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Mnemonics Strategies in Teaching Food and Beverage Services Lesson Among Grade Eleven Learners in Taal Senior High School

  • Christine Jane M. Arcega
  • 3406-3463
  • Feb 18, 2025
  • Education

Mnemonics Strategies in Teaching Food and Beverage Services Lesson among Grade Eleven Learners in Taal Senior High School

Christine Jane M. Arcega

Faculty of the Graduate School, Golden Gate Colleges, Batangas City


Received: 16 January 2025; Accepted: 21 January 2025; Published: 18 February 2025


Education could take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy. The Technical Vocational Livelihood or TVL Track is one of the track S offered under Senior High School programs in the Philippines. The program was designed to provide students with job-ready skills that they will need in the future.

This study aimed to determine the retention level of the grade eleven learners using mnemonics strategy to execute the flow of serving food to the customers in Food and Beverage Services lesson. The researcher employed quantitative research utilizing teacher-made-test and demonstration to assess the performance of the learners and the causes of low retention of learners at the beginning of the quarter. Moreover, the observation checklist was utilized to determine the ability of the learners in the demonstration of the lesson at the end of the quarter. The result of the findings was based on the responses of the respondents.

Based on the results of the study, the proponent arrived at the following conclusions and recommendations: Learners’ assessment on the performance in Food and Beverage Service clearly showed that they are better in teacher-made-test than demonstration since they are good in memorization but fall short in demonstration. Repetition and read out loud mnemonic strategy is best suited among learners as a tool for the retention of the lesson in Food and Beverage Service. After repeat and read out loud intervention as a mnemonic strategy, the researcher found a drastic improvement in their performance in demonstration as indicated from their previous performance from Poor to Good Verbal Interpretation, the combined lectures with repetition and reading out loud must be implemented among the concerned learners to enhanced learning activities and retention ability to ensure learning retention of the students.

Context and Rationale

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values,  beliefs, and habits. Educational methods included storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently took place under the guidance of educators, however learners may also educate themselves. Education could take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.

Formal education is commonly divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship. A right to education has been recognized by some governments and the Philippines. In most regions, education is compulsory from Kindergarten to Grade 12. There is a movement for education reform, and in particular for the of evidence-based education.

K to 12, is an education system under the Department of Education that aims to enhance learners’ basic skills, produce more competent citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment. To highlight its worth in the K-12 curriculum, the Department of Education (DepEd) has formed a Technical Vocational unit in the Bureau of Secondary Education. This unit needed to strengthen as one of the three key strands that would prepare high school graduates by arming with skills for employment. If learners are really not sure to pursue any degree after Senior High School or wanted to earn money immediately after graduation, this track promised an alternative. Even without college degree, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track would equip with job-ready skills in the future. This track also invests primarily on skills that can gain you requisite COCs (Certificates of Competency) and NCs (National Certifications) which would be essential when looking for better career opportunities in agriculture, electronics, and trade and also important when applying abroad where the skills gained would prepare in a workforce.

Based on Republic. Act 10533 Series of 2013 Section 12 Transitory Provisions. — The Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority should formulate the appropriate strategies and mechanisms needed to ensure smooth transition from basic education cycle to the enhanced basic education (K to 12) cycle

To manage the initial implementation of the enhanced basic education program and mitigate the expected multi-year low enrolment turnout for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) starting School Year 2016-2017 should provide educational and training services for graduates of the enhanced basic education program. For this purpose, the transition period should be provided for in the implementing rules and regulations (IRR).

The Department of Education emphasizes that the TVL specializations might be taken between Grades 9 to 12 while exploratory subjects at 40 hours per quarter are taken during Grades 7 to 8. The Technical Vocational Livelihood or TVL Track is one of the tracks offered under Senior High School programs in the Philippines. The program was designed to provide students with job-ready skills that they will need in the future. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track deals primarily with technical-vocational skills or tech-voc., composed of four strand such like agri-fishery arts, industrial arts, information and communication technology and home economics. The best thing about TVL was, a lot of options after senior high and upon getting the National Certificates or NC. NCs are the certifications received after passing the skills assessment of TESDA. Aside from this, learners can study college or even apply for a job right away.

Taal Senior High School offered Technical Vocational and Livelihood track offered Food and Beverage Services which is a process of preparing, presenting and serving of food and beverages to the customers. Food and beverage services sector contributed a great deal to the profits in hospitality industry. With the increase in importance of business meetings, a range of personal and social events, a large number of customers visit catering establishments frequently.

Food and Beverage Services have six core competencies which the students needed to understand. Included are: preparation of the dining room and restaurant area for service, welcoming guest and taking food and beverage order, promoting food and beverage product, providing food and beverage service to guest, providing room service, and receiving and handling guest concerns.

The researcher proposed a mnemonic strategy since these lessons were composed of memorization and step by step procedure of serving food to the customer .The researcher noticed that the learners are having difficulties in these lessons. Students usually have    difficulties in executing the flow of serving the customer in one of the lessons in Food and Beverage Services and tend to forgot the flow or the real scenario inside the restaurant.

Thus, the proponent decided to conduct a study. This paper aims to determine the retention level of the Technical Vocational Livelihood students and to propose a mnemonic strategy to help students memorize the flow of serving customers in food and beverage services lesson. At the end, the researcher proposed the mnemonics strategy in teaching Food and Beverage Services lesson to increase the retention level of Grade eleven Technical Vocational Livelihood students.


The researcher reviewed several literature and studies that were found relevant to the present study. by  requiring  students  to  make  resumes  with  their  own  sentences.  With  this  method  of recitation  students  will  dare to  write  in  his  own  way,  responsible  with  the  results  of  his writing  and  will  always  remember  with  the  material  that  is  taught.  So recitation means students quote or take their own parts of the lesson from certain books, then self-study and practice until it is ready as it should be.

In the study conducted by Cabibihan (2013), used working models for in-class demonstrations and reported that a multi-background, multidisciplinary, and multinational student audience had responded favorably to the in-class demonstrations. It was also reported that the students’ academic achievement could be attributed to the immediate appreciation of concepts from the practical examples that the students experienced from the demonstrations.

McCabe, (2014) on the other hand revealed that the demonstration strategy is effective for long-term memory retention and appropriate to college students’ study skills. The act of demonstrating readily helps to kindle more natural interactions between the students and the teacher. Their active responses and completely spontaneous observations provide an excellent opportunity for the teacher to connect with the demand with their unedited ideas.

In addition, Dandis (2013) stated that teacher-made tests can be given at the beginning of an instructional segment to determine whether pupils have already achieved the objectives of planned instruction. Teacher-made tests serve as good indicators in monitoring the success of teacher-student material instruction. Teacher-made tests provide feedback so that teachers can shift the emphasis of their instruction and provide remedial activities before the next lesson.

As Mpofu (2011) posited, while teacher-made tests help improve the performance of children in the learning process, it is not always the case since tests are constructed by teachers themselves. At times, these tests lack validity and reliability. It is clear that teachers need to be extremely careful in designing the test that measures the skill it intends to measure.

With the of the study of Kuder, (2017) mnemonic instruction links new information to earlier knowledge by utilizing the visual or acoustic cues. Many different strategies are utilized in mnemonic instructions that are designed to enhance students’ memory of new information. The keywords, peg words, and letter strategies work with various combinations and thought processes, but all of them can be utilized to manage facts and information.

According to Mar-shak, et. al, (2014), keyword strategies make use of concrete, similar sounding words to help students in the recall of new vocabulary words. For instance, for the term Cold War, the word “hold” could be utilized. This new keyword would be associated to an interactive representation that depicts the definition or concept and the keyword as they relate to one another. This type of strategy utilizes earlier knowledge to facilitate meaning of unknown words.

Furthermore, Basibek and Saricoban (2012) investigated the comparison of the impact of utilizing mnemonics technique by preparing some keywords for students and of the context method on the retention of the vocabulary items. For the purpose of this study, in order to measure long-term retention, delayed recall and recognition tests were given to the groups five weeks after the immediate tests. To analyse the distinctions between the mnemonics technique and context method, t-test calculations were used with the results of the pre-tests, immediate and delayed tests. As indicated by the results, the mnemonics technique is more efficient than the context method in immediate and delayed recall and recognition of the vocabulary.

According to Keysan, et. al, (2013), investigated the effects of selected presentation techniques including the keyword method, the peg word method, the loci method, argument mapping, concept mapping and mind mapping on vocabulary comprehension and production. The results demonstrated that the differences among the impacts of the above-mentioned techniques were statistically important in both vocabulary comprehension and production. These findings can have implications for learners, teachers, and materials developers.

In addition, Pillai, (2017) provided information on how visual mnemonics, physical mnemonics and other mnemonic devices can be used in the classroom to improve vocabulary, boost memory, enhance creativity and show that these mnemonic devices help increase the students’ self-esteem as well as their learning and using these strategies to make them an independent learner was an ultimate goal of this study.

In 2016, Azmi, et al , examined the effectiveness of using mnemonic techniques in learning English vocabularies. This investigated the students’ perspectives and point of view of the mnemonic technique in teaching and learning English vocabularies. The selected participants are students who are currently learning English subject in a primary school.

Their English teachers instructed the students about English vocabulary with and without using the mnemonic technique. A set of questionnaire were designed by the researchers and administered for the students. The result received from the questionnaire demonstrated the effectiveness of using mnemonic techniques in learning English vocabularies as well as the students’ response towards the technique.

The study of Ashoori and Moghadam (2015), attempted to find out the effectiveness of mnemonic devices as a memory strategy on the learners’ vocabulary retention. The result showed that through mnemonic devices are more influential than the traditional methods. This study showed that memory strategies like mnemonics are of great application and importance in the process of short term and long term retention of learners. Thus, mnemonic devices should be given prime attention by material developers and instructors as a potentially efficient technique for vocabulary instruction, acquisition, and long term retention at foreign language improvement.

Based on the study of Amiryousefi and Ketabi, S., (2011), mnemonic instruction is a way to help students remember information/vocabulary more effectively and easily. It involves linking unfamiliar to be learned information with familiar already known information through the use of a visual picture or letter/word combinations.

Bakken, (2017), said that mnemonic strategies have been proven to help students recall information by making it easier to remember, more meaningful, and more concrete. Mnemonic strategies are an effective study tool which can be utilized with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities and applied to an array of content areas. This manuscript will present a variety of mnemonic strategies that can be very useful when working with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to improve their vocabulary knowledge.

Putnam, (2015), mnemonic techniques are a powerful way to learn large amounts of information, but are not used widely in education today. With these considerations, the usefulness of mnemonics in the classroom may be limited to certain contexts. However, he provided a few alternative approaches for considering the use of mnemonics in educational settings, such as combining them with other learning techniques and treating mnemonics as a retrieval aid rather than a core learning strategy.

In addition, the study of Diron, et.,al (2014),stated that mnemonic instruction bridges the gaps as it enhances and provides meaningful connection between the unknown to known information. It builds the learner’s comprehension and self-confidence in coping with the language learning task that requires memory repossession. Hence, it is recommended that Mnemonic Instruction be adopted in all English classes to make the ordinary classroom situation into a meaningful and enjoyable learning environment.

Starchan (2015) repetition and read out loud can be define as an activity that provides a context through which adults and children share a joint topics focus. It affords an opportunity for children to participate in increasingly sophisticated conversations that move beyond a perceptual focus to encompass conceptually oriented discussions. During interactive read alouds, teachers scaffold children’s sense making and support their learning of new concepts through direct instructions, asking questions before, during and after reading. An interactive read aloud is time for the teacher to read a book aloud and discuss it with his or her class. The teacher and students take turns asking questions, listening intently to the text and others, comments, making predictions and discussing the text with others to comprehend.

One study by Clark and Andreasen (2014) explored impacts of read alouds to sixth grades students. The findings of their study indicate that students had mixed feelings about being read to aloud, but all students could state instructional benefits of read alouds.

Wiseman (2011) stated, interactive repetitions and read aloud are important learning opportunities for emergent readers because teachers and peers can actively model and scaffold comprehension strategies, engage readers, and cultivate community of learners. Teachers can use an interactive read aloud to model fluent reading. Teachers may also use read aloud to help scaffold a text that would be too difficult for the students to read on their own.

Delacruz (2013), stated that previewing vocabulary and extending the read aloud with a written reflection or response may also lead to improvement in student reading comprehension. Students will get the chance to hear new vocabulary words from each read aloud text that is read to them .Even if teachers are not  particularly promoting these new vocabulary words, students are still audibly hearing and adding these words to their own vocabulary knowledge. Comprehension is a second popular topic among read aloud studies. Teachers can also use read out loud to model comprehension strategies. These think aloud can help students understand the way readers should be thinking as they read to themselves, and this strategy can help develop comprehensions.


The present study was aligned with the literature and research findings conducted by mentioned researchers which focused on the mnemonics strategies in teaching Food and Beverage Services, like the ideas of Cabibihan and McCabe. In addition, the studies of Dandis and Mpofu showed similar results on how teachers manifest the effectiveness of teacher-made-test in developing the retention level of the Grade eleven students in serving the flow of food to the guest.Those studies was associated with the present study since all of them gave an overview to assess the performance of the learners through demonstration method.

Moreover, the studies of Kuder, Mar-shark, Amiryousefi et. al, Azmi, Bakken and Putman were congruent to the present study since all the previous studies centered on the ways to determine the level of performance of the learners to determine the retention level of the learners through the use of mnemonics strategy used by teachers in teaching-learning process however, the study differed in terms of the subject of the study, research environment and time it was conducted.

In general, all the materials reviewed, greatly enriched the context of this study and provided the researcher concepts on the focused of the study in terms of mnemonics strategy in teaching Food and Beverage Services lessons. This study used the TVL Senior High School students as the respondents and Food and Beverage Services as a subjects under home economics strands that needs a mnemonics strategy.

It can be said therefore that despite the reviewed studies similarity to the present study, this study has a unified and distinct identity of its own as it dwelled on the mnemonics strategy that determine the performance and the level of retention of Technical Vocational and Livelihood learners in teaching Food and Beverage Service lessons in Taal Senior High School.

Research Question

This study aimed to determine the retention level of the Technical Vocational Livelihood students and proposed a mnemonic strategy to help students memorize the flow of serving customers in food and beverage services lesson.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question;

  1. How may the performance of the learners in food and beverage lessons be assessed in terms of;
    • demonstration and;
    • teacher-made test?
  2. How may the mnemonics strategy be utilized to ensure the retention of lesson in Food and Beverage Services such as;
    • picture analysis
    • keyword and ;
    • repetitions and read out louds?
  3. What is the class performance of the learner after the intervention?
  4. Based on the findings, what enhanced learning activities may be proposed to ensure learning retention of the students?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on the mnemonics strategy in teaching food and beverage services lesson, discussed the retention level of the students to help them to easily memorize the scenario of serving food to the customer. Included in the study were the 50 Grade eleven students composing of 24 males and 26 females. They are enrolled in the TVL track with FBS as there are of specialization.

Students from ABM, HUMSS, and STEM were not involved in this study. The researcher input some method that would help the teacher in discovering the performance of learners such as teacher’s-made-test, observation checklist for the students. Furthermore, the findings of this research were mainly based on the responses of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that this study would benefit the school, administrator, FBS teachers, students, parents and future researchers.

To School Administrator, the result of the study might help them inculcate to the teachers the proper strategic intervention materials that would be suited to the student’s needs and learning difficulty.

To FBS teachers, results of the study enlightened on the importance of using mnemonics in teaching Technical Vocational and Livelihood students.

To the FBS students, the utilized mnemonics strategy, would entailed more excitement to follow teaching and learning process and improve their learning achievement.

To the parents, the results of the study will make them more aware in determining the students’ needs to improve their performance of serving food to the customer and made them be an active supporters and partners of the school in achieving high academic performance of their children.

To the future researchers, this research can be used as the source to obtain more information on how to teach the students with mnemonics strategy.


This part presents the research design, subjects of the study, the data gathering instrument, procedure and the analysis plan.

Research Design

This study aimed to determine the retention level of the grade eleven learners using mnemonic strategy to execute the flow of serving food to the customers in Food and Beverage Services lesson. It described the performance of the grade eleven Technical Vocational and Livelihood learners Food and Beverage Services during the School Year of 2019-2020 through the used of mnemonics strategy.

To achieve the purpose, the researcher employed quantitative research of utilizing teacher-made-test and demonstration to assess the performance of the learners and the causes of low retention of learners at the beginning of the quarter. Moreover, the observation checklist was utilized to determine the ability of the learners in the demonstration of the lesson at the end of the quarter. The result of the findings was based on the responses of the respondents.

According to William et. al 2011, quantitative research involves the collection of data so that information can be quantified and subjected to statistical treatment in order to support or refute alternative knowledge claims”. It remarked that quantitative research starts with a statement of a problem, generating of hypothesis or research question, reviewing related   literature, and   a quantitative analysis of data. Quantitative research employed strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and collect data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data”

Subjects of the Study

This study was composed of 50 respondents from Grade eleven students who are officially enrolled in Taal Senior High School from the School Year 2019-2020 and from the section A of TVL taking up Food and Beverage Services.

Data Gathering Instrument

The study utilized a teacher-made test and rubrics to assess the performance of the learners and the causes of low retention of learner at the beginning of the quarter. The researcher used the observation checklist to determine the ability of the learners in the demonstration of the lesson at the end of the quarter.

Construction of teacher-made-test/observation checklist. The teacher-made test items and observation checklist was conceptualized based on the reviewed literature. It was composed of items that directly pertain to the least mastered skills of the students. The following competencies were considered in the test items such as preparing the dining room and restaurant area for service, welcoming guest and taking food and beverage order, promoting food and beverage product, providing food and beverage service to guest, providing room service and receiving and handle guest concerns.

Validation of teacher-made-test/observation checklist. The research-made test items and observation checklist was validated by two TSHS teachers with NC II and Training Methodology 1 in Food and Beverage Services. Through the guidance of these experts, each item was be carefully studied and examined to come up with the questions relevant to the study.

After incorporation of all the suggestions of the experts and having been approved, the test questions was reproduced and administered to the group of students for testing the reliability.

Administration teacher-made-test/observation checklist. After the validation of the test, the researcher administered questionnaire to the intended respondents. The researcher distributes the questionnaire herself. To facilitate the administration and retrieval of the test, the researcher   personally administered informing the parents of respondents of the purpose and assured the trust that all information gathered would be treated with utmost confidentiality. During the administration the respondents will give ample time to answer the questionnaire. The respondents was guided and instructed as regard to the purpose of the study.

Retrieval of teacher-made-test/observation checklist. The researcher herself personally retrieved the teacher-made-test/observation checklist. The data was tallied and presented to the statistician for the statistical technique. The teacher reaffirmed the respondents that the raw data’s was treated with due respect by keeping the results intact and confidential.

Scoring of teacher-made-test/observation checklist. In order to interpret the level of performance of the students in the test, the percentage of scores      was grouped as follows according to DepEd Order No. 31:

SCALE                                         INTERPRETATION

20-16                                        Outstanding

15-11                                          Very Satisfactory

10-06                                           Satisfactory

05-0                                          Needs Improvement

In order to interpret the level of performance of the students in demonstration, the learners will be rated according to this rubric.

Scale Verbal Interpretation
5- Excellent – Student demonstrates needed skills accurately and exceeds expectations
4- Very Good – Student demonstrates necessary skills with accuracy and with minimal errors
3- Good – Student demonstrates skills but needs minimal assistance
2-  Fair – Student is aware of the necessary skills and procedures  needs substantial assistance from instructor
1-  Poor – Student was not able to demonstrate needed skills


Name: _______________                                 Section:__________
5 Excellent 5 pts Student demonstrates needed skills accurately and exceeds expectations ts Studetes needed sately and exceeds expectations
V. Good
4 pts Student demonstrates necessary skills with accuracy and with miniors
3 pts Student demonstrates skills but needs minimal assistance
2 pts Student is aware of the necessary skills and procedures but ds substantial assistance from instructor
Poor 1 pts Student was not able to demonstrate needekills
Serve Bread & Butter Excellent

Serve bread & butter on the left side of the guest. Lower the bread basket but do not let it touch the B&B plate

V. Good

Serve bread only on the left side of the guest. Lower the bread basket but do not let it touch the B&B plate


Serve butter only on the left side of the guest. Lower the bread basket but do not let it touch the B&B plate


Serve only the bread plate


No response

Taking Orders
Suggestive & Upselling Excellent

Suggest specials/courses or different menu items
Suggest high-ticket items, add-ons or upgrades

V. Good

Suggest specials/courses or few menu items
Suggest high-ticket items, add-ons or upgrades


Suggest special/course or only one menu item


Cannot suggest any special/courses or men


No response

Communication Excellent

Student are always communicate to the guest all the time

V. Good

Student are communicate to the guest most of the time


Student are communicate to the guest some of the time


Student are not communicate to the guest


No response

Serve Meals points x 2
Order/Sequence Excellent

Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer, soup, salad, entrée, and dessert

V. Good

Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer, soup, salad and entrée,


Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer, soup and  salad only


Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer and soup only


No response

Handling & Serving Excellent

Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers do not touch the food all the time

V. Good

Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers do not touch the food most of the time


Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers do not touch the food some of the time


Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers  touch the food


No response

Adjusting of cutleries Excellent

adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s all the time

V. Good

adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s most of the time


adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s some of the time


Students are not adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s


No response

Serve meals – Russian Excellent

Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon and fork (right hand)
Mention name of meal being served
Move in counter-clockwise direction

V. Good

Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon and fork (right hand)
Mention name of meal being served and cannot
move in counter-clockwise direction


Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon and fork (right hand) and
cannot mention the name of meal being served


Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon only  (right hand) and cannot
mention the name of meal being served and cannot
move in counter-clockwise direction


No response

Serve meals – American Excellent

Serve meals at the left side of the guests using left hand
move in clockwise direction

V. Good

Serve meals at the left side of the guests using left hand and not
move in clockwise direction


Serve meals at the left side of the guests using right hand and not
move in clockwise direction


Serve meals at the right side of the guests using right hand and not
move in clockwise direction


No response

Position/Posture Excellent

The student stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc. all the time

V. Good

The student stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc. most of the time


The student stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc. some of the time


The student will not stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc.


No response

Clearing Plates during service
Ask Permission Excellent

Student courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished all the time

V. Good

Student courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished most of the time


Student courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished some of the time


Student are no courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished


No response

Clear Plates Excellent

Clear used plates from the correct side of the guest all the time. Never reach in front of the guest

V. Good

Clear used plates from the correct side of the guest most of the time. Never reach in front of the guest


Clear used plates from the correct side of the guest some of the time. Never reach in front of the guest


Never clear used plates from the correct side of the guest. Never reach in front of the guest


No response

Clear Beverageware Excellent

Clear glassware from the right side of the guest all times

V. Good

Clear glassware from the right side of the guest most of the times


Clear glassware from the right side of the guest some of the times


Never clear glassware from the right side of the guest


No response

Use of proper equipment Excellent

Use right tools for de-crumbing all times

V. Good

Use right tools for de-crumbing most of the times


Use right tools for de-crumbing some of the times


Never use right tools for de-crumbing


No response

Timing Excellent

De-crumbs table at the right time/sequence all times

V. Good

De-crumbs table at the right time/sequence most of the times


De-crumbs table at the right time/sequence some of the times


Never de-crumbs table at the right time/sequence


No Response

Presenting Bill & Billing Goodbye
Present bill Excellent

Upon verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down on the  given time

V. Good

Upon verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down on the allotted time


Upon verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down on the  unnecessary time


Never verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down


No Response

Receiving cash/card Excellent f cash is received, count the money in front of the guest. Mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received
V. Good f cash is received, not count the money in front of the guest. Mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received
Good f cash is received, not count the money in front of the guest and not mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received
Fairf cash is not received, not count the money in front of the guest and not mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received

No response

Give the change/return card Excellent

Give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip on the given time

V. Good

Give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip from the allotted time


Give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip on the unnecessary time


Never give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip


No response

Thank guests and bid goodbye Excellent

Invite guest to return to the restaurant on the given time

V. Good

Invite guest to return to the restaurant on the allotted time


Invite guest to return to the restaurant on the unnecessary time


Never invite guest to return to the restaurant


No response


Take room service orders



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

·  Telephone communication

·  Clarify details of orders

·  Advise guest approximate time of delivery

· Asked mode of payment

·   Prepare room service order

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·   Telephone communication

·  Clarify details of orders

·   Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

·  Prepare room service order


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

·  Telephone communication

·  Clarify details of orders

·  Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

· Prepare room service order


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

· Telephone communication

· Clarify details of orders

· Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

·  Prepare room service order


No response

Set up trays and trolleys



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

• Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

•  Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

• Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

• Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room


No response

Prepare RS Control Sheet Excellent

Write appropriate details in the control sheet on the given time

V. Good

Write appropriate details in the control sheet on the allocated time


Write appropriate details in the control sheet on the unnecessary time


Never write appropriate details in the control sheet


No response

Present and serve F and B to guests

Verify guest’s name on the bill before announcing the staff’s presence outside the door



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

•  Greet guests politely

•  Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

• Service is fast and discrete

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·  Greet guests politely

· Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

·  Service is fast and discrete


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

·  Greet guests politely

·  Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

·  Service is fast and discrete


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

•  Greet guests politely

• Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

· Service is fast and discrete


No response

Bill settlement



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

·  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

·  Provide change if necessary

·  Ask guest to sign

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

·  Provide change if necessary

·  Ask guest to sign


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

•  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

•  Provide change if necessary

• Ask guest to sign


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

·  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

·  Provide change if necessary

·   Ask guest to sign


No response

Clear away room service equipment



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

•  Check equipment if complete

•  Record on the RS control sheet

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·  Check equipment if complete

·  Record on the RS control sheet


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

·  Check equipment if complete

·  Record on the RS control sheet


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

·  Check equipment if complete

·  Record on the RS control sheet


No response

Offering extended service Excellent

Offering extended service all the time

V. Good

Offering extended service most of the time


Offering extended service some of the time


Never offer extended service


No response

For the mnemonic strategies employed to grasp retention of the topics, the following scale continuum was used.

SCALE                                         INTERPRETATION

4                                          Very Effective

3                                            Effective

2                                           Less Effective

1                                                 Not Effective

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher prepared a two-set request letter. One for the principal in Taal Senior High School, for the approval in administering the 20 item multiple teacher made test and the other one was the observation checklist to determine the performance of the learners in demonstration method. The other letter was for the parent of the learners asking permission for the learners to be the respondents of this action research. The two sets of letters served as a  permission to conduct this study.

After getting the approval to administer the test, the teacher made test and observation checklist was administered to the Grade eleven TVL students in Taal Senior High School. The researcher personally distributed the teacher made test to the respondents. The researcher collected the questionnaires after the given time allotment to the respondents. The observation checklist was used after the discussion and during the demonstration method before the end of the quarter.

All data collected was tallied, computed, tabulated, interpreted, and analysed according to the appropriate statistical tools with the help of statisticians.

Data Analysis Plan

Tabulated responses were analyzed using the following statistical tools.

Frequency count.  Used to determine the number of responses for each item.

Weighted Mean.  Used to determine the typicality of the responses chosen from option using Likert Scale to quantify and assess the causes of low retention level of the learners.

Percentage.  Used to determine the magnitude of the frequency in relation to the whole or total responses.

Ranking. Used to determine the positional importance of the responses.


This chapter presents the result and discussions of this study.

Table 1 shows the Assessment of the level of Performance in Food and Beverages through Demonstration.

This table presents the assessment of learners performance in food and beverages through demonstration

Table 1.1 Assessment of Learners Performance in Food and Beverages through Demonstration

Learning Outcomes Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
1.     Serve Bread and Butter 0.52 Poor
2.     Suggestive and Upselling 0.45 Poor
3.     Communication 1.67 Fair
4.     Order and Sequence 0.52 Poor
5.     Handling and Serving 0.49 Poor
6.     Adjusting of Cutleries 0.47 Poor
7.     Serve Meals 0.50 Poor
8.     Serve American Meals 0.46 Poor
9.     Position/Posture 1.51 Fair
    10.Ask Permission 0.39 Poor
    11.Clear Plates 0.42 Poor
    12.Clear Beverages 0.47 Poor
     13.Use of Proper Equipment 0.45 Poor
     14.Timing 0.41 Poor
     15. Present Bill 0.42 Poor
     16. Receiving Cash Cards 0.44 Poor
      17.Give the Return Cards 0.52 Poor
      18. Thank  and Bid Goodbye 0.46 Poor
      19. Take Room Service 0.44 Poor
      20. Set-up trays and Trolleys 0.45 Poor
     21.Prepare RS Control Sheet 0.46 Poor
     22.Presentand Service Guest 0.44 Poor
     23. Bill Settlement 0.47 Poor
     24. Offer Extended Service 0.46 Poor

It can be seen from Table 1.1 that Communication got the highest weighted mean of 1.67 corresponding to a verbal interpretation of Fair, eventually followed by Position/Posture with the weighted mean of 1.51 with the verbal interpretation of Fair also. On the third spot is Serve Bread and Butter, together with Order and Sequence with both weighted mean of 0.52 and a verbal Interpretation of Poor, respectively. The result indicated that the respondents has low retention capacity.

This findings conformed with to the study conducted by McCabe, (2014) the demonstration strategy is effective for long-term memory retention and appropriate to college students’ study skills. The act of demonstrating readily helps to kindle more natural interactions between the students and the teacher. Their active responses and completely spontaneous observations provide an excellent opportunity for the teacher to connect with the demand with their unedited ideas.

Another study conducted by Cabibihan (2013), stated that the used working models for in-class demonstrations and reported that a multi-background, multidisciplinary, and multinational student audience had responded favorably to the in-class demonstrations. It was also reported that the students’ academic achievement could be attributed to the immediate appreciation of concepts from the practical examples that the students experienced from the demonstrations.

This table presents the assessment of learners performance in food and Beverage Services  through teacher made test

Table 1.2 Assessment of Learners Performance in Food and Beverage Services through Teacher made test

Range of correct responses Number of correct responses Verbal Interpretation
20-16 25               50% Outstanding
15-11 18              36% Very Satisfactory
10-6 12              24% Satisfactory
05-0 0                0% Needs Improvement
MEDIAN 12.50 Very Satisfactory

The table 1.2 indicates that the highest percentage was shown in item 20-16, where 25 learners out of 50 scored it correctly with highest percentage of 50% and a Verbal Interpretation of Outstanding, followed by item 15-11 represented by 18 students with the next higher percentage of 36% with the Verbal Interpretation of Very Satisfactory, item 10-06 represented by 12 students with the percentage of 24% and a verbal interpretation of Satisfactory.

The result of study was supported by the studies of Dandis and Mpofu showed similar results on how teachers manifest the effectiveness of teacher-made-test in developing the retention level of the Grade eleven students in serving the flow of food to the guest.

Dandis (2013) stated that teacher-made tests can be given at the beginning of an instructional segment to determine whether pupils have already achieved the objectives of planned instruction. Teacher-made tests serve as good indicators in monitoring the success of teacher-student material instruction. Teacher-made tests provide feedback so that teachers can shift the emphasis of their instruction and provide remedial activities before the next lesson.

As Mpofu (2011) posited, while teacher-made tests help improve the performance of children in the learning process, it is not always the case since tests are constructed by teachers themselves. At times, these tests lack validity and reliability. It is clear that teachers need to be extremely careful in designing the test that measures the skill it intends to measure.

Table 2 showcases the Mnemonics strategies utilized to ensure retention of lesson in Food and Beverages Services.

This Table 2 presents the Assessment of Learners Performance in Food and Beverages through:.

This table presents the assessment of learners performance in food and beverages through teacher- picture analysis.

Table 2.1 Assessment of Learners Performance in Food and Beverages through Teacher- picture analysis

Range of correct responses Number of correct responses Verbal Interpretation
20-16 10              20% Outstanding
15-11 10             20% Very Satisfactory
10-6 30             60% Satisfactory
05-0 0 Needs Improvement
MEDIAN 12.50 Satisfactory

The table indicates that the highest percentage was shown in item 10-06, where 30 learners out of 50 scored it correctly with highest percentage of 60% and a Verbal Interpretation of Satisfactory, followed by item 15-11 represented by 10 students with the next higher percentage of 20% with the Verbal Interpretation of Very Satisfactory, item 20-16 represented by 10 students with the percentage of 20% and a verbal interpretation of Outstanding.

The result of study was supported by the studies of Dandis and Mpofu showed similar results on how teachers manifest the effectiveness of teacher-made-test in developing the retention level of the Grade eleven students in serving the flow of food to the guest.

This table 2.2 presents the assessment of learners performance in food and beverages through teacher- keywords

Table 2.2 Assessment of Learners Performance in Food and Beverages through Teacher- Keywords

Range of correct responses Number of correct responses Verbal Interpretation
20-16 8               16% Outstanding
15-11 10              20% Very Satisfactory
10-6  20            40% Satisfactory
05-0 12             24% Needs Improvement
MEDIAN 12.50 Needs Improvement

The table 2.2 indicates that the highest percentage was shown in item 10-06, where 20 learners out of 50 scored it correctly with highest percentage of 40% and a Verbal Interpretation of Satisfactory, followed by item 05-0 represented by 12 students with the next higher percentage of 24% with the Verbal Interpretation of Needs Improvement, item 15-11 represented by 10 students with the percentage of 20% and a verbal interpretation of Very Satisfactory and the last spot was 20-16 represented by only 8 students garnering 16% and a verbal interpretation of Outstanding.

Mnemonics strategies utilized to ensure the retention of lesson in Food and Beverage Services

Mnemonics Strategies Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Ranking
1.               Picture Analysis 2.36 Less Effective 2nd
2.               Keyword 1.68 Less Effective 3rd
3.               Repetition and read out loud 3.52 Very Effective 1st
COMPOSITE MEAN 2.52 Effective

Conspicuously on the above table, Repetition and Read out Louds garnered the highest mean of 3.52 with verbal interpretation of Very Effective, subsequently followed by Picture Analysis with a mean of 2.36 and a verbal interpretation of Less Effective and lastly followed by Keyword with the mean of 1.68 and a verbal interpretation of Less Effective.

The result clearly shows that the most effective way for the learners to easily grasp the retention for the above mentioned subject is by repetition and reading out loud since most of the learners has poor memorization skills.

Furthermore, repetition and read out loud provided retention on the learners’ ability thus provided them the skills to comprehend for enhancement purposes.

Table 3 presents the results of the class performance after the intervention which involved Repetition and Read Out Louds.

Table 3. Class performance of the learner after the intervention

Learning Outcomes Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Ranking
1.Serve Bread and Butter 3.52 Very Good 7.50
2.Suggestiveand Upselling 2.55 Good 15.5
3.Communication 1.67 Fair 24th
4.Order and Sequence 2.53 Good 17.5
5.Handling and Serving 2.53 Good 17.5
6.Adjusting of Cutleries 2.47 Fair 22nd
7.Serve Meals 3.49 Very Good 9th
8.Serve American Meals 2.55 Good 15.5
9.Position/Posture 2.51 Good 21st
10.Ask Permission 2.49 Fair 23rd
11.Clear Plates 3.63 Very Good 4th
12.Clear Beverages 3.57 Very Good 5th
13.UseofProperEquipment 2.53 Good 17.50
14.Timing 2.61 Good 14th
15. Present Bill 3.71 Very Good 1st
16.Receiving Cash Cards 2.53 Good 17.50
17.Give the Return Cards 3.51 Very Good 7.50
18.Thankand Bid Goodbye 3.63 Very Good 2.50
19.Take Room Service 3.43 Good 12th
20.Set-uptraysand Trolleys 3.55 Very Good 6th
21.PrepareRSControlSheet 2.65 Good 13th
22.PresentandServicGuest 3.63 Very Good 2.50
23.Bill Settlement 3.47 Good 10th
24. Offer Extended Service 3.45 Good 11th
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.01 Good Ranking

The results  of Table 3 clearly indicated that the most applicable intervention is to repeat and read out loud the process to increase retention among learners. Present Bill got the highest mean of 3.72 with the verbal interpretation of Very Good followed by Thank Guest and Bid Goodbye, together with Present and Service Food and Beverages with the second highest mean of 3.64 with the verbal Interpretation of Very Good respectively. The third spot was Clear Plates having  a mean of 3.62 and a verbal interpretation of Very Good also. With the composite mean of 3.00 and a verbal interpretation of Good, it can be manifested that after application of the best intervention which is Repetition and Read out Loud, the learners were able to achieve retention of ideas and skills.

In addition, the result was supported by the study conducted by Diron, et.,al (2014), stating that mnemonic instruction bridges the gaps as it enhances and provides meaningful connection between the unknown to known information. It builds the learner’s comprehension and self-confidence in coping with the language learning task that requires memory repossession. Hence, it is recommended that Mnemonic Instruction be adopted in all English classes to make the ordinary classroom situation into a meaningful and enjoyable learning environment.


Based on the results of the study, the proponent arrived at the following conclusions and recommendations:

  1. Learners assessment on the performance in Food and Beverages Service clearly showed that they are better in teacher-made test than demonstration since they are good in memorization but fall short in demonstration.
  2. Repetition and Read out Loud mnemonic strategy is best suited among learners as a tool for the retention of lesson in Food and Beverage Service.
  3. After the Repeat and Read out Loud intervention as a mnemonic strategy, the researcher found a drastic improvement in their performance in demonstration as indicated from their previous performance from Poor to Good Verbal Interpretation
  4. Based on the findings, the combined lectures with repetition and reading out loud must be implemented among the concerned learners to enhanced learning activities and retention ability to ensure learning retention of the students.

Module 1 Prepare the Dining Room and Restaurant Area for Service


At the end of this module, you will be able to memorize and demonstrate on how to;

  1. Take a table reservation
  2. Prepare service station and equipment
  3. Set-the tables in the dining area

Take A Table Reservation

This script will help the learners on how to take a table reservation to the guest.

Table Reservation Conversation

Receptionist    : Good afternoon, this is Hawaian Food  Restaurant, my name is Marc, How can I help you?

Guest: Hello My name is Gary and I would like to reserved a table for four.

Reservation is for the next week, 26th of August Friday at 4pm.

Receptionist: Yes Sir Gary.Can I have your complete name and contact no.please?

Guest: My name is Gary Smith my contact no is 288-7000

Receptionist: Ok Sir Gary would you like the corner table or the middle?

Guest: Reserved it at the corner with a window view.

Receptionist    : Ok Sir, let me clarify your reservation we have reserved a table for four (4 pax) under your name Gary Smith your contact number is 288-7000 on August 26, Friday at 4pm, at the corner with a window view.

Did I get it right Sir?

Guest               : Yes that’s right Thanks a lot.

Receptionist    : Your welcome Sir, Thank you for calling, Have a Great day!

Prepare Service station and equipment

To prepare the dining area for service, the students must be able to know the following;

To prepare the dining area for service

  • Serving delicious, attractive , and clean food.
  • Show window of any food service establishments.
  • Its reputation and popularity depends much on its ambiance.
  • It is created or brought about by the choice of furniture decors, lighting, color harmony, and the arrangement of all these as to create an impression which reflects the theme of the restaurant be it native, sophisticated, elegant, classy or casual.
  • Serving delicious, attractive , and clean food.
  • Show window of any food service establishments.
  • Its reputation and popularity depends much on its ambiance.
  • It is created or brought about by the choice of furniture decors, lighting, color harmony, and the arrangement of all these as to create an impression which reflects the theme of the restaurant be it native, sophisticated, elegant, classy or casual.

Guidelines in preparing dining area

  1. The amount of dining space should dictate the amount of furniture and furnishings to be arranged.
  2. Beautify the dining room through proper selection and arrangement of furniture, decors accessories, and table appointments.
  3. Today’s décor in fastfood, school canteens, and restaurants have become fashionable in terms of colors (red, orange, yellow, etc.) and styles of furnitures, curtains, blinds, and accessories.
  4. The prescribed space in a dining room of a restaurant is 15 square feet per person.
  5. Dining table should be 30 square inches for devices (table seating for two) and 34 to 36 square inches for four seaters.
  6. Shape of tables can be round or square.
  7. Tables and chairs are made of different materials – wood , plastic, vinyl, and metal and in different designs.
  8. Number of seats in the dining room depends on customer load, rate of movement through the line, and seat turnover.

Set-the tables in the dining area

In setting the table in the dining area the students must be able to know the different table service styles.

Five Customer Processes

  1. Service at a laid cover
  2. Russian Service or
  3. Silver Service
  4. French Service
  5. English Service
  6. American Service
  7. Snack Bar Service
  8. Assisted Service
  9. Buffet Service
  10. Self Service
  11. Cafeteria Service
  12. Single Point Service
  13. Take-away
  14. Vending/ Kiosk
  15. Food Court
  16. Specialized Service/ Service in Situ
  17. Grill Room Service
  18. Tray Service
  19. Home Delivery
  20. Lounge Service

French Service

  • French service differs from others in that all food is served from the gueridon.
  • Gueridon is a rolling cart the same height as the guest’s table. The gueridon is covered with a cloth and is placed side-by-side with the table.
  • It is equipped with a small alcohol stove, or rechaud, that is used to keep the food warm for the preparation of sauces, crepes suzette, jubilee and other special dishes.
  • This service is very elaborate and elegant.

French Service


  1. The guest is given personalized attention making him feel important.
  2. It makes the guest feel that he is receiving a royal treatment.
  3. The service is elegant and entertaining.
    4. It commands higher price than other forms of service (pay for the service).


  1. It is a slow service.
    2. It is expensive because it requires large professional staff.
    3. It requires a bigger dining room space to make service and food preparation convenient.

Russian Service

  • This type of service is the same as that of French service.
  • However, in Russian service, the food is fully prepared and pre-cut in the kitchen and then neatly arranged on silver platters by the Chef.
  • The waiter then shows the platter to the guest as a polite gesture and serves the food to the individual plates of the guests using serving cutleries.

Russian Service


  1. Only one waiter is needed to each station.
    2. Elegant and entertaining.
    3. No extra space is needed for the equipment (except for the side stand).
    4. It guarantees equal portions because the food is pre-cut and already served.
    5. Gives the guests personal attention.


  1. It requires a big initial investment in silver equipment.
    2. If many guests are served from one platter, the last one to be served may see a rather less attractive display.
    3. If every guest in a party orders a different dish like steak or fish, the waiter must carry very heavily loaded tray / trays to the dining room.

English Service

  • This type of service is also known as “family style” service.
  • In this service, the soup tureen is placed before the host alongside with preheated soup plates and hands them to the waiter, indicating the person to be served.
  • The same procedure is followed with the main entree.

English Service


  1. It is fast. Plates of food are served immediately at the proper temperature.
    2. It is inexpensive.
    3. It requires no special equipment.


  1. Less showmanship.
    2. Reduced personalized attention to the customer.

American Service

  • This is usually called “plate service” because the food is already placed in the plate in the kitchen ready to be served to the guests.
  • This type of service is used in coffee shops where there is a demand for quick and simple service.
  • It requires minimal training for novice waiters and waitresses.

American Service


  1. It is a fast and simple service.
  2. It is inexpensive. One waiter or waitress can serve many guests and no special service equipment is necessary.
  3. It does not require highly trained technical staff that demands for higher pay.


  1. Less showmanship
    2. Reduced personalized attention

Buffet Service

  • This is also called self service and is normally used in banquet functions and in some restaurants.
  • Food is attractively arranged on a long table, classified and arranged according to proper sequence, from appetizers to desserts.
  • Soup is placed on a soup tureen and the hot entrees in chaffing dishes to keep them warm.
  • Some equipment like dinner plates and saucers are laid down right on the buffet table.
  • Instead of the waiter serving the guests, the guests go to the buffet table pick up plates, china, cutlery and napkin and all other items and serve themselves of their own choice.


  1. It is a fast service.
    It requires less staff to render the service needed.
    3. The presentation of the different dishes can be appetizing.


  1. It may result in shortage of food especially when the early ones may serve themselves more; thus very little food is left for the latecomers.

Specialised (or in-situ) service

Service to customers in areas not primarily designed for food and beverage service.

Tray Service: Service of a meal or part of a meal in a tray to the customer in-situ, e.g. in hospitals or in an aircraft.

Trolley: Service of food and beverage from a trolley, to customers, for instance, at their seats or desks.  Used, for example on an aircraft, on trains and in offices.

Home Delivery: Food and beverage delivered to a customer’s home or place of work e.g. Pizza delivery, meals-on-wheels, or sandwiches to offices.

Lounge Service: Service of food and beverages in a lounge area e.g. in an hotel lounge.

Room Service: Service of food and beverages in guest apartments in an hotel, or in meeting rooms.

Drive In: Customers are served food and beverages to their vehicles.

Activity 1

The students must be able to perform the proper sequence of table reservation one by one.

Activity 2

Form groups with four members. Each group should bring table cover, napkins, dinnerware, flatware, glassware, and centerpiece and arrange a table setting for a formal dinner. Courses for a formal dinner will be written on the board as guide in the selection and placement of table appointments. Evaluation of the table setting will be based on : 1.)  Overall appearance  2.) suitability of setting to the menu 3.) orderliness, neatness, and beauty and 4.) proper placement of dinnerware.

Module 2 Welcoming Guest and Take Food and Beverge Order


At the end of this module, you will be able to memorize and demonstrate on how to;

1  Welcome and greet guests

2  Seat the guest

3  Take food and beverage orders

The following script are the ways on how to welcome and greet guest, seat the guest and take food and beverage orders. The students must be able to memorize and demonstrate the following by partner.

  1. Greeting and Welcoming the Guest/s Without Reservation
  2. Good morning Ma’am/Sir. Welcome to ________restaurant.
  3. Do you have any reservation?
  4. Table for how many?
  5. Would you like to be seated in the Smoking or Non-smoking area?
  6. This way please.

With Reservation

  1. Good morning Ma’am/Sir. Welcome to_________ restaurant.
  2. Do you have any reservation?
  3. May I have your name please… so I can check on our reservation’s list?
  4. Excuse me ma’am/Sir. (Confirm the reservation then return to the guest saying…)
  5. Ok Ma’am/Sir we have prepared a special table for you. This way please.
  6. Leading the Guest to the Table
  7. Seating the Guest.

Pull the chair for the guest then push the chair when guest is about to sit.

  1. Introduce Yourself

By the way Ma’am/Sir, I’m _________  your food server for today.

  1. Laying the Table Napkin

Ask guest: May I lay your table napkin?

When the guest says YES… get one end of the table napkin and lay it on the lap of the guest.

When the guest says NO…simply smile and say ok Ma’am/Sir

Then excuse yourself and get the water pitcher.

  1. Bring the water pitcher and pour ¾ of water in the water goblet.

Excuse me Sir/Mam here’s your cold water

  1. Offering beverage

Would you like something to drink? A refreshing Iced tea or Orange juice?

When the guest choose something to drink,

Say: Excuse me, Ma’am/Sir… you juice. or Sir here’s your orange juice. Excuse me.

Serve the pre meal drinks then excuse yourself and get the menu.

Beverage: serve using round tray and serve it on the right side of the guest. In between meals check if the water goblet is half empty then water on it. Don’t wait for the guest to ask for water.

  1. Serving Bread

Excuse me Sir/Ma’am here’s your bread

  1. Present the Menu

Say: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir. May I present to you our menu? I’ll be back to take your order later.

Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, (then leave the table.)

  1. Taking Food and Beverage Order

Excuse me Ma’am /Sir, may I take your order?

Activity 3

Form a group with five members. Each group will role-play the script in welcoming the guest, seating the guest and taking food service order. A panel consisting of three selected guests or students will act as judges and assess the performance of each group, as to: 1.) accuracy of execution of procedures, 2.) manner of delivery, 3) use of audio-visual devices, 4) clarity of presentation, and 5) execution skill.

Module 3 Promote Food and Beverage Products


At the end of this module, you will be able to memorize and demonstrate on how to;

  1. Know the product
  2. Undertake Suggestive selling
  3. Carry out Upselling strategies

The following script are the ways on how to know the product, undertake suggestive selling and carry out upselling strategies. The students must be able to perform this script in a form of pair.

  1. Taking Food and Beverage Order

Excuse me Ma’am /Sir, may I take your order?

Suggestive selling: look at five courses (appetizer, soup, salad, main course, and dessert)

Upsell the food that the guest didn’t order for an instance the guest did not order for an appetizer…

Say: Ok Ma’am/Sir, would you like to try our fresh spring roll for your appetizer?

Soup: would you like to try our soup for the day? (Then mention the soup name, .)

Dessert: would you like to try any of our dessert? (Then mention the dessert name, .)

Anything else Maam/Sir?

  1. Repeating the Orders

Ma’am/Sir, may I repeat your order?

For your Appetizer, its (mention the name of the dish)

For your Soup, Its (mention the name of the dish)

For your Salad, (mention the name of the dish)

For your Main Course, (mention the name of the dish)

For your Dessert, (mention the name of the dish)and for your Wine(name of the wine)

Did I get you order right Sir/Ma’am?

Ok Ma’am/Sir, your order will be serve for about 15 – 20 minutes… are you willing to wait Ma’am/Sir?

If the guest says:

YES…. say: thank you Ma’am/Sir then excuse yourself.

NO…. try to suggest food that won’t take long to prepare.

  1. Completing the Table Setting

Review order slip. That would be the basis of table set up.

Check if the guest ordered for:

Wine – Wine glass (Red or White wine glass)

Soup – soup spoon

Main Course- dinner knife and fork

Fish- fish knife/fish fork

Salad- salad knife/salad fork

Dessert- dessert spoon and fork

Activity 4

Form a group with five members. Each group will role-play the script in knowing the products using suggestive selling, repeating the orders and completing the table . A panel consisting of three selected guests or students will act as judges and assess the performance of each group, as to: 1.) accuracy of execution of procedures, 2.) manner of delivery, 3) use of audio-visual devices, 4) clarity of presentation, and 5) execution skill.

Module  4 Provide Food And Beverage Service To Guests


At the end of this module, you will be able to memorize and demonstrate on how to;

  1. Serve food orders
  2. Assist the diners
  3. Perform banquet or catering food service
  4. Serve beverage orders
  5. Process payments and receipts
  6. Conclude food service and close down dining area

The following script are the ways on how to serve food orders, assist the diners, perform banquet or creating food service, serve beverage orders, process payments and receipts, and conclude food service and close down dining area. The students must be able to perform this script in a form of pair.

  1. Serving food in sequence


Appetizer/ Hors d’ Oeuvres (Or Duv)- use salad plate or dessert plate

Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, here’s your appetizer, (mention the name of the dish)

When the guest is done… ask:Excuse me Sir/Ma’am, are you done? May I take your plate now? If the guest say Yes, Excuse me Ma’am/Sir

(Buss out the items use in appetizer)

Soup- use soup bowl for creamy soup and bouillon on clear soup.

Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, here is your soup, (mention the name of the soup)

Excuse yourself again.

(Buss- out the Items used in the soup)

Salad- Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, here is your salad ,(mention the name of the salad)

Excuse yourself again.

(Buss out the items used in salad.)

Main course- Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, here is your Main course, ,(mention the name of the dish)

Excuse yourself again.

(Buss out the item in the Main Course- including the SHOW PLATE, SALT AND PEPPER SHAKER.)

Dessert- before serving the dessert… move the dessert spoon and fork near the guest (dessert spoon positioned at the right side and dessert fork on the left then put the dessert plate in front of the guest.)

Excuse yourself. Excuse me Ma’am/Sir are you done? May I take your plate?

Buss out dessert plate, spoon, fork

  1. Billing Out- Stay on the right side of the Guest.

Present Billing Folder

Excuse me, Ma’am/Sir… here’s your bill. I received (mention the amount)

I’ll be back with your change and receipt.

On the left side hand over the change tray. Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, here is your change.

  1. Bidding Goodbye

Thank you Ma’am/Sir for dinning with us. We hope to see you again.

Escort the guest to the door.

Activity 5

Form a group with five members. Each group will role-play the script on how to serve food orders, assist the diners, perform banquet or creating food service, serve beverage orders, process payments and receipts, and conclude food service and close down dining area.. A panel consisting of three selected guests or students will act as judges and assess the performance of each group, as to: 1.) accuracy of execution of procedures, 2.) manner of delivery, 3) use of audio-visual devices, 4) clarity of presentation, and 5) execution skill.

Module 5 Provide Room Service


At the end of this module, you will be able to memorize and demonstrate on how to;

  1. Take and process room service orders
  2. Set up trays and trolleys
  3. Present and serve food and beverage orders to guests
  4. Present room service account
  5. Clear away room service equipment

The following script are the ways on how to take and process room service orders, set up trays and trolleys, present and serve food and beverage orders to guests, present room service account, and clear away room service equipment. The students must be able to perform this script using in a form of pair.

Room Service Conversation

  1. Take and process room service orders

Room service: Room service department, good morning, this is Marc, how may I help you?

Guest:  Yes, Good Morning! I would like to order for breakfast.

Room Service :  Certainly Sir, May I have your name and room number please?

Guest: This is Mr. Lopez of room 301.

Room Service :  Thank you Sir, may I have your order please?

Guest: I would like to order for an American Breakfast. Bacon and egg and tuna sandwich.

Room service: How would you like your egg to be done? Would you like it scrambled or Sunny side up?

Guest: I prefer sunny side up please.

Room Service: Ok Ma’am. Would you like to order a fresh mango juice or brewed coffee?

Guest: Yes please, I would like to order a fresh mango juice.

Room Service: For how many serving Sir?

Guest: For only one thank you.

Room Service: Ok Sir, may I repeat your order? You have ordered an American Breakfast. One (1) serving of Bacon and egg, tuna sandwich, Fresh mango juice and chocolate mousse for you dessert. Did I get your order right Sir?

Guest: Yes that’s right.

Room Service:  Are you going to pay cash or shall I charge it to your room account?

Guest; Im paying cash. Thank you.

Room Service: Your welcome Sir, your order will be deliver to you as soon as possible, maybe within 20 mins. Thank you for calling. Bye!

Guest: Bye!

  1. Set up trays and trolleys
  • Prepare room service equipment Tray covers
  • Cutlery
  • Crockery
  • Glassware
  • Beverage service pots etc
  • Room Service Trolley

The equipment found on individual trays should  match the needs of the particular order.

The equipment found on individual trays

Room Service Delivery

  1. Present Room Service Order

Room Service: (knock 3x) Room Service! Good Morning Sir Lopez of room 301.

Here’s your room service order.

May I come in?

Guest: Yes please.

Room Service: Shall I leave the food on the trolley or you want me to transfer it to your table?

Guest; Please transfer it to the table.

Room Service: Your breakfast is now ready Sir,

Would you like me to open your curtain to brighten the room?

Would you like me to stay to assist you for your need?

Guest: No thank you.

  1. Present room service account

Room Service: Ok Sir May I present your bill?

(if Room charge) Sir will you please sign here.

Thank you Sir. I received P 1,000 here’s  your change and receipt

  1. Clear away room service equipment

What time would you like me to come back to clear the soiled dishes?

Guest: Come back after an hour.

Room service: Ok Sir, Thank you very much.

If you need anything else please don’t hesitate to call for room service department.

Enjoy your meal and have a nice day.

Activity 6

Form a group with five members. Each group will role-play the script  on how to take and process room service orders, set up trays and trolleys, present and serve food and beverage orders to guests, present room service account, and clear away room service equipment. A panel consisting of three selected guests or students will act as judges and assess the performance of each group, as to: 1.) accuracy of execution of procedures, 2.) manner of delivery, 3) use of audio-visual devices, 4) clarity of presentation, and 5) execution skill.

Activity 7

Before the end of the semester the learners must be able to perform all the script given by every module to become ready for their assessment in Food and Beverage Services NCII and to determine their retention level of serving food to the guest. The learners should perform in form of pair. They will be rated according to the given  rubrics.

Name: _______________                                 Section:__________
5 pts Student demonstrates needed skills accurately and exceeds expectations
V. Good
4 pts Student demonstrates necessary skills with accuracy and with minimal errors
3 pts Student demonstrates skills but needs minimal assistance
2 pts Student is aware of the necessary skills and procedures but need substantial assista from instructor
1 pts Student was not able to demonstrate needed skills
Serve Bread & Butter Excellent

Serve bread & butter on the left side of the guest. Lower the bread basket but do not let it touch the B&B plate

V. Good

Serve bread only on the left side of the guest. Lower the bread basket but do not let it touch the B&B plate


Serve butter only on the left side of the guest. Lower the bread basket but do not let it touch the B&B plate


Serve only the bread plate


No response

Taking Orders
Suggestive & Upselling Excellent

Suggest specials/courses or different menu items
Suggest high-ticket items, add-ons or upgrades

V. Good

Suggest specials/courses or few menu items
Suggest high-ticket items, add-ons or upgrades


Suggest special/course or only one menu item


Cannot suggest any special/courses or men


No response

Communication Excellent

Student are always communicate to the guest all the time

V. Good

Student are communicate to the guest most of the time


Student are communicate to the guest some of the time


Student are not communicate to the guest


No response

Serve Meals points x 2
Order/Sequence Excellent

Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer, soup, salad, entrée, and dessert

V. Good

Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer, soup, salad and entrée,


Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer, soup and  salad only


Serve meals in correct order such as appetizer and soup only


No response

Handling & Serving Excellent

Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers do not touch the food all the time

V. Good

Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers do not touch the food most of the time


Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers do not touch the food some of the time


Handles food in a proper way – thumbs/fingers  touch the food


No response

Adjusting of cutleries Excellent

adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s all the time

V. Good

adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s most of the time


adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s some of the time


Students are not adjusted cutleries without distracting the guest/s


No response

Serve meals – Russian Excellent

Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon and fork (right hand)
Mention name of meal being served
Move in counter-clockwise direction

V. Good

Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon and fork (right hand)
Mention name of meal being served and cannot
move in counter-clockwise direction


Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon and fork (right hand) and
cannot mention the name of meal being served


Serve meals on the left side of the guest using service spoon only  (right hand) and cannot
mention the name of meal being served and cannot
move in counter-clockwise direction


No response

Serve meals – American Excellent

Serve meals at the left side of the guests using left hand
move in clockwise direction

V. Good

Serve meals at the left side of the guests using left hand and not
move in clockwise direction


Serve meals at the left side of the guests using right hand and not
move in clockwise direction


Serve meals at the right side of the guests using right hand and not
move in clockwise direction


No response

Position/Posture Excellent

The student stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc. all the time

V. Good

The student stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc. most of the time


The student stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc. some of the time


The student will not stands with confidence, puts right/left foot forward when appropriate
Movement does not distract guests
Polite gestures, free hand/arm rests on the back, etc.


No response

Clearing Plates during service
Ask Permission Excellent

Student courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished all the time

V. Good

Student courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished most of the time


Student courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished some of the time


Student are no courteously asks guests permission to remove soiled dishes when the guests are finished


No response

Clear Plates Excellent

Clear used plates from the correct side of the guest all the time. Never reach in front of the guest

V. Good

Clear used plates from the correct side of the guest most of the time. Never reach in front of the guest


Clear used plates from the correct side of the guest some of  the time. Never reach in front of the guest


Never clear used plates from the correct side of the guest. Never reach in front of the guest


No response

Clear Beverageware Excellent

Clear glassware from the right side of the guest all times

V. Good

Clear glassware from the right side of the guest most of the times


Clear glassware from the right side of the guest some of the times


Never clear glassware from the right side of the guest


No response

Use of proper equipment Excellent

Use right tools for de-crumbing all times

V. Good

Use right tools for de-crumbing most of the times


Use right tools for de-crumbing some of the times


Never use right tools for de-crumbing


No response

Timing Excellent

De-crumbs table at the right time/sequence all times

V. Good

De-crumbs table at the right time/sequence most of the times


De-crumbs table at the right time/sequence some of the times


Never de-crumbs table at the right time/sequence


No Response

Presenting Bill & Billing Goodbye
Present bill Excellent

Upon verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down on the  given time

V. Good

Upon verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down on the allotted time


Upon verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down on the  unnecessary time


Never verifying accuracy in the order slip, present the bill in a bill folder/dish with the amount faced down


No Response

Receiving cash/card Excellent

f cash is received, count the money in front of the guest. Mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received

V. Good

f cash is received, not count the money in front of the guest. Mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received


f cash is received, not count the money in front of the guest and not mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received


f cash is not received, not count the money in front of the guest and not mention the amount received.
If the guest pays with credit card, mention the card received


No response

Give the change/return card Excellent

Give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip on the given time

V. Good

Give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip from the allotted time


Give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip on the unnecessary time


Never give the amount of change if there are any
Return the card with transaction slip


No response

Thank guests and bid goodbye Excellent

Invite guest to return to the restaurant on the given time

V. Good

Invite guest to return to the restaurant on the allotted time


Invite guest to return to the restaurant on the unnecessary time


Never invite guest to return to the restaurant


No response


Take room service orders



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

· Telephone communication

·  Clarify details of orders

·   Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

·  Prepare room service order

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·  Telephone communication

·  Clarify details of orders

·  Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

·  Prepare room service order


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

·  Telephone communication

· Clarify details of orders

· Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

· Prepare room service order


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

·  Telephone communication

·  Clarify details of orders

·  Advise guest approximate time of delivery

·  Asked mode of payment

· Prepare room service order


No response

Set up trays and trolleys



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

•  Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

•  Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

• Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

•  Prepare room service equipment and supplies

• Set up trays and trolleys keeping in mind balance, safety and attractiveness

Cover food items during transportation to the room


No response

Prepare RS Control Sheet Excellent

Write appropriate details in the control sheet on the given time

V. Good

Write appropriate details in the control sheet on the allocated time


Write appropriate details in the control sheet on the unnecessary time


Never write appropriate details in the control sheet


No response

Present and serve F and B to guests

Verify guest’s name on the bill before announcing the staff’s presence outside the door



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

• Greet guests politely

•  Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

•  Service is fast and discrete

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·  Greet guests politely

·  Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

·  Service is fast and discrete


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

· Greet guests politely

· Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

·  Service is fast and discrete


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

• Greet guests politely

• Asks guest where they want the tray or trolley position’

·  Service is fast and discrete


No response

Bill settlement



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

·  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

·  Provide change if necessary

· Ask guest to sign

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

·  Provide change if necessary

· Ask guest to sign


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

•  Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

•  Provide change if necessary

• Ask guest to sign


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

·   Accept payment based on the guest’s preferred mode of payment

·  Provide change if necessary

· Ask guest to sign


No response

Clear away room service equipment



The students may considered as excellent if they perform the following without any error

• Check equipment if complete

•  Record on the RS control sheet

V. Good

The students may considered as very good  if they perform the following with only one error

·   Check equipment if complete

·   Record on the RS control sheet


The students may considered as good if they perform the following with some factual errors

· Check equipment if complete

· Record on the RS control sheet


The students may considered as fair if they perform the following with many errors

· Check equipment if complete

· Record on the RS control sheet


No response

Offering extended service Excellent

Offering extended service all the time

V. Good

Offering extended service most of the time


Offering extended service some of the time


Never offer extended service


No response


The researcher is grateful to the Almighty God for His protection, guidance, providence and for sparing her life.  Glory be to God, for without Him, this study would have been failure.

She would like to earnestly and gratefully thank:

Dr. Esperanza B. Lusanta,  Dean of the Graduate School, Golden Gate Colleges, for her expertise, support and motivation to the completion of the research;

Dr. Lilia A. Ricero, her professor, for her support and motivation to continue this study, technical advice and expertise, untiring guidance and suggestions in the preparation and accomplishment of this study;

Dr. Lorna U. Dinglasan, her research evaluator, for being a good mentor, support and motivation to improve the research;

Dr. Babylyn C. Gonzalvo, her Assistant Principal II in Taal Senior High School who inspired her to finish this study and for the kind consideration to administer the test to the students of Taal Senior High School

Staff of the Graduate School Dean’s Office for their warm accommodation;

Librarian and staff of Golden Gate College, for the privilege of using their reference materials, for kind assistance and accommodation;

Food and Beverage Services students of Taal Senior High School who are involved in this study in their honest response in answering the survey questionnaire.


This action research entitled  “MNEMONICS STRATEGIES IN TEACHING FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES LESSON AMONG GRADE ELEVEN LEARNERS IN TAAL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL” prepared  and submitted by CHRISTINE JANE D. MERCADO in partial fulfilment for the degree Masters in Education, Major in Technology and Livelihood Education, has been evaluated and approved with a grade of ____________________________________





Dean, Graduate School

Comprehensive Examination Taken on:_______________  

Rating:  ________________


I dedicate this humble fruit of my labor

To my greatest love:

John Jetlee B. Arcega,

For always believing in my capacity, And For always encouraging me to do more

To my loving niece:

Celynne Mackenzie R. Mercado,Cyrene Mercado and Cyriah Maia Mercado

Who inspire me each day, This is also dedicated to

My very supportive parents :

For the moral and spiritual support.

Teodoro C. Mercado

Cecilia D. Mercado

For the life, love and strength they had given me.



  1. Balasbas, Leonora David (2017) Food and Beverage Services First Edition distributed by (Rex Book Store)
  2. Edrozo, Richard (2015) Food and Beverage Services NC II CBLM: Module Title: Providing Food and Beverage Services NC II
  3. Llanes, Esterlita A. (2016) Food and Beverage Service Module Title; Provide Room Sevice
  4. Mheta, Virender (2016) E-book of Vocabulary with Mnemonics by Vasudev Publication
  5. Pillai, N. R. (2017). Using mnemonics to improve vocabulary, boost memory and enhance creativity in the ESL classroom. The English Teacher, 38(22), 62 -83.

Published/Unpublished Materials

  1. Congos, D. (2005) 9 Types of Mnemonics for Better Memory. Retrieved on November 11, 2013, from
  2. Duran, Saima Sanip, Reuyan Nancy M. Esih Edgar R. 2017: Mnemonics Instruction For Enhance Comprehension
  3. Kuder, S. J. (2017). Vocabulary instruction for secondary students with reading disabilities:An updated research review. Learning Disability Quarterly, 40(3), 155-164. DOI:
  4. Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (2017). The inclusive classroom: Strategies for effective differentiated instruction. London, UK: Pearson
  5. McCabe Jennifer A 2014. Learning and Memory Strategy Demonstrations for the Psychology Classroom.Baltimore: Goucher College
  6. Nurhayati, N. (2016). Application of Recitation Methods to Improve Learning Outcomes. Journal of Education.
  7. Nutt, K. T. (2015). Mnemonic vocabulary instruction to enhance reading comprehension in the social studies classroom (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation).
  8. Palalas, A. (2011). ESP for busy college students: is the blend of in-class, online & mobile learning the answer? The IALLT Journal, 41(1), 108-136.
  9. Zarei, A. A., Hasani, M. T., & Keysan, F. (2013).Vocabulary teaching: Mnemonic and mind mapping techniques in focus. Lambert Academic Publishing. Retrieved October 3, 2013 from http://www.090ad 1367322124key.pdf
  10. Williams, C. (2011). Research methods. Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 5(3).


  1. Adekoya YM, Olatoye RA 2011. Effect of demonstration, peer-tutoring, and lecture teaching strategies on senior secondary school students’ achievement in an aspect of agricultural science. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 12(1): 320-332
  2. Amiryousefi, M., & Ketabi, S. (2011). Mnemonic Instruction: Away to Boost Vocabulary Learning and Recall. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(1). 178-182. htttp://
  3. Ashoori, P., & Moghadam, M. (2015). The effect of instructing mnemonic devices on immediate versus delayed vocabulary retention. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, 8(1), 87-102.
  4. Azmi, M. N. L., Najmi, M. H. S. M., & Rouyan, N. M. (2016). A case study on the effects of mnemonics on English vocabulary. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 5(7), 178-185. DOI:10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.5n.7p.178
  5. Carr, N., Crocco, K., Eyring, J., & Gallego, J. (2011). Perceived benefits of technology enhanced language learning in beginning language classes. The IALLT Journal, 41(1), 1-32.
  6. Clark, S.K., Abdreasen, L. (2014) Examining sixth grade student’s reading attitudes and perceptions of teachers read out louad; are all students on the same page ? Literacy Research Instruction, 53, 162-182
  7. Dandis, M. A. (2013). The assessment methods that are used in secondary school mathematics class. Journal of Education, Teachers and Trainers, 4(2): 133-143.
  8. Delacruz, S. (2013). Using interactive read out loud to increase K-2 students reading comprehension. Journal of Reading Education , 38 (3), 21-27
  9. Mpofu, B. (2011). Formative evaluation versus summative evaluation. Harare: Longman.
  10. Strachan, S. L. (2015) Kindergarten students’ social studies and content literacy learning from interactive repetition and read out loud. Journal of Social Studies Research, 39 (4) 207-223
  11. Wiseman, A. (2011). Interactive repetitions and read out loud; teachers and students constructing knowledge and literacy together. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38 (6), 431-438.

Legal Documents

  1. Bakken, Jefrey P. (2017) Mnemonics Strategies: Helping Students With Intellectual and Developmental Disability Remember Important Information
  2. Putnam , Adam L. (2015) Mnemonics in Education: Current Research & Application
  3. Susana Intan, (2017) Enhancing For Vocabulary Mastery Through Mnemonics Keyword Method To the University Students

Internet Sources



Babylyn C. Gonzalvo, Ed. D.

Assistant Principal II

SHS Within Taal Central School

Taal, Batangas


The undersigned is planning to conduct a study entitled “MNEMONICS STRATEGIES IN TEACHING FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES LESSON AMONG GRADE ELEVEN LEARNERS IN TAAL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL” to help the school, Taal Senior High School, increase the performance of the students in Food and Beverage Services.

The aim of this study is to determine the retention level of the TVL students to propose a mnemonic strategy to help students memorize the flow of serving customers in food and beverage services lesson.

Specifically, it sought  to answer the following question;

  1. How may the performance of the learners in food and beverage lessons be assessed in terms of;
    • demonstration and;
    • teacher-made test
  2. How may the mnemonics strategy be utilized to ensure the retention of lesson in Food and Beverage Services such as;
    • picture analysis
    • keyword and;
    • repetitions and read out louds
  3. What is the class performance of the learner after the intervention?
  4. Based on the findings, what enhanced learning approached may be proposed to ensure learning retention of the students?

It is noted that this proposal will merit your kind consideration and favourable approval.

Very truly yours,





Assistant Principal II

Dear Respondents,

The undersigned is conducting an action research entitled “MNEMONICS STRATEGIES IN TEACHING FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES LESSON AMONG GRADE ELEVEN  LEARNERS IN TAAL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Education.

In this connection, may I request your utmost cooperation to answer each item of this teacher-made-test and observation checklist to do the best of your ability upon consideration of truth and honesty. Rest assured that whatever responses you made will be dealt with high confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.



Directions: Read and analyse the question carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on the given space provided.

______1.         Ms. Mondragon is a receptionist in the Hawaiian Food Restaurant. Early in the morning the guest asked and called  her in the telephone  for a table reservation. If you are Ms. Mondragon, how can you answer the guest?

  1. Good morning Sir/Mam, this is Hawaiian Food Restaurant my name is Ms. Mondragon “How may I help you?
  2. Good morning Sir/Mam, this is Hawaiian Food Restaurant
  3. Hello Mam/Sir Goodmorning
  4. Hi Mam/sir, What can I do for you

______2.         What will you do to clarify the reservation of the customer?

  1. Ask first the time and date of reservation before the name of the customer
  2. Ask first the name of the customer before the time and date
  3. Ask first the order of the customer before the contact number of customer
  4. Ask first the total number of reservation, name of the customer, contact number, and the date of reservation.

______3.         After the reservation of the guest, Ms. Mondragon need to welcome the guest. If you are Ms. Mondragon, what will you say to assist the guest?

  1. “Welcome Sir”
  2. Good morning Sir/Mam, Welcome to Hawaiian food restaurant, Do you have any reservation?
  3. Good morning Sir/Mam, What is your order?
  4. Hi Sir/Mam, Good morning

_____4.           After leading the guest into the reserved table, what is your next thing to do?

  1. Introduce your name to the guest
  2. Lay the table napkin
  3. Seating the guest
  4. Give cold water

_____5.           When you asked the customer to lay the table napkin and the customer say “NO”. What will you do in this situation?

  1. Smile and say Ok Sir and Ma’am
  2. Don’t entertain the decision of the customer just lay the table napkin on the lap of the customer
  3. Relax and give a cold water
  4. Say thank you to the customer

_____6.           What is the correct sequence of serving food to the customer?

  1. lava cake, pork steak, vegetable salad, corn soup, shanghai roll
  2. shanghai roll, corn soup, vegetable salad, pork steak , lava cake
  3. corn soup, vegetable salad, pork steak, lava cake , shanghai roll
  4. shanghai roll, pork steak, vegetable salad, lava cake, corn soup

______7.   What is your basis to complete the table set-up?

  1. Soup for fish knife, main course for soup spoon, wine for water goblet and salad for salad knife
  2. Wine – Wine glass (Red or White wine glass), Soup – soup spoon, Main Course- dinner knife and fork , Fish- fish knife/fish fork, Salad- salad knife/salad fork , Dessert- dessert spoon and fork
  3. Wine – water goblet , Soup – spoon , Main Course- dinner knife and fork , Fish- fish knife/fish fork, Salad- salad knife/salad fork , Dessert- dinner spoon and fork
  4. Wine – Wine glass (Red or White wine glass), Soup – soup spoon, Main Course- salad knife , Fish- dinner knife , Salad- salad knife/salad fork , Dessert- dessert spoon and fork

______8.         When presenting the menu and taking food and beverage order to the customer you should stand on___.

  1. left side of the customer
  2. right side of the customer
  3. top view of the customer
  4. back of the customer

______9.         When serving SOLID food (Appetizer, Salad, Main Course and Dessert) and when handling over the CHANGE. You should stand on the___.

  1. left side of the customer
  2. right side of the customer
  3. top view of the customer
  4. back of the customer

______10. When you are going to buss out the item in Main Course you need to include the following ___.

  1. bread plate and glass for juice
  2. show plate and salt and pepper shaker
  3. water goblet and bread plate
  4. dinner plate and bread plate

 ______11. What will you do when bidding goodbye to the customer?

  1. Smile and buss out the plate of the customer
  2. Say, “Thank you”, and escort the guest into the exit door
  3. Don’t entertain the guest
  4. Smile only and say, “Thank You”

______12. If you are the receptionist inside the hotel and restaurant and the guest call you in the telephone to ask some order.What will you asked to the customer?

  1. Good morning Sir/Mam, What is your order?
  2. Good morning Sir/Mam, What is your room number?
  3. Good morning Sir/Mam, What is your name?
  4. Good morning Sir/Mam, What is your name, room number and order?

_____13. When the guest is calling your phone, and you are not sure about the information always say _____.

  1. “Thank You for calling and have a nice day!”
  2. “Pardon, Ma’am and Sir, would you like to repeat?”
  3. “If you need anything else don’t hesitate to call room service department.”
  4. “Goodbye.”

______14. What will you say when you asked the customer bill?

  1. “Ma’am, here’s your bill.”
  2. “I’ll be back for your change and receipt.”
  3. “Are you going to pay it cash or shall I charge it to your room account.”
  4. “Where is my tip?”

______15. If the guest is calling you to confirm his/her order, what will you say to the customer?

  1. “For a moment sir, we will deliver you room service order.”
  2. “Later, Sir, after an hour.”
  3. “Just wait, Sir, until your order is done.
  4. “No, it’s not yet done.”

______16.  When delivering food to the customer, how many times should you knock on the door?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

17. What is the minimum ring to answer the phone?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

_____18.   What will you say when you serve food to the guest in room service   department?

  1. “Shall I leave the food on the tray or you want me to transfer on your table?”
  2. “Your food is now ready, Sir.”
  3. “By the way, Sir, your food is delicious.”
  4. “Enjoy your meal, Sir.”

____19. What is your next thing to do after serving the food?

  1. present the bill
  2. bid goodbye
  3. clear the soiled dishes
  4. nothing

_____20. After presenting the bill to the customer what is your next job?

  1. Lay the table napkin
  2. bid goodbye
  3. open the curtain
  4. Nothing

Picture Analysis

Direction: The following pictures  are the process of serving food  the guest to know the retention level of the students. On the given space provided identify what kind of process of food serving based on the given  picture.

Picture Analysis

Picture Analysis

Picture Analysis

Picture Analysis

Picture Analysis



Directions: Write FOOD if the statement is true and if it is FALSE underline the incorrect KEYWORD  and change it into correct KEYWORD .

_____1. Chef de rang are the person  erd always asked ththect it. rline ture. erin charge in room service in a hotel

_____2. Silverware will be polished using gueridon

_____3. The  main use of a waiter’s cloth is for wiping customer’s fingers after eating snails

_____4. If wine is split on the table cloth a waiter should take the plate of food to the sideboard and change the cloth

_____5. The best way to deal with a customer who complains about poor service is to try to make excuses

_____6. A table d’ hote is a meal comprised of main dish and sweet

_____7. Serving room service meal, a waiter should carry the tray at waist level and enter the room

_____8. Melon with parma ham  requires a finger bowl

_____9. A dumb waiter  is the most junior member of the brigade

_____10. Soup will serve with coffee

_____11. Appetizer is the last meal to serve

_____12. A guest will serve the waiter

_____13. The manager will prepare the food’

_____14. You should stand  on the left side when serving soup to the guest

_____15. Do not asked the  guest  when presenting the menu

_____16. Lay the table napkin on the hand of the guest

_____17. Present  the bill on the left side of the guest

_____18. Present the change of the guest on the right side

_____19. You should knock four times on the guest room

_____20. The guest can pay instalment for room service

Repetition and Read out Loud Activity

Directions : These multiple choices questioning are designed to show how examinations are being set by repetition and read out loud various  examining bodies. This activity will be used before and after the discussion. You have to choose which of the answers listed is the correct one and shade your answer on your answer sheet. This examination will be a basis as a mnemonics strategies to know the retention level of the learners when serving food and beverage the guest.

  1. The first steps in the sequence of table service is;
    1. Welcoming/Greeting of the guest
    2. Seating the guest
    3. Taking beverage orders
    4. Serving Pre-meal drinks
  2. The second steps in the sequence of table service is;
    1. Welcoming/Greeting of the guest
    2. Seating the guest
    3. Taking beverage orders
    4. Serving Pre-meal drinks
  3. The third steps in the sequence of table service is;
    1. Welcoming/Greeting of the guest
    2. Seating the guest
    3. Taking beverage orders
    4. Serving Pre-meal drinks
  4. After presenting the menu what is your next thing to do?
    1. Taking food orders
    2. Completing table setting
    3. Serving food orders
    4. Crumbling/brushing table
  5. After serving the main course to the guest you must be able to;
    1. Taking food orders
    2. Completing table setting
    3. Serving food orders
    4. Crumbling/brushing table
  6. After presenting the bill to the guest you must be able to;
    1. Receive payment
    2. Bidding goodbye
    3. Clearing the table
    4. Preparing report
  7. After receiving payment to the guest you must be able to;
    1. Receive payment
    2. Bidding goodbye
    3. Clearing the table
    4. Preparing report
  8. What will you do when the receptionist seated the guests at the table which is not cleared yet?
    1. Great the guest and ask permission to clear and set the table
    2. Completing table setting
    3. Serving food orders
    4. Crumbling/brushing table
  9. Arrange the steps of opening sparkling wine bottle
    1. Prepare needed mise-en-place
    2. Hold bottle at 45 degree angle to the body, pointed away from the guest.
    3. Present the bottle to the host
    4. Remove the foil and wire cap/cage
    5. Place the napkin on the cork
    6. Twist the bottle to loosen the cork and remove the cork slowly without sound
    7. Pour wine
    8. g,f,e,d,c,b,a
    9. a,d,b,c,f,g, e
    10. e,b,d,c,f,g,a
    11. a,b,c,d,e,f,g
  10. What is the correct temperature when serving red wine?
    1. Room temperature (15.5⁰C to 18⁰C, 60⁰F to 65⁰F)
    2. Room temperature (15.6⁰C to 19⁰C, 64⁰F to 65⁰F)
    3. Room temperature (15.9⁰C to 20⁰C, 64⁰F to 69⁰F)
    4. Room temperature (15.4⁰C to 19⁰C, 60⁰F to 69⁰F)
  11. What will you do upon reaching the guestroom?
    1. Knock the door
    2. Don’t mention room service
    3. Don’ t greet the guest
  12. What will you do after placing the tray/trolley inside the room?
    1. Ask the guest to acknowledge the service by signing the delivery slip
    2. Give extra service
    3. Suggest any kind of food
    4. Don’t entertain the guest
  13. What must always considered when giving suggestive selling ? Why?
    1. To become familiar on food
    2. To expose the beauty of waitress
    3. Upselling the expensive product of the restaurant will help to increase their profit
    4. To become funny
  14. How do you welcome guest who enter the restaurant.
    1. Greeting them with a smile and escorting them to their table.
    2. Lay the table napkin
    3. Present the menu
    4. Leading the guest
  15. How will you dismantle the trolley?
    1. Removing the cloth from the trolley
    2. By transferring the food to the table
    3. Putting the food on the tray
    4. Arrange the food from the trolley
  16. What are the relevant information to check to avoid mistakes?
    1. Check the order
    2. Knock the door
    3. Mention room service
    4. Greet the guest
  17. What is the first step in checking service equipment condition?
    1. Welcoming the guest
    2. Presents the menu to guest
    3. Suggest food and beverage products and answers the questions regarding the menu
    4. Set up and serve only clean and sanitized and glasses and flatwares,chinawarea and other service equipment.
  18. What are the common reasons for the guest to return food?
    1. Alcohol over consumption
    2. Unsatisfactory appearance
    3. Wrong order delivered
    4. nothing
  19. What are the common incidents that may occur in the restaurant?
    1. Alcohol over consumption
    2. Clean & sanitized table appointments
    3. Filling of condiments
    4. Condition of menu cards
  20. How many wine lists do you need to present for a table of four (4) guests with a host.
    1. Only (2) wine list and to presented only to the host of the table.
    2. Only (1) wine list and to presented only to the host of the table.
    3. Only (3) wine list and to presented only to the host of the table.
    4. Only (5) wine list and to presented only to the host of the table.


Curriculum Vitae


Halang, Taal, Batangas                                                                 

Educational Background

Graduate Studies

Golden Gate Colleges            Master in Education major in T.L.E.

Batangas City                                     June 2018 – Present


Batangas State University           BS Industrial Education

Lemery, Campus                                       2010-2014

High School

Taal National High School                                  2006 – 2010

Taal, Batangas


Halang Elementary School                        2000-2006

Halang, Taal, Batangas

professional experience
Taal Senior High School

Taal Batangas

June 2017-up to present



Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

Taal, Batangas

May 2015 – APRIL 2017


High School Teacher

Grade7,8 and 10 TLE Teacher

San Nicolas Academy

San Nicolas, Batangas TLE 7 and Social Science High School Teacher 2014-2015


Bread And Pastry Ncii 2018

Food And Beverage Services Ncii 2017

Tourism Promotion Services Ncii 2017

Trainers Methodology  I In Food And Beverage Services 2017

Most Recent Seminars And Trainings

  • Technical Writing

      Ms. Suzeth Saavedra

      May 18, 2016

      Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • ICT Specialized Training Series for Computer System Servicing

Mr. Crisanto Marcelo

May 2016

Informatics-College Baguio

  • Financial Literacy Seminar

                  Rev. Fr. Mike Samañiego

                  July 8, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • Digital Study Halls: using Technology in the Classroom

                  Ms. Rizza Casabuena

                  July 6, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • Action Research

                  Dr. Ady  Garcia, Ms. Suzeth ASmaniego

                  June 30, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • School Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Training

                  Mr. Rodrigo Dela Roca, Ms. Vina Marinel  Maranan

                  June 19, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • Utilizing School Counseling Data for Improvement of School Practices

                  Dr Ady Garcia

                  May 25, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • South Luzon Fest Summit

                  Ms. Bridget O’ Brien from Emergent Concept

                  May 20, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • ICT Specialized Training Series for Computer Hardware Servicing

              Mr. Ranielle Canlas

              May 18-22 , 1016

  • Diffirentiated Instruction

                  Mr. Jade Diaz

                  May 15, 2015

                  Our Lady of Caysasay Academy

  • Division Meeting for Private Secondary Schools, re: K to 12 Education Curriculum- TLE/ Techvoc

Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City October 28, 2014

Personal Background

Age                                         :                       25 years old

Birthday                                  :                       August 09, 1994

Birthplace                               :                       Lemery, Batangas

Nationality                              :                       Filipino

Height                                     :                       5”

Weight                                    :                      60

Religion                                  :                       Roman Catholic

Status                                      :                       Single

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