From Silos to Synergy: Achieving Holistic Learning through Collaborative Teaching
- Wan Noor Hazlina Wan Jusoh
- Norlaila Ibrahim
- Nor Faezah Ghazi Ahmad
- Nik Fakrulhazri Nik Hassan
- 4439-4452
- Feb 21, 2025
- Education
From Silos to Synergy: Achieving Holistic Learning through Collaborative Teaching
Wan Noor Hazlina Wan Jusoh1*, Norlaila Ibrahim2, Nor Faezah Ghazi Ahmad1, Nik Fakrulhazri Nik Hassan2
1Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu, Kampus Dungun, Malaysia
2Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu, Kampus Dungun, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author
Received: 15 January 2025; Accepted: 21 January 2025; Published: 21 February 2025
Educators are adapting teaching methods to meet the needs of modern university students who must complete various subject requirements each semester. Students often encounter numerous tasks and deadlines that frequently overlap. Consequently, collaborative teaching was executed to evaluate the effects on teaching and learning. This study seeks to evaluate student satisfaction about collaborative teaching methodologies. The students were assigned to two distinct group projects based on similar business concepts and created a video presentation tailored to meet the criteria of two subjects by incorporating the unique element of a corporation’s compliance with Shari’ah principles. The instructors evaluated this specific business endeavour for both disciplines utilising distinct rubrics to achieve varied learning objectives. At the end of the semester, a survey was administered to 75 participating students to assess their satisfaction with the collaborative teaching initiative. The collaborative teaching produced beneficial outcomes, with 97% of students affirming that it led to time efficiency, improved understanding of the applicability of their knowledge, and a deeper comprehension of both subjects. This collaborative teaching approach can be extended to more courses across many disciplines, offering students a holistic and cohesive learning experience. The results demonstrate that integrating collaborative evaluations between two different but related subjects, adding entrepreneurship and Shari’ah-compliant features, alongside effective teaching methodologies, significantly improves students’ learning activities. Therefore, it is advisable for academic institutions to prioritise and promote the cultivation of these behaviours while concurrently improving students’ academic performance.
Keywords: Assignment, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teaching, Islamic Consumer Behavior, Entrepreneurship, University students.
Collaborative teaching is an instructional approach that involves students forming groups to collectively address an issue, accomplish a task, or generate a product. In the 21st century, there is a noticeable shift towards collaboration, encompassing several aspects such as collaborative teaching, learning, thinking, and working. Collaboration is the most effective method of promoting educational programmes for the majority of students in the field of education (Laal, Khattami-Kermanshahi, & Laal, 2014). Collaborative teaching, also referred to as cooperative teaching or team teaching, is an educational approach that involves experts from various disciplines, including industrial practitioners, working together to educate, mentor, facilitate, and train groups of students. The goal is to empower students to engage in self-directed learning. The method to teaching collaboration encompasses not just the issue of delivery, but also includes elements of content development and assessments (Centre for Innovative Delivery and Learning Development (CIDL), 2023).
For Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, the implementation of collaborative teaching involves lecturers planning, executing, and evaluating lessons jointly. The idea was aligned with De Jong, Meirink, and Admiraal (2022) to create a collaborative and interactive learning atmosphere that promotes teamwork among lecturers and students. This paper advocates for collaborative teaching as a substitute to address the effects of silos in postsecondary education. Expertise isolation is a result of prior research, such as Sutherland’s (2018) study, which encourages wide thinking in academic advancement to mitigate the effects of silos. Because of the extensive range of topic prerequisites in their studies, students are able to close the gap. There were several topics in the specific course that were comparable in terms of evaluation and substance. Sutherland (2018) already brought attention to this circumstance in her piece on holistic academic development. The focus on varied backgrounds with different learning styles and demands were additional problems with teaching and learning in Malaysia’s tertiary levels (Kaur, 2017). This study focuses on using academic fields in isolation to overcome limitations through holistic learning as mentioned by Muaid (2023). To date little research has been carried out examining the effect of interdisciplinary collaborative teaching on students learning satisfaction in higher education settings.
Collaborative Teaching
As scholars dwell more on the topic, the study not only focuses on schools but also on higher institutions. According to Abegglen, Burns, and Sinfield (2021), humans are social, interdependent beings, needing to be and communicate with each other. Being with other people provides an opportunity to grow and develop, creating a sense of self and identity. Together, humans construct, structure and restructure the stories that build the larger narratives of who we are, what we do, and how we live, act and behave as people, professionals, and larger communities. It is through collaborations that people come together and construct meaning. Heller (2022) suggests incorporating the term “collaborate” into Bloom’s Taxonomy to underscore its significance and its impact on all the other elements of the taxonomy. The primary objective of The New Bloom is to foster possibilities for acquiring skills in collaborative work within the realm of higher education and other contexts.
In the online setting, there are numerous possibilities for collaboration for teaching and learning (Hammond, 2017; Koris, Palmer, & Oswal, 2021). According to (Bates, 2019), many of the strengths and challenges of collaborative learning are relevant in both physical classroom settings and online learning environments. This is particularly significant considering the necessity for more adaptable delivery methods to cater to a more diverse student population in the digital era. A study by Koris et al. (2021) indicated increased awareness of interdisciplinary education and enhanced efficacy in collaboration to develop solutions that transcend national boundaries. The results indicated that students had made notable progress in their writing abilities, multicultural communication skills, digital proficiency, and comprehension of accessibility and business planning. Awang-Hashim, Yusof, Benlahcene, Kaur, and Shanmugam (2023) suggested that the combination of collaborative learning, social elements, and good instruction enhances students’ engagement in learning and should be encouraged in educational institutions to enhance academic achievement.
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teaching
The majority of courses in colleges and universities are instructed by a single individual. This practice is frequently driven by the financial needs of educational institutions, but it also stems from an academic tradition that values having one expert teaching in one specific field. The dynamic transformations occurring in both the higher education and job markets have raised doubts about the conventional ideal (Blanchard, 2012). According to Blanchard (2012), interdisciplinary collaborative teaching is one way to adapt to the needs of twenty-first-century students. Since traditional teaching models are being questioned due to changing realities in higher education and job markets, she proposed interdisciplinary collaborative teaching as a way to adapt to the needs of twenty-first-century students.
Research by Bryant, Niewolny, Clark, and Watson (2014) investigate the social determinants that impact the level of involvement of faculty members in cooperative teaching at a research-oriented university. It specifically focuses on different models and structural circumstances. It implies that although collaborative teaching is creative and advantageous, it frequently faces institutional obstacles and is not aligned with the university’s culture. Successful collaborative teaching requires educators to be creative, flexible, and willing to compromise and learn (Orzolek, 2018). Despite the challenges, this approach offers potential benefits to students and can lead to improved teaching and learning outcomes when effectively implemented (Blanchard, 2012; Orzolek, 2018; Ray & Maitra, 2017) since interdisciplinarity bringing together experts from two research areas (Podgórska & Zdonek, 2024).
Collaborative Assessment
Collaborative teaching involves two or more instructors collaborating and working together to design, deliver, and assess a course. This collaboration could lead the instructors to expand their cooperation on assessment strategies. This is where the same instructors collectively create tests that are in line with the goals of the course and offer a thorough review of student comprehension. Diverse evaluation techniques, such as collaborative projects, solitary tasks, and public speaking, can be incorporated to encompass various facets of student achievement. However, not much literature exists on instructors working together on assessment. Most literature refers to collaborative assessment done by the students as given by their instructors, such as peer assessment (Meyen, Aust, Bui, & Isaacson, 2002; Pombo, Loureiro, & Moreira, 2010) and group work (Suaco, Mangaliag, & Gadgad, 2023).
Assessing collaborative learning can be problematic for teachers due to variations in students’ domain-specific aptitude and the level of effort they put into working together. Meijer, Hoekstra, Brouwer, and Strijbos (2020) emphasised the difficulties of guaranteeing the accuracy and consistency of measurements and matching evaluation techniques with the goals of cooperative learning. Collaborations strive to better educational outcomes of students by improving and sharing assessment and assessment practice. Research has demonstrated that collaborative assessment in higher education, specifically in the context of collaborative teaching, has a beneficial effect on institutional change (Pearce & Edwards, 2014). The effectiveness of collaborative teaching arrangements is often determined by the assessment process, as no other aspect can cause as much disagreement among collaborators as the planning, execution, and completion of assessment. Faculty members with various backgrounds in fields, training, or ethical perspectives may be influenced even in the most conventional and fundamental methods of evaluation, such as grading (Britt, Lippert, Tang, & Veillet, 2013).
Save Students Time
Collaborative teaching approaches have the potential to save students time through various mechanisms that enhance learning efficiency and promote active engagement. Collaborative teaching frequently uses active learning techniques, such as group discussions, problem-solving, and peer teaching. Engaging in these activities, as stated by Mora, Signes-Pont, Fuster-Guilló, and Pertegal-Felices (2020), can foster a more profound comprehension of the subject matter, potentially diminishing the amount of time students must allocate to reviewing and revisiting concepts independently.
Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (2014), added that collaborative teaching often involves group discussions where students can clarify concepts with their peers. This real-time interaction can lead to a quicker resolution of misunderstandings and facilitate a more efficient learning process. Moreover, collaborative teaching often incorporates group assessments and projects. This can distribute the assessment load among group members, reducing the individual burden on each student. As a result, students may have more time for in-depth understanding and application of concepts. Hence, collaborative teaching practices, whether through active learning, peer support, efficient use of class time, or technology-mediated collaboration, have the potential to save students time by fostering a more engaging and interactive learning experience.
Enhance Students’ Understanding
Collaborative teaching is an educational strategy that has the potential to improve students’ comprehension by encouraging active participation, social interaction, and shared learning experiences. collaborative teaching fosters engagement, empowering students to collaboratively build knowledge. According to Mora et al. (2020), students who participate in collaborative learning show higher levels of motivation and a more profound comprehension of the subject matter. Furthermore, collaborative teaching is in accordance with social constructivist concepts, highlighting the significance of social interaction in the process of learning. Carstensen, Kjaer, Möller, and Bloksgaard (2020) posits that collaborative endeavours enable students to jointly attain levels of comprehension that surpass their individual capabilities. Peer evaluation in collaborative contexts affords students the chance to acquire knowledge and understanding from their peers. Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) contend that participating in peer evaluation promotes the development of critical thinking, communication skills, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Consequently, collaborative teaching significantly aids in the enhancement of students’ understanding.
Collaborative teaching frequently entails collaboratively tackling intricate challenges. According to Slavin (2014), collaborative teaching, which involves teamwork, has a positive impact on the development of problem-solving skills and improves students’ cognitive abilities. Collaborative teaching offers students the chance to contemplate their own comprehension and consider the viewpoints of others. Boud and Falchikov (2007) highlight the significance of reflection in improving metacognitive abilities and deepening understanding. Thus, collaborative teaching plays a crucial role in promoting a vibrant learning environment. collaborative teaching fosters students’ comprehension in diverse subject areas by promoting active engagement, social collaboration, and collaborative knowledge building.
Learning Enjoyment
Collaboration assessments among educators enable rapid and constructive feedback. Students can receive more detailed feedback by linking this supporting approach to student satisfaction and enjoyment of learning. Collaborative teaching represents a shared commitment to positive learning. Collaborating on evaluation provides a message of shared goals and ideals, which makes students happy (Cook & Artino Jr, 2016). The student benefits from completing activities across topics. This method motivates them to finish their assignment and makes it fun. Collaborative teaching helps educators comprehend student progress holistically (Howell, 2021). Sharing ideas and viewpoints helps teachers understand each student’s strengths and weaknesses, which may lead to more targeted and supportive feedback that improves learning enjoyment.
Harati (2012) highlights in her study that there is growing evidence indicating a favourable correlation between teacher collaboration and student progress. Cooperative learning is both effective and pleasurable for students (Cheng et al., 2021). Generally, there is a direct correlation between teacher collaboration and student academic success. Moreover, the establishment of collaborative teaching enhances the clarity of expectation communication (Tillema, Leenknecht, & Segers, 2011). When assessment criteria are designed collaboratively, students frequently gain a more comprehensive understanding of the expectations, which can diminish ambiguity and potentially improve their enjoyment with the learning experience. Hence, the practice of collaborative teaching exerts a favourable impact on the learning atmosphere and has the potential to augment student satisfaction.
This article discusses the advantages and effective outcomes of using a collaborative teaching approach. Using faculty members or lecturers from different departments to assess students’ work has shown to be one of the most effective ways to grab their interest and create a varied learning environment. Every semester, this strategy becomes appropriate for intercourse programmes to reduce a broad range of topic prerequisites.
Research Design and Implementation
This method’s implementation began with the lecturers working together to jointly design the scheme of work, imparting knowledge to the students and evaluate the students’ tasks. Since each subject has its own requirements, the group presentation video or business pitching video has been customized to accommodate the requirements of both subjects based on two different rubrics to ensure that the goal is accomplished as intended. Students will gain from greater interaction, a diversity of viewpoints, and a more dynamic learning environment in a classroom with multiple educators. Higher levels of student participation and engagement may result from this.
The assignment uses project-based learning, also referred to as business planning. Thus, for students enrolled in IC110 (Diploma in Muamalat), collaborative teaching was used in this study integrating IMU253 (Islamic Consumer Behaviour) and ENT300 (Fundamental of Entrepreneurship). IMU253 is a programme subject, whereas ENT300 is a university subject. Nowadays, Collaborative Groups (CG) currently manage collaborative teaching at UiTM, Malaysia, steered by the Head of Delivery and Learning Development (CIDL) (Centre for Innovative Delivery and Learning Development (CIDL), 2023).
This study aims to analyse the level of student satisfaction with collaborative teaching methods systems at the UiTM branch in Terengganu. Hence, this study employs a quantitative approach, utilising a data collection method with a questionnaire administered to 75 students enrolled in the Diploma in Muamalat programme. A total of 75 Diploma in Muamalat students participated in the distribution process of the Google form, specifically those who were enrolled in the subjects IMU253 and ENT300. This collaborative teaching project has three objectives:
- To ease the students’ burden in completing group assignments;
- To save students’ time in completing the group assignments;
- To enhance students understanding in both subjects simultaneously.
Data and Respondents
IMU253 and ENT300 are two subjects being taught to semester four of Diploma in Muamalat students. Previously, like other subjects, students need to complete assignments in both subjects differently. However, after collaborative teaching being introduced in UiTM in 2021, a concerted effort has been done to implement it in every academic programme including in Diploma in Muamalat programme. After a thorough discussion being conducted between the Resource Person (RP) of IMU253 and the Lecturer in Charge (LiC) of ENT300, these two subjects have been selected to be included in the UiTM Cawangan Terengganu pioneer collaborative teaching project in Semester October 2021 – February 2022.
Collaborative Activities
Collaborative activities were structured around the integration of IMU253 and ENT300 course objectives. At the start of the semester, faculty members from both courses conducted a joint briefing session to explain the objectives, structure, and expectations of the collaborative project. The idea started by giving the students to find a same business idea that can be applied in group projects for both subjects. However, they still need to submit two different group projects i.e group assignment for IMU253 and business plan for ENT300.
After obtaining positive feedbacks from the students in previous semesters, this collaborative project has been continued in Semester March – August 2023 with an added value whereby IMU253 and ENT300 lecturers evaluating the content of pitching videos together but based on rubric provided for each subject accordingly (Table 1). This kind of arrangement is done to ensure each course learning outcome (CLO) can be achieved successfully i.e to explain the ethics of consumption in Islam (IMU253) and to demonstrate various entrepreneurial skills in preparing a business plan and pitching (ENT300). A briefing given at the beginning of the semester by all lecturers (IMU253 & ENT300) involved to ensure the clarity of the collaborative teaching conducted for both IMU253 and ENT300 subjects. The flow of the collaborative teaching project can be seen in Figure 1.
Table 1: Assessments Requirements of IMU253 and ENT300
Course Learning Outcome 2 (CLO2) | COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME (CLO) | Course Learning Outcome 3 (CLO3) | ||
Explain the ethics of consumption in Islam. | Demonstrate various entrepreneurial skills in preparing a business plan and pitching | |||
1) Group Assignment (20%) | ASSESSMENTS | 1) Business Plan Report (50%) | ||
2) Video Presentation (20%) | 2) Business Pitching @ Presentation (10%) | |||
1) Group Assignment | RUBRICS | 1) Business Plan Report | ||
– Introduction : 2 marks | – Preliminary : 5 marks | |||
– Idea Arrangement: 4 marks | – Executive Summary : 5 marks | |||
– Explanation : 8 marks | – Business Background: 5 marks | |||
– Conclusion : 2 marks | – Partner’s background: 5 marks | |||
– Writing Ethics : 2 marks | – Administration Plan :15 marks | |||
– References : 2 marks | – Marketing Plan : 15 marks | |||
Total Marks : 20 marks | – Operation Plan : 15 marks | |||
2) Video Presentation | – Financial Plan : 15 marks | |||
– Presentation Style: 5 marks | – Conclusion : 5 marks | |||
– Teamwork : 5 marks | – Appendices : 5 marks | |||
– Critical Thinking : 5 marks | – Writing Style : 5 marks | |||
– Creativity : 5 marks | – Overall Report : 5 marks | |||
– Ethics, Moral & | Total Marks : 100 marks | |||
Professionalism : 5 marks | 2) Business Pitching @ Presentation | |||
Total Marks : 20 marks | – Introduction : 5 marks | |||
– Content : 30 marks | ||||
– Defense Ability : 30 marks | ||||
– Fluency & clarity: 10 marks | ||||
– Audio Visual : 10 marks | ||||
– Non-verbal | ||||
Communication : 5 marks | ||||
– Time Management: 5 marks | ||||
Total Marks : 100 marks |
Figure 1: Flow of Collaborative Teaching Project
Data Analysis
At the end of the semester, a survey was conducted on 75 students to evaluate students’ satisfaction on the collaborative teaching project. All the students are from semester four, Diploma in Muamalat students who took both subjects in that semester. As the study is an exploratory study, the analysis conducted is descriptive in nature, focusing on the frequency analysis. The findings from this exploratory study contribute to understanding the impact of collaborative teaching on enhancing learning outcomes and student satisfaction.
All 75 respondents selected answered the survey. They were coming from four classes with eight small groups. All of them have been given exposure to collaborative teaching and learning. Out of 75 students, 97.3% admitted that it was their first experience doing two related assignments for two different subjects. Figure 2 below shows the percentage of respondents from each group.
Figure 2: Percentage of respondents from each group
The reliability test was conducted to analyse the reliability of the questions. Based on the analysis, the study found that the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of all ten items is 0.95 which indicate that the level of students’ satisfaction is in an excellent state (Taber, 2018). There are 10 questions being asked in order to evaluate the students’ satisfaction as shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2: List of survey questions
1 | I enjoy doing assignments in IMU253 and ENT300 based on same business idea. |
2 | Submitting one presentation video for two different subjects saves students’ time a lot. |
3 | Doing this kind of assignments help me to better manage my time. |
4 | I can apply what I learned in IMU253 and ENT300 in both assignments. |
5 | By doing this kind of assignments, I can see the relevancy of knowledge between the two subjects clearly. |
6 | By doing this kind of assignments, I can understand both subjects better. |
7 | By doing this kind of assignments I can understand both subjects effectively. |
8 | By doing this kind of assignments I can benefit the two subjects to the fullest. |
9 | I am satisfied with the explanation about business plan given by both lecturers for both subjects. |
10 | I prefer this kind of collaboration between different subjects to be applied in other subjects too. |
Based on the analysis, 56% of the students strongly agreed that they enjoy doing assignments in IMU253 and ENT300 based on same business idea (Figure 3). As mentioned earlier, the main aim behind this collaborative teaching project is to ease the students burden in completing group assignments. Before the collaborative teaching project was initiated in October 2021, students were requested to complete group assignment independently. However, after the collaborative teaching project was introduced, students were requested to do group assignment for both IMU253 and ENT300 based on one similar business plan, but able to fulfil the requirements needed in both subjects. This finding implies that collaborative teaching can improve learners’ outcomes (Le, 2021) and makes students happy (Cheng, Wu, & Su, 2021; Cook & Artino Jr, 2016).
Figure 3: Enjoy doing assignments in IMU253 and ENT300 based on same business idea.
Conversely, a significant majority of 83% of the participants expressed high agreement about the efficiency of delivering a single presentation video for two distinct subjects, resulting in substantial time savings for students (Figure 4). Previously, both IMU253 and ENT300 had separate group tasks and rubrics for evaluating the students. Due to the linked nature of certain topics in both IMU253 and ENT300, the resource person of IMU253 and the Lecturer in Charge of ENT300 have collaborated to suggest that students complete their assignments based on a single business proposal for both subjects. However, the assignments will have two distinct rubrics. Additionally, they are required to provide a single presentation video that meets the criteria for both courses. An aim of this collaborative teaching initiative is to optimise students’ efficiency in completing both group projects and the presentation video, hence reducing the time required. Clearly, the objective has been effectively accomplished according to the aforementioned discovery, and it aligns with the findings of Mora et al. (2020).
Figure 4: Submitting one presentation video for two different subjects saves students’ time a lot.
In addition to the previous question, students are also queried about their proficiency in effectively managing their time. Figure 5 reveals that a significant majority of 63% of the respondents strongly agreed that engaging in such tasks aids students in effectively managing their time. This collaborative education project demonstrates its capacity to not only save students’ time in completing their group projects and presentation videos, but also to effectively manage their time. This conclusion is thought to be a direct outcome of the previous finding, which demonstrates that collaborative assessment can reduce the amount of students’ preparation time. Collaborative assessment in higher education, particularly in the context of collaborative teaching, has an advantageous impact on institutional change, as stated by Pearce and Edwards (2014).
Figure 5: Doing this kind of assignments help student to better manage his/her time
The primary aim of this collaborative teaching project is to provide students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge from both IMU253 and ENT300 courses through two distinct group tasks centred around the same business concept, as well as a single presentation video that encompasses both subjects. As Diploma in Muamalat students study ethical consumption and Shari’ah-compliant products in IMU253, the presentation videos they must produce should incorporate both Islamic consumer behaviour and entrepreneurship aspects. According to the findings, 62% of the respondents strongly agreed that they were able to use what they learned in IMU253 and ENT300 in both projects (Figure 6). The findings suggest that students’ knowledge can be improved not only by engaging in collaborative learning (Mora et al., 2020), but also by participating in collaborative teaching (Le, 2021).
Figure 6: Manage to apply what have been learned in IMU253 and ENT300 in both assignments.
To further evaluate the students’ comprehension, the subsequent question inquired about their capacity to discern the relevance of information between the two subjects with clarity. Figure 7 reveals that 62% of the respondents strongly agreed with the question. This finding also demonstrates the successful achievement of the third objective, which is to enhance students understanding in both subjects simultaneously. This finding corroborates Blanchard (2012) assertion in his study that interdisciplinary collaborative education is a viable approach to meet the demands of students in the twenty-first century.
Figure 7: Ability to see the relevancy of knowledge between the two subjects clearly.
In addition, the findings clearly demonstrate that a majority of participants reported improved comprehension of both subjects (Figure 8), enhanced effectiveness (Figure 9), and the ability to fully utilise the benefits of both subjects (Figure 10). Clearly, this discovery also demonstrates the successful attainment of the third objective. This finding aligns with other research indicating that adopting an interdisciplinary approach enhances both the quality and retention of students’ information (Bass, Dompierre, & McAlister, 2023; Županec, Lazarevic, Sekulic, & Pribicevic, 2023), as well as their overall learning outcomes (Berger & Palmer, 2021).
Figure 8: Ability to understand both subjects better.
Figure 9: Ability to understand both subjects effectively.
Figure 10: Ability to benefit the two subjects to the fullest.
Prior to assigning tasks to the students, lecturers participating provided a briefing at the start of the semester to ensure a clear understanding of the collaborative teaching approach for both IMU253 and ENT300 subjects. Figure 11 reveals that a significant majority of the respondents, specifically 94%, expressed satisfaction with the explanation provided by both lecturers on the work. The discovery suggests that providing explicit instruction impacts student satisfaction by incorporating precise guidelines and rubrics that align with students’ needs and maximise satisfaction (Rios, Elliott, & Mandernach, 2018).
Figure 11: Satisfaction with the explanation about business plan given by both lecturers for both subjects.
In order to assess the happiness of the participants regarding interdisciplinary collaborative teaching, they were queried about their inclination to extend this form of collaboration to other academic disciplines. The findings indicate that nearly all participants expressed agreement with the collaborative concept (Figure 12), and unanimously supported the continuation of this practice in the future.
Figure 12: Preference on applying this kind of collaboration in other subjects too.
The data demonstrate that interdisciplinary collaborative teaching has a distinct and advantageous influence on students. This influence is especially significant in terms of diminishing the students’ workload by relieving the strain of many tasks, saving their time in assignment preparation, and enriching their knowledge by developing connections between two disciplines. In the end, the combination of these elements results in the enjoyment gained from the act of acquiring knowledge. Figure 13 provides a concise overview of the findings mentioned previously.
Figure 13: Summary of the findings.
Ultimately, the adoption of interdisciplinary collaborative teaching, as demonstrated by the assignment that incorporates comparable business concepts in IMU253 (Islamic Consumer Behaviour) and ENT300 (Fundamental of Entrepreneurship) for IC110 students (Diploma in Muamalat), has been shown to be an immensely influential and gratifying educational method. The lecturers thoroughly evaluated the distinctive framework of this collaborative project, in which students created a tailored video presentation that incorporated Shariah principles. This assessment was conducted using two different rubrics that were connected with specific learning objectives for each subject.
The results of the post-project survey, which involved 75 participating students, confirm the beneficial influence of collaborative teaching. Significantly, the technique effectively decreased the academic burden on students by combining assignments and saving crucial time in preparation. Furthermore, the amalgamation of two disciplines enhanced comprehension of the material by forming significant correlations. Significantly, this comprehensive experience led to increased student contentment, suggesting that collaborative teaching not only tackles the pragmatic difficulties of academic multitasking but also amplifies the overall pleasure of the educational journey. This study adds to the existing body of literature on the effects of synergy achieved through multidisciplinary collaborative teaching as opposed to silo teaching effort by considering the influence on students’ workload, time, and learning.
Although the results show promise, it is imperative to recognise specific constraints. The research focuses only on a specific interdisciplinary joint teaching initiative within the realm of Islamic Consumer Behaviour and Entrepreneurship. Extrapolating these findings to other fields or educational environments should be approached with caution. Moreover, the survey’s dependence on self-reporting creates a possible prejudice in evaluating student satisfaction. A deeper comprehension could be attained by employing qualitative methodologies such as interviews or focus groups to capture nuanced viewpoints.
In order to expand upon these discoveries and deepen comprehension of collaborative teaching, future investigations could examine the enduring effects of interdisciplinary collaboration on students’ ability to retain knowledge and abilities. Conducting comparative research across other collaborative teaching styles and disciplines would offer significant insights into the extent to which the benefits reported in this study can be applied more broadly. Furthermore, examining the viewpoints of educators and their encounters in formulating and executing cooperative projects could provide a more all-encompassing understanding of the difficulties and achievements linked to this instructional method. Future research could focus on investigating the potential integration of technology or creative teaching tools in collaborative projects to maximise the advantages of interdisciplinary teaching.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Terengganu, Malaysia for the support and resources provided during the preparation of this research.
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