Differentiated Instruction in Teaching ESL Education
- Erwyn O. Valencia
- Lycah D. Salamanes
- Wenlove V. Castor
- Irene G. Guelos
- Danica Jade A. Japitana
- 4590-4601
- Mar 25, 2025
- Education
Differentiated Instruction in Teaching ESL Education
Erwyn O. Valencia, Lycah D. Salamanes, Wenlove V. Castor, Irene G. Guelos, and Danica Jade A. Japitana
Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology-Dumangas Campus, Philippines
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2025.9020361
Received: 18 February 2025; Accepted: 22 February 2025; Published: 25 March 2025
This descriptive study aimed to determine the extent of using differentiated instruction in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) Education. The research respondents were English teachers in different high school institutions in the Municipality of Dumangas taken through purposive sampling technique. A researchers’ made questionnaire was used to gather data. The statistical tools employed were the Mean and Standard Deviation, Mann-Whitney U Test, and Kruskal-Wallis H Test. The hypotheses were tested at a 0.05% level of significance. The result revealed that the extent of using differentiated instruction when taken as a whole was highly used. When grouped as to length of service, academic qualification, and availability of technology were also highly used in using differentiated instruction in ESL education. It was finally concluded that there were no significant differences in the extent of using differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education as to length of service and availability of technology; yet, there is a significant difference in the extent of using differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education as to academic qualification.
Keywords: Differentiated Instruction, ESL Education, Descriptive, and High School English Teachers
Differentiated instruction is used as an approach to education whereby teachers make changes to the curriculum and the way they teach to maximize the learning of every student in the class (IRIS Center, 2021). The core idea is for teachers to provide instruction that can be accessed by all learners at their current achievement levels. While all students have the same learning goal, the instruction varies based on their interests, preferences, strengths, and struggles. Instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach like a lecture, teachers employ various methods, such as teaching students in small groups or one-on-one sessions. This approach allows students to have multiple options for acquiring information, understanding ideas, and expressing their learning.
Differentiated Instruction (DI) is a well-known and debated pedagogical approach that prioritizes meeting student needs (Tomlinson; 2000, Jacobse; 2019). However, despite its widespread introduction in educational institutions, there are still challenges that hinder its implementation. This paper intends to examine the extent of using differentiated instruction in ESL education where students nowadays are free to explore and express their unique interests and styles.
Statement of the Problem/Objectives
This study aimed to determine the extent of differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education of the English teachers from four national high schools in the Municipality of Dumangas, academic year 2023-2024.
Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:
- What is the extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when taken as a whole?
- What is the extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when grouped according to the length of service, academic qualification, and the availability of technology?
- Are there significant difference in using differentiated instruction as to: length of service, academic qualification, and; the availability of technology.
There is no significant difference in using differentiated instruction as to the length of service and the availability of technology when tested at 0.05 alpha level.
Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored with the theory of Albert Bandura and Howard Gardner respectively. As such, Social Cognitive Theory posits that people are not simply shaped by that environment; they are active participants in their environment. On the other hand, Howard Gardner (1983) states that people perceive the world around them through their intelligence however; some may favor one’s intelligence over another (Gardner, 2006).
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes that teachers are not merely influenced by their environment but actively shape their instructional methods based on personal experiences and available resources. This aligns with the independent variables: length of service, academic qualification, and availability of technology—as teachers with varying years of experience and educational backgrounds may develop different levels of confidence and adaptability in employing differentiated instruction. Furthermore, the presence or absence of technological tools can either enhance or limit their ability to implement personalized teaching strategies.
Similarly, Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences underscores the diversity of student learning preferences, reinforcing the importance of differentiated instruction. Teachers with higher academic qualifications or longer service may have a deeper understanding of these multiple intelligences and, therefore, may be more inclined to implement differentiation strategies effectively. Meanwhile, the availability of technology plays a crucial role in facilitating diverse instructional approaches that cater to various learning styles.
As a result, the study examines how these independent variables (length of service, academic qualification, and availability of technology) influence the extent to which differentiated instruction is used (dependent variable). This connection highlights the dynamic interplay between teachers’ professional backgrounds, technological access, and their ability to adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of ESL learners.
Conceptual Framework
Research Paradigm
Figure 1. A schematic diagram showing the significant difference in the extent of differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education
Significance of the Study
The result of the study is valuable and beneficial to the following:
School Administrators. This would help administrators to design and craft programs for faculty development since qualification of teachers matters.
English Teachers. English teachers would know which differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education is effective in learners’ nature of learning.
Learners. This would cater the learner’s capability of using the language in an effective way based on their own skills.
Parents. The result of the study would let them know their role in helping their children to have good learning background knowledge as first teachers.
Future Researchers. The result of the study would help future researchers who plan to conduct similar studies or topics.
Research Design
A descriptive method of research was employed in this study. Descriptive research is a method that described the characteristics of the variables you are studying. This methodology focused on answering questions to “WHAT” rather than the “WHY” of the research question. The primary focus of this research method is to describe the nature of the demographics understudy instead of focusing on the “why” (Voxco, 2021).
Locale of the Study
The study was conducted at Dumangas National High School (DNHS) located at Ilaya 1st, Dumangas, Iloilo, Cayos National High School (CNHS) located at Cayos, Dumangas, Iloilo, P.D. Monfort National Science High School (PDMNSHS) located at P.D. Monfort South, Dumangas, Iloilo, and Pagdugue National High School (PNHS) located at Pagdugue, Dumangas, Iloilo.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of this study were English teachers from the different high school institutions in the Municipality of Dumangas, academic year 2023-2024. The table displayed the profile of the teachers as a whole, with a total of 32 individuals. In terms of academic qualifications, there are 14 English teachers with a bachelor’s degree, 15 with a master’s degree, and 3 with a doctoral degree. Regarding length of service, 23 teachers have served for 15 years or less, 4 teachers for 15-20 years, and 5 teachers for 21-30 years. In the availability of technology, 30 teachers use it in their teaching, while 2 do not.
Table 1 Profile of the Respondents
Category | f | % |
Entire Group | 32 | 100.00 |
Academic Qualifications | ||
Bachelor’s Degree | 14 | 43.8 |
Masters | 15 | 46.9 |
Doctoral | 3 | 9.4 |
Length of Service | ||
15 years below | 23 | 71.9 |
15-20 years | 4 | 12.5 |
21-30 years above | 5 | 15.6 |
Availability of Technology | ||
Yes | 30 | 93.8 |
No | 2 | 6.3 |
Sample Size
The sample size was a total of 32 respondents of which 22 English teachers from Dumangas National High School (DNHS), 4 English teachers of Cayos National High School (CNHS), 4 English teachers of P.D Monfort National Science High School (PDMNSHS), and 2 English teachers of Pagdugue National High School (PNHS) for Academic Year 2023-2024. The researchers employed purposive sampling to identify the number of respondents.
Sampling Technique
The Purposive Sampling technique was utilized in this study. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their surveys (Alchemer Blog, n.d.).
Researchers used purposive sampling when they wanted to access a particular subset of people, as all participants of a survey were selected because they fit a particular profile.
Research Instruments
In this research study, a validated questionnaire, specifically designed by the researchers, was used to assess the implementation of differentiated instruction in ESL education. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: Part 1 focused on gathering information about the respondents’ profiles, while Part 2 included 25 statements that required the respondents to indicate their level of engagement in teaching differentiated instruction. The questionnaire underwent reliability test at 0.73 Cronbach alpha value and a thorough review by a panel of experts to ensure the content’s relevance, mechanics, and consistency. After incorporating the experts’ feedback, the questionnaire was finalized and distributed to the study participants. The participants were instructed to refer to a corresponding table that captured their preferences based on their experiences with using differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education.
Each response was accordingly given weight as follows:
Response Score
Always 4
Sometimes 3
Rarely 2
Never 1
Each scale was accordingly given weight as follows:
Scale Description
3.25-4.00 Highly Used
2.50-3.24 Moderately Used
1.75-2.49 Less Used
1.00-1.74 Not Used
Data Gathering Procedure
To conduct this study, the researchers followed a process. Initially, researchers formulated a topic that is highly pertinent to the current educational system. On February 22, 2024, the study’s title was defended by the researchers in the Pre-Oral defense, and during that time, the researchers discussed the contents of Chapters 1-3. On February 27, 2024, the researchers made a letter to conduct the study addressed to the principals of the different high school institutions of the Municipality of Dumangas. The researchers spent a week, March 13 to 19 conducting this research. The researchers explained the questionnaire, the purpose of the study, and the nature of the researchers to the respondents. The respondents were informed so that they would feel comfortable answering the questionnaire accurately and truthfully. Respondents were rest assured that their responses would remain private and would be used exclusively for this study.
The data gathered from the instrument were tallied, tabulated, statistically tested, analyzed, and interpreted. A table was then created for better understanding.
Data Analysis Procedure
To determine the extent of using differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education, the data obtained in this study were analyzed through the following appropriate descriptive statistical tools:
Mean & Standard Deviation were used to determine the extent of teaching differentiated instruction to the respondents.
Mann-Whitney U Test was used to determine the significant difference in the extent of teaching differentiated instruction when grouped as to the availability of technology.
Kruskal-Wallis H Test was used to determine the significant difference in the extent of teaching differentiated instruction when grouped as to academic qualification and length of service.
The extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when taken as a whole was highly used (M= 3.64) in teaching ESL education. This implied that the respondents highly utilized differentiated instruction in a classroom environment to cater the individual learning needs and abilities of all students, leading to improved academic success and engagement.
The extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when grouped according to the length of service was highly used (M=3.79) in 21-30 years of service in teaching. However, teachers teaching 15 years and below (M= 3.62) were highly used in using differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education than teachers teaching 15-20 years in service (M=3.58).
The extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when grouped according to academic qualification was highly used. Teachers with doctoral and master’s degrees had the same result of (M= 3.76) and were more highly used than teachers whose academic qualification was a bachelor’s degree (M=3.50).This implied that the extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when grouped according to academic qualification, teachers with master’s and doctoral degrees shows a higher utilization of differentiated instruction in teaching ESL education compared to those with bachelor’s degrees, it indicates that educators with advanced qualifications are more inclined towards employing differentiated instruction to the diverse needs of English language learners .
The extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment when grouped according to the availability of technology was highly used (M=3.66) in teaching ESL education. This implied that most teachers nowadays used technology in their teaching showing that they were adapting to modern methods to make learning more engaging and effective for students.
The extent of using differentiated instruction in a classroom environment in the Kruskal-Wallis H analysis revealed a significant difference in the use of differentiated instruction when respondents were grouped based on academic qualifications [H(2) = 6.844; p = .033]. The obtained two-tailed probability of .033 falls below the predetermined significance level of .05 alpha, indicating statistical significance. Additionally, the findings indicated a significant mean difference [p = .041] between respondents with bachelor’s degrees and those with master’s degrees, suggesting that the use of differentiated instruction differed significantly based on academic qualifications.
However, no significant difference was noted in the use of differentiated instruction when respondents were grouped based on length of service [H(2) = 6.844; p = .033
The Mann-Whitney U analysis unveiled a non-significant difference in the use of differentiated instruction when respondents were grouped based on the availability of technology [U = 12.000; p = .209]. The obtained two-tailed probability of .209 exceeded the predetermined significance level of .05 alpha, indicating a lack of statistical significance. These findings suggested that the extent of using differentiated instruction did not vary significantly based on the availability of technology. Despite the potential benefits technology can offer in implementing differentiated instruction methods, this study did not find significant differences in the use of such methods between groups with different levels of technology access.
This finding suggests that while technology can serve as a valuable tool in tailoring instruction to meet diverse student needs, its presence or absence does not necessarily dictate whether educators apply differentiated strategies. One possible explanation is that teachers may already be using a variety of non-technological instructional approaches to accommodate student differences, such as flexible grouping, tiered assignments, and scaffolding techniques. Additionally, educators in settings with limited access to technology may have developed alternative strategies that are equally effective in supporting diverse learners. This implies that while technology enhances differentiated instruction, it is not a prerequisite for its successful implementation.
Further, this could be related as well to teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and professional training. Educators who are well-versed in differentiated instruction may apply these strategies regardless of technological resources, relying instead on creative lesson planning and traditional teaching materials. On the other hand, teachers with access to advanced technological tools may not always integrate them effectively into their differentiation practices. This underscores the importance of professional development that focuses on both the principles of differentiated instruction and the optimal use of technology to enhance learning experiences. Future research may explore how teacher attitudes, training, and institutional support interact with technology availability to influence the effectiveness of differentiated instruction in ESL classrooms.
Teachers who have been in the profession for a significant period, particularly between 21 to 30 years, are more likely to extensively utilized differentiated instruction in their teaching practices. Since there is a significant difference in using differentiated instruction based on teachers’ academic qualifications, teachers with higher educational attainment, such as doctorate and master’s degrees, tend to employ this method more frequently compared to their counterparts with bachelor’s degrees. Additionally, the presence of technological resources has a positive influence on the integration of differentiated instruction in ESL teaching. Indeed, differentiated instruction remained a prevalent and effective strategy in the field of ESL education.
It is highly recommended that teachers today especially under DepEd will continue their graduate studies: master and doctoral degrees for learning upgrading and innovations. Also, the administrators would look into and/or revisit the faculty development plan for teachers’ privileges and opportunities for educational assistance.
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