Social Economic And Health Implications Of Recent Spate Of Flooding In Nigeria
- ADEKUNLE Ayobami Ademola
- 71-82
- Jan 27, 2023
- Education
Social Economic And Health Implications Of Recent Spate Of Flooding In Nigeria
ADEKUNLE Ayobami Ademola
Department of General Education Studies, Adeleke University Ede, Nigeria
The World is experiencing an increase in temperature of the surface of the Earth. This is what Scientists and Researchers referred to as Global Warming. Global Warming is due to the effects of Climate change over a period of time. In other words, Global Warming is the gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth as a result of Greenhouse effects, emissions of gases, with the resultant of increased in the level of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, released into the Earth’s surface. The study focuses on Nigeria and the six regional zone in Nigeria, which constitutes the thirty six States that we have in Nigeria. The regional grouping are North West, North East, North Central, South West, South East, and South South. From each of the Region, a State was selected so as to study the Social, Economic and Health Implications of the recent spate of Flooding in Nigeria. The Researcher relied on the Secondary data, information obtained from both the Print and Electronic Media and also from reports of reliable Person in the selected States. The study examined the meaning of Global Warming and Climate Change, Causes of Global Warming, Effects of Global Warming, Implications of Global Warming on Social, Economic and Health and suggest possible solution to mitigate the effects of spate of Flooding. The study concluded that it is necessary to retool and reenergised the Nigeria National Disaster Policies, so as to ensure and enhance preventable and actionable responses to National Emergencies and other crises.
Keywords: Social, Economic, Health, Implication, Global Warming, Climate Change, Flooding, Regional Zone, Region, State, Nigeria.
The two terms, that is Global Warming and Climate Change are sometimes used inter-changeably. However Scientists tried to differentiate the two terms. Global Warming generally refers to increased surface warming of the Earth, while Climate Change summarises the full effects of Greenhouse gases, and various gas emissions on Earth’s Climatic system. In other words Climate Change describes Global Warming, that is the current increase in global average temperature and its effects on Earth climate system. In a broader sense Climate Change also includes previous long term changes to Earth climate. Therefore the current rise in Global average temperature is more severe than the previous changes. The reason for the rapid increase is due to industrial practices, human burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, harmful agricultural practices, increase in Greenhouse effects which gives out carbon dioxide and methane. The effects of Greenhouse gases, is one of the major factor that gives the Earth Global Warming. This is because Greenhouse gases absorbed some of the heat that the Earth radiate after received warms from the sunlight. A larger percentage of these gases will then trap more heat in Earth’s lower temperature, which will now cause Global Warming.
The consequences of these climatic changes, which give rise to Global Warming are the following:
(i) There is expansion in the area of deserts.
(ii) Human being are experiencing an increase in heat waves.
(iii) There is a threat to wildlife.
(iv) Arctic region experience increase in warming.
(v) There is Glacier retreat and loss or Sea ice.
(vi) There is more intense storms, droughts and other unfavourable whether conditions.
(vii) The changes also affect mountains coral reef and Arctic region.
(viii) There is spate of Flooding in many Countries of the World.
As a result of these changes in environmental conditions many species of animals are relocating to another place, at times some become extinct. The effects of climatic change threatens human beings with food and water scarcity. There is increased flooding, rapid heat, prevalent of more diseases and economic loss on a large scale.
According to the World Health Organisation (W H O) “Climate Change is the greatest threat to Global Health in the 21st century. (World Health Organisation, 2021).The irony of these problems is that poorer Countries are responsible for a small share of Global emissions yet these poorer Countries have the least capacity to cope with the challenges of climatic change. At the same time, these less developed Countries are most Vulnerable to climate change. It is no longer a news that the impact of Climate Change and its attendant Global Warming are serious threat to the whole Mankind. As a result of this there is now series of submit on, Global Warming. The aim of these submits is to discuss and find a way/ways of reducing the effects of Global Warming all over the world.
In October, 2022 President Mohammadu Buhari of Nigeria, attended a World Bio Submit. The theme of the submit was “The future of vaccines and Bio Health ” The submit was jointly hosted by the South Korean Government and the World Health Organisation. At the submit President Buhari and former Secretary of the United Nations Ban Ki–moon met at the sideline of the World Submit of 2022. According to President Mohammadu Buhari the Country Nigeria was already experiencing the negative fall out of Climate Change. He stated that the impact of climatic change has led to flooding in different parts of Nigeria, including encroaching desertification and droughts in Northern part of Nigeria.
The solution to the negative effects of Climate Change, which is now given the whole World Global Warming, is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and there should also be a reduction in gas emissions. The whole human race should be determined to embrace more renewable energy, such as Hydro Power, Bio-energy, Wind and Solar energy. If this is done, it will greatly reduce the effects of Global Warming, which will be a great relief for every human being.
Statement of the Problem.
In the Months of August, September and October 2022,there was heavy downpour of rainfall, which resulted into a serious spate of flooding in almost all the States in Nigeria. The flooding was so serious that it affected social life of the people. There was also a huge loss to the economy, the spate of flooding also created various Health challenges. In the area of social life, a huge loss of lives was recorded. Many people experienced emotional and psychological trauma. Furthermore a lot of people were displaced from their ancestral homes, and some people found themselves living in a strange environment called Settlement for the Internally Displaced persons.
As for the Economic effects, many houses were submerged, some houses collapsed, road were badly damaged, we also have cases of collapsed house fences. Many travellers were unable to travel for hours and there was serious loss of economic productive time. Also worth mentioning is the effects the recent spate of flooding has on the Health of the People. As an example, there was an increase in the number of People affected by water borne diseases, such as cholera. There was also the spread of chemical pollutants in soils. The States also experienced destruction of wildlife habitat and alterations of biodiversity and ecosystem.
Objective of the Study.
The general objectives is to study the Social, Economic and Health Implications of Recent
Spate of Flooding in some selected States in Nigeria.
The specific objectives are:
(1) To determine the Social implications of the spate of flooding.
(2) Examine the Economic implications of the spate of flooding.
(3) Identifying the Health challenges the recent spate of flooding caused in the selected States.
Scope Of The Study.
The Country Nigeria has Six Geo-political groupings. These Region are North West, North East, North Central, South West, South East, and South South. The Six Geo-political Zones or Region is further divided into Thirty Six States. For the purpose of the study, a State was chosen from each Zone. The selection of the State from each of the Geo-political Zone is based on purposive sampling. The Researcher then attempted to Study the Social, Economic and Health Implications of recent spate of Flooding on the six States chosen for the research.
Gap Identified.
Researchers and Scholars have done studies and written many papers, article on Global Warming and Spate of Flooding. However, most of the research are on a large scale. That is Global Warming and Spate of Flooding all over the World, Global Warming and Spate of Flooding on Regions of the world, and so on. But this present Study focuses on Nigeria and the Six Regions that formed Nigeria. The Regions also has Thirty Six States that the Country Nigeria was further divided into, for ease of Administration.
The study adopted purposeful sampling technique. By purposeful sampling technique, it means that the researcher relies on his own judgement when chosen the States that will
participate In the study. Purposeful sampling is also a form of non—probability sampling.
Continent Of The World.
The Continent of the World are the following:
(i) Asia. (ii) African. (iii) Australia (iv) Europe. (v) North America. (vi) South America. and (vii) Antarctica. ( Worldometer, 2022).
Regions of The World.
The following are the Regions of the World:
(a) Africa. (b) Europe. (c) South America. (d) Asia. (e) Oceania.(f) Southern Asia (g) Eastern Asia. (h) South East Asia. (i) Americas (j) Middle East. (k) Central Asia. (l) Western Europe. (m) Northern Africa. (n) Western Africa. (o) Sub–Saharan Africa. (p) Southern Africa. (q) Eastern Europe. (r) Eastern Africa. (s) Western Asia. (t) Southern Europe. (u) Northern Europe. (v) Middle Africa. (w) Northern America. (Worldometer, 2022).
Countries of The World.
There are 195 countries in the World as at the year 2022. These Countries comprises 193 Countries that are member States of the United Nations and 2 Countries that are not member of United Nations. That is Holy See and the State of Palestine. In term of population the Country Nigeria is number 7 on the World list. The population of Nigeria is 206 139 589, which constitute 2.6 % of the population of the whole World. (Worldometer, 2022).
Meaning of Global Warming.
The gradual increase in the Earth’s surface is what the Scientists called Global Warming. Global Warming as a phenomenon has been observed over the past centuries. The change caused by Global Warming has distorted the climatic pattern of the Earth. It is important to take the issue of Global Warming seriously, because of the threat that the phenomenon poses to Lives and properties on Earth. Global Warming causes climatic change, which can also result to widespread flooding, and extreme weather conditions. The study of Global Warming is germane to the existence of Human beings and animals on Earth. That is why Scientists should continue to study the and monitor the phenomenon of Global Warming.
Causes of Global Warming
The causes of Global Warming can be divided into (a) Man–made causes and (b) Natural causes.
(a) Man–Made Causes Of Global Warming.
(i) Deforestation——- In other to maintain an environmental balance, plants in the bushes will take in carbon dioxide and the plants will release natural oxygen for the survival of mankind and animals. However human beings have depleted the forest, because of domestic and commercial purposes. This had created an environmental imbalances, which has resulted into the rise of Global Warming.
(ii) The Use Of Vehicles——- Scientists had found out that, the use of vehicles, even for a short journey, results into various gaseous emissions. This is because vehicle burn fossil fuels which emits a large amount of carbon dioxide and other toxins materials into the atmosphere. The resultant effects is the increase in temperature.
(iii) Chlorofluorocabon (CFCS)——– Due to excessive use of Air Conditioner and Refigeration, human beings have been adding Chlorofluorocabon into the environment. This has affected the atmospheric Ozone layer negatively.It is the Ozone layer that is protecting the surface of the Earth from harmful Ultraviolet rays, that is emitted by the sun. The release of the Chlorofluorocabon has led into the depletion of Ozone layer, which gives way to the Ultraviolet rays, and this eventually contributed to the increase in the temperature of the Earth surface.
(iv) Industrial Activities——- As a result of the advent of Industrialisation, the temperature of the Earth is on the rapid increase. In other words, the harmful emissions from the various factories, add to the increase in the Earth temperature.
(v) Agricultural Practices——- the various farming activities produced carbon dioxide and methane gases. It is these gases that is added to the Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that also contributed in to the increase in the temperature of the Earth.
(vi) Challenges of Overpopulation——— As a result of increase in population, it means more people will be breathing in and out. This also lead to an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, which is the primary substance that is causing Global Warming in the Earth.
(b) Natural causes of Global Warming.
(i) Volcanic Eruption——– The action of Volcanoes are one of the largest natural contributors to Global Warming. This is because the ashes and smoke emitted during Volcanic eruption goes out directly into the atmosphere and these affects the Climate negatively.
(ii) Vapour from Water——– The water vapour is also a kind of Greenhouse gases. As a result of increase in Earth’s temperature a lot of water gets evaporated from the various water bodies and stays in the atmosphere, which eventually added to the Global Warming.
(iii) The Melting Permafrost——— The action of Permafrost frozen the soil, that has gases trapped in it, for several years ago, this is present below the Earth’s surface, in most cases it is present in form of glaciers. The principle is that as the permafrost melts, it releases the gases back into the atmosphere, which at the end of the day increase the temperature of the Earth.
(iv) Forest Fires—— Forest Fires or Forest blazes usually emits a large amount of carbon containing smoke. These carbon dioxide which gaseous in nature are released into the atmosphere, with a resultant effects of Global Warming.
Effects of Global Warming.
(i) Increase in Temperature——- The phenomenal of Global Warming has led to an increase in the temperature of the surface of the Earth. This has caused an increased in the melting of glaciers, which had eventually led to an increase in sea level. An increase in sea level could have a devastating effects on the coastal regions.
(ii) The Ecosystem is being Threaten——- The effects of Global Warming, has affected the coral reef, which had led to the lost of plant and animal lives. The increase in global temperature has made the fragility of coral reef, to become worse.
(iii) Change in Climate——– The issue of Global Warming has led to a change in Earth’s Climatic conditions. Some area of the World are experiencing droughts, while we have other areas, that areas that are experiencing floods. These climatic imbalance is as a result of Global Warming.
(iv) Prevalent of Diseases—— There is change in the pattern of humidity as a result of Global Warming. This has led to the free movement of mosquitoes that carried and spread diseases.
(v) Increase in the Rate of Mortality—— As a result of increase in floods, tsunami and other natural disasters, there is increased in the average death tolls. Furthermore such events can lead to the spread of various types of diseases, which can hamper human life.
(vi) Natural Habitat is being Threaten——— The global shift in the Earth Climate, has led to the loss of habitat of many plants and animals. This has made some animals to migrate from their natural habitat, and many animals has become extinct, due to adverse Climatic changes. This is a serious impact of Global Warming on biodiversity.
Direct Impact of Global Warming.
(a) Challenges of Hotter Days—— There is now prevalent of f heat waves. It was on record that the year 2015 was the hottest year.
(b) Challenges of Rising Sea Level——- The increase temperature in the surface of the Earth are melting glaciers, and ice caps, all over the World. The melted ice therefore increased the volume of water in the ocean and at the same time, the warmer temperature increased in the expansion of water mass, which resulted into an increase in sea level, which is definitely a threat to low lying island and coastal cities.
(c) There is more frequent and extreme weather conditions——– Intense whether conditions such as bush fires, cyclones droughts and flood are becoming more rapid and frequent as a result of the phenomenon of Global Warming.
(d) The warming and acidification of oceans——– As a result of warming of oceans, it is easy for oceans to absorbed most of the extra heat and carbon dioxide that are released in to the oceans. The result is that the warming water will be bleaching the coral reefs and the warm water will also aid the activities of stronger storms.
World Health Organisation on Climate Change and Health.
According to the World Health Organisation (W H O) the following key facts should be taken seriously.
(i) Climate change affects the a social and environmental determinants of health—- that is clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secured shelter.
(ii) Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000additional death per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress.
(iii) The direct damage cost to health (that is excluding cost of health determining sectors, such as agriculture and water and sanitation) is estimated to be between USD 2—4 billions/ year by 2030.
(iv) Areas of weak health infrastructure——– mostly in developing countries, will be the least able to cope, without assistance, to prepare and respond.
(v) Reducing emissions of Greenhouse gases through better transport, food, and energy use choices can result in improved health, particularly through reduced air pollution. (World Health Organisation, 2021).
Frequently Asked Questions On Global Warming
For a better understanding of the phenomenon of Global Warming and Climate Change, let us now look at the following questions and answers.
Is it Climate Change, Global Warming, or Global Climate Crisis?
Each of these terms refers to the same thing, that is the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere is rising. As the temperature rises, various impact are changing aspects of our climate—— hotter summer, rising ocean temperature, melting polar ice, increase storm activity. These goes beyond mere changes in the weather. As these impacts grows in frequency and severity, they will and in many cases already have—— create crises for people and nature around the World. If unchecked, these impact will spread and worsen with more animal extinction and biodiversity loss, water shortages, and displaced communities.
Is Climate Change Caused By Humans?
Yes over 97% of Scientist agree that human cause climate change. Humanity’s accelerated burning of fossil fuels and deforestation have led to rapid increases of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and global warming. Scientists have known for centuries that gases in Earth’s atmosphere like carbon dioxide and methane act as a greenhouse, preventing a certain amount of heat radiation from escaping back to space. The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the warmer it gets.
What Are The Main Threats Of Climate Change?
The main threats of Climate change, storming from rising temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, include rising sea level, ecosystem collapse and more frequent and severe weather. Rising temperature from human caused greenhouse gas emissions affects planet wide systems in various ways. For example it warms the polar regions and the oceans which melt ice cover at the poles and causes sea level to rise. Climate change affects ocean habitat by lowering Oxygen, decreasing phytoplankton (little plants that serve as the base of marine food chains) and killing coral reefs.
How Is Climate Change affecting Animals?
Changing climate directly and Indirectly caused stress to animals across the World. Many species are approaching or have already reached the limit of where they can go to find hospital climate. In polar regions animals like polar bears that live on polar ice are now struggling to survive as that ice melts. It is not just how climate change affects an animal directly, it is about how the warming climate affects the ecosystem and food chain that animal has adapted to.
How Is Climate Change Affecting People?
From straining agricultural system to making regions less habitable, climate change is affecting people everywhere. You may have noticed how water pattern near you are shifting or how more frequent and severe storms are developing in the spring. May be your community is experiencing more severe flooding or wildfires. Many areas are even experiencing “sunny day flooding” a rising sea levels cause effects to flood during high tides. In Alaska, some entire coastal communities are being moved because the sea level has risen to the point where their original location is no longer habitable. Climate change also exacerbated the threat of Human caused conflict resulting from a scarcity of resources like food and water that are less reliable as growing seasons change and season become less predictable.
How Is Climate Change Affecting The Ocean?
Warming ocean temperature are melting polar ice, shifting ocean current and fish migrations and leading to coral bleaching and die off. Because of ocean’s important role in regulating Earth’s climate by absorbing greenhouse gas emissions they are taking a direct hit from the climate change. All of this extra absorbed carbon dioxide is altering the chemistry of our oceans making them more acidic. In fact the rate of ocean acidification is the highest it has been in 300 million years. This negatively impact lot of marine habitat and animals, but it is a particular threat to shellfish who struggle to grow shell as water become more acidic.
What Are Solutions To Climate Change?
In other to avoid the worst impact of climatic change, the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) says we must reduce carbon emissions to the point where we hold global warming to no more than an additional 1.5 c. To do that, we must as a planet commit ourselves to reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This is no small feat and will require a range of solutions applied together to reach the goal. We will need to transition al sectors of our economy away from fossil fuels that emit carbon, increase our use of clean energy sources like wind and Solar harness the power of nature to capture carbon, and deploy technologies that capture and store carbon. This transition will happen more faster and more cost effectively if government enact an economy-wide price on carbon. Our research also shows that proper land management of forests and farmlands, also called natural climate solutions can provide up to one-third of the emissions reductions necessary to reach the Paris climate agreement’s goal aiming to keep temperature rise below 1.5 degrees (or nearly 3 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
The truth however is that even if we do successfully reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we will still have to address harmful climate impacts, and so the solution to climate change must also include measures to adapt to the impact of global warming. (The Nature Conservancy, 2020).
Solutions to the Challenges of Global Warming
- There should be alternative source of energy – the excessive use of fossil fuels so as coal, natural gas and oil contributed a lot to the problems of Global Warming. As a result of this the usage of fossil fuels should be discontinued. Therefore our people should embrace the use of alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, bio-mass, geo-thermal and hydro sources.
- The clean nature of alternative sources – It is important to note that, the alternative sources of energy are clean in nature, in other words the alternative energy sources do not produce any pollutants materials, or toxic gases that can lead to Global Warming. The alternative sources of energy are environmental friendly and poses no threat to ecological balance.
- Fossil fuels will deplete one day- it is better to be on a safer side, this is because fossil fuels will deplete one day. Therefore everybody should turn to renewable energy sources for their energy need.
- Enlightenment Programme- There should be proper enlightenment programme on the part of the members of the public, about the decisions on their energy consumption. The enlightenment will feeds awareness which will bring about a healthy atmosphere and stable climate for the future generations.
- Government policy – There should be an enactment of government policies, which will be an encouragement to energy companies and the people on the use of renewable energy, instead of the conventional energy’s sources.
- Role of the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) – the Non-Governmental Organisations should help in the distribution of pamphlets to people. The aim of the pamphlets is to create awareness on the part of the people to use alternative source of energy. The Use of fossil fuels should be discouraged entirely because of the hazard usage cause on the environment.
- Helping hands from developed countries – Many developed countries in the world are already generation a lot of power using renewable energy sources. The onus now rest on these developed countries to extend their helping hands to the developing countries. By doing this, the problem of Global Warming, will be solved collectively.
- The Method of Recycling – The method of recycling is also a good way to reduce global warming. For example, people should be encouraged to use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones.
- Scheme of Reforestation – Various countries of the world should embrace the reforestation scheme. That is people must start to grow a large number of trees. There should be a policy that if you fall a tree, you must plant two trees to replace the one that fell.
- Reduction on the usage of vehicles – Scientists have found out that vehicles emits a lot of toxic waste which is causing global warming. The call to cut down the use of vehicle is not yet successful. However, some people, have started to use bicycles while some join public transport instead of making use of their vehicles. Some people prefer to walk. Albeit, the number people embracing the use of bicycle, public transport and walk are still very small. There should be conceded efforts over rg3 world, so as to reduce the number of vehicles plying out roads.
The Country Nigeria and its Regions
Nigeria is an African country on the Gulf of Guinea. It is also one of the countries In Western Africa. The capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Nigeria is blessed with a diverse geography, and the climate diversity in the country ranges from arid to humid climate.
The official language in Nigeria is English. There are over 200 ethnic groups in Nigeria. The major languages are Yoruba, Hausa and Ibo. Nigeria is a federal republic that runs the presidential system of government. The President is the Head Of States, Head of Government and Commander in Chief of the Armed forces.
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria provides for the separation of power, between the executive, legislative and the judiciary arm of government. There are six-geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The regional grouping in Nigeria are North West, North East, North Central, South West South East and South South.
Regional groupings and the States
There are six regions in Nigeria. Also we have thirty six states that falls under each of the six regional groupings. The Region and the States that falls under each region are as follows:
- North West – Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Kastina, Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara.
- North East – Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba, and Yobe.
- North Central – Benue, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, and Plateau.
- South West – Ekiti, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, and Oyo.
- South East – Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo.
- South South – Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, and Rivers. Abuja which is the capital of Nigeria is located in the North Central Zone
Social Economic and Health Implications of spate of Flooding in each of the Six States.
The Six States chosen for this study are Jigawa, Adamawa, Kogi, Lagos, Anambra, and Bayelsa. The main drivers of flooding in these states includes poor and non-existence drainage system, poor waste management system, unregulated urban expansion and non-compliance to necessary regulation. (Adaku, 2022).
Let us now look at the implications of recent spate of flooding on social, economic and health issues in each of the six states.
A) Jigawa State: The record has it that flood struck Jigawa from August to September 2022, where at least 92 people lost their lives. Apart from the issue of flooding one can also observe that most part of Jigawa State lies within Sudan Savannah climate belt with elements of Guinea Savannah in the southern part.
The total forest cover of the state is below the national average of 14.8%, as such due to both natural and human factors, the forest cover in the state is being depleted, making the Northern part of Jigawa State to be highly vulnerable to desert encroachment.
B) Adamawa State: The state experienced severe flood late August 2022. The flooding in the state caused 10 fatalities and there was damage to dozen of homes.
According to Dr Sulieman Muhammed, who is the Executive Secretary to Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency, 25 people died in the state as at September 2022, due to floods brought on by both discharge of water from Lagdo Dam in Cameroon and severe rainfall.
The irony of the flooding problem in Adamawa State is that there is a dam in the state called Dasin Hausa Dam. The purpose of embarking on the construction of this dam is to contain the release of excess water from Lagdo Dam in Cameroon. However, after many years of embarking on the construction, the Dasin Hausa Dam is yet to be completed.
C) Kogi State: Lokoja which is one of the big towns in Kogi State is situated at the confluence of River Niger and River Benue. As such Lokoja is one of the worst affected area, during the 2022 flooding problem the water was so much that when the Governor of the State visited the affected places, he had to go with canoes. The water submerged many houses and for many days travellers could not pass through the Niger bridge to places like Abuja and Kaduna. The first lady of the State purchased canoes for some set of farmers and there were canoes used to distribute loaves of bread and sachets water, to those whose houses were not totally submerged by the ravaging floods.
It should be noted that, Lokoja is a town that is located in the tropical wet and dry savannah climate zone of Nigeria as a result of this the temperature of the town remains hot throughout the year.
D) Lagos State: According to the Nigeria Tribune Lagos flood affected 24, 131 households. Families therefore constructed sleep on slabs in flooded rooms. (Nigeria Tribune, Oct 29th, 2022).
For the residents of Lagos State, most especially those in low-lying locations and water front communities the month of October 2022 was not a good time as a result of the floods that covered their homes and roads after a heavy downpour.
In Lagos State, apart from the fear of the heavy rainfall, there is also the fear that there will be release of rain water on Oyan Dam by the Managers of Ogun, Osun River Basin Development Authority.
Reports from the Nigeria Tribune revealed that most resident in Badagry which is another town in Lagos State are devising means to cope with the flood situation. Some of the residents in Badagry, put on wooden slabs which they placed in the flooded apartment to sleep on while some people constructed concrete barricade at the entrance of their house to prevent their homes for being submerged.
The year 2022 flood was so intense in Lagos State, to the extent that moving around became difficult. It was the canoe business that was thriving in most communities. Despite the fact that we have cases of canoe capsizing, the residents had no other option.
Another problem experienced during the flooding is that most communities were thrown into darkness this increases the trauma experienced by the residents.
E) Anambra state: The Channel News Media reported on the 7th October 2022, that 76 people, were drowned when an overloaded boat that was trying to flee the flooded area capsized. The heavy downpour of the rain and the overflow of River Niger fuelled the rise in the level of water.
In Anambra state, many riverine communities were submerged by the ravaging floods building that belongs to Madonna Catholic Church in Iyiowa, which falls in Anambra West. The building collapsed on 9th October 2022, as a result of incessant flooding.
F) Bayelsa State: It was reported by the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) that the Governor of Bayelsa State, Senator Douye Diri, lamented that the state was in a security and humanitarian emergency. He then appealed for various state holder to come and help the state. The governor observed that the year 2022 flooding in the state surpassed that of the year 2012, which is the highest the state has witnessed so far. According to the Governor as a result of the ravaging flood, Bayelsa State now come below sea level and the flood was virtually everywhere. Even the Government House is being threatened by the flood.
Furthermore, the road leading to Sagabama from Ekeremor has been badly damaged by the activities of flood. Also the road from Yenogoa to Amassoma, were you have the Niger Delta university has collapsed in three areas.
Apart from the various damaged to the roads, there were cases of individual losses in terms of their houses, that has either collapsed or totally submerged and many death were recorded as a result of the ravaging floods water. The report also has it that flood entered the cemetery in Bayelsa State and many dead bodies were seen floating on the water.
Summary of the Socio-Economic Implications of the spate of flooding in the six States.
The consequences include loss of lives, emotional and psychological distress, destruction of properties, various damages to social amenities and infrastructure that worth billions of Naira. Furthermore the congregation of people in camps for the Internally Displaced Persons and their separation from their ancestral homes and loved ones, in most cases causes emotional and psychological trauma. Another implication of flooding is the loss of economically productive time, which may cost billions of Naira daily.
Also from the health implications angle, flooding has been linked to an increase in the number of people contracting water borne disease such as cholera. Another health implication is that flooding tends to increase the spread of chemical pollutants in soils on flood plains and that flooding destroyed wildfire habitats, depletes fishery stocks and alters bio-diversity and ecosystem function.
As a way of given statistical data, in the year 2022 flooding has claimed the lives of more than 500 people, destroyed more than 200,000 homes and put around 90,000 homes under water. It has also displaced over 1.4 million people. (Adelakun,2022).
The Federal Government of Nigeria and Nigerians in general need to sit down and strategize on ways of reducing the effect of Global Warming, preventing the issue of flooding and put in place good management practices to avert the various natural disasters and man-made problems.
- There is need to complete the Dasin Hausa Dam in Adamawa State;
- There should be scheme of Reforestation in important River catchments areas;
- The various Regulatory Agency should be strengthen in the area of spatial planning, regional cooperation and transboundary Water Resources Management;
- There should be effective emergency response facilities, flood production instruments and an enforcement of environmental and spatial planning laws;
- There should be an awareness that it is wrong to build on flood plan;
- The Nigerian Hydrological Services Agency the Nigerian Meterological Agency and National Emergency Agency, should be empowered with the necessary resources so as to avert flooding in Nigeria effectively and efficiently.
- There should be construction of Dams and Reservoirs, to hold excess water, also River Bank protection should be encouraged and there should be construction of levees and spill ways. Furthermore there should be required drainage systems and proper storms water management ; and
- There is need to retool and reenergize the Nigeria National Disaster Policies so as to focus on preventive and actionable response to National Emergencies and other crises.
- Adaku J.E. (2022): Flooding in Nigeria and Ghana: Opportunities for Partnerships in Disaster Risk Reduction. Publisher Taylor & Francis.
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