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Muhammad the Prophet, an Introductory Story

  • Mussa Ame Mussa
  • 3588-3605
  • Sep 12, 2024
  • Education

Muhammad the Prophet, an Introductory Story

Mussa Ame Mussa

Maarif Secondary School Zanzibar, Tanzania


Received: 29 July 2024; Accepted: 10 August 2024; Published: 12 September 2024


Muhammad has been perceived in different ways by different people; Christians think that Muhammad is a false prophet. In fact, Muhammad is the prophet of contemporary Christians whether they follow him or not; Hans Küng(d.2021) suggested that all Christians should recognize Muhammad as a Prophet.[1]

All contemporary Christians, Jews, and other people must understand that they will be asked about Islam religion and about Muhammad if they followed him or not.[2]

All people in this last generation, starting from the year when Muhammad started to preach publicly, c. 613, will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment under the people of Muhammad and not any other prophet, and Muhammad will intercede with people on that day. [3]

Several  Christians and Jews believed that Muhammad was a false prophet.[4]

This article will provide evidence showing that Muhammad is a true Prophet of God, and he is the prophet of all Christians, Jews, and remaining people in this generation. Because many people don’t know the role of Muhammad in life hereafter, this article will provide knowledge about the prophethood of Muhammad and Muhammad’s role in life hereafter.

Keywords: Muhammad, prophet, Islam, Christianity, Religion, paradise, hell.


Muhammad is the last prophet of Allah to all mankind (Rizvi, 1988). The Prophethood of Muhammad had been rejected by many people, including pagans, Arabs, and modern people. Pagan Arabs were against the Islamic religion because his religion, Islam, is again polytheism.

Jewish writers referred to Muhammad by the nickname “the Madman” or “the Possessed,” and this is due to ethical conflict between Arabs and Jews. (Norman A. Stillman 1979). Christian writers distorted the image of the Prophet. They called him an imposter, heretic or infidel, and anti-Christ. Muhammad was considered to be a perverted and deplorable man, a false prophet, and even the Antichrist, (Quinn F. 2008, pp. 17–54). Jews criticized Muhammad for the mass killing of the men of the Banu Qurayza; the tribe was accused of engaging in treasonous agreements with the enemies of Muslims who besieged Medina city in the Battle of the Trench in 627 .[5]

 Christians believed that Muhammad was a heretic prophet; sometimes, they referred him to be possessed by demons. Martin Luther referred Muhammad as “a devil and first-born, a child of Satan. Voltaire commented that Muhammad ordered the murder of his critics, and labeled Muhammad as a founder of a false and barbarous sect. Western writers thought that Muhammad was an antichrist and an Arab Lucifer (Quinn F. 2008 p. 17). John Muir (1838 –1914) suggested that Muhammad was at first sincere but later became deceptive. Muhammad was criticized by Modern writers for his sincerity as a prophet, his morality and marriage were questioned, and the concept of slave ownership was doubted.(Cimino Richard P.2005)

Western prejudice against Prophet Muhammad is anchored in misapprehension and misrepresentation.( Khan, S., al :2020).The Western awareness of Islam was negative and not positive the Western church had perceived Islam as a great threat. Westerns always have negative perception against Muhammad and his religion. [6]

The religion of Muhammad, that is, Islam, was the same as the religion of Moses, Jesus, and other prophets in terms of theology, even though it varies a little in terms of Jurisprudent (Esposito,  2005)


This research paper will mainly use a secondary data collection method; the data will be collected from several published books and online data bases that mentioned Muhammad, and the sacred writings from the Bible and the Quran will be examined .

This paper will make a deep analysis of the prophethood of Muhammad and the authenticity of the Quran, compared with various scholarly articles that write about Muhammad, it  will discuss the authenticity of proof of the prophethood of Muhammad, and critically analyze the comments of those who consider Muhammad to be not a true Prophet.


Muhammad’s sincerity as a Prophet

William Montgomery (d 2006)and Richard Bell (d.2007) commented that:

Recent modern writers have generally dismissed the concept that Muhammad deliberately deceived his followers; they argue that Muhammad “was absolutely sincere and acted in complete good faith.[7]

According to Nasr(2016),

Muhammad was like Jesus Christ because he loved people. When Muhammad fought the holy war, he fought to preserve the religion of Islam, and he mentioned the greater fighting is to fight against the wrong desires of one’s heart.[8]

Esposito, John L. (2005). Said that;

The Torah and the Gospel were corrupted. It was mixed with human fabrications mixed with the divine revelation(Quran 2:75)

Authenticity of the Quran

Allah revealed the Quran, the miraculous book in its contents, methodology of presentation, spiritual teachings, and language.

The validity of the Prophethood of Muhammad can be obtained from the Quran, the last revelation. If the Quran is an authentic book, it implies also that Muhammad is a true Prophet. The authenticity of the Quran can be proved from these facts.

The Quran is free from errors.

The Quran is the revelation from God, recorded by scribes and was memorized from the time it was revealed up to date (Peters, F.E.:2003).  The Quran all its contents is preserved from original revelation, and it has not added nor deducted its contents and there is no critical text produced, showing the variations of the Quran and its inconsistency. (Donner, Fred: 2006).

Some scholars have argued that  Muhammad wrote the Quran by compiling some information from the bible, but the Quran refutes this argument, mentioning the reality that Muhammad himself was illiterate as stipulated in Quran in several verses in the Quran (7:158, 29:48, 62:2. and 25:5).

Friedrich Zacharias Schwally (1863 –1919) and John Edward Wansbrough (1928 –2002) criticized the Qur’an text, pointing out that it has linguistic defects.

(Kubarev, V. V. 2021) Commented that Muhammad created the Quran, much of the Quran criticism is due to misinterpretation of the Quran by orientalists.

Muhammad Mohar,( 2004) reacted that:

People commented about the grammatical faults in the Quran; they also argued that there are inconsistencies in the Quran. These suppositions are due to the lack of understanding of the theme and text of the Qur’an.   The latest comments were advanced by J. A. Bellamy (1925 – July 21, 2015).In fact, the orientalists’ attempt to interpret the Qur’an is based on European experience ( “The Quran and Orientalist,p.372)

The Quran wasn’t copied from any ancient book.

Another allegation is that the Quran book is a result of copying from The Torah and the Gospels. Muhammad couldn’t copy from the Bible because the Hebrew bible was translated in Arabic after advent of Islam. The Arabic Bible was found in the first half of the ninth century. [9] The oldest dated manuscript containing the Gospels in Arabic is Sinai Arabic MS 72, which was written by Stephen of Ramleh in the year 284 of the Arabs, i.e., 897 AD.”[10]

All Arabs, the Muslims, and the pagan Arabs, unanimously agree on the illiteracy of Muhammad, and the Quran affirmed it in the Quran(7: 158). That Muhammad was an unlettered Prophet. (Goldfield,  Isaiah: 1980).

Quran was neither copied from the Torah nor from the Bible because of the great theological difference between those two books. Jews claimed Abraham to be a Jew, but the Quran rejected that claim. The Bible claims that Jesus was crucified, but the Quran denies the Crucifixion of Jesus. (Quran 4:155-57).

The Christian teachings affirm the Trinity, but the Quran denies it. (Quran 5:71-73)  The Quran blamed the Jews and Christians for naming themselves as beloved sons of God ( Quran 5:18). The Quran orders Muslims not to make Jews and Christians their allies. ( Quran 5:51). The Bible claims the divinity of Jesus, but the Quran denies it. So, Muhammad did not copy from the bible. If he copied that, the Quran would have the same theology as the Quran. The Quran confirms that the bible was corrupted.

Muhammad was unable to read and write before and after the revelation of the Qur’an.  The Quran was written by scribers after the Prophet read from his memory. (Kavand, A.:2019).

Before Islam, Muhammad was well-known to his people as trustworthy and reliable, an honest man, and a person of integrity who did not lie. [11]

Miraculous   Inimitability of the Quran.

The Quran  is a miraculous book. It has proved that it cannot be imitated by human beings. Quran is a doctrine that has miraculous qualities, both in content and in form, that no human work can match. (Leaman, Oliver:2006).

This is because the Quran has information that is unknown to human beings. The Quran has information about heaven, life after death, paradise, hell, and historical evidence of generations before Muhammad, and it is a form of revelation that no human being can produce. Walīd ibn al-Mughīra, one of the greatest enemies of Islam and a good poet in the time of Muhammad, when he heard the Quran chapter 44, said there is none amongst you who knows poetry as well as I do, I swear by God, Muhammad’s  Qur’an is not poetry it is God revelation (Qadhi, Y. 1999).

Labīd ibn Rabī’ah, one of the famous poets of the Seven Odes, affirmed that the Quran is not poetry, and he accepted Islam when he listed the Quran. (Islahi, A. A. 2007)

Kermani, K. (2006) concluded that the Quran has been perceived, apprehended, and experienced by its recipients from the time of the Prophet to the present day.

Al Jurjani (d. 1078) argued that the inimitability of the Qur’an is a linguistic phenomenon, and he proposed that the Qur’an has a degree of excellence unachievable by any human being. (Larkin, Margaret:  1988).

Bāqillānī (d. 1013 CE) is a Muslim scholar who wrote a book named The Inimitability of the Qur’an that emphasized that the Quran broke the custom by an extraordinary degree of eloquence by creating a new genre of expression, which is inimitable by any person.

Ibrahim al-Nazzam of Basra (d. 846 CE) suggested that the Qur’an’s inimitability is due to the information in its content, which is a divine revelation and includes divine knowledge. Thus, the Qur’an’s supremacy lies in its content rather than its style and, therefore, cannot be imitated by any person. (Nasr, Abu-Zayd: 2003).

The Quran challenged humans to produce the alike of it.

Murad Hoffman (1987-94) commented that the text of the Quran is the product of one entity. It differs completely from the sayings of Muhammad; therefore, Muhammad did not author the Quran.

The Quran has challenged humankind to produce the like. Allah says, “If all humans and jinn were to come together to produce the equivalent of this Quran, they could not produce its equal, no matter how they supported each other.”  (Quran 17:88)

The Quran challenges humankind to produce ten chapters like the Quran (Quran 11:13).

The Quran challenges those who claim that it is fabricated that let them produce a recital like the Quran ( Quran 52:34).

The last challenge is to produce only one chapter, which is like the Quran  which Arab pagans failed to do it. (2:23)

Chapter 108 is the smallest chapter in the Quran, and it has only three verses, but it has a unique structure has ten lexical items; the whole chapter has used ten letters only once, so the challenge is to produce the chapter like this with the structure like this since the Quran was revealed until today no one meets the challenge. (Al-Burhan fee Oloom Al-Quran, Al-Zarkashy, vol. 2, p. 224)

Allah challenged the whole of humankind to produce a chapter like the Quran, but no one met this challenge until today, besides the fact that Pagan Arabs were experts in Arabic literature, but they failed to produce a chapter like the Quran even the smallest chapter which has three verses.(Kermani, Naved:2006).

The only way Pagan Arabs were selected was to wage war with the noble Prophet as they were more experienced warriors than Muslims, but they experienced a surprise defeat on the battlefields. Finally,  they realized that they could not stop the spreading of Islam, and they surrendered.

The Quran and its peculiar literacy.

The Quran is the only book which is ranked the highest in literacy (Arberry, A.J:1955).Oliver Leaman (2006) commented that the verses of the Qur’an represent its uniqueness and beauty in its novelty and originality and no one can produce the like.

In 2015, Radiocarbon dating found the Birmingham Quran manuscript was about 1,370 years old, this is the earliest manuscript in existence and conforming to the standard text. According to this investigation, based on the comparison between the three Quran manuscripts, it appears that the morphological skeleton of the analyzed Quran text has been safely preserved during the last 14 centuries.[12]

Quran and scientific miracles.

  • Everything is made from water.

Allah made everyhing from water (Quran, 21:30) . Creatures are made up of cells, and all living things consist mostly of water. Water in the cell accounts for about 70% or more of the total mass of the cell, so it is the most abundant molecule in a cell. [13]

  • Everything was made in pairs

Allah says,” Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs: from what the earth produces and from themselves and from things unknown to them.„(The Qur’an, 37:36)

Paul Dirac, who proposed that matter is created in pairs, was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1933. This discovery, called ”parité”,  that matter is paired with its opposite: anti-matter. (Dirac, P. A. M. (1928).

  • The expanding universe

According to the Qur’an the  universe steadily expanding.(The Qur’an, 51:47). Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaitre proved that the universe is in constant motion and also it is expanding. (Yahya, H. (1994). pg 15). Science confirmed that the universe is expanding. [14]

  • Big Bang Theory.

This theory wasn’t known during the time of Muhammad. The content of the Quran proves that it is God’s word. Maurice Bucaille (1976) confirms that “It is impossible that many scientific statements in the Quran can be a work of a man, but the Quran is an authentic revelation from God”.

  • The Big Crunch Theory.

Allah mentioned in the Quran that the heavens will be folded like folding of a sheet (Quran, 21:104). This relates to the theory of Big Crunch, which talks about how the universe will be pulled back into black holes and form a tiny mass again. (Sutter, Paul (March 2023).

  • Existence of fire from oxygen

The Quran mentions that the source of the fire is the green trees, no green trees, no oxygen Quran 36:80 . It is He who makes fire from green trees and ,from it you ignite the clear proof of divine revelation

  • Knocking Star Is Mentioned in Quran as Al-Tariq

The Quran, ( 86:1-3) mentions the star called ‘Tariq’ knocking star.  This pulsing star was established by NASA’s space observatories, which have picked up sounds from a pulsar star that sound like knocking on a door.[15]

The coming together of modern scientific discoveries and ancient verses of the Quran, like the one describing the “knocking star,” reminds us of the Quran’s divine origin and how wise it is. (Zahra Ashraf 2023)

  • Solar rotation

The sun rotates to the same specific point, the solar apex. Solar apex. The apex of the Sun’s way is defined as the direction that the Sun travels with respect to the local standard of rest. William Herschel, in 1783, was the first scientist to demonstrate the nature and extent of solar motion, and he also determined the direction of the Solar apex near the constellation Hercules .[16]

  • Fingerprints in Quran

The Quran mentioned the resurrection of the people by perfectly returning back  their  tips of the finger (Al-Qur’an 75:3-4).[17]

Science proves today that fingerprint is the unique biometric method mentioned in the Quran, how Did Muhammad knows this recent scientific evidence without revelation from God?

  • Embryology in the Quran

Allah says, “We created man from an extract of clay. Then, we made him drop into a place of settlement, which was firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14). Professor Emeritus Keith L. Moore(2012), who is a scientist in the fields of anatomy and embryology, said, “It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. [18]

  • The Sky’s Protection

In the Quran, Allah (SWT) says: “And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away” (Quran 21:32).[19]

It is a known scientific fact that the ozone layer protects the Earth from the harmful rays of the sun. If there was no protective layer, life on Earth would cease to exist, as the temperature on Earth would be freezing at -270.556°C. Could Muhammad himself know these scientific modern facts at that time?.

  • The front lobe is responsible for lying and sinning.

The cerebrum of the brain produces higher functioning roles such as thinking, learning, memory, language, emotion, movement, and perception. The cerebellum is located under the cerebrum and monitors and regulates motor behaviors, especially automatic movements.[20]

The Quran says,  “The criminals will be known by their marks, and they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet”(Quran 55:41)  . Allah used the word ‘messiah’ in both these two verses, the Arabic word ‘nasiah’ means forehead which is the area of the cerebrum responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful behavior, and is responsible for the telling of lies and speaking of truth, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression( Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p.  211.)

  • Quran and deep sea

The Quran states that it “is like the darkness in a deep sea.  It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds.  Darkness one  above another.  If a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it….” (Quran 24:40)

 At 1000 meters below the sea, no light is found (Elde & Pernetta, p. 27.) The Quran said, “…in a deep sea.  It is by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds….” It has been proved that the deep waters of seas and oceans are covered by waves, and above these waves, there are also other waves. Scientists have recently discovered that there are internal waves. These internal waves cannot be seen by the human eye, which “occur on density interfaces between layers of different densities.[21]

Numerical miracles in the Quran

Numerical patterns in the Quran express why a human being cannot author a book like the Quran. The word this word has been mentioned 115 times, the same as the word “hereafter’’ has been mentioned 115 Times also.

The word heaven and Earth ” was both mentioned 77 times.

The word Angel was mentioned equally with Devil both mentioned 88 times.

The word Life was equally mentioned with the word death. Both were mentioned 145 times.

The word men was mentioned 23 times, and the word women was mentioned 23 times, which makes 46 the number of chromosomes in Humans.

The word moth was mentioned 12 times, and Allah said the number of months in the sight of Allah is 12 and the word month was mentioned 12 times.

The word days have been mentioned 365 times to make the number of days in one year.

The Quran says that the similitude of Jesus in front of Allah is like Adam. Adam was mentioned 25 times and Jesus 25 times to prove that in front of Allah, Jesus is like Adam.

The total occurrence of the words sea and land is 45. The total occurrence of the sea is 32, and land is 13

The percentage of areas of the areas of the sea is 13/45, which is  71.111%, and the percentage of areas of land is 13/45, which is 28.999% (Abou-El-Enin et al. (2009). Pg. 19).

Prophesies in the Quran

Prophecies that Allah mentioned in the Quran are among the solid proofs confirming that the message of Prophet Muhammad is truthful and factual.( Marwan Saad Azzubaidi:2023)

  • Abu Lahab was prophesized that he would die as a non-believer (Quran 111:1-5) nine years before his death, and so it happened, and he died a disbeliever as the Quran mentioned before his death! (Leaman: 2006).
  • The Defeat of the Persian Empire by the Roman Empire was prophesied by the Quran before it happened. (Quran 30:2-5).
  • The Prophecy of  Pagan Defeat. The Quran predicted the defeat of Mecca Paganism in the battle of Badr. It was a miracle that 313 Muslim soldiers with simple weapons defeated 1000 experienced warriors with better weapons. (Quran 54:45).
  • The Conquest of Mecca was prophesied two years before its occurrence, and no one could think that Mecca would be conquered at that time as Muslim soldiers were very weak. (Quran 48:27)
  • Fate of Walid ibn MugheyraThe Quran prophesied Walid ibn Mugheyra to enter the eternal fire, and this means that he would not embrace Islam (Quran 74:24-28). Walid ibn Mugheyra died in a state of disbelief, opposing God’s religion, and entered the Fire.
  • The Quran prophesied that the Pharaoh will be preserved. Allah says, “ This day shall We save you (O Pharaoh) in your body, that you may be a sign to those who come after you! But indeed, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs. (Quran 10:93), There is no hint whatsoever that Pharaoh’s body would be preserved until it was discovered in 1898 and protected from disintegration and decay. (Alahmari, 2021).
  • The animosity between Muslims and Jews is greater than between Muslims and Christians.

The Quran says, “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers will you find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say: We are Christians.(Quran 5:82). Israel has implemented massacre and Genocide in Gaza by killing thousands of innocent people, demolishing the residence of Muslims in Gaza, and displacing millions of citizens. Jews in Israel aim to eradicate Palestine from history. [22]

Evidence showing that Muhammad was a true Prophet of God

Muhammad is the true Prophet of God who was sent after Jesus, there are a lot of evidence which shows that Muhammad is a Prophet of God. Muhammad statements have been verified by many great scientists and they wondered how Muhammad had the knowledge of  science which is only known today after advancement of modern technology. [23]

 Muhammad showed many miracles that were witnessed by many companions, and the miracles have been recorded during the lifetime of the Prophet.[24]

Arabic Peninsular will be full of green

Prophet Mohamed said God would not hold a day of resurrection unless Arab land returned  to green and rivers again (Muslim 157). Arabia was green with vegetation (Christina Larson, 2021). According to research theland of Arabia might become even greenery than today. (Hikmy 2023) Michael Petraglia (2001) said that in the past, Arabia was green, with grasslands, wooded landscapes, lakes, and rivers (Jonathan Gornall  , 2015).

A human being has 360 joints.

Modern science discovered there are 360 Joints.[25] Prophet Muhammad reported this more than 1400 years ago. How could Prophet Muhammad know the exact number of joints in the human body?

The Messenger of Allah says that a human being has three hundred and sixty joints, for each of which he must give alms… (Sunan Abi Dawud 5242]

Prior to 1995, it was thought that there were 340 joints in the human body. In 1995, a scientific institute proved that the internal ear consists of 10 joints each (made up of cartilaginous matter). Thus, 20 joints were added, and the discovery was made that the human body consists of 360 joints. [26]

Inserting fliers in the liquid to neutralize the contamination.

Prophet said: “If a fly falls into your drink, dip it into it, then throw it away, for on one of its wings is a disease and on the other is a cure. ( Ibn Majah 3505).

Ivena et al. (2019).) conducted the research and proved that right-wing Musca domestica fly can neutralize the drinks that have been contaminated by the Escherichia coli bacteria. [27]

Not blowing while drinking water

Messenger of Allah said: “When any of you drinks, let him not breathe into the vessel. If he wants to continue drinking, let him move the vessel away (in order to breathe), then bring it back, if he wants.”  (Sunan Ibn Majah  no.3427).[28] Blowing hot food and drinks can cause harm to the body because if hot food is blown, water will meet carbon dioxide to produce carbonic acid, which is toxic to the body. [29]

Prophet and embryology

 Prophet said, “Each one of you is constituted in the womb of the mother for forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then God sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his deeds, his livelihood, the date of his death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched. Then the soul is breathed into him…” (Sahih al-Bukhari: 3036).

 Science has proved that the child in the womb of the mother develops in stages after every fourth day, as the Prophet mentioned in this narration. At that time, there was no knowledge of embryology. Where did Muhammad obtain that knowledge, which science proved   1400 years after the death of the Prophet? The only source is divine revelation. This shows that Muhammad was the true Prophet of God. [30]

Crying date palm

The Prophet used to stand by a date palm on Friday to deliver Friday sermons. Then, Ansari women prepared a pulpit for the Prophet to deliver the sermon. When the pulpit was prepared for him, the Prophet proceeded towards the pulpit to deliver the Friday sermon. The date palm cried out of anger like a child! Then the Prophet descended from the pulpit to embrace it so as to stop it from crying. The Prophet said, “It was crying because of missing the Prophet’s words, which it used to hear. (Sahih Bukhari 3584) [31]

Speaking  Camel

 Prophet entered an orchid that belonged to a man from the people of Medina when suddenly a camel came towards him weeping tenderly with its eyes welling with tears.  When the Camel saw the Prophet, the camel started groaning, and its eyes glowed. The Prophet quieted it down. The Prophet asked who the owner of this animal was. A young man from the Ansar came and said, ‘It is mine. The Prophet said fear Allah regarding this animal which you possess; the animal complained to me that you starve it and toil it ( Abuu Dawuud 2549)  [32]

Prayer for the rain

Once during the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger, the people of Medina suffered from drought. A man told the Prophet during Friday sermon and the Prophet invoked for the rain, and it started raining heavily. The rain continued until the next Friday, when the same man said, Oh Messenger of Allah, the houses have collapsed; please invoke Allah to withhold the rain; the Prophet said, “O Allah, (let it rain) around us and not on us the rain stopped. [33]

Fighting Turks

The Prophet said, “The Hour will not be established till you fight a nation wearing hairy shoes, and till you fight the Turks, who will have small eyes, red faces, and flat noses; and their faces will be like flat shields( Sahih Bukhari 3587) . [34]This refers to the Mongolian inversion which occurred in the 13th century. (Halperin, .C J. 2000)

Muslims will defeat Jews

Muslim will fight  Jews and they will be given the victory over them.[35]

This prophesies has not yet occurred but it will occur when Jews will join antichrist and fights Muslims then Muslims will win the war. Jesus will join the Muslim army, and he will kill the false messiah at a place called Bab Ludd. [36]

Muslims will defeat the Romans

Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger said,  the  Khousrau and Caesar will perish, and there will be no one after them; you will spend the treasures of both of them in Allah’s Cause.[37]

 The final Khosrau who rose to power during the time of  the Prophet was  Yazdegerd III (d. 651), Sassanid Empire. The final Caesar during the time of the Prophet was Heraclius (d. 641), who ruled Jerusalem. After those two Kings, no empire occupied those two regions.( Irshaad  Sedick 2023)

The Prophet predicted his Death

The Prophet told  Fatima that  he would die in his fatal illness,  and Fatima wept And the Prophet died after that.[38]

Prophet Prophesized Hassan to be a mediator:

The Prophet  brought out Hasan and took him and said I hope that Allah will help him bring about reconciliation between two Muslim groups. [39] Muawiya and Hassan ibn Ali signed a treaty in 661 in which Hassan left the position of Caliphate to Muawiya. ( Madelung 1997)

Ummu Haram and Army

Ummu Harami heard the Prophet that the army to ride in the sea and fight in Constantinople would be inhabitant of paradise, she asked the Prophet to pray for her to be among the army, and during the reign of Muawiya (674–678), truly Ummu Haram Umm Ḥaram rode in the first Muslim naval fleet, accompanying her husband, and died upon falling off her mount in enemy lands(Sahih Bukhari  7001) [40]

Prayer to Abu Huraira

Abu Huraira reported that: I said, “O Allah’s Messenger, I hear many narrations from you, but I forget them.” He said, “Spread your covering sheet.” I spread my sheet, and he moved both his hands as if scooping something. He emptied them in the sheet and said, “Wrap it.” I wrapped it around my body, and since then, I have never forgotten it. [41]

A bowl of milk fed 100 people.

Abu Huraira reported that he was hungry and tied a stone over his stomach. One day, the Prophet passed by me, and he said, “Follow me’’. Abu Huraira entered the house of the Prophet, gave him milk in a bowl, and told him to call the people of As-Suffah who were living in the mosque of the Prophet, and they had no family  Prophet feed them from charity.  Abu Huraira gave them the milk from the bowl. More than 100 people drank from one bowl of milk, and then Abu Huraira drank the milk. [42]

Miracle of spouting water

Anas reported that Allah’s Apostle and his Companions were at a place known as az-Zaura’  near the mosque of Madina. The Prophet called for a vessel containing water. He put his hand in that. There began to be water spout between his fingers, and all the Companions performed ablution. Qatada asked Anas ibn Malik how many people there were. He said They were about three hundred. [43]

Few loaves of bread satisfy eighty people

Talha said he felt that the voice of Messenger was weak because of hunger. Talha went home, and he found a few loaves of barley bread. Talha called the Prophet, who was sitting in the mosque with some people. Allah’s Messenger came in company with Abu Talha, and they entered the house. Allah’s Messenger said to Talha’s wife Bring whatever you have. So she brought that barley bread, and the Messenger of Allah ordered that bread to be broken into small pieces, and then the wife of Talha poured over it some butter from a leather butter container, and then Allah’s Messenger blessed the food and it increases so  Allah’s Messenger admitted about seventy or eighty people ate that small amount of food, and all were satisfied.( Sahih Bukhari 6688). [44]

Water skin  for thirty people

Companions of the Prophet were on a journey. At night, they become defiled, and so they are impure and unable to perform prayers. What prevented you from offering the prayer was that they make ablution using clean earth. Then, companions became thirsty and had no water to drink; they met on the way women with water skins. The Prophet ordered that her two water-skins be brought, and he rubbed the mouths of the water skins. As they were thirsty, they drank forty men until they were satisfied. The lady embraced Islam.[45]

Water for many people

Jabir bin `Abdullah said, “The people became very thirsty on the day of the Treaty of Hudaybiya. A small pot containing some water was in front of the Prophet, and when he finished the ablution, the people rushed towards him. He asked, ‘What is wrong with you?’ They replied, ‘We have no water either for performing ablution or for drinking except what is present in front of you.’ So he placed his hand in that pot, and the water started flowing among his fingers like springs. We all drank and performed ablution (from it). He said, “Even if we had been one hundred thousand, it would have been sufficient for us, but we were fifteen hundred. [46]

Muslims will be killed in abundance

The Prophet said: The people will soon attack you as people when eating, invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts( Abu Dawud 42970)[47]

Millions of Muslims were killed in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Libya, and Sudan. There is a program of Muslim cleansing throughout the world. Muslims across the world are persecuted, abused, and murdered by Muslim and non-Muslim regimes. ( Hamid Dabashi 2013)

The fate of Ammar ibn Yassir

The Prophet  , During the building of Medina mosque, said that Ammar ibn Yasir would be killed by a party of transgressors and that the last drink he would take would be milk. Three decades after that prophecy, the Battle of  Siffin happened, and Ammar ibn Yassir was killed while he was drinking milk.( Sahih Bukhari 2812)  [48]

Abundance of alcohol and music

The Prophet said among his people, there would be abundance and  spread of alcohol and music, and this is obvious now the world is full of alcohol and music. [49]

Prophesies of Muhammad in the Old Scriptures

Prophesy from Isaiah 

Isaiah (21:13-17) says, “The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye traveling companies of Dedanim. The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him who was thirsty; they prevented, with their bread, him from fleeing.  For they fled from the sword,  the drawn sword, the bent bow, and the grievousness of war. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, within a year,  according to the years of a hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail……”

This prophesy is about the Prophet of Arabia, who traveled in the forest of Arabia the Word Tema, which is now Medina (S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts 1924, pp.98-123). Muhammad emigrated from Mecca to Tema, which is Medina. Pagans intended to kill him, so Muhammad fled from the sword of the pagans of Mecca; he arrived in Medina and established the Islamic State of Medina, the Islamic State that ended the kingdom of Kedar. According to the dictionary of the bible, Kedar is   the second Son of Ishmael who is dark-skinned (Genesis 25:13). It is the name for the nomadic tribes of Arabs, the Bedouins generally who dwelt in the north-west of Arabia (Jeremiah 49:28, 29)

Prophet like Moses

The Bible says, “I will raise for them a prophet like you from among their brethren, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I commanded him.” (Deuteronomy 18.  18).

Christians interpret Jesus as a prophet like Moses. [50]

But in reality, this refers to Muhammad because Muhammad, by lineage, is an Arab, and Arabs are the brothers of Jews. Abraham had two sons: Ishmael, who was the origin of all Arabs, and Isaac, who was the origin of all Jews. Ishmael and Isaac are brothers.

Muhammad is like Moses, as they both were given laws. Torah was the source of laws for Judaism, Torah is a source of laws. Quran is also a book of laws and Jesus had no laws except he was ordered to follow the Torah.

Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina and Moses made exodus. Muhammad and Moses both married and had children Jesus never married and never had children. Moses and Muhammad both had a normal birth both had mother and father  but Jesus had a miraculous birth he has a mother only, God commanded Virgin marry to give birth and she delivered the child by God’s command. So Muhammad is the brother of Moses and he is like Moses.

Places of Revelation for three Prophets.

The Bible says, “The Lord came from Sinai and dawned on them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran. He came with[a] myriad of holy ones from the south, from his mountain slopes”. (Deuteronomy 33:2). This verse mentions places of revelation for Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Sinai is a place where Moses gets the revelation of the Torah, and Seir is a place of the revelation of Jesus.[51] Paran is a place in Arabia where Prophet Muhammad was revealed in the Quran. Christians claim that Paran is a place at Sinai (Brueggemann, Walter 2001).

On the contrary, Muslim scholars argued that Mount Paran was at Mecca, a place known today as Hijaz(Shehada, Haseeb:1989). The Arabic form of the Word Paran is Faran or Pharan, and it is the name of Mecca. (F. Westenfielt, Leipzig, 1862, Vol. III, p.834). It is a place where Hagar was sent to exile, and he had a son called Ishmael. The desert of Paran is mentioned in Genesis, where Ishmael drank water from the spring known as ‘Zamzam’( Genesis 21:19-22). The desert of Paran is interpreted as Hijaz, which means the Arabian country, which  includes Mecca in the old Arabic translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Sacred scripture of the Samaritan ( Khan,1870). The name Paran is referred to the mountains around Mecca( Hamdan, 2020, p. 285)

 The Bible says, “God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens, and his praise filled the earth. (Habakkuk 3:3) . The bible mentioned Paran, which is Mecca, and Tema, which is Medina. According to the Bible, Tema is a place where Ishmael’s son, Tema, dwelt. It is a place in the North of Saudi Arabia( Charles Foster, 1844, p. 294).

Ishmael had twelve sons, including Tema and Kedar (Genesis 25:12-18 ). Tema is located northeast of the Hijaz district, on the trade route between Medina and Dumah. [52]

Another advocate

The Bible says, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever (John 14:16)[53]

John 14:15-31 New International Version

The Bible says, “If you love me, keep my commands.  And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:15-17 NIV)

John (14:15-17 AMP )   ………..but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you. The word’ Holy Spirit’ was added in the bracket.

Christians believe that “another advocate is the Holy Spirit. [54]The Greek Word allos, which was used, means “another of the same kind.” So another comforter must be a human being who shares the same kind of humanity as Jesus and not an Angel because Angels are of different kinds. [55]

The Bible did not use the word “heteros,” which means another of a different kind. If this Word were used, it would mean that another advocate is not human, and it would fit that he should be the Holy Spirit. So this prophecy doesn’t fit the Holy Spirit, and to relate this verse with the Holy Spirit, which is Gabriel, is a deception.

Other versions of the Bible

The comforter (John 14:16) was also called helper, advocate, friend, and counselor. As mentioned in these, all are attributes of a human being, not an Angel, as an Angel is not a friend, a comforter, or a counselor. The comforter will live with us while Gabriel is not living away from us. Bible scholars differed on the meaning of the word “comforter” (Gary M.1987, PP14-21), so we cannot precisely translate the Word comforter as Holy Ghost as Christian scholars did.

The Bible says that “The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him.” Gabriel was sent to many prophets before Jesus, and people accepted the Messengers, so they accepted him. Gabriel, or the Holy Ghost, was seen by people of the world before Jesus and after Jesus.

The verse clearly indicates that the advocate was absent during the time of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit was present during the time of Jesus.[56]

Jesus said, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is suitable for you that I go away: for if I don’t go away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. (John 16:7).

Who was the rider of the white horse, Jesus or Muhammad?

The Bible says,” I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice, he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but him.  He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of Go……..(Revelation 19:11-17).

Bible scholars interpreted that the rider of the white horse mentioned here was Jesus. [57]

This interpretation is irrelevant because Jesus never rode a white horse. In (Revelation 6:2) it was mentioned, “ And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and conquering.

Muhammad was the rider of the white horse because when he went to heaven, he rode the white horse, which is called Buraq, which is a horse-like creature. The white horse is Buraq(half mule, half donkey), which Muhammad rode during his journey to Jerusalem(Brooke Olson Vuckovic2005). During the battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad was injured, and his clothing was stained by blood. [58]

The rider of the white horse has another attribute that he judges and wage war. Muhammad was ruler, so he was a judge, and he waged several wars with nine major battles. he conquered many places, including Mecca, so he was a conqueror, and Jesus never conquered any town. Muhammad was the King of Kings when he conquered many cities and ruled many countries, including Mecca, Medina, and Yemen. He wore many crowns on his head; Jesus never had a crown.

Jesus never rode a horse; he was neither a Judge nor a King, and Jesus never had an army. He was beaten, prosecuted, and killed on the cross. According to Christians, Jesus never fought any war. Prophet Muhammad was called by the pagans of Mecca “truthful, honest” from this habit. He never lies, and the revelation mentioned that man is called Faithful and True. [59]

Why should everybody believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad

Allah is the God of all prophets, including Moses and Jesus. Jesus cried, calling Eli Elli the word with the same root as Allah, which means My God ((Matthew 27:46), the Hebrew Eli. Mark used “Eloi,” which means the same thing (Mark 15:34).

Allah sent Muhammad as the last prophet for all mankind, including Christians, Jews, and people of all religions are obliged to follow Muhammad((Quran: 21:106-107). Muhammad is the Messenger of God to all people on Earth; salvation is only obtained by following him (Quran 7:158). Muhammad is the last Prophet (Quran 33:40).[60]

Allah says that whoever desires other than Islam as religion will never be accepted by him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.”(Quran 3:85). [61]

 Anyone who does not follow the Islamic religion is regarded as a disbeliever.  Allah will burn disbelievers in the hell fire because disbelief is an unforgivable sin in the sight of Allah ( Quran22:19). Allah confirmed that disbelievers would be thrown into eternal fire.”.(Quran 35:36) [62]

Muhammad said, “By Him in Whose hand is the life of Muhammad, he who among the community of Jews or Christians hears about me, but does not affirm his belief in that with which I have been sent and dies in this state (of disbelief), he shall be but one of the denizens of Hell-Fire”(Sahih Muslim, no. 153).

Muslims who believe in Allah and follow the prophet Muhammad will be in eternal Paradise and will abide therein eternally,? (Quran: 47:15)

Albert Kenneth Cragg (8 March 1913 – 13 November 2012) believed that the Prophet Muhammad was inspired by God. Muhammad’s prophethood was acknowledged by early Christian bible scholars. Syrian monk Bahira, Waraka bin Nawfal, a Christian convert, prophesied that Muhammad would be a prophet, and Abdulla bin Salami, the Jewish Rabi from the tribe of Banu Qaynuqa, converted to Islam. Heraclius (610 to 641)  said Muhammad has the qualities of a prophet.”( Sahih  Bukhari: 2681).  Muhammad said, “I am the closest of the people to Jesus, the son of  Mary, because there was no Prophet between me and him. He will stay for forty years, then he will die, and the Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him.” (Musnad Ahmad : 9270).

Prophet Muhammad said there was no prophet between him and Jesus.  Prophet Jesus will descend as a Muslim. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross and kill the swine. Allah will make all religions perish except Islam. Jesus will kill the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years, and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.”(Abu Dawud: 4324) [63]

After the death of everybody, Angels will ask the soul What is your opinion about Muhammad; if he affirms the prophethood of Muhammad, he will be saved, but if he denies the prophethood of Muhammad, he will be punished in the grave and he will be thrown into hell fire.[64]

Muhammad is the only prophet who will intercede for humankind during the Day of Judgment. After the failure of Prophet Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus to intersect on the Day of Judgment.


Many people are ignorant about the Prophet Muhammad due to many Western writers’ misinterpretations and distortions about the Prophethood of Muhammad. Muhammad was the true Prophet of God to all Humankind; even non-Muslims admit the prophethood of Muhammad. [65]

The Quran is the living miracle of God. It is a piece of literature that no one among the Arabs who has advanced in Arabic can imitate. The Quran contains several scientific miracles which are known today by scientists; the Quran has prophesized several events that really occurred, and the religion of Islam is rich in knowledge of eschatology, which cannot be found in any sacred book. Islam has mentioned the names of the Gets of Paradise and hell, and these names are found nowhere in any sacred book, neither in the Gospel nor in the Torah. [66] Where Muhammad received this knowledge?.

Annie Besant (1847-1933) concluded that Muhammad was a prophet [The Life And Teachings Of Muhammad, Madras, 1932, p. 4]. This paper aims to remove the negative concept about Muhammad and to prove that he was a Prophet of God, which everyone is obliged to follow.


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