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Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Styles of Pre-Marriage Student Couples Performing Abortions: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

  • Suciati
  • Andika Anugrah
  • 1239-1257
  • May 9, 2024
  • Psychology

Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Styles of Pre-Marriage Student Couples Performing Abortions: A Case Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Suciati, Andika Anugrah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Received: 27 March 2024; Revised: 04 April 2024; Accepted: 08 April 2024; Published: 09 May 2024


A conflict cannot be avoided in a relationship. In the context of any relationship, there are bound to be differences in views or opinions between partners. This research examines how the conflict resolution styles of pre-marital student couples who have abortions achieve relationship sustainability. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews with informants, namely the first pair JA and KS, and the second pair MS and IA. The data analysis technique in this research uses the Miles and Huberman interactive analysis model, starting with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the research results, it was found that there are different conflict resolution styles for both partners, influenced by the source and form of conflict. The case of the first couple of informants shows that they have a big source of conflict, namely religious differences and the desire for abortion. The form of conflict is a value conflict accompanied by verbal and non-verbal violence towards the partner. This happens because of the different personalities of each party and their lack of readiness to live a married life. In resolving conflicts, the first partner uses an avoidance style. The second pair of informants indicated that they had a major source of conflict namely infidelity and desire for abortion, disrespect, and abuse towards partners, which often triggers conflict in their relationship. This is a feeling of ego at their age which is not yet mature enough, so the form of conflict that occurs is ego conflict. In resolving the conflict that occurs, the second partner uses aggressiveness and argumentativeness strategies, namely the man uses verbal violence and arguments to corner his partner. The form of conflict resolution chosen by both partners cannot be separated from the personality of each partner, namely choleric-neurotic and nervous-neurotic.

Keywords: Style completion conflict, partner pre-marry, avoidance, aggressiveness and argumentativeness strategies, infidelity, religious differences


Adolescence as a transition period from childhood to adulthood causes a person to experience emotional, and physical changes, interests, behavioral patterns, and thought patterns and also a period filled with problems. Their ages start from 12 or 13 years old and end in their late teens or early twenties (Yahya, 2011). They look for a way of life that suits them and do it experimentally, although with many mistakes. Mistakes made often cause worry and unpleasant feelings for the environment and parents. Putro (2017), stated that adolescence is a time full of turmoil. What is quite prominent is the development of sexual organs. This development is not only the perfection of the body but also psychological, moral, and social life.

Yusuf (2011) emphasized the characteristics of adolescent development in 7 things, including:

  1. Physical development, namely the occurrence of very rapid physical In late adolescence, an individual’s body proportions reach those of an adult.
  2. Cognitive (intellectual) development, is that mentally teenagers can think logically about various abstract ideas, as well as systematically and scientifically in solving problems rather than thinking
  3. Emotional development, that is, physical growth, especially sexual organs, influences the development of emotions or feelings such as feelings of love, longing, and the desire to become more intimately acquainted with the opposite
  4. Social development, namely the ability to understand other people as unique individuals, regarding personal traits, interests, values, and feelings.
  5. Moral development means that they are more familiar with moral values or concepts of morality, such as honesty, justice, politeness, and
  6. Personality development, new factors, and experiences that appear include the acquisition of physical growth that resembles adulthood, sexual maturity accompanied by new emotional impulses, self-awareness in the desire for self-direction, the need for the friendship of nature heterosexuality, and the emergence of conflict as a result of the transition period between childhood and
  7. The development of religious awareness includes the ability to think abstractly which enables them to transform their religious beliefs, including being able to appreciate the abstract quality of

In social and moral development, teenagers often fall into promiscuity, which is often associated with negative things such as free sex, drugs, and nightlife. This term was adopted from Western culture, where people are free to do the things above without fear of violating the norms that exist in Western society. This is different from Eastern culture which views all of this as taboo (Farida, 2009). Relationships among millennial teenagers are still a debated issue.

The millennial era is increasingly being accelerated by technological advances that provide added value through easy access to all information, which has an impact on the life patterns of people from all levels of society, especially teenagers. Adolescents must begin to learn to be responsible and be able to think and act by socially accepted norms. However, today’s modern trends have made it easy for teenagers to get all the information and the ins and outs of things related to promiscuity. (Nadirah, 2017) .

In less than a decade, promiscuity as juvenile delinquency has been demonstrated a very worrying increase. Among all kinds of promiscuity (free sex, cases of brawls, alcohol), Sex outside of marriage is the most hotly discussed topic. Sex outside of marriage carries the risk of pregnancy (pregnancy), thus becoming a barrier to free relationships in the adolescent sexual sphere (Scheuneman in Darnoto & Dewi, 2020).

One city that is famous for its free life for students is the city of Yogyakarta. They know freedom because they are away from parental supervision. They feel free to try taboo things. A student reality in Jogja states that free sex or pregnancy out of wedlock is still the biggest contributor to the dispensation of child marriage, aka early marriage, in the special region of Yogyakarta (, 2023). It’s easy to have casual sex with your partner anytime, anywhere. Most student couples in Yogyakarta engage in casual sex outside of marriage or premarital sex. A significant lack of knowledge about casual sex (sex education), makes them have so many relationships that they forget the dangers and risks of pregnancy outside of marriage.

 For example, an MA-SA couple, who were students in Sukoharjo, Central Java, deliberately aborted their 7-month-old pregnancy because they were afraid of their parents finding out. MA had a romantic relationship with SA, a resident of Tulangan District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java for a year. Initially, MA asked her lover, SA, to abort her pregnancy by taking fetal abortion medication which she bought for IDR 3 million online (, 2023).

Two students in Malang had to languish in the Malang City Police prison. The problem is, that LA (22) and MK (22) are suspected of having had an abortion on a fetus that was five months old. Head of the Malang Police criminal division, Wahyu Rizki Saputro, stated that this incident began in August 2023 when the suspect LA found out she was pregnant. Then in mid-August, the suspect MK offered LA medicine to abort the fetus. The suspect LA immediately agreed to the offer and then MK bought abortion medication (, 2023).

Sex education and reproductive health must view sexuality comprehensively. Sexual drives, sexual pleasure, and gender relations on the one hand, religious teachings and cultural norms, sexual and reproductive health risks, and social risks need to be discussed with adolescents based on their experiences (Miswanto, 2014). The development of the promiscuous model of life led to many cases of promiscuous sex which made it possible to demand abortion from sex offenders. Meanwhile, abortion is considered the best solution to pregnancy problems caused by promiscuous sexual behavior.

Abortion is known as the miscarriage of the fetus. Abortion is the expulsion of a fetus before it reaches viability, where the gestation period is less than 22 weeks and the body weight is less than 500 grams. The terms abortion and miscarriage have different meanings. The difference is whether a woman has an abortion intentionally or not. It is necessary to distinguish between “intentional abortion” and “spontaneous abortion.” In Language in Indonesia, we call the first “abortion” while the second is called “miscarriage.” To denote abortion, the most popular term now is “abortion”, which is formed, based on the English word “abortion”. Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage can be caused by several things such as abnormalities in the growth of the fertilized product, chromosomal abnormalities, the environment, unfavorable womb, abnormalities in the placenta, maternal diseases in the form of chronic diseases such as pneumonia, abdominal typhus, kidney infections or malaria can cause spontaneous miscarriage and reproductive tract abnormalities (Soge, 2010).

Health Law in Indonesia no. 36 of 2009 clearly states that abortion is a prohibited act. Abortion can still be justified, but only because there is evidence of an emergency medical need to save the life of the mother and the abortion was performed by a rape victim. From a medical point of view, there are no clear boundaries for termination of pregnancy. A woman’s uterus can be terminated at any time if there is a medical reason to end the pregnancy, but of course the longer the pregnancy, the lower the risk to the mother’s safety. Medical emergencies vary with the development of medicine. Therefore, it is not justified to abort a pregnancy because it is unfit to raise a child, being pregnant out of wedlock, not wanting the gender of the child, because it is known that when the child is born it will be disabled and other reasons such as endangering the mother. It is called medicinal abortion and is regulated by the Oslo Declaration, provided there is a medical indication and must be decided by two qualified doctors (Marfuatun et al., 2018).

The Indonesian Ulema Council has issued fatwa number 4 of 2005 concerning abortion which contains: first, abortion is haram from the moment the blastocyst implants in the wall of the mother’s uterus (nidation); secondly, abortion is permitted due to an excuse, whether it is an emergency or necessity. Emergencies related to pregnancy that allow for abortion are pregnant women suffering from serious physical illness, such as advanced-stage cancer, tuberculosis with cavernous disease, and other physical illnesses that must be determined by a team of doctors and in circumstances where the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother. The necessary conditions related to pregnancy that can allow abortion are (a) the fetus being conceived is diagnosed as suffering from a genetic defect which, if born, will be difficult to cure; (b) pregnancy resulting from rape as determined by an authorized team which includes, among others, the victim’s family, doctors and clerics. Third, abortion is haram for pregnancies that occur as a result of adultery. The Tarjih and Tajdid Council of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership still uses the old fatwa (in 1989) to address the controversy over the prohibition of exceptions to abortion for women who are victims of rape. The fatwa emphasized that abortion should only be carried out for women threatened by a medical emergency and not for rape victims because this issue still causes many problems (Zein, 2021).

Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Population and Policy Studies (PSKK) researcher Sri Purwatiningsih, said that nationally the teenage birth rate fell from 51 per 1,000 to 8 per 1,000. Second, the actions of teenagers in the context of side effects show that the results of the analysis are quite worrying, namely 6 percent of them tried to abort the pregnancy but failed, while 33 percent continued the pregnancy (Ant, 2016). Based on the background of the problem above, the problem can be formulated as follows: “How conflict resolution styles of pre-marital student couples who commit abortions in Yogyakarta?


Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is a face-to-face interaction between two or more people, where each participant can verbally and non-verbally capture a reaction to the message conveyed by the medium. Even though interpersonal communication is a dominant activity in our daily lives, it is difficult to provide an adequate explanation that is expected to be accepted by various parties (Sarmiati, 2019). In this context, it involves communication that occurs face-to-face by two or more people, either organized or unorganized (Wiryanto, 2004). According to Mulyana (2016), two characteristics inherent in interpersonal communication are that the parties communicating are nearby. The communicating parties send and receive messages simultaneously and spontaneously, both verbally and nonverbally. The simplest communication that occurs first is interpersonal communication, this communication can occur between parents and their children, teachers and students, friends, and so on. According to Sari (2017), interpersonal communication can occur through process stages:

  1. Contact, namely giving a first assessment, this impression can be seen through body language and good
  2. The introduction is an impression that can encourage other people to open up to introduce themselves to each
  3. Friendship is an interaction that occurs over a certain period and one can get to know the actors in it more
  4. Conflict is a challenge that often arises in a Conflicts that can occur are caused by actors maintaining each other’s egos or misunderstandings.
  5. Disunity is a process that occurs when conflict escalates and cannot be resolved Actors in a relationship will choose to separate or no longer communicate.

According to Kumar (in Wiryanto, 2004), the effectiveness of interpersonal communication has five characteristics, namely:

  1. Openness is the perpetrator’s willingness to respond openly without any coercion regarding the information received by the
  2. Empathy includes efforts to understand the feelings experienced by other
  3. Supportiveness is an open situation that supports effective
  4. Positiveness includes positive feelings towards oneself and encourages other people to participate more actively, as well as creating communication situations conducive to more effective
  5. Equality is a silent acknowledgment from both parties that reflects appreciation, is useful, and has something important to contribute.

Interpersonal Conflict

One of the weaknesses of conflict is that it often causes negative emotions. Many conflicts involve unfair means and focus more on harming the other party. When this happens, negative feelings are bound to increase. Conflict can also drain energy that would otherwise be spent in other areas, especially when dangerous conflict strategies are used. Sometimes conflict can make us withdraw from other people. If we hide our feelings from our partners, it will hinder communication and interaction (DeVito, 2004). Conflict is a situation of dispute where the actions of one party are hindered or disturbed (Suciati, 2014).

According to Verderber and Fink (2007), interpersonal conflict includes disagreement between two individuals who have the perception that they have different goals. Interpersonal conflict has 6 (six) categories, namely: pseudo conflict, act conflict, value conflict, policy conflict, ego conflict, and meta conflict

a. Pseudo-Conflict

Pseudo-conflict is rooted in misunderstanding when someone interprets another person’s words, actions, or behavior in a way that does not match what the communicator intended. Apparent conflict is part of interpersonal conflict that occurs when opinions differ regarding a particular issue. This conflict originates from differences in perception between individuals and resolves them.

b. Conflict of Facts

This conflict of facts occurs when two or more people disagree about the facts of an event, situation, or idea. When the interpersonal conflict in this scenario relies on concrete, verifiable information, the resolution simply involves checking the facts.

c. Value Conflict

Values conflict may be a more difficult form of interpersonal conflict to overcome. Value disputes usually occur on topics that are generally controversial such as religion, abortion alternative medicine, or other things that are multiperspective. A person’s values are aspects that are embedded in their identity and they try to reach a conclusion that is agreed upon by both parties, so this is what makes this conflict difficult to resolve.

d. Ego conflict

Ego conflict occurs when an argument turns into a self-esteem issue. The behavior of winning an argument becomes more important than understanding and listening to each other. Parties to a conflict may quickly turn painful when an argument strays from the topic at hand and turns personal. They may become defensive and will tend to say harsher things to each other.

e. Policy Conflict

Policy conflicts arise in individuals affected by a particular event or situation. This can occur when a policy is used to guide a task, make an important decision, or solve a problem on a task. People may disagree not only on which policies are used but also on how those policies are interpreted and applied.

f. Meta Conflict

Meta-conflict occurs when people disagree about what they say, for example: “Why don’t you ever listen to what I say? or “You are no longer possible to talk to!”. When this happens, one should consider reviewing their conditions at work in terms of communicating and resolving conflicts.

Interpersonal Conflict Management

Conflict management or conflict resolution is a process that is often used as a general term that includes all positive conflict management in discussing and resolving conflicts between parties. Conflict management is a form of communication that replaces inconsistent arguments with productive agreements. Conflict management reduces reactions that lead to destructive conflict and leads to constructive conflict. Constructive resolution of conflicts ends in good, and vice versa, destructive ones lead to evil.

Four things result from constructive conflict (Febriani, 2010) :

  1. The relationship between the parties in conflict is getting closer, in the sense that it is easier to communicate and work
  2. Other parties trust each other
  3. Both parties were equally satisfied with the results that emerged after the conflict took
  4. Both parties are increasingly able to handle new conflicts that arise between them

Interpersonal conflict management can be divided into many variations, ranging from positive to negative for both parties in conflict. Thomas (in Suciati, 2015) states that there are five types of conflict managers, namely:

a. Competitive Style

With this style, the perpetrator is usually aggressive and difficult to work with. Each actor uses their power to directly engage in confrontation and strive to win, not wanting to align their goals and desires with those of the other.

b. Avoidance

The main characteristics of this style are non-assertive and passive. They usually divert attention from the conflict or avoid the conflict. The advantage of this style is that it gives each side time to think.

c. Accommodating Style

This style is characterized by selfless but cooperative behavior. Perpetrators tend to put aside personal desires and try to fulfill the desires and needs of other people.

d. Compromise Style

This style is more open than the Avoidance style, but the problems that arise are not as many as the cooperative style. The difference between compromise and cooperation is a matter of timing. Compromise takes less time, but the resulting solution is not the best for either party.

e. Collaboration Style

Actors with this style have trust in other people. It is possible that people get bored with this style because the energy required to resolve conflicts is very high. This style is usually practiced by powerful people who sometimes use their power to manipulate people.

De Vito (2004) suggests several strategies for responding to interpersonal conflict, namely:

a. Win-Lose and Win-Win Strategies

In conflict management, a win-win strategy is better than a win-lose strategy. The reason for choosing a win-win strategy is mutual satisfaction and the fact that the opponent does not arouse anger as if the opponent is a loser or vice versa.

b. Avoidance

This avoidance occurs physically, such as avoiding conflict by leaving the conflict area. For example, to avoid the situation, there will be no negotiations. Here we refuse to discuss the conflict to hear the other person’s arguments.

c. Force and Talk Strategies

Many people agree that violent conflict can seriously damage relationships, but few argue that physical violence improves relationships. The violence referred to here also includes verbal violence, where people are completely open to saying what they want to say, no matter how severe it is.

d. Face Detracting and Face Enhancing Strategies

This approach is used by denigrating others as incompetent and not trustworthy or talented. These conflicts tend to demean and damage the couple’s reputation.

e. Verbal Aggressiveness and Argumentativeness Strategies

Argumentativeness is considered an unproductive strategy in which a partner tries to win their opinion by hurting their partner. Argumentativeness is a strategy where we express opinions according to our point of view to discuss conflicts that arise.

Previous Research on Conflict Management Style

Several studies on conflict management and abortion were conducted by academics. Fathin (2014) conducted research entitled “Decision Making in Adolescents Who Experience Out-of-Wedding Pregnancy”. The research results show that teenagers who experience pregnancy outside of marriage take action in the form of a decision to abort their pregnancy, influenced by the wishes of the partner who has impregnated them. Agustiman (2014) in research entitled “The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes towards Abortion among Students at Teuku Umar University, West Aceh Regency”. The results of this research show that a positive attitude reflects students refusing to have an abortion rather than those who are supportive because having an abortion is the most fatal act and can take the mother’s life. A supportive student does not see that having an abortion can cause death. Meanwhile, Devi Arisandi (2012) researched “Attitudes towards Abortion among Esa Unggul University Students” and found that there were more subjects who lived with parents with positive and negative attitudes towards abortion almost the same percentage, but higher negative attitudes towards abortion. Research from Sari (2017) on “Family Experiences in Women Who Undergo Married By Accident,” found that the main factors that encourage premarital sex and cause marriage due to pregnancy outside of marriage are the parenting patterns of parents, the personality of each individual, and the level of religiosity of the teenager himself. Meanwhile, the factors that encourage the emergence of harmony in the subject’s household are age at marriage, level of religiosity, support from the environment, and the way the subject resolves conflicts and relationships between family members.


The type of research is qualitative descriptive. Qualitative descriptive research is research carried out to understand phenomena experienced by research subjects, for example, behavior, concepts, perceptions, and related problems about the humans being studied in the form of language words (Moleong, 2017). The object of this research is the conflict management style of premarital couples who commit abortions in Yogyakarta.

According to Sugiyono (2016), data collection techniques are strategic techniques because they have the main goal of obtaining data. Data collection in this research used in-depth interviews. An interview is an interaction process carried out by at least two people based on agreement and occurs naturally, the direction of the conversation refers to the goals that have been set by prioritizing trust as the main basis in the understanding process (Herdiansyah, 2019). The parties who will be interviewed in this research are student couples who experience conflict in their premarital relationships.

In this research, informants were obtained using accidental sampling techniques. The definition of accidental sampling is sampling by taking cases or respondents who happen to be present or available at a location (Notoatmodjo, 2010). This type of sampling technique can be defined as a technique where informants are selected based on the convenience of the researcher. Accidental sampling was taken because not everyone was willing to reveal their life experiences.

Technical data analysis is the process of searching for and compiling data obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. Based on these results, we then choose which ones are important and which will be studied and then draw conclusions (Sugiyono, 2016). The data analysis stages are as follows:

  1. Data reduction is done by summarizing the data obtained from interviews and
  2. Data presentation, namely the stage of understanding what is happening and what needs to be done, then providing the data resulting from the reduction into the form of narrative text, matrices, charts, or
  3. Conclusion, namely the researcher’s activities to conclude and verify the findings by the theory used in the research. The resulting conclusions are expected to be new findings that have not previously existed (Mardawani, 2020).

The validity test is an effort to ensure the validity of the instruments used in data collection. The type of triangulation used in this research is source triangulation, which is carried out by reviewing data obtained from various sources such as interviews with informants, books, journals, articles, research results, and other supporting individuals.


Informant Profile

1. JA (♂) KS (♀) pair

Muslim man, born in 1998 in the Kapuas Hulu area, Kalimantan, the second of four children. Since childhood, JA has lived with his parents and three siblings. However, since 2019 JA’s father died, and he lives with his mother and three siblings. JA grew up in a strict, strict, and disciplined family. He has a stubborn nature, is very naughty, and often smokes and drinks. The first time JA smoked and drank alcohol was when he was in grade 6 of elementary school or around the age of 11 because a friend invited him. As a result of JA’s mischief, he was often punished and beaten by his father.

After graduating from high school, JA continued studying at a university in Yogyakarta. When registering for college, JA accidentally met KS, who was a friend from the same village and they already knew each other. KS accompanies JA looking for college supplies h. Almost every day they meet and are always together. JA dared to confess his feelings to KS. It turned out that KS also had the same feelings for JA, so in the end JA and KS started dating. After one year of their relationship, JA dared to invite KS to have intimate relations like husband and wife. This has become a habit for them to do in a conscious state. In December 2020, something unexpected happened, KS became pregnant out of marriage.

Meanwhile, KS is a Christian woman, born in 1998 in the Kapuas Hulu area, she is the third of three siblings. Since childhood, KS has lived with his parents and two older brothers. However, currently, KS’s first brother already has a family and lives in the Kapuas Hulu area, while KS’s second brother is already working outside the city. KS grew up in a harmonious family environment. KS is the last child who is often spoiled by his father. Even though he is often pampered, he also has an independent nature and is a little stubborn. After successfully aborting her pregnancy, KS felt that her relationship with JA was getting better. One year after the pregnancy incident, JA came to meet KS and proposed to her. Finally, KS changed religions, converted to Islam, and married JA and they had 1 child.

2. MS (♂) and IA (♀) pair

MS is a male student, born in 2002 in Batam, the first child of three siblings. MS’s busy life at that time was attending semester 6 of college. Since childhood, MS has lived with his parents and two siblings. MS grew up in a well-off family. MS’s father works for a company abroad and only comes home once a year. She is born as the first child making MS grow into an independent man who loves his younger siblings. MS is a person who is easy to get along with, but he doesn’t open up easily with other people.

After graduating from high school, MS continued studying at a university in Yogyakarta. Many of MS’s friends from the village studied at the university, so MS decided to sign together. One day, MS’s roommate invited him to visit his girlfriend’s apartment. This is where MS met IA, on New Year’s Eve 2021 MS dared to take IA for a walk around Jogja. Since then MS has loved IA and they are committed.

When MS and IA’s relationship had been going on for almost 3 months, one day he invited MS to live together in a rented house. As time went by, MS began to have the courage to ask him to have sexual relations, but he refused. Since then, MS has often invited IA to have sexual relations, and this has been going on for almost 4 months. After 4 months, MS had to return to his village for a college break.

Meanwhile, IA is a woman, born in 2001 in Pontianak, she is the second of two children. IA’s busy life at that time was working on final semester assignments. From elementary school to middle school, he only lived with his mother and siblings, because since kindergarten, his mother and father had separated and divorced. Until now, he still maintains a good relationship and still communicates frequently with his biological father. Meanwhile, IA’s mother remarried when he entered junior high school. Since then he has lived with his mother, new father, and half-brother in Pontianak. He grew up in a simple family. Where IA’s mother always taught IA to be an independent woman. IA’s mother never restrained and freed her from doing various things, but still within reasonable limits and knew what was good and what was not good to do.

The discussion in this sub-topic includes sources of conflict, forms of conflict, and conflict resolution styles used by 2 pairs of premarital abortion students. In a relationship, the parties involved cannot avoid conflict. Conflict occurs based on differences in the characteristics or personalities of each individual. Apart from that, different goals, egos, needs, misunderstandings, differences of opinion, and one party feeling disadvantaged, as well as sensitive feelings, also contribute to interpersonal conflict (Hasibuan, 2007).

Sources of Conflict

a. JA (♂) KS (♀) pair

JA and KS had a conflict that occurred during the pre-wedding period. They often have different opinions because of different religions. JA has properties stubborn, difficult to direct, lacks respect, and likes to be pushy. He is also less open to solving problems. In the beginning, before dating, JA was very attentive, often reminding him of worship. JA is kind, often gives in, and is not the type of person who likes to push. But since the relationship lasted more than a year, JA showed his true colors, such as coming to the boarding house drunk and responding to chats from other women. JA also invited KS to have husband and wife relations by forcing him and convincing him that it wouldn’t hurt and was safe. It turns out that since high school, JA has often changed boyfriends and often had intimate relations with his girlfriend.

JA expressed worry: “I was very afraid of my parents finding out after KS turned out to be pregnant. I immediately asked KS to abort the pregnancy but he refused. I’m not sure about having a family because we both have different religions, so I think aborting the fetus is the right way.” Finally, KS was willing to have an abortion. JA used various methods to help KS have an abortion by using drugs with the price of one drug package being around 3-4 million. The way these drugs work is that some are taken orally and some are inserted into the vagina. Initially, JA left KS but then committed to marry her after KS changed her religion. Based on the results of interviews with this first couple, researchers found that there were factors that were sources of conflict in their relationship, including :

  1. Religious differences
  2. Bad
  3. Lack of
  4. There is verbal and non-verbal

b. MS (♂) and IA (♀) pair

Likewise, with the second informant couple, MS and IA also had conflicts in their relationship. When they first started their relationship, he admitted that MS was a kind, patient, gentle person who could work together. But when they had been in a relationship for about 3 months, MS became arbitrary. He suspects that MS may be the first child whose father comes home from work once a year. MS becomes the leader in the household and replaces his father. So he is used to managing his younger siblings who have been involved in this couple’s relationship since they were in contact for 3 months. One day, when MS was invited by rented friends to go on holiday to the city of Sukabumi, it turned out that he met IA and asked him to chat. After returning from Sukabumi, MS received a message from IA saying that she was pregnant and provided proof in the form of a test photo. MS was shocked and confused and then asked IA to abort the pregnancy, but she refused and there was a conflict. MS said: “Right now I can’t be responsible for your pregnancy, because we are still at college. I will marry you when I graduate from college.” However, in the end, she agreed to abort the pregnancy. MS asked for help from IA’s rented friend to continue accompanying IA during the abortion process, while MS left and did not return.

Based on the results of interviews with this second couple, researchers found that there were factors that were sources of conflict in their relationship, including:

  1. MS who likes to do
  2. MS acts as it
  3. MS doesn’t like working
  4. Infidelity on MS’s
  5. There is non-verbal

MS admitted that since he entered college, almost all of his friends have changed girlfriends. The influence of the environment on him was so great that it formed bad habits, so much so that this carried over into his relationship with IA. MS also said that since his commitment to IA, he had also chatted with other women. MS admitted that he was bored and wanted to try an adventure with other women. Realizing his mistake, MS apologized to IA. However, this happened again even though MS realized that it was wrong. MS forced IA to have sex and finally, she became pregnant and was forced to have an abortion. During the abortion process, IA was assisted by a female rented friend to remove the fetus.

The source of conflict in pairs I and II is caused by contradictions, especially regarding abortion. Contradiction/opposition is an obstacle that prevents an individual or organism from achieving its goals. These obstacles can be in the form of incompatibility of views, principles, values, and goals that exist or are perceived by the parties in conflict. Contradiction refers to the basis of a conflict situation, or in other words, contradiction is the root/source of conflict. Contradiction is the main problem that causes attitudes toward conflict and behavioral tendencies in resolving conflict (Batchelor, 1975).

In this case, abortion they are influenced by fear and shame in the immediate family (parents), other family, community, neighbors, and friends. The informant’s motives were feelings of fear and shame. They are still in college or school and don’t want to disturb her with pregnancy so they decide to have an abortion. According to the counselor of the Non-Governmental Organization “Rifka Annisa”, often sexual violence begins with manipulative persuasion and promises of marriage so that women are willing to be invited to have sexual relations. When pregnancy occurs, partners tend to force women to have an abortion. Ways to abort a pregnancy can be by forcing the woman to take certain medication, taking the woman to the doctor, or even committing violence which causes the woman to lose her pregnancy (Floranti, 2021).

The influence of partners on abortion decision-making is also explained by Frederico (2023): “Several factors that influence abortion decision-making in adolescents include intrapersonal, interpersonal, cultural, and environmental factors.” In addition, lack of parental support and the value of procreation are factors that influence decisions about abortion and early pregnancy among teenagers.

Form of Conflict

a. JA (♂) KS (♀) pair

KS admitted that JA likes to be pushy in relationships with verbal and non-verbal violence. KS still remembers when JA went to the boarding house while he was drunk, then stayed overnight and forced him to have sex. The next morning, when she regained consciousness, he again pulled her hand hard and forced her to have intercourse, without contraception. After that, KS immediately cried and felt pain, but JA shouted and kicked KS’s leg. JA admits that he likes to force things. However, verbal violence rarely occurs. Even if that happens, perhaps he is tired, has a lot of headaches, and what he does is not what he wants, so JA finds it difficult to control his emotions.

JA’s conflict also includes small things, such as the issue of eating pork soup offered by KS. JA angrily refused, they ended up fighting, and KS gave in. KS and JA’s biggest problem was when KS’s pregnancy test came back positive. The response he got was unexpected, JA was angry, blamed KS, and immediately asked for an abortion. For two months KS maintained her pregnancy and for two months JA continued to force her to have an abortion. She begged for an abortion because they were still in college. He did various things to get KS to want an abortion, but in the end, KS agreed, although with a heavy heart.

As stated by Widyastuti (2010), the factors that cause abortion include delaying and increasing the age of marriage, as well as the earlier age of first menstruation (menarche); ignorance or lack of knowledge about sexual behavior that can cause pregnancy; pregnancy resulting from rape; economic problems; career reasons or still at school (due to pregnancy and other consequences that are considered to hinder career or study activities); and pregnancy due to incest.

Meanwhile, both couples experienced coercion in having an abortion, even accompanied by violence (verbal/non-verbal). Dating was initially seen as a relationship between a man and a woman who were emotionally attached, because of special feelings. These feelings can be interpreted as feelings of love, affection, and a sense of belonging to each other. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the opinion to arise that during courtship it will not trigger acts of violence, because it is filled with nuances of romance and affection. However, referring to the Annual Notes of the National Anti-Anti Commission Violence against Women indicates an increase in cases of dating violence in recent years (National Women’s Commission, 2023). The rate of violence during dating has the same pattern every year with the second highest position in cases of domestic violence against women (Ramadita, 2021). This abortion starts from lust and trusting the partner, so there is no other way, the urge that shows itself in the long future makes the abortionist believe that continuing the pregnancy is not the right choice for students who are still dependent on both parents, this is the factor that makes the abortionist carries out his intention to have an abortion (Mayendri, 2020).

Even though this couple was involved in sexual violence, the woman still aborted even though they refused at first. The informant’s reasons for maintaining a relationship is due to attraction to the partner and satisfying intimacy (Purnamasari, 2020). Judging from other forms of conflict, pregnant women who want to have an abortion are involved in a form of internal conflict which includes cognitive and affective aspects. Based on the cognitive aspect, includes knowledge about the risks of abortion in terms of health and psychological impacts, while the affection aspect includes maternal instincts that do not want their future baby to be aborted (Davidof, 2007).

b. MS (♂) and IA (♀) pair

MS and IA’s biggest problem was when their dating commitment broke up but it turned out that she was pregnant. Immediately after hearing the news, MS advised her to abort the pregnancy by force. With her maternal instincts, she was unwilling and persisted in not wanting to have an abortion. Big quarrels cannot be avoided. Even though MS never committed physical violence, he spoke harshly at a loud volume, especially when he forced IA to have an abortion. MS was easily agitated and, using harsh words accused IA of her pregnancy as a result of her carelessness. Oka Negara states that unwanted pregnancies always give rise to deep conflict within the women who experience them because they have to decide to continue or not continue the pregnancy (Oka Negara, 2005).

Conflict Resolution Styles

a. JA (♂) KS (♀) pair

When facing a conflict, KS usually asks JA directly and communicates the matter that caused the conflict. KS explained that he understood JA’s character which is closed. He prefers to respond firmly so that in the relationship there is communication when there is conflict. However, if there has been a problem in the past, the two of them have rarely negotiated regarding the problems we face, so each has an opinion. As in the case of abortion, KS persisted with a compromise for two months but MS always avoided it, making her have to give in.

Avoidance resolution style, according to Thomas (in Suciati, 2014) has the main characteristics of being unassertive and passive. Usually, they will divert attention from the conflict and instead avoid the conflict. The advantage of this style is that it gives both parties time to think. Meanwhile, the weakness of this style is that the party getting involved doesn’t care about the problem and sees conflict as something bad that must be avoided at all costs. This is proven by JA, who always avoids problems by leaving KS behind when asking for the conflict to be discussed thoroughly.

According to Savitri, (2013), the avoidance conflict resolution style is an approach-avoidance conflict resolution style where a person facing a situation must decide on an alternative that has related positive or negative consequences. The indicator of this conflict is minimizing conflict because they don’t want it to occur and avoid prolonged conflict with their partner. To have a lasting relationship and avoid problems. Furthermore, the factors that influence the avoidance of conflict resolution style are personality, assumptions about conflict, communication patterns in conflict interactions, emotional intelligence, conflict situations, and position in conflict. Another social factor that also influences the avoidance style is social factors because many of them live in boarding houses, apartments, or rented houses so that they are far from the supervision of their parents and can cause promiscuity which causes teenagers to become pregnant out of marriage (Savitri and Maulana, 2020).

There are two types of avoidance in dealing with conflict. The first is avoidance to calm themselves down so they can think properly. The second avoidance is done because they do not want to discuss the existing conflict. This is due to their unpreparedness or fear of disclosing the conflict. If conflict is not avoided, there will be a risk of division. In resolving conflicts, KS more often takes the initiative to resolve conflicts compared to JA. Likewise, IA compared to MS. After finding out that their partner was pregnant, JA and MS were angry with their partner and tended to blame them. JA’s rude words and behavior as a form of abortion conflict made her feel guilty until she recommitted to KS. JA feels responsible for his actions. Apart from that, if a man causes pregnancy out of wedlock, he will try his best to take responsibility. This compulsion will demand the husband’s responsibility to fulfill his obligations towards his wife and children (Dlori, 2005).

According to Rollof and Soule (in Budyatna, 2012) expressed conflict allows the perpetrator to express his anger and feelings in a way that is known to both parties and can increase the stability of the relationship. On the other hand, unspoken conflict tends to create ambivalence in the relationship or even hostility towards the communication partner, which can later lead to violent confrontations. Cohan and Bradbury (in Ogolsky & Monk, 2019) say that how couples deal with problems or conflicts is very important for relationship maintenance, both long-term and short-term relationship maintenance.

However, poor communication occurred in this couple, reinforced by the theory of communication patterns from DeVito (2004), namely an unbalanced split pattern in resolving unbalanced conflicts in the JA and KS couple. Where while still dating, one of the parties, namely JA, has dominance and often holds control in resolving conflicts in the relationship. Meanwhile, KS was the dominant party because his opinion was never heard or even ignored by JA.

b. MS (♂) and IA (♀) pair

He was very angry and annoyed when he found out that MS was having an affair. Finally, she decided to end her relationship with MS before finding out she was pregnant. After finding out she was pregnant and forced to have an abortion, they had a big fight because MS went with another woman. The mounting frustration made HE unable to control his emotions, he scolded MS in front of his rented house. MS was tired of IA’s attitude and nagging, and she also felt embarrassed about being scolded in front of many people, so she finally gave in and agreed to end the relationship. An interpersonal conflict manifests as hostility, jealousy, poor communication, frustration, and low morale (Liu., 2011). Triggered by MS’s affair. The jealousy expressed by IA made him psychologically relieved and felt better.

The settlement style used in the MS and IA pair is different from the settlement style in the JA and KS pair. They use aggressiveness and argumentativeness strategies. MS resolves conflicts using non-verbal violence by shouting and cornering/blaming your partner for doing what you want. Usually, people with this style will look for arguments that they think can support their desires even if they have to hurt their opponent. The weakness of this style is that the party involved no matter what is expressed to the conflict opponent, such as shouting and insults that hurt the opposing side of the conflict. The arguments given also point to how to achieve their desires even though they are not approved by the conflict opponents.

Argumentativeness verbally is considered an unproductive strategy in which a partner tries to win his opinion by hurting his partner. MS expressed an opinion according to his point of view in discussing abortion. MS stated that IA’s pregnancy was careless and that her student status meant that she was not ready to become a parent. Verbal aggressiveness is part of hostility because the message expressed in verbal aggressiveness has the intention to hurt other people. The result of verbal aggressiveness itself causes a decrease in the quality of the relationship (Rancer, 2006).

Meanwhile, the conflict regarding MS’s infidelity is the reason that he is bored with his partner and his actions are environmental influences. A man who is having an affair does not want his partner to constantly discuss his affair, so he prefers to avoid it and stay out of the house more often. Verbal argumentation theory also explains that the perpetrator not only avoids but also supports himself through aggressive arguments about controversial issues such as abortion and infidelity (Infante and Rancer, 2011).

When IA solves problems, he cannot control himself, that is he often gets angry due to MS’s indifferent response in solving problems. When a couple experiences a conflict in their relationship, they will express their feelings verbally and non-verbally. These expressions or expressions can then influence the conflict in the relationship, whether the conflict builds or destroys the relationship. Sarwono (2010) states that there are two forms of conflict, namely constructive conflict and destructive conflict. Destructive conflict is characterized by the emergence of negative feelings on the part of the other party, hostility, dissatisfaction, and a communication breakdown. Meanwhile, constructive conflict is characterized by an increased understanding of others and closer relationships. In the case of MS and IA, their conflict was destructive because in the end they were no longer committed to marriage even though they had had an abortion.


Ritu Dhugana (in Tulsi Patel, 2007) has formulated several theories which are considered to be the causes of someone being permissive towards abortion. The factors that cause the young population to be permissive towards abortion are:

  1. The patriarchal system is still embedded in society. In this case, a woman does not have independence and authorization in making decisions and always depends on decisions from
  2. Unpreparedness and feeling unable to become parents, pay for all the children’s needs, and not be able to pay for their future
  3. Feminism ideology, namely the existence of gender inequality in terms of power and What this means is that a person who initially does not have a permissive attitude towards abortion will act and even have an abortion when they find out that the sex of the unborn baby does not match expectations.

Based on Patel’s opinion, the cause of abortion in both pairs of student informants was a feeling of not being ready to become parents considering their status as still students and not having jobs. Thus they prefer the shortcut of having an abortion rather than getting married. Personal maturity or personality is also often mentioned as a factor that causes the conflict resolution style chosen. Personal maturity according to Frankl (in Schultz, 2010) is that someone who has a healthy personality will find meaning in the past and even the suffering they have experienced so that they will be oriented towards the future. People who have healthy personalities have the following characteristics: They have the freedom to choose their actions, have responsibility for their behavior, are not determined by forces outside themselves, find meaning in life, have overcome self-concern, and are focused on the future. People who have mature personalities It will be easier to process the conflict experienced and find ways to resolve it.

JA’s personality is choleric. People with this personality have a firm character and can direct other people to take action. This personality is synonymous with someone passionate and ambitious. According to Murtinasari (2022), this is the strength of choleric and makes them dominant figures. Cholerics can influence other people with their communication skills. Cholerics also have weaknesses. Selfishness, stubbornness, and liking to control other people are the weaknesses of cholerics. Where after getting married, if there is a conflict, KS is always eager to validate the conflict.

On the other hand, the nature of MS with the Nerveuzen personality is very influential in conflict resolution styles. According to Gerart Heymas (in Azizah, 2021), people with this personality tend to get angry easily, like to protest against something and don’t like to think for a long time, but they are not the vengeful type. The other personality in this couple is that they don’t care about their partner, as in the case of MS, who often doesn’t care and allows him to even cheat on him. The friendship factor makes MS have this negative habit. According to Bisyri, each person automatically shows characteristics that are different from other personalities. Every person has a unique personality, human life contains various aspects such as emotional, social, psychological, and socio-cultural aspects as well as intellectual abilities which are fully integrated with life’s environmental factors (Karim, 2020).

Meanwhile, KS and IA have almost the same personality, namely neurotic compliance, which causes them both to give in to having an abortion because of their partner’s pressure. In this model, neurotic people are known as submissive individuals. Usually, he often gives in. However, as compensation, he needs a feeling of being liked, wanted, loved, expected, accepted, and considered important to other people, especially certain people. Sometimes, he also wants to be guided, especially by dominant and influential people. This personality model is influenced by the basis of seeking love and affection, so that he can fulfill his need to be close to other people, even at the expense of feelings (Coolidge, FL, et al, 2001). However, neuroticism is a personality trait closely related to mental health. Individuals with neurotic personalities experience stronger negative emotions in everyday life, for example, the sadness of informants when forced (Mader, 2023).

Figure 1: Sources of conflict, forms of conflict, and conflict resolution styles of couples who commit abortion

Sources of conflict, forms of conflict, and conflict resolution styles of couples who commit abortion

Forgiveness is a way of managing conflict effectively with the party with whom it is involved, especially if the party is in a committed relationship. Forgiveness is eliminating feelings of resentment and the desire for revenge (Budiyatna, 2012), also understood as a human process of continuing life after experiencing painful feelings. However, the act of forgiving is not the same as forgetting. This is what the female informants, namely KS and IA, did, who were finally willing to have an abortion, even through coercion and violence, even to recommit to their partner.


Based on the results of research regarding the conflict resolution styles of couples of pre-marital students who commit abortions in the continuity of the relationship between the two partners, it is known that the styles of the two couples are different. The first couple of informants, namely JA and KS, indicated that they had experienced major conflicts, namely religious differences and abortion, while the form of their conflict was a value conflict accompanied by verbal and non-verbal violence towards the couple. Meanwhile, the conflict resolution style included in the avoidance style can be seen when JA avoids prolonged conflict with his partner and avoids problems. In this case, JA did not want to be responsible for KS’s pregnancy and chose to abort. This happens because of the differences in personality and attitudes of each party and their lack of readiness to live a married life. External factors consist of parental attitudes and acceptance, community assessments, and religious views regarding pregnancy out of marriage. Another social factor that also influences the avoidance style is social factors because many of them live in boarding houses, apartments, or rented houses so they are far from parental supervision and can cause promiscuity which results in pregnancy.

The second pair of informants, namely MS and IA, showed that both of them had a source of conflict in the form of a value conflict, namely infidelity and abortion. This conflict is triggered by a lack of attention, not caring, not respecting, and being arbitrary towards the partner. This is because their age is not mature enough, so the form of conflict that occurs is a value conflict, namely defending each other’s opinions. In resolving the conflict that occurred, the MS -IA pair used an aggressive style and arguments that cornered IA when inviting them to discuss the conflict they were facing. Factors that influence this couple’s aggressiveness and argumentativeness strategies are the couple often faces conflict situations that increase emotions and communication patterns that are uncontrolled when conflict occurs due to the high level of selfishness of both of them.

The factors that influence both couples in determining conflict resolution are being far from their parents, not being ready to become parents, and their personalities. The first pair has a choleric and neurotic personality, while the second pair has a nervous and neurotic personality. Thus, the research found that the personality of each party was not healthy enough and that the age was not yet mature enough to have a domestic relationship were also factors that influenced the informant couple in resolving the conflict they were experiencing.


  1. For teenagers who already have a potential life partner, should be careful when pursuing a dating relationship. They should obey religious norms so that pregnancy out of marriage does not occur.
  2. For premarital couples who are already pregnant, do not have an abortion. Apart from this, sinful actions also endanger the safety of the fetus and mother. Start living a normal life as a married couple and build a happy family.
  3. Parents should monitor their children’s interactions through self-disclosure. However, when it is too late, parents must accept the situation and encourage and help their children to build a harmonious household.


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