Reputation Management Improvement through Education Services and Public Relations at Al Fidaa Integrated Islamic High School Bekasi-Indonesia
- Nurdin Rivaldy
- lzamudin Ma’mur
- Encep Syarifudin
- Rijal Firdaos
- Eneng Muslihah
- 73-89
- Apr 29, 2024
- Educational Management
Reputation Management Improvement through Education Services and Public Relations at Al Fidaa Integrated Islamic High School Bekasi-Indonesia
Nurdin Rivaldy1*, Ilzamudin Ma’mur2, Encep Syarifudin3, Rijal Firdaos4, Eneng Muslihah5
1,2,3,4,5 Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten Islamic State University
* Corresponding Author
Received: 17 March 2024; Accepted: 30 March 2024; Published: 29 April 2024
Islamic educational development institutions in Indonesia show positive progress, especially with the existence of the Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT) by increasing adaptability, capability, capacity and quality. Competition and trust are faced with the challenge of managing the school’s reputation in the long run. The research objective is to analyse the influence of education services and public relations on reputation management. The research used quantitative methods with a survey approach at SMAIT Al Fidaa, Bekasi Regency of Indonesia. Sampling using stratified random side from active students in the academic year 2023/2024. Data were sourced from questionnaires, observations, documentation and literature studies, while data analysis used descriptive and correlational tests. The results showed that educational services affect reputation management. Public relations affect reputation management. Education services and public relations affect reputation management. Research implies that the more education services and public relations improve, the better reputation management will be. The limitation study to student respondents, using questionnaires and the number of variables and indicators constructed. Further research needs to be conducted in Focus Group Discussions to strengthen reputation management indicators by the Integrated Islamic School Network.
Keywords: Education Services, Management, Public Relations, Reputation, SMAIT Al Fidaa
The development of education in Indonesia is a positive public response to an educational service with all its potential through the applicable education standard process. For this reason, education in this development requires a strengthening that leads to a reputation for educational services and public relations (Sari & Soliha, 2022; Rivaldy et al., 2023).
Along with improving the quality of education and education governance by the government, a good level of trust is needed. For that Bahri (2022) Explains the strong influence between reputation and the quality of educational institutions held so that they can increase the ideal role of achieving excellence. The problems educational institutions face, among others, are limited management, educational services, public relations and reputation (Alifiah &; Roesminingsih, 2018; Agustang et al., 2021; Nurdjanah, 2021).
When establishing educational institutions as educational services, it is important to recognize that services are a type of product that encompasses activities, benefits, or satisfactions that are offered for sale. These services are intangible and do not confer ownership of any tangible assets. (Schneider & White, 2003). The provision of services involves the execution of actions or activities by one party to another party, which is fundamentally intangible and does not confer any form of ownership. Education service refers to the provision of services by service providers or educational institutions to students. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate educational services involving an assessment of students’ opinions and expectations of the services they get during school (Sari & Soliha, 2022).
The success of education services depends on providing high-quality services to the recipients of education services, namely learners, stakeholders, and the community (Rusdi, 2018). In simple terms, educational services can be interpreted as services related to educational services covering various definitions, ranging from individual assistance to the provision of services as real commodities.
Contribution to educational services can be built by consumer directions and assessments to measure the good or bad services provided by a product or service provider (Iryani, 2023). With this dimension, it can be known the perception or expectation of consumers on the quality of service they receive. The dimensions in question are five dimensions Serve-Quality (SERVQUAL), according to Kotler and Keller (2012) which consist of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical evidence (tangible). Thus, the form of educational services based on educational institutions as public services includes physical facilities, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
Strengthening educational institutions, it is important to understand the concept of public relations (public relations) interpreted Kotler and Amstrong (2012) as a positive relationship between business actors and the community through positive publicity, good image and positive management with the aim of mutual benefit. Meanwhile, Sitepu (2011) explained that public relations is a two-way interaction between groups and communities.
Public relations, in a more expansive context, is the administration of communication and interactions between an organization and its public. The utilization of public relations as a means of marketing refers to the exchange of ideas, policies, products, and services through unregulated media and interactive communication, which can either supplement or substitute controlled media. This type of communication is typically one-sided and takes the form of an advertisement (Doorley & Garcia, 2021). Public relations with a marketing approach can be measured well by providing community services and institutional identity (Kotler & Keller, 2012).
Every educational institution or organization will be bigger to maintain and improve its reputation so that it gets positive priority from the public, so it needs to be managed properly. According to the definition, reputation management refers to the practice of managing and controlling public perception to build a positive reputation for a company carried out through the use of public relations strategies (Violation, 2018). Then develop reputation management in the world of education The Sea from Tumturk (2021) Explain that reputation management based on educational organizational background and organizational culture cannot be replicated because it is most effective and rooted through dimensions of social responsibility, commitment, alumni network, environment, school leadership, and financial performance.
Islamic education in Indonesia compared to countries in Southeast Asia only focuses on curriculum development as a heritage and deepening of Islam (Muslim, 2022). Meanwhile, Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia in their development use a modernization approach in aspects of curriculum, infrastructure and human resources (Farid et al., 2023). However, although these developments have not led to how Islamic educational institutions show an improved reputation, they even show poor conditions in their reputation (Mohamed, 2022; Nuraini &0ingrum, 2022).
In Indonesia, the application of the platform Integrated Islamic Schools (SIT) has major implications for school management (Shaliheen et al., 2021). The argument relates to the incorporation of Islamic values into the educational curriculum in Integrated Islamic Schools in Indonesia, which is the basic principle for advancing education. For this reason, efforts are needed to improve the quality of Islamic education, which has undergone substantial expansion in previous eras, closely related to modernization (Ariadin & Rambe, 2022)
Having achieved the aforementioned advances, integrated Islamic institutions now give priority to reputation, or rather, the image or perception associated with the quality of reputation they maintain and strive to improve. Reputation supervised by Islamic educational institutions, or reputation management, can be a cornerstone of competition (Waska, 2017).
In other words, Islamic educational institutions must be able to manage all the resources they have effectively to provide benefits and a good impression. Developing a positive reputation has many advantages, including the facilitation of interest in educational institutions, the provision of assistance in clarifying organizational performance, behaviour, and communication, and the importance of important strategies for retaining and acquiring new consumers (Ratnasari &; Suradika, 2020; Sari & Soliha, 2022; Doorley & Garcia, 2021).
Al Fidaa Integrated Islamic High School (SMAIT) Bekasi Regency of Indonesia is one of the modern Islamic educational institutions that develops with its achievements and excellence. One of them in 2022 reached rank 176 in West Java Province and ranked 958th nationally in achieving Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) scores as one of the entrances to higher education (LTMT, 2022). This has contributed positively to the development of Islamic education in Indonesia within the integrated Islamic school network (JSIT) (Abidin & May, 2022). This phenomenon makes researchers interested in examining the extent of educational services, public relations and reputation management.
The relatively stable development is related to the number of students at SMAIT Al Fidaa as the following table:
Table 1. Student Development of SMAIT AL Fidaa
Class | School of Year | ||||
2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | |
X | 71 | 67 | 70 | 76 | 72 |
XI | 73 | 75 | 66 | 72 | 75 |
XII | 74 | 73 | 77 | 66 | 72 |
Total | 218 | 215 | 213 | 213 | 219 |
Source:(Al-Fidaa, 2023)
Previous research revealed by Rivaldy et al., (2023) about reputation approach and public relations in SDIT with qualitative methods. Then Hasanusi (2019) tests the influence of identity and reputation in the next public high school Sari and Soliha (2022) examine the effect of the quality of education services on the reputation of Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT). Research Tümtürk and Deniz (2021) examine the development of reputation management scales in private schools in Turkey with a quantitative approach. However, the importance of this study is to analyze the problem of how the influence of educational services on reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa. How has it influenced public relations against reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa? and how education services and public relations are against reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa?
Based on the background and problems above, this study aims to analyze the influence of educational services on reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa; analyse the influence of public relations on reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa; and analyse the influence of education and public relations services on reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa.
This study used a quantitative method with a survey approach. Quantitative research collects data from a group of respondents by giving various questions in the form of questionnaires. On the other hand, according to Creswell and Creswell (2018), survey research is a quantitative research method in which researchers conduct surveys to gather information about the views, opinions, behaviours, or unique characteristics of a sample or group of people.
Table: 2. Conceptual Definition of Research Variables and Instrument Items
Variable | Conceptual Definition | Indicator | Number of Instrument | Total Instrument Items |
Education Services (X1) | Actions taken by educational units to provide benefits or satisfaction | Physical facilities | 1,2 | 10 |
Reliability | 3,4 | |||
Responsiveness | 5,6 | |||
Guarantee | 7,8 | |||
Empathy | 9,10 | |||
Public Relation (X2) | Establish positive relationships between business actors and the community through positive publicity, good image and positive management with the aim of mutual benefit. | News | 11,12 | 6 |
Community Service Activities | 13,14, | |||
Identity | 15,16 | |||
Reputation Management (Y) | The practice of managing and controlling public perception to build a positive reputation for a company is carried out through the use of public relations strategies. | Social responsibility | 17,18 | 14 |
Commitment | 19,20 | |||
Alumni Network | 21,22 | |||
Milieu | 23.24 | |||
Leadership | 25,26 | |||
Financial Performance | 27,28,29,30 | |||
Total | 30 |
The research location is located at SMAIT Al Fidda Jalan Permata Rt.02 / Rw.10 Kampung Bulu, Setiamekar Village, South Tambun District, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province of Indonesia. Research data are sourced from questionnaires, observations, documentation and literature studies. Data collection using questionnaire techniques given to active students of SMAIT AL Fidaa. The sampling method uses probability sampling by technique of stratified random sampling aimed at estimating population parameters, the sampling procedure entails dividing the population into strata, randomly selecting samples from each stratum, and combining the results (Fauzy, 2019). The student population of SMAIT Al Fidaa in the academic year 2023/2024 is 219 so the total number of respondents in the study amounted to 76 as in the following table:
Table 3. Respondent Sample Determination
Grade | Population | Stratified Random Sampling | Number of Respondents |
IX | 72 | 20% | 14 |
X | 75 | 30% | 26 |
XI | 72 | 50% | 36 |
Total | 219 | 100% | 76 |
Source: (Al-Fidaa, 2023)
Measurement of questionnaire instruments using Scale Likert (interval) between 1-5 with alternative answers Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree that have been widely done in research to measure perspectives, perceptions or feelings experienced by respondents responding to research questions or statements (Hanafiah et al., 2020).
Before testing the hypothesis, a validity test is carried out with Product Moment and instrument reliability with Aplha-Cronbach (Budiastuti & Bandu, 2018). The analysis requirements test is a normality test with Kolmorgrov-Smirnov or Lilliefors and a homogeneity test with a T-test or Levene Statistic (Achyar et al., 2020). Data analysis uses descriptive while testing with simple and multiple regression with F-test, as well as partial and multiple correlation tests with Pearson to test the effect and magnitude of the value of the influence of endogenous variables on exogenous variables. Analysis techniques using calculations with software analysis SPPS version 25.00 (Cronk, 2018).
Explain the relationship between variables, namely education services (X1) to reputation management (Y), public relations (X2) to reputation management (Y) and education services (X1) and public relations (X2) to reputation management (Y) as shown below:
Figure 1. Diagram of Influence Between Research Variables
The research hypotheses that researchers propose are as follows:
- There is a positive and significant influence of educational services on reputation management.
- There is a positive and significant influence of public relations on reputation management.
- There is a positive and significant influence of education and public relations services on reputation management.
Instrument Items Testing
Validity Test
30 instrument items were declared valid and used for 20 respondents as instrument tests. Test results with conditions are said to be Valid with product moment test If T-test > T-table (n=20-2= 0.444) and vice versa if T-test < T-table (n=20-2= 0.444), then it is said to be invalid as the following table:
Table 4. Test Results of Instrument Validity and Reliability*
Instrument Item | Variable X1 | Variable X2 | Variable Y | |||
Product Moment | Alpha-Cronbach | Product Moment | Alpha-Cronbach | Product Moment | Alpha-Cronbach | |
1 | 0.641 | 0,835 | – | 0,700 | – | 0,901 |
2 | 0.607 | – | – | |||
3 | 0.588 | – | – | |||
4 | 0.556 | – | – | |||
5 | 0.739 | – | – | |||
6 | 0.585 | – | – | |||
7 | 0.566 | – | – | |||
8 | 0.739 | – | – | |||
9 | 0.641 | – | – | |||
10 | 0.739 | – | – | |||
11 | – | 0.618 | – | |||
12 | – | 0.729 | – | |||
13 | – | 0.589 | – | |||
14 | – | 0.568 | – | |||
15 | – | 0.729 | – | |||
16 | – | 0.631 | – | |||
17 | – | – | 0.681 | |||
18 | – | – | 0.670 | |||
19 | – | – | 0.658 | |||
20 | – | – | 0.797 | |||
21 | – | – | 0.670 | |||
22 | – | – | 0.604 | |||
23 | – | – | 0.658 | |||
24 | – | – | 0.540 | |||
25 | – | – | 0.575 | |||
26 | – | – | 0.797 | |||
27 | – | – | 0.604 | |||
28 | – | – | 0.635 | |||
29 | – | – | 0.658 | |||
30 | – | – | 0.797 |
* Calculations using Microsoft Excel Program
Based on the table above where the reliability test results using Alpa-Crobach obtained the following numbers 0.835 (X1), 0.700 (X2) and 0.901 (Y) all of them are if the reliability value > 0.60 is said to be good and consistent and vice versa if the reliability value < 0.60 is said to be not good and inconsistent.
From the results explanation of the validity and reliability instrument with 30 items, all of them are declared to have reliability and validity, it is recommended in the next analysis.
Requirements Analysis Testing
Normality Test
The normality test conducted using SPSS version 25.00 revealed that the three variables exhibited values that exceeded the significance threshold established by the Lilliefors/Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Specifically, the values obtained were 0.200 (X1), 0.014 (X2), and 0.008 (Y), all of which exceeded the specified significance levels outlined in tables 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Table 5. Recapitulation of Normality Test Results
Hypothesis Test Summary a | ||||
Null Hypothesis | Test | Sig. | Decision | |
1 | The distribution of Educational Services is normal with a mean of 108 and a standard deviation of 14.492. | One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test | .200cd | Retain the null hypothesis. |
2 | The distribution of Public Relations is normal with a mean of 107 and a standard deviation of 14.102. | One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test | .014c | Retain the null hypothesis. |
3 | The distribution of Reptation Management is normal with a mean of 109 and a standard deviation of 13.436. | One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test | .008a | Retain the null hypothesis. |
Asymptotic significances are displayed. The significance level is .050. | ||||
a. Lilliefors Corrected |
Table 6. Education Service Variable Normality Test (X1)
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normal Test Summary a | ||
Total N | 76 | |
Most Extreme Differences | Absolute | .064 |
Positive | .043 | |
Negative | -.064 | |
Test Statistic | .064 | |
Asymptotic Sig. (2-sided test) | .200cd | |
a. Lilliefors Corrected (Education Services) |
Table 7. Public Relations Variable Normality Test (X2)
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normal Test Summarya | ||
Total N | 76 | |
Most Extreme Differences | Absolute | .115 |
Positive | .078 | |
Negative | -.115 | |
Test Statistic | .115 | |
Asymptotic Sig. (2-sided test) | .014c | |
a. Lilliefors Corrected (Public Relations) |
Table 8. Normality Test of Reputation Management Variables (Y)
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normal Test Summarya |
Total N | 76 | |
Most Extreme Differences | Absolute | .121 |
Positive | .121 | |
Negative | -.119 | |
Test Statistic | .121 | |
Asymptotic Sig. (2-sided test) | .008d | |
a. Lilliefors Corrected (Reputation Management) |
With the above data that has been described, all research variables meet the requirements of the normality test and then the next stage can be carried out.
Hypothesis Testing
Simple and Multiple Regression Tests
In the regression analysis conducted using SPSS version 25.00, it was observed that the three variables exhibited values exceeding the predetermined threshold set by the F-test, which is set at 0.050. Specifically, the F-values for X1, X2, and Y were found to be 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000, respectively. These values were compared to the F-tables, all of which were found to be above the specified significance level, as indicated in tables 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
Table 9. Educational Services Variable Regression Test (X1) to Reputation Management (Y)
Model | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||
1 | Regression | 1953.698 | 1 | 1953.698 | 48.641 | .000b | |
Residual | 2972.237 | 74 | 40.165 | ||||
Total | 4925.934 | 75 | |||||
a. Dependent Variable: Reputation Management | |||||||
b. Predictors: (Constant), Educational Services
The significance level is < .050 or F-Count > F-Table (3,130) |
Table 10. Regression Coefficient of Education Services Variable (X1) to Reputation Management (Y)
Coefficient a |
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | ||
B | Std. Error | Beta | ||||
1 | (Constant) | 14.645 | 5.246 | 2.792 | .007 | |
Education Services | 1.060 | .152 | .630 | 6.974 | .000 | |
a. Dependent Variable: Reputation Management |
Table 11. Regression Test of Public Relation Variables (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
Model | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | |
1 | Regression | 3577.600 | 1 | 3577.600 | 196.348 | .000b |
Residual | 1348.334 | 74 | 18.221 | |||
Total | 4925.934 | 75 | ||||
a. Dependent Variable: Reputation Management | ||||||
b. Predictors: (Constant), Public Relations | ||||||
The significance level is < .050 or F-Count > F-Table (3,130) |
Table 12. Regression Coefficient of Public Relations Variable (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
Coefficient a | ||||||
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | ||
B | Std. Error | Beta | ||||
1 | (Constant) | 7.071 | 3.165 | 2.234 | .028 | |
Public Relation | 2.060 | .147 | .852 | 14.012 | .000 | |
a. Dependent Variable: Reputation Management |
Table 13. Regression Test of Education Service Variables (X1) and Public Relations (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
Model | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | |
1 | Regression | 3696.390 | 2 | 1848.195 | 109.730 | .000b |
Residual | 1229.544 | 73 | 16.843 | |||
Total | 4925.934 | 75 | ||||
a. Dependent Variable: Reputation Management | ||||||
b. Predictors: (Constant), Public Relations, Education Services | ||||||
The significance level is < .050 or F-Count > F-Table (3,130) |
Table 14. Regression Coefficients of Education Service Variables (X1) and Public Relations (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
Coefficienta |
Model | Unstandardized Coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | t | Sig. | ||
B | Std. Error | Beta | ||||
1 | (Constant) | 1.849 | 3.623 | .510 | .611 | |
Education Services | .324 | .122 | .193 | 2.656 | .010 | |
Public Relation | 1.785 | .175 | .738 | 10.172 | .000 | |
a. Dependent Variable: Reputation Management |
With the above data that has been described, all research variables meet the requirements of the regression test and get a positive regression coefficient: Y = 14.645 + 1.060 X1; Y= 7.071+2.060 X2; Y= 1,849+0.324 X1 + 1,785 X2. Thus, the next stage can be carried out.
Variables Linearity Testing
In the linearity test conducted using SPSS version 25.00, it was seen that the three variables exhibited values exceeding the significance level specified by the F-test, which was greater than 0.050. Specifically, the values of 0.168 (X1. Y) and 0.445 (X2. Y) successfully passed the linearity test, as indicated in Tables 15 and 16, respectively.
Table 15. Educational Service Variable Linearity Test (X1) to Reputation Management (Y)
ANOVA Table |
Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||||
Reputation Management * Education Services | Between Groups | (Combined) | 2876.548 | 19 | 151.397 | 4.137 | .000 | |
Linearity | 1953.698 | 1 | 1953.698 | 53.385 | .000 | |||
Deviation from Linearity | 922.850 | 18 | 51.269 | 1.401 | .168 | |||
Within Groups | 2049.387 | 56 | 36.596 | |||||
Total | 4925.934 | 75 |
The significance level is > 0.050
Table 16. Public Relations Service Variable Linearity Test (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
ANOVA Table |
Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||||
Reputation Management * Public Relations | Between Groups | (Combined) | 3856.133 | 16 | 241.008 | 13.292 | .000 | |
Linearity | 3577.600 | 1 | 3577.600 | 197.306 | .000 | |||
Deviation from Linearity | 278.533 | 15 | 18.569 | 1.024 | .445 | |||
Within Groups | 1069.801 | 59 | 18.132 | |||||
Total | 4925.934 | 75 |
The significance level is < 0.050
With the above data that has been described, all research variables meet the requirements of the linearity test and then the next stage can be carried out.
Partial and Multiple Correlation Tests
In the correlation test using SPSS version 25.00, it was produced that the three variables obtained values above hereficance determined by the Pearson test, which is > 0.050, where 0.630 (X 1. Y); 0.852 (X 2. Y) and 0.750 (X1, X2, Y) all contain positive correlations determined as in tables 17, 18 and 19 as follows:
Table 17. Correlation Test of Education Service Variables (X1) to Reputation Management (Y)
Correlations |
Education Services | Reputation Management | ||
Education Services | Pearson Correlation | 1 | .630** |
Sig. (2-tailed) | .000 | ||
N | 76 | 76 | |
Reputation Management | Pearson Correlation | .630** | 1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) | .000 | ||
N | 76 | 76 | |
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). |
Table 18. Public Relations Correlation Test (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
Correlations |
Public Relation | Reputation Management | ||
Public Relation | Pearson Correlation | 1 | .852** |
Sig. (2-tailed) | .000 | ||
N | 76 | 76 | |
Reputation Management | Pearson Correlation | .852** | 1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) | .000 | ||
N | 76 | 76 | |
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). |
Table 19. Correlation Test of Education Service Variables (X1) and Public Relations (X2) to Reputation Management (Y)
Model Summary |
Model | R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Std. Error of the Estimate | Change Statistics | ||||
R Square Change | F Change | df1 | df2 | Sig. F Change | |||||
1 | .866a | .750 | .744 | 4.104 | .750 | 109.730 | 2 | 73 | .000 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), Public Relations, Education Services |
The significance level is < 0.050
With the above data that has been described, all research variables meet the requirements of the correlation test with criteria of strong enough or medium 0.630 (X1) and strong 0.852 (X2) and 0.866 (X1 and X2). Based on the results of the analysis test, the following is explained through pictures about the analysis of the influence between the following research variables:
Figure 2. Analysis of the Influence Between Research Variables
Based on the results of the research analysis above, it is necessary to discuss the influence between variables as follows:
Effect of Education Services (X1) on Reputation Management (Y)
According to the research hypothesis, there is a strong and positive correlation of 0.630 between educational services (X1) and reputation management (Y), indicating a considerable influence. This indicates that the management of educational services at SMAIT Al Fidaa has made a positive contribution to creating reputation management. In the development of the world of education, school reputation management is very important because it will build public trust accompanied by improvements in educational services.
This is in line with Bakrie et al., (2019) that by improving the service and reputation of the world of education, it will increase public satisfaction and loyalty. These results have the consequence that the obligation of education providers must pay attention to and fulfil their main obligations regarding education services. For this reason, SMAIT Al Fidaa, which is part of the Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT), has paid attention to the existing service processes including superior school accreditation, and complete learning facilities, becoming one of the favourite schools for the people of Bekasi Regency, many institutions that have collaborated, and being included in 1000 schools with national UTBK rankings.
The development of educational reputation is not released with the services provided, so it is undeniable that SMAIT AL Fidaa is built on trust and personal communication. This is following the opinion Wang et al., (2023) that education services and school reputation built on personal ‘word of mouth’ communication become more effective and provide more trust to the community, especially prospective guardians. The implication is that this is by improving the quality of better management of educational institutions.
The Effect of Public Relations (X2) on Reputation Management (Y)
Based on the research hypothesis, there is a positive and significant influence between public relations (X2) and reputation management (Y) shown by a correlation of 0.852 with strong criteria. This suggests that the management of SMAIT Al Fidaa engages in public relations activities using various online platforms, including the website, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media channels. These channels are associated with the information media maintained by the Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT). The variety, intensity and affordability achieved by SMAIT AL Fidaa have covered Bekasi Regency because the location of the school is one of the strategic accesses passed by the Bekasi community and is close to public transportation facility services.
According to Solikhin et al., (2023) one of the best public relations strategies is… In the context of educational institutions, the utilization of information media, which has gained significant popularity within the community, is closely associated with strategic locations that are readily accessible to the public and near public amenities. The consequence is a great opportunity for the strategic existence of SMAIT Al Fidaa to be one of the public relations what has been done leads to the reputation of the school. The consistent admission of students at SMAIT AL Fidaa over the past five years is indicative of the institution’s commitment to upholding the quality and efficacy of its learning processes, contributing to the preservation of its reputation management.
Reputation management carried out by SMAIT Al Fidaa is one of the externalities that have a positive impact on the community and around the school. This is important because a good reputation will be managed properly while maintaining relationships and cooperation with the community. This condition is the opinion of Sandhya et al., (2020), where the better and greater the external will impact on the activity public relations One of them is through the “Clean Friday” activity which is a social service that collaborates with institutions and communities to build mutual concern between schools and the community. The implications are getting better public relations Done with existing resources either internally or externally will improve the reputation management of the school.
The Effect of Education Services (X1) and Public Relations (X2) on Reputation Management (Y)
Based on the research hypothesis, there is a positive and significant influence between education services (X1) and Public Relations (X2) on reputation management (Y) shown by a correlation of 0.866 with strong criteria. This indicates that education and public relations services are carried out at SMAIT Al Fidaa based on the results of the school work meeting with the foundation and invite stakeholders as part of reputation management. Efforts to maintain reputation management through a practical management approach with the principles of good governance in the world of education are very important to pay attention to.
Development of educational services and public relations In schools or educational institutions, promoting intense communication, both internal and external, so that forms and improvements related to educational services are achieved and public trust also increases. This is in line with the opinion that educational organizations must be able to provide excellent educational services and build a good public relations strategy so that in the end it will achieve a good reputation.
On the other hand, SMAIT AL Fidaa has the intensity of conducting relationships or communication with alumni, stakeholders and responses through social media information. With that approach, Syakur and Panuju (2020) based on the development of public relations must be built by the interests of schools and communities to achieve quality education with better services and reputation. This has the consequence that the school prepares a guideline for public relations which leads to an improvement in reputation management.
SMAIT Al Fidaa offers information media management services, however the current degree of renewal is restricted. To achieve better information media publication, it is necessary to update the system in a focused and integrated manner. With such emphasis, the opinion Filipov and Dybyssova (2022) that to achieve public relations good leadership is needed from the organization manager as a framework to build trust, but cultural and traditional factors need to be considered regarding the perception and needs of the community. Thus, reputation management depends on managing public relations and services in the organization well and paying attention to the community.
Maintaining the quality of education, SMAIT Al Fidaa maintains input-process-output from the students he accepted and cared for. The stability of the number of students is important to create a good climate through selection by applicable standards and decisions so as not to seem to catch up with the increasing number of students accepted. For this reason, maintaining reputation management in schools as part of the selection and marketing Fathurrochman et al., (2020) opinion management public relations schools is urgent along with instruments to improve the quality of education and community participation. This has implications for the application of public relations A good one will achieve the expected educational services and public trust in the educational institution.
Developing reputable Islamic educational institutions is very important to increase public trust and stakeholder participation. The involvement of education services and public relations is urgent through guidelines that are by the character of the educational institution. This study found a positive and significant influence between educational services on reputation management at SMAIT Al Fidaa. There is a positive and significant influence between public relations on the reputation management of SMAIT Al Fidaa. There is a positive and significant influence between education services and public relations on the reputation management of SMAIT Al Fidaa.
Research implies that the more education services and public relations improve, the better reputation management will be. The study was limited to student respondents, using questionnaires and the number of variables and indicators constructed. Further research needs to be conducted in Focus Group Discussions to strengthen Reputation Management indicators by the Integrated Islamic School Network.
Strengthening reputation management in the integrated Islamic school network (JSIT) in Indonesia requires standard reputation guidelines that are determined at each level of education, including Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School and High School as part of the process of improving school reputation which is built and implemented in stages every year.
I extend my profound to Integrated Islamic High School (SMAIT) principal Al Fidaa Bekasi Regency of Indonesia Mr. Rosyad, S. Pd for his contribution to collecting data. Thank you Prof. Ilzamudin Ma’mur, Prof. Encep Syarifudin, Dr Eneng Muslihah, PhD and Dr Rijal Firdaos for correcting the article and guidance to publish in an international journal.
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