Effect of Teamwork on Organisational Performance of Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria
- Tanko, Anthony Lawal
- 1048-1059
- Jun 7, 2024
- Business Management
Effect of Teamwork on Organisational Performance of Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria
Tanko, Anthony Lawal
Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2024.803072S
Received: 19 April 2024; Revised: 01 May 2024; Accepted: 09 May 2024; Published: 07 June 2024
This article examined the effect of teamwork on organisational performance of Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria. The aim of the study is to determine the impact of teamwork on organisational performance of Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria. The research design employed for this study is the sample survey research design. The study focused on Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria which has a population of (25). The Taro Yamane formula was used to calculate the sample size, resulting in a sample size of (24). First-hand information was used for the study. The main data collection tool used was a questionnaire. Using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences was used to test the developed hypotheses (SPSS 21). Tables and simple percentages were used to present the raw data extracted from the primary source. This indicates that the results revealed that distribution requirement planning has no effect on stock control efficiency in Nigerian Breweries PLC Makurdi. The study also revealed that materials resource planning has an effect on stock control efficiency in Nigerian Breweries PLC Makurdi. Finally, the results revealed that Warehouse management system has an effect on stock control efficiency in Nigerian Breweries PLC Makurdi. The study conclude that distribution requirement planning, materials resource is planning and warehouse management system significantly affects stock control efficiency in Nigerian Breweries PLC Makurdi
Keywords: Teamwork, distribution requirement planning, materials resource planning, Warehouse management and organisational Performance
One of the most crucial aspects of today’s business environment is teams. Thus, hierarchical execution and the organization’s general exhibition are languishing. The famously awful at teaming up Creation Organization is in need of this sort of help. Hence, the fundamental motivation behind this exploration is to research the significance of collaboration in the work environment and figure out what is expected to make an in a perfect world useful and effective group in the working environment (Deemer, Sharma, and Xu, 2022). Administrators and pioneers comprehend the significance of joint effort in the working environment with regards to achieving organization objectives and goals.
Collaboration is a methodology that has been taken on by numerous associations where the undertakings that are expected to accomplish the general mission and vision of the association as framed in the mission and vision explanations (Deemer, E. D., Sharma, P. & Xu, C. 2022). The cooperation bunches are really working floors or divisions under which different exercises are directed in achieving the general reason for the association. The various departments typically have a clearly defined leadership structure and a distinct mandate. According to Deemer, Sharma, and Xu (2022), they are found to share the organization’s readily
available resources in order to achieve their goals because of the organization’s limited resources.
Group can be portrayed collectively of individuals who cooperate to accomplish similar objectives and goals to ultimately benefit the help clients and associations to convey a decent nature of administration. Collaboration is the capacity to cooperate towards a typical vision. Collaboration is a fuel that permits commoners to achieve remarkable outcomes (Kotlyar, and Krasman, 2022). Aggregate activity is broadly perceived as a positive power for cooperation in any association or foundation to succeed. Groups empower people to engage themselves and to increment benefits from helpful work connected on collectively. Getting along with others likewise can permit people to more readily comprehend the significance of cooperation and how the association work as well as advance the way of life of collaboration achievement. Without cooperation houses take long to construct, government breakdown and organizations are surpassed by their rivals on the lookout and in conclusion without collaboration individuals lose their motivation (Meslec, Duel and Soeters, 2020).
To increase efficiency in the working environment, it is vital to urge representatives to move forward their exercises and look for help from their bosses. Confidence and efficiency will improve for everybody in the group as a result of the expanded participation among them (Gonzalez, 2021). Colleagues and the creation organization overall are impacted by various elements that affect their efficiency (Ogbonnaya, 2019). The outcome of each and every creation organization representatives is vigorously impacted by the clearness of their objectives and goals, which they ought to continuously remember. Subsequently, representatives should be known about the design of their work environment to perceive the issue and make a suitable move. A large number of variables impact philanthropic representatives’ capacity to take care of their responsibilities really (Valdes, Mckay, and Sanko, 2021).
Statement of the Problem
Two are superior to one, since they have a decent compensation for their diligent effort. For assuming that one of them ought to fall, the other one can raise his accomplice up. Be that as it may, how might it be with simply the person who falls when there is no other to raise him up? This suggests that what an individual cannot accomplish on his own can be accomplished through collaboration. Each association, either enormous or little, battles to get efficiency to make progress and keep a significant picture in this current universe of hierarchical contests and it is the wish of associations to see the info they use (assets) and the result (labor and products created) they have toward the end. Even though a company may have a large number of employees, their productivity is extremely low and their products remain unchanged. This could happen because of nonattendance of cooperation in such associations and provided that this is true, then there are different associations that have groups but accomplish next to zero efficiency by any stretch of the imagination. It could be because of the authority style of the association potentially not ideal for cooperation. The work teams lack effective leadership: There may be various work teams, but no one is in charge of them with the team-leading skills they need. Absence of Inspiration of the Labor force: Even when employees work in teams, low productivity may result from the manner in which employers reward their workforce. Winning Circumstances that upset development in an Association: Organizational productivity may be impacted by the conditions that pervade an organization (such as a failure to adopt novel concepts), the absence of incentive programs, educational advancement, bonuses, job rotation, and the utilization of outdated technologies.
Objective of the Study
The general objective of this study is to investigate the Effect of teamwork on organisational
Productivity of Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria. The specific objectives are as follows:
- To determine the effect of team leadership on organisational productivity in production company in Makurdi, Nigeria
- To ascertain the effect of team communication on organizational productivity in production company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
- To assess the effect of team compensation on organisational productivity in production company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Research Question
The following research questions have been formulated to guide the work.
- To what extent does team leadership affect organisational productivity in Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria?
- What effect does team communication has on organisational productivity in Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria?
- Does team compensation have effect on organisation productivity in Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria?
Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses are formulated in their null forms;
H1, Team Leadership has no significant effect on organisational production company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
H2, Team communication has no significant effect on organisational production company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
H3, Team compensation has no significant effect on organisational production company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Concept of Teamwork
The concept of individuals working together cooperatively, as in a sales team and sports team, is known as teamwork. It has additionally become so esteemed that numerous organizations have created explicit tests to gauge potential representative’s cooperation capacity. Consequently, it has become significant objective in most work puts, the conviction is that collaboration provides representatives with a feeling of responsibility and empowers participation (Ali, Islam, Chung, Zayed, and Afrin, 2020). Group has been around as far back as anybody can recall and there can be not many associations that poor person involved the group in some sense. It is normal to know about supervisory groups, creation groups, administration group or even entire associations being alluded to as groups that is, numerous association today are moving towards “group based” way to deal with work, this implies that functioning in groups is the essential technique used to finish work in these associations (Kader, Kulsum, Islam, Siddiki, Zayed, and Raisa, 2021).
As indicated by Aziz, and Zakaria, (2019), collaboration alludes to a gathering of people who work reliantly to tackle issues or do errands. Deemer, Sharma, and Xu (2022) defined teamwork as the formation and upkeep of a group within an organization to accomplish a common goal. Frummerin,(2020). contended that collaboration is a center action in the working environment, including at least two people who coordinate each other’s work towards achieving positive results, and as per Giedraitis, and Stašys, (2019), cooperation works in a staggered framework containing both working environment level components, for example, the presentation targets set for the group and individual-level factors, for example, colleagues’ immediate encounters.
Cooperation is the most common way of working cooperatively with a gathering to accomplish an objective. The outer elements of cooperation are the political, financial, social and innovative variables that influence collaboration whiles the inside variables of cooperation comprise administration style, variety (culture, ability and characters) correspondence, cohesiveness and so forth which influences teamwork (Zhao, He, Deng, Zhu, Su and Zhang, 2020).
Team Leadership
Yukl (2013) presumed that initiative allude to the method involved with driving individuals through a common vision, those substances that carry out at least one roles of driving, or the capacity to influence human way of behaving to accomplish a mission entitled by the pioneer. Yukl further characterized initiative hierarchically and barely as the capacity of a person to impact, spur and empower others to contribute toward the viability and outcome of the association objectives. Hackman (2013) expressed that initiative includes moving a framework from where it is to situate to some better spot through the pioneers impact. Offerman (2016) expressed that the contemporary authoritative spotlight on elevating and changing over associations all together really make due in the serious working climate. Barth-Farkas (2014) in his overview contended that through groundbreaking initiative a director can create thorough changes in the associations and social orders by showing three sorts of activities which incorporates; character, wise motivation and customized thought. Frummerin (2020) reasoned that charming pioneers are recognized from non-alluring by their trying to change the state of affairs. Meslec, Duel, and Soeters, (2020) are on the opinion that it is comprehensively settled upon that groundbreaking chiefs are equipped for changing the authoritative culture, devotee the standards, objectives and thoughts according to the organization arrangements. Further review looked into that the groundbreaking chiefs are evaluated expressively higher on proportions of orientation attributes and reasonableness and appraised lower on female characteristics like power, animosity and centrality.
Team Communication
Colleagues will uncover their mistakes, sentiments and worries to other colleagues, assuming that confidence remains and whether the climate is appropriate to do as such (Shatila and Alozian, 2019). Many examination and investigations into the worth of certainty and its impacts on group capability have been done, and the discoveries have shown that the certainty climate inside the association and inside the Group is probably going to work on the progress of group pioneers and subsequently permit the business to achieve its objectives productively and actually (Ali, Islam, Chung, Zayed, and Afrin, 2020).
Arthur (2013) characterized correspondence as giving, getting or trading data, feelings or thoughts by composing, discourse or visual means so the material imparted is totally perceived by everybody worried in the association. Therefore, in an organization, communication is the exchange of meaning or comprehension. This can be achieved orally, recorded as a hard copy, signaling and look of the message to be imparted. Through correspondence, a firm can make contacts with its clients both inside and outside, providers and the different inward basics of the association.
Team Compensation
Pay prizes can be portrayed as grants, grants, advancements, and other open positions to advance and lift representative confidence level and the association’s prosperity in general. The team member’s pay incentives will also be enforced in order to motivate them to make additional work-related sacrifices (Frummerin, 2020). However, professional and trained workers will be compensated when they return to work, and staff turnover should be minimized. The group chief in the working environment, in this manner, has the essential obligation to perceive and work against the interests of group pioneers so they can maintain and improve their effectiveness. However, it is understood that the requirements of the team leaders vary from participant to participant, and what inspires person X may not inspire person Y. Some members will require non-monetary benefits like compensated vacations or job appreciation, while others will require cash incentives like salaries or promotions. The team leader will then pay his team members in order to meet their expectations (Shatila & Alozian, 2019).
Representative acknowledgment, prizes, and advancements are instances of work environment compensatory benefits that are given to workers to work on their exhibition and in general organization execution (Shemshurenko, Shemshurenko, Khasanova, and Karimova, (2016). As an outcome, group the board should give financial prizes to propel their partners to work harder. To keep talented workers and reduce employee turnover, employers must pay them well. Group pioneers are liable for keeping their representatives fulfilled and useful by perceiving and addressing their requirements (Zhao, He, Deng, Zhu, Su and Zhang, 2020). Aside from individual inclinations, the requirements of colleagues are known to differ. This proposes that what persuades individual X doesn’t rouse individual (Frummerin, 2020; Parrado-Martínez and Sánchez-Andújar, 2020).
Organizational Performance
Execution can be the result achieved by an individual, group, association, or cycle (Mahfouz, 2019). From an organizational perspective, measuring individuals’ progress toward achieving organizational goals and missions necessitates and cannot be denied the task of evaluating employees’ performance (Askari, Eshaghi, Gordji, and Park, 2019). Execution examination gives mindfulness and criticism and decides the qualities and shortcomings of execution and the place of the association in a violent climate brimming with natural changes. Likewise, execution the executives arrange individual and authoritative way of behaving and work on the presentation of people at the lower to upper levels of the association. Research discoveries demonstrate that associations with proficient and viable execution the board have higher benefits, better turnover, and higher efficiency (Askari, Eshaghi, Gordji, & Park, 2019).
From one perspective, the exhibition of any association is a component of the presentation of the HR of that association and their cooperation with the assets, offices, and innovation accessible in the association. Then again, the exhibition of HR relies upon their inspiration and capacity. Furthermore, the capacity of HR is itself an element of occupation information and abilities in applying the referenced information in performing errands and occupation exercises (Kotlyar, & Krasman, 2022). Moreover, the inspiration of HR relies upon the demeanor of representatives and the conditions in which they work. The process by which these functions are utilized within the organization is what can be referred to as performance management. As such, execution the executives is an incorporated arrangement of approaches and activities that accomplish objectives by zeroing in on individual execution. The presentation examination is a proportion of an association’s viability. It is evident that the organization’s performance will also improve if individual performance is improved (Askari, Eshaghi, Gordji, & Park, 2019).
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the Resource-Based View of the firm (RBV) by Penrose (1959). The theory whereupon this study is secured is the HRM-execution linkage model of Becker and Huselid (1998) whose center way of thinking proposes that cooperation straightforwardly affects worker abilities and inspiration, which are accordingly converted into further developed representative/hierarchical execution. The HRM-execution linkage model depends on the asset based view (RBV) which expresses that expanding employees‟ capacities and inspiration, through collaboration will eventually further develop representative/hierarchical execution (Lopez, Peon, and Ordas, 2005). According to the RBV perspective, an organization’s potential for competitive advantage is based on its capacity to capitalize on the distinctive qualities of its pool of human resources and capabilities.
The essential causal pathway of the HRM-execution linkage model is as expressed beneath: Teamwork, abilities, attitudes, and performance of employees. The general framework of the model is an indirect or hierarchical linkage through the outcomes of skills, attitudes, and behavior between teamwork and employee performance, as shown by the preceding causal pathway (Black, 2001). Collaboration exercises pointed toward giving expanded abilities to workers straightforwardly affects their perspectives: inspiration, responsibility and fulfillment (Barlett, 2001)
The HRM-execution linkage model suggests that teamwork has a direct impact on employee skills and motivation, which in turn leads to improved employee/organizational performance. The RBV perspective emphasizes the importance of capitalizing on the unique qualities of an organization’s human resources and capabilities for competitive advantage.
Relevance of the Theory
This theory/model was viewed as extremely applicable to the review in light of the fact that the issues engaged with collaboration and representative execution could be made sense of inside the structure of the theory. The focal contention is that cooperation works with the procurement of fundamental abilities which prompts upgraded execution of the colleagues in the association. Each individual from the group can never be similarly blessed however through cooperation and joint execution of undertaking, the inclination is for the powerless to gain from areas of strength (Hakanson, 2010).
Empirical Review
According to Njuguna, Wangari, Jacklyne, and Kiiru, (2019) Impact of Teamwork on Employee Performance: Study of Faculty Members in Kenyatta University. The study took a detailed form to analyze the subject using data to describe different perspectives in order to meet the study objective fully. The population targeted was faculty members of Kenyatta University and to cover consumer satisfaction students were involved. The study was an analysis of 100 respondents where the questionnaires were distributed among various schools and in the supportive sector which included the cafeteria and health department. The sampling was purposive in the selection of the respondents and mainly focused on experience period at the faculties. The main instrument used to collect data for this study was mainly a questionnaire and an interactive interview. The instrument was structured in a simple format where simple questions, open-ended, were framed based on the set objectives of the study. The findings indicated that teamwork has proven to be closely related to the performance of the individual employee. This concurs with earlier research work which indicates that teamwork helps to enhance productivity, boosts effectiveness and also efficiency at the workplace. The various faculties and the supporting sectors should seek to enhance the teamwork in attaining their mandate through the participation of every employee
Tamunomiebi, and Ime, (2020) investigated the effect of teamwork on productivity. The study was mostly on military organization. It adopted exploratory research method and used secondary data to carry out qualitative analysis. The study revealed that teamwork has a lot of benefits to the organization as against individualism in terms of higher productivity, better organizational performance, competitive advantage and increased product quality and quantity that highly contributes to organizational productivity compared to other factors. Practically in the military, teamwork is the basis of operation resulting in effective and efficient conduct of any operation; this reinforces the positive effect of teamwork on productivity.
Mohsin, and Mwikya, (2019), explored the impact of collaboration advancement and authoritative execution at Tile and Rug Center (T&C) in Kenya. The cooperation hypothesis secured the factors of the review. The descriptive research design was used in the study. The review populace was 750 staff working in 3 T&C areas while defined irregular examining method was utilized to test 100 respondents. Using the questionnaire, ten employees from the ICD warehouse in Nairobi County participated in the pilot testing. Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure the measure of reliability at 0.7. The review was an illustrative examination and essential information was gathered utilizing a survey. The findings were presented using frequency distribution tables and figures, and prose interpretations were provided. The specialist directed basic relapse examination to figure out the connection between cooperation advancement and hierarchical execution of T&C. The inferential outcomes on impact of cooperation improvement on association execution show R=0.623 demonstrating areas of strength for a connection and R2=0.389 and there was a massive impact between collaboration advancement and association execution (t=7.522, p<0.05).
Janes, (2019), analyzed the significance of collaboration on workers’ exhibition in assembling organizations in Lake Zone locales in Tanzania. Collaboration is quite possibly of the main component that assistance to work on representatives’ presentation in the association. The review embraced overview research plan and utilized a delineated irregular testing strategy to choose an example size of 102 respondents from assembling organizations in Lake Zone districts. Information was gathered utilizing organized surveys and dissected utilizing enlightening measurements, connection examination, Parametric tests (T-test) and relapse investigation and the outcomes introduced utilizing tables. The consequences of the reviewed uncovered that there is a positive huge connection among cooperation and worker execution in assembling organizations in Lake Zone districts in Tanzania.
Njuguna, Wangari, Jacklyne, and Kiiru (2019), zeroed in principally on factors that were related with the cooperation approach at the specific employment climate and their commitment on the worker execution and thus by and large execution of Kenyatta College. The populace focused on was employees of Kenyatta College and to cover customer fulfillment understudies were involved. The review was an examination of 100 respondents where the polls were conveyed among different schools and in the steady area which incorporated the cafeteria and wellbeing division. The examining was purposive in the choice of the respondents and basically centered around experience period at the resources. The fundamental instrument used to gather information for this study was chiefly a poll and an intuitive meeting. The instrument had a straightforward structure, with simple open-ended questions based on the study’s stated goals. Results: The discoveries showed that collaboration has demonstrated to be firmly connected with the presentation of the singular representative. This agrees with prior research work which shows that cooperation assists with improving efficiency, supports adequacy and furthermore effectiveness at work. The different resources and the supporting areas ought to look to upgrade the cooperation in achieving their order through the investment of each and every representative.
Research Design
A research design is the comprehensive blueprint used to guide a study towards the objectives. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted for this study. This design is considered appropriate because it was used to collect relevant data from the respondents on the research variables.
Population of the Study
The population of the study consists of the 25 non managerial staff of Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria
Sample and Sample Size Determination
An example size might be huge or little relying upon the idea of the universe or populace of interest. To empower the scientists produce a decent work piece, Taro Yamen’s equation for deciding example size was utilized.
n= (N/ (1+N (e)2)
n = Sample size
e = The degree of importance which demonstrates the certainty the scientist has on the example that the example components drawn from an ordinary populace have every one of the qualities of the populace and are in this manner an impression of that populace. It is given as 0.05
N= Population
Substituting the variables thus:
n=25/ (1+25(0.05)2)
Thus, n=24
Techniques of Data Analysis
The hypotheses were analyzed using the Chi-Square method. The Chi-Square(X2) is a factual test regularly used to contrast noticed information and information we would hope to get as indicated by a particular speculation. Additionally, it is used to determine the frequency and duration of events, objects, or things. As a device utilized in measurements, it will be gainful in surveying the likelihood of getting the distinction between the real frequencies and the normal frequencies and normal or mean frequencies.
X2 = (∑(O-E)2)/E
X2 = Chi-Square
∑= Summation/Zigma symbol
O= Observed frequency
E= Expected frequency
Test of Hypotheses
The speculations formed for the review are tried in this segment of the review. Every one of the figured out speculations planned for the review is tried in this part utilizing the Chi square test and the choice rule formed before in section three.
Test of Hypothesis One
H01: Team Leadership has no significant effect on organisational productivity in production company in Makurdi, Nigeria
Table 4.8: Chi-Square Output for Hypothesis One
Team Leadership on organisational productivity | |
Chi-Square | 23.463 |
Df | 2 |
Asymp. Sig. | .018 |
Source: SPSS Output, Version 20
The study concludes that Team Leadership has no significant effect on organisational production company in Makurdi, Nigeria because the calculated Chi square is greater than the tabulated Chi square at 2 Degree of Freedom (df) under 5% level of significance, estimated at 5.991.
Test of Hypothesis Two
Ho2: Team communication has no significant effect on organisational productivity in Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Table 4.9 Chi-Square Output for Hypothesis Two
Team communication and organisational productivity | |
Chi-Square | 12.286 |
Df | 2 |
Asymp. Sig. | .002 |
Source: SPSS Output, Version 20
Considering that the determined Chi square is 12.286 and more noteworthy than the organized Chi square at 2 Level of Opportunity (df) under 5% degree of importance assessed at 5.991, the concentrate subsequently dismisses the invalid speculation and presumes that team communication affects organisational productivity in production company Makurdi, Nigeria.
Test of Hypothesis Three
Ho3: Team compensation has no significant effect on organisational productivity in Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria.
Table 4.10: Chi Square Output for Hypothesis Three
Team compensation and organisational productivity | |
Chi-Square | 21.526 |
Df | 2 |
Asymp. Sig. | .000 |
Source: SPSS Output, Version 20
Considering that the determined Chi square is 21.526 and more noteworthy than the arranged Chi square at 2 Level of Opportunity (df) under 5% degree of importance assessed at 5.991, the concentrate accordingly dismisses the invalid speculation and presumes that team compensation affects productivity in production company in makurdi, Nigeria.
Discussion of Findings
The principal objective of the review was set to find out the effect of teamwork on organisational productivity of Production Company in makurdi, Nigeria. To this end, an invalid speculation was figured out and tried utilizing the Chi-Square insights at 5% degree of importance. The outcomes uncovered that Appropriation prerequisite arranging affects teamwork on organisational productivity in Production Company in makurdi, Nigeria. Dispersion prerequisite arranging makes the conveyance of products more proficient and consequently will affect teamwork on organisational productivity. Thus successful appropriation necessity arranging prompts compelling teamwork on organisational productivity. This is in accordance with the investigation of Ogbo, Onekanma and Ukpere (2014) who found that Dissemination Prerequisite Arranging decidedly influences teamwork on organisational productivity
The second level headed of the review was pointed toward deciding the effect of Team communication on organisational productivity in Production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria To realize this, an invalid speculation was figured out and tried utilizing the Chi Square Measurements. The outcomes uncovered that team communication affects organisational productivity in production company Makurdi, Nigeria. This effect is positive and huge at 5% degree of importance. Material asset arranging controls the assets and exercises expected for assembling and creation. This is significant in realizing teamwork on productivity. Crafted by Oballah, Waiganjo and Wachiuri (2015) and Macharia, Iravo, Tirimba and Ombui (2015) who tracked down that the use of IT in overseeing material assets further develops teamwork on productivity.
The third unbiased of the review was set to look at the effect of team compensation on organisational productivity in production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria. To this end, the Chi-Square Statistics were used to test a null hypothesis. The outcomes uncovered that team compensation on organisational productivity in production Company in Makurdi, Nigeria. The day-to-day operations of a warehouse are supported by the warehouse management system. This will most likely further develop stock control effectiveness. Kitjinji (2015) upholds this finding as he figured out before that distribution center administration framework works on stock control in assembling organizations.
The effect of teamwork on organizational productivity in a production company in Makurdi, Nigeria, is undoubtedly significant. Through effective teamwork, companies can leverage the diverse skills and knowledge of their employees to achieve common goals efficiently and effectively. In a production setting, teamwork can streamline processes, improve communication, foster innovation, and enhance overall productivity.
By working collaboratively, employees can share ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and capitalize on each other’s strengths, leading to optimized production processes and higher-quality outputs. Moreover, teamwork cultivates a positive work culture, where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered, ultimately contributing to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention.
In the context of Makurdi, Nigeria, where production companies may face unique challenges such as infrastructure limitations or resource constraints, teamwork becomes even more crucial. By pooling resources and expertise, teams can find creative solutions to overcome obstacles and adapt to changing circumstances, thereby sustaining and even enhancing productivity levels. Overall, the evidence suggests that fostering a culture of teamwork within production companies in Makurdi, Nigeria, can yield substantial benefits for organizational productivity. Investing in team-building activities, promoting collaboration, and providing the necessary support and resources can further amplify these positive effects, positioning companies for long-term success in a competitive market landscape.
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