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Optimizing Educational Brands in Realizing Independent Learning for School Age Children in Indonesia (Reflection of the True Story Film Laskar Pelangi at Gantong Village School)

  • Gloria Angelita
  • Eko Hari Saksono
  • Nurtanty
  • Widya Sunarko
  • 3102-3112
  • Dec 21, 2024
  • Education

Optimizing Educational Brands in Realizing Independent Learning for School Age Children in Indonesia (Reflection of the True Story Film Laskar Pelangi at Gantong Village School)

Gloria Angelita, Eko Hari Saksono, Nurtanty, Widya Sunarko

Sahid University Jakarta


Received: 13 November 2024; Revised: 16 November 2024; Accepted: 18 November 2024; Published: 21 December 2024


Merdeka Belajar is a form of educational brand in the form of a learning curriculum product in the current era in Indonesia. Merdeka Belajar has strong values and uniqueness that have never been done in Indonesia in previous curricula. Like a brand, Merdeka Belajar is a form of brand in the realm of education. The development of the era that continues to advance as fast as a geometric progression with the advancement of digital technology, requires everyone to be equipped with adequate education in order to answer the challenges of problems in their lives. In the digital era, criticizing education is no longer difficult, but in reality there are still many Indonesian children as the successors of the nation who do not have this opportunity at an early school age. School age for children is the right of every next generation, school age is the initial foundation for the formation of character, behavior, and morals of children at an early age. Data in 2000, experienced an educational crisis which was then raised and depicted through the big screen film Laskar Pelangi. The phenomenon of the true story in the story has not been resolved to this day. It is hoped that with advances in technology and human thinking, Merdeka Belajar can become an educational product that supports this gap. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, and the data acquisition method is through literature or content analysis and in-depth interviews with appropriate sources, so that accurate and verifiable data will be obtained.

Keywords: Educational Brand, Independent Learning, School-age Children, Laskar Pelangi


Education is a very important aspect in the life of every individual and also for the progress of a nation. In this ever-evolving era, education is the main key to achieving success and realizing a bright future. Here are some reasons why education has such an important role in the future.

Skills development through education, individuals have the opportunity to develop and acquire various skills needed in the world of work. In a world that is constantly changing and competitive, skills such as critical thinking skills, communication skills, information technology skills, and problem solving are becoming increasingly important. Education provides a foundation for honing these skills, so that individuals can be better prepared and qualified to face future challenges.
Increasing awareness and tolerance of education is not only about gaining knowledge and skills, but also includes the formation of positive character and mental attitudes. In an educational environment, individuals can gain a better understanding of moral values, ethics, and the importance of living in a diverse society.

Through interactions with peers and diverse learning experiences, individuals can develop social awareness, appreciate differences, and develop attitude strong tolerance. This is very important to create an inclusive and harmonious society in the future.

Empowering education gives individuals the power to take control of their own lives. With the knowledge and skills gained through education, individuals can make better decisions, understand their rights and responsibilities, and have control over their future. Education also helps individuals overcome poverty and break the cycle of poverty that exists in society, because through education individuals can increase economic opportunities and achieve a better life. Innovation and Community Development Education is a key pillar in driving innovation and community development.

Through education, individuals are encouraged to think creatively, find solutions to existing problems, and develop new ideas. In the era of globalization and global competition, innovation is the key to creating economic growth, improving the quality of life, and overcoming social challenges. Good education provides a foundation for individuals to become agents of change and contribute to advancing society.

Answering the challenges of today’s world, many learning schemes are more enjoyable without feeling imprisoned, optimizing the use of digital technology and every student gets the same opportunity, namely independent learning. Education is a very important message that must be broadcast to various countries and corners of the world. The delivery of this message is not only carried out by the government or the State but this is a message to the world community.

Messages that have sacred values that can change the views and lifestyles and culture of a nation. Aristotle, the world philosopher, defines a message as a narrative that is loaded with values: ethics, feeling and logic (Ethos, Pathos and Logos). Along with the development of technology and human needs, education has now become a product (brand) that has a wide market that continues to move forward, even now it has entered a geometric progression, age is not an obstacle, so is distance and location.

Stories about the lives of people with conditions where children do not attend school at school age have become the world’s attention, war conditions, minimal infrastructure, countries whose governments are involved in many corruption cases and many other economic, political and defense conditions that make the education sector a non-priority, are a real reflection that the eyes of the world have not been opened wide.

Laskar Pelangi is a small spark that seeks to open the eyes of the Indonesian people and the world, that education should be the right of every child as a generation of the Nation. Education is not merely a building with the name of a school. Education becomes a product message that can educate the nation, giving everyone the opportunity to weave a bright future.

The story of the children of Gantong village in the Bangka Belitung Islands, who long for education in a good and decent school building, makes the message of this true story very valuable and makes people who are able aware that they have more opportunities.

Laskar Pelangi is an old big screen film but the moral values left behind have become a trigger for researchers to re-narrate in a scientific study about an important product for every human being from an early age to even old age to get to know an education in an educational brand package. Belitung Regency consists of 5 sub-districts, 7 urban villages, and 42 villages, Gantong village is one of those chosen as the area featured in the feature film.

Data from the Indonesian Survey Organizing Agency, in its report, explains in detail, regarding Indonesian children who attend school at school age, and those who drop out of school before even attending school.It is explained that several indicators used to measure the education process include retention rates, continuation rates, repetition rates and dropout rates. At the national level, the achievement of retention rates is around 95.74 percent.

This shows that 96 out of 100 students who have just entered elementary school/equivalent can stay in school until grade 6 of elementary school/equivalent. Regarding the continuation rate, the achievement is quite good and balanced, both for junior high school/equivalent (87.01 percent) and senior high school/equivalent (87.75 percent). For the repetition rate, the lowest achievement is at the junior high school/equivalent (3.58 percent) while the highest achievement is at the elementary school/equivalent (5.14 percent).

For the indicator of school dropouts, the 2023 survey data shows that the higher the level of education, the higher the dropout rate, with the highest achievement at the vocational high school/equivalent level of 1.03 percent. The lowest literacy rate education achievement occurred in the age group of 15 years and above. The majority of the population aged 15 years and above in Indonesia have achieved 9 years of compulsory education (63.11 percent). There is an inequality in the level of education completed by the population aged 15 years and above for residents living in rural areas, low household economic conditions and people with disabilities.

Another educational achievement is the average length of schooling (RLS) of the population aged 15 years and over. In 2023, the RLS of the population aged 15 years and over only reached 9.08 years or equivalent to grade 3 of junior high school or equivalent. This achievement has increased by 0.05 points compared to the previous year. When viewed based on the level of completion of education, it can be seen that the higher the level of education, the more.

Survey data and research related to the condition of the education sector in Indonesia which is inversely proportional to the flow of technological developments that are still very global. Researchers see it as very important to raise this topic into a journal study. It is hoped that by changing the perspective on the education sector, it is not only an obligation, but the education sector is a product that has sustainable value.


Understanding Optimization

Nurrohman (2017), said that optimization is an effort to improve performance in a work unit or individual related to the interests of many people and to achieve a level of satisfaction for success or achievement in a particular activity. Optimization is also a process, namely doing something to create something that does not yet exist or to give more value to something that already exists to be more absolute.

The expected goals of an optimization process are: (1) Overcoming obstacles, (2) solving problems correctly & precisely, (3) making decisions in a faster time. The success of the optimization process is also determined by the ability to identify, analyze, construct, implement and monitor.

Mohammad Nurul Huda (2018) confirms the statement above, that optimization: trying hard to get the best or highest results in the achievements of a person or a unit or organization by providing the maximum abilities they have (education, experience, skills, beliefs and solid teamwork).

The Ministry of Education and Culture explainsthat optimization comes from the word optimal which means the best and highest. While optimization is the process of increasing or improving the achievement of an expected goal according to the established criteria.

Optimization can also be interpreted as a process that makes something better by using the specified stages and has good goals for all parties involved in it. The best solution is not alwaysthe highest possible profit is not always the lowest possible cost, more precisely optimizing human resources and natural resources cost effectively.

It can be concluded that optimization is a conceptual process that is determined by the ability of human resources who manage a program, able to meet targets on time, appropriately and on target, utilizing a source of soft and hard skills, and complying with the provisions that have been set: policies, ministerial decisions, including costs and budgets.

Scheme 1. Optimization process chart, Researcher, 2024

Education Brand

Brand comes from the root word brand which in Indonesian means brand. In its use, brand and branding have different meanings. If the word brand means brand, while the definition of Branding itself is various communication activities carried out by a company with the aim of building and expanding a brand or brand. The branding process can also be interpreted as a communication effort that is made in such a way and planned by a company, where the goal is to build brand awareness.

The definition of Brand according to Kotler (2011) is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of all of them, which is intended to identify goods or services or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from competitors’ goods or services. Kotler argues that the definition of branding is the giving of a name, term, symbol, sign, or a combination of all of them which is made with the aim of identifying goods or services or a group of sellers and to differentiate goods or services from competitors.

According to Neumeier (2014), the definition of a brand is reputation. A brand that has a reputation is a brand that is promising so that the public trusts and chooses the brand.

In general, brands are built and formed with goals, such as: (1) increasing public trust in a brand or building public trust in a brand, (2) forming public perception about a brand, (3) building public love and loyalty towards a brand.

The audience in question is all personnel who can enjoy the benefits of the brand, namely: brand creators and users, these benefits include: (1) providing convenience value for users, (2) trust value, (3) differentiating value, (4) existence value (status), and many more according to the brand that you want to introduce to the audience.

Brand is formed with a planned process and through various trials by optimizing internal and external strengths. Tucwell (2012) in his book Strategy Marketing Communication, there are 4 stages in building a brand, namely: Target, Marketing, Product Quality, Product Evaluation.

Scheme 2. Stages of Brand Building, Tuckwell, 2012

The success of building a brand requires precise steps by optimizing each step properly and following the scheme determined by the team and coordinating with reciprocal communication so that brand formation can be realized as planned. Brand becomes a message that must be conveyed properly to the recipient of the message with the selected channel that can provide a response or impact that can be used as an evaluation point.

Brands or products tend to be objects that can be enjoyed in real terms by their users. Brands can include things related to daily needs or something that has more value and makes changes in the lives of its users, such as: education. Education is a product that provides benefits and goals for changing behavior and even a person’s level of life.

Nowadays, education can be done without a room and meeting, all is made easier in the digital era, all interactions can be done through virtual mode. Education becomes a basic sector in the needs of a country to be dignified and civilized.

Technological advancements should provide more space for anyone who wants to criticize the world of education. Education is a potential brand but not many see it that way. Education is only a complementary brand for people who need it and have a high standard of living. In fact, education must be a basic need for anyone, especially the nation’s generations, from education there are many world figures who have out of the box thoughts and ideas.

The Western hemisphere and other developed countries make the education sector the top 3 after: economy and defense, every citizen must taste the world of basic education that makes them able to read, recognize letters, colors and write. This is a basic need that must be met by every parent to send their children to school, and there are sanctions for parents who abandon their children without the world of education.

Indonesia as a developing country, still has to work hard to solve this problem, the demographics of the region which is mostly islands and waters, are a separate obstacle. Education as a brand must always be introduced and communicated and education is a basic right of every nation and its people.

The government needs to find the right formula in optimizing teachers and local governments to create enjoyable education from: location, teachers, curriculum, and costs. Education is not only for the wealthy but for every Indonesian citizen and all young generations to form a superior generation for golden Indonesia.

Responding to the description above, the researcher concluded that education is an important brand that must be delivered in one direction by the government using digital and non-digital channels, evenly to remote areas so that the opportunity to go to school is received by every son and daughter of Indonesia.

Sharon and Weaver in Encep & Alif (2021), in the book Communication and Social Interaction of Children, say that messages must be received clearly and the communicator must play an active role while the communicant is only passive, so that there is no noise and feedback can be in accordance with the contents of the message.West & Turner (2009) in the one-way (linear) communication model, the communicant will provide a response according to the stimulus received from the communicator.

Scheme 3. One-Way Communication Model, West & Turner (2009)

The above scheme shows that the information source produces a message to be communicated. The message can consist of spoken or written words, music, images and others. The transmitter changes the message into a signal that is appropriate for the channel to be used. The channel is the media that transmits signals from the transmitter to the receiver (communicator).

This communication model can be optimized with the condition of Indonesia as an archipelagic country, policies or regulations initiated by the government should be a reference that cannot be intervened by regional officials or other parties. Education is a brand that is intended for the progress of the Indonesian nation and society without exception. The government and the wider community can support each other in bringing this message massively through the right channels or media by optimizing digital capabilities, such as: radio, television, true story films (laskar pelangi), social media, holding educational exhibitions in cities and remote areas.

Suprapto (2011) in his explanation the right communication model is a representation of a phenomenon, either real or abstract, by highlighting the most important elements of the phenomenon. According to Sereno and Mortensen the communication model is an ideal description of what is needed for communication to occur. While B. Aubrey Fisher said the model is an analogy that abstracts and selects parts of the whole, elements, properties or components that are important from the phenomenon used as a model.

Educational Brands that become important educational brands to be formed by the government, such as Merdeka Belajar, which should be enjoyed and benefited by all Indonesian school-age children for students, educators and parents, especially the Indonesian nation. In the digital era, the opportunity to become smart and educated with Merdeka Belajar educational products, no child of the nation is left behind and does not know how to read and write.

Education (message) becomes a government program (source) that should be supported together by the community with all available resources (media): intellectuals, the public, policies, educators, in order to create a superior generation for Golden Indonesia (receiver).

Independent Learning

Learning is a process that can change a person’s abilities, which can be done in open and closed spaces, which has clear, real and programmed goals.The main purpose of learning is to increase knowledge and improve the way of thinking. Learning is indeed more popular among students and college students. However, learning should actually be done by anyone and anywhere.

According to Syaiful and Aswan (2014) learning isbehavioral change through experience and practice. Changes in behavior, whether concerning knowledge, skills or attitudes, even encompassing all aspects of the organism or person.

Winkel (2009) explains that apart from learning being a series of processes, learning has a goal, namely mental or psychological activity, which takes place in active interaction with the environment, producing a number of relatively constant and lasting changes.

Learning success has a great impact on a person’s thinking patterns and behavior. In everyday life, the purpose of learning is to train independence, adaptation, and to be able to increase income due to the development of social skills. Furthermore, Slamento (2010) explains that learning contains a series of goals that can be beneficial for learners, namely:

Train Thinking Skills, the purpose of learning is to train thinking skills. Studying various sciences and fields of knowledge can provide an opportunity to hone and train thinking skills. Activities can form very important habits of logical thinking, systematization, generalization and proof.

Developing Intelligence, the purpose of learning is to develop intelligence. Learning various kinds of science and knowledge can develop thinking and intelligence. Learning can also improve logical abilities and skills in making life decisions.

Training Independence, the purpose of learning is to increase independence. Learning can also train someone to be more independent and disciplined. To carry out learning activities routinely, a person must set aside special time to study a field. A person will put aside other activities first and focus on learning activities.
Adapt, the purpose of learning is to develop better adaptability. Learning activities can open one’s horizons and provide broader views or thoughts. This will be very useful in dealing with various changes that will occur in the future.

Processing Information, the purpose of learning is to improve the ability to process information. Currently, every student is required to search for various information independently, process it, compare it with other sources, and draw conclusions from the various information obtained. This can be a provision of skills needed for future work and life.

Social Skills, the purpose of learning is to improve social skills. Dynamic education is an interaction between humans, namely, teachers and students. Schools and universities are places to hone social skills and build valuable relationships.

Improve Social Status, the purpose of learning is to increase income. The more a person learns and opens himself to knowledge, the more fields he can master. This will open up greater opportunities for various job offers that match the expertise in the field he has.

Having Freedom, the purpose of learning is to have more freedom. Knowledge is not only power; it is also freedom. The more you know, the more flexibility you have. New possibilities open up only with new knowledge and information.

The description expressed by Slamento, strengthens the meaning of Merdeka Bekar which is currently Indonesia’s educational product that is the concept and basis for compiling learning curricula for schools and universities. Merdeka Belajar summarizes all the meanings of learning objectives, providing freedom for every student to master unlimited knowledge and has benefits for learners, such as: a learning space that provides a sense of comfort, increases insight, social level, job status and qualified position, can socialize and interact well with the surrounding environment (school, work, society, family, community).

The concept of Independent Learning is a legacy from the father of Indonesian education, Ki Hajar Dewantara, who defines independent learning as meaning that teachers and students must have flexible space to explore knowledge, science and skills, which have a positive impact on the surrounding environment, including:

1. Creating a technology-based educational environment

The influence of technology on the educational environment is inevitable. Therefore, the presence of the Merdeka Belajar program is a strategic initial step to support the educational environment to be more adaptive to the era of the 5.0 revolution.

In addition, an educational environment facilitated by technology can also be a place where freedom of thought, courage to innovate, and the ability to analyze risks appropriately can grow.

2. Cross-party cooperation

The next step that must be taken in implementing the concept of Merdeka Belajar is cross-party cooperation. In this case, the cross-party cooperation in question is a school working with other schools to improve the quality of education. This cooperation is important to do in this technological era to increase awareness in learning and help each other in improving abilities and resources.

3. Data urgency

The government, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture, has a role in providing superior resources and facilities. This is done to support the policies that have been initiated, such as preparing teachers to face a teaching system using technology.

In implementing the concept of the independent learning education brand, there are 7 (seven) components that support and influence the success of the objectives of this program, namely:

1. Constructivism

Constructivism is a component in Independent Learning that relates to how students generate existing knowledge. This will make it easier for students to construct a concept and pour it into real experiences.

2. Inquiry

Inquiry means that students seek and investigate the knowledge they want to know themselves so that their curiosity can be answered. The inquiry component in Merdeka Belajar can make students think more critically in learning activities.

3. Ask

Another component of the Merdeka Belajar program is asking questions. In this case, students will be accustomed to daring to ask questions about lesson materials, concepts, or other things they do not understand.

4. Learning Community

Learning community means that students do not only work individually, but also collaborate with others so they can exchange ideas and experiences.

5. Modeling

Modeling in the Merdeka Belajar component means that there are examples or models that students can follow when doing something, such as artwork, resource persons, and others. Teachers can be models for their students, but teachers are not the only models and only act as facilitators. That means, students can look for models other than their teachers.

6. Reflection

Reflection activities in Merdeka Belajar aim to make students reflect or contemplate on what they have learned. The results of this reflection can be expressed by students in the form of direct statements, notes during the activity, impressions and suggestions for learning, and so on.

7. Authentic Assessment

The knowledge and skills that students have learned will be measured and assessed. This assessment or authentic assessment can be done differently, depending on the student’s level of education.

In essence, a product in the education brand, independent learning has its own uniqueness and advantages from the learning concepts that have been carried out previously and the independent learning concept can be in line with advances in educational technology in responding to the world’s challenges to compete professionally in the world of education and provide a massive impact on parties involved directly or indirectly, these advantages include:

1. Simpler and deeper

The Independent Curriculum focuses more on essential materials and the development of student competencies at each stage. The learning process is expected to be more in-depth, meaningful, unhurried, and enjoyable, especially for early ages introducing the world of school.

2. More freedom

For students, especially at the high school level, there is no elective program in high school. So, students choose subjects according to their interests, talents, and aspirations.

3. More relevant and interactive

Learning through project activities provides students with wider opportunities to actively explore current issues such as environmental issues, health, and others. Thus, it can support the development of character and competency of the Pancasila Student Profile..

Merdeka Belajar as a leading educational brand prioritizes the concept of learning not something complicated with many limitations for students and teachers, such as: space, conditions and status. Merdeka Belajar is an educational brand that can reach a wider scope, from early childhood to old age from rural areas to big cities. Merdeka Belajar is formed in a programmed planning structure, namely: (1) mapping student and educator segments according to the demands and desired educational environment, (2) determining how to provide evaluation of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, (3) preparation of sources and resources in the form of hard and soft skills (human, funds, policies, media) and (4) determining the excellence and sustainability of the brand.

Scheme 4. Stages of the “Independent Learning” Education Brand, Researcher 2024

Laskar Pelangi in Gantong Village

Laskar Pelangi is a big screen film in 2000, which tells the true story of the lives of underprivileged children in Gantong Belitong Village, Riau Islands, a great work of novelist Andrea Hirata. The daily lives of the community besides being tin miners are also fishermen. Belitung is a rich area and is very famous as the largest tin producer in Indonesia. The wealth provided by this area through tin mining can only be enjoyed by tin entrepreneurs, while for the local population, namely Belitung Malays, they are very poor and tend to be left behind.

Gantong Village is a village located on the edge of the beach, which is beautiful and clean. The real life story of a child named Ikal, who dreams of going to school at one of the elementary schools in the village: Muhammadiyah Elementary School. The condition of the school building is actually very inadequate, the walls of the school walls are almost collapsed.

Figure 1, Muhammadiyah Elementary School Building

This condition did not reduce Ikal’s determination to continue going to school, but Ikal realized that his family could not afford to finance this desire. Ikal’s father was only a laborer at a Tin company. Ikal’s intentions were read by his father, and his father planned something unexpected, by holding a meeting with the teachers, to build a school for poor children by paying according to the ability of each parent. A teacher named Halimah had the idea to build a school outside the school building as long as 10 children gathered, under a shady tree in front of the Muhammadiyah Elementary School building.

Figure 2, Classroom of Muhammadiyah Belitong Elementary School

Ikal managed to gather other friends who had the same standard of living to join this nature school. They began to learn the process of imitation, interacting with mutual respect among their friends, reading and writing and applying the basic principles: ethics, morals, social & religion. Their intelligence began to be seen by the teacher, with the courage of the teacher, they were included in the quiz competition in the Riau Islands Province.

The success shown by these 10 children, teaches teachers that school and learning are different things with the same goal, which is to provide every child with the opportunity to achieve their dreams and change their future. School is a building that can be lost and replaced, while learning is a process and there is no end until death comes.

Figure 3, Ikal and his friends, Laskar Pelangi

The news of the children’s success in the quiz competition reached the Riau Islands regional government. The governor finally provided assistance to build a new Muhammadiyah Elementary School building next to the old building that was almost collapsed. The true story that was poured into the big screen film became a good reflection for the education sector which is a basic need for every citizen.

This is a very encouraging assessment for teachers at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Gantong Village, in addition to receiving assistance in the form of stationery, the construction of school buildings also has an impact on the motivation of children who are increasingly active in going to school.

Along with the development and demands of the future of the nation, especially in the digitalization era, educational technology has entered the industrial revolution 5.0. Learning can use cyberspace, learning can be done anywhere without being limited by space and time, learning must be fun and provide a sense of comfort. Independent Learning is very important to make the pillar of national education, in order to create superior generations in the future, namely: Golden Indonesia.


Education Brand should be a superior product that must be given to every generation of Indonesia. The education needed must of course be in line with the demands and challenges of the future which has now entered the era of industrial technology 5.0. Teaching and learning activities should make the educational realm enjoyable and provide a sense of comfort and security to students.

Every related party must be involved comprehensively starting from planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. Proper education must have a significant impact on the parties involved and also the surrounding community. Independent learning as a superior product is an important message that must continue to be monitored in its implementation. Independent learning is a very unique educational brand and has a distinctive characteristic, namely that early age children who go to school must begin introduction: social, ethical, moral and religious.

This is poured into learning activities from: imitating, interacting, reading and writing. As a product or brand, the sustainability and reputation of the brand must be maintained and continuously developed and be of great benefit to its users, the same applies to educational brands. Laskar Pelangi is a mirror to reflect the condition of education in Indonesia so that every year education continues to advance and there is no more education crisis.


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