Evaluation of Students’ Digital Skills in Learning Creative Entrepreneurship Projects on Vocational High Schools, Province of Central Java, Indonesia
- Okta Purnawirawan
- Eddy Sutadji
- Rina Rifqie Marina
- Hakkun Elmunsyah
- 90-103
- Apr 30, 2024
- Education
Evaluation of Students’ Digital Skills in Learning Creative Entrepreneurship Projects on Vocational High Schools, Province of Central Java, Indonesia
Okta Purnawirawan1, Eddy Sutadji2, Rina Rifqie Marina3, Hakkun Elmunsyah4
1Information Technology Education Study Program, Computer Science Faculty, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
1,2,3,4 Vocational Education Doctoral Study Program, Postgraduate School, Malang State University, Malang, Indonesia
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2024.803008S
Received: 13 March 2024; Revised: 26 March 2024; Accepted: 01 April 2024; Published: 30 April 2024
In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, entrepreneurial activities are already digital-based. The emergence of various types of digital transaction software as a media for buying and selling online is a challenge for students. The need for digital skills for Vocational High School (SMK) students to support digital-based entrepreneurial activities. The purpose of this research is to describe the achievement of digital skills in learning entrepreneurial creative projects at Vocational High Schools in Central Java Province, Indonesia. Evaluation of digital skills based on indicators from Monggilo. To describe the research objectives, the research method used is evaluation research. The research sample is thirty vocational students who already have an independent business. The data collection technique used an online questionnaire filling survey using a Google form while the data analysis technique used was interactive analysis from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the digital skills of SMK students in learning Creative Projects and Entrepreneurship: (1) 80.6% of students use digital mobile/smartphone devices for entrepreneurship; (2) 67.7% of students use the Google search engine application software for entrepreneurship; (3) 93.5% of students use WhatsApp social media application software for entrepreneurship; (4) 58.1% of students use the DANA digital wallet application software; and (5) 58.1% of students use the Shopee market place application software. Based on the research data, it is recommended to provide digital marketing knowledge and skills in using marketplace application software and digital payments to vocational students when learning entrepreneurial creative projects.
In this digitalization era, entrepreneurship learning in vocational schools should lead to digital business-based activities. One example is entrepreneurship in the form of a startup. Startup is a business that utilizes technological devices as a support [1]. Startups are part of the digital economy [2]. At the moment, startups that are growing rapidly are E-commerce based startups. E-commerce visualizes the market in the form of buying and selling products online. E-commerce covers all processes of developing, marketing, selling, shipping, servicing and paying customers, with support from a wider network of business partners [3]. Digital business in the form of startups has an impact on the entrepreneurial character of SMK students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 [4].
Entrepreneurial activity in the form of digital business is a high business opportunity because of its flexibility [5]. The implementation of digital business is not limited by space and time so it can be done anytime and anywhere [6]. Digital business is an example of a form of entrepreneurship in the digitalization era [7]. Entrepreneurial learning in Vocational Schools should be able to provide insight into knowledge and skills related to digital business. So that entrepreneurship carried out by vocational students follows the development of needs at this time. Entrepreneurship learning in Vocational Schools is in the subject of entrepreneurial creative projects which are taught in grades eleven and twelfth.
The learning achievement of entrepreneurial creative project lessons is that vocational students are able to actualize the competencies of the concentration of expertise they learn by producing products (goods or services) that are appropriate, innovative, have economic value and are in accordance with customer needs. This learning has the impact of increasing students’ interest in becoming entrepreneurs [8]. Learning entrepreneurial creative projects has an impact on increasing students’ entrepreneurial knowledge and skills [9]. Another impact is the increased ability to think critically in analyzing a business opportunity and managing it [10]. Based on the description of this explanation, it is necessary to provide digital skills for vocational students to manage a business in the current era.
Digital skills are the ability to use Information Technology (IT) devices to make it easier to complete a job. Digital skills are one of the factors that determine the level of individual expertise in the twenty-first century era [11]. Digital skills become an important war in digital education to improve the quality of education [12]. Digital skills are the ability to find, evaluate, use, share and create content using digital devices, such as computers and smartphones. Digital skills are already influencing the development and management of several important sectors such as industry, tourism, engineering and education [13]. The use of Information Technology (IT) devices affects a person’s digital skills [14]. The development of internet technology has a role in someone having digital skills [15]. Digital skills affect the learning process [16]. So that the millennial generation has the opportunity to have very high digital skills because they were born in the digitalization era [17]. Digital skills are needed in developing entrepreneurs.
There is an influence between digital skills on entrepreneurial personal effectiveness competence and entrepreneurial academic competence [18]. In addition, digital literacy influences innovation and readiness in entrepreneurship [19] [20]. Digital literacy also influences interest in entrepreneurship [21] [22] [23]. Digital literacy will also strengthen the ability to manage entrepreneurship [24]. Digital literacy is a form of digital skills that has an impact on entrepreneurial activities. In accordance with the description of the description, this study aims to evaluate the digital skills possessed by vocational students when learning entrepreneurial creative projects. The evaluation is based on four main indicators, namely: (1) Basic knowledge of the digital landscape of the internet and cyberspace; (2) Basic knowledge of information search engines, how to use and sort data; (3) Basic knowledge of chat applications and social media; and (4) Basic knowledge of digital wallet applications, market places, and digital transactions [25].
2.1 Digital Skills
Digital skills are the ability to find, evaluate, use, share and create content using digital devices, such as computers and smartphones [26]. Digital skills can also be defined as the ability to understand and use hardware and software for everyday life effectively.
Digital skills are an individual’s ability to know, understand and use ICT hardware and software as well as digital operating systems [25]. Digital skills can be measured by analyzing several aspects, namely: (1) Devices and software operations skills; (2) Information and data literacy skills; (3) Digital content or product creation skills; (4) Cloud computing competency skills; (5) Digital communication and collaboration skills; (6) Digital communication and collaboration skills; (7) Digital security and ethics skills; and (8) Digital project management skills [26].
Digital skills can be measured by analyzing several aspects, namely: (1) Basic knowledge of the digital landscape of the internet and cyberspace; (2) Basic knowledge of information search engines, how to use and sort data; (3) Basic knowledge of conversation and social media applications; and (4) Basic knowledge of digital wallet applications, market places and digital transactions [25]. These four aspects are indicators in measuring the digital skills possessed by students in this research.
2.2 Digital Entrepreneurship
Digital entrepreneurship is a product marketing activity that utilizes technology as a supporting tool [1]. An example of the implementation of the digital entrepreneurship concept is e-commerce. E-commerce presents a market in the form of buying and selling products online. E-commerce covers all processes of development, marketing, sales, delivery, service and payment for customers, with support from a wider network of business partners [3]. The digital business concept, when applied to entrepreneurship learning in schools, can increase students’ knowledge, skills and character in building and managing a business by utilizing information technology tools as a support [27].
Entrepreneurial activities are currently followed by the demands of trends in the development of Information Technology (IT) devices. The concept of internet-based entrepreneurship or what is known as digital business is a promising business opportunity because of its flexibilit [5]. The implementation of digital entrepreneurship is not limited by space and time so that buying and selling can be done anytime and anywhere [6]. Digital entrepreneurship is an alternative for entrepreneurship in the current era of digitalization [7].
2.3 Entrepreneurial Learning
Entrepreneurship learning is a learning activity that aims to provide students with knowledge and skills related to planning, management and business development [28]. The aim of entrepreneurship learning is so that students are able to create their own jobs, improve their skills in entrepreneurship, so that after graduating they are expected to be work ready and ready to become entrepreneurs independently. To achieve entrepreneurial learning goals, students must have entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and character [29]. In this digital era, skills in using information technology as a means of supporting entrepreneurial activities are very important [30]. The use of information technology tools can improve skills in analyzing entrepreneurial opportunities [31]. The increasingly rapid development of information technology has an impact on forms of entrepreneurial activity. Students through entrepreneurship learning gain knowledge and skills in using information technology tools. These skills will support organizing or managing a business that is run. In this research, students who manage and develop entrepreneurship independently become the object of evaluation based on their digital skills. Based on theoretical studies, the research design carried out can be described as follows
Figure 1. Research Design for Evaluation of Student Digital Skills
The type of research used is evaluation research. Evaluation research is research to find out events or events that have occurred [32]. The research method used is descriptive evaluative method with a qualitative research approach [33] [34] [35] [36]. The evaluative descriptive used in this study is to evaluate the digital skills possessed by Vocational High School students in learning entrepreneurial creative projects. The data collection technique uses an online questionnaire filling survey via the Google form [37] [38]. Google form is an effective media in making questionnaires [39]. The preparation of the questionnaire is based on four main indicators, namely: (1) Basic knowledge of the digital landscape of the internet and cyberspace; (2) Basic knowledge of information search engines, how to use and sort data; (3) Basic knowledge of chat applications and social media; and (4) Basic knowledge of digital wallet applications, market places, and digital transactions [25].
The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis from Miles and Huberman [40] [41]. The steps of data analysis carried out were data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification [42] [43] [44]. The number of research respondents was 30 students from 10 Vocational High Schools in Central Java Province, Indonesia. These students come from 13 Expertise Competencies, namely: Building Modeling and Information Design, Building Sanitation and Maintenance Construction, Multimedia, Software Development and Games, Social Care, Software Engineering, Culinary, Fashion, Audio Video Engineering, Electrical Installation Engineering, Engineering Computers and Telecommunication Networks, Industrial Automation Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Students who are research respondents have the requirement to have self-employed businesses that are managed independently within or outside the school environment.
Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, it was found that information data related to the business conditions run by SMK students was obtained in Table 1.
Table 1. Business Conditions for SMK Students
No | Evaluation Aspects | Evaluation Result |
1. | Form of business carried out | 22.6% sold goods; 22.6% offer services; and 54.8% selling goods and offering services |
2. | Suitability of business with competency expertise | 6.5% very suitable, 45.2% suitable and 48.4% not suitable |
3. | Type of marketing done | 51.7% Online and 48.4% Not Online (Direct) |
In accordance with Table 1, the entrepreneurial characteristics of SMK students are selling goods and offering services. Entrepreneurial students on average are in accordance with the competency skills and some are not in accordance with the competency skills. Examples of students who are entrepreneurs in accordance with the competence of expertise, namely Culinary Entrepreneurship selling self-produced food and beverage products. Students who are not in accordance with the competency skills, namely software engineering students selling clothing and skin care products. Even though it doesn’t match the competence of expertise because selling online by utilizing information technology devices indirectly also matches the competence. Furthermore, marketing is carried out in online and offline forms. Online marketing through marketplace applications and social media applications. While offline by offering products to friends,
teachers, family and the general public.
Specifically evaluating the digital skills of SMK students in learning creative entrepreneurial projects based on four main indicators [25]. Each of these main indicators is used as a sub-indicator in Table 2
Table 2. Digital Skills Indicators and Sub-indicators
No | Indicators | Sub-indicator (Competency) |
1. | Basic knowledge of the digital landscape of the internet and cyberspace | 1. Knowing the types of hardware and software (devices and protection features)
2. Understand the types of hardware and software (devices and protection features) |
2. | Basic knowledge of information search engines, how to use and sort data | 1. Know the types of information search engines, how to use and sort data
2. Knowing how to access and sort data in information search engines 3. Understand the types of information search engines and their uses |
3. | Basic knowledge of chat applications and social media | 1. Knowing the types of conversation and social media applications
2. Know how to access chat applications and social media 3. Knowing the various features available in conversation and social media applications |
4. | Basic knowledge of digital wallet applications, market places, and digital transactions | 1. Knowing the types of digital wallet applications, market places, and digital transactions
2. Knowing how to access digital wallet applications, marketplaces, and digital transactions 3. Understand the features available in digital wallet applications, marketplaces, and digital transactions |
3.1 Basic knowledge of the digital landscape of the internet and cyberspace
This indicator assesses the digital skills of SMK students in knowing, understanding, and using various types of hardware and software. Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, information data related to digital skills in knowing, understanding, and using hardware and software is obtained in Table 3.
Table 3. Digital Skills Using Hardware and Software
No | Question | Result |
1. | Do you understand and know hardware? | 35.5% do not understand and do not know and 64.5% understand and know |
2. | Does entrepreneurship use digital devices? | 80.6% use handphone/smartphones, 41.9% use computers/laptops, 3.2% tablets and 12.9% do not use |
3. | Do you understand and know the software? | 22.6% do not understand and do not know and 77.4% understand and know |
4. | Do you use software in entrepreneurship? | 77.4% use and 22.6% do not use |
In accordance with Table 3, most of the SMK students understand and know about hardware and software. When entrepreneurship, the average student uses a digital mobile phone/smartphone device. Because all vocational students have these devices. Parents provide mobile/smartphone digital devices to assist learning activities at school and other supporting activities. Because all students have digital devices, they also use the software in them. The development of information technology in hardware and software has an impact on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activities [45]. Entrepreneurs easily build and grow businesses through the use of digital devices [46]. The development of digital devices has an influence on the performance of entrepreneurs [47]. The development of internet information technology devices has an effect on increasing online-based entrepreneurs [48]. The development of information technology devices has become a digital-based entrepreneurial opportunity [49].
3.2 Basic knowledge of information search engines, how to use and sort data
This indicator assesses the digital skills of SMK students in knowing, understanding, and using various types of search engine application software. Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, information data related to digital skills in knowing, understanding, and using various types of search engine application software is obtained in Table 4.
Table 4. Digital Skills Using Search Engine Application Software
No | Question | Result |
1. | Do you understand the terms and meaning of search engines? | 74.2% understand and 25.8% do not understand |
2. | Do you utilize or use search engine application software in your entrepreneurship? | 54.8% use and 45.2% do not use |
3. | What search engine application software is used frequently? | 67.7% Google, 41.9% YouTube, 6.5% Yandex, Microsoft Bing, Wiki.com and 3.2% CC Search, Duck Duck Go, Ecosia and 32.3% Don’t Use |
4. | What is your purpose for using search engine application software in entrepreneurship? | 58.1% Looking for prices of goods to make products, 54.8% Looking for information on distributors or buyers, 51.6% Looking for information on promo prices and 48.4% Looking for prices for goods to be sold |
In accordance with Table 4, SMK students understand search engine software. Apart from that, it is also used in entrepreneurial activities. Most students use Google and YouTube search engine software. Students use it to find the price of goods to be sold, information regarding distributors or buyers and promo prices. The Google search engine is useful for optimizing online-based entrepreneurs [50]. Search engine application software is an online-based marketing strategy [51] [52]. Optimizing the use of search engine software can increase sales [53]. The use of search engine software can enhance online product marketing and promotion [54].
3.3 Basic knowledge of chat applications and social media
This indicator assesses the digital skills of SMK students in knowing, understanding, and using various types of communication application software. Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, information data related to digital skills in knowing, understanding, and using various types of communication application software is obtained in Table 5.
Table 5. Digital Skills Using Communication Application Software
No | Question | Result |
1. | Do you understand about synchronous and asynchronous communication? | 93.5% understand and 6.5% do not understand |
2. | When running your business, do you use synchronous (live) application software? | 90.3% Use and 9.7 do not use |
3. | What synchronous application software is often used in entrepreneurship? | 93.5% WhatsApp, 67.7% Instagram, 32.3% Facebook, 19.4% Telegram and 6.6% Don’t Use |
4. | In running your business, do you use asynchronous (indirect) application software? | 61.3% Do not use and 38.7% use |
5. | What asynchronous application software is often used in entrepreneurship? | 32.3% Email, 9.7% website or blog and 61.3% Don’t Use |
6. | What is your purpose for using communication application software in entrepreneurship? | 80.6% Product promotion media, 58.1% online buying and selling media, 54.8% looking for buyer information data, and 51.6% carrying out the product delivery process |
In accordance with Table 5, SMK students understand synchronous and asynchronous communication. Students prefer to use synchronous rather than asynchronous communication types. The use of synchronous application software such as Whats App, Instagram and Facebook is a medium in online marketing. Students use the application software to promote products, as a media for buying and selling online and looking for information regarding buyers. Facebook is one of the communication media for online business promotion media [55]. The use of social media can increase interest in entrepreneurship [56] [57] [58]. Using Instagram helps to promote and do business online [59]. WhatsApp can be used as an online-based marketing medium [60].
WhatsApp social media application software can be used as product promotion, branding, marketing of entrepreneurial activities [61]. Instagram and Facebook can be used as digital content media for online-based marketing purposes [62] [63]. Instagram supports digital-based entrepreneurs because the application software contains various supporting features [64]. The use of social media application software has an impact on online-based entrepreneurial activities [65]. The use of social media application software is very influential in the implementation of digital-based entrepreneurship.
3.4 Basic knowledge of digital wallet applications, market places, and digital transactions
This indicator assesses the digital skills of SMK students in knowing, understanding, and using various types of digital wallet and marketplace application software. Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the respondents, information data related to digital skills in knowing, understanding, and using various types
of digital wallet and marketplace application software is obtained in Table 6.
Table 6. Digital Skills Using Digital Wallet And Marketplace Application Software
No | Question | Result |
1. | Do you understand digital wallet application software? | 90.3% Understand and 9.7% Don’t Understand |
2. | When running your business, do you use digital wallet application software? | 58.1% FUNDS, 54.8% ShopeePay, 45.2% GoPay, 32.3% OVO, 6.6% LinkAja and 29% Don’t use |
3. | Do you understand market place application software? | 87.1 Understand and 12.9% Do not Understand |
4. | In running your business, do you use market place application software? | 58.1% Shopee, 38.7% Tokopedia, 22% Lazada, 19.4% Bukalapak, 12.9% Blibli, 6.5% JD.ID, Jakarta Notebook and 41.9% Don’t Use |
5. | Do you understand digital transactions? | 77.4% Understand and 22.6% Don’t Understand |
In accordance with Table 6, SMK students understand digital transactions, digital wallet application software, and market places. When running their business, most students use the DANA, Shopee Pay, and Go Pay digital wallet application software. The use of digital wallet application software is not only used for transaction purposes in entrepreneurial activities. Students use it for everyday purposes such as paying for transportation to school and ordering food or drinks online. However, for market place application software students still don’t use it much. Only a few students use market place application software such as Shopee, Tokopedia and Lazada. The use of market place application software is not only for entrepreneurial activities, but students also use it to buy school or daily necessities online.
Market place application software can be used as a promotional medium for entrepreneurial activities [66] [67] [68]. The use of Shopee as a market place application software can increase interest in entrepreneurship [69] [70]. The shopee market place can be used as a marketing medium for digital-based products [71]. Bukalapak marketplace can be used as an online marketing medium [72]. Tokopedia market place can be used as digital marketing media [73] [74]. To attract buyers, entrepreneurs can use the Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak, Lazada and Blibli marketplaces as online marketing media [75]. Several market places can increase the buying and selling of online-based marketing [76].
The existence of digital wallet application software facilitates online payment transactions [77]. To simplify the online-based product sales process, market place application software can be used [78]. Market place facilitates digital-based product promotion activities [79] [80]. The use of digital wallet and market place application software is an example of digital transaction activities. Entrepreneurial activities are more effectively carried out using the concept of digital transactions. With digital transactions, entrepreneurial activities can be carried out anytime and anywhere.
Based on the evaluation indicators, it shows that the digital skills of SMK students in learning Creative Entrepreneurship Projects: (1) 80.6% of students use digital mobile/smartphone devices for entrepreneurship; (2) 67.7% of students use the Google search engine application software for entrepreneurship; (3) 93.5% of students use WhatsApp social media application software for entrepreneurship; (4) 58.1% of students use the DANA digital wallet application software; and (5) 58.1% of students use the Shopee market place application software. Based on the research data, it is recommended to provide digital marketing knowledge and skills in using marketplace application software and digital payments to SMK students when learning entrepreneurial creative projects.
Based on the results of the research data, the researchers made recommendations, namely: (1) Providing digital knowledge and skills to students in using and managing marketplace applications and digital wallet applications to support entrepreneurial activities; (2) Providing knowledge and skills to students in digital marketing strategies for profit; (3) Guiding and monitoring students so that the business they develop can survive and compete with competitors; and (4) Providing training to students in creating and managing digital promotional content as marketing media.
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