Optimization of Whatsapp-Based Administrative Services in the Governance Section of the Kulo District Office
- Nasir Pate
- Muliani S
- Andi Nilwana
- Jamaluddin
- Muhammad Nur
- Nuraini K
- Rustam Efendy Rasyid
- 1367-1380
- Dec 7, 2024
- Public Administration
Optimization of Whatsapp-Based Administrative Services in the Governance Section of the Kulo District Office
Nasir Pate, Muliani S, Andi Nilwana, Jamaluddin, Muhammad Nur, Nuraini K, Rustam Efendy Rasyid
Postgraduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2024.8110110
Received: 28 October 2024; Accepted: 09 November 2024; Published: 07 December 2024
This study aims to analyze the optimization of WhatsApp-based (WA) administrative services in the government section at the Kulo District Office, as well as to analyze the public’s perception and satisfaction with the WhatsApp-based administrative services implemented by the government section at the Kulo District Office.
This type of research is categorized as field research using a qualitative research approach. The study was conducted in the government section of the Kulo District Office. The data in this research consists of information from the public and staff of the government section. Data collection techniques included interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out in three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.The results of this study conclude that WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office have shown broad adoption and are well received by the public, with the majority of informants finding this service easy to use and more efficient compared to conventional services. Out of 20 respondents, 18 used WhatsApp-based services, with varying usage frequencies. The most accessed services are ID cards, birth certificates, and moving certificates. The majority of the public finds the WhatsApp-based administrative services implemented at the Kulo District Office easy to use, with 50% of respondents stating the service is very easy, and 25% finding it easy. Additionally, 40% of respondents are satisfied with the response and services provided, while 30% are somewhat satisfied.
Keywords: administrative services, WhatsApp-based, government section, Kulo District Office
In the rapidly evolving era of digitalization, the utilization of information technology has become a necessity to enhance efficiency and the quality of services in various sectors, including administrative services in government. One of the platforms that is currently very popular and has a wide reach is WhatsApp (WA). WhatsApp has become a commonly used communication tool among the public, including in the context of government administration at the district level.
Speaking about the number of users, We Are Social reports that WhatsApp now has two billion active monthly users. In terms of gender, male users dominate with 54.2%, while females account for 45.8% (https://www.detik.com/jabar/berita/d-6561476), accessed on July 12, 2024. Another piece of information related to WhatsApp users indicates that Indonesia has 171 million internet users, or 64.4% of the population, with 83% of those 171 million being WhatsApp users (https://www.kominfo.go.id/content/detail/22824/kominfo), accessed on July 12, 2024.
Informasi lain terkait pengguna whatsaap menyebutkan bahwa pengguna internet di Indonesia ada 171 juta atau 64,4 persen menggunakan internet, di mana 83 persen dari 171 juta itu adalah pengguna WhatsApp (https://www.kominfo.go.id/content/detail/22824/kominfo), diakses pada tanggal 12 Juli 2024.
Based on this data, it can be concluded that the number of WhatsApp users, both globally and in Indonesia, continues to increase year after year. This presents both challenges and opportunities for every institution and organization to effectively utilize it for the benefit of humanity.
The responsibility for optimizing public services in the field of population administration does not rest solely with the central government but extends to all levels of government. This is in line with the construction of the division of governmental affairs as stipulated in Article 12 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, where population administration falls into the category of concurrent government affairs, which are divided between the central, provincial, and regency/city governments. The distribution of responsibilities requires all levels of government, including regency/city governments, to optimize population administration services according to their respective authority within the organization to achieve the desired benefits (Andi, 2019).
In the context of the division of responsibilities for population administration as regulated by the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, it is important to understand that population administration is one of the concurrent government affairs. This means that the responsibility for optimizing public services in the field of population administration is not only borne by the central government but also involves all levels of government, including regency/city governments.
Regency/city governments play an important role in managing population administration services according to their authority. This division of responsibilities creates a dynamic collaboration between the central, provincial, and regency/city governments to jointly achieve the goal of optimizing public services in the field of population administration. Based on the principles of the Law, each level of government needs to exercise its authority to the best of its ability to achieve the benefits desired by the public.
The implementation of optimization in population administration services at the regency/city level requires good coordination among the various relevant parties, including the governance section at the district office and other related agencies. In addition, efforts to improve service quality should be carried out through the use of information technology, public engagement, and administrative process improvement.
Empowering human resources at the regency/city government level in managing population administration cannot be overlooked. By understanding and exercising their authority, regency/city governments can optimize public services in the field of population administration according to the needs and development of the local community. The continuity of synergy between the various levels of government will be the key to success in achieving optimal population administration services that are responsive to the needs of the public.
Literally, optimization comes from the root word “optimal,” which means the highest, most profitable, the most preferred amount or level of something. Optimization is the process, method, or action of optimizing, while to optimize means to make the best, to make the highest. Optimal, according to Fatkhur (2018), means solving a problem, while optimization means taking appropriate steps and strategies, as well as systematically setting suitable targets in order to achieve predetermined goals, which is maximum results. Optimal resolution means that its positive impact is maximized, or its negative impact is minimized.
According to Winardi in Prayogo (2018), optimization refers to efforts to maximize activities so as to realize the desired benefits. Optimization, according to Siregar in Suryani and Jamaluddin (2016), needs to be supported by a strategy formulation that minimizes or eliminates threats from external environmental factors and uses the strengths available within the organization. Based on the explanation above, the concept of optimization, especially in terms of service optimization, can be defined as an action or process to make a service more/fully perfect, functional, or more effective.
The Kulo District Office, as a government agency with an important responsibility in delivering public services at the local level, needs to continuously innovate to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its administrative services. The use of WhatsApp as a communication medium can be a relevant solution to accelerate administrative processes, facilitate interaction with the public, and increase public engagement.
Based on the author’s analysis and review, administrative services, especially in the governance section of Kulo District, are still relatively slow. Given the rural geography, the public faces challenges in accessing service information, such as slow response times and a lack of verbal communication due to the busy schedules of farmers, making it difficult for them to attend to the administrative tasks they need. Therefore, the use of technology such as WhatsApp is deemed necessary to help the public speed up the administrative services they require.
However, in implementing WhatsApp for administrative services, an in-depth analysis is needed regarding the challenges, potential benefits, and optimization steps that can be taken. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and identify the factors that influence the use of WhatsApp in administrative services in the governance section of the Kulo District Office, as well as propose optimization strategies to improve performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
Grafik 1 Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat
Graph 1 illustrates the level of public satisfaction with administrative services at the Kulo District Office over three years, namely 2021, 2022, and 2023. This graph measures five satisfaction categories: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Moderately Satisfied, Less Satisfied, and Not Satisfied. In 2021, the number of respondents who felt “Moderately Satisfied” was the highest, followed by “Satisfied” and “Very Satisfied.” In 2022, although the number of respondents who felt “Satisfied” increased, the “Moderately Satisfied” category experienced a decline compared to the previous year. In 2023, there was a significant decrease across all satisfaction categories, with the highest number remaining in the “Moderately Satisfied” category. Overall, this graph shows fluctuations in the public’s satisfaction with administrative services at the Kulo District Office, with a declining trend that requires attention for evaluation and quality improvement in the future.
The reality shows that public service issues within government have long been a focus of public attention, along with many cases of public services being considered unsupportive of the people’s interests. This indicates that the quality of services provided by the government has not yet shown satisfactory results for the public (Rohayatin, 2017).
Several factors contributing to the lack of quality in public services include the factors of human resources of the apparatus, bureaucratic organization, procedures, mindset, organizational performance, bureaucratic culture, bureaucratic innovation and information technology, bureaucratic behavior, service systems and strategies, transactional leadership, adaptive organizational structure, corrupt organizational behavior, weak policy implementation, the absence of the application of good governance principles, and bureaucratic communication (Rohayatin, 2017).
By understanding this background, it is expected that this research will provide a significant contribution to the development of WhatsApp-based administrative service systems in government institutions, particularly at the Kulo District Office. The implementation of solutions derived from this research is hoped to create more efficient, responsive, and integrated services that align with the needs of the community, thereby increasing trust and active participation in the governance process at the district level.
Related studies reviewed in this research to develop customer service in the product ordering information system are as follows:
The first study was conducted by Alvin, Gusrianty (2019), who explored the Implementation of SMS Gateway and Application Programming Interface (API) in Web-Based Tanker Car Sales. The purpose of this study was to automatically send messages to consumers via the SMS gateway API after they made a payment, serving as a communication tool.
Another study by Alya Nurseptiani (2019) examined the Utilization of SMS Gateway to Support Customer Service Processes at Gaudi Clothing. This research aimed to understand how to use the SMS gateway feature to broadcast attractive promotions and new products to customers. The SMS Gateway enabled Gaudi Clothing to reduce its reliance on brochures for product promotion.
A study by Badie Udin (2017) focused on the Catering Ordering Application Using a Web-Based SMS Gateway. The goal of this research was to provide quality catering services, from the selection and ordering of food for events, dinners, organizational gatherings, or weddings, utilizing the SMS Gateway to send information or promotions to customers.
Dika Andritama (2018) conducted research on the Implementation of SMS Gateway in the Online Ticket Sales Information System for Bird Competitions at the Paguyuban Kicau Mania Kamis Sore (PK2S). This study aimed to facilitate participants in ordering bird competition tickets, with payment notifications sent via SMS. It also helped the PK2S committee in managing ticket sales data and providing competition schedule information to the public.
Rohmawati Puspaningrum (2020) investigated *Customer Relationship Management Services in the Sales Information System (Case Study: Kinanti Lurik)*. The purpose of this research was to apply CRM services and utilize WhatsApp, SMS Gateway, and Email to send information to customers about new products, payments, shipping, and discounts, thus improving customer service.
Lastly, Ii Nurtiwi (2021) conducted a study on the Implementation of SMS Gateway for Customer Service in the Product Ordering Information System (Case Study: Konveksi Five Leaves). This research aimed to enhance customer service by using WhatsApp and SMS Gateway as features to inform customers about new product promotions, product orders, and payments, improving customer service overall..
The type of research for this thesis is categorized as field research. This study uses a qualitative research approach. It was conducted in the governance section of the Kulo District Office. The data collected in this research consists of information from the public and staff in the governance section related to the public services provided by the governance section of the Kulo District Office during the study period. Data collection techniques used in this research include interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique is carried out in three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
Implementation of WhatsApp (WA)-Based Administrative Services in the Governance Section of the Kulo District Office
The following data represents the results of the data analysis from the public survey. Below are the survey results conducted on 5 respondents:
Table 1 Informant Data
No | Age (Years) | total |
1 | 21-25 | 11 |
2 | 26-30 | 15 |
3 | 31-35 | 14 |
4 | 36-40 | 16 |
5 | 41-45 | 17 |
6 | 46-50 | 14 |
7 | 51-55 | 11 |
8 | 56-60 | 2 |
total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Table 1 explains the informant data presented in Table 4.1, which shows the age distribution of 100 respondents. The most represented age group is the 41-45 years range, with 17 people, followed by the 36-40 years group with 16 people. Next, respondents aged 26-30 years total 15 people, while the 31-35 and 46-50 age groups are each represented by 14 people. Respondents aged 21-25 years and 51-55 years each consist of 11 people, whereas the oldest age group, 56-60 years, is represented by only 2 people. This distribution reflects a fairly even age variation, with the majority of respondents in the productive age range.
Table 2. WhatsApp Users
Users | Total |
Ya | 100 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Table 2. explains that all 100 informants are WhatsApp users. None of the informants reported not using the application. This indicates that WhatsApp is a highly common communication platform and is used by all informants in this study.
Table 3 Frequency of WhatsApp Usage
Frequency | Total |
Setiap hari | 90 |
Beberapa kali seminggu | 0 |
Jarang | 10 |
Tidak pernah | 0 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 3, the vast majority of informants use WhatsApp daily for their everyday communication needs, with the number reaching 90 people. Only 10 people rarely use the application, and none of the informants use WhatsApp several times a week or have never used it at all. This data indicates that WhatsApp is a highly dominant and frequently used communication tool by the informants in their daily activities.
Table 4 WhatsApp-Based Administrative Service Usage
Service Usage | Total |
Yes | 86 |
No | 14 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 4, the majority of informants at the Kulo District Office use WhatsApp-based administrative services, with the number reaching 86 people. Only 14 people do not use this service. This data indicates that WhatsApp-based administrative services have been widely adopted and are considered beneficial by the majority of users at the Kulo District Office.
Table 5 Frequency of Using WhatsApp-Based Services
Frequency of Using | Total |
Often | 75 |
Sometimes | 10 |
Rarely | 13 |
Never | 2 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 5, the use of WhatsApp-based services at the Kulo District Office shows varying levels of frequency. A total of 75 informants often use this service, while 10 use it occasionally. There are 13 people who rarely use the WhatsApp-based service, and 2 people who never use it at all. This data reflects that although the service is widely used, the frequency of its usage varies among users.
Table 6 Types of Administrative Services Accessed Through WhatsApp
Jenis Layanan | Total |
KTP | 68 |
Akta Kelahiran | 17 |
Surat Pindah | 15 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 6, the most frequently accessed administrative service through WhatsApp at the Kulo District Office is the ID card (KTP) service, with 68 users. Following that, the birth certificate service is accessed by 17 people, while the relocation letter service is accessed by 15 people. This data shows that various types of administrative services utilize WhatsApp as a means of communication and document processing, with the KTP service being the most dominant among users.
Table 7 Public Assessment
Type of Service | Total |
Very easy | 85 |
Easy | 12 |
Moderately easy | 3 |
Difficult | 0 |
Very difficult | 0 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 7, the public’s assessment of the ease of using WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office shows that the majority of informants find the service easy to use. A total of 85 people rated the service as easy, 12 people rated it as very easy, and 3 people rated it as moderately easy. No informants rated the service as difficult or very difficult. This data indicates that WhatsApp-based administrative services are considered user-friendly and relatively easy for the public to access.
Table 8 Public Satisfaction Level
Type of Service | Total |
Very satisfied | 15 |
Satisfied | 70 |
Moderately satisfied | 3 |
Less satisfied | 12 |
Not satisfied | 0 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 8, the level of public satisfaction with the response and services provided through WhatsApp at the Kulo District Office shows positive results. A total of 15 people are satisfied with the service, while 70 people are very satisfied. Additionally, 3 people are moderately satisfied, and 12 informants feel less satisfied or not satisfied at all. This data indicates that the majority of the public is satisfied with the quality of the response and administrative services they receive through WhatsApp.
Table 9 Service Efficiency
Service Efficiency | Total |
Agree | 89 |
setuju | 8 |
Neutral | 3 |
Disagree | 0 |
Strongly disagree | 0 |
Total | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 9, the public’s views on the efficiency of WhatsApp-based administrative services compared to conventional services indicate that the majority of informants feel that WhatsApp-based services are more efficient. A total of 89 people strongly agree with this statement, and 8 people agree. There are 3 people who remain neutral, while no informants disagreed or strongly disagreed. This data shows that the majority of the public perceives WhatsApp-based administrative services as more efficient than conventional services, with only a small portion being neutral.
Table 10 Public Facing Difficulties
Jenis Layanan | Jumlah |
Ya | 13 |
Tidak | 87 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results in Table 10, the majority of the public did not encounter any difficulties or problems when using the WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office. A total of 87 people stated that they did not experience any difficulties, while only 13 people reported having difficulties or problems. This data indicates that the WhatsApp-based administrative services generally function well and are easily accessible to the majority of users, although a few individuals did face challenges.
Public Perception and Satisfaction with WhatsApp-Based Administrative Services Implemented by the Governance Section at the Kulo District Office
The data presented below is analyzed based on the survey results regarding public perception and satisfaction with the WhatsApp-based administrative services implemented by the governance section at the Kulo District Office.
The following are the results of the analysis based on the questionnaire distributed to the residents of Kulo District.
Table 11 Ease of Administrative Services
Level of Ease | Total | Persentase (%) |
Very easy | 28 | 28 |
Easy | 39 | 39 |
Moderately easy | 22 | 22 |
Difficult t | 11 | 11 |
Very difficult | 0 | 0 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Table 11 illustrates the survey results regarding the ease of using WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office based on responses from 100 respondents. From the survey, the majority of respondents, 39%, rated the service as easy to use. A total of 28% of respondents felt that the service was very easy to use, indicating that most of the public felt comfortable and did not encounter significant difficulties in its use. Meanwhile, 22% of respondents stated that the service was moderately easy to use, suggesting some minor challenges that were still manageable. However, 11% of respondents found the service difficult to use, indicating some obstacles in the process. No respondents rated the service as very difficult to use, showing that the service is relatively accessible to the general public. Overall, the majority of the public feels that the WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office are easy to use. Although some respondents experienced difficulties, none found the service to be very difficult, which suggests that the implementation of the WhatsApp-based service has been quite successful and well-received by the public. Further improvements may be needed to address the difficulties faced by a small portion of respondents to increase satisfaction and ease of use of this service.
Table 12 Assessment of Staff Responsiveness
Staff Responsiveness | Total | Persentase (%) |
Very fast | 22 | 22 |
Fast | 22 | 33 |
Moderately fast | 28 | 28 |
Slow | 11 | 11 |
Very slow | 6 | 6 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Table 12 illustrates the public’s assessment of staff responsiveness at the Kulo District Office based on the survey. According to the survey results, 33% of respondents rated the staff’s response as fast, while 28% felt the response was moderately fast. A total of 22% rated the response as very fast, indicating that the majority of respondents have a positive view of the staff’s responsiveness. On the other hand, 11% of respondents felt that the response was slow, and 6% rated it as very slow. These results suggest that while most of the public perceives the staff’s response as fast to very fast, there are still some respondents who believe that service speed needs improvement.
Table 13 Clarity of Information
Clarity of Information | Total | Persentase |
Very clear | 33 | 33% |
Clear | 39 | 39% |
Moderately clear | 22 | 22% |
Unclear | 6 | 6% |
Very unclear | 0 | 0% |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on Table 13 the survey results on the clarity of information provided through WhatsApp-based administrative services show that the majority of respondents find the information to be quite clear. A total of 39% of respondents stated that the information was clear, while 33% felt that the information provided was very clear. This indicates that most of the public considers the information delivered through the service to be easy to understand.
A total of 22% of respondents rated the information as moderately clear, indicating that while the information is understandable, there are some aspects that may need improvement to make it easier for everyone to comprehend. On the other hand, 6% of respondents stated that the information was unclear, showing that a small portion of users still face difficulties in understanding the information provided. However, no respondents rated the information as very unclear, meaning that the quality of information delivery is already at a fairly good level overall.
Table 14 Satisfaction with Services
Level of Satisfaction | Total | Persentase (%) |
Very satisfied | 28 | 28 |
Satisfied | 39 | 39 |
Moderately satisfied | 4 | 4 |
Dissatisfied | 2 | 2 |
Very dissatisfied | 0 | 0 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results shown in Table 14, it can be seen that the overall satisfaction level with the services is quite high. Of the total respondents, 28% stated that they were very satisfied with the services provided, while the majority, 39%, felt satisfied. A total of 4% of respondents were moderately satisfied, while only 2% were dissatisfied. No respondents expressed being very dissatisfied with the services. This data indicates that the majority of respondents provided positive feedback regarding the quality of the services, with a total of 67% expressing satisfaction (very satisfied and satisfied), suggesting that the services have met or even exceeded the expectations of most users.
Table 15 Ease of Access to Services
Ease of Access | Total | Persentase (%) |
Very easy | 33 | 33 |
Easy | 44 | 44 |
Moderately easy | 17 | 17 |
Difficult | 6 | 6 |
Very difficult | 0 | 0 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results displayed in Table 15 regarding the ease of access to WhatsApp-based administrative services, the majority of respondents found it easy to use this service. A total of 33% of respondents stated that access to this service was very easy, while 44% considered it easy. This means that more than half of the respondents, 77%, felt that the WhatsApp-based service facilitated their access to administration. A total of 17% of respondents found the access moderately easy, while only 6% considered it difficult. No respondents stated that the service was very difficult to access. Overall, this data shows that the majority of users found the WhatsApp-based administrative services easy to use, indicating that the platform is effective in providing easy access for users.
Table 16 Service Efficiency
Efisiensi Layanan | Total | Persentase (%) |
Very easy | 39 | 39 |
Easy | 33 | 33 |
Moderately easy | 17 | 17 |
Difficult | 11 | 11 |
Very difficult | 0 | 0 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source of data: Survey results
Based on the survey results displayed in Table 4.16 regarding service efficiency compared to conventional methods, the majority of respondents experienced an increase in efficiency. A total of 39% of respondents rated the service as very easy to access and more efficient than traditional methods. Additionally, 33% of respondents also found the service easy to use. This means that more than two-thirds of respondents (72%) considered the service to be more efficient than traditional methods. A total of 17% of respondents found the service moderately easy to access, while only 11% considered it difficult. No respondents stated that the service was very difficult. This data shows that the majority of users consider the service more efficient compared to conventional methods, indicating an improvement in accessibility and operational ease.
This study examines the implementation of WhatsApp-based administrative services in the governance section of the Kulo District Office, based on a survey conducted with 20 respondents of diverse ages, genders, education levels, and occupations. The survey results show that all informants use WhatsApp, with the majority using the app daily for communication. In terms of accessing WhatsApp-based administrative services, 18 out of 20 informants have utilized it with varying frequencies of use. Most users access services for ID cards, birth certificates, and relocation letters via WhatsApp.
The assessment of the ease of using this service indicates that the majority of informants find it easy to access. Public satisfaction levels are also high, with most respondents feeling satisfied or very satisfied with the responsiveness and service provided. Most respondents agree that WhatsApp-based administrative services are more efficient than conventional services.
However, some challenges remain, such as messages not being replied to immediately, unstable internet signals, and a lack of detailed information regarding administrative procedures. Nevertheless, the majority of users did not experience significant difficulties, showing that the service generally operates well and effectively. This research provides important insights for the development and improvement of technology-based administrative services in the future.
The implementation of WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office shows that modern communication technology can facilitate public services efficiently and effectively. These findings align with previous research, which demonstrates that instant messaging applications like WhatsApp can enhance the accessibility and efficiency of public services (Rahman, 2018) (Susanti, 2020).
Rahman’s (2018) research shows that using WhatsApp in public services in several government agencies can reduce wait times and improve responsiveness to public requests. This study also found that WhatsApp enables faster and easier communication between officers and citizens, reducing bureaucratic barriers often encountered in conventional services.
Susanti (2020) examined the use of WhatsApp in administrative services at the sub-district level and found that the application simplifies document processing, such as for ID cards, birth certificates, and relocation letters. Susanti also noted that public satisfaction with WhatsApp-based services is high due to the ease of access and time efficiency offered.
In addition, Widiastuti’s (2019) research emphasizes the importance of technological infrastructure stability, such as a reliable internet connection, in supporting the successful implementation of instant messaging application-based administrative services. This study found that obstacles like unstable internet signals can hinder the effectiveness of the service and reduce user satisfaction levels.
WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office have shown widespread adoption and are well-received by the public, with the majority of informants finding the service easy to use and more efficient than conventional services. The implementation of WhatsApp-based administrative services at the Kulo District Office has been widely adopted by the public and is considered highly effective and efficient. The majority of respondents routinely use WhatsApp for administrative services, with 86% of users utilizing the platform for various services such as ID cards, birth certificates, and relocation letters. This service is also rated as easily accessible and satisfying by the majority of the public, although there are some challenges such as delayed responses and internet signal issues that need to be addressed to optimize service delivery.
The majority of the public feels that the WhatsApp-based administrative services implemented at the Kulo District Office are easy to use, with 50% of respondents stating that the service is very easy and 25% finding it easy. Additionally, 40% of respondents are satisfied with the response and services provided, while 30% are moderately satisfied. WhatsApp services are also considered more efficient than conventional services by 40% of respondents, although some issues, such as difficulties uploading documents and slow responses, were noted. A total of 75% of respondents did not encounter any problems using the service, indicating that the majority of users feel the service is running smoothly. However, some suggestions for improvement, such as faster response times and the addition of administrative guidelines, were proposed to enhance the quality of services in the future.
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