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Examination of Athletes’ Achievement Motivation in Sports with Respect to Various Variables

Examination of Athletes’ Achievement Motivation in Sports with Respect to Various Variables

Muhammet Yılmaz1, Kenan Koç 2, Mustafa Soner Yüce3*, Halit Harmancı4

1Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Istanbul, TURKEY

1.2 Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Graduate Institute, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kutahya, TURKEY

2 Erciyes University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Kayseri, TURKEY

3 Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Istanbul, TURKEY

4Kütahya Dumlupınar University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Coach Education, Kutahya, TURKEY

*Corresponding Author


Received: 02 October 2024; Accepted: 07 October 2024; Published: 09 November 2024


The purpose of this study is to examine the achievement motivation of individuals who continue their sporting careers as licensed athletes in various sports branches. The research involved 258 randomly selected volunteers who are actively engaged in various sports at the high school and university levels. The data collection instruments used in the study were the ‘Sports Achievement Motivation Scale’, developed by Willis (1982) and adapted to Turkish by Tiryaki and Gödelek (1997), and a personal information form prepared by the researcher. The personal information form consisted of 6 questions aimed at obtaining information about the participants’ gender, age, educational status, sports branch, athletic background, and personal development book reading habits.Statistical analyses of the obtained data were performed using the SPSS 27.0 package program. Personal information, total inventory scores, and factor scores of the candidates were presented using frequency (f) and percentage (%) values. One-way analysis of variance (LSD) test statistics were used to compare the scores obtained from the scales.The results revealed significant differences based on age, educational status, athletic background, and personal development book reading habits (p<0.05). However, no significant differences were found in terms of gender and sports branch variables (p>0.05). When examining the overall achievement motivation averages of the athletes, it was determined that they possessed low levels of achievement motivation.

Keywords: Sports, Achievement, Motivation


Athletes, coaches, club managers, fans, and those closely involved with sports, as well as those who engage in sports in neighborhoods or between institutions, all strive to achieve success in sports. Globally, there are frequent organizations where athletes can showcase their talents and performances. In fact, success in sports has become a means of prestige and competition for countries in the international arena, leading states to formulate sports-oriented policies and make substantial investments (Aktaş, Çobanoğlu, Yazıcılar & Er, 2008). However, in today’s world, only a certain proportion of the tens of thousands or even millions of young athletes with equal physical abilities and training opportunities in sports-leading countries and other nations engaged in sporting activities can reach elite performance levels (Yavuz Eroğlu & Eroğlu, 2019).

While ever-evolving technologies, training methods, and materials are considered primary factors in an individual’s path to success, the athlete’s desire to win and achieve holds a significant place among all elements. This aspect, important within sports science, has been attempted to be defined by psychology through the term motivation (Yılmaz, A., Kırımoğlu, H., Kaynak, K., 2019). Sports scientists assert that achieving and maintaining elite-level performance is influenced by several factors, categorized as primary and secondary. The primary factors for elite performance include genetics, training, and psychological factors, while secondary factors encompass socio-cultural aspects, athlete fatigue levels, and the number of competitions participated in. Parallel to these factors, successful athletes demonstrate high levels of self-confidence and concentration, as well as less distractibility as psychological factors. Moreover, high-performing athletes possess more comprehensive and detailed knowledge about their performance. Additionally, these athletes experience lower anxiety levels before and during competitions and can control their anxiety levels to maintain their high performance (Aydoğdu, Şahan, Erman, 2018).

In other words, motivation is an element that encompasses three fundamental characteristics: initiating human action towards a determined goal, providing the ability to sustain that action, and directing it positively. It also means encouraging individuals to work, mobilizing them, and inspiring them (Balkis, 2019). Furthermore, we can define motivation as the direction and scope of effort exhibited. To understand motivation, it is necessary to evaluate the individual and the situation, as well as how they interact with each other. To increase positive motivation, it is not sufficient to understand or influence the athlete’s personality; it is also necessary to understand and influence the interaction between personal and situational characteristics (Zorlu, Algün Doğu, Yıldız, Yılmaz, 2020).

To achieve high performance in sports, it is necessary to be mentally and emotionally strong and prepared, in parallel with physical and physiological strength. Numerous theories have been proposed to define the power required for athletes to execute and maintain high-level performance training. Achievement motivation is just one of these theories (Kuru, E., Abakayı, U., 2009). Achievement motivation has been defined as undertaking a task with perfectionism, mastering it, overcoming encountered obstacles and problems, and performing the task better than others in order to reach a goal through one’s own efforts. It is characterized by an individual’s determination to succeed in any subject, persistence in the face of difficulties, and progress driven by the pride to be gained upon reaching the goal. The theory of achievement motivation explains why a person participates in an activity for a specific purpose, why they persist in the face of challenges, and why they maintain this attitude for an extended period (Yaşar, Sönmez, B., 2018:23).

Competitiveness and rivalry, fundamental elements of sports, are thought to stem from achievement motivation. The achievement need theory emphasizes that some individuals derive greater pleasure from success-oriented activities rather than merely achieving success. However, it is crucial to note that each individual has a unique perception of success. Consequently, if the outcome is performance-based, we can call it success when considering it as the athlete’s determination, persistence, and skill. On the other hand, if the same performance-based result is attributed to the athlete’s incompetence or insufficient effort and determination, it is termed as failure. Therefore, what is called success for one athlete may be considered failure for another (Özgün, A., Yaşartürk, F., Ayhan, B., Bozkuş, T., 2017).

Sports are often associated with motivation due to their inherent qualities of consistency, work, and effort. Indeed, an athlete’s or individual’s success is directly proportional to their motivation for the activity they are engaged in. To understand the concept of success in sports and the variability of success among individuals, it is necessary to examine the role and types of motivation in sports (Eri, E., 2018). Among these motives, the Power Demonstration Motive manifests as “an individual’s influence over other athletes and appearing stronger than others.” Another type of motive we encounter is the Approach to Success Motive, which can be described as “the positive impact capacity that an individual expects to achieve success in a competitive environment.” Lastly, the Avoidance of Failure motive can be defined as “the factors that determine an individual’s participation in competitive environments.” These factors are directly proportional to an individual’s inherently anxious nature (Türkmen, M., Zekioğlu, A., Yıldız, K., Göral, M., 2013).

This study aims to determine the sport-specific achievement motivation of active licensed athletes studying at high school and university levels.


Study Group

This research employs a relational survey model. This survey model can be defined as “research models aiming to determine the existence and/or degree of covariance between two or more variables” (Karasar, 2015). The research is descriptive in nature as it aims to assess the sport-specific achievement motivation levels of athletes studying at high school and university levels.

Data Collection Tools

During the administration of the surveys to participants, the researchers attempted to create an adequate evaluation process for each candidate, providing ample time, without rushing, making necessary explanations, and ensuring a sufficient assessment period for the participants. Moreover, appropriate conditions were provided for candidates to complete the forms in a comfortable environment. The data collection tools used in the research were the Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale (SSAMS), developed by Joe D. Willis (1982) and adapted for Turkish athletes by Tiryaki and Gödelek (1997), and a socio-demographic information form.

Formation of Volunteer Groups

The research will be conducted on the study group. The study group consists of 258 students studying at high school and university levels in Istanbul Province, selected through random sampling.

Table 1. Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Participants

Variable N %
Gender Male 161 62,4
Female 97 37,6
Age 15-17 109 42,2
18-20 97 37,6
21-23 32 12,4
24-26 20 7,8
Educational Status High School 150 58,1
University 108 41,9
Sports Branch Football 109 42,2
Volleyball 28 10,9
Basketball 25 9,7
Combat Sports 45 17,4
Athletics 19 7,4
Other 32 12,4
Years in Sports 0-2 13 5,0
3-5 81 31,4
6-8 92 35,7
9 and above 72 27,9
Personal Development Book Reading Status Yes 153 59,3
No 105 40,7

Socio-demographic Information Form

In developing the socio-demographic information form for this study, research involving sports motivation scales and socio-demographic information forms in the literature were examined, and a pool of characteristics to be identified in athletes was created. Subsequently, with the assistance of statistical experts, the socio-demographic information form was constructed. This form comprises six questions designed to obtain information such as gender, age, educational status, sports branch, years of athletic experience, and personal development book reading status.

Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale (SSAMS)

Developed by Joe D. Willis (1982), the scale consists of 40 items and 3 sub-dimensions, prepared according to a five-point rating system. These five points are expressed as “Never, Very Little, Sometimes, Quite Often, and Always”. In the original scale, the Cronbach’s Alpha value for the three sub-dimensions was reported to be between .76 and .78, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was between .69 and .75. SSAMS was adapted for Turkish athletes by Tiryaki and Gödelek (1997). The Cronbach’s Alpha value for the adapted scale was reported as .81 for the Power Motive sub-dimension, .82 for the Motive to Approach Success sub-dimension, and .80 for the Motive to Avoid Failure sub-dimension. For this study, the overall Cronbach’s Alpha value was calculated as .74, and for the three sub-dimensions, it ranged between .65 and .72.

Table 2. Sub-dimensions and Items of the Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale

Sub-dimensions Items in Sub-dimensions Number of Items
Power Motive 1,3,5,7,9,10,11,13,21,29,30,35 12
Motive to Approach Success 4,6,8,12,16,18,19,20,23,24, 26,31,32,33,36,38,39 17
Motive to Avoid Failure 2,14,15,17,22,25,27,28,34,37,40 11

Data Analysis

Personal information, total inventory scores, and factor scores of the candidates were presented using frequency (f) and percentage (%) values. Skewness and Kurtosis values were examined to determine the distribution of scores obtained from the scales. The results showed that the distribution of data was within the +/-2 range. Cooper-Cutting (2010) interprets skewness and kurtosis values within the ± 2 range as appropriate for normality. Based on these results, parametric test statistics were used to compare the obtained data. While an independent T-test was used for pairwise comparisons of scores from the scales, one-way analysis of variance was used for comparing three or more variables. For sub-dimensions where significant differences were detected as a result of one-way analysis of variance, the LSD test statistic was used for pairwise comparisons in cases of homogeneous distribution and unequal group numbers.


Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Athletes’ Scores from the Sport Achievement Motivation Scale

Scale N Minimum Maksimum M±Sd Skewness Kurtosis
Power Motive 258 20,00 50,00 36,03±4,26 -,251 ,263
Motive to Approach Success 258 50,00 80,00 63,18±4,79 -,163 -,386
Motive to Avoid Failure 258 25,00 50,00 35,88±4,73 ,081 -,321
Total Achievement Motivation 258 105,00 160,00 136,06±9,76 -,356 ,232

Examining Table 3, it was determined that the mean score of the power motive sub-dimension was 36.03±4.26, the motive to approach success sub-dimension was 63.18±4.79, the motive to avoid failure sub-dimension was 35.88±4.73, and the total achievement motivation sub-dimension was 136.06±9.76.

Table 4. Comparison of Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale Scores According to Athletes’ Gender

Scale Sub-dimensions Gender N M±Sd t p
Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Power Motive Male 161 36,10±4,50 ,351 ,716
Female 97 35,91±3,84
Motive to Approach Success Male 161 63,36±4,63 ,770 ,433
Female 97 62,88±5,04
Motive to Avoid Failure Male 161 35,52±5,02 -1,582 ,099
Female 97 36,47±4,15
Total Achievement Motivation Male 161 136,04±9,88 -,031 ,975
Female 97 136,08±9,60

Examining Table 4, no significant differences were found in the sub-dimensions of power motive, motive to approach success, motive to avoid failure, and total achievement motivation according to the athletes’ gender (p>0.05).

Table 5. Comparison of Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale Scores by Athletes’ Ages

Scale Subdimensions Age N M±Sd F p Difference (LSD)
Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation  

Power Motive

15-17 109 34,90±4,37 7,612 ,000 a<c


18-20 97 36,14±4,06
21-23 32 37,94±3,37
24-26 20 38,55±3,80
Motive to Approach Success 15-17 109 62,69±4,54 1,307 ,273
18-20 97 63,16±5,11
21-23 32 63,97±4,60
24-26 20 64,65±4,64
Motive to Avoid Failure 15-17 109 36,66±4,65 3,513 ,016 a>d
18-20 97 35,60±4,83
21-23 32 35,78±3,82
24-26 20 33,10±5,08
Total Achievement Motivation 15-17 109 134,75±10,18 2,246 ,083
18-20 97 135,98±9,86
21-23 32 139,34±5,86
24-26 20 138,30±10,91

When Table 5 is examined, a statistically significant difference was found in the power motive subdimension and the motive to avoid failure subdimension based on the athletes’ ages (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was detected in the motive to approach success subdimension and the total achievement motivation subdimension (p>0.05).

Table 6. Comparison of Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale Scores According to Athletes’ Educational Status

Scale Sub-dimensions Educational Status N M±Sd t p
Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Power Motive High School 150 34,94±4,28 -5,061 ,000
University 108 37,54±3,75
Motive to Approach Success High School 150 62,73±4,88 -1,794 ,071
University 108 63,81±4,61
Motive to Avoid Failure High School 150 36,73±4,71 3,506 ,001
University 108 34,69±4,51
Total Achievement Motivation High School 150 135,01±10,47 -2,052 ,035
University 108 137,52±8,51

Analysis of Table 6 reveals statistically significant differences in the power motive subdimension, motive to avoid failure subdimension, and total achievement motivation scores based on athletes’ educational status (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in the motive to approach success subdimension (p>0.05).

Table 7. Comparison of Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale Scores According to Athletes’ Sport Disciplines

Scale Subdimensions Sport Discipline N M±Sd F p Difference (LSD)
Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation  

Power Motive

Football 109 36,24±4,62 ,769 ,573
Volleyball 28 36,86±3,10
Basketball 25 35,04±4,28
Combat Sports 45 36,24±3,76
Athletics 19 35,42±4,57
Other 32 35,41±4,33
Motive to Approach Success Football 109 63,59±4,66 ,857 ,511
Volleyball 28 64,14±3,95
Basketball 25 62,52±4,41
Combat Sports 45 62,78±5,33
Athletics 19 63,00±5,52
Other 32 62,13±4,94
Motive to Avoid Failure Football 109 35,72±4,99 1,550 ,175
Volleyball 28 36,04±3,55
Basketball 25 34,76±3,89
Combat Sports 45 37,20±4,94
Athletics 19 34,21±5,13
Other 32 36,28±4,55
Total Achievement Motivation Football 109 136,76±9,72 1,385 ,230
Volleyball 28 138,07±7,75
Basketball 25 132,76±9,14
Combat Sports 45 136,96±10,04
Athletics 19 133,53±10,11
Other 32 134,72±10,95

Examination of Table 7 indicates no statistically significant differences in the power motive, motive to approach success, motive to avoid failure, and total achievement motivation subdimensions based on athletes’ sport disciplines (p>0.05).

Table 8. Comparison of Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale Scores According to Athletes’ Years of Experience

Scale Subdimensions Years of Experience N M±Sd F p Difference (LSD)
Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation  

Power Motive

0-2 13 34,46±4,41 6,296 ,000 a<d



3-5 81 35,88±4,28
6-8 92 35,07±4,18
9 and above 72 37,71±3,83
Motive to Approach Success 0-2 13 61,23±4,51 2,026 ,111
3-5 81 62,62±4,56
6-8 92 63,22±4,72
9 and above 72 64,11±5,05
Motive to Avoid Failure 0-2 13 33,15±3,02 1,845 ,139
3-5 81 36,00±5,13
6-8 92 36,35±4,67
9 and above 72 35,63±4,48
Total Achievement Motivation 0-2 13 130,08±9,69 4,470 ,004 a<d


3-5 81 135,44±9,52
6-8 92 135,10±10,38
9 and above 72 139,06±8,45

Analysis of Table 8 reveals statistically significant differences in the power motive subdimension and total achievement motivation scores based on athletes’ years of experience (p<0.05). However, no significant differences were observed in the motive to approach success and motive to avoid failure subdimensions (p>0.05).

Table 9. Comparison of Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale Scores According to Athletes’ Personal Development Book Reading Status

Scale Sub-dimensions Personal Development Book Reading Status N M±Sd t p
Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Power Motive Yes 153 36,66±4,04 2,877 ,004
No 105 35,10±4,42
Motive to Approach Success Yes 153 63,66±4,68 1,947 ,051
No 105 62,48±4,88
Motive to Avoid Failure Yes 153 35,43±4,59 -1,811 ,068
No 105 36,52±4,87
Total Achievement Motivation Yes 153 137,08±8,62 1,961 ,041
No 105 134,56±11,08

Examination of Table 9 indicates statistically significant differences in the power motive subdimension and total achievement motivation scores based on athletes’ personal development book reading status (p<0.05). However, no significant differences were observed in the motive to approach success and motive to avoid failure subdimensions (p>0.05).


Analysis of our research findings revealed no statistically significant difference between participants’ gender groups and achievement motivation subdimensions. Examination of the obtained data showed that female participants had higher mean scores in the motive to avoid failure compared to male participants, while male participants demonstrated higher mean scores in the motive to approach success and power motive compared to female participants.

A review of the literature reveals findings parallel to our study. Kartal et al. (2017), in their investigation of the relationship between imagery use and achievement motivation among team athletes, found no significant difference between gender groups and achievement motivation subdimensions. They observed that female athletes had higher mean scores in the motive to avoid failure compared to males, while males had higher mean scores in the power motive compared to females. Similarly, Özgün et al. (2017), in their study on sport-specific achievement motivation among handball players, reported no significant difference between gender and sport achievement motivation, while noting that male athletes had higher mean scores than female athletes, which supports our findings.

However, the literature also includes studies that do not align with our results. Balkis, F. (2019), in a study conducted on tennis players, identified a significant relationship between gender and sport achievement motivation. In another study, Yanar et al. (2017) found that women had higher total scores in sport achievement motivation compared to men. The reason for obtaining such a result in our study is thought to stem from the fact that the feeling of achieving success in sports holds an important place for everyone, and a certain motivation is provided by everyone to achieve this.

Examination of the relationship between participants’ age groups and achievement motivation subdimensions revealed statistically significant differences in the power motive and motive to avoid failure subdimensions. According to the results, athletes under 20 years of age had lower mean scores in the power motive and motive to avoid failure subdimensions compared to athletes over 20 years of age. On the other hand, no significant difference was detected in the motive to approach success subdimension.

In the literature, parallel to our study, Kartal et al. (2017) found significant differences between younger and older athletes in the power motive subdimension of achievement motivation in their research on the relationship between imagery use and achievement motivation among team athletes . Contrary to our study, Yanar et al. (2017) reported no statistically significant difference between participants’ age groups and sport achievement motivation subdimensions. Can et al. (2010), in their study examining the relationship between family-coach-club support and achievement motivation in elite taekwondo athletes, found no statistically significant difference between participants’ age groups and achievement motivation subdimensions. Similarly, Kılınç et al. (2011), in their research on motivational levels of team sport athletes according to different variables, found no statistically significant difference between participants’ age groups and sport achievement motivation subdimensions.

Although our research findings indicate differences in mean scores between sports branch groups and achievement motivation sub-dimensions in sports, this result does not constitute a statistically significant difference.

Our research findings reveal a statistically significant difference between participants’ education level groups and their achievement motivation sub-dimension scores in sports. Upon examination of the results, it is observed that participants with university-level education have statistically higher total mean scores in the Power Motive and Fear of Failure Motive sub-dimensions compared to participants with high school-level education. No statistically significant difference was detected between participants’ achievement motivation approach to success sub-dimension and the education level variable. These results parallel the findings regarding the relationship between age group variable and achievement motivation sub-dimensions.

A review of the literature supports our findings. In his master’s thesis titled “Comparison of Achievement Motivation Levels between Professional Male Football Players and Amateur Male Football Players (Izmir-Manisa Sample)”, Türkmen, M. (2005) reported that participants with university-level education had statistically higher mean scores in the power motive and fear of failure motive sub-dimensions compared to participants with high school-level education, when examining the relationship between participants’ education level variable and achievement motivation sub-dimensions in sports. However, he noted no statistically significant difference in the mean scores of the approach to success motive sub-dimension in relation to the participants’ education level variable.

Our research findings indicate a statistically significant difference between participants’ athletic background variable and their achievement motivation sub-dimension scores in sports. According to the obtained data, participants with an athletic background of 9 years or more have statistically significant higher mean scores in the power motive sub-dimension compared to those with less than 9 years of athletic experience. Participants with 2 years or less athletic background have lower total scores in the fear of failure motive sub-dimension compared to those with more than 2 years of athletic experience. However, there is no statistically significant difference between the total mean scores of the approach to success motive sub-dimension and athletic background groups.

A review of the literature reveals findings parallel to our study. Balkis, F. (2019) found that tennis players with 10 or more years of sports experience had higher scores in the power motive and approach to success motive sub-dimensions compared to participants with 1 year or less sports experience. Türkmen, M. (2005) determined that experienced football players had significantly different scores in the power motive and fear of failure motive sub-dimensions of sports achievement motivation compared to inexperienced players, but found no significant difference in the approach to success motive sub-dimension scores. This can be attributed to experienced athletes’ developed desire and courage to demonstrate power and exert pressure on opponents, while their cautious approach to avoiding failure may stem from a reluctance to take risks and anxiety about the possibility of failure, leading to hesitancy in decision-making.

Contrary to our findings, Can et al. (2010) found no significant relationship between sports achievement motivation and years of sports experience groups. Zorlu et al. (2020), in their study examining the effect of personality traits on achievement motivation in athletics, found no significant difference between participants’ sports achievement motivation sub-dimension scores and their years of sports experience. Tozkar, E. (2019) determined no significant difference between student-athletes’ sports backgrounds and their achievement levels.

Our research findings reveal a significant difference between athletes’ personal development book reading groups and the power motive sub-dimension of sports achievement motivation. According to the results, the mean scores of those who read personal development books are statistically significantly higher than those who do not. This can be attributed to the fact that personal development books enhance an individual’s ability to express themselves better, emphasize leadership qualities, and promote assertiveness, which manifests as a power motive in sports. No significant difference was detected between participants’ personal development book reading variable and the fear of failure motive or approach to success motive sub-dimensions of sports achievement motivation. A literature review did not yield any studies specifically addressing the relationship between “reading personal development books” and “Sports-Specific Achievement Motivation.”

The results of our study indicate that university-level athletes have higher mean scores in the power motive sub-dimension of Sports-Specific Achievement Motivation compared to high school-level students, while their total mean scores in the fear of failure motive sub-dimension are lower than those of high school students. This suggests that university-level athletes, being older, have likely gained more experience compared to high school-level athletes. As each experience positively contributes to maturity, decision-making, and self-expression, this could explain the higher scores in the power motive sub-dimension. Conversely, the lower scores in the fear of failure motive sub-dimension among high school students might be attributed to their relative inexperience and lack of self-confidence due to their younger age.


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