Inclusive Leader in Conflict Resolution of GKI Yasmin Construction in Indonesia
- Anggara D.R.B Santoso
- Puguh Santoso
- Ichsan Malik
- Pujo Widodo
- 531-537
- Mar 8, 2023
- Peace and Conflict Studies
Inclusive Leader in Conflict Resolution of GKI Yasmin Construction in Indonesia
Anggara D.R.B Santoso1, Puguh Santoso2, Ichsan Malik3, Pujo Widodo4
1,2,3Peace and Conflict Resolution, Faculty of National Security, Indonesia Defense University
4Faculty of National Security, Indonesia Defense University
This study explains the causes and resolution of conflicts in the construction of the Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) in Yasmin, Bogor City, Indonesia which is based on the rejection of the construction of houses of worship in the GKI Yasmin in Bogor City, in this case the importance of understanding inclusive and legal leaders as a focus in conflict resolution against the construction of GKI Yasmin. Indonesia is a compound country with various customs, languages, and religions, with the diversity that Indonesia has, the importance of future leaders must have unique characteristics so that thoughts are sparked to be able to research topics regarding inclusive leadership to facilitate group members to feel a sense of belonging in the group. This research uses qualitative methods using conflict resolution Theory, and Inclusive leaders, and legal. This data collection uses literature studies and interviews conducted with figures involved in the resolution of this conflict. The results showed that the cause of the rejection was several violations of the church committee in carrying out the church construction permit stage and the role of inclusive leaders who continued to lead this case so that it would not become a case of multiculturalism.
Keywords: Conflict Resolution, Inclusive Leadership, Legal, Multiculturalism, Conflict.
Indonesia is a compound country with various customs, languages, and religions, with the diversity that Indonesia has, it can be said that this country is a multiculturalism country which according to (Tilaar, 2007) the notion of multiculturalism contains at least two very complex meanings, namely “multi” which means plural, “culturalism” contains the meaning of culture or culture. The term plural has various meanings, because pluralism does not mean merely a recognition of the existence of manifold things, but recognition that has political, social, and economic implications, this is related to the principle of democracy (Tilaar, 2007). The plurality that exists in Indonesian society has multiculturalism as an added value by becoming the characteristics of one’s nation with the variety of cultures that exist. The causes of multiculturalism are due to many things, including the geographical environment, foreign cultures, and intermarriage, so Indonesia can be said to be a cultural source country (, 2020).
The importance of future leaders is explained (Randel, 2018) stating that inclusive leadership has unique characteristics so the thought of being able to examine the topic of inclusive leadership in theory and conceptual framework to understand the factors that make up inclusive leadership in the group. (Randel, 2018) added that inclusive leadership is a leadership behavior that is able to facilitate group members feel a sense of belonging in the working group.
There are several categories studied by (Randel, 2018), namely leadership behavior, group identification, psychological empowerment, and behavioral outcomes such as creativity, work, and performance in pursuit of group goals. His findings are known that as organizations become increasingly diverse, leaders need to understand how to carry out their roles in a way that not only takes advantage of diversity and maximizes the performance of working groups but also realizes those goals through inclusive behavior from all members. Encouraging inclusive leadership behaviors promises to improve the work experience of all working group members and be effective for groups and organizations.
In the conflict of GKI Yasmin’s development, the field of law is also a very important aspect to be highlighted. The correct law clearly shows how a man should behave towards his fellow man in society, how the reciprocal relationship between citizens and their officials, which rules should govern the relationship between people and people, the state with the state, and the whole society. In the case of GKI Yasmin, the Supreme Court (MA) has also won GKI Yasmin and ordered that the church be opened. The Supreme Court through decision Number: 127 PK / TUN / 2009 dated December 9, 2010, has also rejected the application for a revisit (PK) submitted by the Bogor City Government. The Supreme Court dated December 9, 2010, has issued a judgment regarding the Building Permits (IMB) GKI Yasmin. However, at that time the Mayor of Bogor issued Decree Number: 645.45-137 of 2011, concerning the Revocation of the IMB GKI Yasmin on March 11, 2011, After that, the Mayor of Bogor then revoked the IMB GKI Yasmin. The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia then issued a recommendation with number 0011 / REK / 0259.2010, / BS- 15 / VII / 2011, on July 8, 2011, concerning the revocation of the decision of the Mayor of Bogor regarding the IMB GKI Yasmin, but there was still no action from the Bogor City Government.
With the various understandings that have been written above, in this study, the author chose GKI Yasmin in Bogor City as a research based on the rejection of the construction of houses of worship in Yasmin housing in Bogor City, in this case the importance of understanding multiculturalism as a focus in conflict resolution against the construction of GKI Yasmin houses of worship.
This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological descriptive analysis approach. Qualitative Research according to Bogdan and Biklen uses several terms, namely naturalistic or natural research or inquiry, ethnography, symbolic interactionist, inward perspective, ethnomethodology, phenomenological, case studies, interpretive, ecological, and descriptive. In carrying out this approach, the author approaches it with a historical and sociological approach. This historical approach is used because the author must trace the origin and growth of religious ideas and institutions through certain periods of historical development and assess the role of the forces that religion has to fight for itself during those periods.
The design in this study of the literature used by the researcher in this paper is to describe the historical aspects of the people of GKI Yasmin Bogor City, as well as the background of how they should establish houses of worship. Meanwhile, a sociological approach is needed because the author must explain about people’s rejections of the church. It is known that the sociological approach is part of the science of sociology which means a science that describes the state of society complete with structures, layers and various other interrelated social symptoms. With this science, a social phenomenon can be analyzed with factors that encourage relationships, social mobility and the beliefs that underlie the occurrence of the process (Soekanto, 2001).
General Condition of GKI Yasmin
Based on the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Religion and Minister of Home Affairs Number 9 of 2006/8 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the Duties of Regional Heads/Deputy Regional Heads in Maintaining Religious Harmony, Empowering Religious Harmony Forums, and Establishing Houses of Worship, wherein in the Ministerial Joint Regulation The provisions stipulate that applications for the construction of houses of worship can be submitted by the committee for the construction of houses of worship to the regent/mayor to obtain an IMB for a house of worship. In addition, the regent/mayor issues a decision on the construction of a house of worship no later than 90 days after the application is filed.
The GKI Yasmin Bogor Congregation continues to fight against the results of the decision to reject GKI Yasmin. Multiculturalism presupposes the practice of citizenship (citizenship) that is more democratic, in which equal and equal recognition of individual rights and collective identity must be made available in the public sphere. GKI Yasmin was sealed by the Bogor City Satpol PP on April 10, 2010. The GKI Yasmin congregation was forced out of the church building by a mob acting on behalf of the local community whose majority religion was different because they felt disturbed by the establishment of a house of worship in their place. Most of the masses argued that GKI Yasmin had not yet obtained a permit. However, in reality, GKI Yasmin already has a building permit.
Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) Street. Court No. 35 Bogor has obtained Bogor Mayor Decree No. : 645.8-372 of 2006 dated July 13, 2006 concerning Building Permits, GKI Street. Court No. 35 Bogor. But after that, Sumantoro from GKI Yasmin received a letter from the Head of the City Planning and Landscaping Service No. :503/208–DTKP regarding Suspension of Permits dated 14 February 2008. In response to the issuance of the letter from the Head of City Planning and Landscaping Services, the Yasmin Congregational Assembly has sent a letter to the Mayor of Bogor Number 64/MJ-GKI Bgr/II/2008, regarding Objections and Rejection for the Church IMB Suspension Letter issued by the Head of City Planning and Landscaping Office of Bogor City dated 28 February 2008.
In order to obtain the Decree of the Mayor of Bogor No. :645.8-372 of 2006 dated 13 July 2006 concerning Building Permits, GKI Yasmin has gone through a long and gradual process and has fulfilled the administrative requirements as stipulated in the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religion and Minister of Home Affairs Number: 01/BER/MDN- MAG/1969 concerning the Implementation of the Duties of Government Apparatuses in Ensuring Order and the Smooth Implementation of Religious Development and Worship by Its Adherents.
After examining all the requirements that had been submitted for the construction of a house of worship, the Mayor of Bogor decided to grant the requested IMB by issuing Decree of the Mayor of Bogor No. : 645.8-372 Year 2006 dated 13 July 2006. The decree, on behalf of the Mayor of Bogor, was signed by the Head of the City Planning and Landscaping Office of Bogor City.
When referring to the provisions in Article 21 of the Joint Regulations, it is clear that if there are third parties (Ulama Forum and Islamic Organizations throughout the City of Bogor) who object to the issuance of the Church IMB mentioned above, then the first step that must be taken is deliberation, the second step is is deliberation facilitated by the Mayor and the third step is for them to take legal action to court. Strictly speaking, if the deliberation is not successful, then the third party (who does not agree with the issuance of the Church Permit) should be advised by the Defendant to take legal action to the Court, so that the Court decides, not in other ways outside the legal process.
Based on the provisions in Article 21 of the Joint Regulation based on good faith, the GKI Yasmin Congregational Assembly has sent a letter to the Mayor of Bogor Number 82/MJ-GKIBgr/III/’08, regarding the follow-up to the Meeting with the Mayor of Bogor on 28 February 2008 regarding Suspension of Church IMB, dated March 28, 2008.
In this letter, the GKI Yasmin Congregational Council requested that the Mayor of Bogor be able to hold deliberations between the GKI Yasmin Congregational Council and third parties (Leaders Forums and Islamic Organizations throughout Bogor City) who objected to the issuance of the Church Permit. The request of the GKI Yasmin Congregational Council to the Mayor referred to the results of a previous meeting (28 February 2008 at the Bogor Mayor’s official residence) between the Bogor Mayor and the GKI Yasmin Congregational Council.
Based on Article 6 paragraph (1) of the Joint Regulation, the Regent/Mayor is given the authority to issue an IMB for a house of worship, and the authority of the Regent/Mayor is not regulated to revoke and/or freeze the IMB for a house of worship, let alone the Head of the City Planning and Landscaping Service who does so with a memorandum bene is not on behalf of the Mayor (in the case of the freezing of the Church IMB). This is quite clear, not only because the legal form of “Permit Suspension” is not recognized in the Joint Regulation, but also that the only legal process that can be taken by any party to cancel the Church IMB mentioned above is only through the Court. Cancellations, revocations, suspensions, and similar legal actions carried out outside the judicial process can be classified as unlawful acts. Because the suspension of the Church IMB permit above was carried out by an unauthorized official and/or agency (in this case the Head of the City Planning and Parks Service for the City of Bogor), the Letter of Freezing Permit is null and void by law and or can be cancelled.
Background on the Development and Licensing of GKI Yasmin
Starting from the results of an internal study by the Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) Jalan Court 35, Bogor City, that the number of congregations was increasing and the condition of the existing building was felt to be no longer able to accommodate it, for this reason, in 2001 GKI Jalan Court purchased a plot of land with an area of 1,729 m2 which is located on Jalan R. Abdullah Bin Nuh Taman Yasmin, Curuq Mekar Sub-District, West Bogor, Bogor City for the Prospective GKI Post at Taman Yasmin. GKI Jalan Court stated that they succeeded in gathering as many as 170 people who signed the Statement of No Objection to the construction of the church in Taman Yasmin. On the other hand, local residents reject the presence of GKI there because the majority of the surrounding area are Muslims. The socialization was carried out by the committee on 1 March 2003, 25 October 2005, 8, 12, 14 and 15 January 2006. These activities were attended by the local community including youth, community leaders and other residents. In those meetings, GKI stated that they had received approval in the form of signatures. On the other hand, the residents still reject the plan to build a church as in the socialization on 14 January 2006, RT 08/08 refused with a letter of rejection.
Furthermore, the Committee sought and obtained a number of material requirements, namely: 1. Recommendations for the construction of a church from the Mayor of Bogor (15/2/2006); 2. Technical Advice from Bogor City Environment and Sanitation Service (3/3/2006); 3. Technical Development of Land Use Management in the Context of Land Use Change from the Land Office of Bogor City (14/3/2006); 4. Assessment of Traffic Technical Advice from the Bogor City Road Traffic and Transportation Service (15/2/2006); 5. Permit for Construction of Entrance Road from the Department of Highways, Bogor City (12/4/2006); 6. Technical Advice Head of Highways Service (17/4/2006); and 7. Approval of the Site Plan from the City Planning and Landscaping Office of Bogor City (30/5/2006).
In July 2006, GKI Court obtained a Decree from the Mayor of Bogor regarding Building Permit No. 645.8.372 of 2006, signed by the Head of the City Planning and Landscaping Office of the City of Bogor (a.n. the Mayor). Upon receipt of the IMB. GKI Will Post Court on Jalan R. Abdullah bin Nuh in Taman Yasmin, Curug Mekar sub-district, West Bogor sub-district, Bogor City, the committee disseminated the plan for the construction of the church building which was attended by the Chairman and Secretary of the Bogor MUI, West Bogor Sub-District Head, representatives of the clergy, Village Head, Police Chief, Wakapolsek, Head of Village Security, Chair of LPM, community representatives. The laying of the first stone for the church was attended by representatives of the Bogor City Government who delivered remarks from the Mayor. Construction began based on the IMB, with the installation of pile foundations started. The local people started to get restless and channeled their aspirations via Islamic organizations. The community’s rejection was increasingly widespread so that protests took place in the form of demonstrations both at the City Government and in front of the Bogor City DPRD Office. Due to the increasingly unfavorable conditions, the Regional Secretary of Bogor City has an option to move the location of the church construction due to protests from certain groups to the Mayor so that the construction is not continued. There is a notification letter from PT. Innovaco’s point is that in the Sector VII location, Taman Yasmin Housing, there are no social facilities for the construction of non-Muslim houses of worship. On the basis of this letter, GKI remains at the location Street. Abdullah Bin Nuh. Members of the Bogor City DPRD visited the field and held a dialogue with the church and the local RT head. Finally, it was decided to temporarily halt church construction activities and maintain the status quo.
The church carried out another construction activity, and continued to build even though it was reprimanded by the head of the local RT with a letter numbered: 148/17/RT-08/IV/2007 dated 30 April 2007. This provoked demonstrations by Muslim residents of Bogor City. There was a demonstration at the Bogor DPRD demanding that the Taman Yasmin Church permit be revoked. The Curug Mekar residents’ forum made a letter requesting the cancellation of the permit for the construction of the church to the City Planning Office of the Bogor City Government. GKI received a letter from the Head of the City Planning and Landscaping Office of Bogor City No. 503/208 – DTKP regarding Freezing of IMB. Upon the issuance of the GKI IMB suspension letter Street. Taman Yasmin, the committee sent a letter to the Mayor of Bogor regarding objections and rejection of the IMB freezing letter issued by the Head of DTKP (with copies to various parties). Then complain to National Human Rights Commission. As a response, National Human Rights Commission sent letter No. 592/K/PMT/IV/08 dated 7 April 2008 to the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the Refusal to Freeze the Taman Yasmin Church IMB. In addition, GKI took legal action against the Letter of Suspension of the Head of the DTKP.
Responding to GKI’s submission, a decision was made by the Bandung State Administrative Court (PTUN) that the municipal government, especially the DTKP, was defeated in the case of freezing the IMB. On the same date, the City Government finally appealed the decision of the Bandung Administrative Court. Then there was a decision by the Jakarta Administrative High Court (PT TUN) upholding the decision of the Bandung Administrative Court, the municipal government lost. Due to the municipal government’s defeat at PT TUN, the municipal government made an appeal to the Supreme Court, which later the cassation submitted by the municipal government did not meet the formal requirements and was rejected by the Supreme Court because the object of the lawsuit was the decision of the regional official, which means that the GKI Court won the lawsuit over the suspension of the IMB. GKI Bapos Court in Taman Yasmin by the Head of the DTKP Service.
Because GKI went to the Court feeling they had won the lawsuit up to the Supreme Court, the committee restarted the church construction activities, then had a demonstration by Muslim residents from Curug Mekar which resulted in installing banners refusing the residents and closing access to the church construction area. Meanwhile residents began to search for correct data according to the data listed in the No Objection Form, and other data according to procedures that should be followed as usual and finally found data that did not match reality. Several people stated that they had never signed a data statement such as this format, and some even felt that they were not present at the meeting at the kelurahan/socialization, even on the attendance sheet and signing the receipt of money as a substitute for transportation money.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the residents’ rejection of the validity of the IMB issued by the Mayor, construction activities continued but because there was a letter to stop construction, the work was stopped. The newly built fences and project plots were damaged by an irresponsible group of people.
After some residents of Curug Mekar obtained data and information that there were procedural errors and even led to dishonesty in obtaining signatures from residents as a sign of approval for the construction of the GKI Court Post in Taman Yasmin, to facilitate communication and representation of residents, the residents of Curug Mekar agreed to form a coordinating forum, namely Forkami (Indonesian Muslim Family Forum). Furthermore, Forkami found and reported indications of forgery of residents’ signatures which were used as a condition for making a GKI Court Permit in Taman Yasmin to the City resort police with 7 witnesses and escorted by around 150 people.
Forkami reported indications of forgery of residents’ signatures on behalf of Haris Fadilah and Idrus, listed in the meeting file on January 8, 2006. Residents came to City resort police to clarify indications of forged signatures of residents to be matched with data from DTKP, but DTKP could not show the signature data form Said hand.
Forkami met with the City Government which resulted in the City Government’s willingness to cancel Yasmin’s GKI IMB. (On February 15-20, the reprimand stage in the field). The municipal government invited Forkami, FKUB, the Ministry of Religion and the Church to solve the problem. The church did not come. A letter of recommendation cancellation from the Mayor of Bogor appeared, No. 503/367/Huk. Because the construction process was continuing, a letter was sent from the Head of the Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning Office for the City of Bogor, regarding a request that the construction activities of the GKI Yasmin church be stopped. Then the words “SEALED” were placed on the fence of the church location. At that time there was a dispute between GKI, Pol PP, and Forkami.
The community and Forkami representatives met with governance (on behalf of the Mayor), asking about the progress of the proposal to cancel the recommendation. Apart from that, Forkami and residents submitted 3 witnesses to the Police on charges of falsifying data submitted by the church committee. Residents brought Mr. MK to City resort police, clarification with the data that was given to City resort police which later Br. MK was found guilty by the Bogor District Court and sentenced to 3 months with a probationary period of 6 months, because it was proven that he had falsified residents’ signatures as a condition for obtaining an IMB. Next Mr. The Constitutional Court submitted an appeal to the Supreme Court (MA) which then received an answer from the Supreme Court in a Supreme Court decision number: 480 K/Pid/2012 dated 18 April 2013 with a decision to reject the plaintiff’s cassation thereby upholding the Bogor District Court’s decision.
Inclusive leader in the peace process and conflict resolution for the development of GKI Yasmin
Leadership is an important part of organizational life in both the private sector and the public sector. This concept is becoming increasingly popular with consistent findings between leadership and organizational effectiveness and organizational satisfaction. Furthermore, the theory of leadership in practice reveals a tendency regarding the birth of inclusive leadership. The term inclusion in the Dictionary of the American Language (1960), is include which means to surround, part of the whole or as a whole included in it (Ryan, 2006). One form of inclusion in society is a social situation as in the world of education. How to know the boundaries related to respecting the diversity of ethnicity, religion, race and ensuring their rights are maintained, while inclusive leadership is a collective process that exists in every person or who represents them (Ryan, 2006).
The Bogor City Government conflict resolution process which includes dialogue between community leaders and community dialogue relies heavily on communication. The Bogor City Government took a direct approach by bringing together all parties to discuss the issues that had arisen. The participants understood and already knew who would attend the meeting to discuss various issues related to the GKI conflict. Official meetings facilitated by the City Government of Bogor and informal visits to churches and Islamic boarding schools by representatives of religious leaders from both sides became a forum for dialogue between community leaders. Opportunities for impactful dialogue with communities can arise through these leaders’ dialogues, contributing to the larger goal of fostering mutual trust and respect for different points of view.
Bima Arya as the leader explained that the key words were mutual respect, staying calm, and kinship. Moreover, the cooperation of all parties contributed to this result. The grant process that is currently being carried out would not have been possible 15 years ago without the help of the residents of West Cilendek Village and the dedication of all members. Coercion and judging one another cannot bring peace. Equality and mutual understanding are the only things that can lead to peace.
GKI does not only pay attention to legal aspects because it strongly supports local wisdom. Nonetheless, the aspect of kinship with the local population. As a result, GKI appreciates the Bogor City Government’s decision to grant land in West Cilendek as a solution to the problem because it is no longer possible to study the possibility of building a church in the Yasmin area with various considerations.
One form of the presence of the state that helps residents in solving problems is a land grant provided by the Bogor City Government. We are grateful to the Bogor City Government for ensuring that the IMB will be issued as soon as all requirements are met and allow GKI residents in West Bogor to worship in peace. This further adds to the evidence that the Bogor City Government is here to look after its citizens. I appreciate the support of state institutions for this peaceful settlement. This is a real sign of the tolerance and respect that Bogor residents have for one another when it comes to worship according to their respective beliefs. GKI is committed to maintaining close and open communication so that religious communities can build harmonious relationships.
These parties must understand that the legal case involving GKI Yasmin has nothing to do with the issue of Religious Differences and Diversity, because around Yasmin itself religious tolerance is already taking place. There are four Church congregations that can still worship at Yasmin, routinely and well, long before the name GKI Yasmin was known, namely: 1. Pentecostal Church in Indonesia 2. Muria Christian Church Indonesia 3. Indonesian Faith Victory Church 4. Indonesian Bethel Church . They can worship at any time, because there have been no problems with the residents, nor have there been any legal problems that have occurred to this day.
The role of the Mayor and Forkami in resolving conflicts legally and staying on track is the best way to follow applicable laws. In addition, many options were given, one of which was to relocate the church construction in accordance with what had been negotiated with various parties.
The relocation process at the location that has just been carried out must go through accurate mapping and in-depth studies involving the surrounding community, and in accordance with applicable legal regulations, so that people from various backgrounds can support it. All the processes that were carried out in his spirit were so that there was no longer any need for the option of establishing a Church in the same or nearby location in order to maintain a calm situation so far.
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