Implementation of Digitalization of Daily Production Report in Manufacturing Industry to Improve Data Efficiency and Accuracy
- Sukhron Makhmudah
- Welly Teguh Setiawan
- Sinta Aprilia
- Enang Ashar Suryono
- Yudi Prastyo
- 2949-2956
- Feb 15, 2025
- Business Administration
Implementation of Digitalization of Daily Production Report in Manufacturing Industry to Improve Data Efficiency and Accuracy
Sukhron Makhmudah1, Welly Teguh Setiawan2, Sinta Aprilia3, Enang Ashar Suryono4, Yudi Prastyo
Industrial Engineering, Pelita Bangsa University
Received: 04 January 2025; Accepted: 08 January 2025; Published: 15 February 2025
The development of science and technology is increasingly rapid, including in the industrial world of production and manufacturing, technology is increasingly used in improving company performance. The manufacturing industry, including the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector, continues to strive to improve operational efficiency and productivity. Digitalization has become key in this effort. Through the integration of digital technology, companies can automate their production processes, improve visibility over operational performance, and make informed decisions. Before digitalization, daily reporting often involved manual data collection from various sources, such as production machines, Operators, and physical work daily sheets. This could lead to errors in data entry, delays in processing and difficulty in interlinking data from different systems. This digitization training aims to increase operational efficiency, improve data accuracy, and increase the accessibility of production information, such as knowing the process or flow in making daily reports to visualizing production data so that it makes it easier for the Operations Team and Management to monitor factory productivity.
Keywords: Automation Digitalization, Manufacturing Industry, Productivity Efficiency, Information Technology
The industrial revolution 4.0 is a digital era when all machines are connected through an internet system or cyber system characterized by increasing connectivity of interactions and boundaries between humans, machines, and other resources that are increasingly convergent through information and communication technology. Indonesia has committed to building a globally competitive manufacturing industry through the accelerated implementation of industry 4.0. This is marked by the launch of Making Indonesia 4.0 as a road map and strategy for Indonesia to enter the digital era that is currently running. [1]
In the era of rapidly growing digitalization, digital implementation is a must for manufacturing companies to improve their operational efficiency and competitiveness, but in addition to having an impact on efficiency and productivity, the use of digital applications also has the potential to affect employee motivation and job satisfaction [2].
The manufacturing industry is constantly striving to improve operational efficiency and productivity. Digitalization has become a key factor in this effort, through the integration of digital technology, companies can automate their production processes, improve visibility over operational performance, and make faster and more informed decisions.
This research aims to identify the obstacles that arise in the process of manually generating daily production reports in the manufacturing industry, and develop digitalization solutions to overcome these problems. The main objective of this research is to improve operational efficiency, data accuracy, and accessibility of relevant information, thus supporting faster and more precise decision-making. The implementation of digitization is expected to replace manual methods that are prone to human error, increase productivity, and reduce waste of time and costs.
The method used in this research is qualitative and case study by conducting interviews directly with operators, Production Supervisors, and management with the aim of digging in-depth information about the process of making production reports. Observation is also carried out in the field to understand the process of making production reports and find obstacles. As well as studying the documents used for writing production reports.
Preparation of daily production reports in the manufacturing industry is written manually using paper by the operator and inputted into the database by the Admin. This condition of course has several obstacles such as requiring paper, requiring a lot of time, energy and potential errors when inputted by the admin to the database due to the unclear writing of the operator making it difficult for the admin to read the report, etc.
In order to minimize this condition, the manufacturing industry changed the method of making daily production reports from manual to digital, namely using applications with tab facilities. By paying attention to this background, this digitalization implementation is expected to increase the efficiency and accuracy of data in the manufacturing industry.
Problem Identification
A daily production report is documentation that records production activities and results on each working day in a company. The main purpose of the daily production report is to provide a clear picture of the production performance on that day, as well as identify problems that arise during the production process. problems that arise during the production process.
The production report contains several things, namely: production data, production efficiency, production problems, production quality, machinery and equipment conditions and labor. Given the importance of daily production reports, the ease of access in filling, analyzing results and monitoring must be done easily and quickly.
Daily production report generation in the manufacturing industry is written manually using paper by the operator and inputted into the database by the admin. In order to minimize this condition, it was decided to change the method of making daily reports from paper or manual to digital using applications with tab facilities.
The following is the condition of the process flow when the daily production report is still done manually:
Figure 1 Daily Production Report Creation
From the above conditions, there are several obstacles in the process flow of making daily production reports, including:
- Operator writing is sometimes difficult to read
- Constraints on the availability of work stationery (ATK)
- Operator discipline in completing all report filling variables
- Damaged or lost report paper
- The results of the production report are not real time because they are inputted by the admin on the next work
- Input errors made by the production admin
- It is difficult to integrate production reports with other reports because it has not used web
- Microsoft Excel’s limitation to process data in a large
Taking into account this background, after the implementation of this digitalization, it is expected to increase the efficiency and accuracy of data in the manufacturing industry.
In the manual process of making daily production reports in the manufacturing industry, there are various obstacles that affect efficiency and accuracy. These constraints include operator writing that is difficult to read, limited stationery, and processes that are not real-time because new data is inputted on the next work shift. In addition, data integration with other systems is difficult, and the use of Microsoft Excel has limitations in handling large-capacity data.
To systematically identify and visualize the root causes of these constraints, a fishbone diagram is used. This diagram provides an overview of the relationship between the main problem and the causal factors from various aspects, such as people, methods, materials, equipment, work environment, and data management.
The following is a fishbone diagram that illustrates the various causes of obstacles in making daily production reports in manual:
Figure 2 Fishbone Diagram
Data and Material Collection
In the previous condition, the daily production report was written using paper by the operator and submitted to the Shift Team Leader to be validated, then the report was processed by the Data Analyst to get conclusions or insights from the report written by the Operator regarding the productivity of all machines and also from other related departments, such as Engineering, Logistics, Mixing, Quality, Utility, etc.
The contents of the daily production report written by the operator include: Date, Operator’s name, Team Leader’s name, what shift, line name, product name produced, total output, problems that occurred during one shift, etc. The following is the front view of the manual daily production report can be seen in the picture below:
Figure 3 Daily Report Form Front view
Figure 4 Daily Report Form Back View
The following is a dashboard design that is made as a material for analyzing productivity using excel, can be seen in the picture
Figure 5 OEE Dashboard Using Excel
The dashboard above shows the monthly trend of monthly Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) values, machine utilization capacity and also the Pareto Loss Tree.
Implementation of Digitalization Implementation
After making improvements in the form of digitization for daily production reports, this is the application used for inputting production data:
Figure 6 App View
The contents of the Application include:
- Line Name
- Region and Factory Name
- Achievement of OEE Value
- Product Variant being manufactured
- Date and Shift
- Loss Time Allocation
- Recording of Machine Run and Stop activities
- Actual machine speed
- Production Output
The way this application works is to record run and stop activities on the machine in real time using a relay mounted on the machine panel and connected to the Filling machine sensor as a Bottle neck, the relay captures the run and stop signal from the filling sensor and will send a signal to the radio installed on the panel, and the radio will send a gateaway signal for further translation from machine language to human language by the interpreter before being transferred to the Check Stage server (Check) stored to the database.
Figure 7 Data Processing Flow from Sensor to Server
From the database, it will be connected to the Miscrosoft Power BI application for further processing and packaging of the data in an online dashboard as needed, including monitoring productivity, Progress Improvement to reduce lost time, Performance of departments directly related to production activities such as Logistics, Quality, Engineering, etc. And of course, this dashboard is used by management to make decisions related to productivity.
The following is a dashboard display as a medium for analyzing and monitoring Productivity using power BI where the data on this dashboard will be refreshed automatically for 8 times in 1 day.
Figure 7 Online dashboard using power BI
The dashboard above contains OEE values for each line and overall OEE, OEE trends for each week and month, capacity, and pareto loss tree.
The following are some of the benefits after the implementation of digitalization of production reports daily production report:
- Improved operational efficiency; digitizing production reports allows for a faster and more efficient reporting process. By using a digital system, the time required to compile, collect, and analyze production data can be minimized, thereby speeding up decision-making and response to changing production conditions.
- Improved data accuracy: digital reporting systems have tighter controls against human error and reduce the risk of data entry errors. This results in more accurate and reliable data, which assists management in making better and informed decisions.
- Better accessibility: with production reports available digitally, information can be accessed from anywhere at any time using internet-connected devices. This facilitates collaboration between teams, allowing management and related parties to monitor production more easily.
- More effective performance monitoring: digital reporting systems are equipped with performance monitoring features that allow management to track production performance in detail. By analyzing historical data and production trends, companies can identify patterns, problems, or opportunities that can be corrected or leveraged to improve efficiency and productivity.
- Cost savings: Although it requires an initial investment in the development and implementation of a digital system, in the long run, digitizing production reports can result in cost savings. This is mainly due to improved operational efficiency, reduced human error, and reduced administrative costs associated with physical document
- Increased compliance and auditability: digital reporting systems can facilitate compliance with applicable regulations and industry standards. Data stored in digital format is easier to audit and maintain, thus meeting stringent audit and regulatory requirements.
After the implementation of digitalization, the daily production report generation in the FMCG industry is no longer done manually, but digitally using tabs. And from this implementation, several major benefits were obtained, including: increased operational efficiency, increased data accuracy, easier accessibility, more effective performance monitoring, and cost savings.
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