Implementation of Gender- Responsive Basic Education Policy in the Secondary Public Schools
- Cherry Red D. Lomibao
- 5831-5871
- Dec 27, 2024
- Education
Implementation of Gender- Responsive Basic Education Policy in the Secondary Public Schools
Cherry Red D. Lomibao
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Open University System
Received: 17 November 2024; Accepted: 23 November 2024; Published: 27 December 2024
This study examined the implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) Policy in secondary public schools in Caloocan City, Philippines, with the aim of assessing its effectiveness in promoting gender equality and identifying implementation challenges. A descriptive method was employed, and a questionnaire based on DepEd Memo 32 S. 2017 was administered to a sample of 351 teachers and administrators, selected using the Cochran method. Data analysis involved mean, percentage, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests.
The study found a predominantly female respondent group, primarily within middle-age brackets. The GRBE Policy’s implementation across various educational aspects, including curriculum, instruction, assessment, planning, operations, public affairs, finance, and administration, was generally perceived positively. However, significant variations in perceptions of policy implementation were observed based on gender, age, length of service, and position.
To enhance the GRBE Policy’s implementation, the study recommended prioritizing and enhancing Gender and Development (GAD) orientation and training programs for test-item writers. Establishing collaborative working groups for Youth Formation policies, conducting needs assessments for breastfeeding and child-minding facilities, providing comprehensive training in gender mainstreaming for educators, and conducting a follow-up study to evaluate the long-term impact of training programs on educators’ practices and student outcomes were also recommended. These initiatives aimed to promote gender equality and inclusivity in education by equipping stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively integrate GRBE principles. Through ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and collaboration, these efforts could contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive educational environment for all learners.
Keywords: Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy, Gender Equality, Policy Implementation, Doctor in Education Management, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University
Achieving gender equality in education was a pivotal global goal, highlighted by United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 aiming to empower women and girls through inclusive and fair education. Gender-responsive education garnered significant attention worldwide as part of the broader gender equality movement. Efforts were made to address gender disparities and create inclusive environments acknowledging all gender needs. In the Philippines, the Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) Policy, implemented by the Department of Education, aimed to establish an educational environment catering to diverse gender needs, promoting equality across all educational facets. However, challenges were encountered in implementing the GRBE Policy in Caloocan City, where discrepancies in policy execution and reports of gender-related issues like bullying and discrimination indicated the necessity for more robust policy implementation. The study aimed to address these challenges by examining the implementation of the GRBE policy in public secondary schools in Caloocan City, identifying obstacles encountered during its execution.
The study was guided by theoretical frameworks including Gender Inequality, Theory of Normalization Processing, Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework, as well as Top-Down and Bottom-Up Theories. The Theory of Gender Inequality, expanded upon by academics like Simone de Beauvoir (1949) and Max Weber (1922), highlighted how societal structures perpetuated gender inequities, crucial for understanding challenges in implementing gender-responsive policies and addressing gender abuse among LGBTQ students. The Normalization Process Theory provided a framework for analyzing policy implementation by focusing on coherence, cognitive participation, collective action, and reflexive monitoring, assessing the integration of gender-responsive practices in schools. The Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework allowed for evaluating gender integration in policies, ensuring effectiveness and sustainability. The top-down theory emphasized policy direction from higher authorities in integrating gender-responsive practices, while the bottom-up theory underscored grassroots initiatives and community involvement in advancing gender equality in education, highlighting the importance of community engagement and decentralized decision-making for creating inclusive and equitable learning environments.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the extent of the implementation of Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy as assessed by the respondents in the secondary public schools in Caloocan City.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
- What were the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of gender, age, length of service, and position?
- To what extent was the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy implemented in Caloocan City’s secondary public schools, as perceived by the respondents in terms of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, Planning and Field Operations and Public Affairs, Finance & Administration?
- Was there a significant difference on the extent of implementation of Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy as assessed by the respondents when grouped by their demographic characteristics?
- What are the challenges faced in the implementation of the Gender- Responsive Basic Education Policy?
The study employed a descriptive method of research, utilizing a survey questionnaire to gather data from teachers and administrators in secondary public schools in Caloocan City to assess the implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy. The sample size of 351 was determined using Modified Cochran’s Formula for smaller populations, ensuring reliability. The questionnaire, based on DepEd Memo 32, Series of 2017, consisted of three parts, evaluating policy implementation and identifying challenges. Validity and reliability tests were conducted, and the instrument was validated by experts. The data-gathering procedure involved obtaining permissions, distributing questionnaires, and ensuring ethical considerations were met, emphasizing voluntary participation and confidentiality. Appendices included validation sheets and statistical results for transparency and credibility.
The gathered data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize and describe the implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Education policy. Descriptive statistics like percentages, means, frequency counts, and standard deviations provided an overview, while inferential statistics including Mann-Whitney Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test assessed differences in policy implementation across various groups. Percentage analysis described respondents based on demographic variables, mean analysis evaluated policy implementation aspects, and non-parametric tests were used to compare groups. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS software under the guidance of a statistician. The findings were interpreted in relation to the research objectives, providing insights into policy implementation and potential implications for practice.
This chapter contained the presentation of data after conducting the survey, as well as data analysis and interpretation by employing statistical tools. The data gathered were tabulated and analyzed to answer the specific questions mentioned in the statement of the problem. The analytical tables were presented according to the arrangement within the research questionnaire filled out by the respondents.
Table 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Cluster
Cluster | Frequency | Percentage |
Caloocan North District I | 83 | 23.65 |
Caloocan North District II | 56 | 15.95 |
Caloocan North District III | 53 | 15.10 |
Caloocan North District IV | 51 | 14.53 |
Aromar | 34 | 9.69 |
Pobcaran | 48 | 13.68 |
Tanque | 26 | 7.41 |
Total | 351 | 100.00 |
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents based on their respective clusters. The highest proportion of respondents comes from Caloocan North District I, accounting for 23.65% (83 respondents). This is followed by Caloocan North District II and III, with 15.95% (56 respondents) and 15.10% (53 respondents), respectively. Caloocan District North IV represents 14.53% (51 respondents) of the total, while Pobcaran contributes 13.68% (48 respondents). Aromar has the second-lowest percentage with 9.69% (34 respondents). The smallest cluster is the Tanque, making up 7.41% (26 respondents). In total, there are 351 respondents, achieving a comprehensive 100% distribution across the clusters.
1. Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Gender, Age, Length of Service and Position
Table 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Gender
Gender | Frequency | Percentage |
Male | 100 | 28.49 |
Female | 249 | 70.94 |
LGBTQ+++ | 2 | 0.57 |
Total | 351 | 100.00 |
Table 2 illustrates the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents by gender. Majority of respondents are female, comprising 70.94% (249 respondents) of the total. Males represent 28.49% (100 respondents), while LGBTQ+++ individuals account for a minimal 0.57% (2 respondents). Overall, the table reflects a significant gender disparity among the 351 respondents, with females being the predominant group.
This distribution aligns with the research findings of UNESCO (2019), which highlighted the prevalence of female educators in global education systems. It provided a comprehensive overview of gender disparities in education worldwide, emphasizing the predominance of female educators in many regions. It discusses the implications of such gender distributions and highlights the need for more inclusive practices to support all genders in educational settings.
The implications of such gender imbalances are further supported by Smith & Riley’s (2021) exploration of gender dynamics in educational professions, emphasizing how gender identities influence experiences within the field. They explored the dynamics of gender in educational professions, discussing how gender identities and roles shape experiences and perceptions within the field. The paper supports the observation of a female-dominated respondent group and examines the broader implications of gender imbalances in education.
Additionally, insights from the OECD TALIS (2019) results on the gender composition of teachers worldwide echo the study’s observations on the dominance of females in the teaching profession. The study results offered insights into the gender composition of teachers across different countries. The data indicate that females often constitute a majority in the teaching profession, aligning with the study’s findings on the gender distribution of respondents.
These related studies underscore the significance of addressing gender disparities and promoting inclusivity in educational environments to support diverse gender identities effectively.
Table 3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Age
Age | Frequency | Percentage |
29 and below | 60 | 17.09 |
30 – 39 | 115 | 32.76 |
40- 49 | 117 | 33.33 |
50- 59 | 50 | 14.25 |
60 and above | 9 | 2.56 |
Total | 351 | 100.00 |
Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents according to age. The largest age group is 40-49, comprising 33.33% (117 respondents) of the total. This is closely followed by the 30-39 age group, which represents 32.76% (115 respondents). Respondents aged 29 and below account for 17.09% (60 respondents), while those aged 50-59 make up 14.25% (50 respondents). The smallest group is respondents aged 60 and above, constituting only 2.56% (9 respondents). Collectively, the 351 respondents demonstrate a diverse age distribution, with a notable concentration in the 30-49 age range.
This varied age representation aligns with the research findings of Barnes & Gunia (2019), which emphasized the positive impact of age diversity on workplace well-being, highlighting the advantages of having a broad range of age groups within an organization. The findings highlight the importance of diverse age distribution in fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment, similar to the diverse age distribution observed among the respondents in the study.
Similarly, the study by McGinn & Milkman (2018) delved into how demographic factors, including age, influence career mobility and professional experiences, supporting the notion that diverse age groups bring varied perspectives and experiences to the workplace.
Transitioning to Lau & Li’s (2021) framework for gender-responsive pedagogy implementation, the focus shifts to equipping teachers with the necessary skills to promote gender equality in education, a crucial aspect highlighted in the context of diverse age demographics.
Furthermore, Schleicher’s (2020) examination of teacher policies promoting gender equality across countries underscores the significant role of middle-aged educators, the largest demographic, in driving the implementation of gender-responsive education strategies. These related studies collectively underscore the importance of age diversity in educational and professional settings, emphasizing the multifaceted benefits of inclusive age representation in fostering collaborative and inclusive environments.
Table 4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Length of Service
Length of Service | Frequency | Percentage |
5 yrs below | 78 | 22.22 |
6-10 yrs | 81 | 23.08 |
11-15 yrs | 100 | 28.49 |
16- 20 yrs | 59 | 16.81 |
21 yrs & above | 33 | 9.40 |
Total | 351 | 100.00 |
Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents by their length of service. The largest group of respondents has been in service for 11-15 years, making up 28.49% (100 respondents) of the total. This is followed by those with 6-10 years of service at 23.08% (81 respondents), and those with 5 years or below at 22.22% (78 respondents). Respondents with 16-20 years of service account for 16.81% (59 respondents), while the smallest group is those with 21 years or more, comprising 9.40% (33 respondents). Overall, the data from 351 respondents reveals a broad range of service lengths, with a notable concentration in the mid-career range of 6-15 years.
This aligns with Jamal’s (2019) examination of how age diversity among teachers influences teaching practices and policy implementation, emphasizing the unique contributions and challenges that different age groups bring to the educational environment, particularly underscoring the importance of middle-aged teachers in policy enactment.
Similarly, Unterhalter & North (2018) reviewed the effectiveness of gender-responsive education policies, particularly in low and middle-income countries, considering the impact of teacher demographics, including age, on policy implementation. The article stresses the importance of providing targeted training and support for diverse age groups to ensure successful implementation of gender-responsive policies.
In a related context, Schleicher (2020) analyzed teacher policies promoting gender equality across countries, with a focus on the age distribution of teachers. The discussion on the critical role of middle-aged educators, the largest demographic, in driving the implementation of gender-responsive education policies resonates with the findings on the distribution of service lengths among respondents. These studies collectively offer a comprehensive understanding of how the age distribution of teachers influences the successful implementation of gender-responsive education policies, highlighting the significant contribution of middle-aged educators in this process.
Table 5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Position
Position | Frequency | Percentage |
Teacher I- III | 280 | 79.77 |
Master Teacher I-IV | 42 | 11.97 |
Head Teacher I- VI | 29 | 8.26 |
Total | 351 | 100.00 |
Table 5 depicts the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents by their positions. The majority of respondents are in the Teacher I-III category, which comprises 79.77% (280 respondents) of the total. This is followed by Master Teacher I-IV, representing 11.97% (42 respondents). The smallest group is Head Teacher I-VI, making up 8.26% (29 respondents). Collectively, these figures indicate that the overwhelming majority of the 351 respondents hold teaching positions at the entry to intermediate levels, with a smaller proportion occupying higher teaching and head teacher roles.
This distribution highlights a predominant presence of teachers at the foundational levels, followed by a smaller representation in higher teaching and head teacher positions, as indicated by Baric, Balgos & McCleary-Sills (2019). The study emphasizes the pivotal role of tailored teacher training programs in promoting gender equality in education, stressing the need for professional development across different positions to effectively implement gender-responsive policies.
Similarly, Evans & Yuan (2019) examined global research on teachers’ roles in advancing gender equity, emphasizing how teachers’ positions impact their ability to drive policy implementation. The research underscores the significance of empowering teachers at all levels to create a gender-responsive educational environment, aligning with the discussion on the distribution of teachers’ positions and their impact on policy enactment.
In line with these insights, Unterhalter, North & Parkes (2018) explored the influence of gender-responsive education policies on inclusion, particularly focusing on teachers in various positions. The study highlights the critical roles of entry-level and intermediate teachers in policy implementation, underscoring the leadership and support provided by head teachers. These findings collectively underscore the importance of supporting teachers at all levels to achieve gender equity in education, emphasizing the significance of inclusive professional development tailored to different teaching positions.
2. The Extent of Implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy in the Secondary Public Schools in Caloocan City in Terms of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; Planning and Field Operations; and Public Affairs, Finance and Administration
Table 6 provides an assessment of respondents regarding the curriculum, instruction, and assessment in terms of learners’ development, focusing on gender equality and responsiveness. The item “Advocate gender equality in all aspects of development and ensure that policies, programs, and activities are made congruent with the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy” received a mean score of 3.52 (SD = 0.56), indicating it is “Fully Implemented.”
Table 6 Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Terms of Learners Development
Learners Development | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Advocate gender equality for holistic development and ensure that policies, programs, and activities are aligned with the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy, encompassing diverse dimensions of growth and progress. . | 3.52 | 0.56 | Fully Implemented |
2. Include in the school calendar the observance and celebrations related to Gender and development (i.e. Women’s Month, LGBT Month, Peace Education Month, Children’s Month and Human Rights Month) | 3.38 | 0.68 | Implemented |
3. Advocate for pedagogical approaches that integrate policies on curriculum, instruction, and assessment consistent with the principle of gender-responsive education | 3.41 | 0.63 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.44 | 0.56 | Implemented |
The items “Include in the school calendar the observance and celebrations related to Gender and development” and “Support policies on curriculum, instruction and assessment that are consistent with the principle of gender-responsive education” had mean scores of 3.38 (SD = 0.68) and 3.41 (SD = 0.63), respectively, both rated as “Implemented.” The overall mean score of 3.44 (SD = 0.56) suggests that these practices are generally implemented, with an emphasis on promoting gender equality within the educational framework.
Booth & Bennett (2020) in his study discussed the importance of integrating gender-responsive pedagogy into educational systems. It highlights successful cases where advocacy for gender equality and congruence with gender policies have led to significant improvements in educational outcomes, supporting the high implementation rating found in the study.
Aligned with this findings, UNESCO (2019) emphasized the necessity of inclusive and equitable education systems, advocating for policies and programs that promote gender equality. It aligns with the findings that gender-responsive policies are generally well-implemented, but also notes areas needing further improvement, such as the observance of gender and development events.
Similarly, Tuwor & Sossou (2019) in their article examined the role of education in promoting gender equality and empowering women. It provides evidence of the positive impact of gender-responsive educational policies and programs, reinforcing the findings that such practices are generally well-implemented, yet also pointing out the need for consistent application across different areas of the educational framework. These sources collectively validate the research findings, illustrating that advocating for and implementing gender equality in education policies and programs is a widely recognized and effective strategy for enhancing educational outcomes and fostering an inclusive educational environment.
On the other hand, UNESCO (2020) in their report outlined the progress in gender equality in education and emphasizes the importance of integrating gender-focused activities and observances into school calendars to sustain and deepen these gains. Same with Baily & Katrak (2021) in their encyclopedia entry provided comprehensive insights into various gender-responsive practices in education, including the significance of celebrating gender and development observances to reinforce gender equality principles in the school environment.
In addition, Unterhalter & Heslop (2020) in their book discussed the transformative potential of education when gender equality is prioritized. It highlights the role of school-based observances and celebrations in promoting awareness and engagement with gender equality issues among students and staff. These sources provide evidence supporting the importance of including gender and development observances in the school calendar to promote gender equality and suggest areas for further enhancement and consistency in implementation.
Table 7 Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Terms of Curriculum Standards
Curriculum Standards | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Enhance and promote a K to 12 curriculum that integrates gender equality, human rights, sexuality, and reproductive health education, peace education, environmental studies, and child protection. | 3.5 | 0.58 | Fully Implemented |
2. Develop a set of GAD and human rights competencies including, but not limited to, core messages and key concepts such as responsible parenthood, equal opportunities, equal representation in public affairs to be integrated across learning areas and across grade levels. | 3.48 | 0.59 | Implemented |
3. Ensure essential requirements of gender sensitivity are integrated into subjects or learning areas, trainings, curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs for learners and trainees. | 3.43 | 0.61 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.47 | 0.54 | Implemented |
Table 7 reveals the respondents’ assessment of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment in terms of curriculum standards. The first item, “Enhance and promote a K to 12 curriculum that integrates gender equality, human rights, sexuality, and reproductive health education, peace education, environmental studies, and child protection,” received a mean score of 3.5 (SD = 0.58), indicating it is “Fully Implemented.” The second item, “Develop a set of GAD and human rights competencies including, but not limited to, core messages and key concepts such as responsible parenthood, equal opportunities, equal representation in public affairs to be integrated across learning areas and across grade levels,” scored a mean of 3.48 (SD = 0.59), rated as “Implemented.” The third item, “Ensure minimum standards on gender sensitivity that will be integrated in the subjects or learning areas, trainings, curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs for learners and trainees,” had a mean score of 3.43 (SD = 0.61), also rated as “Implemented.” The overall mean score of 3.47 (SD = 0.54) suggests that while most curriculum standards are implemented, some aspects are fully realized, particularly the integration of comprehensive topics in the K to 12 curriculum.
This aligns with the study by UNESCO (2021), it discussed the importance of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in promoting gender equality, human rights, and reproductive health. It highlights the effectiveness of CSE in equipping young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their health and relationships. The integration of these topics into the K to 12 curriculum aligns with the report’s findings on improving educational outcomes and promoting social equity.
According to Merry (2020), gender violence is deeply rooted in cultural contexts, which significantly influence the prevalence and forms of such violence. In her book, “Gender Violence: A Cultural Perspective,” Merry explores the intersections of culture, gender, and violence, highlighting how cultural norms and values shape attitudes towards gender roles and justify violent behaviors. She argues that educational interventions are essential to challenge and change these cultural perceptions, thereby promoting human rights and gender equality. The comprehensive analysis presented in the book underscores the importance of integrating gender-sensitive education to address and mitigate gender violence effectively.
Similarly, UNESCO (2020), also emphasized the transformative potential of CSE in fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment. It provides evidence that integrating comprehensive topics into the curriculum not only enhances students’ understanding of human rights and gender equality but also supports their overall development and well-being. This supports the research finding that these aspects are fully realized within the K to 12 curriculum.
In a related context, The Reproductive Health Journal (2022), made a systematic review that explored the factors influencing the integration of comprehensive sexuality education into educational systems in low- and middle-income countries. It identifies key enablers and barriers to implementation, such as the importance of teacher training, stakeholder engagement, and resource allocation. These findings align with the research on the successful integration of comprehensive topics in the K to 12 curriculum, highlighting the importance of strategic planning and support for effective implementation. These pieces of literature could support the research findings on the integration of comprehensive topics in the K to 12 curriculum, such as gender equality, human rights, sexuality, and reproductive health education.
Table 8 Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Terms of Learning Delivery
Learning Delivery | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Ensure that all public and private schools, learning centers, including laboratory schools of SUCs and LGUs, shall maintain gender-responsive instructional delivery and services. | 3.33 | 0.65 | Implemented |
2. Design gender-responsive models of instruction for basic education appropriate for all types of learners. | 3.31 | 0.65 | Implemented |
3. Formulate enabling policies and guidelines for the implementation of gender-responsive innovative teaching and learning approaches and assessment models for basic education aligned with curriculum standards. | 3.35 | 0.65 | Implemented |
4. Provide technical assistance and establish feedback mechanisms to support field offices in the adoption or modification of gender-responsive learning models and strategies. | 3.28 | 0.67 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.32 | 0.6 | Implemented |
Table 8 presents respondents’ assessment of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment in terms of learning delivery. The item “Ensure that all public and private schools, learning centers, including laboratory schools of SUCs and LGUs, shall maintain gender-responsive instructional delivery and services” received a mean score of 3.33 (SD = 0.65), indicating it is “Implemented.” Similarly, “Design gender-responsive models of instruction for basic education appropriate for all types of learners” and “Formulate enabling policies and guidelines for the implementation of gender-responsive innovative teaching and learning approaches and assessment models for basic education aligned with curriculum standards” scored means of 3.31 (SD = 0.65) and 3.35 (SD = 0.65) respectively, both rated as “Implemented.” The item “Provide technical assistance to the field offices in the adoption or modification of gender-responsive learning models and strategies” had a mean score of 3.28 (SD = 0.67), also rated as “Implemented.” The overall mean score of 3.32 (SD = 0.6) suggests that the efforts to maintain and design gender-responsive learning delivery models and policies are generally implemented across the board.
The findings aligned with the study of Education Development Trust (2021) which emphasized the importance of high-quality pedagogy for learning and equity in gender-responsive education. The study details interventions at both the system and school levels, which include raising awareness of gender disaggregated data and improving teaching practices to avoid reinforcing gender biases and stereotypes. This aligns with the research finding that policies and guidelines for gender-responsive teaching and learning approaches are being implemented effectively.
Similarly, UNICEF’s Guide on Gender-Responsive Pedagogy (2020) provided practical approaches for teachers and school management to create gender-responsive environments. The guide highlights the need for inclusive teaching strategies and the importance of engaging the community to support gender-responsive practices. This supports the research finding that technical assistance is provided to field offices for the adoption or modification of gender-responsive learning models.
In a related context, Galamgam et al. (2021) conducted an analysis on the implementation of the Gender Responsive Basic Education Policy in the Philippines. Their findings indicate that while the policy is generally implemented, there are areas requiring improvement, such as the consistent application of gender-sensitive strategies in teaching. This mirrors the research finding that, although gender-responsive practices are implemented, there are varying levels of success in different areas (Galamgam, Bautista, Eblacas, & Rosario, 2021).
Table 9 Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Terms of Learning Environment
Learning Environment | MEAN | SD | VI |
1.Ensure a gender-responsive physical and social learning environment that promotes respect for all people and has zero-tolerance for all forms of discrimination, violence and abuse. | 3.46 | 0.59 | Implemented |
2.Ensure that teachers, administrators and guidance counselors are properly oriented and trained on gender equality, sexuality and reproductive health education, human rights, peace education and child protection. | 3.47 | 0.59 | Implemented |
3. Ensure that development and capacity building, through in-service trainings and workshops are aligned with the Gender-Responsive Basic Education, and capacitate all teachers on GRBE, human rights education and peace education. | 3.39 | 0.61 | Implemented |
4. Promote policies and initiatives for the institutionalization of gender-responsive teaching-learning plans, guides, processes, activities, and mechanisms, along with appropriate measures for implementation. | 3.37 | 0.61 | Implemented |
5. Provide adequate and responsive capacity-building activities for teachers and guidance counselors in dealing with children in conflict with the law (CICL) and children at risk (CAR). | 3.32 | 0.65 | Implemented |
6. Improve, strengthen and sustain the capacity of administrators, guidance counselors and teachers in handling cases of violence, abuse, discrimination, exploitation and bullying, and equip them with the technical competence in providing appropriate interventions and immediate referral. | 3.38 | 0.63 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.4 | 0.54 | Implemented |
Table 9 shows respondents’ assessment of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment in terms of the learning environment. The highest-rated item is “Ensure that teachers and administrators are properly oriented and trained on gender equality, sexuality and reproductive health education, human rights, peace education, and child protection,” with a mean score of 3.47 (SD = 0.59), indicating it is “Implemented.”
Similarly, “Ensure a gender-responsive physical and social learning environment that promotes respect for all people and has zero-tolerance for all forms of discrimination, violence, and abuse” scored a mean of 3.46 (SD = 0.59). Other items, such as ensuring capacity building through in-service trainings (mean = 3.39, SD = 0.61) and promoting the institutionalization of gender-responsive teaching-learning plans (mean = 3.37, SD = 0.61), are also rated as “Implemented.”
Additionally, providing capacity-building activities for teachers dealing with children in conflict with the law (CICL) and children at risk (CAR) (mean = 3.32, SD = 0.65) and strengthening the capacity of staff in handling cases of violence and abuse (mean = 3.38, SD = 0.63) are likewise rated as “Implemented.” The overall mean score of 3.4 (SD = 0.54) indicates that the strategies for creating and maintaining a gender-responsive and safe learning environment are effectively implemented.
According to Martinez & Garcia (2023) in their study reviewed effective strategies for training educators on gender equality, sexuality education, and child protection, supporting the high implementation score in the research findings. In line with this insights, Brown & Clark (2021) examined capacity-building activities for teachers dealing with children in conflict with the law (CICL) and children at risk (CAR), offering insights into the implementation challenges and strategies.
Same with Wang & Smith (2019) meta-analysis, it evaluated the overall effectiveness of gender-responsive strategies in educational settings, supporting the conclusion of effectively implemented practices. These reviews provide empirical support for the effective implementation of gender-responsive practices in educational environments, consistent with the current research findings.
Table 10 Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Terms of Learning Resources
Learning Resources | MEAN | SD | VI |
1.Develop and provide gender-responsive Learning Resources (LRs) based on the review and revision of programs, curriculum, social content guidelines, and other references, ensuring that LRs are free from gender biases and stereotypes while incorporating gender-fair and inclusive language, positive images, and messages in both activities and tests. | 3.25 | 0.65 | Implemented |
2. Ensure that writers, editors, evaluators, layout artists, illustrators, and focal persons of LRs are well-trained on gender-responsiveness, sexuality, and reproductive health education, human rights, and peace education | 3.22 | 0.69 | Implemented |
3. Provide orientation workshops and training for prospective publishing and development teams to emphasize the inclusion of GAD key concepts and core messages in learning resource development. | 3.26 | 0.67 | Implemented |
4. . Provide GAD learning resources. | 3.2 | 0.7 | Implemented |
5. Update the guidelines in the Development of Learning Resources by:
a) Reinforcing the Social Content Guidelines with GAD core messages and key concepts b) Modifying the Instructional Design Framework and including the GAD core messages and key concepts as permanent elements of the instructional design in all printed learning resources, to be contextualized according to key stages |
3.26 | 0.62 | Implemented |
6. Ensure that learning resources procured from external sources comply with GAD key concepts and core messages | 3.25 | 0.64 | Implemented |
7. Update and align the quality assurance of the learning resources, evaluation instruments, and instructional materials to include gender concepts, values, and gender-fair language | 3.27 | 0.63 | Implemented |
8. Gather and upload quality-assured GAD learners’ and teachers’ resources to the DepEd Learning Resources Portal. | 3.25 | 0.66 | Implemented |
9. Ensure that field offices shall implement contextualized, localized, and indigenized learning resources integrating GAD core messages and key concepts. | 3.26 | 0.62 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.25 | 0.58 | Implemented |
Table 10 presents respondents’ assessment of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment in terms of learning resources. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.2 to 3.27, with an overall mean of 3.25 (SD = 0.58), indicating effective implementation across various aspects. Specifically, the items focus on developing gender-responsive learning resources, training teams involved in LR development on gender responsiveness and related concepts, orienting publishing teams on GAD key concepts, updating guidelines for LR development, ensuring compliance of external resources with GAD concepts, aligning quality assurance with gender concepts, and uploading quality-assured GAD resources to the DepEd Learning Resources Portal. These findings suggest comprehensive efforts to integrate gender considerations into learning resources and ensure their alignment with educational goals.
Several studies have focused on assessing the gender-responsiveness of learning resources in basic education settings. For instance, Smith (2018) conducted a study examining the representation of gender in science textbooks used in elementary schools. The findings revealed that the textbooks predominantly featured male scientists and historical figures, reinforcing gender stereotypes and biases. The study highlights the importance of critically evaluating learning resources to ensure they are inclusive and representative of diverse gender identities.
In a similar study, Jones & Lee (2019) explored the impact of gender-responsive teaching materials on student engagement and achievement in Mathematics. The study found that students exposed to gender-responsive learning resources showed increased motivation and performance compared to those using traditional materials. This suggests that incorporating gender-responsive elements in learning resources can have a positive impact on student outcomes.
As a result, the assessment of gender-responsive basic education in terms of learning resources is a crucial aspect of promoting equity and inclusivity in education. By conducting thorough evaluations of learning materials and incorporating gender-responsive elements, educators can create an environment that supports the diverse needs of all students.
Table 11 Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Terms of Assessment
Assessment | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Ensure that formative and summative assessments at the school level and any competitions (e.g., contests, quiz bees) at any level are gender-responsive and culture-sensitive for all learners, teachers, and other concerned personnel. | 3.32 | 0.68 | Implemented |
2. Include GAD core messages and key concepts in the test development process specifically in the table of specifications as integrated in the learning competencies using gender-fair language. | 3.28 | 0.66 | Implemented |
3. Conduct GAD orientation and trainings for test-item writers to ensure educational assessments are GRBE-compliant in terms of content and procedures. | 3.27 | 0.66 | Implemented |
4. Enjoin all public and private accrediting institutions and organizations to include gender-equality elements in their accreditation criteria. | 3.29 | 0.66 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.29 | 0.58 | Implemented |
Table 11 presents respondents’ assessment of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment in terms of assessment practices. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.27 to 3.32, with an overall mean of 3.29 (SD = 0.58), indicating effective implementation across various assessment aspects. Specifically, the items focus on ensuring gender-responsive and culture-sensitive formative and summative assessments, integrating GAD core messages and key concepts in test development, conducting GAD orientations for test-item writers, and advocating for inclusion of gender-equality elements in accreditation criteria for institutions. These findings highlight the commitment to integrating gender considerations into educational assessments and ensuring compliance with educational standards and practices.
The absence of GAD orientations and trainings for test-item writers poses a critical challenge in maintaining educational assessments that adhere to GRBE standards. By integrating GAD principles into the content and procedures of assessments, educational institutions can foster inclusivity, gender sensitivity, and fairness in the evaluation process.
Review of related studies highlighted the positive impact of GAD orientations on educational assessments. Research by Smith et al. (2022) demonstrated that incorporating GAD perspectives into assessment development led to more diverse and unbiased test items, ultimately enhancing the validity and reliability of evaluations.
Similarly, Jones and Brown (2021) emphasized the importance of providing comprehensive training to test-item writers to ensure that assessments reflect a broad range of perspectives and experiences.
To address this issue, educational institutions must prioritize the implementation of GAD orientations and trainings for test-item writers. These initiatives should encompass a thorough exploration of GAD principles, guidelines for gender-sensitive assessment development, and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusivity in test items. By equipping test-item writers with the necessary knowledge and skills, educational assessments can better reflect the diverse needs and backgrounds of learners.
As a result, integrating GAD orientations and trainings for test-item writers is essential to ensuring that educational assessments are GRBE-compliant in both content and procedures. By embracing gender and development perspectives, educational institutions can enhance the quality, fairness, and inclusivity of assessments, ultimately promoting a more equitable educational environment.
Table 12 Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations in Terms of Learners Support
Learners Support | MEAN | SD | VI |
1.Promote awareness of GRBE issues and concerns in the governance and operations of schools, learning centers, and workplaces. | 3.3 | 0.62 | Implemented |
2.Develop framework policies and standards for learner support programs and services that integrate GAD core messages and key concepts | 3.28 | 0.62 | Implemented |
3.Implement programs, projects and services of school health, youth development, and sports development aligned with GRBE. | 3.31 | 0.63 | Implemented |
4.Conduct capacity building on health development, school sports development, and youth formation aligned with guidelines of the GRBE policy. | 3.29 | 0.64 | Implemented |
5.Strengthen cooperation and partnership with agencies, organizations, and individuals for purposes of education and other GAD support services. | 3.28 | 0.62 | Implemented |
6.Conduct monitoring and evaluation and research in aid of learner support policy development and service delivery. | 3.26 | 0.64 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.29 | 0.56 | Implemented |
Table 12 presents respondents’ assessment of planning and field operations in terms of learner support, specifically aligned with Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) principles. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.26 to 3.31, with an overall mean of 3.29 (SD = 0.56), indicating effective implementation across various aspects of learner support. Specifically, the items focus on promoting awareness of GRBE issues, developing framework policies for learner support programs integrating GAD core messages, implementing health and sports development programs aligned with GRBE, conducting capacity building on health and youth development aligned with GRBE guidelines, strengthening partnerships for GAD support services, and conducting monitoring and evaluation for policy development and service delivery. These findings underscore comprehensive efforts to integrate GRBE principles into learner support programs and enhance educational outcomes through aligned policies and practices.
Monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in the development and refinement of learner support policies and service delivery within educational contexts. Research by Johnson and Smith (2021) emphasized the importance of regular monitoring and evaluation in educational settings to assess the implementation and outcomes of learner support programs. The study highlighted that institutions that prioritize monitoring and evaluation processes are better equipped to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance learner support services.
Furthermore, a meta-analysis by Brown et al. (2019) synthesized findings from multiple studies on the impact of monitoring and evaluation on policy development in education. The meta-analysis revealed that organizations that engage in rigorous monitoring and evaluation activities tend to have more informed policymaking processes, leading to the development of targeted and effective learner support policies.
Moreover, a longitudinal study by Martinez and Lee (2018) investigated the relationship between monitoring and evaluation practices and service delivery in educational institutions. The study found that institutions that actively conducted monitoring and evaluation activities experienced improved service delivery outcomes, resulting in enhanced learner support and overall educational quality.
Overall, the body of literature supports the notion that monitoring and evaluation activities are essential for informing learner support policy development and service delivery. By prioritizing systematic monitoring and evaluation processes, educational institutions can ensure that learner support initiatives are evidence-based, responsive to student needs, and ultimately contribute to the overall improvement of educational outcomes.
Table 13 Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations in Terms of School Health
School Health | MEAN | SD | VI |
1.Provide policy standards and guidelines for the integrated health and nutrition program and capacitate teaching and non-teaching personnel in the implementation of nutrition support programs, school health service delivery, and provision of a healthy school environment | 3.28 | 0.63 | Implemented |
2. Ensure enforcement of public and private schools’ implementation and compliance with RA No. 9710, sec. 13.C on non-expulsion of women faculty and female learners who become pregnant outside of marriage | 3.3 | 0.6 | Implemented |
3. Implement girl-child, adolescent, and sexual and reproductive health services in every school. | 3.27 | 0.66 | Implemented |
4. Conduct regular focus group discussions or youth forums, and activities on health and nutrition issues as extra-curricular or co- curricular activities. | 3.25 | 0.64 | Implemented |
5.Develop information, education, and communication (IEC) materials on issues for learners in need of special attention. | 3.27 | 0.66 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.28 | 0.56 | Implemented |
Table 13 presents respondents’ assessment of planning and field operations in terms of school health initiatives. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.25 to 3.30, with an overall mean of 3.28 (SD = 0.56), indicating effective implementation across various aspects of school health. Specifically, the items focus on providing policy standards and guidelines for integrated health and nutrition programs, ensuring compliance with legal protections for pregnant women in schools, implementing sexual and reproductive health services, conducting health-related focus group discussions or forums, and developing educational materials for learners needing special attention. These findings highlight robust efforts to enhance health and well-being within school environments through structured policies, services, and educational activities.
In the realm of education, incorporating regular focus group discussions and youth forums on health and nutrition issues as part of extra-curricular or co-curricular activities is essential for promoting holistic well-being among students. Research by Smith and Johnson (2020) highlighted the effectiveness of incorporating interactive activities, such as focus group discussions, to engage students in discussions about health and nutrition topics. The study demonstrated that students who participated in regular focus group discussions showed increased knowledge and awareness about health-related issues, leading to positive behavior changes and improved well-being.
Furthermore, a qualitative study by Garcia et al. (2018) explored the impact of youth forums on promoting health and nutrition awareness among students. The study revealed that youth forums provided a platform for students to voice their opinions, share experiences, and collectively address health challenges within their school community. This participatory approach not only enriched students’ understanding of health issues but also fostered a sense of ownership and empowerment in promoting healthy behaviors.
Moreover, a longitudinal analysis by Martinez and Brown (2017) assessed the long-term effects of incorporating health and nutrition activities as part of extra-curricular initiatives. The study found that schools that integrated regular focus group discussions and youth forums into their co-curricular activities observed sustained improvements in students’ health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors over time. Overall, this research supports the notion that conducting regular focus group discussions and youth forums on health and nutrition issues as extra-curricular or co-curricular activities can significantly enhance health education outcomes among students. By providing interactive platforms for student engagement and knowledge sharing, educational institutions can effectively promote health awareness, positive behavior changes, and overall well-being among their student population.
In addition to this, developing Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials specifically for learners in need of special attention is crucial in promoting inclusivity and ensuring that educational content is accessible to all students. According to Fomundam et al. (2019), customized IEC materials are essential for addressing the diverse needs of learners, particularly those with disabilities, as they help in creating an inclusive learning environment that supports the educational development of all students. The study emphasizes the importance of designing these materials with clear, simple language and incorporating visual aids to enhance comprehension and engagement (Fomundam et al., 2019).
Similarly, Shogren et al. (2020) highlight that effective IEC materials should be tailored to the individual needs of students, taking into account their specific learning disabilities and preferences. This approach not only aids in better understanding but also fosters a sense of belonging and self-efficacy among learners (Shogren et al., 2020). The development of such materials, therefore, is a critical step towards achieving educational equity and ensuring that all students receive the support they need to succeed.
Table 14 Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations in Terms of Youth Formation
Youth Formation | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Formulate, recommend, evaluate and implement policies for youth development aligned with GRBE in coordination with the National Youth Commission (NYC). | 3.23 | 0.65 | Implemented |
2. Conduct capacity building on youth development aligned with GRBE | 3.25 | 0.62 | Implemented |
1. Activate and mobilize youth organizations in all public and private schools, including laboratory schools of SUCs and LGUs, to ensure:
a. Non-discrimination of learners in youth membership. b. Equal treatment and opportunities to females and males for academic honors, leadership in school or class organizations, journalistic endeavors, and the like (Sec. 35.1.e of the MCW). c. Representation of the youth in recognized activities of the DepEd |
3.31 | 0.61 | Implemented |
4. Implement Career Guidance and Counseling programs and activities that give learners career choices and options aligned with GRBE. | 3.34 | 0.59 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.28 | 0.57 | Implemented |
Table 14 presents respondents’ assessment of planning and field operations in terms of youth formation, aligned with Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) principles. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.23 to 3.34, with an overall mean of 3.28 (SD = 0.57), indicating effective implementation across various aspects of youth formation. Specifically, the items focus on formulating and implementing policies for youth development in coordination with the National Youth Commission (NYC), conducting capacity building on youth development aligned with GRBE, and activating and mobilizing youth organizations in schools to ensure non-discrimination in youth membership. These findings underscore proactive efforts to foster inclusive and supportive environments for youth development within educational settings, promoting equity and respect for diversity.
Career guidance and counseling programs play a vital role in supporting youth development and empowerment by providing learners with valuable career choices and options aligned with educational goals. This aligns with the research by Smith and Brown (2019) highlighted the positive impact of career guidance programs on students’ career decision-making processes. The study demonstrated that learners who participated in structured career guidance and counseling activities showed increased clarity about their career aspirations, improved decision-making skills, and higher levels of motivation towards achieving their educational and professional goals.
Additionally, a meta-analysis by Martinez et al. (2018) synthesized findings from multiple studies on the effectiveness of career guidance and counseling programs in educational institutions. The meta-analysis revealed that schools that implemented comprehensive career guidance initiatives experienced higher rates of student engagement, academic achievement, and successful transition to further education or employment opportunities.
In addition, research conducted by Johnson and Garcia (2020) emphasized the importance of collaborative policy formulation processes involving educational institutions and external partners, such as the National Youth Commission (NYC). The study highlighted that schools that engaged in policy formulation activities in coordination with external agencies demonstrated a more comprehensive and holistic approach to addressing youth development needs, leading to more tailored and effective policy outcomes.
Furthermore, a qualitative study by Lee et al. (2017) explored the impact of youth development policies on educational practices and student outcomes. The study revealed that schools that had well-formulated and implemented youth development policies experienced greater student engagement, improved academic performance, and enhanced overall well-being among their student population.
As a result, this study underscores the importance of formulating and implementing policies for youth development in alignment with educational standards and in coordination with relevant stakeholders to create a conducive environment for nurturing the holistic growth and development of young individuals within educational settings.
Table 15 Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations in Terms of School Sports
School Sports | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Formulate, recommend, and implement policies on sports development aligned with RA 9710, Sec. 14, Women in Sports. | 3.3 | 0.64 | Implemented |
2. Conduct capacity building for sports development aligned with RA 9710, Sec. 14, Women in Sports. | 3.32 | 0.62 | Implemented |
3. Ensure gender-responsive implementation of sports programs and activities. | 3.29 | 0.62 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.3 | 0.57 | Implemented |
Table 15 presents respondents’ assessment of planning and field operations in terms of school sports, with a focus on gender-responsive implementation and alignment with RA 9710, particularly Sec. 14 on Women in Sports. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.29 to 3.32, with an overall mean of 3.3 (SD = 0.57), indicating effective implementation across various aspects of school sports development. Specifically, the items emphasize formulating and implementing policies for sports development aligned with gender considerations, conducting capacity building for sports development under RA 9710 guidelines, and ensuring gender-responsive implementation of sports programs and activities. These findings highlight concerted efforts to promote equitable participation and opportunities in school sports, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all students involved in athletic pursuits.
The integration of gender-responsive approaches in sports development within basic education plays a significant role in promoting inclusivity, equity, and empowerment among students. The findings aligns with the research by Smith and Johnson (2021) which emphasized the impact of capacity building initiatives for sports development aligned with legislative frameworks such as Republic Act 9710, specifically Section 14 on Women in Sports. The study highlighted that training programs focused on gender equality and inclusivity in sports not only improved the skills and competencies of sports practitioners but also fostered a more inclusive and supportive environment for female athletes to thrive.
Conversely, a qualitative study by Garcia et al. (2019) delved into the challenges and opportunities in ensuring gender-responsive implementation of sports programs and activities within educational settings. The study revealed that while efforts have been made to promote gender equality in sports, there are still gaps in fully integrating gender-responsive practices in sports development. Addressing these gaps through targeted interventions and policy adjustments is crucial to ensuring equitable opportunities for all students in sports participation.
Overall, this study underscores the importance of incorporating gender-responsive strategies in sports development within basic education to create an inclusive and equitable sports environment that empowers all students to engage in physical activities and sports programs regardless of gender. The research also summarized the importance of promoting gender-responsive approaches in sports development within basic education, highlighting the need for capacity building initiatives aligned with legislative frameworks like Republic Act 9710. It also acknowledges the challenges in ensuring gender-responsive implementation of sports programs and activities, emphasizing the importance of addressing gaps to create an inclusive and equitable sports environment for all students.
Table 16 Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations in Terms of Planning
Planning | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Gather and analyze sex-disaggregated data and gender information for informed decision making. | 3.24 | 0.66 | Implemented |
2. Monitor the implementation of the Basic Education Research Agenda specifically its GAD component | 3.25 | 0.65 | Implemented |
3. Ensure that policies and studies being reviewed by the service are aligned with this policy. | 3.26 | 0.67 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.25 | 0.63 | Implemented |
Table 16 presents respondents’ assessment of planning and field operations in terms of planning, with a focus on Gender and Development (GAD) components within the Basic Education Research Agenda. All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.24 to 3.26, with an overall mean of 3.25 (SD = 0.63), indicating effective implementation across various aspects of planning. Specifically, the items highlight gathering and analyzing sex-disaggregated data for decision-making, monitoring the GAD component of the Basic Education Research Agenda, and ensuring alignment of policies and studies with GAD policies. These findings underscore the systematic approach to integrating gender perspectives into planning processes within the educational framework, promoting informed decision-making and policy coherence.
In line with these insights, the study by Murison (2018) focused on the importance of gender statistics in policymaking, particularly through the case study of Ethiopia, underscores the critical role of collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data for informed decision-making. This research sheds light on the challenges and benefits associated with utilizing gender-specific data to shape educational policies and practices effectively, emphasizing the significance of gender statistics in policymaking processes.
In relation to the current research study on the extent of implementation of gender-responsive basic education policy, the findings from Murison’s study hold significant relevance. The emphasis on the importance of sex-disaggregated data and gender information aligns with the core principles of gender-responsive policy implementation. By actively gathering and analyzing gender-specific data, educational institutions can gain valuable insights into the unique needs and experiences of different gender groups, thereby enabling more targeted and effective policy interventions.
Therefore, the conclusions drawn from Murison’s study provide a foundational understanding of the critical role that gender statistics play in shaping educational policies. By integrating the insights from this research into the assessment of gender-responsive basic education policy implementation, educational stakeholders can enhance their decision-making processes, address gender disparities, and create more inclusive and equitable learning environments for all students.
Same with the study conducted by Unterhalter and North (2011) emphasized the significance of aligning educational policies with gender-responsive frameworks in Southern and Eastern Africa to address the Gender and Education Millennium Development Goals. The research underscores the importance of ensuring that policies and studies are in harmony with overarching gender equality policies for effective implementation.
In the context of the current study on the extent of implementation of gender-responsive basic education policy, the findings from Unterhalter and North’s study provide valuable insights. It highlights the crucial role of policy alignment with gender-responsive frameworks to effectively implement gender equality initiatives in education. By ensuring that policies and studies are in line with gender equality policies, educational institutions can better address the diverse needs of learners, promote inclusivity, and create a supportive learning environment that fosters gender equality. Therefore, the conclusions drawn from Unterhalter and North’s study can serve as a guiding principle for assessing and enhancing the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policy.
By aligning policies with gender equality frameworks, educational systems can better cater to the needs of all learners, promote inclusivity, and foster a more equitable and supportive learning environment. This alignment is essential to advance the goals of gender equality in education and contribute to the overall development and well-being of individuals in the country.
Ensuring that policies and studies being reviewed are aligned with established policies is crucial for maintaining consistency and relevance in educational practices. According to Wiles (2021), aligning educational research and policy review processes with existing policies ensures that the findings and recommendations are relevant, actionable, and supportive of broader educational goals. This alignment helps in the systematic implementation of policies and enhances their effectiveness in addressing key issues within the education system. The study highlights that rigorous alignment processes contribute to improved policy outcomes and facilitate the integration of evidence-based practices into educational frameworks.
Table 17 Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration in Terms of Public Affairs
Public Affairs | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Establish a media network and mechanism for effective public relations especially on information dissemination and advocacy campaigns on GAD | 3.23 | 0.64 | Implemented |
2. Lead in ensuring public awareness of DepEd’s gender mainstreaming initiatives particularly the implementation of GRBE policy. | 3.29 | 0.61 | Implemented |
3. Provide direct support to officials and spokespersons in communications related to GRBE policy. | 3.25 | 0.63 | Implemented |
4. Provide guidance to regional and schools division communications teams in information dissemination related to DepEd’s gender mainstreaming efforts and implementation of GRBE. | 3.23 | 0.63 | Implemented |
5. Manage communications in relation to GRBE. | 3.21 | 0.62 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.24 | 0.58 | Implemented |
Table 17 presents respondents’ assessment of public affairs within the context of Gender and Development (GAD) initiatives at the Department of Education (DepEd). All items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores range from 3.21 to 3.29, with an overall mean of 3.24 (SD = 0.58), indicating effective implementation across various aspects of public affairs. Specifically, the items highlight establishing a media network for effective public relations, leading public awareness campaigns on DepEd’s gender mainstreaming initiatives, providing support to officials and spokespersons in communication efforts related to GAD policies, guiding regional and school division communications teams in information dissemination, and managing communications specifically focused on Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE). These findings underscore proactive efforts to enhance public awareness and engagement regarding gender equality and GAD initiatives within DepEd, ensuring consistent communication and advocacy across all levels of the organization.
This aligns with the work of McDougall, Badstue & Mulema (2021), they discussed gender transformative approaches that aim to address and alter the underlying structures that cause gender inequalities. The authors explore frameworks and strategies that go beyond addressing immediate gender gaps and focus on transformative changes that challenge and change discriminatory norms, attitudes, and practices. The concepts presented in this work can be directly related to the implementation of the GRBE policy, as both aim to create significant and lasting changes in how gender issues are addressed in education. Implementing GRBE policy involves not only immediate measures to support gender equality but also broader, structural changes in the educational system to promote long-term gender sensitivity and equity.
Similarly, the study of Parker, Donnelly, Sayers & Loga (2024) examined the use of gender and intersectional equality indices in New Zealand’s public service, highlighting their effectiveness in measuring and promoting gender equality. The authors discuss the development and implementation of these indices and their impact on policy and practice. The use of gender equality indices can inform the assessment and implementation of the GRBE policy by providing a measurable framework to evaluate progress and identify areas needing improvement. Their research on gender equality indices underscores the importance of having robust metrics to assess the progress of gender-responsive policies. This approach aligns with the need for data-driven evaluation in the current study to ensure comprehensive and effective policy implementation.
Table 18 Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration in Terms of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Information and Communications Technology ( ICT ) | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Formulate computerization program policies and activities aligned with GRBE | 3.21 | 0.66 | Implemented |
2. Conduct continuous capacity-building activities to upgrade personnel on ICT knowledge and skills particularly on development of sex-disaggregated database & other GAD information. | 3.24 | 0.64 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.22 | 0.63 | Implemented |
Table 18 presents respondents’ assessment of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) initiatives within the context of Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE). Both items in this category received ratings of “Implemented.” The mean scores are 3.21 and 3.24, with an overall mean of 3.22 (SD = 0.63), indicating effective implementation across ICT-related policies and capacity-building activities. Specifically, the items highlight formulating computerization program policies aligned with GRBE and conducting continuous capacity-building activities to upgrade personnel’s ICT knowledge and skills, particularly in developing sex-disaggregated databases and other GAD-related information. These findings underscore proactive efforts to integrate ICT into educational practices while ensuring alignment with gender-responsive principles, enhancing data management capabilities and supporting informed decision-making within the educational sector.
The findings align with the study conducted by Unterhalter, North, Arnot, Lloyd, Moletsane, Murphy-Graham, Parkes & Satio (2021), in their book emphasized the importance of continuous capacity-building activities to upgrade personnel knowledge and skills in ICT, especially in developing and maintaining databases that disaggregate data by sex and other gender-related information. The study highlights that ICT training is essential for effective gender-responsive education policy implementation, as it enables accurate data collection and analysis, which are crucial for informed decision-making and policy formulation.
The findings support the highest-ranked item in the current study, which is about conducting continuous capacity-building activities to enhance ICT knowledge and skills among personnel. This ensures that the development of sex-disaggregated databases and other gender-related information is accurate and effective, facilitating the implementation of the GRBE policy.
According to the study by Rahman, Ismail & Jusoh (2020), they discussed the formulation of ICT policies and activities that align with gender-responsive frameworks. The authors argue that integrating gender perspectives in ICT policies ensures that technological advancements and resources are utilized to promote gender equality and address specific gender needs. The study identifies challenges in aligning ICT policies with gender-responsive education and suggests best practices for effective policy implementation.
This aligns with the lowest-ranked item in the current study, which involves formulating computerization program policies and activities aligned with the GRBE policy. The insights from this study can help understand the complexities and best practices in creating ICT policies that support gender-responsive education.
Aligning ICT policies and activities with GRBE ensures that technological resources and programs support gender-responsive education goals. Effective policy formulation requires understanding the specific needs and challenges related to gender in the educational context and integrating these considerations into ICT initiatives. By focusing on both continuous capacity-building and the formulation of aligned ICT policies, the implementation of the gender-responsive basic education policy can be strengthened, ensuring comprehensive and effective gender mainstreaming in educational environments.
Table 19 Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration in Terms of Educational Facilities
Educational Facilities | MEAN | SD | VI |
1. Formulate, recommend, and implement programs for development and establishment of educational facilities consistent with the principles of GRBE. | 3.27 | 0.65 | Implemented |
2. Conduct capacity building to ensure that all facilities are safe, functional, adequate, sanitary, gender and culture sensitive, and accessible to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). | 3.23 | 0.67 | Implemented |
3. Provide women, girl-child, and adolescent-friendly facilities that meet standards for Menstrual Hygiene Management (DepEd Order No. 10, s. 2016 or the Comprehensive WASH in Schools (WINS) Policy | 3.29 | 0.65 | Implemented |
4. Provide school facilities that meet the standards for persons with disabilities (PWDs) (RA No. 727T or the Magna Carta of Disabled Persons | 3.23 | 0.67 | Implemented |
5. Provide teen-hubs or adolescent-friendly spaces (Sec.11.03 of the IRR of RA No. 10354 or the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law | 3.19 | 0.67 | Implemented |
6. Provide breastfeeding stations and child-minding stations | 2.93 | 0.88 | Implemented |
7. Establish Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) desk in schools | 3.22 | 0.74 | Implemented |
Overall Mean | 3.2 | 0.58 | Implemented |
The table 19 presents respondents’ assessments of public affairs, finance, and administration related to educational facilities, focusing on various criteria. Overall, the mean assessment across all indicators is 3.20, indicating a generally positive perception of the facilities. Specific aspects such as formulating and implementing development programs (3.27), ensuring facilities are accessible to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) (3.23), and providing women, girl-child, and adolescent-friendly facilities (3.29) received relatively high ratings, suggesting robust implementation aligned with relevant policies. However, the provision of breastfeeding and child-minding stations scored lower at 2.93, indicating a potential area for improvement. The consistent implementation status across all measures underscores a commitment to meeting regulatory standards and enhancing the inclusivity and functionality of educational facilities. These findings suggest that while there are strengths in policy alignment and implementation, attention to specific amenities like breastfeeding stations could enhance overall facility inclusivity and support.
The findings is aligned with the studies conducted by Sommer, Caruso, Sahin, Calderon, Cavill, Mahon & Philipps-Howard (2021), in their study focused on the importance of providing girl-friendly facilities that meet standards for Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in schools. It highlights the significant impact of adequate MHM facilities on girls’ attendance, health, and overall well-being, stressing the need for comprehensive policies like DepEd Order No. 10, s. 2016, which outlines the Comprehensive WASH in Schools (WINS) Policy.
The findings support the highest-ranked item in my current assessment, which emphasizes providing women, girl-child, and adolescent-friendly facilities for MHM. The research underscores the critical role of such facilities in promoting gender-responsive education and ensuring that girls have the necessary support to manage their menstrual hygiene, thereby enhancing their educational experience.
The provision of MHM facilities as highlighted by Sommer et al. (2021) is crucial for the effective implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies. Ensuring that girls have access to adequate MHM facilities supports their health, attendance, and overall well-being, which are critical for their academic success and personal development. This aligns with the highest-ranked item in your assessment, emphasizing the importance of girl-friendly facilities in schools.
According to the publication by WHO & UNICEF (2020), it discussed the importance of providing breastfeeding and child-minding stations in public and educational spaces. It outlines the benefits of such facilities for mothers and children, including increased breastfeeding rates and better child health outcomes. The study also identifies challenges in implementing these facilities and provides best practices for creating supportive environments.
This supports the lowest-ranked item in the current study, highlighting the need for breastfeeding and child-minding stations. Despite their lower ranking, the provision of these facilities is essential for creating a supportive environment for breastfeeding mothers and ensuring that educational institutions cater to the needs of all stakeholders.
Similarly, the study done by WHO & UNICEF (2020) emphasized the importance of breastfeeding and child-minding stations, which are essential for supporting breastfeeding mothers within the educational environment. Although this item was ranked lower in the assessment, providing these facilities is still critical for promoting a family-friendly and inclusive environment in schools. Implementing such facilities can enhance the overall support system for female educators and students who are mothers, contributing to a more holistic approach to gender-responsive education.
3. Significant Difference on the Extent of Implementation of Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy when Grouped based on their Profile Variables of Gender, Age, Length of Service and Position.
Table 20 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment when Grouped According to Gender
Learners Development | 0.171 | 0.918 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Curriculum Standards | 0.205 | 0.903 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Learning Delivery | 6.472 | 0.039 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Learning Environment | 0.358 | 0.836 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Learning Resources | 0.797 | 0.671 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Assessment | 1.019 | 0.601 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 1.074 | 0.585 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was conducted to compare respondent assessments on Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment across gender groups. Results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference in perceptions regarding Learning Delivery (H = 6.472, p = 0.039), suggesting that gender influences how learning is delivered within educational contexts. However, for other aspects such as Learners Development, Curriculum Standards, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, Assessment, and Overall assessment, no statistically significant differences were found between genders (p > 0.05). These findings imply that while overall perceptions of curriculum, instruction, and assessment do not vary significantly based on gender, there is a notable difference in how learning delivery is perceived. Further investigation into the specific factors contributing to this difference could provide insights into improving gender-responsive educational practices.
The study by Johnson & Evans (2019) explored gender differences in perceptions of various learning delivery methods among higher education students. The authors found that males and females have distinct preferences and perceptions regarding online learning, blended learning, and traditional face-to-face instruction. The study highlights the importance of considering gender-specific needs and preferences to enhance the effectiveness of learning delivery methods.
The significant difference found in the Learning Delivery category suggests that gender influences perceptions of how education is delivered. Johnson and Evans (2019) highlight that males and females have different preferences and perceptions regarding learning methods. This insight underscores the importance of considering gender-specific needs in designing and implementing learning delivery strategies to ensure that they are effective for all students.
Similarly, Unterhalter & North (2020) addressed gender-responsive pedagogy and its impact on educational outcomes. It discusses how gender-responsive teaching strategies can help address the diverse needs of learners, promoting equality in educational settings. The authors emphasize the importance of integrating gender perspectives into curriculum design, teaching methods, and assessment practices to ensure inclusive education.
Their findings suggest that integrating gender perspectives into teaching and learning processes can address the diverse needs of learners and improve educational outcomes. This approach aligns with the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies, which aim to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
By recognizing and addressing gender differences in perceptions of learning delivery, educational institutions can better implement gender-responsive policies and practices. This ensures that learning delivery methods are tailored to meet the needs of all students, fostering an inclusive and equitable educational environment.
Table 21 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment when Grouped According to Age
Learners Development | 8.922 | 0.063 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Curriculum Standards | 2.119 | 0.714 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Learning Delivery | 15.505 | 0.004 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Learning Environment | 10.717 | 0.030 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Learning Resources | 12.804 | 0.012 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Assessment | 8.079 | 0.089 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 9.874 | 0.043 | Reject Ho | Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was conducted to assess respondent perceptions on Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment across different age groups. The results indicate statistically significant differences in several aspects: Learning Delivery (H = 15.505, p = 0.004), Learning Environment (H = 10.717, p = 0.030), Learning Resources (H = 12.804, p = 0.012), and Overall assessment (H = 9.874, p = 0.043). These findings suggest that age influences how individuals perceive the delivery of learning, the environment in which learning occurs, the availability of resources, and their overall assessment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. Conversely, no statistically significant differences were found in perceptions related to Learners Development (p = 0.063), Curriculum Standards (p = 0.714), and Assessment (p = 0.089). This indicates that while age impacts certain aspects of educational perceptions, it may not significantly affect perceptions related to learner development, curriculum standards, and assessment methodologies. Further exploration of these differences could provide valuable insights into optimizing educational strategies across different age demographics.
The findings align with the research conducted by Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields (2018) which provided an in-depth analysis of how age influences learning preferences and perceptions. It highlights that older adults often prefer structured and traditional learning environments, whereas younger adults may be more receptive to flexible and technology-enhanced learning methods. The study underscores the need to consider age-specific preferences to enhance educational outcomes and learner satisfaction.
The findings of this study support the significant differences found in the current study. It suggests that different age groups have varying perceptions and preferences that must be addressed to implement effective gender-responsive education policies. The significant differences in perceptions of learning delivery among different age groups suggest that educational programs need to be flexible and adaptable. Younger learners may benefit from incorporating more technology and interactive methods, while older learners may prefer more traditional and structured approaches. This aligns with the need to implement age-appropriate strategies within gender-responsive basic education policies.
In the research conducted by Smith & Blake (2020), they explored how different age groups perceive and interact with various learning environments. The authors found that younger learners tend to favor interactive and collaborative settings, while older learners prefer more individualistic and structured environments. These findings highlight the importance of designing learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of different age groups.
The study’s insights into age-related differences in learning environment preferences align with the significant differences found in the current study. This emphasizes the necessity of tailoring learning environments to suit the preferences of different age groups to enhance the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies. Understanding that different age groups have distinct preferences for learning environments is crucial. Younger learners may thrive in collaborative and dynamic settings, while older learners may favor quiet and structured spaces. Addressing these preferences can enhance the effectiveness of gender-responsive education policies by creating environments that are conducive to learning for all ages.
Providing a variety of learning resources that cater to the preferences of different age groups is essential. Interactive and multimedia resources may be more engaging for younger learners, whereas older learners may benefit from text-based and traditional resources. Ensuring that learning materials are age-appropriate supports the implementation of inclusive and effective gender-responsive education policies.
Table 22 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment when Grouped According to Length of Service
Learners Development | 8.458 | 0.076 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Curriculum Standards | 5.675 | 0.225 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Learning Delivery | 7.265 | 0.123 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Learning Environment | 6.749 | 0.150 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Learning Resources | 6.952 | 0.138 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Assessment | 11.296 | 0.023 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Overall | 7.945 | 0.094 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was employed to analyze respondent assessments of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment categorized by their length of service. The results indicate a statistically significant difference in perceptions related to Assessment (H = 11.296, p = 0.023), suggesting that length of service influences how individuals assess assessment practices within educational contexts. However, no statistically significant differences were found for Learners Development, Curriculum Standards, Learning Delivery, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, and Overall assessment (all p > 0.05). This implies that while perceptions on assessment vary significantly based on length of service, other aspects of curriculum, instruction, and assessment are perceived similarly across different lengths of service. Further exploration into factors influencing assessment perceptions could provide insights into improving educational practices tailored to educators’ varying experiences.
This aligns with the study by Darling-Hammond & Bransford (2019), in their book explored how teachers’ length of service influences their perceptions and approaches to assessment. It suggests that more experienced teachers often have a deeper understanding of assessment strategies and are more confident in implementing various assessment methods. In contrast, less experienced teachers may rely more on traditional assessment techniques and may need additional support and professional development to diversify their assessment practices.
The findings from Darling-Hammond and Bransford (2019) support the significant difference found in the Assessment category in present study. This indicates that the length of service influences how teachers perceive and implement assessment strategies, which is crucial for the effective implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies. The significant difference found in the Assessment category suggests that teachers’ perceptions and practices related to assessment are influenced by their length of service. Experienced teachers may have a more nuanced understanding of assessment strategies, while less experienced teachers may need additional support to develop their assessment skills. This insight highlights the importance of tailoring professional development programs to address the specific needs of teachers at different stages of their careers.
In a related context, Desimone & Garet (2018) in their research focused on the relationship between professional development and teachers’ competence in assessment. It highlights that ongoing professional development is essential for teachers at all stages of their careers to stay updated on effective assessment practices. The study found that teachers with more years of service who engage in continuous professional development are more adept at using diverse and innovative assessment methods.
The study by Desimone and Garet (2018) aligns with the significant differences found in the Assessment category based on the length of service. It underscores the importance of continuous professional development in enhancing teachers’ assessment skills, which is critical for implementing gender-responsive education policies effectively. Continuous professional development is essential for equipping teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to implement gender-responsive assessment practices. By providing targeted training and support, educational institutions can ensure that all teachers, regardless of their length of service, are capable of using assessment methods that promote gender equity and inclusivity. This approach aligns with the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies, which aim to create a supportive and equitable learning environment for all students.
Table 23 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment when Grouped According to Position
Learners Development | 15.905 | 0.000 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Curriculum Standards | 18.144 | 0.000 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Learning Delivery | 12.921 | 0.002 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Learning Environment | 11.288 | 0.004 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Learning Resources | 8.566 | 0.014 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Assessment | 2.169 | 0.338 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 13.707 | 0.001 | Reject Ho | Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was utilized to examine respondent assessments of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment categorized by their position. The results reveal statistically significant differences in several aspects: Learners Development (H = 15.905, p < 0.001), Curriculum Standards (H = 18.144, p < 0.001), Learning Delivery (H = 12.921, p = 0.002), Learning Environment (H = 11.288, p = 0.004), Learning Resources (H = 8.566, p = 0.014), and Overall assessment (H = 13.707, p = 0.001). These findings indicate that position significantly influences how respondents perceive various facets of curriculum, instruction, and assessment within educational settings.
However, no statistically significant differences were found for Assessment (p = 0.338), suggesting that perceptions regarding assessment practices do not vary significantly based on position. Further exploration of these differences can provide valuable insights into tailoring educational strategies and policies to meet the diverse needs and perspectives of different positions within educational institutions.
In the book of Bryk & Schneider (2020), it discussed how different roles within educational institutions influence perceptions and interactions with various educational processes. It highlights that administrators, teachers, and support staff often have different viewpoints and priorities based on their responsibilities and experiences. This study underscores the importance of understanding these role-based differences to foster collaboration and improve educational outcomes. The findings support the significant differences found in categories such as Learners Development, Curriculum Standards, Learning Delivery, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, and the overall assessment based on respondents’ positions. The study by Bryk and Schneider (2020) suggests that different roles within educational institutions inherently influence perceptions, which aligns with your findings.
Similarly, Spillane & Diamond (2019) in their study explored how different roles within schools contribute to the implementation of curriculum and instruction. It highlights that teachers, principals, and curriculum coordinators often have unique perspectives and contributions to curriculum implementation. The study emphasizes the need for a cohesive approach that integrates these diverse viewpoints to enhance curriculum effectiveness. The study supports the significant differences in perceptions of Curriculum Standards and Learning Delivery found in the current assessment. By understanding how different positions influence perceptions, educational institutions can better align their strategies with the insights and experiences of various stakeholders, enhancing the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies.
The significant differences found in these categories: Learners Development, Curriculum Standards, Learning Delivery, and Learning Environment based on position suggest that different roles within the education system perceive and interact with curriculum and instruction in unique ways. Understanding these role-based differences is crucial for implementing gender-responsive education policies effectively. It allows for a more nuanced approach that considers the specific insights and needs of various stakeholders, ensuring that the policies are relevant and effective across different levels of the educational hierarchy.
Table 24 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations when Grouped According to Gender
Learners Support | 0.613 | 0.736 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
School Health | 0.082 | 0.960 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Youth Formation | 0.275 | 0.872 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
School Sports | 0.406 | 0.816 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Planning | 0.631 | 0.729 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 0.221 | 0.896 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was conducted to compare respondent assessments on Planning & Field Operations across gender groups. The results indicate that there are no statistically significant differences in perceptions related to Learners Support (H = 0.613, p = 0.736), School Health (H = 0.082, p = 0.960), Youth Formation (H = 0.275, p = 0.872), School Sports (H = 0.406, p = 0.816), Planning (H = 0.631, p = 0.729), and Overall assessment (H = 0.221, p = 0.896).
These findings suggest that gender does not significantly influence how respondents assess various aspects of planning and field operations within educational settings. This lack of significant differences indicates a consistent perception across genders regarding the effectiveness and implementation of these operational areas.
This aligns with Eagly & Wood (2018) who discussed in their book the role of gender in shaping perceptions and attitudes, including in educational settings. It argues that while gender can influence certain attitudes and behaviors, many perceptions, particularly those related to institutional practices and policies, often do not show significant gender differences. This aligns with the findings that gender does not significantly influence assessments of planning and field operations.
The findings support the lack of significant gender differences in assessments of Learners Support, School Health, Youth Formation, School Sports, and Planning. This suggests that gender does not play a major role in how these aspects of planning and field operations are perceived, reinforcing the consistency of perceptions across genders regarding the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies.
The lack of significant gender differences in the assessments of planning and field operations suggests that the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies has been effective in creating an environment where both male and female respondents perceive the effectiveness and implementation of these policies similarly. This indicates a level of success in promoting gender equity within these operational areas. These findings reinforce the importance of continuing to implement and refine gender-responsive policies. The consistent perceptions across genders demonstrate that such policies can create an equitable environment where operational areas are perceived fairly by all stakeholders, irrespective of gender.
Table 25 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations when Grouped According to Age
Learners Support | 13.608 | 0.009 | Reject Ho | Significant |
School Health | 9.438 | 0.051 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Youth Formation | 12.237 | 0.016 | Reject Ho | Significant |
School Sports | 10.336 | 0.035 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Planning | 8.577 | 0.073 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 12.163 | 0.016 | Reject Ho | Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was used to analyze respondent assessments on Planning & Field Operations categorized by age groups. The results indicate statistically significant differences in several aspects: Learners Support (H = 13.608, p = 0.009), Youth Formation (H = 12.237, p = 0.016), School Sports (H = 10.336, p = 0.035), and Overall assessment (H = 12.163, p = 0.016). These findings suggest that age influences how individuals perceive the support provided to learners, youth formation activities, involvement in school sports, and their overall assessment of planning and field operations within educational settings. However, no statistically significant differences were found for School Health (p = 0.051) and Planning (p = 0.073), indicating that age does not significantly affect perceptions related to school health initiatives and overall planning processes. Further exploration into the factors contributing to these differences could offer insights into optimizing planning and operational strategies tailored to different age demographics in educational contexts.
This aligns with Merriam & Bierema (2018) who explored how age influences learning and perceptions in educational environments. It highlights that adult learners often have different perspectives and learning needs compared to younger learners. The study emphasizes the importance of considering age when developing and implementing educational policies and practices, as perceptions and effectiveness can vary significantly across age groups. The findings support the significant differences found in the categories of Learners Support, Youth Formation, School Sports, and overall assessment based on age. This suggests that age influences how respondents perceive and assess the effectiveness and implementation of these aspects of planning and field operations, aligning with the current study’s findings.
In a related context, Knowles, Holton & Swanson (2020) examined how age affects perceptions and learning experiences in educational settings. It was found that older adults often have different priorities and perceptions regarding educational support and activities compared to younger individuals. The research highlights the necessity of tailoring educational strategies to address these age-related differences effectively. The study’s findings align with the significant differences observed in the current study for categories such as Learners Support, Youth Formation, and School Sports based on age. It underscores the importance of considering age when implementing gender-responsive basic education policies to ensure they are effective for all age groups.
The significant differences in perceptions based on age suggest that educational policies and practices need to be tailored to address the specific needs and perspectives of different age groups. For example, younger respondents may prioritize different aspects of learner support and youth formation compared to older respondents. Recognizing these differences is crucial for the effective implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies. Implementing targeted strategies that consider age-specific needs and perceptions can enhance the effectiveness of gender-responsive policies. For instance, creating youth-centric sports programs or tailored learner support initiatives for different age groups can help ensure that the policies are more inclusive and effective.
The findings highlight the importance of continuous assessment and adaptation of policies to meet the evolving needs of various age groups. Regular feedback and assessments can help identify any gaps or areas that require adjustments, ensuring that the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies remains relevant and effective.
Table 26 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations when Grouped According to Length of Service
Learners Support | 14.362 | 0.006 | Reject Ho | Significant |
School Health | 5.851 | 0.211 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Youth Formation | 4.238 | 0.375 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
School Sports | 6.936 | 0.139 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Planning | 7.038 | 0.134 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 8.102 | 0.088 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was conducted to compare respondent assessments on Planning & Field Operations categorized by length of service. The results indicate a statistically significant difference in perceptions related to Learners Support (H = 14.362, p = 0.006), suggesting that length of service significantly influences how individuals perceive the support provided to learners within educational settings. However, no statistically significant differences were found for School Health (p = 0.211), Youth Formation (p = 0.375), School Sports (p = 0.139), Planning (p = 0.134), and Overall assessment (p = 0.088). These findings suggest that while length of service impacts perceptions of learner support, it does not significantly affect assessments related to school health initiatives, youth formation activities, school sports, planning processes, and overall planning and field operations within educational contexts. Further exploration into the specific aspects influencing learner support perceptions among different lengths of service could provide valuable insights for improving support mechanisms in educational settings.
In the study conducted by Skaalvik (2019), it examined how length of service impacts teachers’ perceptions of their roles, including aspects of learner support. It highlights that more experienced teachers often have different views on learner support needs and strategies compared to less experienced ones. These differences are attributed to the varying levels of experience and exposure to different educational challenges and practices. The findings support the significant differences observed in perceptions of learner support based on length of service. This suggests that experienced staff may have more nuanced insights into learner support, which should be considered when implementing gender-responsive basic education policies.
Same with Klassen & Tze (2020) in their meta-analysis explored how tenure influences teachers’ perceptions and practices, including learner support. It indicates that teachers with longer service tend to develop more effective and diverse strategies for supporting learners, which can lead to different perceptions compared to their less experienced colleagues. This study’s insights align with the current findings, emphasizing that length of service influences perceptions in learner support. It highlights the importance of leveraging the experience of long-serving staff in developing and implementing gender-responsive education policies.
The significant differences in perceptions of learner support based on length of service suggest that more experienced staff have valuable insights that can enhance the implementation of gender-responsive policies. Their experience can inform strategies that are more attuned to the diverse needs of learners. Recognizing the different perceptions among staff with varying lengths of service can help in tailoring support programs that address both novice and experienced staff’s needs. This ensures that all staff are adequately prepared to implement gender-responsive policies effectively.
Involving staff from different service lengths in the policy development process can provide a more comprehensive perspective, leading to more inclusive and effective gender-responsive education policies. This approach can help bridge the perception gaps and ensure a cohesive implementation strategy.
Table 27 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Planning & Field Operations when Grouped According to Position
Learners Support | 2.978 | 0.226 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
School Health | 4.187 | 0.123 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Youth Formation | 2.555 | 0.279 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
School Sports | 2.201 | 0.333 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Planning | 1.727 | 0.422 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 3.317 | 0.190 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was used to assess respondent assessments on Planning & Field Operations grouped by position. The results indicate no statistically significant differences in perceptions related to Learners Support (H = 2.978, p = 0.226), School Health (H = 4.187, p = 0.123), Youth Formation (H = 2.555, p = 0.279), School Sports (H = 2.201, p = 0.333), Planning (H = 1.727, p = 0.422), and Overall assessment (H = 3.317, p = 0.190). These findings suggest that position within the educational hierarchy does not significantly influence how respondents assess various aspects of planning and field operations. The lack of significant differences indicates a consistent perception across different positions regarding the effectiveness and execution of these operational areas. This uniformity in perception could imply a cohesive understanding or alignment in organizational goals and strategies across different roles within educational institutions.
In the research conducted by Spillane & Coldren (2019), it discussed how different administrative positions within schools affect perceptions of leadership and operational support structures. The findings suggest that perceptions of planning and operational efficiency are shared across different administrative roles, leading to non-significant statistical differences. The study supports the current findings by indicating that various aspects of planning and field operations are perceived similarly by staff across different positions, suggesting a cohesive understanding and alignment in organizational goals and strategies.
In addition, West & Dawson (2018) investigated how an employee’s position within an organization affects their perceptions of various operational areas, such as support systems and health programs. The lack of significant differences in perceptions related to various operational aspects suggests a uniform understanding across different hierarchical positions. These findings align with the current study’s results, indicating that gender-responsive policies and planning operations are implemented uniformly across different roles within educational institutions, ensuring consistent perceptions and support.
The non-significant differences in perceptions of planning and field operations based on position suggest that gender-responsive policies are being implemented in a way that is consistent across different roles within the organization. This uniformity is essential for the policies’ overall effectiveness and ensures that all staff members, regardless of their position, understand and support the initiatives.
Since perceptions do not vary significantly by position, training programs and policy communications can be designed to address the entire staff collectively. This approach can help in building a unified understanding and commitment to gender-responsive practices across the organization.
Table 28 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration when Grouped According to Gender
Public Affairs | 0.347 | 0.841 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) | 2.247 | 0.325 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Educational Facilities | 0.224 | 0.894 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 0.291 | 0.864 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was conducted to compare respondent assessments on Public Affairs, Finance and Administration across gender groups. The results indicate no statistically significant differences in perceptions related to Public Affairs (H = 0.347, p = 0.841), Information & Communications Technology (ICT) (H = 2.247, p = 0.325), Educational Facilities (H = 0.224, p = 0.894), and Overall assessment (H = 0.291, p = 0.864). These findings suggest that gender does not significantly influence how respondents assess various aspects of public affairs, finance, and administration within educational settings. The lack of significant differences implies a consistent perception across genders regarding the management and operations of these administrative areas. This consistency in perception could indicate a uniform understanding or evaluation criteria applied regardless of gender, reflecting a stable operational environment in these facets of educational administration.
In the study conducted by Kossek, Su & Wu (2021), it examined gender differences in perceptions of work and organizational roles. It highlights that while there are expected gender-based differences in certain contexts, perceptions of organizational operations such as public affairs, ICT, and administrative functions often show more similarities than differences. The findings suggest that shared organizational culture and standardized evaluation criteria contribute to uniform perceptions across genders. The findings align with the current study’s results, indicating that gender does not significantly influence perceptions of public affairs, ICT, educational facilities, and overall administrative functions in educational settings. This uniformity suggests a stable and consistent operational environment that applies equally to all genders.
Similarly, Aly & Meyerson (2020), explored in their research how gender impacts perceptions of administrative effectiveness within traditionally male-dominated fields. Despite initial assumptions, the study found that when organizations adopt gender-neutral policies and practices, the perceived effectiveness of administrative functions does not vary significantly between genders. The findings support the current study’s results by showing that gender-neutral policies and standardized evaluation metrics lead to consistent perceptions of administrative effectiveness across genders in educational settings.
The non-significant differences in perceptions across genders suggest that gender-responsive policies are being implemented uniformly within public affairs, finance, and administration. This uniformity ensures that all staff members, regardless of gender, understand and support the initiatives equally, contributing to a cohesive and stable operational environment.
Table 29 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration when Grouped According to Age
Public Affairs | 13.076 | 0.011 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) | 9.956 | 0.041 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Educational Facilities | 15.614 | 0.004 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Overall | 13.146 | 0.011 | Reject Ho | Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was utilized to analyze respondent assessments on Public Affairs, Finance and Administration categorized by age groups. The results indicate statistically significant differences in perceptions related to Public Affairs (H = 13.076, p = 0.011), Information & Communications Technology (ICT) (H = 9.956, p = 0.041), Educational Facilities (H = 15.614, p = 0.004), and Overall assessment (H = 13.146, p = 0.011). These findings suggest that age significantly influences how individuals perceive public affairs management, ICT utilization, educational facilities provision, and their overall assessment of administrative aspects within educational settings. The significant differences across these categories imply varying perspectives and priorities among different age groups, highlighting the need for age-sensitive strategies in managing and improving administrative functions within educational institutions. Further exploration could illuminate specific areas where age-related differences in perceptions impact administrative effectiveness and operational outcomes.
The study of Truxillo, Cadiz & Hammer (2020) investigated how age influences perceptions and priorities within organizational settings. The findings reveal that older and younger employees often have different views on technological adoption, facility management, and administrative practices due to varying experiences and expectations. The study supports the current findings that age significantly influences perceptions of public affairs, ICT, educational facilities, and overall administrative assessments. Understanding these differences can help in tailoring age-sensitive strategies to improve administrative functions within educational institutions.
Same with Lyons & Kuron (2019) study, it reviewed generational differences in workplace attitudes and behaviors. It highlights that different age groups prioritize different aspects of organizational life, including technological advancements and facility requirements, which can lead to varied perceptions of administrative effectiveness. These findings align with the current study by showing that age groups have distinct perspectives on administrative areas, necessitating targeted strategies to address these diverse viewpoints.
The significant differences in perceptions across age groups suggest the need for age-sensitive approaches in managing public affairs, ICT, and educational facilities. By acknowledging and addressing the specific needs and priorities of different age groups, educational institutions can improve administrative effectiveness and operational outcomes. The study indicates the importance of including diverse age perspectives in policy development and decision-making processes. This inclusivity can lead to more comprehensive and effective administrative strategies that resonate with all age groups within the organization.
Table 30 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration when Grouped According to Length of Service
Public Affairs | 5.233 | 0.264 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) | 5.828 | 0.212 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Educational Facilities | 5.611 | 0.230 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Overall | 6.513 | 0.164 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was conducted to compare respondent assessments on Public Affairs, Finance and Administration grouped by length of service. The results indicate no statistically significant differences in perceptions related to Public Affairs (H = 5.233, p = 0.264), Information & Communications Technology (ICT) (H = 5.828, p = 0.212), Educational Facilities (H = 5.611, p = 0.230), and Overall assessment (H = 6.513, p = 0.164). These findings suggest that length of service does not significantly influence how respondents assess various aspects of public affairs, finance, and administration within educational settings.
The lack of significant differences indicates a consistent perception across different lengths of service regarding the management and operational effectiveness of these administrative areas. This consistency in perception could imply a stable evaluation criterion applied regardless of tenure, reflecting a cohesive understanding of administrative functions within educational institutions.
In the book made by Meyer & Allen (2018), it examined how length of service influences organizational commitment and perceptions. The authors found that while length of service impacts certain aspects of employee experience, it does not necessarily lead to significant differences in overall perceptions of organizational policies and practices. This finding suggests that employees, regardless of their tenure, often share similar views on key organizational areas such as public affairs, ICT, and facilities. The findings align with the current study’s results, indicating no significant differences in perceptions across categories based on length of service. This suggests that the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies is perceived consistently by employees, regardless of their tenure.
The findings align with the study of Bolman & Deal (2021), who explored how tenure influences employee perceptions within educational organizations. It highlights that while length of service can affect individual career satisfaction and personal growth, it does not significantly alter perceptions of organizational policies and practices. This indicates a level of consistency in how employees view key organizational areas, irrespective of their length of service. This study supports the current findings, reinforcing that length of service does not significantly influence perceptions in areas such as Public Affairs, ICT, Educational Facilities, and overall assessment. This consistency is crucial for the successful implementation of gender-responsive policies, ensuring all employees perceive them similarly.
The lack of significant differences based on length of service suggests that the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies is perceived uniformly by employees, regardless of their tenure. This consistency is essential for maintaining a cohesive organizational culture and ensuring that policies are effective across the board.
By understanding that length of service does not significantly influence perceptions, your study can emphasize the importance of maintaining consistent and clear communication about gender-responsive policies. This approach ensures that all employees, regardless of their tenure, understand and support these policies, contributing to their overall effectiveness.
Table 31 Kruskal – Wallis H – Test: Comparison on the Respondent’s Assessment on the Public Affairs, Finance and Administration when Grouped According to Position
Public Affairs | 2.707 | 0.258 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) | 3.284 | 0.194 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
Educational Facilities | 6.163 | 0.046 | Reject Ho | Significant |
Overall | 4.170 | 0.124 | Failed to Reject Ho | Not Significant |
The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was employed to assess respondent assessments on Public Affairs, Finance and Administration categorized by position within educational settings. The results indicate a statistically significant difference in perceptions related to Educational Facilities (H = 6.163, p = 0.046), suggesting that position influences how individuals assess the provision and management of educational facilities. However, no statistically significant differences were found for Public Affairs (p = 0.258), Information & Communications Technology (ICT) (p = 0.194), and Overall assessment (p = 0.124), indicating that position does not significantly impact perceptions across these broader administrative areas. These findings suggest a consistent evaluation criterion applied to public affairs, ICT, and overall administrative functions regardless of position, while highlighting a notable divergence in perceptions regarding educational facilities management based on position within educational institutions. Further exploration into specific factors contributing to these differences could provide insights into optimizing educational facilities management strategies tailored to different administrative roles.
The findings align with the study of Schneider & White (2018), who explored how different positions within an educational organization perceive and prioritize issues related to school facilities. The authors found that higher-level administrators often have different views on the adequacy and importance of educational facilities compared to teachers and lower-level staff. This discrepancy is due to varying levels of involvement and responsibility in decision-making and resource allocation. The findings support the significant differences observed in the perceptions of educational facilities based on position. This suggests that implementing gender-responsive basic education policies may need to account for the diverse perspectives of staff in different roles to ensure the facilities meet the needs of all stakeholders.
In the research conducted by Leithwood & Azah (2020), it examined how different roles within schools perceive the impact and importance of various aspects of the educational environment, including facilities. It highlights that principals and senior leaders often view facilities management as more critical to school success compared to teachers, who may prioritize direct teaching and learning resources. The study’s insights align with the current findings, indicating that position significantly influences perceptions of educational facilities. This underscores the need for inclusive policy development that considers the unique perspectives of all staff levels when implementing gender-responsive policies.
The significant differences in perceptions of educational facilities based on position highlight the importance of considering diverse perspectives when implementing gender-responsive policies. Higher-level administrators and lower-level staff have different views and priorities, which can impact how facilities are utilized and improved.
The findings suggest that the implementation of gender-responsive basic education policies is perceived consistently across different job positions within the organization. This uniformity indicates that the policies are well-integrated and effectively communicated, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their role, understand and support these initiatives. This consistency in perception can contribute to a stable and cohesive operational environment, which is essential for the successful implementation and sustainability of gender-responsive policies.
4. Issues or Challenges Faced in the Implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Policy
Table 32 Frequency and Rank Distribution of the Challenges Encountered in the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Program Implementation
Challenges Encountered in the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Program Implementation | Frequency | Rank |
Lack of trainings in gender mainstreaming | 189 | 1 |
Poor dissemination of guidelines pertaining to GAD | 170 | 2 |
Gender-biased curricula as well as textbooks | 147 | 3 |
Low priority of GAD projects as a result of insufficient funding allocation | 144 | 4 |
Lack of inclusion of diverse gender identities and expressions in educational materials | 125 | 5 |
Ineffective monitoring and coordination systems | 123 | 6 |
Inadequate Teaching Training for Learners in incorporating gender-sensitive teaching strategies | 123 | 6 |
Inadequate or insufficient sanitary facilities for girls and boys which is affecting their attendance and well-being. | 123 | 6 |
Limited collaboration with community organizations working on gender issues | 119 | 9 |
Insufficient use of gender-based instruction | 115 | 10 |
Absence of formal policies addressing gender equality and discrimination in the school’s governance structures | 109 | 11 |
Weak enforcement mechanisms for gender-responsive policies | 107 | 12 |
Insufficient resources dedicated to addressing gender-based violence in schools | 100 | 13 |
Weak institutional commitment to gender and development advocacy | 97 | 14 |
Gender stereotypes perpetuated within the school environment | 93 | 15 |
Resistance to incorporating gender perspectives in curriculum development | 91 | 16 |
Instances of gender-based bullying or harassment within the school environment | 83 | 17 |
Unconscious biases of teacher and classroom interactions and assessment practices | 79 | 18 |
Unequal opportunities and participation for boys and girls in extra-curricular activities | 78 | 19 |
Gender disparities in access to educational opportunities | 71 | 20 |
The table provides a comprehensive overview of challenges encountered in the implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Program, ranked by frequency of occurrence. Key challenges include the lack of trainings in gender mainstreaming (189 occurrences), poor dissemination of GAD guidelines (170 occurrences), and gender-biased curricula and textbooks (147 occurrences). These issues highlight significant barriers to achieving gender responsiveness in education. Other notable challenges include inadequate sanitary facilities affecting attendance (123 occurrences), insufficient resources for addressing gender-based violence (100 occurrences), and unconscious biases in teacher interactions and assessment practices (79 occurrences). Lower-frequency challenges include instances of gender-based bullying (83 occurrences) and resistance to integrating gender perspectives into curriculum development (91 occurrences).
Overall, the frequency distribution underscores the multifaceted nature of obstacles in promoting gender equality within educational settings, calling for targeted interventions to enhance policy enforcement, educational resources, and institutional commitment to gender-responsive practices. Addressing these challenges is crucial for fostering inclusive and equitable learning environments conducive to the holistic development of all learners.
The challenges in implementing the Gender-Responsive Basic Education Program are numerous and multifaceted. Notable among these are the lack of training in gender mainstreaming, poor dissemination of GAD guidelines, and the prevalence of gender-biased curricula and textbooks.
Training is essential for effective gender mainstreaming in education. The absence of such training impedes the ability of educators and administrators to integrate gender perspectives into their work. This challenge is highlighted in various studies which emphasize the need for comprehensive training programs to build capacity in this area (OECD, 2021).
Effective implementation of gender-responsive policies requires clear communication and dissemination of guidelines. The lack of proper dissemination strategies results in gaps in understanding and application of these guidelines across educational institutions. This is supported by research indicating the critical role of communication in policy implementation (EIGE, 2020).
According to UNESCO (2020), educational materials that reinforce gender stereotypes hinder the progress towards gender equality. Efforts to review and revise curricula and textbooks to eliminate gender bias are necessary for fostering an inclusive learning environment. This issue has been documented extensively, calling for a systematic overhaul of educational content.
Study conducted by UNICEF (2020) discussed about the lack of adequate sanitary facilities in schools particularly affects girls’ attendance and participation. Ensuring that schools have proper facilities for menstrual hygiene management is crucial for gender equity in education.
Addressing gender-based violence within schools requires adequate resources and support systems. The absence of such resources poses a significant barrier to creating a safe and supportive learning environment for all students (UN Women, 2021).
The study revealed a predominantly female respondent group (70.94%), with most individuals in mid-career stages and aged between 30-49 years. A significant portion of respondents (28.49%) have 11-15 years of service, and the majority hold entry to intermediate teaching positions (79.77%). These demographic factors—gender, age, experience, and career stage—likely influence respondents’ perspectives on policy implementation, highlighting the role these characteristics play in shaping their assessments and experiences within the education sector.
The study concluded that the implementation of gender-responsive practices in curriculum, instruction, assessment, planning, and public affairs across schools is generally positive, with most items rated as “Implemented” or “Fully Implemented.” While aspects such as promoting gender equality in learners’ development, curriculum standards, and youth formation are effectively integrated, areas like providing breastfeeding stations, GAD training for assessment writers, and observing gender-related celebrations require further enhancement. Overall, the findings highlight a strong commitment to gender-responsive education, though consistency and improvement are needed in certain areas to achieve full alignment with the Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) Policy.
The study concluded that perceptions of gender-responsive practices in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, as well as Planning and Field Operations, vary based on factors such as gender, age, length of service, and position. Gender significantly influences perceptions only in the Learning Delivery category. Age affects perceptions in Learning Delivery, Learning Environment, Learning Resources, and overall assessments, while length of service impacts views on Assessment. Position influences perceptions across most curriculum-related categories. In Planning and Field Operations, age and length of service affect specific categories, but gender and position have limited influence. For Public Affairs, Finance, and Administration, age and position influence perceptions in certain areas, particularly Educational Facilities, but gender and length of service do not show significant effects.
The top challenges identified in implementing Gender-Responsive Basic Education Programs highlight critical gaps that hinder progress towards gender equality and inclusivity in education. These challenges include the lack of comprehensive training in gender mainstreaming, inadequate dissemination of Gender and Development (GAD) guidelines, persisting gender biases in curricula and textbooks, insufficient funding leading to low priority for GAD projects, and the absence of diverse gender identities in educational materials. Addressing these issues is essential to ensure that educational environments are truly inclusive, responsive to diverse needs, and supportive of gender equality goals in basic education programs.
- To align educational assessments with the Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) Policy, the Department of Education (DepEd), particularly the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), must prioritize and enhance Gender and Development (GAD) orientation and training programs for test-item writers. This effort should include developing comprehensive training modules centered on GAD principles to equip writers with the essential knowledge and skills needed for creating assessments that reflect the principles of gender equality and inclusivity.
- To enhance the implementation of Youth Formation policies aligned with the Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) Policy, it is recommended that the National Youth Commission (NYC) establish a collaborative working group involving school representatives, local government units, and the NYC. This group should focus on refining youth formation policies with regular evaluation mechanisms like annual reviews and surveys to gauge effectiveness. Capacity-building workshops for educators and youth leaders are advised to integrate GRBE principles into programs. Starting with pilot programs in select areas and scaling based on success, ongoing coordination with the NYC will align local efforts with national strategies for sustained support.
- To enhance the implementation of breastfeeding and child-minding facilities in schools, it is recommended that the Department of Education (DepEd), specifically the Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS), conduct a needs assessment to identify requirements within the school community. Securing funding through partnerships with local government units, NGOs, and private sponsors is crucial. Pilot projects in selected schools should be initiated, with ongoing monitoring, user feedback, and awareness campaigns to ensure accessibility and effectiveness. Regular reviews and improvements based on feedback will maintain these facilities to meet community needs effectively.
- To promote gender equality and inclusivity in education, the Department of Education (DepEd), particularly the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD), should prioritize comprehensive training in gender mainstreaming for educators and policymakers. This entails revising curricula and textbooks to eliminate gender biases, providing updated resources and workshops on Gender and Development (GAD) guidelines, and promoting diverse gender representation in educational materials. Collaborating with LGBTQ+ organizations will further enhance inclusivity in learning environments, empowering educators and creating a more equitable educational landscape for all students.
- To validate the findings of the study on the implementation of the Gender-Responsive Basic Education (GRBE) Policy, conducting a follow-up study is recommended. This study should focus on the long-term impact of training programs on educators’ practices and student outcomes in gender inclusivity. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative measures like surveys and assessment scores, alongside qualitative interviews with educators, students, and parents, will provide insights into changes in student engagement, performance, and perceptions of gender-responsive practices. The follow-up study should also evaluate the effectiveness of revised curricula in promoting gender equality among students of diverse gender identities, offering valuable data to inform policy adjustments and resource allocation for a more inclusive educational environment.
For future researchers interested in building upon the findings of this study, the following titles were suggested:
1. “Assessing the Impact of Gender-Responsive Training Programs on Educators’ Practices and Student Outcomes in Secondary Public Schools”
This study would investigate how comprehensive training programs influence educators’ gender-responsive practices and the subsequent effects on student engagement, participation, and academic performance.
2. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Revised Curricula in Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusivity in Secondary Education”
This research would focus on analyzing the changes in student perceptions, attitudes, and academic success following the implementation of revised curricula and textbooks that aim to eliminate gender biases and promote diverse perspectives.
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