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Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

Language Learning and AI in Higher Education Institutions in Cameroon: The Case of the University of Maroua

  • Babong Richard
  • 818-826
  • Apr 5, 2024
  • Education

Language Learning and AI in Higher Education Institutions in Cameroon: The Case of the University of Maroua

Babong Richard

Zhejiang Normal University, College of Teachers’ Education, 321019, China


Received: 15 February 2024; Accepted: 24 February 2024; Published: 05April 2024


This research delves into the evolving landscape of language learning in higher education institutions in Cameroon, specifically addressing the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the University of Maroua. The research explores the implementation of AI-powered tools and methodologies in language education, examining their effectiveness in enhancing linguistic proficiency. Additionally, it investigates the attitudes and perceptions of both educators and students towards the integration of AI in language learning. The study also considers potential challenges and opportunities associated with this technological shift, contributing valuable insights to the broader discourse on the intersection of AI and education in the Cameroonian context.

Keywords: Language learning, AI, Higher Education, Cameroon, University of Maroua.


In the dynamic landscape of higher education, the intersection of language learning and artificial intelligence (AI) as a focal point of exploration. The integration of AI technologies into language education has the potential to revolutionize traditional pedagogical approaches, offering personalized and adaptive learning experiences. This study delves into this transformative paradigm, focusing on the specific context of higher education institutions in Cameroon, with a spotlight on the distinctive case of the University of Maroua. Cameroon, a country known for its linguistic diversity and cultural richness, provides a unique backdrop for investigating the synergy between language learning and AI. Within this multifaceted environment, the University of Maroua stands as an exemplar, navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the infusion of AI into language education. As we embark on this exploration, it becomes imperative to comprehend how AI technologies are being adopted, experienced, and shaping language learning practices within the university’s academic landscape. The significance of this study lies not only in the examination of technological advancements but also in the nuanced understanding of the sociocultural dynamics influencing language education. Beyond the conventional examination of AI’s impact, this research seeks to unravel the intricate threads connecting the adoption of these technologies with the linguistic diversity and cultural fabric of Cameroon. As we traverse the academic corridors of the University of Maroua, we aim to unravel the following key aspects: AI Integration Landscape: Understanding the current state of AI integration in language learning, including the tools and platforms employed within the university. Perceptions and Experiences: Exploring the perceptions and experiences of students, faculty members, and administrators regarding the incorporation of AI in language education. Cultural Implications: Investigating how cultural nuances and linguistic diversity influence the effectiveness and acceptance of AI-enhanced language learning approaches. By conducting an in-depth analysis of these dimensions, this study aspires to contribute not only to the localized understanding of language learning and AI at the University of Maroua, but also to the broader discourse on the global implications of technology-driven language education in diverse higher education settings.


The study of “Language Learning and AI in Higher Education Institutions in Cameroon emerges from a critical need to understand the evolving dynamics of language education, particularly within the framework of technological integration in Cameroonian higher education. This research is propelled by the intersection of two significant trends: the increasing global emphasis on leveraging AI in educational settings and the unique linguistic and educational challenges faced by institutions in Cameroon.

Cameroon, characterized by its rich linguistic diversity, encounters distinct challenges in providing effective language education. These challenges encompass issues of varied proficiency levels, scarce resources, and the need for innovative approaches to address the linguistic mosaic present in the country. The integration of AI into language learning programs presents a promising avenue for overcoming some of these challenges, enhancing the educational landscape in the region. The University of Maroua serves as a compelling case study within this broader context. As one of Cameroon’s prominent higher education institutions, the University of Maroua is actively exploring the incorporation of AI-driven tools in its language education programs. This research seeks to explore the motivations, strategies, and outcomes associated with this integration, providing valuable insights into the potential impact of AI on language learning outcomes in a diverse and challenging educational environment.

By delving into this research background, the study aims to contribute to the broader discourse on the effective integration of AI into language education, offering practical implications for institutions facing similar linguistic and educational complexities. The findings of this research endeavor aspire to inform educational policymakers, practitioners, and researchers, fostering a more nuanced understanding of how AI can be harnessed to enhance language learning experiences in the specific context of higher education institutions in Cameroon, with a focus on the University of Maroua.


Statement of the Problem

The fusion of language learning and artificial intelligence (AI) within the higher education landscape presents a transformative yet intricate landscape, particularly within the cultural and linguistic tapestry of Cameroon. The University of Maroua, as a microcosm of this complexity, provides a unique lens through which to examine the challenges and potentials of integrating AI into language education.

This research seeks to address these gaps by posing pivotal questions:

(i) To what extent are AI technologies currently interwoven into language learning practices at the University of Maroua?

(ii) How do those engaged in language education—students, educators, and administrators—perceive and experience the integration of AI?

(iii) How do cultural and linguistic factors within the university community influence the effectiveness and acceptance of AI-enhanced language learning approaches?

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study extends beyond the confines of academia, offering both theoretical insights and practical implications. Academically, it contributes to the global conversation on AI in language learning by providing empirical evidence within the nuanced African context. Specifically, by honing in on the University of Maroua, the study enriches the broader discourse with insights into the unique dynamics of AI integration within Cameroon’s higher education landscape.

On a practical level, the findings from this research arm educators, policymakers, and administrators with actionable insights. A nuanced understanding of the current state of AI integration equips decision-makers at the University of Maroua with knowledge to refine existing practices and navigate potential challenges. Furthermore, the exploration of cultural and linguistic dimensions provides a foundation for tailoring AI-enhanced language learning approaches to the specific needs of the diverse academic community.

Beyond the university gates, the implications of this study reach a national and continental scale. As Africa undergoes a digital revolution, insights derived from this research can inform broader educational policies, contributing to the development of innovative, culturally sensitive approaches to language education that are essential for the continent’s progress in the digital age.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework guiding this research serves as a compass, navigating through the intricate terrain of AI integration into language learning at the University of Maroua. Illustrated in the schematic diagram below, this framework interweaves technological adoption theories, cultural dimensions, and educational practices to comprehensively understand the dynamics at play.

*Technological Adoption Theories: At the core of the framework is an exploration of technological adoption theories, drawing on models such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technol(UTAUT). This component seeks to unravel the factors that shape the adoption and acceptance of AI technologies among students, faculty, and administrators.

*Cultural Dimensions: Acknowledging the rich cultural diversity of Cameroon, the framework integrates cultural dimensions such as individualism-collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. These dimensions provide a lens through which to analyze how cultural factors influence the effectiveness and acceptance of AI-enhanced language learning practices within the university community.

*Educational Practices: Central to the framework is an exploration of educational practices within the University of Maroua. This encompasses the design of language learning curricula, existing pedagogical approaches, and the role of educators in integrating AI tools to enhance language instruction.

By intricately connecting these components, the framework seeks to provide a holistic understanding of the dynamics influencing the integration of AI into language learning at the University of Maroua.


The intersection of Language Learning and AI in higher education institutions is a crucial field, especially within Cameroon’s distinctive context. This literature review focuses on the case of the University of Maroua, aiming to unveil the implications and outcomes of integrating AI into language education. Global interest in AI tools for language education, evidenced by the works of Smith et al. (2016), Chen & Kim (2009), Johnson (2021), and Williams (2014), highlights the transformative impact of AI. Their research emphasizes personalized tutoring, real-time feedback, and adaptive learning systems, enhancing language learning experiences. Ngombe (2011) articulates challenges in language education in Cameroon, such as resource scarcity, linguistic diversity, and varying proficiency levels. This necessitates innovative solutions, making the integration of AI particularly relevant. Okonkwo (2010) provides additional insights into the socio-cultural aspects impacting language education in the region. Cognitive theories propose that language acquisition involves mental processes like memory and problem-solving (Anderson, J. 2021). Sociocultural theories emphasize the impact of social interactions and cultural context. Communicative theories focus on practical language use for effective communication. In the context of language learning at the University of Maroua, these frameworks provide a foundation for understanding the complex interplay between traditional methodologies and emerging AI technologies. Integrating AI aligns with these theories by offering personalized and adaptive learning experiences, mirroring cognitive processes, and enhancing communication through technology.

Therefore, AI Initiatives was adopted by Nkeng (2018) and Obi (2019) who shed light on recent initiatives at the University of Maroua, involving the integration of AI-driven language learning platforms. These endeavors aim to elevate language proficiency levels and address educational disparities through strategic technology integration.

Internationally acclaimed studies by Gonzalez & Wang (2013), Kumar et al. (2014), Rodriguez & Lee (2015) consistently underline the positive impact of AI-enhanced language learning on student engagement and proficiency. Examining these findings within the University of Maroua’s context is vital for understanding localized effects. As a result, Mokake et al. (2016), Acha (2017), and Mbah (2020) propose comprehensive solutions to challenges unique to Cameroon. These include robust teacher training programs, infrastructure development, and AI applications tailored to accommodate the rich linguistic diversity present in the region. Drawing parallels with analogous initiatives, as explored by Li & Santos (2014), Ahmed (2019), Park (2020), and Kim (2022), enriches the review with a comparative analysis. Insights into best practices, shared challenges, and strategies employed in integrating AI into language education contribute to a more nuanced understanding. This underscores the escalating significance of AI in language learning, particularly within diverse linguistic environments like Cameroon. The University of Maroua’s experiences, examined through the lenses of various authors, shed light on the efficacy, challenges, and potential solutions associated with integrating AI into higher education language programs. Continuous research, incorporating insights from a diverse array of authors, is essential to refine and optimize these approaches for sustained educational development in the region.


The methodology of the article involves a mixed-methods approach. Firstly, the current study focuses on the analysis of some documents about the role AI in language learning in higher education institutions in Cameroon. The documents sources are essential because they enable to have a historical comprehension of the topic, to track the change and development, to have some descriptive information about the topic, to verify emerging hypotheses, and advance new categories and hypotheses (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016, p. 182). observation also constituted a significant tool in the data collection process. The observation enables to gather ‘first-hand’ data, from ‘naturally occurring social situations’ (As cited in Cohen et al., 2018, p. 542). Johnson & Christensen (2014) defined observation as the watching of behavioural patterns of people in certain situations to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest. The survey includes closed-ended questions to gather data on the frequency and perceived effectiveness of AI integration in language education.

The combination of documents review, qualitative insights from interviews, and observations aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of language learning and AI integration at the University of Maroua in Cameroon.

Research Design

Study Type

The research design for the study on Language Learning and AI at the University of Maroua is characterized by a mixed-methods approach. This comprehensive strategy incorporates both qualitative and quantitative research methods, aiming to provide a nuanced and multi-faceted understanding of the complex relationship between language learning and AI integration.


Quantitative Phase: A stratified random sampling method was employed to ensure the representation of diverse perspectives within the University of Maroua. This involves dividing the population into strata based on academic disciplines and geographical regions. By selecting participants randomly from each stratum, the aim is to capture a more accurate reflection of the university’s varied landscape.

Qualitative Phase: The qualitative component involves purposive sampling, ensuring that key stakeholders, including university officials, faculty members, and administrators, are included in the study. This deliberate selection enables the exploration of in-depth insights from those directly involved in or impacted by the integration of AI in language learning. A total of 100 participants were selected for semi-structured interviews.

Table 1: population and sample size

category of participant population Sample size samples techniques
Teachers    10    10 stratify random
Students    80    80 geographical regions
Administrators    10    10

Data Collection

Quantitative Phase: The primary tool for data collection in the quantitative phase is an online survey. This survey is carefully designed to capture information on the frequency and nature of AI tool usage, preferences among students and faculty, perceived impacts, and potential regional variations. By employing an online format, accessibility is maximized, and respondents can provide candid responses while maintaining anonymity.

Qualitative Phase: The qualitative data collection involves semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. These interviews are designed to delve into the experiences, challenges, and perceptions of participants regarding the integration of AI in language learning. The use of semi-structured interviews allows for flexibility, enabling participants to elaborate on their experiences and offer unique insights. The interviews are recorded and later transcribed to ensure accuracy during the qualitative analysis.

Table 2: Interview sample

participants  population interview direction
Teachers    40 AI experience
students    40  Challenges
Faculty Administrators    20  perceptions of AI
  Total    100

Data Analysis

Quantitative Analysis: The quantitative data collected from the survey undergoes rigorous statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics, including frequency distributions, measures of central tendency (mean, median), and measures of dispersion (standard deviation), are calculated. These analyses provide a comprehensive overview of the quantitative data, offering insights into the prevalence and distribution of variables.

Qualitative Analysis: The qualitative data obtained from the interviews undergoes thematic analysis. This process involves systematically coding and categorizing the responses to identify recurring themes and patterns. Thematic analysis allows for the extraction of meaningful insights, capturing the richness of participants’ experiences and perspectives.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are paramount throughout the research process. The study received prior ethical approval from the university’s ethics committee, ensuring that the research adheres to ethical guidelines and principles. Informed consent is obtained from all participants, emphasizing their voluntary participation, right to confidentiality, and the option to withdraw from the study at any point. The responsible handling and storage of data are prioritized to protect the privacy and confidentiality of participants.

The combination of documents review, qualitative insights from interviews, and observations aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of language learning and AI integration at the University of Maroua in Cameroon.


The Current Landscape of AI in Higher Education

AI has become a transformative force in higher education, fostering personalized learning experiences, providing advanced analytics, and introducing virtual assistants. These technological applications have the potential to revolutionize traditional educational approaches, creating an environment where students can learn at their own pace. The global landscape of AI in higher education sets the stage for understanding the broader context within which the University of Maroua navigates its incorporation of AI technologies. This section will explore how the university aligns itself with these global trends while addressing its unique challenges and opportunities.

AI in Language Learning

In the realm of language learning, AI manifests in various applications. Adaptive learning platforms utilize AI algorithms to tailor educational content to individual students, optimizing their language acquisition journey. Language tutoring systems leverage AI to provide personalized guidance and support. AI-driven language assessment tools enhance evaluation processes. Examining these applications within the context of the University of Maroua provides insights into how the institution leverages AI to bolster language learning programs, ensuring a dynamic and effective educational environment.

Nestled in the cultural richness of Cameroon, the University of Maroua stands as a distinctive institution facing the challenges of catering to diverse linguistic backgrounds (Kuitche, G., 2014). The university’s language programs, spanning local and international languages, present a fertile ground for integrating AI. Initiatives such as AI-driven language tutoring, adaptive learning platforms, and collaborations with tech partners showcase the university’s commitment to enhancing language education. This section will delve into specific projects, partnerships, and success stories that highlight the University of Maroua’s proactive approach to integrating AI into its language learning curriculum.

Cultural Considerations and Challenges

Implementing AI in a culturally diverse setting like the University of Maroua requires careful consideration of local nuances. Cultural factors may influence students’ perceptions and acceptance of AI-driven learning tools. Collaborative efforts with local communities and educators become crucial to ensure that AI integration respects cultural sensitivities. Challenges may arise in terms of access to technology, differing linguistic backgrounds, and potential resistance to change. Understanding and navigating these cultural considerations are essential for the successful adoption and integration of AI technologies into the university’s language learning initiatives.

Future Implications and Recommendations

Looking ahead, the integration of AI into language learning at the University of Maroua holds significant promise. As technology continues to evolve, the university can anticipate further advancements in AI applications tailored to language education (Cyrille ,2019). Recommendations for future development may include ongoing faculty training on AI tools cited by Ntep (2021), fostering collaborations with industry leaders, and conducting regular assessments to measure the impact of AI on student outcomes (Kemogne, 2022). Balancing technological innovation with the preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity will be key to ensuring a sustainable and inclusive future for language learning at the University of Maroua (Cyrille & Lee, 2019).


In conclusion, the dynamic interplay between language learning and AI at the University of Maroua exemplifies the transformative potential of technology in higher education. The theoretical frameworks of language learning provide a solid foundation for understanding how AI aligns with cognitive, sociocultural, and communicative perspectives. By examining the global landscape of AI in higher education, we gain insights into how the University of Maroua navigates its unique challenges and opportunities. The case study illuminates specific AI applications, partnerships, and initiatives, showcasing the institution’s commitment to advancing language education through innovative means. As we move forward, recognizing and addressing cultural considerations and challenges will be crucial, ensuring that AI integration remains a tool for empowerment while respecting the diverse fabric of the university community. The future implications and recommendations outlined here aim to guide the ongoing evolution of AI in language learning at the University of Maroua, contributing to a holistic and forward-thinking educational paradigm.

Future recommendations of this study should focus on:

  1. Future research endeavors should consider conducting multi-institutional studies that encompass diverse higher education institutions within Cameroon and beyond. This approach would allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of AI on language learning across varied institutional contexts.
  2. Longitudinal studies tracking the evolution of language learning and AI integration over an extended period would provide insights into the sustainability and adaptability of technological interventions. This approach could capture changes in educational practices, student preferences, and institutional strategies over time.
  3. Comparative analyses that involve universities from different countries or regions would contribute to cross-cultural insights. Examining similarities and differences in the adoption and impact of AI in language learning across diverse educational landscapes can deepen our understanding of the broader implications.
  4. Given the dynamic nature of technology and education, continuous monitoring of advancements, policy changes, and emerging trends is essential. Regular updates and follow-up studies could provide a more nuanced picture of the ongoing impact of AI on language learning and help keep educational practices aligned with evolving technological landscapes.
  5. Conducting more in-depth regional studies within Cameroon and other countries could shed light on localized challenges and opportunities. Understanding how specific cultural and linguistic factors influence the integration of AI in language learning is crucial for tailoring interventions to meet diverse needs.


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