Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Filipino Subject of Grade 9 Students in Dolores National High School Division of Eastern Samar
- Julie Christie P. Paano
- Helen C. Fuentes, PhD
- 1726-1739
- Dec 10, 2024
- Education
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Filipino Subject of Grade 9 Students in Dolores National High School Division of Eastern Samar
1Julie Christie P. Paano, 2Helen C. Fuentes, PhD
1Graduate School, Eastern Samar State University-Main Campus, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines, 6800
2Associate Professor, Graduate School, Eastern Samar State University-Main Campus, Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines, 6800
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2024.8110135
Received: 29 October 2024; Accepted: 07 November 2024; Published: 10 December 2024
This study investigates factors affecting academic achievement in Filipino subject of Grade 9 students in Dolores National High School Division of Eastern Samar. A descriptive and correlational design using a survey questionnaire for relational purposes. The data used in this study were taken from Grade 9 students, there are 17 sections of the Grade 9 Curriculum with a 640 number of students in Dolores National High School. However, the respondents were randomly selected; G9-Dalton with 36 students, G9-Euclid with 35 students, and G9-Arsenic with 35 students a total of 106. However, subjected to statistical analysis such as the mean percentage, frequency, aggregate mean, and correlation test were used. The statistical findings revealed that the student’s profile shows a majority are female learners, with college graduates and high school graduates for mothers’ educational attainment, and dominated by high school graduates for fathers’ educational attainment. Likewise, the attitude towards the subject has potentially led to improved academic performance and has been very much favorable and outstanding academic achievement in the Filipino learning area. After the correlation analysis, the profile in terms of gender, and educational attainment of the mother and father of the respondents was statistically related to their academic performance. There is a significant relationship between students’ profiles and academic achievement. However, a significant relationship established in the attitude toward the Filipino subject has been affected influence on students’ academic achievement. Lastly, students’ attitude towards Filipino significantly affects academic achievement in Filipino. Therefore, students with a positive attitude subject tend to like Filipino. Their positive view of the subject as a valuable subject in everyday life builds their confidence in being engaged in the subject. Consequently, students’ positive attitude towards Filipino subject positively impacts their Filipino achievement. It is therefore recommended that teachers instill a positive attitude in the learners to improve academic achievement through reinforcing positive attitudes, boosting learning outcomes, and motivating children to learn, grow, and improve.
Keywords: Factors, Academic achievement, Filipino subject, Grade 9 students
The teacher plays an important role in the learning of every Filipino student which serves as a challenge for teachers to make their profession meaningful, and being their second parent is important to be implemented within the classroom (Belvez, 2002). No teacher will say that it is not their duty to provide proper guidance to their student. Because of this, it is only right that a teacher should provide a meaningful source of discussion on each topic that he or she will discuss in class and carefully evaluate it. The teacher plans and decides the appropriate method to be used on a topic to be discussed and the learning of the students also depends on him. That is why the progress of education depends on the hands of teachers who teach in the secondary and primary schools in the Philippines. Therefore, the Department of Education is providing various programs that will help change the state of education in the Philippines through providing many books for students to use in their studies, free tuition fee, and non-compulsory wearing of uniforms, just so as to encourage education and increase literacy in the Philippines. But all of these are not enough to deny the fact that many young students have no interest in learning which has led the government to waste money just to educate young Filipinos (Francisco, et.al., 2007). The low quality of education is evidenced by the low performance of students in the Philippines (Brito, 1999). This result is supported by a study conducted by the Education Commission (EDCOM 1999) with the conclusion that low performance of elementary and secondary students does not meet the expected purpose of education. There are numeros factors influenced the academic achievement of students. In the Grade – 9 curriculum of Filipino subject, little is known about how gender, parental educational attainment and attitude towards the subject. According to Brew, A. Nketiah, B. and Koranteng, R. (2021), academic performance is affected by many factors including parents’ education level income, teachers’ knowledge of the subject truancy, textbook and availability, libraries, practical laboratory, meal provision and many other factors. The curriculum in our country is periodically revised because of the rapid rate of change in education and the need to keep abreast with the new and innovative development. With the implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum, educators and curriculum planners believed that there will be a balanced cognitive demands and clearer articulation of the 21st century skills. This aims to decongest the current K to 12 curriculum and which includes a reduction in the number of competencies and is more focused on the development of foundational skills such as literacy, numeracy and socio-emotional skills among younger learners. Thus, focus must be given to particular learning areas in the education system. The importance of studying the factors affecting the achievement in Filipino of Grade 9 students are the several reasons: Understanding student achievement by studying the factors that affect Filipino language achievement, educators can gain insights into the learning process and better understand the unique difficulties that Filipino students may face. This knowledge can inform teaching strategies and interventions aimed at improving student achievement. Identifying potential challenges. The study can help identify potential challenges that hinder student achievement in Filipino. This could include factors such as socioeconomic status, language barriers, learning disabilities, and lack of resources. By knowing these challenges, educators can work towards finding solutions and providing necessary support to enhance student success. Informing curriculum development: The study’s findings can inform curriculum development and adjustments in Filipino language education. By understanding which factors have the greatest impact on students achievement., curriculum designers can tailor the curriculum to address these specific needs and challenges. Thus can lead to more effective teaching materials, methods, and assessments. Tailoring educational interventions: The research can provide valuable insights into the most effective educational interventions for improving Filipino language achievement. Based on the identified factors, educators can design targeted interventions that address specific needs, providing students with the necessary support and resources to succeed. Enhancing educational policies: The study’s findings can inform educational policies focused on Filipino language education. It can flag areas that require improvement in terms of curriculum, teacher training, and resource allocation. Policymakers can use this information to make informed decisions that will ultimately benefit Grade 9 students and improve their achievement in Filipino. Overall, the study on factors affecting the achievement in Filipino is vital for improving the quality of education and ensuring that Grade 9 students develop strong language skills. By identifying and addressing the factors that influence achievement, educators, policymakers, and curriculum developers can work together to create a conducive learning environment for Filipino students. To understand the factors associated with Filipino performance, the researcher came up with this study.
Statement of the Problem
The researcher seeks to find the factors affecting the achievement in Filipino of Grade 9 students in Dolores National High School. Specifically, the researcher aims to answer the following questions:
- What is the profile of the students in terms of:
- gender
- educational attainment of father
- educational attainment of mother
- attitude towards the subject
- What is the level of Filipino Achievement of Grade 9 students in Dolores National High School?
- Is there a relationship between the profile of the students and their achievement in Filipino.
- Which of the four identified profiles has greatly affected the achievement of learners in Filipino?
Significance of the Study
The study intends to find the factors affecting the achievement of Grade 9 students in Filipino subject in Dolores National High School. The study is deemed significant to the following factors:
Department of Education (School System): Results of this study may give further perspectives for the school system in their search to find ways to more effective Filipino teaching to all students.
School Heads and Supervisors. It may be utilized as a means of evaluating effectiveness of procedure in teaching. The result and findings of the study may be used in planning for training programs of their teachers and even for themselves.
Filipino Teachers. This will make them realize their strengths and weaknesses in teaching by considering each individual learner as unique. Teachers may design applied activities that show the students the usefulness of Filipino in the real world and then gradually increase the difficulty to build self-confidence among pupils and consequently reduce the levels of anxiety.
Students. This will help them understand the factor that has a great impact to their low performance in school so they can devise ways to improve for the better.
Parents. The result of the study may serve as encouragement and reinforcement to help them identify the type of assistance the children need so they can contribute to the improvement of their children’s academic performance.
Future researchers. This study will contribute to the overall knowledge in the Filipino education and thus, this will serve as a reference for future uses.
Community. Through this study, community will be able to understand the achievement of students in the Filipino subject and address anomalies and improve education standards.
Scope and Delimitations of the Study
This study focuses on the factors affecting the achievement in Filipino of Grade 9 students in Dolores National High School. Specifically, the study will only focus on the four factors, (1) students’ gender, (2) fathers’ educational attainment, (3) mothers’ educational attainment, and (4) attitude towards the subject and will determine as to what extent the identified factors affect their Filipino achievement. Furthermore, the student’s achievement will be determined by their First Quarter grades in Filipino.
Moreover, the study will be conducted among Grade 9 students in Dolores National High School enrolled for the school year 2023 – 2024.
This study will take no account of the students’ socioeconomic backgrounds, not their racial nor ethnic backgrounds.
Theoretical Framework
The Filipino subject is a fundamental component in the Philippine education system. It is a critical course which students learn about the country’s language, culture and heritage. The subject’s importance underpins the effectiveness of educational system in shaping the country’s future generations. However, achieving academic success in Filipino subject has been a persistent issue. This study seeks to identify the factors that affect the achievement in Filipino of grade 9 students in Dolores National High School, Dolores, Eastern Samar.
A number of theories had been known to elucidate job satisfaction. Walberg’s educational productivity theory tackles about the influences on learning that affects the academic performance of a student. It is an exploration of academic achievement wherein Walberg used a variety of methods on how to identify the factors that affects the academic performance of a student. Wang, Haertel, and Welberg’s (1993) review of empirical literature on the correlates and predictors of academic achievement, indicated that student characteristics exhibit the most significant direct influence on achievement. Walberg’s (1981) theory of educational productivity was empirically tested as one of very few theories of academic achievement. Walberg’s theory of academic achievement posits that psychological characteristics of individual students and their immediate psychological environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal) (Reynolds & Walberg, 1992). Further, Walberg’s research identified nine key variables that influence educational outcomes as: student ability/prior achievement, motivation, age/developmental level, quantity of instruction, quality of instruction, classroom climate, home environment, peer group, and exposure to mass media outside of school (Walberg, Fraser, & Welch, 1986).
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework illustrating variables in the study. The first box aligned below the “independent variable” represents the learners’ profile to include its variables of interests namely gender, educational attainment of father, educational attainment of mother and attitude towards Filipino subject. The arrows in between the boxes from the left box to the right box signify that it presumes that the learners profile have significant relationships to the learners academic achievement in Filipino of Grade 9 students as “dependent variable”.
Research Design
This study will operate a descriptive and correlational design using a survey for relational purposes. The descriptive method will be used because it is systematically described using figures and percentages of the respondents’ gender, the educational attainment of their father, educational attainment of their mother, and their attitude towards Filipino. A correlational design which aims to seek or explain relationships and describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a given area of interest, factually and accurately.
Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted at Dolores National High School, Dolores, Eastern Samar, school year 2023-2024. The school is located at Brgy. 9, Dolores, Eastern Samar.
Respondents of the Study
There are 17 sections of grade 9 curriculum with a 640 number of students in Dolores National High School. However, the respondents where randomly selected; 9-Dalton with 36 students, 9-Euclid with 35 students and 9- Arsenic with 35 students a total of 106 who were respondents in this study as shown below.
Name of School | Male | Female | TOTAL |
9 – DALTON | 10 | 26 | 36 |
9 – EUCLID | 15 | 20 | 35 |
9 – ARSENIC | 12 | 23 | 35 |
TOTAL | 37 | 69 | 106 |
Sampling Procedure
A two – stage cluster sampling was utilized in the study. After calculating the sample size, area sampling was employed. Using the school records, clusters were easily identified since the population is already grouped in classes or clusters with specific number of learners. Through simple random sampling, three classes or clusters were drawn. Then, sample size from each cluster was determined. Finally, through the lottery method, individual elements from each drawn cluster were chosen randomly according to the computed sample size.
Sample Size Determination
There were 640 grade 9 students divided into 17 classes. A sample size of 100 was obtained using the Slovin’s Formula. As such, three clusters or classes were chosen randomly to correspond with the obtained sample size. This obtained sample size is set at 95% confidence level and confidence interval equals to 5.
Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents of the Study
Class / Section | Population Size | Sample Size |
DALTON | 36 | 34 |
EUCLID | 35 | 33 |
ARSENIC | 35 | 33 |
Total Sample Size | 100 |
Research Instruments
The researcher will design an instrument for investigating factors associated with the academic achievement in Filipino of Grade 9 students. A survey questionnaire will be designed by the researcher which will be given to grade 9 student respondents. To ensure that the construct definition aligns with applicable prior research and theory and to determine existent survey items significant for the current study, the researcher will do a series of literature review related to the major variables of the study being declared in the objectives of the study. The researcher will synthesize the literature review related to the factors associated with academic achievement in Filipino in terms of gender, mothers’ educational attainment, fathers’ educational attainment and attitudes towards learning Filipino of Grade 9 students. Items will be developed as the researcher will ensure that these will be clear, understandable and written in accordance with current best practices in survey design. This will be done by writing survey items that accurately represent the variables of the study. For assessing the academic achievement in Filipino of grade 9 students, their general average in Filipino will be evaluated from the School Form 10 or learners report card. The second survey instrument was for student respondents which measures their challenges encountered in their learning activities in terms of their quality of learning, quality of interaction, workload, time management issues distractions at home, devices and infrastructure at home. Items incorporated to the questionnaire is based from the literature review on the challenges encountered by learners in distance learning by Mascorro, K., Sanchez, D., Echeverria, V. & Maharaj, R. (2020).
Validation of Instrument
The process of validation is the most fundamental consideration in developing and evaluating a measurement tool, and the process involves the accumulation of evidence across time, settings and samples to build a scientifically sound validity argument (Artino, A. Gehlbach, H. & Larochelle, J., 2014). To assess the survey questions for their dependability, the researcher conducted expert validation. This is also what we call face validation. This means that each item written for the research question were assessed by content experts to check content validity of the survey instruments. The researcher asked the help from 1 master teacher in Filipino from the said school. The research advisers in Graduate Study Department of Eastern Samar State University, Borongan City on this study were the final group of experts to systematically review the content of the survey questionnaire if it is substantial and if scale items are representative in quality. Then, the researcher run a pilot test of the survey through a paper-based format. Pilot testing was done to test the reliability of the survey instruments before it will actually be administered to the actual respondents. The pilot testing was conducted in one (1) section only out of 3 section respondents of Grade 9 Curriculum that were chosen in randomly selection, and that is 9-Arsenic of Dolores National High School, Dolores, Eastern Samar. After a week the same survey instruments were given to same learner respondents. The researcher examined the consistency of their responses over time. It is worthwhile to note that, samples of respondents for pilot testing were not included in the real survey. The researcher reviewed the internal consistency of questions with a standard test known as Cronbach’s Alpha (CA). Item range in research questions responses was evaluated. The internal consistency of survey questionnaire were determined whether it is acceptable through Cronbach’s Alpha. Poorly worded or unclear questions, or inappropriate or erroneous response categories can be determined in the survey instrument. Revising the research instrument based on information gleaned from Cronbach’s Alpha can be done.
Data Gathering Procedure
When the request to conduct the study was granted by the Principal the researcher immediately made a schedule in the administration distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents. The researcher personally administered the questionnaire. After which, the researcher immediately analyzed the data gathered using both the descriptive and inferential statistics analysis. The entire period of research conducted during the entire school year 2023 – 2024. After the data collection instrument was developed and approved by the research panel, the researcher were then conducted an in-house survey in which the researcher visited the respondents in their workplaces. The researcher visited the secondary schools under investigation personally for taking prior permission from the District Supervisor and school head for collecting the necessary data. With the permission of the respondents and after explaining the purpose of research, the research was distributed the survey questionnaires intended for learner in Dolores National High School of the District-1 of Dolores, Eastern Samar and the data on students’ academic achievement in Filipino. The data collection involved the use of researcher structured questionnaire for learner respondents of Dolores National High School. The procedure of filling the questionnaire was made clear to all of them. The researcher collected all the questionnaire and gave a grateful message to all of them for their cooperation. The collected questionnaires were scored as for the prescribed procedure and the data that was obtained were recorded for analysis and interpretation.
Measurement of Variables
After the entire survey questionnaires was collected, the researcher used a spreadsheet program to analyze the data. Categorical data were assigned with arbitrary codes to facilitate data analysis for the learners’ profile. The following variables with the corresponding arbitrary codes were used:
Categorical Variable | Arbitrary Code | Interpretation |
Gender | ||
a. Male | 1 | |
b. Female | 2 | |
Educational Attainment of Father: | ||
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
Educational Attainment of Mother: | 1 | |
a. Elementary Level | 1 | |
b. Elementary Graduate | 2 | |
c. High School Level | 3 | |
d. High School Graduate | 4 | |
e. College level | 5 | |
f. /College Graduate | 6 | |
g. With Master’s Units | 7 | |
h. Master’s Graduate | 8 | |
i. With Units in Doctorate level | 9 | |
j. Doctorate Graduate | 10 | |
Average Grade in Filipino: | ||
a. 95 % – 100 % | 1 | Excellent |
b. 90 %- 94 % | 2 | Outstanding |
c. 85 % – 89 % | 3 | Very Satisfactorily |
d. 81 % – 84 % | 4 | Satisfactorily |
e. 75 % – 80 % | 5 | Fairly Satisfactorily |
f. 74% below | 6 | Did Not Meet Satisfaction |
Attitude Towards the Subject
The variable attitude towards the Filipino subject will be measured by the following scaling system:
Code | Range | Description |
5 | 4.21 – 5.0 | Very much favorable |
4 | 1. 41 -4. 20 | Much favorable |
3 | 2.61 – 3.40 | Moderate favorable |
2 | 1.81 – 2.60 | Less favorable |
1 | 1.00 -1.80 | Least favorable |
Data Analysis
Descriptive analyses were applied for assessing students’ profile in terms of gender, educational attainment of father, educational attainment of mother and attitude towards Filipino subject. Mean and aggregate mean were used to analyze the data. In addition, the researcher has utilized correlation analyses to explore the relationship learners’ profile and its academic achievement in Filipino.
Ethical Considerations
The researcher has observed various obligations during the research process ensuring honesty, objectivity and integrity. The researcher requested permission from the District Supervisor of District I of Dolores, Eastern Samar and the school head of secondary school where the study conducted. Permissions to participate as respondents of the study was asked to teacher and student respondents. Their participation was voluntary. In case of student respondents, the researcher secured an informed consent from their parents or guardians since they are still minors. Teacher and pupil respondents’ responses were kept confidential to include their personal information or identifiable data from publishing or sharing for their safety and security. The privacy, confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents and data were given due consideration. Moreover, the researcher has properly cited the original source of information incorporated in this research manuscript by acting responsibly and taking care of copyrights, intellectual property, patents and other forms of rights.
Profile Characteristics of Grade 9 students
As shown in Table 3, there were 100 respondents of the study. Female respondents outnumbered the male respondents. There are 65 females and 35 males. This difference in the number of respondents is due to the disparity in enrolment between sexes. This difference is proportionate to the elementary graduation rate presented during the 14th National Statistics Conference (2019) that more girls than boys can complete elementary and do so on time. Albert (2012) also revealed a sharp disadvantage of boys in terms of school enrolment, performance, and graduation rates. A further investigation showed that boys had a higher likelihood of dropping out of school among the poorest families because of the need to augment family income since boys can work for income earlier in their lives than girls (Albert, 2012).
Educational Attainment of Father
Table 4 shows the distribution of the educational attainment of father. It is evident in the data presented that majority of the respondents’ father finished college degree. A considerable percentage was also noted that the respondents’ father obtained six (6) percent high school graduate as well level and Master’s degree. On the other hand, a very minimal percentage of respondents’ father obtained master’s and doctorate degree.
Educational Attainment of Mother
Table 5 shows the distribution of the educational attainment of mother. It is evident in the data presented that majority of the respondents’ mother finished college. A considerable percentage was also noted that the respondents’ mother obtained high school graduate as well as short cycle tertiary education. On the other hand, a very minimal percentage of respondents’ mother obtained master’s degree. Further, one of the respondents’ mother obtained a doctorate degree.
Academic Achievement in terms of their grade 9 Filipino Final Grade
The students’ final grade in grade 9 Filipino was identified and translated as the students’ academic achievement. These data were obtained from the official School Form 10 or Report Card of the students and summarized as shown in Table 6. In terms of the respondents’ academic performance, 79% are classified as Outstanding, 10% are Very Satisfactory, 8% are Satisfactory, and only 3% are classified as Fairly Satisfactory. The obtained data further shows that no learner was classified as Did Not Meet Expectation.
Attitudes Toward the Filipino Subject
Table 7 shows the distribution of attitudes towards the filipino subject. It is evident in the data presented that majority of the respondents’ was very much favorable towards the filipino subject . A considerable percentage was also noted that the respondents’ was much favorable towards the subject. On the other hand, a very minimal percentage of respondents’ on moderately favorable. The obtained data further shows that no learner was less favorable and least favorable towards the filipino subject.
Correlation Between Gender and Filipino Academic Achievement
Table 8 shows the correlation between gender and academic achievement. The result of the study failed to the null hypothesis, thus, claimed no significant correlation between gender and Filipino academic achievement. The obtained correlation coefficient which is .154 signifies a weak positive correlation.
Correlation Between Father’s Educational Attainment and Filipino Academic Achievement of Learners
Table shows the correlation between the father’s educational attainment and Filipino academic achievement of the learners. The findings of the study led to the rejection of the null hypothesis. Thus, revealing a significant correlation between the two variables. The significance of the correlation is further illustrated by Dubow, Boxer, & Huesmann (2019). They found out that the fathers’ educational level when a child is in his 8 years of age predicted the child’s success by the age of 18. This implies that the higher the educational attainment of the father when the child is 8 years old, the higher the aspirations and goals of the child when he gets 19. In this case, the father’s educational attainment is highly related not just towards his academic achievement, but also towards his future successes. These research findings imply that fathers’ education and profession has effect on children’s academic achievements. The profession and education of father directly affect the income for the family which has direct and strong relation for the facilities available for children at home which in turn has relationship with children’s academic attainments. For instance, high income families easily manage their children basic, health, food, and educational needs; provide extra facilities and opportunities to their children which could contribute more into the academic performance of their children (Suleman, Aslam, Shakir, Akhtar, Hussain & Akhtar, 2012).
Correlation Between Mother’s Educational Attainment and Filipino Academic Achievement of Learners
Table 10 shows the correlation between the mother’s educational attainment and Filipino academic achievement of the learners. The findings of the study led to the rejection of the null hypothesis. Thus, revealing a significant correlation between the two variables. The findings of the study conform to other research findings that conclude that mother’s education significantly affects the educational attainments of students. Mothers obtaining a higher educational background give more time and focus to the development of their child especially during middle childhood. They tend to allot more time giving childcare, teaching their children the basics at an early age, and allowing time play with their children. In that case, children will be more holistically developed thus promoting success and achievement (Kalil, 2018). It was also revealed that the behaviors of such mothers are influenced by their education because they learn about child development in school, particularly in college. It was also found out that less educated mothers are less interested in their children education which is harmful for children educational future (Hanafi, 2008). However, in a recent study on the relationship between mother’s educational attainment and their children’s academic performance (Alibraheim, 2023), it was revealed that there is no relationship between a mother’s educational levels and their children’s performance.
Correlation Between Attitude towards Filipino and Filipino Academic Achievement
Table presents the correlation between attitude towards Filipino and Filipino academic achievement. The analysis of the obtained data showed a significant correlation between the two given variables. This analysis may involve calculations such as Pearson’s correlation coefficient or another appropriate statistical tests. The findings from this study will provide insights into the relationship between students’ attitudes towards the Filipino subject and their academic performance.
The findings of the study present the following conclusions:
- Parent’s educational attainment influence the learner’s academic achievement. The profession and education of father directly affect the income for the family which has direct and strong relation for the facilities available for children at home which in turn has relationship with children’s academic attainments. Mother’s education significantly affects the educational attainments of students. Likewise, mothers educational background influence the development of their child especially during middle childhood because they tend to allot more time giving childcare, teaching their children the basics at an early age, and allowing time play with their children. In that case, children will be more holistically developed thus promoting academic success and achievement.
- Learner’s attitude towards Filipino significantly affects academic achievement in Filipino. Therefore, students with a positive attitude toward Filipino tend to like Filipino. Their positive view of the subject as a valuable subject in everyday life builds their confidence in being engaged in the subject. Consequently, students’ positive attitude towards Filipino positively impacts their Filipino Furthermore, these findings revealed that students with a positive attitude toward Filipino tended to have high Filipino achievement.
Based on the study findings, the following recommendations for policy and further research were made:
- This study found out that parent’s educational attainment influences the learner’s academic achievement. It is therefore recommended to introduce adult education programs, awareness campaigns, and the use of social media for community education. Likewise, it is recommended that adult education programs at village level may be made effective to educate the illiterates of the community. Social media may be used for presenting programs regarding adult education and students’ educational activities which will bring awareness among the masses and will boost students’ achievement.
- This study also found out that learner’s attitude towards Filipino significantly affects academic achievement in Filipino. It is therefore recommended for the teachers to instill a positive attitude on the learners to improve academic achievement through reinforcing positive attitudes, boosting learning out comes andmotivating children to learn, grow and improve.
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Survey Questionnaire on the Factors Associated to the Academic Achievement in Filipino of Grade 9 Students
Direction: Please supply all the information needed by writing the space or checking (/) the space provided. Your honest response to every item is needed.
Name of Name of Student Respondent (Optional): ___________________________
Name of School: ________________________________
(_) Male
(_) Female
Latest Quarterly Average Grade in Filipino:
( )95 % – 100 % (above) |
( )90 %- 94 % |
( )85 % – 89 % |
( )81 % – 84 % |
( )75 % – 80 % |
( )74% below |
Highest Educational Attainment of Mother:
(_) Elementary Graduate
(_) High School Graduate
(_) College Degree
(_) With Units in Master’s Degree
(_) Masteral Graduate
(_) With Units in Doctoral level
(_) Doctoral Graduate
Highest Educational Attainment of Father:
(_) Elementary Graduate
(_) High School Graduate
(_) College Degree
(_) With Units in Master’s Degree
(_) Masteral Graduate
(_) With Units in Doctoral level
(_) Doctoral Graduate
Attitude Towards Learning Filipino
Attitude towards learning Filipino | Strongly Agree (5) | Agree (4) | Undecided (3) | Disagree (2) | Strongly Disagree (1) |
1. I usually understand what we are talking about Filipino. | |||||
2. Filipino is easy for me. | |||||
3. Studying Filipino is something that I enjoy. | |||||
4. I often think, “I can do this” when Filipino is being taught. | |||||
5. It excites me whenever I have to study Filipino. | |||||
6. I do very well in Filipino. | |||||
7. It makes me feel happy being in a Filipino class. | |||||
8. I need to understand Filipino because it affects our lives. | |||||
9. Discoveries in Filipino affect how I live. | |||||
10. Our world is nicer to live in because of Filipino. |