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Housing the Displaced a Comprehensive Analysis of Forced Migration’s Impact on Land and Housing in Greater Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

  • Luka Yohanna
  • Abbas Bashir
  • Paulinus Ifeanyi Chukwu
  • Danjuma Yahaya
  • 3608-3618
  • Dec 25, 2024
  • Education

Housing the Displaced a Comprehensive Analysis of Forced Migration’s Impact on Land and Housing in Greater Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Luka Yohanna*, Abbas Bashir, Paulinus Ifeanyi Chukwu, Danjuma Yahaya

Department of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Modibbo Adama University, Yola, Adamawa State

*Corresponding author


Received: 29 October 2024; Accepted: 22 November 2024; Published: 25 December 2024


This study investigates the profound impact of forced migration on the cost of land and housing demand in Greater Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected through questionnaires and key informant interviews. The respondents include residents of the study area who are called the host communities, the migrants and the officials of the relevant governments departments. A sample size of 386 respondents, and 354 IDPs in Host Communities were sample, supplemented by secondary data on internally displaced persons (IDPs) from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and house numbering data from the Primary Health Care Departments of Yola South, Yola North, and Girei LGAs. Descriptive statistics (tables and percentages), and paired sample T-test analysis were employed for data analysis. Results reveal a surge in land prices, rental property scarcity, and increased rental prices due to the influx of displaced populations. The study recommends collaborative efforts from the government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and individuals to address the housing shortage caused by forced migration.

Keywords: Greater Yola, housing demand, land, forced migration, internally displace persons


Migration and mobility have become increasingly crucial topics, particularly in regions experiencing urban transitions. The 2013 United Nations (UN) World Population Policies Report highlighted a global trend of governments implementing policies to reduce rural-to-urban migration, especially in Africa and Asia, where urbanization is rapidly unfolding. Urbanization is often associated with economic growth, leading to shifts in population distribution and rural-urban migration. This internal migration, defined as a relocation of residence for various reasons, has both positive and negative consequences (Hossain, 2006).

The escalating trend of rural-urban migration, particularly in developing countries, has been driven by factors such as conflict and disasters. Large-scale displacements of rural populations to urban centers during and after conflicts have become more prevalent, impacting urban services and resources. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR, 2016) recognizes this shift and has developed policies to address protection and solutions in urban areas, acknowledging the stress it places on urban services and resources, especially in densely populated and underserved environments (Tibaijuka, 2010).

In Nigeria, particularly in the North East, forced migration has been exacerbated by the Boko Haram insurgency. The genesis of Boko Haram has been traced in large part to the frustration of disenfranchised Northeastern youths denied livelihood opportunities and education (Ayo, 2015). In addition, livelihoods, access to water, and grazing pastures have also been under strain for decades as the surface area of Lake Chad has shrunk by 90 percent over the last 45 years (Uche et al, 2014). This is a result of climate change and anthropogenic factors including the damming of tributaries, lack of sustainable water management policies, and overgrazing (Gao et al, 2011). People have increasingly migrated southwards along the Lake Chad basin perimeter which, over time, has led some 70 ethnic groups to converge and led to resource competition, tension, and conflicts. These have increased in scale and geographical scope since 1972 (Donald & Jo-Ansie,2010). The trigger, Boko Haram’s physical attack has ravaged the Northeastern part of Nigeria, especially Local Government Areas thereby forcing the inhabitants of the areas to flee to State Capitals to seek refuge. Attacks on areas like Madagali, Michika, Mubi North/South, Maiha, Hong, and Gombe have compelled residents to seek refuge in Yola, the state capitals, notably impacting Yola in Adamawa State. This influx of displaced populations has strained urban resources, leading to increased demand for land, housing, and essential amenities. Despite numerous international studies on forced migration, the specific implications for land and accommodation in the Greater Yola area remain underexplored. This research aims to fill this gap by examining the magnitude, direction, and effects of forced migration on Greater Yola, Adamawa State.

Study Area

Location and Extent of the Study Area

The study area spans latitudes 9° 7″ to 9° 19″ N and longitudes 12° 17″ to 12° 22″ E, encompassing Yola South, Yola North, and parts of Girei Local Government Area. Yola, the traditional seat of the paramount ruler (Lamido Adamawa), constitutes Yola South, while Jimeta, the administrative and commercial hub of the state, falls under Yola North. The study area extends approximately 15 kilometers into Girei Local Government Area, -as illustrated in Figure 1. According to National Population Commission (NPC, 1991), Greater Yola has a population of about 255,338. Out of this figure, males constitute the highest with 134,037 (52.49%) while females constitute 121,301 (47.51%). The projected 2006 figure with an annual growth rate of 2.83% placed the population of the study area at 403,224. This figure was further projected to 2016 which is a ten-year (10) interval with an annual growth rate of 3% and placed the population of the study area at 415,504. Out of this figure, males constitute the highest with 218098 (52.49%) while females constitute 197406 (47.51%). The largest section of the population relies on agriculture (rain fed as well as irrigation) in addition to trade, commerce, local manufacturing of confectionaries. A good percent of the population is in civil service by virtue of the area being the heart of the state government administration.

Fig. 2 Map of the study area

Fig. 2 Map of the study area

Source: Adamawa State Geographic Information System, 2019.


Types and Sources of Data

Data for this study were derived from both primary and secondary sources. Initially, a reconnaissance survey was conducted to familiarize the researcher with the study area. This included an examination of ward boundaries and a pre-test of the questionnaire to ensure its appropriateness among respondents. Common challenges faced by internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities regarding housing and land demand were assessed through intensive interactions with IDPs and members of the host communities.

Primary data sources included observations and information on migrants gathered through interview schedules. This information encompassed respondent bio-data, data on the cost of land, and housing/rental demand in the study area. Secondary data were extracted from both published and unpublished materials, particularly documents from the National Population Commission (NPC), Primary Health Care (PHC) house numbering lists in Yola, Jimeta, and Girei Local Government Areas (Table 1). Data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on the number of IDPs in host communities (Table 2) were also utilized.

Sampling and Sample Size

Table 1 illustrates the number of wards, settlements, households, and sample sizes in Greater Yola. Questionnaires and interview schedules were administered to two categories of respondents: the host community and IDPs living within the host community. The population for the host community in Greater Yola was 167,915 heads of households, while the population of IDPs living in host communities was 8,876. The total population for the study, combining the host community and IDPs, was 176,791.

Table 1: Local Government Areas, Wards, Number of Household and Sample Size in Greater Yola.

L.G. As Wards Number of households Sample Size (N)
Yola North Ajiya 4294 10
  Alkalawa 4166 9
  Dobeli 6444 15
  Gwadabawa 3072 7
  Jambutu 15619 36
  Karewa 18816 43
  Limawa 3420 8
  Luggere 7012 16
  Nasarawa 10426 24
  Rumde 1781 4
  Yelwa 2633 6
Girei Modire 5156 12
  Damare 2703 7
  Dakri 2483 6
  Girei 1 7100 16
Yola South Bako 2697 6
  Bole Yolde Pate 8245 19
  Makama A 7571 17
  Makama B 3287 8
  Mbamba 3892 9
  Namtari 36228 82
  Adarawo 5817 13
  Mbamoi 1827 4
  Toungo 3963 9
Total 24 167,915 386

Source: Primary health Care Department, Yola North and South and Girei Local Government Area, Household Enumeration (2017).

Saunders et al. (1997) guided the selection of the sample size. Proportional allocation was used, resulting in 386 respondents distributed across the three Local Government Areas according to their population sizes. For the host community, this sample size was proportionately allocated. The sample size for the host community was determined to be 386 heads of households.

The same proportional allocation method was employed for the IDP respondents, resulting in a sample size of 354 respondents. Random sampling techniques were used to select heads of households in all wards in Greater Yola.

Table 2 details the number of IDP households in each ward in Greater Yola, and the sample size was determined using the same proportional allocation method.

Table 2: Number of IDPs Households in each Ward in Greater Yola.

L.G. A Ward Number of households Sample Size
Yola North Ajiya 194 8
  Alkalawa 10 1
  Dobeli 207 8
  Gwadabawa 60 2
  Jambutu 1009 41
  Karewa 589 21
  Limawa 86 3
  Luggere 194 7
  Nasarawa 64 2
  Rumde 0 0
  Yelwa 91 7
Girei Modiri 664 27
  Damare 748 30
  Dakari 299 11
  Girei 1 1474 59
Yola South Bako 54 2
  BoleYolde Pate 949 38
  Makama A 168 7
  Makama B 142 6
  Mbamba 155 6
  Namtari 1461 58
  Adarawo 178 7
  Mbamoi 80 3
  Tongo 0 0
Total 24 8876 354

Source: IOM, 2017

Methods of Data Collection

Data on land and rental prices between 2009-2013, before displacement, and after displacement in 2014-2019 were collected to examine changes in prices. This involved interviews with inhabitants using Likert Scale questionnaires to gauge their perceptions on the effects of displacement on land and rental prices. Key Informant Interviews (KII) were conducted with three registered land agents, representing different areas of Greater Yola, and a chief technical officer from land and surveying. These interviews aimed to ascertain changes in land and rental prices before and after the insurgency.

Sampling Method

Simple random sampling techniques were adopted for selecting heads of households, using the balloting method based on the Primary Health Care numbering of houses. Purposive sampling was used to select the initial IDP respondents in each ward, followed by snowball sampling to identify additional IDP respondents. For both the Host Communities and IDPs, the response rate was 100% and 99% respectively, this gives high confidence in the finding of the research as being sufficiently a representation.

Method of Data Analysis

Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for analysis. Descriptive tools, such as tables and percentages, were utilized, while inferential statistical tools included T-test analysis to examine the differences in land and rental prices before and after displacement.


Effects of Forced Migration on the Inhabitants of Greater Yola

This section presents the responses to the questionnaire items. The questionnaire was administered to the inhabitants of Greater Yola to assess their perception of mass displacement into the area. According to IDMC 2015, one of the primary ways in which internal displacement affects an economy is in terms of housing and infrastructure. People forced to leave their homes face an increase in expenses if they have to rent or buy land, or acquire new accommodation. This, in turn, affects the housing market demand of their host communities, subsequently disrupting the social networks of the host community. This aligns with the work of Oyefara and Alabi (2016), which indicates that displacement disrupts social networks in both the community of origin and the host community where the migrants have been displaced.

Table 3 shows the perception of the inhabitants of Greater Yola about the major causes of displacement in the State. The table reveals that over 90% of the inhabitants in the study area agreed that the major cause of displacement was the Boko Haram insurgency, even though there might be other contributing factors.

Table 3: Major Causes of Population Displacement in the State

Response Category Frequency Percent (%)
Strongly Disagreed 1 0.3
Disagreed 1 0.3
Neither Agreed nor Disagreed 3 0.8
Agreed 74 19.2
Strongly Agreed 307 79.5
Total 386 100

Effects of Forced Migration on the Cost of Land and Housing Demand in the Study Area

Table 4 shows the perception of the inhabitants regarding the impact of displacement on the prices of land. Over 70% of the inhabitants held the opinion that the movement of IDPs into Greater Yola had led to an increase in land prices in the study area. Less than 30% disagreed, and during interviews, over 40% of IDPs stated that they were able to own plots of land in the study area.

Table 4: Effects of Displacement on the Increased Prices of Land in the Study Area

Response Category Frequency Percent (%)
Strongly Disagreed 16 4.1
Disagreed 30 7.8
Neither Agreed nor Disagreed 67 17.4
Agreed 116 30.1
Strongly Agreed 157 40.7
Total 386 100

Table 5 presents the prices at which respondents purchased land in their host communities. Less than 20% acquired land at a price range below N 100,000 to N 200,000, while over 80% bought land ranging from N 200,000 to above N 500,000. Since more than 40% of the displaced population acquired land in their host communities, this has resulted in changes in land prices in the study area.

Table 5: Prices of Land Bought by the IDPs

Price Range (Naira) Frequency Percent (%)
≤ N 100,000 10 5.8
N 100,000-200,000 21 12.2
N 200,000-500,000 113 65.7
Above N 500,000 28 16.3
Total 172 100

Interviews with key informants were conducted to ascertain land prices before and after displacement across the wards.

Table 6 shows the prices of land (100ft X 100ft) before and after the insurgency (2014). The results indicate a mean value of N3,479,166.6667 per plot of land (100ft X 100ft) before insurgency and a mean value of N6,725,000 per plot of land (100ft X 100ft) after insurgency. There is a significant difference (t = -3.862 at p< 0.01) in the prices of land (100ft X 100ft) across the study area before and after insurgency, suggesting an increase after displacement. This is attributed to the demand for land by IDPs for building houses.

Table 6(a): Prices of Land and Housing Units Before and After insurgency

S/No. Word Prices of land before displacement (100X100 feet (N) Prices of single room (N) Price of double room (N) S/No. Word Prices of land before displacement (100X100 feet (N)
1 Dakari Before Insurgency After Insurgency Before insurgency 24,000 30,000 Before Insurgency
1 Dakari 200,000 400,000 15,000 1 Dakri 200,000
2 Damare 150,000 400,000 12,000 2 Damare 150,000
3 Girei I 200,000 500,000 25,000 3 Girei I 200,000
4 Modirei 150,000 300,000 15,000 4 Modirei 150,000
5 Ajiya 6,000,000 11,000,000 18,000 5 Ajiya 6,000,000
6 Alkalawa 20,000,000 40,000,000 18,000 6 Alkalawa 20,000,000
7 Dobeli 5,000,000 10,000,000 20,000 7 Dobeli 5,000,000
8 Guanabana 5,000,000 10,000,000 18,000 8 Gwadabawa 5,000,000
9 Jambutu 4,000,000 8,000,000 18,000 9 Jambutu 4,000,000
10 Karewa 8,000,000 16,000,000 40,000 10 Karewa 8,000,000
11 Limawa 4,000,000 8,000,000 24,000 11 Limawa 4,000,000
12 Luggere 3,000,000 6,000,000 30,000 12 Luggere 3,000,000
13 Nassarawo 5,000,000 10,000,000 25,000 13 Nassarawo 5,000,000
14 Rumde 3,000,000 5,000,000 20,000 14 Rumde 3,000,000
15 Yelwa 4,000,000 6,000,000 20,000 15 Yelwa 4,000,000
16 Adarawo 1,500,000 2500000 12,000 16 Adarawo 1,500,000
17 Bako 2,600,000 4,500,000 18,000 17 Bako 2,600,000
18 Bole-YoldePate 600,000 1,000,000 12,000 18 Bole-YoldePate 600,000
19 Makama A 2,500,000 5,000,000 12,000 19 Makama A 2,500,000
20 Makama B 2,500,000 50000000 12,000 20 Makama B 2,500,000
21 Mbamba 1,500,000 2500000 15,000 21 Mbamba 1,500,000
22 Mbamoi 1,500,000 3,000,000 12,000 22 Mbamoi 1,500,000
23 Namtari 100,000 300,000 12,000 23 Namtari 100,000
24 Tongo 3,000,000 6,000,000 18,000 24 Tongo 3,000,000
Total 83500000 161400000 417000 Total 83500000

Table 6(b): Continue Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean .001 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Pair 1 (b4 – after) T -3,245,830
Lower Upper 4,117,430   840,467   -4,984,470
Pair 1 (b4 – after) -3,245,830 -3.862 23
Paired Differences Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Paired Differences Mean

Table 7 shows the perception of the inhabitants about the mass movement of migrants and the resulting scarcity of rented houses in the study area. Over 70% agreed that the mass movement of the displaced population has led to a scarcity of rented houses, aligning with the findings of Mercy Corps (2014) regarding the impact of Syrian refugees on housing availability in Lebanon. UNHCR (2009) also notes challenges arising from the dispersal of displaced people within urban areas.

Table 7: Effects of Forced Migration on Scarcity of Rented Houses in the Study Area

Response Frequency Percent (%)
Strongly Disagreed 12 3.1
Disagreed 36 9.3
Neither Agreed nor Disagreed 52 13.5
Agreed 127 32.9
Strongly Agreed 159 41.2
Total 386 100

Table 8. shows the perception of the inhabitants of the study area on the mass displacement and its effect on increase in the price of rented houses in the study area. The table shows that over 60% of the respondents were of the opinion that mass migration of the displaced population into Greater Yola has brought about increased in the prices of rented houses in the study area. This agreed with the work of Saiz (2003) who examines the impact of Mariel boatlift on housing rents in Miami. His work shows that rents increased significantly in Miami as a result of the influx of migrants into the area.

Table 8: Effects of Forced Migration on the Prices of Rented Houses in the Study Area

Response Frequency Percent (%)
Strongly Disagreed 25 6.5
Disagreed 30 7.8
Neither Agreed nor Disagreed 61 15.8
Agreed 112 29
Strongly Agreed 158 40.9
Total 386 100

Table 9 indicates a significant difference (t = 11.033 at 0.00) in the prices of single rooms before and after the insurgency, with prices rising after displacement due to high demand from IDPs.

Table 10 demonstrates a significant difference (t = -10.852 at p<0.000) in the prices of room and a parlous before and after displacement, attributing the increase to the influx of IDPs.

Table 6 (a): Prices of Room and a Parlous Before and After Displacement Across Wards in Greater Yola

Table 11 reveals a significant difference (t = -5.592 at p<0.000) in the prices of two-bedroom flats before and after displacement, indicating an increase in prices due to the influx of IDPs.

Summary of Research Findings:

The study offers valuable insights into the repercussions of internal displacement, particularly fueled by the Boko Haram insurgency. The findings highlight that Boko Haram insurgency stands out as the predominant cause of population displacement in the region, with over 90% agreement among the surveyed inhabitants. Notably, the study reveals a substantial impact on the housing market, particularly in terms of land prices and the availability of rented accommodations. The movement of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) into Greater Yola is associated with a significant increase in the cost of land, reflecting the challenges faced by those forced to leave their homes. This trend is further supported by the scarcity of rented houses, with over 70% of the respondents acknowledging the strain on housing availability due to mass migration. The study delves into the specific pricing dynamics, indicating marked increases in the cost of single rooms, room and parlour arrangements, and two-bedroom flats, all attributed to the heightened demand resulting from forced migration. The implications of these findings extend beyond mere statistical trends, shedding light on the profound socio-economic consequences of forced migration in the Greater Yola area.

Theoretical and Policy Implications:

The theoretical underpinnings of this study align with the broader understanding of the socio-economic impact of forced migration, drawing attention to the interconnectedness of displacement, housing markets, and community dynamics. The findings resonate with social network disruption theories, as noted by Oyefara and Alabi (2016), emphasizing how forced migration can disturb social networks not only in the community of origin but also in the host community. Additionally, the study echoes the economic theories of supply and demand, revealing a direct correlation between the influx of IDPs and the surge in land and housing prices. These theoretical lenses contribute to a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted consequences of forced migration.

In terms of policy implications, the study urges a collaborative approach involving governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and philanthropists. The identified housing shortages and escalating prices necessitate proactive measures to address the challenges posed by forced migration. Government intervention in the form of housing development initiatives could mitigate the adverse effects on the housing market. Furthermore, NGOs and philanthropic organizations are encouraged to play a pivotal role in facilitating affordable housing solutions for the displaced population. Policymakers should consider the unique circumstances presented by forced migration, recognizing its potential to strain housing resources and destabilize communities. The study underscores the need for a comprehensive and compassionate policy framework to address the housing needs of both the displaced and host communities, ensuring the stability and well-being of the entire Greater Yola region.


A Call for Collaborative Action

In conclusion, the study highlights a significant difference in land prices across the study area before and after the insurgency. The prices of single rooms, room and a parlous, and two-bedroom flats have also experienced significant increases after displacement. These changes can be attributed to the influx of IDPs, resulting in a higher demand for accommodation and subsequent price hikes.  It also examined the intricate realities of forced migration in Greater Yola, emphasizing the transformational effects on housing and infrastructure. The study not only contributes to the academic understanding of forced displacement but also advocates for tangible policy interventions to address the challenges faced by affected populations.

As the global community grapples with an increasing number of displaced individuals, this study serves as a reminder of the urgency to develop adaptive frameworks and collaborative solutions. In this regard, the state and the LGA should adopt policy of building affordable residential houses that help bring down rent through direct government investment and private public participation arrangement in addition, government should review the issuance of Certificate of Ownership (C of O) to land/property owner to facilitate collaboration for bank loan to build houses. By bridging the gap between theory and policy, there exists an opportunity to create resilient communities capable of navigating the complexities of forced migration.


  1. Based on the research findings and their theoretical and policy implications, several recommendations emerge to address the challenges posed by forced migration in Greater Yola:
  2. Housing Development Initiatives: Given the significant impact of forced migration on housing demand and prices, it is recommended that government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and philanthropists actively engage in housing development projects. This could involve the construction of affordable housing units to mitigate shortages and price hikes, particularly in areas heavily affected by forced displacement.
  3. Social Support Programs: Recognizing the disruption of social networks in both origin and host communities, social support programs should be implemented. These programs could focus on community-building initiatives, fostering integration between displaced populations and host communities. NGOs and community-based organizations can play a vital role in facilitating such programs.
  4. Land Use Planning and Regulation: To manage the impact of forced migration on land prices, authorities should consider implementing effective land use planning and regulation. This includes zoning policies that balance the needs of displaced populations with the existing infrastructure and community dynamics, preventing an unchecked rise in land prices.
  5. Government Intervention in Rental Markets: In response to the scarcity of rented houses and increased rental prices, targeted government interventions in rental markets may be necessary. This could involve rent control measures, subsidies for vulnerable populations, or incentives for private developers to invest in affordable rental housing.
  6. Infrastructure Development: To accommodate the growing population resulting from forced migration, investments in infrastructure should be prioritized. This includes improvements in transportation, utilities, and public services to ensure that host communities can support the influx of displaced populations without compromising their own well-being.
  7. Long-Term Planning: Considering the potential long-term nature of forced migration, authorities should adopt a forward-looking approach. Long-term planning should involve a comprehensive strategy that anticipates future challenges, integrates displaced populations into urban development plans, and ensures sustainable solutions for both host and displaced communities.
  8. Collaborative Initiatives: Recognizing the multidimensional nature of forced migration, collaborative efforts between government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, and local communities are essential. Joint initiatives can harness diverse resources, expertise, and perspectives to create holistic and sustainable solutions for the complex issues arising from forced displacement.


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