid beneficiaries. The selection of indicators in the answer to the “yes” statement which is in the high category, the contents of the statement describe the role of stakeholders in optimal utilization of village fund assistance.

Referring to the crucial points mentioned above, the development of an optimization model for the utilization of village fund assistance can be described as follows:

Figure 1 Development of the Village Fund Aid Utilization Optimization Model

Based on the development of the optimization model for village fund assistance beneficiaries in Figure 1, it can be described as follows:

Stakeholder role synchronization

Synchronization is an effort to synergize various activities carried out by stakeholders, with the aim of supporting the optimization of the use of village fund assistance. The role of stakeholders in the utilization of village fund assistance has stakeholders involved in it, namely village apparatus, BPD, community leaders and universities. These stakeholders are expected to be able to carry out the program in an effective, efficient and transparent manner and can be accounted for technically and administratively.

To provide a more detailed description regarding the synchronization of the role of stakeholders in determining the development of an optimization model for the utilization of village fund assistance, it can be described:

  1. Village apparatus

Village officials have a strategic position in order to play the role of village apparatus in utilizing village fund assistance to improve the welfare of rural communities through increasing the village economic business sector through MSME/cooperatives, IKM, tourism villages and increasing regional potential through training and mentoring programs (content creators, youtube, IT)

  1. Village Consultative Body (BPD)

The BPD has a role in managing village funds because the BPD has the right to supervise and together with the Village Government is responsible for the utilization of village fund assistance. Besides that, BPD also contributes to the planning stage of preparing the Activity Plan List (DRK). Village funds that are more focused on developing the community’s economic sector through cooperative/UMKM schemes and developing better village infrastructure infrastructure.

  1. Community Figures

Community leaders have a strategic position in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the progress of the Village Apparatus work program on a regular and comprehensive basis as well as supporting the synchronization of the formulation of optimization models for the use of village fund assistance through activities to increase the construction of better infrastructure for education and worship.

  1. College

Higher education has a strategic position in order to play the role of agent of change because the role of tertiary institutions is to support in synchronizing the formulation of optimization models for the utilization of village fund assistance through tri dharma activities, namely the education sector, the research sector, and the community service sector.

Optimizing the Utilization of Village Fund Aid

Optimizing the use of village fund assistance is the result that is managed optimally on village fund assistance for the benefit of the village community, so that the work programs and activities that have been set can be achieved with satisfactory or optimal results. In order to be able to provide a more detailed description related to determining the optimization model for the utilization of village fund assistance, it can be described:

  1. Program Orientation

The orientation of the program for utilizing village fund assistance in Kebonagung Village, Mlaten Village, and Puri Village, Puri District, Mojokerto Regency based on the mapping results emphasizes MSME development, welfare programs, information technology competency training (social media), collaboration with universities in the form of apprenticeship pograms, village programs guidance, assignment of research locations in the village, implementation of entrepreneurship projects in the village, thesis with the object of village fund issues and construction of village infrastructure, in order to increase the capacity of village communities to realize the welfare of village communities by increasing village community human resources. The concept of development in utilizing village fund assistance is more oriented towards village development programs that have been carried out in consultation with the local village community and village apparatus optimally.

  1. Priority for Utilization of Village Funds.

Based on the priority use of village funds stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of 2015 concerning Determination of Priority for Use of Village Funds in 2015, it states that the priority of using village funds for village development is to improve the welfare of rural communities and the quality of human life and reduce poverty, through:

  • Prioritize the use of village funds to meet basic needs.
  • The priority for using village funds for the construction of village facilities and infrastructure is based on village conditions and potential, in line with achieving the RPJMDesa target every year.
  • The priority for using village funds for developing local economic potential is based on village conditions and potential, in line with achieving the RPJMDesa and RKPDesa targets each year.
  • Prioritizing the use of village funds for sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, based on village conditions and potential, in line with achieving the RPJMDesa and RKPDesa targets each year.

Based on the PERPRES, in Article 5 paragraph (4) the use of village funds in 2022 the priority for their use is set as follows:

  • Social protection program in the form of direct village cash assistance of at least 40% (forty percent),
  • Food and animal security program of at least 20% (twenty percent),
  • Funding support for handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) of at least 8% (eight percent) of the village fund allocation for each village,
  • Other priority sector programs. Of the total 100% (one hundred percent) of village funds received by each village, the village government can only allocate 32% (thirty two percent) of village funds to meet the needs of other priority sector programs.

3. Programming

According to Law Number 6 of 2014 article 1 paragraph 3 states that, Village Government is the village head or what is called another name assisted by village officials as an element of village administration. Thus it can be explained that the Village Head as an element of village administration has the authority to carry out the work programs that have been designed, one of which is to plan for the welfare of its citizens by carrying out development in various sectors through the use of village fund assistance. In order for the village development program that has been arranged to be carried out in accordance with what was agreed upon at the village meeting, the role of community leaders is indispensable in supporting the program.

So, the effort to realize the village development program is through various stages of program preparation. The preparation stages are made in determining the village development planning program which is prepared within a period of 1 (one) year based on local village authority by adhering to village development planning.

  1. Program Implementation

Program implementation in village development in Kebonagung Village, Mlaten Village, and Puri Village, Puri District, Mojokerto Regency is in accordance with the Village Law which places the village as the spearhead of development and improving community welfare. in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages, village development aims to improve community welfare and quality of human life as well as reduce poverty through meeting basic needs, developing village facilities and infrastructure, developing local economic potential, and utilizing natural resources and the environment sustainably. Villages are given adequate authority and financial resources so that they can manage their potential to improve the economy and welfare of their people. To support the implementation of this policy, the government has provided relatively larger funding support, which is then referred to as village funds.

The village fund is one of the national programs created by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration starting in 2015 until now. The use of village funds is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration No. 22 of 2016 concerning priority use of village funds, that the use of village funds is prioritized to finance development expenditures and empowerment of village communities agreed in village meetings. The priority of using village funds for village infrastructure development activities is allocated to achieve village development goals, namely the welfare of village communities and the quality of human life, as well as poverty alleviation.

Sustainability of the Village Fund Utilization Program

The sustainability of the program for utilizing village fund assistance is a representation of future model development efforts due to the changing demands of competition and the use of information technology. This sustainability is supported by the role of stakeholders through:

  1. Monitoring Program Implementation

The involvement of the role of stakeholders and the community in monitoring the implementation of the village head’s work program related to village fund assistance, then in the management, planning and development of village funds can be through planning documents, transparency in the use of the budget. Appropriateness of budget users, must be based on planning documents and activities that have been planned. Monitoring the implementation of the program must be measurable and implemented by the community and stakeholders. The function of monitoring the implementation of the program for utilizing village fund assistance by the community and stakeholders is the basic key so that budget abuse can be minimized so that the absorption of the village fund assistance budget becomes optimal and beneficial for village communities.

  1. Evaluation of Program Implementation

Evaluation of program implementation is an objective and systematic program examination of the use of village fund assistance, based on the results of the implementation evaluation carried out on the policy of using village funds in accordance with the main development goals which revolve around poverty eradication, job creation and improving people’s welfare. Based on the synchronization of the mapping results, stakeholders and the community hope that with an evaluation of the implementation of the village fund assistance program, the village will lead to better development in terms of economic development, infrastructure, human resources and continuation programs. Besides that, the community also hopes that village fund assistance can be used to the fullest extent possible and touch more the interests of the community and also pay more attention to the side of supervision and transparency. The point is that the utilization of village fund assistance runs optimally.

  1. Development of a Village Fund Utilization Model

Based on the analysis and data synchronization of the roles of stakeholders, which is then followed by mapping the roles of each stakeholder, the development of an optimization model for the utilization of village fund assistance is based on:

  • The determination of the scale of utilization of village funds is based on the concept of sustainability. The concept of sustainability in question is the sustainability of programs that are carried out in a coordinated, integrated and sustainable manner in planning and implementing programs for utilizing village fund assistance.

Based on the sustainable concept, the scale of utilization of village fund assistance is directed at:

  1. Continuity of cooperation programs with universities (apprenticeships, theses, KKN, Entrepreneurship Projects).
  2. Sustainable village infrastructure development.
  3. Development of village HR skills through training (digital marketing, digital literacy, content creators).
  • Determination of the scale of utilization of village funds based on village funds.

 Village funds are allocations of funds for developing villages in the APBN that are channeled through the APBD, based on village funds, so the scale of their utilization is more directed to existing programs optimally, namely:

  1. Completion time of work program
  2. Development of the village economic sector (development of MSMEs through Bumdes, tourism villages, village cooperatives)
  3. Assistance program for the utilization of village fund assistance.



Based on the results of the discussion on the development of an optimization model for the utilization of village fund assistance, the following conclusions can be put forward:

  1. The model for optimizing the use of village fund assistance is formulated in an integrated manner through three stages, namely: a) synchronizing the roles of stakeholders, b) optimizing the use of village fund assistance c) maintaining the sustainability of programs for utilizing village fund assistance.
  2. Synchronizing stakeholder roles is an effort to integrate all stakeholder roles in participating to optimize the utilization of village fund assistance in accordance with the roles and contributions of each from universities, community leaders, village apparatus and village consultative bodies. This synchronization must be carried out through dialogue and discussion and deliberation by prioritizing the interests of the residents in developing and developing the potential of their village.
  3. Selection of programs in the utilization of village fund assistance must refer to the selection of program priorities that can accelerate community economic empowerment and solutions in leveraging community economic growth.
  4. Kebonagung Village, Mlaten Village and Puri Village in Mojokerto District have enormous resource potential, therefore it is necessary to map the selection of program priorities through an integrated study, more focused if the study is directed at analyzing the strengths and opportunities possessed by each village.
  5. The preparation of a program for utilizing village fund assistance is a very crucial activity for village officials, in managing village fund assistance it must meet the elements of transparency, accountability, participation and openness, so that village officials are not entangled in legal cases simply because they are wrong in applying the principles of good governance in financial management of village fund assistance.
  6. The implementation of the program for utilizing village fund assistance is an important part in one cycle of village fund budgeting, therefore the role of internal supervision must really function optimally through periodic monitoring and evaluation programs by village government institutions in a professional manner and high integrity
  7. The program for sustainable use of village fund assistance is a reflection of all village apparatus who always want to ensure the sustainability of development in their respective villages through structured and systematic steps which include: a) monitoring program implementation, b) evaluating program implementation and c) development models that are in harmony with the conditions and changes in the environment that occur.


Some recommend as follows:

  1. The need for the use of village fund assistance is prepared based on standard role models according to the characteristics of each village, therefore optimizing the use of village fund assistance must be formulated in an integrated manner through three stages, namely: a) synchronizing the roles of stakeholders, b) optimizing the use of village fund assistance c) maintaining the sustainability of programs for utilizing village fund assistance.
  2. The need for synchronization of the roles of stakeholders in order to optimally integrate the utilization of village fund assistance from stakeholders consisting of: a) higher education institutions, b) community leaders, c) village apparatus and d) village consultative bodies. So far, the role of tertiary institutions has not run optimally considering the institutional nature of it is indeed outside the village government structure, therefore in order to optimize the implementation of research and community service, a commitment is needed to develop a partnership program.
  3. The need to prioritize programs for utilizing village fund assistance that are in line with the characteristics of the economic structure of rural communities, especially in the context of exploring the potential of existing resources as well as empowering community members so that the business sector can grow and develop in accordance with the expectations of community members.
  4. The need to develop the potential resources owned by each village, this is reflected in the diversity of different resources, so that they can be processed wisely into unique business potentials and have local wisdom values from each village.
  5. The importance of compiling a program for utilizing village fund assistance with reference to village fund management according to regulations and principles of good governance which includes the elements of: a) transparency, b) accountability, c) participation and d) openness. The principle of good governance is very important because the allocation of village funds is sourced through the State Budget (APBN) scheme, so that the use of village fund assistance must be optimized effectively, efficiently and on target according to targets that can leverage the economic growth of citizens and improve welfare. for community members.
  6. It is important for village apparatus to understand the involvement of stakeholders in preparing the APBDes, which includes: a) village administration, b) village consultative bodies, c) representatives from the community and d) district heads/district heads. Representation of community leaders is a very important part because community leaders can actually get a real picture of what the community members really hope and want in participating in sustainable development in their villages. While the stages of preparing the APBDes include the following stages: a) preparation for team preparation, b) preparation of the RAPBDes, c) village meetings, d) determination of PerDes, e) preparation of village income, spending & financing, f) Socialization of PerDes APBDes.
  7. The need to ensure the development of civilized, cultured and sustainable villages through a sustainable program to optimize the use of structured and massive village fund assistance which includes: a) monitoring program implementation, b) evaluating program implementation and c) developing a model that is in harmony with environmental conditions and changes that happened. Through this program, it is hoped that the programs that are already running can continue even though there must be succession of leadership at the village apparatus level every six years and can be re-elected for three terms.


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