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Optimization of the Role of Karang Taruna in the Development of Village Based Tourism in Indonesia

  • Heryanto Susilo
  • Monica Widyaswari
  • Widodo
  • Sjafiatul Mardliyah
  • Widya Nusantara
  • 4945-4957
  • Nov 19, 2024
  • Education

Optimization of the Role of Karang Taruna in the Development of Village Based Tourism in Indonesia

Heryanto Susilo, Monica Widyaswari, Widodo, Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Widya Nusantara

Department of Non-Formal Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Received: 28 September 2024; Revised: 10 October 2024; Accepted: 15 October 2024; Published: 19 November 2024


This study aims to analyze the optimization of the role of Karang Taruna in the development of village-based tourism in Indonesia, specifically in Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency, East Java. This research employs a qualitative method with the collection of primary and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through interviews with various informants, while secondary data is supported by the results of observations and documentation. Data analysis is conducted using Miles and Huberman’s interactive analysis technique. The results indicate that Karang Taruna plays an essential role in developing tourism in Hulaan Village through youth skills training and the optimization of local products such as bean sprouts and lontong. Support from the village government and the availability of good water sources are key to the success of production and sustainable tourism development. This study concludes that the optimization of Karang Taruna’s role can serve as a model for village-based tourism development in other regions of Indonesia.

Keywords: Karang Taruna, Village, Tourism, Indonesia


The tourism sector plays an important role as one of the sources of regional income. In this case, the tourism potential owned by a region can be placed as a mainstay to improve the standard of living of the community. In addition to being an effort to improve the community’s standard of living, the tourism sector is also one of the sectors that support state income, especially in the non-oil and gas sector. The natural potential of a region must be balanced with human resources when managing it.

A tourist village is a village that has the potential for uniqueness and attractions that have been developed to become tourist attractions. The tourist village itself is an area that offers elements of authenticity in terms of socio-culture, social society, environmental beauty, and customs that are presented in the form of integrated tourism components offered to visiting tourists.

The development of Hulaan Village is reflected in three development concepts, namely the development of bean sprout farmers and lontong entrepreneurs, the realization of a society with local knowledge that is open to changes and developments in the era, and a society with local intelligence (local genius) which is reflected in the community’s ability to preserve culture, traditions, customs, norms, beliefs, and noble values ​​in the Hulaan Village community. The main elements that a tourist village must present are the uniqueness of community activities, the uniqueness of the environment, natural beauty, cultural uniqueness and all kinds of community activities that are authentic elements owned by the village. The existence of a tourist village can provide an authentic experience for tourists and become an attraction. A tourist village is a form of integration between accommodation and supporting facilities presented in a structure of community life.

Tourist villages significantly contribute to and impact regional and national development. The more tourists visit tourist villages, the higher the income of village communities [1]. The purpose of the tourist village was to allow the community to act as a direct actor in increasing its readiness and sensitivity to potential attractions in its respective areas.

Village development is a shared responsibility of every member of the community. The potential of the village becomes an attraction to be developed into a tourist village, and the concept of this tourist village becomes a magnet to develop the community’s economy. This also happens in Hulaan Village, one of the tourist villages in Menganti District, Gresik Regency. The potential for bean sprout and lontong production is the driving force of the community’s economy. The innovation of empowered villages through producing bean sprouts and lontong must be kept from the good water sources in Hulaan Village. In addition, the support of the village Government in developing the Hulaan Reservoir as an irrigation facility and water reserve makes Hulaan Village a clear groundwater source for producing bean sprouts and lontong as the leading tourism product.

In optimizing Hulaan Village as a tourist village, not only is the role of the community needed but support is also needed from the role of Karang Taruna, one of which is the role of the youth organization. Karang Taruna is a forum for developing the younger generation that grows based on awareness and a sense of social responsibility in rural areas or social communities in social welfare. The existence of Karang Taruna, which develops in a village, becomes a forum for aligning goals and arousing interests and talents so that empowering young people can be carried out optimally [2], [3].

Optimizing the role of Karang Taruna applied in Hulaan tourism village aims to raise public awareness, align paradigms, and as an effort to develop tourism villages that can provide a positive impact on the community’s economy. It is undeniable that the involvement of Karang Taruna is an agent of change. Tourism villages’ development must optimize Karang Taruna’s role in developing the tourism sector.

Karang Taruna is not only involved as an implementer of development in the tourism sector but also in its management. Karang Taruna is a youth organization in the village/sub-district that is a forum for developing self-potentials in the social welfare business. As a youth organization, basic guidelines and household guidelines guide Karang Taruna, and each region’s management structure and term of office, from the village/sub-district to the national level, have been regulated. All of this is a form of organizational regeneration for the sake of the continuation of the organization and the development of Karang Taruna members both now and in the future.

The role of Karang Taruna in developing tourism villages can be viewed from a marketing strategy by conducting promotions both on social media and through promotions between voices. In this way, it is hoped that tourists can find out about and visit the Tauge tourist village based in Gresik Regency so that it can improve the community’s economy in the future. Three factors drive the development of the tauge tourist village. First, rural areas have relatively higher authenticity compared to urban areas. Second, rural areas have a physical environment that is still original or has not been polluted by various types of pollution. Third, rural areas face relatively slow economic development to a certain extent, and somal utilization of the community’s economic, social and cultural potential is a rational reason for developing rural tourism.

This condition is in line with previous research that explains the role of youth in developing village-based tourism and its implications for the economic resilience of a region. The role of youth has a significant impact on the economic resilience of the region because they have increased the economic income of the community through the development of village-based tourism [4], [5].

In general, the existence of Hulaan Village as a tourism village benefit to the community’s economy by optimizing human and natural resources. Thus, the role of Karang Taruna as the younger generation is expected to be able to face the challenges faced by the Hulaan Village community based on the current era and develop and manage appropriately. Not only that, the optimization of the role of Karang Taruna in the development of village-based tourism will not be effective without the active participation of the community, thus achieving community empowerment both economically and socially [6].

Based on the data exposure above, the researcher is interested in researching the role of Karang Taruna in developing tourist villages that can make the community more active in managing and carrying them out optimally. The assistance role of Karang Taruna also has a positive impact related to solving the problems faced, the challenges of tourist villages in the era of globalization and the form of implementation of the development of tourist villages. This study examines the optimization of the role of Karang Taruna in the development of tourist villages by emphasizing knowledge and actual practices in developing the potential of Hulaan Village as one of the successes of the role of Karang Taruna in developing tourist villages.


This research uses a qualitative research type that requires researchers to draw conclusions based on the views obtained from participants [7], [8]. In the implementation procedure, researchers can formulate broader and more general research problems, collect data from participants in words or long sentences, and analyze these sentences systematically. This type of research describes and presents information about respondents and discusses issues that arise in the research topic [9], [10], in this case in the form of detailed information about the strategy for optimizing the role of Karang Taruna and programs carried out in developing tourism villages. These data can comprehensively describe the answers to the problem formulation that will be searched for carefully through the field’s data validity stages. Thus, this problem formulation will be cross-checked by collecting data at the research location.

This research was conducted in Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency, East Java, Indonesia. It uses primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is obtained directly from the research location, Hulaan Village, through an interview process with various informants. Secondary data sources are data sources that indirectly provide information to support research results, such as observation results and documentation results.

There are informant criteria in this study as follows: (a) Village head and hamlet head as leaders of the Hulaan Village community, (b) Community leaders who are people who influence tourism in Hulaan Village, (c) Youth organization leaders as facilitators for youth organization members and the community in developing tourism villages, (d) Youth organization members are supporters in tourism village development programs, (e) Hulaan Village Community as recipients and supporters of tourism village development.

Table 1. Criteria of Informants

Name Age Information
Dion 56 Village head
Putra 43 Hamlet head
Wahyu 58 Community leader
Udin 60 Community leader
Hendra 31 Chairman of the youth organization
Rama 20 Member of the youth organization
Anisa 22 Member of the youth organization
Rika 23 Member of the youth organization
Candra 40 Community
Tri 42 Community

Based on the criteria of the research informants above, the categories of informants include (a) Village heads and hamlet heads with age classifications of 56 and 43 years; (b) Community leaders with age classifications of 58 and 60 years; (c) Youth organization leaders and members with age classifications of 20, 22, 23 and 31 years; (d) Hulaan village residents with age classifications of 40 and 42 years.

This study’s data collection techniques are primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained by researchers directly. While secondary data is data obtained by researchers from existing sources [11], [12]. In relation to this, the data collection techniques used by researchers include:

  1. In-depth interviews are a very significant data collection method for understanding important information in depth that cannot be obtained through observation. In this study, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews that were unstructured. Unstructured interviews provide freedom for the informants to share their experiences and insights more deeply, which can reveal new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities faced by Karang Taruna in the context of village tourism. The combination of these two methods is expected to provide a more holistic view of the contributions of Karang Taruna and the factors influencing tourism development in the village. In-depth interviews are conducted with informants related to the research. Interviews are conducted using interview guidelines to facilitate the interview process and focus more on information related to optimizing the role of the youth organization in developing tourist villages.
  2. Observation is a systematic process that describes in detail, concretely, and without the researcher’s assessment of what is being studied, including the activities of the youth organization and the interactions found by the researcher in the data collection process. The Observation conducted in this study was to observe the conditions at the actual research location (actual conditions), such as the activities of the youth organization that were applied to the development of the Hulaan tourist village.
  3. Documentation is a supporting document that traces the research problem. Documents that can be explored include a general description of the Hulaan tourist village and the activities and role of the youth organization in developing tourist villages.

Data analysis techniques using interactive analysis Miles and Huberman [13] consist of several stages, including data reduction, which is the stage used by researchers in compiling the summary that has been obtained, categorizing the data results by providing codes according to their placement, namely:

F1   : General Desciption of Hulaan Village in Gresik Regency

F2 : The Role of Karang Taruna in Developing Tourism Villages

F3 : Strategy for Optimizing the Role of Karang Taruna in the Development of Village Based Tourism

Thus, the data is detailed according to its category. Then, the data is selected to simplify the results and eliminate data that does not match the research context.

Next is the condensation data, a data analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way. Furthermore, the data is presented in systematic, easy-to-understand sentences or narrative text. The last stage is data verification, which concludes the final data analysis stage. To conclude, researchers look for relationships, similarities, and differences in research findings so that the verification results are complete, thorough, and accurate.


General Desciption of Hulaan Village in Gresik Regency

Economic and social development at the local level: When a village optimizes its tourism potential, it can provide benefits such as increasing community income, creating jobs, and preserving the village’s. Participation from the community ensures that the benefits obtained are not only felt by one party but are evenly distributed across all levels of society.

With the increasing number of tourist visits, tourist villages can strengthen their economies, which in turn contributes to regional and national development as a whole [14]. In addition, community awareness and sensitivity to the village’s tourism potential are also vital factors in its sustainability.

Every member of the community shares responsibility for the village’s progress and decline. The village’s potential is an attraction that can be developed into a tourist village. The concept of a tourist village today is a magnet for developing the community’s economy [15], [16].

Hulaan Village has three hamlets: Sidomulyo Hamlet, Tlogobedah Hamlet, and Hulaan Hamlet. Its economic centers are of two types: the bean sprout and lontong industries centered in Hulaan Hamlet and vegetables centered in Tlogobedah Hamlet. In addition to the bean sprout and vegetable home industry, Hulaan Village still has potential, namely the logo, located in Hulaan Hamlet, and other potentials, such as dance culture, music, and others.

Based on the results of observations made by researchers, Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik is known as an educational tourism facility, namely an educational facility for visitors to understand the process of producing bean sprouts and lontong. Not only that, but the inauguration of the Hulaan Village reservoir area tourism also shows a concrete effort in utilizing potential to improve the welfare of village communities that can be developed in the context of community empowerment, especially in building village tourism. Village tourism involves efforts to build community empowerment. Therefore, all efforts are directed at community empowerment efforts.

The potential for bean sprout and lontong production is the driving force of the community’s economy. The innovation of empowered villages through producing bean sprouts and lontong cannot be separated from the good water sources in Hulaan Village. In addition, the support of the village Government in developing the Hulaan Reservoir as an irrigation facility and water reserve makes Hulaan Village a clear groundwater source for producing bean sprouts and lontong. The potential for bean sprout and lontong production is the driving force of the community’s economy.

The innovation of empowered villages through producing bean sprouts and lontong cannot be separated from the good water sources in Hulaan Village. In addition, the support of the village Government in developing the Hulaan Reservoir as an irrigation facility and water reserve makes Hulaan Village a clear groundwater source for producing bean sprouts and lontong.

Empowered Village

Fig 1. Empowered Village: Bean Sprout and Lontong Village in Hulaan Village

Based on the Fig 1. above, the potential for bean sprout and lontong production spread across each community home is a community business passed down from generation to generation. The community engaged in the bean sprout business in Hulaan Village is around 50 families with a production range of 5 kilograms to 300 kilograms, with an average of 1 kilogram being able to produce 5 to 7 kilograms of bean sprouts. The marketing area is around Gresik, Surabaya City, Sidoarjo, and Mojokerto.

An empowered village is identical to an independent village that can optimize village potential and develop village potential into economic value to improve the welfare of the surrounding community. An economically empowered village can capture opportunities, synergize, and make decisions to increase regional income. This condition indicates the establishment of an empowered village in Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency [17].

In realizing an empowered village, various innovations have been carried out in Hulaan Village, namely: (1) exploring the potential of the community as a place for producing bean sprouts and rice cakes, (2) maximizing natural potential to be used as a source of livelihood for the community through the establishment of a bean sprout and rice cake entrepreneur community group, and (3) being independent in marketing bean sprout and rice cake products as the primary source of livelihood for the community across generations [18].

Most of the Hulaan Village community is engaged in bean sprout farmers and rice cake production to improve the family economy. Almost every house produces bean sprouts and rice cakes, sent to meet the community’s needs. The production of bean sprouts and rice cakes makes Hulaan Village an empowered village where the community can economically meet their daily needs. Tourism development can impact other sectors, such as the agricultural sector, food or culinary sector, industrial sector, plantation sector, and livestock sector, and is inseparable from increasing employment opportunities for the community [19], [20].

In addition to the potential of Hulaan Village as an educational tourism area for bean sprouts and rice cakes, Hulaan Village also supports the Hulaan Reservoir as a center for tourism and entertainment and as a place to develop the talents of the younger generation. Optimizing the potential of Hulaan Tourism Village by utilizing the reservoir as a culinary center, sports and gymnastics activities, and as a place for community gatherings. The reservoir, which used to be a water reservoir, is now used for community recreation. The following describes the activities of residents who utilize the open area around the Hulaan reservoir.

Fig 2. Situation in Hulaan Village

Based on the Fig. 2 above, Hulaan Reservoir, as an educational tourism or educational tour for the community, has the aim that the visiting community can enjoy the tourist location and at the same time gain new learning experiences. The concept of Hulaan Reservoir educational tourism is reflected in several programs, namely: (1) culinary center, (2) sports center, (3) water tourism, and (4) open space for community gathering.

Based on the data presented above, the tourism village developed to preserve culture in a village creates business opportunities as a movement of the community’s economy and prepares the seven charms as part of the tourism village service. Hulaan Village is known as one of the centers of bean sprout and lontong production. It has an attraction related to the Hulaan Reservoir, which has been developed into a natural tourism area. One of the main focuses implemented by the Hulaan Village community is to increase the value of local products to a broader market as an effort to develop tourist destinations to support economic and social activities.

The Role of Karang Taruna in Developing Tourism Villages

Local tourism driven by youth and the community is indeed increasingly emerging. With the existence of this tourism, the benefits are not only enjoyed by the management group but also impact residents because of the many economic opportunities created. The role of youth in youth organizations is to make Hulaan Village a tourist spot that many people can know as a step to empower the people of Hulaan Village. The community’s tendency to be passive hampers innovation in developing tourist villages, so it is considered less than optimal. The limited insight of the community towards the development of tourist villages is hampered, and these limitations also have implications for the empowerment process of the people of Hulaan Village. With the potential of existing village resources, tourist villages empower the surrounding community to provide economic benefits to the community through youth organizations.

The role of youth Karang Taruna is that of a youth organization in villages or sub-districts as a forum for developing self-potential in social welfare efforts. Its role as a youth organization, Karang Taruna, is guided by basic guidelines and household guidelines where each region’s management structure and term of office have been regulated [21], [22].

Community organizations drive local and regional potential; as a community organization, Karang Taruna Hulaan Village is a forum for the young generation to develop talents and ask for social welfare. Karang Taruna Hulaan Village, which Hendra currently chairs, has 44 members. Based on the explanation it is also supported by the results of the interview with the head of the youth organization as follows:

We, as the administrators and implementers of the youth organization program of Hulaan Village, are a bridge for each hamlet in Hulaan Village to motivate the community that the existence of a tourist village can improve the economy of the surrounding community, create new business opportunities, provide new skills for the community in managing the potential of bean sprouts and lontong to become more varied foods. The main goal is to attract as many local tourists as possible to enjoy the natural beauty, lakes, and facilities provided by Hulaan Village. The concept we bring is to make the Hulaan reservoir an ecotourism (nature-based tourism). To support the village Government program, we, the youth organization administrators, are a forum for mobilizing human resources so that the younger generation can participate in building the village (Interview).

The youth organization in Hulaan Village plays a vital role in supporting the development of tourist villages, especially in terms of event management, promotional activities, and local youth empowerment. Not only that, the youth organization of Hulaan Village is also active in holding various activities that can attract tourists, including “Semarak Sehat,” which is carried out around the Hulaan reservoir area. With proper management and support from various parties, Hulaan Village has an excellent opportunity to develop into an attractive tourist destination in terms of natural beauty and local products.

The observations made by researchers explain that the role of the Karang Taruna organization as a village driver has a significant influence on village development. Through activities organized by the village Karang Taruna, the community can be mobilized to help each other develop a tourist village. According to the results of observations made, it is also supported by the following documentation results:

Fig 3. Members of Karang Taruna are discussing program planning

Based on Fig. 3 above, it is explained that the role of the youth organization in conducting routine discussions has several stages, starting with program planning, identifying potential in the community, forming a business community, and implementing events that create tourist attractions in Kampung Tauge and Lontong Hulaan Village.

The youth organization’s development of tourist villages is expected to bring change and play an essential role in all supporting aspects of the Hulaan tourist village. The production of bean sprouts and lontong and the existence of the Hulaan reservoir are expected to introduce the village’s potential to the broader public. The promotion strategy from social media and inter-voice promotion implemented by the youth organization is expected to attract residents to learn about and visit the tourist village. It is hoped that the large number of tourists from outside will be able to improve the economy of Hulaan Village.

A forum for developing all potential, creativity and legal basis must support the role of youth in developing village potential towards empowered villages and tourist villages [23], [24]. The existence of this youth organization is one component of community social participation that needs to be improved. Activities carried out by the youth of the Hulaan Village Youth Organization in developing tourist villages include (1) the involvement of youth organizations in developing economic potential by supporting the potential of superior products and supporting the process of the birth of micro-small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that are packaged into tourist attractions; (2) assisting the community regarding strategies in developing tourist villages.

The role of youth organizations is greatly needed in improving community welfare. This is because youth organizations, as productive-age youth, need to make breakthroughs in order to explore the potentials owned by a village. The formation of youth organizations also contributes to Hulaan Tourism Village through village potential that is packaged attractively so that it can positively impact the surrounding community and tourists [25], [26].

By utilizing information technology such as social media, digital platforms, and websites that are implemented, the aim is to promote tourist villages to a broader audience so that they can increase tourist visits to the village. Not only that, the youth organizations of Hulaan Village also play an active role in managing tourist facilities, such as organizing supporting events to accelerate the development of the village as a tourist destination.

The role of the youth organization of Hulaan Village in developing tourist villages only sometimes runs optimally. However, the activities carried out often face obstacles and challenges, including those explained by the head of the youth organization as follows:

Limited village funds require costs in building infrastructure and promotion to develop tourist villages and compete with other tourist destinations. (2) Competition from other tourist destinations is also a challenge for villages that are just starting out. Therefore, youth organizations continue innovating and creating unique ideas that compete with other tourist destinations (Interview).

The youth organization’s contribution to developing tourist villages related to human resource development is to improve skills in various aspects such as tourism services, homestay management, and digital marketing with the hope of creating a local workforce that can manage tourist villages. Furthermore, the youth organization of Hulaan Village also increases understanding of technology and social media in promoting tourist villages to be attractive and help visibility [27], [28].

In marketing local products produced by Hulaan Village related to bean sprout products, the role of the youth organization is expected to be to promote products and increase their economic value [29], [30]: First, create attractive branding for bean sprouts in Hulaan Village, including improving the packaging to be more modern and hygienic. This aims to attract consumer attention and increase the selling value of the product.

Second, Karang Taruna is a productive young generation that actively uses social media and e-commerce platforms to market bean sprouts to a broader reach. Third, in developing local bean sprout and lontong products, Karang Taruna youth build cooperation with local culinary from within and outside the region to increase demand for bean sprout products and expand market segments.

Fourth, Karang Taruna’s contribution to organizing workshops and training for the community, especially for bean sprout farmers, is related to improving production quality, more efficient processing techniques, and better marketing methods. Fifth, holding a local product festival involving bean sprout products as one of the leading products, such as utilizing the Hulaan Reservoir as a tourist area stall as a typical souvenir from Hulaan Village.

As a forum for the young generation, Karang Taruna Hulaan Village has five areas of program development to support tourist villages, including: (1) the field of human resource development, through community education activities in realizing empowered villages through activities to increase bean sprout production into more productive values; (2) youth and sports sector, sports activities are centralized in the Hulaan Reservoir area such as volleyball, gymnastics, and cycling; (3) religion and culture sector, the young generation of the youth organization works together with the Mosque in the Hulaan Village area to celebrate Islamic holidays, grand religious studies, and sholawatan which attract large crowds using the Hulaan Village Reservoir area; (4) information and public relations sector, as a mediator and liaison for bean sprout and lontong farmers to support the village Government in implementing the village’s flagship program to create a Tauge and Lontong Village in Hulaan Village; and (5) creative economy sector, the youth organization identifies in depth the potential that can be raised and developed from the production of Tauge and Lontong to become culinary that can be accepted by all age groups. Based on the data presented above, it can be concluded that the role of the youth organization in developing tourist villages is a crucial aspect in supporting the optimization of tourism potential as a driver of local product development, as an increase in the capacity of village youth in providing skills training to support the development of tourist villages. Not only that, Karang Taruna plays an essential role in ensuring that the development of the Hulaan tourist village is carried out according to the principles of a sustainable tourist village.

Strategy for Optimizing the Role of Karang Taruna in the Development of Village Based Tourism

The role of youth in village development is vital because the youth organization’s youth have creativity, create opportunities for sustainable economic and social growth, and enthusiasm in bringing agents of change. The involvement of the youth organization in village development must be facilitated by providing freedom to innovate in development-based activities in the current era.

The youth of the youth organization has an essential role in the village development process; utilities are needed by opening broad access and maximum support from the village Government to community leaders [31]. The youth organization as a forum for empowerment for the younger generation is needed to answer problems in the community environment, such as through efforts to develop the entrepreneurship sector from village potential.

The progress of information technology that is currently occurring has made the creative industry managed by young people able to provide a positive impact related to providing income for the community. The growth of creative industries by involving village potential also brings employment absorption so that it can reduce unemployment rates and improve community welfare.

Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency, has become economically independent because most of the community works in the informal sector. Various informal jobs support the economy of the Hulaan Village community, ranging from bean sprout home industry to large-scale lontong production. This potential is an attraction that can be developed into a village based tourism. The potential for bean sprout and lontong production spread in each house is a community business passed down from generation to generation. This condition was expressed by the Head of Hulaan Village that:

The community engaged in the bean sprout, and lontong business is 50 families with a production range of 5 kilograms to 300 kilograms of bean sprouts; on average, 1 kilogram of green beans can produce 5-7 kilograms of bean sprouts. The need for green beans for production is around 16 tons per day, equivalent to 480 tons per month. In contrast, for lontong per day, each producer produces 40 kilograms to 150 kilograms of lontong for the bean sprout and lontong marketing area around Gresik, Surabaya City, Sidoarjo, and Mojokerto (Interview).

The development of tourist villages through the role of youth organizations that focus on local products is an essential step in empowering the people of Hulaan Village to improve the community’s economy. In this strategy, youth organizations provide training to their members related to the production and innovation of local bean sprouts and lontong products, such as the enthusiasm of youth organizations in learning modern processing and packaging techniques to increase sales value. This statement is also supported by interviews with Youth Organization members as follows:

Optimizing local product innovation encourages youth organizations to process bean sprouts into ready-to-eat products such as instant fried beans, healthy bean sprout-based drinks, and chips. This aims to increase the variety and attractiveness of village products (Interview).

It is optimizing the role of youth organizations in marketing local products by utilizing social media and e-commerce platforms to market local village products in a comprehensive market and strategies to build collaboration with local media to introduce village products. The digital world is currently one of the profitable promotional alternatives for various businesses. This is because the digital world has a broad reach and can attract tourists to enjoy tourist villages [32], [33].

In optimizing the role of youth organizations in developing the potential of Hulaan Village, there are several strategies implemented as follows: First, providing training related to entrepreneurship and local products; in this case, youth organizations facilitate entrepreneurship for other members and the community, especially in managing nature tourism and digital marketing. Furthermore, youth organizations also focus on improving the quality of superior bean sprouts and lontong products to be improved related to product processing to attractive branding [34].

Based on this explanation is also supported by the results of observations, which explain that entrepreneurship training activities and local product processing carried out by youth of Hulaan Village youth organizations receive support from the enthusiasm of the community who want to learn as well as support for infrastructure facilities from the local Government. Youth of Karang Taruna also build networks with local business actors and MSMEs to develop product results and manage the Hulaan Reservoir tourist area.

The second strategy concerns digital marketing and branding of the Hulaan tourist village. In this case, Karang Taruna’s role is to build a digital platform to promote the Hulaan Tourism Village online, related to superior product content and active activities in the village. This creative platform is used as a strategy to attract tourists to Hulaan Village [35].

In the third strategy, the role of Karang Taruna is in developing educational tourism packages where Karang Taruna can package recreational tourism packages and learning experiences for tourists, such as the experience of learning to plant bean sprouts from the initial stage to producing quality bean sprouts, experience in making lontong and activities that can be done in the area around the Hulaan Reservoir. Based on this explanation is also supported by the results of interviews with Karang Taruna members as follows:

Our existence as Karang Taruna does not only invite people around and outside the Gresik area to enjoy the beauty of the Hulaan Reservoir but also because our village produces bean sprouts and lontong. We invite school institutions from childhood education to junior high school to learn together about how to cultivate and harvest good bean sprouts. Moreover, the hope is that Hulaan Village will be a means of recreation and a learning experience for children in school (Interview).

Hulaan Village has a reasonably high tourist attraction, so it makes sense to utilize local people as tour guides. Involving local people can reduce the number of unemployed, and the existence of local people with extensive knowledge of their area makes it easier for them to become tour guides, improving the tourist experience.

Furthermore, the fourth strategy is using technology and innovation related to developing simple applications, such as online reservations, which aim to make it easier for visitors to order tour packages or facilities in Hulaan Village. Thus, Karang Taruna continues to innovate by creating new products that support tourism potential, such as souvenirs obtained by tourists when visiting Hulaan Village.

With the optimization strategy, the development of tourist villages can generate benefits from tourism activities that can be allocated for social programs and the development of a better Hulaan village [36], [37]. In addition to the role of Karang Taruna in optimizing the strategies implemented, it also maintains transparency in managing tourism income to create public trust in the tourism village development program.

Based on the data presented above, the strategy for optimizing the role of Karang Taruna aims to maximize its contribution to developing tourism villages. In this case, several optimization strategies can be implemented by Karang Taruna, including (a) increasing capacity and skills through training in entrepreneurship of local products in Hulaan Village; (b) collaboration with external parties, namely by building cooperation with MSMEs and local business actors; (c) development of recreational and educational tourism packages for tourists; (d) utilization of technology and innovation in the development of applications related to online reservation systems to support the potential of tourism villages.


Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik, is an educational tourism facility that helps visitors understand the process of producing bean sprouts and rice cakes. Not only that, but the inauguration of the Hulaan Village reservoir area educational tourism also shows a concrete effort in utilizing potential to improve the welfare of village communities that can be developed in the context of community empowerment, especially in building village tourism.

The potential for bean sprout and rice cake production is the driving force of the community’s economy. The innovation of empowered villages through producing bean sprouts and rice cakes cannot be separated from the good water sources in Hulaan Village. In addition, the village Government’s support for developing the Hulaan Reservoir as an irrigation facility and water reserve makes Hulaan Village a clear groundwater source for the production of bean sprouts and rice cakes.

The role of youth organizations in developing tourist villages is critical to supporting the optimization of tourism potential as a driver of local product development. Youth organizations increase the capacity of village youth to provide skills training to support the development of tourist villages. Youth organizations also play an essential role in ensuring that the development of the Hulaan tourist village runs on the principle of a sustainable tourist village.


The authors would like to thank the head of Hulaan Village, community leaders, and residents of Hulaan Village, especially the chairman and members of the Hulaan Village youth organization, who were willing to be informants in this study.


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