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Increasing the Existence of Courses and Training Outdoors Through the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) Mechanism To Higher Education

  • Lutfi Ariefianto
  • Ahmad Yusuf Sobri
  • Asep Sunandar
  • 1-7
  • Jan 25, 2023
  • Education

Increasing the Existence of Courses and Training Outdoors Through the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) Mechanism to Higher Education

Lutfi Ariefianto1, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri2, Asep Sunandar3
1Department of Non Formal Education, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education, Universitas Negeri Jember, Indonesia
2,3Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang City, Indonesia


The collaboration carried out by the Directorate General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program in tertiary institutions is an effort to increase recognition of concerns about the certificates of course participants and training which are still underestimated. The agreement is later expected to provide benefits for LKP graduates in seeking educational equality. LKP participants have the opportunity to continue their education at Higher Education and be recognized for their competence which is converted to semester credit units (SKS). The research aims to explain how efforts to increase the recognition or existence of LKP outcomes can be provided through the mechanism of RPL provisions with LKP output experiences, so this study investigated a policy perspective on RPL more deeply.This research is library research conducted by searching books, articles, and related documents as well as relevant laws and regulations, to then be analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that there is still a need for clarity in the form of detailed and clear guidelines for recognition between all campuses that have vocational study programs, especially those appointed to organize RPL, relating to conversion and assessment in equality of quality and adjustment to the curriculum.

Keywords- Recognition of Past Learning (RPL), Course and Training Institutions (LKP), Higher Education, Competences, and regulation


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Directorate of Courses and Training, Directorate General of Vocational Education facilitated the signing of a cooperation agreement between Course and Training Institutions (LKP) for the Past Learning Recognition program Recognition of Past Learning (RPL), Course, and Training Institutions (Nasir, 2022).  Through the signing of this collaboration, state universities that have vocational study programs will have access to tools, assessment procedures, assessors, and systems to maintain the program. PTNs must also have a good reputation and have been assessed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The Director General of Vocational Education said that LKP participants who took part in the RPL program would have their credit points counted when they continued to tertiary institutions. For example, course participants who have undergone 1-2 years can be recognized for credits, or enter college directly in the following semester, which can be semester three or go straight to semester 5. Participants must prepare a portfolio before submitting RPL through the LKP, and the LKP will register them with the college. tall. The role of vocational education must continue to be strengthened, one of which is by collaborating with external parties to develop its programs so that vocational education courses can help change society.  LKP has strategic roles and functions in increasing resources through life skills. Vocational education programs provide three important values, namely educational value, economic value, and social value. Then vocational education also provides opportunities for work, entrepreneurship, and continuing educational studies. So vocational education must provide economic value. Vocational education must be able to produce graduates who can work alone. Graduate Able to take care of himself, as well as devote himself.

The Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) departs from concerns about the certificates of course participants which have so far been underestimated. The Past Learning Recognition Program is a way of implementing government policies with an open system. This refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 41 of 2021, concerning the recognition of past learning recognition. Recognition of Past Learning started this year through non-formal education. This regulation supports the Directorate of Courses and Training in carrying out its duties and functions so that Course and Training Institutions can improve the competencies and qualifications of their graduates. Socialization of the Past Learning Recognition innovation guidelines between Course and Training Institutions and tertiary institutions has been carried out in a total of 115 public and private tertiary institutions. Both universities, polytechnics, academies, high schools, and institutes that have vocational education programs are included in the dissemination. The Human Resources competency improvement program has been provided to 324 Course and Training Institutions with 23 areas of expertise. It is this skill area that is the target of the program with instructors who are apprentices in the industry. The curation process begins with Courses and Training Institutions that meet the requirements set by universities. Then, an agreement was made with the institution, which cut the curation process down to a minimum. We hope that more collaboration between Course and Training Institutions and Universities can help equalize education for graduates of Course and Training Institutions so that more benefits are obtained for them in efforts to equalize educational opportunities.The application of chapter I article 1 of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of 2021 is mentioned Recognition of Past Learning, hereinafter abbreviated as RPL, is recognition of one’s learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal, informal education, and/or work experience as a basis for continuing formal education and for carrying out equalization with certain qualifications (Nasir, 2022). With the above understanding, it is very clear that the government is trying to provide a solution that so far graduates of courses and training still do not have legality equivalent to diploma 4 or undergraduate level in the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework. level 6. In implementing Recognition of Past Learning it is divided into two forms namely Recognition of Past Learning to continue formal education, and Recognition of Past Learning to carry out equalization with certain qualifications. For Recognition of Past Learning to continue formal education, what is meant is continuing to higher education from the course and training participants; Recognition of Past Learning Outcomes in Higher Education is included in article 7 which is carried out through partial recognition of Learning Outcomes obtained from study programs at previous Higher Education as well as non-formal or informal education; and/or work experience after graduating from secondary education or other equivalent forms.

However, not just any course and training participant can join this program, of course, because other terms and conditions have been determined, including having a portfolio and certificate as a sign of having taken non-formal, informal education, and/or work experience that is relevant to the study program at the tertiary institution to be pursued, organized by study programs that have been accredited very well or B and have produced graduates, and must go through the stages of registration, assessment, and recognition of credits. It is at the tertiary level that this should increase the tertiary gross enrollment rate (APK) and the Human Development Index (Human Development Index) or Human Development Index (IPM). According to data from the Central Statistics Agency for 2019-2021 Higher Education APKs in Indonesia are (30.28), (30.85, and (31.19) respectively whose range is still relatively low when compared to other countries, even though only around ASEAN or Asia. More and more people who have higher education, will increase the APK and HDI values ​​in an area or country for the better.

The Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program is designed to help children who may drop out of school or college due to economic factors, demands from the world of work, or other reasons. In order to improve the ability of the nation’s children through further studies, the RPL program offers recognition for those who have not earned a degree or are unable to compete with those who have. Universities must commit to recognizing credits in lieu of expertise to help students attain the desired diploma level. This professionalism concerns the credibility of the certificates produced, as well as their quality. This program is designed for people who are lazy to do normal lectures and want to get a certificate or degree recognition for a better future career. This concern has prompted the government to conduct a review of the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of 2021 concerning Recognition of Past Learning in Higher Education, to ensure that this practice will harm society. the future of education and human resources in Indonesia.


This research is library research that focuses on studies on increasing the recognition of graduate courses and training through past learning recognition policies in the national education system, which is studied based on the perspective of education policy in Indonesia. The data sources in this study are all forms of literary sources, such as books, articles, magazines, and other documents. (Lestanti & Susana, 2016),(Sari & Asmendri, 2020), (Mahanum, 2021). Data collection in this study was carried out by searching books, articles, and documents related to research studies. (Mulianda Sari et al., 2020), (Machmud, 2016), (Saputra, n.d.). To then carry out data analysis using the content analysis method, namely by reducing, organizing, and presenting data obtained from library sources to obtain a complete picture, verify and conclude data to answer the formulation of the problem that has been determined. (Ahmad, 2018), (Aksa et al., 2018), (Intan Savitri et al., 2019).


Recognition of one’s learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal, informal education, and/or work experience as a basis for making equalization with certain qualifications. Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) is a process of acknowledging one’s previous learning achievements either through formal, non-formal, or informal education or training related to work or carried out self-taught through life experience. Recognition of learning outcomes is intended to place a person at the appropriate qualification level (KKNI level). The RPL process can be implemented in the education sector and the world of work. For this reason, the implementation of RPL in the education and world of work paths is based on the equalization of qualifications in accordance with the IQF. schematic RPL procedures for learning outcomes originating from formal, non-formal, informal education, and/or work experience to continue their studies in Higher Education (types A1 and A2) are shown in the figure below:

Figure 1. RPL scheme for continuing studies in tertiary institutions (types A1 and A2)

The characteristics of these three types of RPL are described in detail below. Nevertheless, all processes and mechanisms for implementing the RPL must be based on the IQF and must be carried out by interested bodies or institutions in a responsible manner, based on rules that are transparent, rational, objective, and accountable. The core of the RPL program at the national level must include aspects of improving the quality of national human resources so that the goal of bridging and building equality between the interests of labor producers and users can still be achieved. Therefore, it is very necessary to consider the interests of all parties involved in formulating RPL national policies and regulations.

In particular, Recognition of Past Learning in the higher education sector is an acknowledgment or equalization of experience with the abilities and or expertise possessed by a learner at the previous level of education. Recognition of RPL is not the same as recognition of obtaining a degree. In various countries, RPL is used as a consideration for entering an education program (entry requirement) at a higher level in the form of reducing the number of credits, credit transfers, or partial exemption of credits for certain courses (exemption). A formal educational institution, which is declared by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to have the qualifications to carry out Recognition of Past Learning, can carry out a Recognition of Past Learning assessment process for prospective participants in the education program. Participants in the Past Learning Recognition program must submit a written request accompanied by a portfolio compiled in accordance with previous learning experiences or results they have along with relevant evidence that is valid and recognized by the educational institution administering the Past Learning Recognition. Someone can use Recognition of Past Learning as an acknowledgment to attend formal education at a certain level in a tertiary institution if it is tiered with limited maximum recognition at each level or educational program. This is intended to maintain the quality produced by each level or educational program.


Analysis of the application of the RPL policy itself, based on the contents of the Minister of Education and Culture and Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of 2021 Recognition of Past Learning, especially formal education in tertiary institutions, can be seen below, this program is an effort by the state through universities to increase the number of Indonesian people to receive higher education. In Indonesia, there are 4,550 universities, both public and private. While the GER of the community to enter higher education is only 31.1 percent of the population aged 19-23 years who have the opportunity to attend higher education (Maksum, 2016). So that the APK for higher education in Indonesia is still lower than that of Malaysia which reached 38 percent, Thailand, 54 percent, Singapore 78 percent, and South Korea 98.2 percent. For this reason, the Past Learning Recognition program is intended to increase the APK rates for higher education in Indonesia so that they can be on par with or even surpass those of other countries. (Pratama, 2019),  This also wants to show the existence of the compulsory education program contained in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System and the concept of education or lifelong learning. (Dikbud & Tokyo, n.d.). Indonesian people spend as much time as possible studying, improve their qualifications to establish themselves in the world of society, the world of work, the world of business, and business (Dewi et al., 2011), (Ghafur, 2018),(Cahyanti S D, Mintasih I, 2018). As well as life skills qualifications such as being able to make decisions, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, thinking (vision planning), practice, learning to learn, informal communication discussions, formal communication presentations, empathy and tolerance, creativity, flexibility, adaptability, and so on (Yuhety et al., 2008).

The facilities provided by the state through the RPL program are believed to encourage people who have attended college but dropped out in the middle of the road for various reasons such as economic factors, job demands, busyness, and other reasons. The persons who join in RPL program, who their taken credit before will be approved through a recognition program from the new university (Priadi et al., 2019), (Trapsilawati et al., 2019), (Ketut Bagiastuti et al., 2020). In addition, the graduate from the Learning center who has a skill or experience job in line with the department of the university also it can be approved in a credit semester. Moreover, recognizing learning outcomes through non-formal and informal education and others is recognized as a credit semester  (Desamen S, Jaja S, Sugiyanto, n.d. 2017). When compared with the inter-campus transfer system which also verifies the validity of the data at the initial college including the initial campus accreditation strata and grade transcripts at the initial campus. The difference is that only suitable or relevant types of courses can be recognized at the destination campus, while those that are irrelevant or do not match the curriculum at the destination campus will not be recognized. The transfer system does not recognize skills and work experience relevant to the study program, while RPL can recognize skills and work experience. This program is very useful in helping people of productive age, especially course and training participants who are not working, to gain knowledge, increase competence and have the opportunity to start an independent business. (Hendarwan, 2018), (Lutfiani et al., 2020), (Kurniasari & Putra, 2018)

The Recognition Mechanism of Past Learning (RPL) in tertiary institutions which is one of the alternatives that will be implemented by the Director General of Vocational Education, especially in directors of courses and training in improving external existence which is currently still underestimated, must really be realized with the existence of a written guideline clear and accurate which will be used as a basis for course and training institutions that will cooperate with universities (Fajar & Hartanto, 2019), (Sabur et al., 2021). The management of  Learning Recognition related to the terms and conditions of the Semester Credit System conversion and learning outcomes in the Indonesian National Qualifications is based on the Framework of Higher education standar of level 6th in Indonesian national  curriculum (RISTEKDIKTI, 2016). So that the implementation will not experience a very significant obstacle, because the size of the experience that is already owned by course and training participants who wish to continue on to higher education can be recognized as a conversion of the competencies they already have and can directly participate in semester 3 or semester 5 of each study program designated. Likewise, guidelines for assessment and monitoring, and evaluation also need attention


The Recognition Mechanism of Past Learning (RPL) in tertiary institutions is one of the alternatives that will be implemented by the Director General of Vocational Education, especially in the director of courses and training in improving the existence of outcomes which is currently still underestimated, must really be realized with the existence of a written guideline clear and accurate basis that will be used as a basis for course and training institutions that will cooperate with RPL organizing universities in relation to the terms and conditions for converting credits and learning outcomes in the IQF level 6 (graduate) curriculum so that implementation will not experience any significant obstacles. Due to the size of the experience already possessed by course and training participants who wish to continue on to tertiary institutions, the conversion of the competencies they already have can be recognized and they can directly participate in semester 3 or semester 5 of each designated study program. Likewise, guidelines for assessment and monitoring, and evaluation also need attention..


Acknowledgment and awards are given to those who have contributed guidance, support, and convenience. Especially to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of  the Indonesia Republic in collaboration with the Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) have given me the opportunity to continue my Doctoral study by becoming an awardee of Batch 1 of Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI) in 2022. Thank you too the lecturers of courses in  Education Policy Studies, Dr. Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, M.Pd and Dr. Asep Sunandar, M.Pd, who assisted in the completion of this article


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