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High-Rise Living: A Sustainable Approach to Land Demand in Rampura, Dhaka

High-Rise Living: A Sustainable Approach to Land Demand in Rampura, Dhaka

Preyo Darshan Dash

Department of Architecture, American International University- Bangladesh


Received: 27 October 2024; Accepted: 08 November 2024; Published: 11 December 2024


Due to rapid urbanization, population growth, and land scarcity, housing is now one of the most pressing problems in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It has a growing population that exceeds natural growth, this trend has led to land scarcity, rising housing costs and deterioration in living conditions. Vertical housing such as high-rise buildings is offered as a sustainable solution to these issues. This research concentrates on examining the viability of vertical housing in the rapidly urbanizing Rampura area of Dhaka (which is also underdeveloped where people live) and how it meets or fails to solve the problem of housing in the city.

The aim of this research is to evaluate the social, economic and environmental effects that vertical housing might have on the local population and urban scenery in Rampura, as well as assess whether it can provide a long-term housing solution. On the basis of demographic trends, land use patterns and environmental considerations, the study presents insights into how vertical housing can be successfully applied in such a place.

The methodology uses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Primary data was collected in the form of interviews and surveys with residents, urban planners and architects. Secondary data that came from literature in urban housing and sustainability on the other hand was also provided. The study also conducted a spatial analysis of land usage in Rampura, comparing vertical housing against other forms of housing.

The results show that vertical housing can significantly reduce land pressure, accommodate more residents in fewer spaces and create sustainable urban growth scenarios. However, the findings also highlight problems such as infrastructure, affordability and societal adjustments. The study argues for sound urban planning, policy reform and active community participation to break through these barriers.

In conclusion vertical housing offers a feasible solution to the housing crisis in Dhaka but it must be implemented with careful consideration of socio-economic, environmental and infrastructure factors. The study points to strategic policy interventions and sustainable design principles as the way forward so that vertical housing makes a lasting contribution to urban resilience and growth in Dhaka.

Keywords: Vertical Housing, Land Scarcity, High-Rise Living, Sustainable Development, Urban Density


Dhaka, a bustling metropolis at the heart of Bangladesh, is a hub for urbanization. One major issue facing Dhaka and many other expanding cities worldwide is the rising supplementary need for housing. There is an urgent need for housing in Dhaka due to the city’s growing population, rural-to-urban migration, and economic expansion. The city’s appeal as an economic hub is demonstrated by the huge demand for housing, but it also begs the important question of how Dhaka can support (if not fully develop) this housing in ways that are driven by both quantity and quality, making larger, sustainable areas accessible to all.

In the past, vertical housing was a kind of architectural idea that still offers the best way to live in our increasingly crowded urban areas. The concept—build up and not out—is groundbreaking despite being surprisingly straightforward. Under the general heading of “vertical living,” tall structures provide the potential for decreased prices, expanded housing capacity, and optimized land utilization for growing metropolitan populations. Supporters of vertical housing hold the opinion that Dhaka’s drab inventory can be somewhat alleviated by utilizing the depth of the city’s skyline.

However, beyond that seemingly straightforward promise lies a complex web of issues. More research should be done to determine whether vertical housing is suitable given the unique socioeconomic and environmental circumstances of Dhaka. Despite being frequently viewed as a panacea, this process’s long-term viability, societal ramifications, and cultural compatibility can all be questioned. Overview: This term paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of vertical housing from a Dhaka perspective. It aims to identify the advantages and difficulties of this dwelling type, consider how well it fits with the unique characteristics of a city that celebrates it, and further explore the implications for urban development and policy-making in general within a highly dynamic setting. Thus, with this inquiry, we aim to understand if tall housing is the only solution left before Dhaka a city of numerous opportunities and for whom where or other forms are equally worth considering.


Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, is experiencing an acute housing crisis. Massive population growth, migration to the city from the countryside, and an expanding economy all work to make the situation graver. Fresh city traffic keeps coming; Dhaka being an economic center is like a magnet for people who crave a share in its pie of affluence. But how to meet or exceed the clamoring imperative for housing generated by this roiling urbanization? As the housing gap widens, urban planners, policymakers, and developers are under pressure to find novel strategies that can provide shelter quickly and in large numbers while still remaining sustainable, affordable, and inclusive. In bulk, the idea of vertical housing consists of little cabins stacked one atop another.

The high-rise apartment building, or condominium, for example, uses this approach. It makes the most efficient use of land; accommodates ever-growing urban populations and is possibly more affordable housing than other forms. For all of the advantages it has to offer, however, vertical housing is equipped with an entwined mass of complex problems awaiting solutions.

In a socio-political and environmental context unique to Dhaka, the suitability of this form of housing merits close examination. Can it be said to fit in with local culture? What effects is it likely to bring socially? And for how long is it likely to continue living? This term paper is designed to take up these confusions clarify the question of whether or not vertical housing makes sense, and provide some alternative ideas for accommodating the extensive demand for Capitol that is Dhaka’s as it was gradually rebuilt into a modern metropolis.

Statement of Purpose

This paper studies whether vertical housing can provide a solution to the hot demand for residential space in the Rampura area of Dhaka. We hope to obtain information on the pros and cons associated with vertical housing in the Rampura locality. We will conduct field surveys, orientate of sorts and interview several key players in the Rampura community. With the help of data drawn from this specific site and respondents, we hope to shed light on whether or not the type is appropriate for the conditions peculiar to Rampura.

Research Hypothesis

“Implementation of vertical housing in the Rampura area shows a potential for a better land use whilst sufficient number of houses to fulfil high demand making it more sustainable and efficient rather than being unsustainable due to vast urban sprawl from population growth.

The hypothesis posits that the anticipation of any form of vertical housing will have a positive effect on meeting Rampura’s existing and future demands for units by allowing more efficient use of land, being able to accommodate more occupants in the same property footprint as before and relieve pressure off from urban services.


The work review of vertical skyscrapers or apartment buildings, either in general or when they are placed within densely populated urban areas of course examines it from a variety of perspectives. Deakin et al. (2015), for example, stress that vertical housing is a strategy that thrives in densely populated urban areas as a means of optimizing land use. Take Dhaka for example: it would be impossible to put up enough low-rise apartment buildings or houses to accommodate the people of a city that is, by world standards cramped over a small area. Shatkin (2017) offers a similar perspective to the one above by focusing on the role of high-rise buildings in serving the ever-growing urban population and at the same time bringing back ecology-oriented urban development. Cultural context is another key factor. Sultana and Amin (2015) point out how important it is for housing structures to suit local customs and social rules, while Smith et al. (2019) rebut this idea by arguing that vertical housing too can take culture into account with proper community participation and design decisions.

Social cooperation and resident health in the vertical residential environment are questions. Gehl (2019) points out that residential high rises have a social isolation possibility, stressing the importance of public spaces. Yet Chen and Wang (2017) discovered trades. They noted that well-designed vertical communities can also produce a sense of belonging and social networks among inhabitants. Environmental sustainability is another major concern, with Feng et al. (2018) suggesting that we should adopt energy-efficient designs and green building technology in order not to harm the environment Yet Davis and Platt (2018) warn we must avoid resource-intensive forms of tall building construction, which may set back sustainability targets. Again, Taylor et al. (2012) points out that with appropriate community participation and careful design choices, vertical housing that is pleasing to the eye can also be built following the cultural preferences of its occupants.

The issue of costs and economic factors surrounding vertical housing has been addressed by (name). In particular, Datta et al. (2016) believe that vertical housing can reduce construction unit costs, and in another way make housing more affordable. However, Phua and Li (2019) are worried that rising rents and house prices are displacing low-income residents. Angel et al. (2019) note that effective urban policy and planning play a leading role in their argument for vertical development guidelines. Brueckner (2019) also insists we need policies to make height more efficient in saving land area, but also tread lightly on society’s balance. However, on the whole, vertical living literature that understands vertical development, provides guidance for how to evaluate vertical development’s suitability in a unique context like Dhaka. A major gap in knowledge exists when assessing whether or where vertical housing might best work: what types it is fit for, how popular it may be among citizens, etc. in various parts of Dhaka. Research addressing this problem of a lack of studies on residents’ knowledge, infrastructure readiness, etc., is still pending publication. By addressing such gaps, our study hopes to remedy the situation and provide evidence of how vertical development could be one feasible solution to residential demand in Rampura.


Case Study Selection: The current study is a case-based research where vertical housing in Dhaka has been evaluated as it proves to be the perfect place since the city has an enormous amount of urban density and trends to grow vertically. In order to address its variation and diversity, a selection of cases will be conducted across the different vertical housing projects in the city. Criteria for Case Selection are; Type of housing, Geographical representation of Dhaka, Socio-economic background, representation of different cultural norms. The selected criteria ensure that the cases cover a holistic landscape of vertical housing within the city of Dhaka.

Sampling: This study will use a purposive sampling method to select buildings that reflect the diversity of vertical housing in Dhaka. This calls for some statistical strength, so we will be going for 20 buildings, which should give us a 95% confidence level with a range of ±5% error. Cases will be chosen for their diversity in socio-economics factors and their design settings, all of which speak to vertical housing. The Rampura area for instance, has 11.49% of its residential buildings showing features of vertical housing development and we would include an equivalent percentage of relevant comparable buildings in our sample.

Data Collection Methods: Data collection will involve multiple methods to capture comprehensive insights: Primary Data: Semistructured questionnaires will be administered orally to different organizations, residents, developers, architects and government workers to get perceptions onнав Tucker-Mulder & Lindeman, 2004vertical housing issues and advantages. Questionnaires: Sought by the residents and distributed across the facilities, these will help in acquiring quantitative information regarding the customers’ experiences and level of satisfaction. On-Site Observation: Observations of structural characteristics and people’s interactions with vertical housing developments in terms of use will be made in order to contextualize survey and interview data collected. Secondary Data: Empirical data concerning the vertical housing will involve studying urban plans, policies, and reports; however, to have historical background knowledge, a literature review will be conducted.

Data Analysis: The analysis will make use of a coding structure. For managing the qualitative data, we will apply the so-called ‘theme analysis’, which is subdivided into the two stages of open coding, in which the first themes are determined, and axial coding, in which these are then assigned to broader patterns. This approach facilitates the identification of themes from data collected which in the end increases rigor and depth. The information collected from questionnaires will be quantified and analyzed for means, mode, median and frequency distribution in addition to comparison with qualitative results.

Therefore, in order to identify commonalities and differences of the examined cases and better focus on emerging patterns and trends related to vertical housing viability depending on cultural, socioeconomic, and geographical conditions of particular countries, the cross-case analysis will be applied. By using data source triangulation, high reliability and validity will be achieved since interviews, observations, and secondary data used will be crosschecked.

Thus, the main method of the study involves a synthesis of the existing practices, gaps in knowledge and issues, obtained upon revisiting the literature, case studies, and interviews. Consequently, this research approach will offer a richer understanding of vertical housing in Dhaka through which future socio-economic and urban policy changes that will support sustainable vertical growth can be developed.

Possible Outcome

This research will help to understand if vertical housing can be a solution for the housing demand in Dhaka, as well as shed light on its advantages and challenges advantage in relation to its socio-cultural-economical-environmental particularities. This has implications for urban planning as well as scales with which we observe rapidly growing cities like Dhaka also the world over. Second, the investigation finds that cultural, social and economic characteristics play in a better (or worse) vertical housing type. By understanding these dynamics, more context-specific and socially inclusive urban development strategies may be possible. Third, the study may identify policy implications including regulatory ways that same-site vertical housing can provide benefits while minimizing challenges such as gentrification. In addition, the paper satisfies a gap in existing knowledge on sustainable urbanization not only through lessons from land use planning and infrastructure creation but also by focusing on community well-being. Ultimately, the findings could help inform housing development in Dhaka moving forward to finally answer some of these additional-urgent needs—doing so with greater sustainability and equity—and maybe even provide other cities experiencing comparable struggles instructions on how to do it better.

The Study Area: Rampura

Rampura is a heavily residential neighborhood in Dhaka, the Bangladesh capital. In Dhaka’s south-central area, and surrounded by Tejgaon, Khilgaon, Badda and Bashabo neighborhoods. Amid business and residential property, Rampura City is one of the fastest-growing areas within Dhaka. The region is densely populated on the whole and hosts a good chunk of middle-class households. Rampura is a major activity node within Dhaka as it has many amenities. Including schools, colleges, hospitals, shopping centers and public transport networks.

In recent years, Rampura has seen rapid urbanization and population explosion. All this has increased the demand for housing. There are a variety of housing options from single-family homes to multi-story apartment complexes. The middle-income group in Rampura, which accounts for a large proportion of the population, is an important demographic. Still, many middle-class families find it difficult to find decent housing, due to the high cost of living and dearth of cheap options.

Demography of Rampura Area

Rampura is a heavily populated residential neighborhood of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Rampura area’s demographic features are as follows:

Population: According to the 2011 Bangladesh Population Census, there were about 230,000 people living in the Rampura area. Since then, the population is thought to have grown greatly because of emigration and fast urbanization.

Age: 60% of the people in the Rampura area are under the age of 45 and so make up the majority of the population.

Gender: In the Rampura region, there are almost equal numbers of men and women, with slightly more men than women.

Education: Approximately 80% of the population in the Rampura area can read and write, compared to other places this is a high literacy rate. The neighborhood also includes various institutions and colleges where instruction is given to local residents.

Occupation: In trade, small business, and service industries People in the Rampura area work primarily. Many locals also work in the industrial districts nearby.

Religion: In the Rampura area in addition to Muslims, there are also quite a few Hindus and Christians.

Housing: Most of the dwellings in the Rampura region are low to middle-income, and there is a mix of owned and rented homes. Because the neighborhood is heavily populated there is limited space, and many households in the area live in small flats and apartments.

Vertical Housing

Vertical housing, also known as high-rise or multi-story residential buildings, provides a modern way of meeting the urban area’s growing housing needs. To this end, modern construction has succeeded in making these tall buildings not just possible but practical for living. In an already crowded city environment, this is often indispensable. A spectrum of architectural styles, from mid-rise apartment complexes to soaring skyscrapers, characterizes high-rises. These vertical housing developments have adapted to the regulations and various urban landscapes. What attracts people to these high-rises is the efficient use of space. More housing units take one limited plot of land. Moreover, such housing typically boasts numerous shared facilities where the living environment is upgraded even for people already using it. However, their integration into the city fabric must be carefully planned to ensure harmony among urban infrastructure, transportation, and the daily needs of life. Environmental concerns, community culture, sightlines out of the window, and economic feasibility all go together to make up the colorful tapestry of how vertical housing impacts urban living. For all of these reasons, it is becoming increasingly important and practical as more people live in cities worldwide.

Housing Conditions of Rampura Area

In Rampura region, housing is characterized by a high population density, tight space and mixed modes of ownership such as ownership, tenancy or rent. In the neighborhood, small apartments and flats form the main part of the housing stock, but there are few larger dwellings for families to live in. Lack of essentials like water supply, sanitary facilities or electricity impacts living conditions in this area.

The vast majority of the Rampura neighborhood’s housing units are taken up by small developers and private landlords who have thrown up multistorey buildings. Frequently their structures are lacking in parking and fail to conform to building code laws. Many of the flats and apartments in these buildings are also extremely ill-ventilated, bereft of any proper natural light whatsoever.

Next, in the Rampura neighborhood, there is a large supposedly rental housing market -people who rent and don’t actually leave. The dwellings in such areas are often devoid of even basic amenities like proper ventilation, natural lighting etc and (are) cramped.

The heavy urbanization and the massive migration of recent years in this area have consequences for housing conditions in Rampura. Although many of the new residences have been built under pressure from the increasing demand for housing, these in turn have fostered slums and shantytowns.

Summing up, the housing situation in the Rampura district is characterized by a lack of essentials, insufficient space and shoddily constructed buildings. The quality of life for people living in these conditions is markedly deteriorating the closer they come to being poor and unable even to reach that level.

Case Study Detail

We shall be conducting a study of 20 residential buildings in Rampura, a thriving and lively district. Each one of these buildings, sited on a 10-katha plot of land, is different from the others, yet all exist within the same top-notch mass living environment. Ten are low-rise residential buildings, while the remaining ten are high-rise apartment towers; together they make up just about every conceivable lifestyle choice open to people living in Rampura. Our research focuses on some core aspects of life in the city, such as where there is green space, community facilities, the living environment for its residents, how many homes are in each building and what quality they are. We also consider the way this influences the smooth flow of natural daylight throughout buildings and ventilation for fresh air. Through a close examination of these characteristics, we hope to gain insight into what it is like living in both low- and high-rise environments, which in turn sheds light on the urban landscape itself. This dual approach, looking at the whole man-made habitat around Rampura, will provide a more comprehensive understanding of urban life and become important reference material for future urban planning strategies.

Investigation of 10 High rise Building:

No. Land Area (katha, 1katha= 720 sft.) Floor (nos.) MGC (%) Green area (%) No. of Units per floor Community Space Satisfactory Natural Light Condition Satisfactory Natural Air Flow Condition Children’s Play Area Aesthetical view
1. 10.35 14 60 40 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
2. 12.05 15 50 50 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
3. 8 12 45 55 2 No Yes Yes Yes Average
4. 17.6 16 45 55 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
5. 5 10 60 40 1 No Yes Yes Yes Good
6. 7 10 60 40 1 No Yes Yes Yes Good
7. 9.7 12 50 50 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Average
8. 10 12 55 45 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Average
9. 10.5 12 50 50 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
10. 18 16 45 55 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Good

Investigation of 10 Low rise Building:

No. Land Area (katha, 1katha= 720 sft.) Floor (nos.) MGC (%) Green area (%) No. of Units per floor Community Space Satisfactory Natural Light Condition Satisfactory Natural Air Flow Condition Children’s Play Area Aesthetical view
1. 6 7 85 0 3 No No No No Bad
2. 8.5 8 80 5 4 Yes Yes Yes No Bad
3. 5 7 90 0 3 No No No No Bad
4. 4.5 6 80 0 2 No No No No Bad
5. 10 8 90 0 4 No No No No Bad
6. 9.65 8 90 0 4 No No No No Bad
7. 5.34 6 85 5 3 No No No No Bad
8. 6 7 85 5 3 No No No No Bad
9. 9.3 8 85 5 4 Yes Yes Yes No Bad
10. 3.5 6 80 0 2 No No No No Bad

Summary of The Study

High-Rise Buildings:

The land areas for high-rise buildings range from 5 to katha (1 katha= 720 sft.).

The number of floors in high-rise buildings varies from 10 to 16 floors.

The Maximum Ground Coverage (MGC) for high-rise buildings ranges from 45% to 60%.

High-rise buildings have green areas ranging from 40% to 55%.

The number of units per floor in high-rise buildings ranges from 1 to 5.

Community spaces are available in all high-rise buildings.

Satisfactory natural light conditions are present in all high-rise buildings.

Satisfactory natural air flow conditions are present in all high-rise buildings.

Children’s play areas are available in all high-rise buildings.

High-rise buildings have aesthetically pleasing views, with ratings varying from “Average” to “Good.”

Low-Rise Buildings:

The land areas for low-rise buildings range from 3.5 to 10 katha (1 katha= 720 sft.).

The number of floors in low-rise buildings varies from 6 to 8 floors.

The Maximum Ground Coverage (MGC) for low-rise buildings ranges from 80% to 90%.

Low-rise buildings have green areas ranging from 0% to 5%.

The number of units per floor in low-rise buildings ranges from 2 to 4.

Community spaces are available in some low-rise buildings, while some do not have them.

Satisfactory natural light conditions are not present in any of the low-rise buildings.

Satisfactory natural air flow conditions are not present in any of the low-rise buildings.

Children’s play areas are not available in any of the low-rise buildings.

Low-rise buildings do not offer aesthetically pleasing views, with a “Bad” rating.

The high-rise buildings generally have more satisfactory features such as natural light, natural airflow, and children’s play areas, as well as better aesthetics. On the other hand, the low-rise buildings have higher Maximum Ground Coverage (MGC) and green areas but lack community spaces and have poor views.

Comparative Analysis

High-Rise Residential Building:

Land Area: High-rise buildings often occupy less land area, which can be beneficial in densely populated urban areas where space is limited. This efficient land use can contribute to reduced urban sprawl and a smaller environmental footprint.

Floor Count: High-rise buildings typically have more floors, accommodating more housing units in a vertical structure. This can provide more housing options and potentially reduce the overall cost of land and construction per unit.

MGC and Green Area: While some high-rise buildings may have a lower MGC percentage, so it offer a notable amount of green area, which can be challenging to achieve in low-rise buildings with limited land space. Green areas contribute to a healthier living environment.

Number of Units per Floor: High-rise buildings tend to have more units per floor, making efficient use of space and enabling a higher population density, which can support the growth and vitality of urban areas.

Community Space: The table indicates that community spaces are available in all high-rise buildings. These spaces can foster a sense of community among residents, providing areas for social interaction and recreation.

Satisfactory Natural Light and Air Flow: High-rise buildings generally score better in terms of natural light and airflow conditions, which are important factors for residents’ well-being and comfort.

Children’s Play Area: High-rise buildings offer children’s play areas in all cases, contributing to family-friendly living environments.

Aesthetical View: High-rise buildings are more likely to offer aesthetically pleasing views, as indicated in the table. These views can enhance the overall living experience.

Low Rise Residential Building:

Limited Space Efficiency: Low-rise buildings typically have a lower number of floors and house fewer units, which can be less space-efficient in urban areas where land is at a premium. This can lead to urban sprawl and a higher demand for land.

Minimal Green Areas: The table indicates that low-rise buildings often have minimal or no green areas. This lack of green spaces can limit opportunities for gardening, recreation, and natural elements that enhance the living environment.

Lack of Amenities: Low-rise buildings may have fewer amenities compared to high-rise buildings, which can impact the overall quality of life for residents. The absence of amenities like fitness centers or communal spaces can be a drawback for those seeking convenience and leisure facilities.

Dissatisfactory Natural Light and Air Flow: As per the table, low-rise buildings tend to have unsatisfactory natural light and airflow conditions. This can result in less comfortable living spaces and potentially lead to higher energy consumption for artificial lighting and climate control.

No Children’s Play Areas: The absence of children’s play areas in low-rise buildings, as indicated in the table, can be a disadvantage for families with children who value safe and designated spaces for recreational activities.

Aesthetical View: The table suggests that low-rise buildings do not offer aesthetically pleasing views (“Bad” rating). This lack of appealing views can affect the overall living experience and residents’ connection to their surroundings.

Lack of Urban Convenience: Low-rise buildings are often located in suburban or less central areas, which may result in longer commutes to work, fewer nearby entertainment and dining options, and limited access to cultural amenities.


Arguing from the evidence, there is good reason to believe that high-rise buildings have several advantages which make them very suitable for urban living in places like Rampura. By bulking up, these extensive complexes both make optimal use of the area and better meet the housing needs of a large population. This is particularly useful in the crowded and space-limited layout of today’s cities. Multi-Grade Composite (MGC) percentages are raised by high-rise buildings, so too is the amount of green space to be found within them– leading to a natural balance between construction and nature. These communal areas in high-rise buildings, like parks and playgrounds, enable residents to enjoy their life together– love the sharing spirit! Also, it is well understood that such buildings gain a higher rating from the standpoint of light and ventilation, conditions which significantly enhance living comfort. Children’s play areas built into high-rise construction projects help create a climate in which itinerant families can thrive. This way, the community is ensured of a solid base. With the majority of high-rise buildings, the data shows that the “Good” aesthetic views far outnumber any “Bad”. This improves overall living conditions for all inhabitants. Free from this, free from that. Only the high-rise builder, according to data, offers a more colorful life than his counterpart in low-rise construction.


In sum, this term paper has critically explored Dhaka’s current housing situation, centered on Rampura and examined the feasibility of vertical housing as a possible way out. There has been a diverse selection of high-rise, low-rise and student units in this study, offering much information on their characteristics and living standards. Compared with low-rise residential buildings, high-rise apartments are better at land productivity, the net composition of Multi-Grade Composite percentages, area distribution of green space and public facilities. They supply more community service functions as well, give satisfactory natural light and air materials in winter and summer, and offer play spaces for children. In a word, the living environment is more wholesome and aesthetically pleasing.

With the rapid urbanization and increasing population of Dhaka, vertical housing has emerged as one possible response to this situation. However, we must be clear that housing solutions are varied and the same formula cannot be uniformly applied to all situations. Choices between high-rise living and low-rise lifestyles are influenced by a host of factors, such as individual customs, local regulations and societal requirements.

In Rampura and other important urban spaces struggling with similar housing issues, vertical housing projects can best utilize land and greatly enhance the quality of living. What this term paper’s findings stress is the importance of well−planned, beautiful apartment complexes harmoniously linked to their surroundings, which when carried out successfully could make a distinct contribution to resolving the urban housing crisis. While problems need to be faced up to, vertical housing presents advantages of its own. It can ease Dhaka urbanite life not just for today but well into the future.


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