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Innovative Approach to Improved Speaking Skills in Senior High School (SHS) Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Education through Needs-Driven Intervention

  • Montano L. Agudilla Jr.
  • 2765-2801
  • Aug 22, 2024
  • Education

Innovative Approach to Improved Speaking Skills in Senior High School (SHS) Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Education through Needs-Driven Intervention

Montano L. Agudilla Jr., PhD

City Schools Division of the City of Tayabas


Received: 26 June 2024; Revised: 08 July 2024; Accepted: 13 July 2024; Published: 22 August 2024


As English serves the purpose of international communication, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners must acquire relevant language skills to engage in the field where they are currently immersed or are preparing to immerse. Regardless of their field, they will be engaged with the four language skills, also known as macro skills of communication (Husna, 2021) such as, writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Therefore, ESP learners need mastery of these macro skills to be able to use the language in different settings effectively.

Although listening and reading are passive or receptive skills, while speaking and writing are both active or productive skills, learning the four macro skills is essential to thrive in any field. Each skill has a vital role to play in the success of every student and professional. For instance, as mentioned by Ling (2016) and Moses and Mohamad (2019), writing is a multiplex activity. It helps the ESP learners to build connections with their respective fields, culture, society, and existing knowledge. On the other hand, reading is vital in guiding ESP learners to get information from words and enhance their communicative ability. The same goes for listening, which allows learners to understand, interpret, and evaluate the message by hearing (Djabborova, 2020), and lastly, speaking, which is considered the most essential skill among the four macro-skills, helps the ESP learners to sustain in this globally competitive world.

Particularly, this study focused on SHS ABM learners in the Philippines. The selection of the participants was based from the findings of previous studies conducted among ABM learners. For instance, the study of Magnaye (2020) pointed out reading as the weakness of ABM learners which made them moderately prepared and therefore affecting their academic preparedness to college. Implicitly, Unciano (2019) identified it in his study as the difficulty in understanding. Further elaboration unveiled that this problem is rooted in lack of background knowledge and issues with understanding concepts. This moved the researcher to conduct a study among ABM SHS learners in order to identify the reason or reasons behind these findings to propose appropriate and needs-focused solutions.

The researcher utilized problem tree analysis to further scrutinize the root cause of this issue. This mapping activity revealed how this could have been rooted in four macro skills of communication. However, needs analysis was also done to identify the priority of the learners since mastering these macro skills is not easy as it leads to some deficiencies in one way or another. These deficiencies could lead to severe consequences, heavily affecting the students’ future careers. As such, isolating these deficiencies and providing necessary intervention activities are essential to ensure they are equipped with adequate mastery of the rudimentary skills needed to thrive in the 21st century.


In light of the challenges in the mastery of the four macro skills, this research aims to:

  1. Identify the self-assessed level of mastery of students regarding the four macro skills
  2. Develop task-based activities targeting the macro skills with the least perceived mastery to ensure practical application
  3. Create an ESP intervention material that is integrative of the content being studied by the students to ensure relevance to future professional needs.

Needs Analysis


A comprehensive needs analysis was conducted to develop the material that will help remediate students’ low mastery of specified curriculum competencies. This analysis aimed to determine the specific areas in the curriculum where students struggle most. Moreover, the needs analysis was conducted to ensure that the material to be developed is relevant to the student’s academic and their future professional needs.


The questionnaire for the needs analysis was developed and finalized through consultation with education professionals who had earned a degree Master of Arts in Teaching English. Four macro skills were identified: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Although viewing has emerged as the fifth macro skill, the researcher opted not to elaborate the issue as a separate skillset. This was for the fact that other macro skills absorbed its competencies given the overlap and the integrated nature of competencies.

A ten-item questionnaire was developed for each macro skill based on its subskills, making a 40-item questionnaire. Each question for each macro skill was based on the competencies they should have mastered since elementary school relevant to their future career orientation as reflected in the Minimum Learning Competencies (MELCs) of the Department of Education.


The researcher crafted a survey questionnaire to gather the required data for needs analysis. The survey questionnaire has subjected to validation by the experts prior to administration such as; an ESP Professor, DepEd Education Program Supervisor in English, and Senior Education Program Specialist in Research. The researcher opted for a province-wide survey in Quezon, Tayabas, and Lucena. He provided a set number of respondents from DepEd SHS institutions where at least 100 respondents were targeted. Given the limited face-to-face interaction and the early end of the academic year in some schools, the researcher used online data gathering through Google Forms. After allotting three days, the researcher was able to pool a total of 95 respondents. With a margin of 5 respondents or with attainment of 95% of the target the researcher proceeded to data analysis. The data were then transferred from Google Sheets to excel for consolidation, tabulation, interpretation.


Accountancy and Business Administration Students of the class of 2024 were chosen as the participants in the study to assess whether they attained the needed proficiency for each of the macro skills. Table 1 below shows the demographic information of the participants.

Table 1. The demographic information of the participants

Location Age Sex Socio-economic background Participants
16-17 18-19 20 and above Male Female Rather not tell High Middle Low  
Quezon 21 23 6 14 29 7 10 19 21 50
Lucena 13 16 1 13 16 1 9 13 8 30
Tayabas 10 10 0 7 10 3 4 9 7 20
Total number of Participants 100

As shown in Table 1 out of the 100 participants, 44 belonged to 16 to 17 of age, 49 belonged to 18 to 19, and 7 belonged to 20 and above.  As for the sex, 34 were male and 55 were female while there were 11 who opted not tell about it. Lastly, the economic profile of the participants revealed that there were 23 of them who belonged to high income family, 41 who belonged to the average income family who were children of overseas Filipino workers and parents who are locally employed, and the remaining 36 participants were children of farmers and parents who do not have permanent or stable job.

Despite an average of 64 percent of the combined 23 percent of learners from high income families and the 41 percent of learners from the average income families, ABM learners are still facing unique challenges and deficiencies related to macro skills as their specialized subjects and future studies and careers involve reading and writing reports and speaking and listening with people as observed by the ABM teachers. This issue came out from an initial sharing of a group of SHS teachers handling Oral Communication subject in ABM during their group activity in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) class in Masters of Education Major in Teaching English. This storyline propelled the researcher to conduct the study since understanding these specific needs is crucial for developing targeted intervention materials to support their academic success effectively.


The needs analysis revealed critical findings regarding the academic deficiencies of ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) students. Through a careful assessment of the self-assessed rating of relevant and contextualized competencies, the macro skill that required targeted intervention was identified. By focusing on the most pressing deficiencies, this study aims to enhance the overall mastery of ABM students, ultimately contributing to their academic success and professional readiness.

Table 2. Average Weighted Mean of the Four Macro skills

Macro skills Average Weighted Mean
Reading 3.08
Writing 3.11
Listening 3.21
Speaking 3.02

The table summarizes the average weighted mean each macro skill got based on the responses of the 95 respondents. The table shows that out of the four macro skills, ABM students feel most confident in to listening, with an average weighted mean of 3.21. This indicates that students have easier listening to discussions, recalling oral information, etc. Consequently, this implies that students have it easier when facing the problems commonly associated with listening, like those identified by Yagang (1994), which includes factors like the message, the speaker, the listener, and the environment.

On the other hand, speaking demonstrated the least average weighted mean at 3.02, showing that students still found it harder to interact actively with others using English as the medium of communication. This result is not surprising as many studies like that of Leong and Ahmadi (2017) concluded that out of the four macro skills, speaking is still often regarded as the hardest, despite its importance, as many learners find it hard to express themselves in spoken language. This low result provides a critical insight into students’ oral fluency and confidence, similar to the findings of Tuan and Mai (2015), posited that inhibition, lack of topical knowledge, and low participation are some problems in mastering speaking skills.

Table 3. Speaking Skills of Students

Statement Weighted Mean
1.     I can confidently participate in group discussions and meetings using the English language. 3.11
2.     I can express my ideas clearly and fluently in English during discussions and presentations. 2.83
3.     I feel confident speaking English in front of my classmates and instructors. 2.86
4.     I need pronunciation practice with professional jargon and technical terms related to my strand. 3.08
5.     I need to improve my ability to negotiate and persuade using the English language. 3.33
6.      I can handle impromptu speaking situations in English without significant hesitation. 2.58
7.     I am aware of and can use the correct stress and intonation patterns in English. 2.94
8.      I can handle small talk and informal conversations in English comfortably. 3.08
9.     I am confident that my accent is understandable 3.17
10.  I can pronounce English words clearly and correctly. 3.17
Average Weighted Mean 3.02

Table 2 presents the weighted mean for each item under the speaking skill. The findings from the needs analysis highlight varying levels of self-assessed English language speaking proficiency among ABM students, with notable distinctions. The highest mean score of 3.33 for statement number 5, “I need to improve my ability to negotiate and persuade using English language,” indicates a strong recognition among students of the need to improve negotiation and persuasive skills in English. This finding is crucial in business education, given that communication in this field typically entails these sub-skills, which are paramount for professional success (Hames, 2012).

In contrast, statement number 6, “I can handle impromptu speaking situations in English without significant hesitation.” got the lowest weighted mean score of 2.58. This shows that students find spontaneous communication a challenge. This opens a serious gap as on-the-spot communication with little to no preparation is an essential skill that one must have when engaging in dynamic business environments (MacIntyre & Gregersen, 2012).

Aside from that, another area that needs thorough attention is oral presentations. Based on the table, a weighted mean of 2.83 was computed for statement number two, which revolves around the clear expression of ideas in discussions and presentations. This is yet another issue that needs targeted intervention, given that, according to Ellis (2008), clarity and coherence in communication are fundamental skills for academic and professional interactions.



Based on the needs analysis, three learning objectives were formulated

  1. Enhance the speaking proficiency of ABM students to help them gain confidence and fluency in verbal communication
  2. Integrate real-world applications to reflect authentic business scenarios, allowing ABM students to practice and apply speaking skills in relevant and meaningful contexts.
  3. Mold analytical, active, and communicatively competent students who are open to collaboration and discussion activities aimed at enhancing their speaking skills through peer interaction and teamwork.

Content and Structure

Ten (10) lessons were enlisted in the syllabus to enhance students’ speaking skills. Each lesson is constructed and aligned with task-based learning (TBL) to address interactive tasks in a student-centered, communicative, and collaborative way while pursuing the necessary skills to practice in the future workplace (Corwin, 2022).

Week/s Topics
1 Week (3 Meetings) 1.     Building Self-Confidence
1 Week (3 Meetings) 2.     Basic Pronunciation Skills
1 Week (3 Meetings) 3.     Stress and Intonation Patterns
1 Week (3 Meetings) 4.     Professional jargon Practice
1 Week (3 Meetings) 5.     Informal Conversations
1 Week (3 Meetings) 6.     Persuasion and Negotiation
1 Week (3 Meetings) 7.     Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking
1 Week (3 Meetings) 8.     Structured Group Discussions
1 Week (3 Meetings) 9.     Structured or Mini-Presentations
1 Week (3 Meetings) 10.  Accent Reduction and Clarity


The syllabus follows a logical sequence. It starts with course information such as instructor details, meeting hours, and required materials. A course description was also provided, where objectives and the most important themes to be discussed throughout the semester were stated. Supplementary materials, assessments, and rules regarding grading, late submission, and academic integrity were also outlined.


Various methods were used to measure students’ progress in the course. Each lesson provides formative assessments, which are planned to provide continuous feedback on the learner’s progress. Skill-based assessments, mainly speaking, were also implemented in all the lessons.

Material Development

To develop relevant materials, the focus was not only on the identified needs. The researcher also looked into the MELCs of the Department of Education for ABM to ensure alignment of the materials and conformity with the standards.


The needs analysis provided comprehensive evidence of the bottlenecks, lags, issues, and concerns of G12 ABM learners in public Senior High Schools, who were the study participants.” Among those areas of concern included (a) writing, (b) reading, (c) speaking, and (d) listening). Further analysis through constant comparison and problem tree methods enabled the researchers to identify speaking as the priority area that called for an immediate solution. This concern of the participants needed to be addressed to improve the confidence and competence of ABM learners who may either continue to enroll in college or opt to work after SHS.

To obtain the best possible solutions, the researcher conducted a brainstorming activity with other Oral Communication teachers in ABM. The decision to develop, enhance, and sustain the (1) confidence of the ABM learners in group discussions and meetings, (2) pronunciation practice with professional jargon, (3) speaking in front of classmates and during presentations, (4) impromptu speaking and intonation, and (5) accent clarity and informal conversations were based on the coded data relative to compounded elements of speaking. Hence, lessons and classroom activities to address the problem were developed.

Included here are the ten lessons and suggested activities that could build the confidence of the learners, improve pronunciation with professional jargon, provide opportunities to speak in front of the class and lesson presentations, develop creativity and efficiency as they deliver impromptu speaking with improved intonation, accent clarity not also in formal but also in informal conversations. Further, to ensure the usefulness and relevance of the materials, the DepEd minimum learning competencies were considered.


  1. Corwin, S. (2022, October 31). Introduction to Task-Based Learning (TBL). Europass Teacher Academy.
  2. Djabborova, F. O. (2020). Ways of developing listening skills of English learners in ESL and EFL classroom.
  3. Ellis, R. (2008). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford University Press.
  4. English. Journal of the Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), 15(2).
  5. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8(10), 212.
  6. Hames, D. S. (2012). Negotiation: Closing deals, settling disputes, and making team decisions. SAGE Publications.
  8. Husna, H. A. U. (2021). The relationship between the students’ English-Speaking skills and their closeness to English.
  9. Leong, L., & Ahmadi, S. M. (n.d.). An Analysis of Factors Influencing Learners’ English-Speaking Skill. International Journal of Research in English Education, 2(1), 34–41.
  10. MacIntyre, P. D., & Gregersen, T. (2012). Emotions that facilitate language learning: The positive-broadening power of the imagination. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 193-213.
  11. Moses, R. N., & Mohamad, M. (2019). Challenges faced by students and teachers on writing skills in ESL
  12. Yagang, F. (1994). Listening: Problems and solutions. In T. Kral (Ed.), Teacher development: Making the right moves. Washington, DC: English Language Programs Divisions, USIA.


Appendix I Course Materials

LESSON 1 Building Self-Confidence in Business English



  • Understand the importance of self-confidence in business
  • Identify key challenges to self-confidence and strategies to overcome them
  • Learn and practice vocabulary related to self-confidence and entrepreneurship
  • Develop your ability to discuss self-confidence and workplace dynamics in English


  1. Vocabulary
  • Take some time to carefully review the provided vocabulary list. Pay close attention to the definitions and how these words/phrases are used in a business context. Look up any unfamiliar terms in a dictionary or online resource if needed.
  • Self-belief
  • Step outside your comfort zone
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Bounce back from setbacks
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Write words and phrases that you associate with “Self-Confidence” in a business setting. Write down your ideas in this web diagram.

Self Confidence


  1. Understanding Self-Confidence
  • Go on this link [] to watch the video clip about building self-confidence in the workplace. Pay close attention to the speaker’s message and the strategies they suggest.
  • After watching the video, answer the following questions in your notebook:
    • What are some of the challenges to self-confidence mentioned in the video? (e.g., social anxiety, fear of failure)
    • What advice did the video offer for building self-confidence? (e.g., focus on strengths, celebrate achievements, learn from mistakes)


  1. Discussion & Reflection

What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is being confident in one’s own self-judgments, decisions, abilities and skills. It is your attitude on your abilities to complete certain tasks. It means that you are self-aware and can reflect on your strengths and weaknesses.

Self-confidence differs from self-esteem. While the phrases are often used synonymously, they are different concepts. Whereas self-esteem refers to one’s ability to value themselves, self-confidence refers to the positive feelings and sense of capability when it comes to completing certain actions.

(Self-Confidence in the Workplace: Why It’s Important and How to Improve It, n.d.)

  • Take some time to reflect on the following discussion prompts and write down your answers in your notebook.
    • How important is self-confidence in the workplace? Explain your answer with an example.
    • What certain situation can your self-confidence affect your performance at work? How will you deal with it?
    • What strategies can you use to overcome challenges to self-confidence in a professional setting?


  1. Form a small group (2-3 people) or find a partner to discuss the prompts above. Talking about your experiences and ideas with them. Share the results of this activity in the class after.



What is the importance of selecting and organizing information while reading and/or before writing?

  1. Worksheets

Fill-in-the-Blank Sentences: Use the vocabulary words from the list below to complete the following sentences. You may use a word more than once.

self-belief     step outside your comfort zone    imposter syndrome

bounce back from setbacks     entrepreneurial spirit

  1. It’s important to develop strong __________ in your abilities to succeed in the workplace.
  2. Feeling like a fraud at work can be a sign of _____________.
  3. A key to overcoming challenges is to learn from mistakes and __________ quickly.
  4. Participating in a new project can be a great way to ___________.
  5. A strong __________ is essential for anyone who wants to start their own business.

True or False? Identify each statement as True or False by writing T or F on the line provided.

  1. Feeling confident means never experiencing any doubts or anxieties. ___
  2. Focusing on your strengths is a good strategy for building self-confidence. ___
  3. Sharing your ideas openly in meetings is a sign of weakness. ___
  4. It’s important to celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. ___
  5. Someone with a strong entrepreneurial spirit is afraid of taking risks. ___

Action Plans:

  • Create a personal “Self-Confidence Action Plan” outlining 2-3 specific steps you will take in the next week or two to boost your confidence in the workplace.
  • Take some time to research successful entrepreneurs known for their self-confidence. Find one or two that inspire you and write a short summary about their story and how they demonstrate self-confidence. Consider sharing your findings in the class (written and visual presentation).

LESSON 2 Basic Pronunciation Drills








LESSON 3 Stress and Intonation Pattern


Most Essential Learning Competencies:









  • Understand the Importance of Effective Communication
  • Develop Awareness of Stress and Intonation Patterns
  • Reflect on Communication Strategies


Stress and intonation are important elements of speaking that can greatly impact how a message is perceived by the listener. Stress refers to the emphasis placed on particular syllables or words, while intonation refers to the melody or pitch changes used in speech to convey meaning.

Stress in Speaking:

Stress is often used in speaking to convey emphasis, contrast, and importance. By placing emphasis on a particular word or syllable, speakers can draw attention to important information and convey meaning more effectively. For example, in the sentence “I didn’t say he stole the money”, the meaning can be changed depending on which word is stressed. If the word “didn’t” is stressed, it implies that someone else said he stole the money. If the word “say” is stressed, it implies that the speaker communicated the information in a different way, such as through body language.

Intonation in Speaking:

Intonation refers to the melody or pitch changes used in speech to convey meaning. It can include changes in pitch, tone, and stress within a sentence or phrase. Intonation is particularly important in conveying emotions and attitudes in speech. For example, a high-pitched, excited intonation might be used to convey enthusiasm or joy, while a low, monotone intonation might be used to convey boredom or disinterest. In English, there are two main types of intonation patterns: rising and falling. A rising intonation indicates a question or uncertainty, while a falling intonation indicates a statement or assertion. For example, the sentence “You’re coming with me?” would typically have a rising intonation, indicating a question, while the sentence “You’re coming with me.” would typically have a falling intonation, indicating a statement.

Practicing intonation can greatly improve your speaking skills and help you convey your message more effectively.


Direction: The teacher will write a short sentence or phrase in which the student will choose from. Each student will pick and partner to enact their chosen scenario.

Other students will listen to each one and tell the right feelings and meaning of the message conveyed based on how the students delivered it.

The activity will continue until all students were able to participate and took part in the activity.


ACTIVITY: Business News Reading

Assign students to read aloud business news articles from reputable sources like The Wall Street Journal or Financial Times. Emphasize stress on key terms, such as company names, financial figures, and industry trends. Have them practice varying their intonation to convey different meanings, such as excitement, concern, or certainty.


Clarity of Pronunciation: Clear pronunciation of key terms and names. (5)

Stress and Intonation: Effective use of stress and intonation to convey meaning and engage the audience. (5)

Pace and Fluency: Smooth delivery with appropriate pacing and fluency. (5)

Confidence and Presence: Demonstrates confidence and presence while presenting. (5)

TOTAL: 20 pts.


ACTIVITY: Case Study Analysis (30 minutes)

Assign case studies related to real-world business scenarios and ask students to present their analyses to the class. Encourage them to use stress and intonation to highlight key insights, recommendations, and implications. Facilitate discussions on effective communication strategies and how stress and intonation can enhance the clarity and impact of their presentations.


Analysis Depth: Provides thorough analysis of the case study including relevant insights and recommendations.

Presentation Clarity: Clearly communicates findings using appropriate stress and intonation.

Engagement: Engages the audience with compelling storytelling and examples.

Professionalism: Demonstrates professionalism in presentation style and demeanor.


ACTIVITY: Presentation of Case Study Analysis (30 minutes)

Assign case studies related to real-world business scenarios and ask students to present their analyses to the class. Encourage them to use stress and intonation to highlight key insights, recommendations, and implications. Facilitate discussions on effective communication strategies and how stress and intonation can enhance the clarity and impact of their presentations,


Team Collaboration: Collaborates effectively with team members in research, analysis, and presentation preparation.

Coordinated Delivery: Ensures coordinated stress and intonation patterns among group members for a cohesive presentation.

Content Quality: Presents well-researched and insightful content relevant to the topic.

Engagement and Interaction: Engages the audience and encourages interaction during the presentation.


Reflection: Read the following questions and write a 3-5 sentence explanation explaining your answer on each item.

  • What have you learned about the role of stress and intonation in effective communication within business contexts?
  • How do you think these skills will benefit you in your future career in Accountancy, Business, or Management?
  • Can you recall specific activities or examples that helped you understand the importance of stress and intonation?

LESSON 4 Professional Jargon Practice



  • Identify different jargons used in the speech
  • Demonstrate speech effectively
  • Highlight the Jargons in the speech
  • Construct a speech containing jargons


In delivering a specific speech, we must know the basic elements that will be helpful for us to become effective speaker and also to deliver it more understandable for everyone. Before incorporating jargons into a speech, it is crucial to thoroughly research and understand the jargons being used. This includes knowing the meaning, context, and appropriate usage of the jargons within the speech. Next, is understanding the audience is essential and analyze the demographics, knowledge level, and familiarity with the jargons to tailor the speech accordingly. Lastly, adjust the complexity and frequency of jargons based on the audience’s understanding and clearly define the purpose of using jargons in the speech. Determine whether the jargons are necessary to enhance understanding, add credibility, or create a specific tone.

Why JARGONS are important?

Jargons play a significant role in the context of (ABM) classes for several reasons:

Precision and Efficiency: Jargons in ABM classes help to convey complex concepts and ideas concisely and precisely. By using specific terminology and jargon unique to ABM, instructors and students can communicate effectively without the need for lengthy explanations.

Shared Understanding: Jargons create a common language and understanding among students and instructors in ABM classes. This shared vocabulary facilitates communication, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas within the field of agent-based modeling.

Professionalism: Using jargons in ABM classes demonstrates a level of professionalism and expertise. It shows that students and instructors are familiar with the specialized terminology and practices within the field, enhancing credibility and academic rigor.

Clarity and Consistency: Jargons help to maintain clarity and consistency in discussions and lectures within ABM classes. By using specific terms and concepts, misunderstandings and ambiguity can be minimized, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Preparation for the Field: Exposure to jargons in ABM classes prepares students for real-world applications and research in agent-based modeling. Familiarity with industry-specific terminology equips students with the language skills necessary to engage in professional settings and contribute meaningfully to the field.

Depth of Understanding: Mastering jargons in ABM classes indicates a deeper understanding of the subject matter. It shows that students have delved into the intricacies of agent-based modeling and are capable of applying advanced concepts in their research and projects.

In conclusion, jargons are important in ABM classes as they enhance communication, promote a shared understanding, demonstrate professionalism, ensure clarity, prepare students for the field, and signify a depth of understanding in the domain of agent-based modeling.

Key Components of Jargons

Jargon refers to the specialized language of a professional group, from ER nurses to bureaucrats. This language is often useful or necessary for those within the group but can be meaningless to outsiders—though there are many jargon examples that we use in daily life, such as MIA (missing in action, originally military jargon). Some professions have so much jargon of their own that even the jargon itself has a name; for example, lawyers use legalese and academics use academese. Jargon is also sometimes known as lingo or argot. A passage of text that is full of jargon is said to be jargony.

Key Takeaways: Jargon

  • Jargon is the complex language used by experts in a certain discipline or field. This language often helps experts communicate with clarity and precision.
  • Jargon is different from slang, which is the casual language used by a particular group of people.
  • Critics of jargon believe such language does more to obscure than clarify; they argue that most jargon can be replaced with simple, direct language without sacrificing meaning.

Language and Skills Input

Benefits of Jargons in Language and Skills Input:

  • Specialized Knowledge:

Learning jargons allows individuals to acquire specialized knowledge and terminology specific to a particular field or industry. This can enhance understanding and communication within that domain.

  • Professional Communication:

Mastery of jargons enables individuals to communicate effectively with professionals in the same field, demonstrating expertise and credibility in specialized contexts.

  • Career Advancement:

Proficiency in jargons can open up career opportunities and advancement in industries that require specialized language skills. It can set individuals apart in competitive job markets.

  • Enhanced Learning:

Exposure to jargons can deepen understanding of complex concepts and theories, facilitating more nuanced learning and skill development in specialized areas.

Challenges of Jargons in Language and Skills Input:

  • Comprehension Barriers:

Jargons may create barriers to comprehension for individuals who are not familiar with the specialized terminology, leading to confusion and miscommunication.

  • Overreliance on Jargons:

Excessive use of jargons can hinder effective communication with individuals outside the specific field, limiting the ability to convey ideas in a clear and accessible manner.

  • Exclusionary Language:

Jargons can create a sense of exclusivity and elitism within certain communities, potentially alienating those who are not well-versed in the specialized language.

  • Contextual Limitations:

Jargons are often context-specific, meaning that their utility may be limited to certain environments or situations, restricting their applicability in broader contexts.

Strategies for Effective Integration of jargons in Language and Skills Development:

  • Balanced Approach:

Strike a balance between using jargons for specialized communication within the field and employing plain language to ensure clarity and inclusivity in communication.

  • Contextual Understanding:

Encourage learners to understand the context in which jargons are used and to adapt their language based on the audience and purpose of communication.

  • Glossaries and Definitions:

Provide glossaries or explanations of jargons to aid in comprehension and facilitate learning for individuals who are new to the specialized language.

  • Practice and Application:

Encourage practice and application of jargons in relevant contexts to reinforce learning and enhance retention of specialized terminology and skills.

  • By considering these factors and implementing appropriate strategies, the integration of jargons in language and skills development can be a valuable asset in fostering expertise, enhancing communication, and advancing proficiency in specialized fields.

Activity 1: Let’s Watch These

Instructions: Watch two videos below on YouTube, and in your notebook, take note of the jargons that being used by the speaker.

Once done, answer the question in your notebook.

  1. Imagine you are one of the doctors, attorney or a teacher in the audience of your chosen video that you have watched. Does the speaker mention jargons on his speech? Does it help you easily understand the speech he/she was trying to convey?


Activity 2A: Guest Speaker for a Graduation Ceremony of this different course.

  1. Doctors
  2. Attorney
  3. Teacher
  4. Engineer
  5. Journalism

Instructions: This time you are invited for this ceremony and you are the guest speaker of this event. Construct a speech for your chosen course graduation ceremony and used a jargon in that speech. If you choose the graduation ceremony for teachers, then you are going to construct such speech containing jargons for that specific field.


Activity 2B: My Visual Material

Instructions: Construct a 3-5-minute speech after you picked the specific course field and once done pick one name of your classmates that will be going to deliver your written speech and that goes for all the others students.

Content:                                                                                                                      20%

  • Clarity and relevance of the message

Delivery Style:                                                                                                  20%

  • Voice projection, tone, and modulation
  • Pace and fluency of speech
  • Eye contact and engagement with the audience
  • Use of gestures and body language to enhance communication

Language and Vocabulary:                                                                                       20%

  • Appropriateness and precision of language used
  • Use of jargons or technical terms (if relevant)
  • Clarity and coherence of sentences and transitions
  • Avoidance of filler words or distracting language patterns

Confidence and Presence:                                                                                         20%

  • Confidence in delivery and demeanor
  • Ability to handle questions or interruptions gracefully
  • Overall presence and command of the audience
  • Adaptability and responsiveness to unexpected situations

Time Management:                                                                                                     20%

  • Adherence to time limits set for the speech
  • Effective use of time for each section of the speech
  • Ability to pace the delivery appropriately


Instruction: Present your chosen field and present all the jargons being used in that course. How these jargons help those in the field. Prepare a short sample of speech to highlight those frequent jargons in that specific field.

Confidence level –                  10pts.

Knowledge in the content      20pts.

Responds queries relevantly   20pts.


Activity 1: My Takeaway

Instructions: Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the purpose of incorporating jargons in the speech?
  2. Do the selected jargons add value to the message or complicate understanding?
  3. Will the use of jargons enhance audience engagement and interest in the topic?
  4. How can I maintain a balance between using jargons and keeping the audience engaged throughout the speech?
  5. How can I strike a balance between educating the audience on jargons and delivering a compelling speech?

LESSON 5 Informal Conversations



  • Define informal conversation.
  • Identify the types of informal conversation.
  • Apply the pointers in taking part in an informal conversation.
  • Reflect on the importance of informal conversation to build a harmonious relationship.


  1. Pool of Words

Directions: Think of slang words/phrases that we used in daily conversation.

  1. Express Yourself

Directions: Read the guide questions and share your answer with the class.

  1. What is the secret for getting along well with others?
  2. How would you foster a close and harmonious relationship between you and others?
  3. How do you communicate with your peers in a casual way?


Informal communication in the workplace is often called ‘grapevine’ and often begins by employees with social relations.


A. Venn Diagram


B. Identification

Directions: Read and identity the types of informal conversation being described by the following statement.

  1. Talking to your classmate in the hallway while having your recess.
  2. Sean and his friends are planning a hang out on their group chat.
  3. Mikha phoned Daniel yesterday.
  4. The teacher uses jam board to get ideas from her students during their online class.
  5. Coach Roms is giving instruction to his team through text message.



A. Act Out

Directions: Find a partner of group, and act out your chosen situation.

  1. You and some friends are planning a picnic together.
  2. Your teacher scolded you for something you didn’t do; you are trying to explain this to your classmate.
  3. You and your co-workers are gossiping during the lunch break.
  4. You and your high school friends are catching up after 5 years.
  5. You and your cousin met in a restaurant.

B. Write a Skit, Action

Directions: Write a skit of the chosen situation below and perform it at class.

  1. Discussing Recent Movies or TV Shows.
  2. Planning a Trip Together.
  3. Discussing Future Goals.
  4. Asking a Friend Out.
  5. Conversation Example for Unexpected Meeting.
  6. Supporting a Friend during a Difficult Time.


What is Informal Conversation?

Informal conversation is usually between friends and co-workers, generally people that you know or have met before, and it is a more relaxed way to communicate. It is a type of casual and not formal communication that can take place between two or group of individuals in the workplace or outside the workplace. It doesn’t take place using the formal methods or structures and it can be spoken, written or even conveyed through gestures and body language. The exchange of information is typically unplanned and impromptu. These types of conversations or discussions are not aligned to the official rules of communications of an organization. Anyone can be part of an informal communication and often enough it’s difficult to define the start and end of the conversation.

Types of Informal Conversation

  • Conversations – whether in a corridor or on your way to the bus-stop, informal conversations are a big part of most situations.
  • Phone calls – a quick phone call can clarify more than an email could ever do and makes work within a remote team much easier. Unless your phone call is a scheduled conference call or one where you’re covering a pre-agreed agenda, then it’s another type of informal communication.
  • Instant messaging – there are endless instant messaging apps like messenger, WeChat, WhatsApp, etc. This informal communication method is especially popular with younger people.
  • Project boards – Slack, Monday, Basecamp – these collaborative project boards thrive on informal communication.

Example: Informal ways to say “How are you?” and replies.

What’s up?

How have you been?

How’s it going?

How are you doing?

What have you been up to?

Not bad, you?

Never better!

I’m doing well, thanks.

All good.

Can’t complain.

Example: Dialogue between neighbors.

D: Hello, Richard, how are you?

A: Hello, Daniel, how are you?

D: I haven’t seen you in a long time…

A: It’s been a while. I just got back from a trip yesterday. It was amazing.

D: That’s great to hear! Give my regards to your mother.

A: Will do. Bye!

Example: Dialogue between friends.

I: Hey Francisca, have you heard?

F: Hey Isabel, what’s up?

I: I went to dinner at the trendy bar last night and guess who I saw?

F: Who?

I: Ricky Martin!

F: No way!

I: Yes, it’s true! I asked him for an autograph.

F: And you didn’t take a picture?

I: Unfortunately, my cell phone was out of battery.

Example: Dialogue between coworkers.

CHARLES: Good morning.

SABRINA: Hello, Charles, what’s wrong? Something happened to you?

CHARLES: Last night I was working on the balance sheet and it took late and I couldn’t sleep. I think I need a vacation.

SABRINA: Yeah, but with the new boss, I wouldn’t dare ask for one. Did you see that he always looks so stern? He never says “please” or “thank you”.

CHARLES: It’s true, but you know what? Although he appears very strict, when you get to know him better, he’s actually kind and understanding. Today, I’m going to request my vacation.

Pointers in Taking Part in an Informal Conversation

  1. Always contribute something of value: an addition, a comment, or even funny remark related to the situation.
  2. For conversation openers, try these starters:
  • Let the occasion of the meeting suggest a topic. If you meet in an exhibit room, refer to the project that you see around.
  • Mention something unusual that you have recently read or observe. “Do you know that Jose Rizal is not known in Heidelberg where he stayed for some time writing the Noli?”
  • Ask someone’s opinion.

“Do you think the Kabataang Barangay will be able to carry out its project.

  • Comment favorably on something in the room.

“Isn’t that an unusual paperweight! I wonder what part of the country it came from.”

  1. Inspire confidence with a friendly smile, a direct glance, and an erect posture. Don’t let your appearance distract your listener from what you want to say.
  2. Speak loud enough to be heard and clear enough to be understood. A conversation is often spoiled when people have to ask repeatedly. “What was that, please?” “Would you say that again?” or “I beg your pardon.”
  3. A good listener is a necessary ingredient in a successful conversation. Listen attentively to others.
  4. Be guided by courtesy and good taste. Don’t hesitate to say “Thank you, “Would you mind…”. “If you please”, “I’m sorry”, and other polite expression.
  5. Adopt your speech or language to suit the occasion and the audience. Just as you might wear different kinds of clothing for different kinds of activities, you change your way of speaking to fit the different people you speak to.



  1. What’s the importance of knowing how to participate in an informal conversation in building a harmonious relationship with other people?


LESSON 6.1 Persuasion


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

  1. Share insights about persuasion.
  2. Explain how persuasion works in real life scenarios.
  3. Plan how they are going to persuade somebody by writing possible conversation.



Instructions: Let us sing the song UNTIL I END UP DEAD. Then, take note of the lines that you think conveys about persuasion.

Answer Keys:

  1. The path you walked was the same as mine.
  2. I saw me when I looked at you
  3. But I’m not stayin’ in my mind, I’m livin’ like you said.
  4. Came out of nowhere, now pigs are flying.
  5. I’ve been playing on my head those things I never said.


Activity 2A: I GOT YOU

Instructions: Choose from the following real-life scenarios.

  1. I am better than you
  2. Believing is more powerful than working
  3. Diploma cannot define success
  4. Values are better than knowledge
  5. People over profit
  6. Hard work builds the future
  7. Business is service.
  8. The world is your enemy
  9. Family is life
  10. Money defines a person



Instructions: Plan how you are going to persuade someone about your choice in Activity 2A. Write a possible conversation or dialogue. Your work will be scored based on the following criteria:

Content 25%

Organization 25%

Creativity 25%

Accuracy 25%





Instructions: Choose someone do you like to persuade about your choice in Activity 2A. Have your conversation/dialogue. Discover whether or not your plan works for possible adjustment. Your dialogue will be scored by the person you chose based on the following criteria:

Authority of arguments 40%

Convincing power 40%

Quality of Voice 25%




Instructions: Briefly answer the following questions based from the activity.

  1. Why does individual persuade another?
  2. What should necessarily be done to persuade someone?
  3. When does persuasion usually happen?


  1. Why must we be cautious of someone who would like to persuade us?
  2. How would you feel if you were persuaded and vice versa?
  3. What must we do so as not to be persuaded?

LESSON 6.2 Negotiations


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

  1. Share personal experiences when they had to negotiate.
  2. Explain the steps of negotiations.
  3. Plan how they could win in a negotiation in the given situations.
  4. Critique the presented negotiation plan as to completeness based from then steps of negotiations.


Activity 1: Learners will watch the negotiation skill steps downloaded from

Instructions: Identify the negotiation skill steps based from the presentation.


Activity 2: BELIEVE ME

The class shall be divided into groups. Each group should have at least 3 members but not more than 5 members.

Instructions: Share a time when you had to negotiate with someone. Describe the situation and the results.

Processing Questions:

  1. If winning, how had your groupmate win in the negotiation?
  2. What negotiation skill step or steps had he/she used?
  3. If NOT winning, why had your groupmate loosed in the negotiation?
  4. What negotiation skill step he/she should have used in order to win?



Instructions: Plan how you are going to win if you are to negotiate in the following life-situations. Follow the negotiation skill steps previously discussed. Predict a possible exchange of dialogues and have them written. Your work will be scored based on the following criteria:

Content 25%

Organization 25%

Creativity 25%

Acceptability of statement 25%



Real-life Scenarios:

  1. You are determined to establish a small business but you need additional capital. You were told that banks lend business capital. How could you gain a trust from a bank you are going to borrow money from?
  2. You like to enter into business partnership the way your friends do. Your parents are not so strict when it comes to it but they would like to be convinced that you are capable and ready to handle business partnership.
  3. Option: You may create your own realistic scenario and write out a dialogue using the Negotiation Skill Steps: S.L.I.D.E.

BE GUIDED! Choose whichever is appropriate.

  • Dialogue:

State What You Need

Entrepreneur: “

Bank Manager: “

Listen and Clarify

Entrepreneur: “

Bank Manager: “

Identify Other Perspectives:

Entrepreneur: “

Bank Manager: “

Determine Common Ground:

Entrepreneur: “

Bank Manager: “

Elicit an Agreement

Entrepreneur: “

Bank Manager: “

  • Dialogue:

State What You Need

Son/Daughter: “

Parent: “

Listen and Clarify

Son/Daughter: “

Parent: “

Identify Other Perspectives:

Son/Daughter: “

Parent: “

Determine Common Ground:

Son/Daughter: “

Parent: “

Elicit an Agreement

Son/Daughter: “

Parent: “



For the presenters:

Instructions: Present your plan in Activity 3A as if you are the ones involved. Your dialogue will be scored by the person you chose based on the following criteria:

Authority of arguments 40%

Convincing power 40%

Quality of Voice 25%



Processing Questions for the Viewers:

For the viewers:

Instructions: Answer the following questions.

  1. Did the dialogue follow the Negotiation Skill Steps logically or not? Justify your answer.
  2. If you were the parent, how would you decide for your son/daughter?
  3. What could possibly affect your decision as a parent?
  4. If you were the child, what could you have done better to make your parent believe in you?
  5. How about in persuading the bank manager for a business loan, what could have been done better?


Instructions: Share your answers to the Processing Questions for the Viewers.

Valuing: We are responsible of our actions.

Instructions: Complete the following lines from the different movies relative to responsibility.

  1. A Few Good Men

We follow order, son. We follow orders or people ______________. It’s that simple. Are we clear?

  1. Cinderella

My son has been avoiding ____________________ long enough. It’s high time he married and settle down.

  1. The Shining

Has it ever occurred to you what __________________ to my future if I fail to live up to my _______________________. Has it ever occurred to you? Has it?

  1. Batman

To run for Mayor of a great American city like this one… It’s a great responsibility, but am I __________________ of it?

  1. Troy

The world seems ______________ to you, my friend, but when you’re a king, very few _________________ are simple.

LESSON 7 Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking



  • Uses principles of effective speech delivery in different situations.
  1. Reading from a manuscript
  2. Memorized Speech
  3. Impromptu Speech
  4. Extemporaneous Speech
  • Uses principles of effective speech delivery focusing on:
  1. Articulation
  2. Modulation
  3. Stage Presence
  4. Facial Expressions, Gestures and
  5. Movements
  6. Rapport with the audience


In the realm of Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), effective communication is immensely valuable. Among the numerous communication skills, impromptu and extemporaneous speaking stand out as essential abilities for conveying ideas, persuading stakeholders, and achieving organizational success. This lesson explores the art of delivering spontaneous and well-prepared speeches, tailored specifically for ABM students.

Why are speaking skills (Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking) of ABM Students essential?

Impromptu and extemporaneous speaking skills are fundamental for students in the ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) field. As future business managers, innovators, accountants, and entrepreneurs, you will frequently find yourselves in situations where you must articulate complex financial data, pitch innovative business ideas, or advocate for strategic initiatives without prior preparation. Mastery of impromptu and extemporaneous speaking techniques will empower you to effectively communicate with potential clients, colleagues, and decision-makers on the spot, helping you advance your future careers.

Activity 1: Let’s Watch These

Instructions: Read the module of the current lesson by accessing the link below:


Watch the video below on YouTube. Take note of the distinction and importance of speech delivery.

  • Types of speech according to delivery| Impromptu & Extemporaneous Speeches | Oral Communication


Direction: Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. After your speech, it is appropriate to say “Thank you” to the organizer for the speaking opportunity.

_____ 2. If you find the topic uninteresting, you say, “I don’t think the topic is stimulating enough. I don’t like to say something about it.”

_____ 3. When speaking from a manuscript, you write and deliver a speech word for word.

_____ 4. Impromptu speaking challenges the speaker’s ability to organize ideas and deliver effectively in a very short period.

_____ 5. One way to relax is to over-think.

_____ 6. You are given a few minutes to prepare before delivering an extemporaneous speech.

_____ 7. One of the advantages of memorized speech is that you might focus on content. Consequently, groping for the right words might make you look uptight and stiff.

_____ 8. There are strategies that can help in verbalizing thoughts.

_____ 9. Warming up before the speech can ease your tensed nerves.

_____ 10. In impromptu speaking, your audiences do not care about your transitions anymore

Activity: My Future Business

Instructions: Imagine you are now a businessman or an entrepreneur. Choose a product or service you want to market or sell. Once done, draft a simple business plan for choosing that product and how you will sell it. Ensure that your business plan has the five key elements of a business presentation.

Introduction                                                    5

Market Analysis                                               5

Product or Service Description                       5

Financial Plan                                                  5

Conclusion                                                      5



Activity 2

Instructions: Craft your own 3–5-minute speech. Ask one of your classmates to grade your speech delivery.

Content          40

Organization   30

Delivery           30



Activity 3

Instructions: Deliver a 3–5-minute speech in front of the class. Get a specific topic from your teacher.

Content          40

Organization   30

Delivery           30



Instructions: Share your answers about the following questions in front of the class.

  1. Why are impromptu and extemporaneous speaking skills important for ABM students?
  2. How will I improve my impromptu and extemporaneous speaking skills based on the comments of my peers and teacher?

LESSON 8 Structured Group Discussions




Individual Research and Preparation (15 minutes)

  1. Provide students with a marketing case study or scenario related to a business marketing
  2. Instruct students to conduct individual research, analyze the case study, and identify key marketing concepts, strategies, and challenges presented in the scenario.


Group Discussion on Business Marketing Strategies (30 minutes)

  1. Divide students into groups of 4-5 to participate in a structured group discussion on business marketing strategies based on the provided case study.
  2. Facilitate the discussion with designated roles (e.g., facilitator, note-taker, timekeeper) to ensure active participation and organized discourse.
  3. Encourage students to analyze the marketing problem, propose solutions, and engage in critical thinking about the implications of different marketing strategies.


Group Collaboration and Solution Development (20 minutes)

  1. During this phase, groups work collaboratively to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to address the challenges presented in the case study.
  2. Students engage in group discussions to assess the feasibility of different marketing approaches, prioritize strategies, and formulate an integrated marketing plan.
  3. Encourage groups to consider target audience analysis, positioning strategies, promotional tactics, and evaluation metrics in their marketing plans.


Presentation of Group Marketing Strategy (15 minutes)

  1. Each group presents their developed marketing strategy, outlining the key components, rationale behind their decisions, and the anticipated outcomes of their proposed plan.
  2. Students deliver concise presentations, supported by marketing research, strategic analysis, and clear communication of their proposed marketing tactics.
  3. The presentation phase allows for peer engagement, questions, and feedback on the presented marketing strategies.


Peer Evaluation and Reflection (10 minutes)

  1. Conclude the group discussion with a feedback session where peers provide constructive feedback on the marketing strategies presented by other groups.
  2. Students engage in reflective discussions, evaluating the effectiveness of their own group’s marketing plan, and considering feedback received from their peers.
  3. Encourage students to reflect on the collaborative process, the application of marketing concepts, and lessons learned from the group discussion activity in business marketing.

LESSON 9 Mastering Business Presentation


Most Essential Learning Competencies:









  • Identify the key components of a business presentation
  • Demonstrate increased confidence in their presentation skills
  • Effectively use visual aids and body language during presentations


In the field of modern business, effective communication is highly valuable. Among the many communication tools, presentations stand out as classic but crucial instruments for conveying ideas, persuading stakeholders, and driving organizational success. This lesson delves into the art of delivering compelling business presentations tailored specifically for Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) students.

Why are Presentation Important?

Presentation skills are fundamental skills to learn in the field of ABM. As future business managers, innovators, accountants, and entrepreneurs, you will frequently find yourselves in situations where you must articulate complex financial data, pitch innovative business ideas, or advocate for strategic initiatives. Mastery of presentation techniques will empower you to effectively communicate these with potential clients, colleagues, and decision-makers, helping you advance your future careers.

Key Components of a Business Presentation

A successful business presentation comprises several essential elements, each serving a distinct purpose in delivering a cohesive and persuasive message. These components typically include:

  1. Introduction: This is the most crucial part of a presentation. One needs to immediately capture the audience’s attention, especially if they are a potential investor. Given this, make sure to start a presentation with a phrase that will hook the audience’s attention, establish rapport, and set the agenda for the presentation. You may begin your presentation with a greeting which the following phrases will follow:
  • Today, I am here to present…
  • Our product is called…
  • Today, I am thrilled to present…
  • I am excited to share with you…
  1. Market Analysis: Once done with the introduction, a business pitch must ensure that there is a gap, market, and room for expansion. Hence, a presenter must thoroughly examine market trends, competitor analysis, and target audience demographics. To have a strong start with this, you may use the following phrases:
  • The target market for our product is…
  • Our competitors include…
  • Our demographic analysis reveals that our primary audience consists of…
  • Upon analyzing market gaps and trends, we have identified a growing demand among…
  1. Product or Service Description: In here, you need to list and explain your product or service’s features, benefits, and value proposition. You need to explain how it revolutionizes the market, how come that it is “new, and how it is different from your competitors. You may start this part with the following phrases:
  • Our product offers the following features…
  • The benefits of our products are…
  • Our product has lots of features, including …
  • To set the product apart from others, it has some unique features like…
  1. Financial Plan: Remember that the presentation is for client consumption. The goal is to convince them to take part, to invest, and to buy. In this light, you need to present financial projections, budgetary considerations, and return on investment calculations so they can assess the feasibility of what you are proposing or pitching. You may start this section with the following phrases:
  • Our pricing strategy is…
  • We project a revenue…
  • In terms of the finances, we computed a possible return of investment of…
  • Given the magnitude of the endeavor, we project a market capitalization of …
  1. Conclusion: A presentation must always end. But in ending yours, make sure that you are able to summarize key points, reinforce the presentation’s central message, and prompt action or decision-making. To achieve this, you may use the following phrases:
  • In summary, our commitment to innovation will drive …
  • We are confident that…
  • In conclusion, our comprehensive approach ensures …
  • To conclude, we are poised to capitalize on market trends and …

Language and Skills Input

Effective presentation delivery relies on compelling content, proficient language use, and presentation skills. You can enhance your presentation by incorporating:

  • Vocabulary and Phrases: Use business terminology and persuasive language to make your presentation more compelling. Using these things will help you paint yourself as a professional and credible person.
  • Presentation Skills: “A good plan is half the work done”. But what is the other half? The other half is making that plan into reality. One way of achieving that half in business is through partners, clients, financiers, etc. To convince them, you need to become a good planner and presenter, which entails proficiency in public speaking, body language, voice modulation, and slide design.

Activity 1: Let’s Watch These

Instructions: Watch the two videos below on YouTube, and in your notebook, take note of the structure and key elements they employed in their business presentation or business pitch

  • Top 5 Startup Pitches of All Time (
  • Bumble – 1st Place – 2017 National Business Plan Competition (

Once done, answer the question in your notebook.

  1. Was the presenter effective in convincing you to avail yourself of the service or product he/she was presenting or take part in the business endeavor he/she pitched? Why or why not?


Activity 2A: My Future Business

Instructions: Imagine you are now a businessman or an entrepreneur. Choose a product or service you want to market or sell. Once done, draft a simple business plan for choosing that product and how you will sell it. Ensure that your business plan has the five key elements of a business presentation.

Introduction                                                    5

Market Analysis                                               5

Product or Service Description                       5

Financial Plan                                                  5

Conclusion                                                      5



Activity 2B: My Visual Material

Instructions: Create a 5-7-minute PowerPoint that you will use in your business plan’s presentation. Once done, ask a peer to rate your material.

Logical Flow of Information                            10

Balanced Coverage of Each Section            10

Effective use of Business Graphs and Models   5



Activity 2C: My Business Presentation

Instructions: Present your concise business plan in front of the class. Once done, be ready to answer questions from your peers and teacher.

Confident delivery and clear voice                20

Good eye contact and body language        20

Ability to handle inquiries                               10



Activity 3C: My Takeaway

Instructions: Answer the following questions in your notebook in no more than five sentences.

  1. Why is presentation skill important for ABM students?
  2. How will I improve my presentation skills based on the comments of my peers and teacher?

LESSON 10 Accent Reduction and Clarity



  • Recognize accent reduction and clarity in communication


Tongue Twisters

Instructions: In this activity, the class will be grouped into 4. Each group will read aloud the tongue twister assigned to them and read them at different levels of speed. The first attempt is fast, the second is faster, and the last attempt must be fastest.

Group 1 /s/ sound

Sally’s sister Susie sewed six silk shirts for Sam’s surprise soirée.

Sneaky Sam swapped Susie’s shirts with shiny sequined skirts.

Surprised, Susie sought Sam’s swift surrender,

Saying, “Sam, swap Susie’s shirts, swiftly, please!”

Group 2 /b/ sound

Betty Botter bought some butter

But she said the butter’s bitter

If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter

So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter

Group 3 /a/ sound

Annie the alligator and Andy the aardvark

Ate an array of apples at an afternoon art park.

After arranging apricots and almonds all around,

Astonished animals applauded with astounding sound.

At last, Annie and Andy ambled away, amazed and astounded.

Group 4 /w/ sound

Wendy walks westward, wearing a white windbreaker.

With wind whistling wildly, Wendy’s wig wavers.

Wobbly and weary, Wendy waits for warmth.

Wishing for a warmer wardrobe, Wendy wanders wisely.


Conversation Part 1

Instructions: In pairs, read aloud the conversation between two ABM students. Please be guided with the symbols on how to deliver each line. Remember to follow and be guided by the rubric below.


Conversation Part 2

Instructions: Given the conversation above, imagine yourselves as Maria who is asking questions to Adam. Create an answer to Maria’s questions and recite this in front while applying the symbols on how to deliver each line. Rely on the rubric below.

Dialogue Conversation The dialogue conversation demonstrates a clear, natural flow of interaction between characters, with each character’s voice and personality distinctly represented through their lines. The conversation effectively conveys the intended message or narrative without any awkward or unnatural exchanges.
Characterization The characters in the dialogue conversation are fully developed, with distinct personalities, mannerisms, and speech patterns that are consistently maintained throughout the exchange. The characters’ actions and responses clearly reflect their unique identities.
Contextual Details The dialogue conversation includes rich, vivid contextual details that effectively set the scene and provide relevant background information to the reader. These details seamlessly integrate with the character interactions and enhance the overall narrative.
Mechanics The dialogue conversation is free of any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, and the formatting is consistent and easy to follow. The use of dialogue tags, action beats, and other conventions is expertly executed.



Instructions: With the same partner, imagine that you are a teller and you have a customer who will be depositing money. The customer approaches the teller and states the intent to deposit while providing the account number and the amount. The teller processes the transaction, confirms the details, and gives a receipt. The interaction should include proper greetings and clear communication e.g. intonation, phrasing, stress, pitch or segmental and suprasegmental. Remember to follow and be guided by the rubric below.

Rubric for Grading

Dialogue Conversation Student demonstrates a strong understanding of the elements of an effective dialogue conversation, including appropriate use of tone, body language, and flow of the exchange. The dialogue is engaging, realistic, and effectively conveys the intended message.
Creativity and Originality The dialogue is highly creative and original, with unique and engaging characters, and a compelling storyline.
Mechanics and Conventions The dialogue is free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, and adheres to standard formatting conventions.
Effort and Engagement Student demonstrates exceptional effort and engagement in the assignment, going above and beyond the requirements.


Instructions: Write a comprehensive 4 paragraph essay with 5-8 sentences each about the importance of accent reduction and clarity as ABM student. Remember to follow and be guided by the rubric below.

Rubric for Grading

General Objective
The essay clearly and effectively communicates the importance of accent reduction and clarity in communication.
The essay demonstrates a thorough understanding of the importance of accent reduction and clarity. It effectively and compellingly conveys the key points.
The essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
The essay is logically organized with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that build on each other, and a strong concluding paragraph.
Supporting Evidence:
The essay utilizes relevant examples, facts, and details to support the importance of accent reduction and clarity.
The essay provides ample, relevant supporting evidence that clearly illustrates the key points about accent reduction and clarity.
Language and Conventions:
The essay exhibits a sophisticated command of language, with varied sentence structure, precise word choice, and few to no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
The essay demonstrates a solid grasp of language, with generally correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Sentence structure and word choice are appropriate.

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