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Satisfaction and Difficulty among Students in Using Google Classroom

  • Jo Ann T. Gerada
  • Violeta C. Efondo
  • 4113-4120
  • Oct 8, 2024
  • Education

Satisfaction and Difficulty among Students in Using Google Classroom

Jo Ann T. Gerada1, Violeta C. Efondo2

1,2Guimaras State University


Received: 19 September 2024; Accepted: 27 September 2024; Published: 08 October 2024


This study examines Guimaras State College students’ satisfaction and difficulties in using Google Classroom, a major part of Google Apps for Education (GAFE). The university’s adoption of Google Classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic prompted this investigation. Employing a descriptive research design and stratified sampling, a questionnaire was used for data collection, and SPSS software was used for analysis, including frequency counts, mean values, and correlation assessments. Students express substantial satisfaction, with an overall mean satisfaction score of 3.87, signifying a “High” level of satisfaction. This implies the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a valuable tool for facilitating student education. However, students encounter significant difficulty, leading to a mean difficulty score of 3.60. Despite these difficulties, Google Classroom is generally considered moderately challenging, implying that although the platform is easily available, it depends on sufficient resources like internet connection speed, to run the best. No significant differences were observed in satisfaction levels according to sex or year, but the chosen courses significantly influenced satisfaction levels. This implies that the degree of Google Classroom integration in course delivery explains the variations in satisfaction levels. Sex does not affect student difficulty levels, whereas year level and course of study play substantial roles. Year-level differences imply varying challenges, and course-related distinctions reveal diverse experiences and the extent to which instructors use digital tools in their teaching methodologies.  A weak positive correlation exists between student satisfaction and difficulty in using Google Classroom. This finding implies that although greater satisfaction might slightly reduce difficulty, the effect is minimal and differs among students. Zhang and Zhu (2017) portrayal of Google Classroom aligns with these findings, emphasizing its versatility for online learning. To enhance education, institutions should address practical challenges while considering students’ chosen courses. Despite the weak correlation between satisfaction and difficulty, these challenges must be addressed to improve overall educational experiences.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Difficulty, Google Classroom, Correlation


COVID-19 has resulted in schools being shut all over the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is conducted remotely and on digital platforms. With this sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the world, some are wondering whether online learning adoption will persist during the post-pandemic and how such a shift will impact the worldwide education market. Research shows that online learning can increase the retention of information and take less time, that the changes the coronavirus has caused might be here to stay (Heggart & Yoo, 2018). Even before COVID-19, the growth and adoption of education technology was high. Whether through language apps, virtual tutoring, videoconferencing tools, or online learning software, there has been a significant surge in its use since COVID-19 (Fahriany et al., 2022). In response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including Google Classroom (Albashtawi & Bataineh, 2020).

Google Classroom is a part of the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) suite of productivity applications for teachers and students in learning and online collaboration. This application is freely downloaded; however, it must be installed at an educational level. While GAFE contains many popular Google applications, such as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive, which can be accessed by anyone, Google Classroom is only found in GAFE. This application provides a central platform for communicating with students, sending feedback, and providing homework. Some of the main strengths of Google Classroom are its time-saving and organizational features, which are easy to use and simple (Setiawan et al., 2021). Google Classroom is like a virtual extension of a brick-and-mortar classroom. It starts by creating classes and adding students. Then, it explores the features found in this application, such as sending information, initiating discussions, and distributing and collecting tasks (Setiawan et al., 2021). Google Classroom is a Learning Management System (LMS) offered by Google for teachers. This application provides a central location from which students can communicate, ask questions, and make assignments. In an increasingly digital world, Google Classroom has helped facilitate online learning. Similar to many new applications, Google Classroom has a unique look and feel. Because of this method, teachers organize classrooms uniquely as teaching methods because Google Classroom starts as a blank canvas. Before adding students to Google Classroom, the teacher should conduct an online physical class. When a teacher uses Google Classroom, the situation can appear that the class does not have a physical class associated with it. For example, distance learning classes and large school events can be conducted using Google Classroom without physical classroom instruction. The teacher will feel comfortable with everything in Google Classroom. Being a class teacher includes options that are not visible to students and allows you to change what students can do on Google Classroom. The teacher will be able to add students to the class, make announcements and assignments, and upload materials from his/her view (Setiawan et al., 2021). Several studies on Google Classroom have discussed the use of technology in the learning process, and some have discussed its effectiveness as a learning medium, an alternative means of enhancing learning quality, or a media tool for improving attainment (Fahriany et al., 2022).

Google Classroom has become an increasingly popular course management tool in higher education due to its ease of use, organizational benefits, and ability to facilitate communication between students and teachers. It allows for the seamless creation of classes, assignment distribution, and classroom discussions, contributing to higher levels of student satisfaction and engagement. Research has revealed that factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence significantly impact students’ intention to use the platform (Jakkaew & Hemrungrote, 2017). Furthermore, the perceived ease of use and usefulness of Google Classroom positively influence students’ behavioral intentions, ultimately affecting their actual use (Al Buraimi University College, 2021). Despite its benefits, the platform’s features are not always fully utilized, prompting further investigation into the factors that influence student acceptance and effective participation. Guimaras State College has officially implemented Google Classroom in all its departments as a platform in the teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a need to investigate students’ satisfaction and difficulty with using Google Classroom at Guimaras State College. This study explores students’ satisfaction and difficulties when using Google Classroom, contributing to a deeper understanding of its role in educational experiences.


In this study, a descriptive research design was employed to assess the levels of satisfaction and difficulty experienced by students while using Google Classroom at Guimaras State College during the AY 2020-2021. Stratified sampling determined participant selection. Data collection involved the use of a research instrument from the study “Satisfaction and Difficulty of Using Google Classroom among BS Criminology,” comprising two parts: gauging satisfaction with Google Classroom and measuring difficulty in using it. The questionnaires were distributed via Google Forms. Data processing involved tallying, tabulation, and analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Frequency counts were used to determine respondent preferences, while mean values were calculated to assess overall satisfaction and difficulty levels among students, both as a whole and within variable categories. Furthermore, the study employed the Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r) to evaluate the correlation between student satisfaction and the challenges they encountered while using Google Classroom for their subject-based learning.


Student satisfaction level when using Google Classroom

According to the results, the students were rather happy using Google Classroom for their educational purposes. A low standard deviation (SD = 0.51) indicated minimum variability in student responses, thus supporting the overall mean satisfaction score of 3.87, which displayed a “High” level of satisfaction. The key elements influencing this favorable assessment were the simplicity of the platform and the support of Internet research. With a mean score of 4.15 for appreciating its usage (Statement 1) and 4.19 for ease of use (Statement 2), students particularly expressed great satisfaction with the user interface. These excellent ratings reflect the efficient navigation tools and user-friendly platform design. Google Classroom was also highly regarded for supporting online research, as indicated by mean scores above 4.0 for responses on locating research links and resources (Statements 6 and 7), reinforcing the positive perception of Google Classroom’s utility (Fahriany et al., 2022).

Consistent high satisfaction across various aspects indicates that the platform effectively meets students’ learning needs. In addition, the minimal variation in satisfaction scores demonstrates consistent and positive user experiences. These findings align with previous studies by Heggart and Yoo (2018), Fahriany et al. (2022), and Albashtawi and Bataineh (2020), which validate the platform’s value in education. Overall, Google Classroom proved to be a reliable and valuable tool for enhancing student learning experiences through its ease of use, functionality, and strong support for research activities.

Table 1 Students’ satisfaction levels.

Satisfaction Mean sd Interpretation
1.      Liked using Google Classroom to learn my lesson. 4.15 0.66 High
2.      The Google Classroom was easy to use. 4.19 0.68 High
3.      I liked to do the unit rubrics and daily rubric goals on the classroom board compared to the old way of writing on paper. 3.66 0.86 High
4.      I felt more comfortable interacting with my classmates and teachers. 3.81 0.85 High
5.      Writing in Google Classroom was better than paper notes. 3.53 1.00 High
6.      Google Classroom made online research easier. 3.97 0.76 High
7.      Google Classroom helped me find the necessary information. 4.03 0.70 High
8.      My grade increased because of Google Classroom. 3.43 0.90 High
9.      Google Classroom helped me become more aware of subject content. 3.99 0.69 High
10.   I create notes, drafts, and maps to complete assignments. 3.94 0.73 High
Mean 3.87 0.51 High

Student’s level of difficulty in using Google Classroom

The data provided offer an insightful examination of the level of difficulty students experience when using Google Classroom, considering a range of factors. The mean difficulty score across all statements was 3.60, indicating an overall “High” level of difficulty. This implies that, on average, students find Google Classroom learning challenging (Heggart & Yoo, 2018).

Specifically, students expressed significant difficulty with the lack of high-speed internet, as reflected in the statement’s mean score of 4.12, highlighting the critical issue of internet connectivity. Although the availability of smartphones to most students presents some challenges, they remain relatively manageable, with a mean score of 3.90. Another substantial concern for students was the financial constraints of paying for an internet cafĂ© when library computer units were unavailable, which was indicated by a mean score of 4.07. This indicates a high level of difficulty (Fahriany et al., 2022). Statements 4, 5, and 7, which address web skills, internet availability, and the use of links to lesson websites, fall within the “Moderate” range, implying that while they pose challenges, they are not perceived as being extremely difficult. However, statements 6, 8, 9, and 10, which cover aspects such as the time needed to learn to use Google Classroom appropriately, inadequate computer knowledge and skills, difficulty in finding the latest information, and the lack of available computer units during work submissions, all indicate a high level of difficulty (Heggart & Yoo, 2018).

The data depict a scenario in which students face various difficulties when using Google Classroom. The primary concerns revolve around internet connectivity and the necessity for computer skills. The mean difficulty score of 3.60, on average, highlights that students generally perceive Google Classroom as moderately challenging to use, implying that although the platform is easily available, it depends on sufficient resources like internet connection speed, to run the best (Heggart & Yoo, 2018).

Table 2 Students’ level of Difficulties.

Difficulties Mean sd Interpretation
1.   Lack of high-speed internet. 4.12 0.83 High
2.   Availability of a smart phone to most students. 3.90 0.76 High
3.   Lack of extra money to pay for internet café if no available unit in the library. 4.07 0.85 High
4.   Lack of skills in the web, Google Classroom, and search engine. 3.37 0.98 Moderate
5.   Internet connection is not available for college students. 3.32 0.93 Moderate
6.   It takes more time to learn to use appropriately. 3.58 0.92 High
7.   Difficulty in using link/web links to lesson websites. 3.35 0.92 Moderate
8.   Insufficient knowledge and skills as for using computer. 3.25 0.99 Moderate
9.   Lack of technical understanding when searching for the latest information. 3.30 1.00 Moderate
10.  Lack of a computer unit during the submission of work. 3.74 0.96 High
Mean 3.60 0.59 High

Significant difference in the satisfaction levels of students regarding Google Classroom based on age, year level and course.

The data analysis explored whether significant differences exist in student satisfaction levels with Google Classroom, considering various factors such as sex, year level, and course of study. Statistical tests, including the U- and H-values, were employed alongside the corresponding p-values to assess these distinctions.

In terms of sex, the analysis revealed a p-value of 0.856, exceeding the widely accepted significance level of 0.05. Consequently, the findings indicate no statistically significant difference in satisfaction levels according to sex. In simpler terms, both male and female students appeared to share similar satisfaction levels when using Google Classroom. Similarly, when examining satisfaction levels by year level, the p-value was 0.256, surpassing the significance threshold of 0.05. This outcome indicates that there is no statistically significant discrepancy in student satisfaction levels across different academic years. Students from different year levels report comparable levels of satisfaction when using Google Classroom.

However, a significant finding emerges when assessing satisfaction levels based on students’ course of study. The p-value was 0.000, which is below the significance level of 0.05. This signifies statistical significance and indicates a substantial disparity in satisfaction levels among students pursuing different courses. In essence, students enrolled in various courses exhibit varying levels of satisfaction with Google Classroom.

The data analysis indicates that there are no statistically significant differences in satisfaction levels according to sex or year level. However, there is a significant variation in satisfaction levels among students from different courses. This implies that the chosen course of study may contribute to the observed variations in satisfaction levels with Google Classroom. This variation implies that elements inherent in the courses—such as curriculum design, teaching strategies, and the degree of Google Classroom integration in course delivery—may help to explain the variations in student satisfaction levels.

Table 3. Differences in satisfaction levels

Differences between satisfaction and
Profile U-value p-value Interpretation
Sex 3512.5 0.856 Not significant
H-value p-value Interpretation
Year level 2.05 0.256 Not significant
Course 39.25 0.000 Significant

Significant difference in the difficulty levels of students in using Google Classroom based on age, year level and course.

Using statistical tests, including U- and H-values and associated p-values, to explore whether significant differences exist in student difficulty levels with Google Classroom, the following insights were derived:

First, regarding sex, the results demonstrated a p-value of 0.845, surpassing the commonly accepted significance threshold of 0.05. This implies that there is no significant distinction between difficulty levels based on sex. In simpler terms, both male and female students appeared to encounter comparable levels of difficulty when the p-value was 0.001, which is below the significance level of 0.05. This signifies statistical significance and implies that there is indeed a noteworthy difference in difficulty levels among students of different year level. This implies that given the growing complexity of course content and expectations as students advance through their academic paths, students at different year levels likely face different difficulties. Students of various years report varying levels of difficulty when using Google Classroom. Similarly, the analysis of course-related differences in difficulty levels revealed a p-value of 0.000, which is less than the significance level of 0.05. This indicates statistical significance and underscores that there exists a significant divergence in difficulty levels among students based on their course of study. Such discrepancies may arise from differences in course content, pedagogical approaches, and the extent to which instructors use digital tools in their teaching methodologies. For instance, students in more technologically integrated courses may encounter fewer difficulties because of enhanced familiarity with digital platforms, whereas those in courses with less emphasis on technology may experience more significant difficulties. In essence, students pursuing different courses encounter distinct levels of difficulty when engaging with Google Classroom.

Table 4 Differences between Difficulties

Differences between Difficulties
Profile U-value p-value Interpretation
Sex 3015.5 0.845 Not significant
H-value p-value Interpretation
Year level 15.62 0.001 Significant
Course 41.24 0.000 Significant

Significant relationship between student satisfaction and difficulty level when using Google Classroom.

The data analysis revealed a weak but weak positive correlation between students’ satisfaction levels and their levels of difficulty in using Google Classroom. On average, students who report higher satisfaction with the platform tend to also perceive slightly lower levels of difficulty. However, it is crucial to emphasize that this relationship is notably weak, with a correlation coefficient (r-value) of 0.034 indicating a minimal association between satisfaction and difficulty. This implies that the two variables are not strongly linked, and any observed connection may not have practical significance.

Furthermore, the p-value, which exceeds the common significance threshold of 0.05 (specifically, it is 0.424), implies that the observed correlation between satisfaction and difficulty is not statistically significant. In practical terms, this implies that the weak positive correlation observed in the data can be attributed to random variation or chance rather than a meaningful relationship. The mean difficulty score of 3.60 provides context by indicating that, on average, students perceive moderate difficulty when using Google Classroom. This score helps contextualize the correlation coefficient and indicates that perceived difficulty falls within the moderate range. Students who express high satisfaction with Google Classroom may only experience a marginal reduction in perceived difficulty.

Table 5. Significant relationship between students’ satisfaction level and difficulty level

Variable Mean r-value p-value Interpretation
Satisfaction 3.87 0.034 0.424 Not significant
Difficulties 3.60

In conclusion, the data revealed high student satisfaction with Google Classroom, as reflected in an overall mean satisfaction score of 3.87. Specific aspects, such as ease of use and ease of online research, received strong positive feedback. However, students face significant challenges related to internet connectivity and computer skills, as indicated by their mean difficulty score of 3.60. Despite these difficulties, the students generally perceived Google Classroom as moderately challenging. In summary, while students highly value Google Classroom’s effectiveness, addressing connectivity and computer skill challenges is essential for a more accessible online learning experience.

Data analysis shows that p-values above 0.05 do not reveal statistically significant differences in student satisfaction with Google Classroom by sex or year. level. However, a significant discrepancy in satisfaction levels emerges based on the students’ courses (p-value below 0.05). This implies that the field of study significantly influences students’ satisfaction levels with Google Classroom. In essence, while Sex and year level do not appear to impact satisfaction, the course of study plays a pivotal role in shaping students’ perceptions of Google Classroom.

Furthermore, the analysis revealed that sex did not significantly affect student difficulty levels in Google Classroom (p-value exceeding 0.05). However, both year level and course of study play substantial roles in determining difficulty levels. The year-level differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05), indicating varied challenges across academic stages. Additionally, course-related distinctions in difficulty levels were statistically significant (p < 0.05), highlighting diverse experiences among students from different fields of study when using Google Classroom. By tackling the particular difficulties related to these characteristics, educational institutions can improve the online learning experience for every student by realizing that students at different academic levels encounter different problems and therefore modify their assistance plans. While upper-year students can gain from advanced seminars emphasizing on maximizing the use of Google Classroom for challenging assignments and cooperative projects, first-year students may need more basic instruction in digital literacy and connectivity concerns. finally producing better academic results and greater satisfaction using Google Classroom and other digital learning environments.

Although the data analysis revealed a weak positive correlation between students’ satisfaction and the degree of difficulty they experienced when using Google Classroom, this finding implies that higher satisfaction may slightly lessen perceived difficulties students experience. Nevertheless, the association observed in this study was relatively weak, with no statistical significance (p > 0.05). This weak correlation existsThis weak correlation implies that although students who express higher satisfaction may find their experience with Google Classroom to be less difficult, the relationship is not strong enough to have a significant influence on students’ overall experiences with the platform. In general, this implies that although some students believe that their satisfaction with Google Classroom reduces their perceived difficulty, the impact is minimal and not uniform among the student population. Therefore, the weak positive connection implies that the decrease in perceived difficulty is slight even among individuals who indicate great satisfaction. This result presents significant challenges for administrators and educators who seek to improve online learning environments. Furthermore, the results imply that although difficulty and satisfaction are correlated, they are influenced by several other elements, including course design, teaching strategies, and personal traits of each student. Consequently, a comprehensive strategy that includes these several components could be more successful in enhancing students’ satisfaction level and ease of use.

Zhang’s description of Google Classroom aligns with the study’s findings, emphasizing its role as a versatile platform for online learning. This study further highlights the influence of the chosen course of study on student satisfaction while emphasizing the ongoing importance of addressing practical challenges to enhance educational experiences.

Based on the results, several recommendations can be drawn. To the Institution, it is crucial to enhance connectivity by investing in improved internet access to ensure that all students have reliable connections. In addition, offering training and resources for essential computer skills can bridge identified gaps, making the proposed platform more accessible. Continuous efforts should be made to make Google Classroom user-friendly, focusing on areas with lower satisfaction scores. Teachers must support skill development, be attentive to varying computer skills, and provide additional assistance as necessary. Clear communication and guidance help students navigate the platform. Students are encouraged to seek assistance when encountering connectivity- or navigation-related difficulties. In addition, continuously providing feedback can contribute to ongoing improvements. In summary, while students highly value Google Classroom, addressing connectivity and computer skill challenges is vital, and the institution should acknowledge variations in course-related satisfaction. Despite a faint satisfaction-difficulty correlation, practical challenges must be addressed.


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