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Radio Edukasi as a Music Learning Tool for SD Negeri Ngablak Students
- Andre Satria Kurniawan
- 2239-2244
- Apr 18, 2024
- Education
Radio Edukasi as a Music Learning Tool for SD Negeri Ngablak Students
Andre Satria Kurniawan
Yogyakarta State University
Received: 26 February 2024; Revised: 08 March 2024; Accepted: 14 March 2024; Published: 18 April 2024
This study aims to determine the utilization of Radio Edukasi as a music education medium for students of SD Negeri Ngablak. This study is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. This study was conducted at SD Negeri Ngablak Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The data collection techniques were observation, interviews with the principal, teachers, students, and collection of relevant documents. The data analysis technique used was the Miles and Huberman model with the following sequence: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification.
The results of the study showed that learning by utilizing Radio Edukasi at SD Negeri Ngablak began with the teacher creating an Instructional Module and downloading audio materials on the Radio Edukasi website. After that, the implementation of learning at SD Negeri Ngablak by utilizing Radio Edukasi was adjusted to the instructional module and learning materials that had been prepared. The students who participated in the learning were very active and happy with the presence of Radio Edukasi.
Keywords: Radio Edukasi, Music Art Media
Education is a dynamic and ever-changing part of human life. As the world adapts and becomes more inclusive, education will also continue to change (Fattah, 2013: 35). It is impossible to isolate the issues that frequently arise in our surroundings from the evolving trends in the field of education. The issue of a deteriorating national character is one that Indonesia is now dealing with (Anwar & Salim 2018: 236).
In order for Indonesian culture to function, many Pancasila values—such as religiosity, politeness, and noble character—need to be ingrained and maintained. In Indonesia, however, cultural conditions are unusual and hardly observed in daily life (Ainiyah, 2013: 26).
It is necessary to make numerous efforts to help young people develop their character, but in reality, this hasn’t always worked out as planned (Anam, 2014: 388). Character is a certain characteristic that can distinguish one individual from another, so character formation is an important thing that must be experienced by each individual.
School is a part of education that plays a continuous role in developing the potential of students. The development of each potential is not done solely for the benefit of the individual, but for the benefit of the general public. Schools can assist students reach their full potential by offering resources such as media, instructional staff, facilities, and other resources that can have a positive impact on learning (Salahudin & Alkrienciehie, 2013: 65).
The formation of character education is an important matter that has been realized by the government through the creation of the Pancasila Student Profile in the Merdeka Curriculum. This Pancasila Student Profile is a hope for Indonesian students to have six global competencies in accordance with the values of Pancasila as the basis for acting and behaving. The six Pancasila Student Profiles are noble morality, critical thinking, having a foundation of global pluralism, cooperation, independence, and creativity (Zuchron, 2021: 66).
The rapid advancement of technology and information has brought about changes in various fields of life. One of them is the development of mass media with their own unique offerings. The development of public understanding of media today provides the information that is desired. Radio as an electronic media is one example of the results of the advancement of modern communication technology and can be used as a general medium in presenting various information to the public. Radio could be a beneficial tool for expression, education, communication, information sharing, and entertainment (Bumi, 2017: 4).
The Educational and Cultural Radio Media Development Center (BPMRPK) as the Technical Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Pustekkom seeks to develop Radio Edukasi through Radio Edukasi media. Radio Edukasi was established on October 1 2007 in Yogyakarta and can be accessed via the AM 1251 kHz frequency and via the website (RE Academic Manuscript in Innayah, 2014: 51). Radio Education, which has been managed for 15 years, is now under the auspices of the Yogyakarta Special Region Teacher Mobilization Center (BBGP). This is of course an effort by the government to expand the wings of education in various spheres, one of which is communication technology.
In a method pertaining to information and communication technology, learning media is also linked to learning that is clearer and more tangible (Buckingham, 2007:112). More precisely, throughout the learning process, media are graphic, photographic, or electronic instruments that are utilized to gather, process, and reorganize information from spoken and visual results (Arsyad, 2011: 3).
Teachers need to be aware of certain aspects of the learning process while using educational radio as a teaching tool. During the teaching-learning process in the classroom, educators must pay attention to students’ activities and learning preferences in addition to the learning objectives and materials. In Ahmad (2007), Miarso expressed his belief that the media can serve as a conduit for knowledge and elicit a range of emotions and thoughts. information, arouse emotions, promote focus, and increase students’ willingness to participate in teaching and learning activities.
Based on the results of research conducted at Ngablak State Elementary School, several incidents occurred which indicated a lack of student interest in music learning. The class teacher provides learning material directly by asking students to sing songs, play musical instruments, and so on without any other media that can help in ongoing learning.
From the phenomenon that occurred, Radio Edukasi is one of the media that is often used in the music learning process of elementary school students which contains music materials, children’s songs, and children’s stories that support learning and help in applying the character of the Pancasila student profile at school. Therefore, the researcher was interested in choosing the title of “Utilization of Radio Edukasi as a Music Media for Students of SD Negeri Ngablak in the Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile”.
The main focus of this research is the utilization of Radio Edukasi for elementary school students as a medium for learning music. Based on the description that underlies this research, the formulation of the problem in this study can be formulated is how educational radio becomes one of the media for learning students of SD Negeri Ngablak?
This research is expected to encourage teachers to continue to develop and seek new knowledge about learning media that can be used to support music learning in schools. In addition, the results of this study are expected to help increase the interest of elementary school students to recognize and utilize Radio Edukasi as an interesting and fun learning resource.
Research related to radio utilization has been conducted in previous studies. Research conducted by Yanti Puspita Sari (2016) Effectiveness of Audio Media Use on Increasing Learning Motivation in Group A Children of Dharma Bhakti Sleman Kindergarten. This research discusses the use of audio media to encourage interest in learning in early childhood. The media used is designed to attract students’ interest. The results of the study showed that there were differences in children’s interest in learning before and after using this audio media. Another research from Susanti (2019) in the Development of Learning Media Using Contextual-Based Radio Broadcast Recordings as Javanese Dialogue Material uses development research to describe learning media needs analysis, development prototypes, and describe learning media development products using radio broadcast recordings. The results showed that learning media using radio broadcast recordings can be used as learning media for junior high school students. can be used as learning media for junior high school students in grade VIII in Javanese language subjects. Another research on educational radio was conducted by Samuel A. Amponsah and James A. Sarfo (2012) entitled The Impact of Educational Radio Broadcasts on Student Learning in Rural Ghana. The results showed that educational radio broadcasts have a significant positive impact on student learning in rural Ghana. Students who participated in educational radio broadcasts showed a higher increase in knowledge test scores compared to students who did not participate in educational radio broadcasts.
Some of the above studies illustrate the utilization of radio for learning in various domains of education. What distinguishes this research from the previous studies is that this research focuses on the use of educational radio for elementary school students. This research is also designed using qualitative research methods with the aim of describing the utilization of educational radio in elementary schools in the learning process.
This study was conducted using a qualitative approach to describe the use of radio as a learning media for elementary school students. The reason the study was included in qualitative research is because the study functioned to understand social phenomena in the form of the implementation of the Pancasila student profile in attitudes and behaviors through the use of media during the learning process.
The study investigated the use of radio media used by educators/teachers in the learning process at SD Negeri Ngablak. The study will also described the constraints or obstacles to the implementation of Radio Edukasi chosen by educators as well as how educators overcame various obstacles that arose during the learning process.
The study was conducted at SD Negeri Ngablak, located at Ngablak, Sitimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The study took place in two locations, namely in the classroom and outside the classroom. Classroom research was conducted by observing educators using media in the learning process. Outside classroom research was also used to obtain more information related to the use of media through question-and-answer sessions with teachers and students.
The study lasted for two months, from April to May 2023. The study was conducted in accordance with the lesson schedule at SD Negeri Ngablak. The researcher focused on the music lesson schedule for grade 4 students at SD Negeri Ngablak, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta.
Learning Planning
In the early stages, the planning process is carried out by the classroom teacher by matching Radio Edukasi collections with the material in the SBDP Music lesson. This matching process also certainly involves the CP and ATP contained in the independent curriculum for grade IV students at the elementary school level.
The next stage involves teachers creating Teaching Modules as a learning guide and planning media as a relevant basic source of learning for the material. The use of Radio Edukasi as a learning source in this context is related to maintaining the quality and effectiveness of learning to prevent educators from getting bored during the learning activities. Furthermore, this is also related to the process of applying and enhancing various characters according to the Pancasila student profile in the school environment.
In addition to creating teaching modules, teachers also check various media from Radio Edukasi websites that align with the SBDP Musik (Music) lesson material. The media extracted from Radio Edukasi includes mandatory songs and regional songs. The content of these mandatory and regional Indonesian songs is material that students must understand during Phase B in the independent curriculum.
Implementation of Learning
Music lessons often begin with strategic classroom arrangements to enhance focus and participation. In a typical SBDP Musik (Music) class, the teacher opts for a U-shaped seating layout, placing themselves in the center. This fosters active engagement as students can easily see and hear both the teacher’s explanations and the music being played.
Furthermore, Radio Edukasi plays a key role in the learning process. National and regional songs are woven throughout the three weekly class hours, serving as engaging learning materials. To supplement the radio sessions, the teacher meticulously prepares teaching modules in advance, ensuring a structured and informative learning experience.
Results of efforts regarding the utilization of Radio Edukasi as a medium for music art for students of SD Negeri Ngablak in the implementation of the Pancasila student profile can be summarized as follows.
In the planning of lesson designs using Radio Edukasi, teachers can match the material collections available in Radio Edukasi. The alignment of materials with CP (Core Competencies) and ATP (Basic Competencies) in the Independent Curriculum is one of the crucial initial planning steps. In addition to considering the alignment of materials with CP and ATP, teachers can create Teaching Modules that include these materials as a form of written planning before the start of the learning activities.
The utilization of Radio Edukasi is also evident in the question-and-answer process that takes place in the classroom between the teacher and students regarding song titles, authors, and the meaning of the songs. At the end of the meeting, students are also asked to present about the given songs.
The utilization of Radio Edukasi faces two constraints during the learning process. The first constraint is the lack of knowledge among students about radio. The presence of smartphones and other interesting applications has shifted the role of radio, which was once an idol for the Indonesian society. This becomes a hindrance in the use of Radio Edukasi at SD Negeri Ngablak.
The second constraint is the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure in the school environment. Each class in the SD Negeri Ngablak does not have independent speakers. However, the school uses portable speakers that can be used by teachers during teaching and learning activities. Although these portable speakers can be used, teachers must make an effort to move the speakers before and after the learning activities.
From the results of the research and discussions conducted, the researcher provides several recommendations regarding the use of Radio Edukasi as a source and learning medium. Here are some recommendations given by the researcher for schools, teachers, and further research.
For Schools:
The researcher recommends that schools can still improve the quality of learning through the development of teaching materials and learning media by teachers to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning process.
For Teachers:
The researcher’s suggestion for teachers, especially Music teachers, is to continuously improve the quality of Music learning. This should be related to ensuring that the learning can be well-prepared, including teaching materials, media, and learning resources that can be chosen during the learning activities.
For Further Research:
This research can be developed into action research (PTK) on the use of Radio Edukasi to enhance the learning process in schools. This is intended for researchers to obtain a comparison between students’ learning outcomes before using educational media and after using educational media. The research results will provide valuable input for teachers in educational units.
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