Social Emotional Formation, Motivation and Learning Achievement for Post Covid 19 Pandemic Students
- I Ketut Atmaja Johny Artha
- Wiwin Yulianingsih
- Rivo Nugroho
- Shobri Firman Susanto
- 251-261
- Jan 28, 2025
- Education
Social Emotional Formation, Motivation and Learning Achievement for Post Covid 19 Pandemic Students
I Ketut Atmaja Johny Artha, Wiwin Yulianingsih, Rivo Nugroho, Shobri Firman Susanto
Department of Non-Formal Education
Received: 16 December 2024; Accepted: 23 December 2024; Published: 28 January 2025
Early adulthood shows social-emotional development (socioemotional) around the adaptive integration of emotional experiences into satisfying daily life and successful relationships with others”. The first 20 years of a person’s life can predict socio-emotional life in adulthood. Experiences in early adulthood are essential in determining the future life of an individual. The problems developed: do social emotions affect students’ motivation and learning achievement in the non-formal education study program after the Covid-19 pandemic? This study aims to determine the influence of social emotions on student motivation and learning achievement.
The approach used is quantitative with a survey type. The data collection method in this study used a questionnaire for students of Class 2021 (A and B), as well as learning observations. The number of respondents was 55 people in classes A and B. The data analysis used was a simple regression test.
The results of the study showed that social emotions had a significant effect on student motivation and learning achievement. It was proven that the formation of social emotions substantially increased student learning motivation and learning achievement. This means that the stronger the social emotions, the higher the learning motivation and achievement. The formation of social emotions is essential in adult life to spur motivation in achieving learning achievement, as well as in daily life to provide understanding, appreciation, and the ability to manage emotions and determine in achieving positive goals by feeling and showing empathy to others.
Keywords: Social-Emotional, Motivation and Learning Achievement
Social-emotional development during childhood greatly determines a person’s life journey and who will enter early adulthood. Early childhood education is fundamental in forming son’s personality as an early adult. The observations show that not all PAUD institutions have adequate facilities to develop the six aspects of development. Starting from the principal, educators, and education personnel, many institutions still need to meet the minimum qualifications, let alone the standards set by the government, namely the 8 National Education Standards. Many qualifications still need to be met, especially in institutions in the regions and remote areas, let alone learning facilities that are only as they are, and educators are less creative in preparing learning for their students. It is natural for some parties to worry that poor education during childhood will cause low development of the six aspects of development. The younger generation is damaged earlier. The government must immediately follow up on the need for basic learning facilities in every PAUD institution that grows and develops like mushrooms in the rainy season. Student learning outcomes should achieve managerial achievements, not just academic achievements, and student learning outcomes tend to be unstable each semester, illustrating the instability of student social emotions. The formation of social emotions in early adulthood has been consistent with its development.
Inhibition: individuals who have a temperament that is restrained in childhood tend to be less able to be assertive or obtain social support and tend to be late in entering a stable work path in adulthood. Attachment appears in infancy and is essential to a person’s socio-emotional development. Does social emotion affect students’ motivation and learning achievement in the non-formal education study program after the Covid-19 pandemic?
More research is still needed to determine the continuity between certain aspects of temperament in childhood and adjustment in early adulthood. The link between childhood temperament and personality in adulthood can vary, depending on the context that intervenes in the individual’s experience. Individual experiences provide different colours according to the experiences they gain from childhood to early adulthood.
A person’s attachment appears in infancy and plays a vital role in an individual’s socio-emotional development. Adults who demonstrate secure attachment in their romantic relationships with others or partners tend to have secure attachments to their parents or caregivers as children. In another longitudinal study, the link between early attachment style and later attachment style was weakened by stressful and highly detrimental experiences, such as the death or instability of a caregiver. Parenting or parenting styles are essential in educating children in childhood. In general, caregivers need more educational qualifications, even if their child-rearing abilities or skills are minimal, so parents should not be replaced by anyone caring for and educating their children. The role of parents is significant and absolute in educating children.
Three attachment styles: (1) Secure attachment style that style has a positive view of relationships, quickly gets close to others, and is not worried about excessive stress. Their romantic relationships will be more satisfying, and their relationships tend to be coloured by trust, commitment, and longevity. They tend to accept support when under pressure and are more willing to provide it. They have ease in making friends during college, a sense of self-acceptance and self-esteem, well-integrated self-efficacy, can control emotions, are optimistic, and are persistent. (2) Avoidant attachment style. Some hesitate to get involved in a romantic relationship and often distance themselves from their partner. Keeping a distance from a relationship means that someone tends not to have close friends, and everyone is treated the same, prioritizing vigilance so that someone’s closeness becomes rigid and tends not to develop in a relationship. (3) Anxious attachment style in which someone tends to demand closeness, is less able to trust others and is more emotional, jealous, and possessive. These traits make someone always anxious. A life that is always anxious will be easily attacked by stress because it is always restless and confused, thoughts are not focused, and even everything is thought about without being able to do it. Jealousy is a person’s nature to express excessive love, so it tends to become stressed and desperate and will become hateful.
The attachment category tends to be stable in adulthood, but adults can also change their attachment thoughts and behaviour. Sanjaya (2014), motivation is a dynamic and fundamental psychological aspect of the learning process. It often happens that a lack of ability does not cause someone who is underachieving. However, rather than because of a lack of motivation to learn, he needs to try harder to use all his abilities to succeed.
In the traditional learning process that uses an expository approach, educators often need to remember the element of motivation. Educators seem to force students to accept the material they deliver. This situation is not beneficial for students because they cannot learn optimally, so the achievement of learning outcomes could be more optimal. The modern view of the learning process places motivation as one of the critical aspects in raising students’ enthusiasm for learning.
This type of research is field research (quantitative) using a quantitative descriptive approach. Quantitative methods can be interpreted as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to research specific populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, and data analysis, which are quantitative/statistical, aiming to describe theses (Sugiono, 2013).
The location of the research is at the Lidah Wetan Surabaya Campus, Building O1, Non-Formal Education Study Program, Floors 2-3, FIP UNESA, Tel. 031 7532160. The population of all non-formal education students is 270 people in four batches. However, the researcher will take respondents from students of the 2021 batch in semester 4, a total of 63 people as respondents in this study. Only 55 students filled out the questionnaire on the Google form.
The data collection technique uses a questionnaire as the primary data collector. It is closed to measure the perception of social-emotional activities. Documentation techniques are used to obtain data related to the final score of respondents and institutional profiles to complement the data obtained from other techniques. The variables in this study are: Variable X (independent) is Social Emotional (including being able to regulate oneself, being able to relate, being able to control emotions, and being able to compete healthily), and variable Y (dependent) is Y1 is Motivation (including: intrinsic and extrinsic), and Y2 is Learning Achievement (score achievement) at the end of the even semester of learning in 2022-2023.
The instrument was developed from variables with their indicators and sub-indicators to be more detailed and in-depth in exploring data. These variables and indicators were developed in a literature review so that the instruments compiled are based on the theory to explore empirical data from the study. Thus, the problems of this study will be answered theoretically and empirically. The conclusions produced will be relevant, measurable, and objective. The questionnaire was compiled with a closed model to reveal social-emotional development in motivating to achieve learning achievement.
Validity and Reliability Test
This study uses item validation to test each item in the research instrument. (Sugiono, 2013), states that to test the validation of each question item, the scores on the item in question are correlated with the total score. The score of each question item is stated as the X score, and the total score is the Y score. By obtaining the validity index of each question item, it can be seen which question items meet the requirements seen from their validity index. To test the validity of the instrument, the product-moment correlation formula is used with a rough number, namely:
Figure 1. Product Moment Correlation Formula
rxy = Correlation coefficient between X and Y
ΣXY = Sum of multiplication of X and Y
N = Number of subjects
ΣX2= Sum of squares of X values
ΣX = Sum of scores for each item
ΣY2= Sum of squares of Y values
ΣY = Total score
(Arikunto, 2019)
After getting the value of both variables or the r-table value compared to the calculated r with an error rate of 5% with N = 55, the r-table was calculated. Suppose the calculation result is greater than the r-table. In that case, the hypothesis Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, while Ha is rejected if the calculated r is smaller than the r-table. Ho is accepted, which means there is no relationship—the criteria for testing instrument validation by comparing the calculated r with the r-table. The question items are declared valid if the r-calculated space> r-table, and vice versa. To interpret the level of validity, the correlation coefficient is categorized into the following criteria:
Table 3. Instrument Validity Criteria
No. | r Value | Interpretation |
1 | 0,81-1,00 | Very high |
2 | 0,61-0,80 | High |
3 | 0,41-0,60 | Enough |
4 | 0,21-0,40 | Low |
5 | 0,0-0,20 | Very Low |
Sugiono (2013) explains that a reliable instrument is an instrument that, when used several times to measure the same object, will produce the same data. The reliability testing of the instrument in this study uses the Cronbach Alpha formula. The formula is as follows:
Figure 2. Cronbach’s Alpha Formula
r11 = Instrument reliability
k = Number of questions or number of questions
Σσb 2 = Total item variance
σb 2 = Total variance
(Sugiyono, 2013)
Data Analysis
Linearity Test
The normality test is conducted to determine whether a data distribution is normal. It is important to know this about the accuracy of the selection of statistical tests. Parametric statistical tests require that the data must be normally distributed. A nonparametric statistical test is recommended if the data distribution is not normal (Sugiono, 2013).
The linearity test aims to test whether the relationship between two variables is linear. The linearity calculation determines whether the predictor of the independent variable data is linearly related to the dependent variable. The linearity test is conducted using variance analysis on the regression line, which will obtain the Fcount value later.
According to (Sugiono, 2013) the linearity test aims to determine whether two variables have a linear relationship or not significantly. The linearity test is usually a prerequisite in correlation analysis or linear regression. Testing can be done with Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) software, using the test for linearity at a significance level of 0.05.
R.A. Fisher in Furqon (Arikunto, 2013) stated that ANOVA can also be understood as an extension of the t-test so that its use is not limited to testing the difference between two population means but can also be used to test the difference between three or more populations at once. Subana, Moersetyo and Ruhadi (Arikunto, 2013) added that Analysis of Variance is used if three or more treatments are tested for the existence of one and the other (e.g. the best to the least good). In this study, researchers will use the SPSS Version 25 program for the calculation. Testing on SPSS using the Test for Linearity is the basis for decision-making using ANOVA output at a significance level of α = 0.05. If α <0.05, the relationship between the two variables is linear, and if α> 0.05, then the relationship is not linear.
Hypothesis Testing
In this analysis, the researcher used simple linear regression analysis to determine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The selection of this simple linear regression is to determine the relationship between the influence of social-emotional (X) and learning achievement (Y). Simple linear regression analysis determines the basis for predictions from a data distribution consisting of one criterion variable (Y) and a predictor variable (X) with a linear relationship. In this case, simple linear regression analysis is used to determine the influence of social-emotional (X) on motivation (Y1) and the impact of social-emotional (X) on learning achievement (Y2).
Y = a + bX
Y: Dependent variable
X: Independent variable
a and b: Constants to find the value of a and b use the following formula:
Criteria for acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis if: a) t-count > t-table, or α ≤ 0.05, then the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. b) t-count ≤ t-table, or α > 0.05, then the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.
Non-formal education is an effort that is systematically and continuously organized outside the school system through social relations to guide individuals, groups, and communities to have social attitudes and ideals (Sulistiani, 2019). Developing social relations to achieve a harmonious social life, including maintaining relations with God, maintaining relations with others, and maintaining relations with the environment.
These three relations make society harmonious in carrying out its life. Fordham in (Sulfemi, 2019) stated that since the 1970s, there have been four essential characteristics related to the role of non-formal education in society: 1) Relevant to the needs of disadvantaged groups (people), 2) aimed at and have exceptional attention to specific target categories; 3) focused on programs that are by needs; 4) flexible in organizing and in learning methods. Non-formal education, as an effort to provide educational services outside the school system, takes place throughout life, intentionally and regularly, to actualize each person’s potential to become a harmonious human being by instilling honesty and truth, starting from thinking, communicating, and behaving every day. Each individual will achieve a harmonious life to realize their ideals by loving to learn. Non-formal education is a conscious effort carried out outside the school system, takes place throughout life, is carried out regularly and is planned to actualize human potential in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in making whole people who are empowered and love to learn. Non-formal education is one of the paths of education implementation as a system of the supra-system of education implementation in Indonesia. Non-formal education is organized in a structured and tiered manner but is more flexible in providing services to fulfil the community’s learning needs (Hidayat et al., 2016). Tiered means that non-formal education is carried out with precise levels: elementary school level with Package A, junior high school level with Package B, and high school level with Package C (Juariah, 2020). Structured means that non-formal education is carried out with clear accountability, starting from the Education Office for Non-formal Education of the Province, City / Regency, Sub-district, Organizing Institutions, Tutors, and learning residents (Samsuni, 2017).
The advancement of science and technology and the rapid population growth are triggers for the development of non-formal education. How could it not be because the community’s learning needs are also growing and developing rapidly along with the progress of the community’s civilization, which requires fast and short-term education services? Non-formal education must continue to be developed because, in the future, the community will need ready-to-serve education services; of course, non-formal education has opportunities with these conditions. (Suminar et al., 2017) state that non-formal education will be more meaningful if, in the development of its programs, it pays more attention to factors such as student interests, organization and planning of a mature curriculum, specially adjusted to the needs of the students. Alternatively, the curriculum is directed more to the needs of students at the grassroots (bottom-up); this is done so that students are more empowered and understand how to change the social structure in their environment. Making their changes, guided by others. The community needs the help of a driving force that can motivate, show direction, and start an activity from where and how to do it.
(Mohamed et al., 2007) gives an example: “Building a community through education has interrelated elements in the community and is difficult to achieve, if it only relies on one factor from the existing conditions in the community, if non-formal education is able to take only one part of the existing conditions in the community and the community believes more in the success of the programs it develops, then it is no wonder that non-formal education is another role model, and becomes an institution that is inseparable from the institutions in the community”.
Learning motivation is a condition that exists in every individual, where there is a drive to do something to achieve a goal. According to McDonald (Kompri, 2016) motivation is a change in energy within a person that is marked by the emergence of affective (feelings) and reactions to achieve goals. The emergence of motivation is marked by a change in energy within a person that can be realized or not. According to Woodwort (1995) and (Sanjaya, 2014), a motive is a set that can make individuals carry out certain activities to achieve goals. Motivation is an encouragement that can cause particular behaviours directed towards achieving goals.
The behaviour or actions shown by a person to achieve goals depend on their motivation (1957) (Sanjaya, 2014); the strength or weakness or enthusiasm of the efforts made by a person to achieve goals will be determined by the strength or weakness of the motives that the person has. In early adulthood, a person’s social-emotional (socioemotional) development revolves around “the adaptive integration of emotional experiences into satisfying daily living and successful relationships with others.” While the first 20 years of life can predict social-emotional life in adulthood, experiences in early adulthood are important in determining what an individual’s life will be like later in life.
Temperament is an individual’s behavioural style and characteristic emotional responses. In early adulthood, most individuals show fewer mood swings than they did as adolescents; they are also more responsible and engage in less risky behaviour.
Three attachment styles: (1) Secure attachment style that style has a positive view of relationships, is easy to get close to others, and is not worried about excessive stress. Their romantic relationships will be more satisfied with their relationships and tend to be coloured by trust, commitment, and long life. They tend to accept support when under pressure and are more willing to provide it. Ease-making friends during college, a sense of self-acceptance, self-esteem, well-integrated self-efficacy, the ability to control emotions, optimism, and tenacity. (2) Avoidant attachment style. Some hesitate to get involved in a romantic relationship and often distance themselves from their partner. Keeping a distance from relationships means that someone tends not to have close friends, and everyone is treated the same, prioritizing vigilance so that someone’s closeness becomes rigid and tends not to develop in relationships. (3) Anxious attachment style in which someone tends to demand closeness, is less able to trust others and is more emotional, jealous, and possessive. These traits make someone always anxious. A life that is always anxious will be easily attacked by stress because it is always restless and confused, thoughts are not focused, and even everything is thought about without being able to do it. Jealousy is a person’s nature to express excessive love, so it tends to become stressed and desperate, which will become a nature of hatred.
Motivation is a series of efforts to provide certain conditions so that someone is willing and wants to do something, and if they do not like it, they will try to eliminate that feeling of dislike. External factors can stimulate motivation, but that motivation grows within a person. The environment is one of the external factors that can foster motivation in a person to learn.
The success of the learning process is influenced by the motivation of students to learn. Educators need to encourage students to study hard to achieve goals. The two functions of motivation in the learning process are put forward by (Sanjaya, 2014): (1) Encouraging students to be active. Each person’s behaviour is caused by the drive that arises from within, called intrinsic motivation. The size of a person’s enthusiasm to work is determined by the size of that person’s motivation. The enthusiasm in completing the tasks given is done on time, and they want to get good grades because they are motivated to learn. (2) Motivation as a guide to behaviour shown by each individual is directed to fulfil their needs or achieve goals.
The elements influencing learning motivation are (1) Students’ ideals and aspirations. Ideals will strengthen students’ learning motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic; (2) Students’ abilities must be accompanied by abilities and skills to achieve them; (3) Students’ conditions, including physical and mental conditions. A student who is sick will interfere with attention and learning; (4) Students’ environmental conditions can be natural environments, residential environments, peer relationships and community life. (Rubiana & Dadi, 2020) states that the factors that influence learning motivation include: (1) Students’ ideals/aspirations (2) Students’ abilities (3) Students’ conditions and environment (4) Dynamic elements in learning (5) Educators’ efforts in teaching students.
According to (Slameto, 2010), an individual needs encouragement for something they want to achieve. Factors that influence learning include (1) Individual factors include maturity or growth, intelligence, training, motivation, and personal factors. (2) Social factors include family or household circumstances, educators and their teaching methods, learning tools, and social motivation. Meanwhile the factors that influence learning motivation are as follows: (1) Internal factors include physical, psychological, and fatigue factors. (2) External factors: family, school, and community factors. Many factors influence students’ learning motivation.
In the learning process, intrinsic motivation is complex to create because this motivation comes from within the students. We must determine how much intrinsic motivation accompanies the students’ actions. What can be done is to develop extrinsic motivation to increase the encouragement for students to be more active in learning. According to Oemar Hamalik (1995) (Sanjaya, 2014), the emergence of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be influenced by several factors, namely: (1) The level of student’s awareness of the needs that drive their behaviour/actions and awareness of the learning goals they want to achieve. (2) The educator’s attitude, meaning that educators who always stimulate students to act towards clear and meaningful goals will foster intrinsic motivation. However, if educators emphasize one-sided stimulation more, extrinsic motivation will dominate more. (3) The influence of student groups. The motivation tends to be extrinsic if the group’s influence is too strong. (4) The classroom atmosphere also influences the emergence of specific characteristics in students’ learning motivation. An atmosphere of responsible freedom will stimulate the emergence of intrinsic motivation more than an atmosphere full of pressure and coercion.
Educators to raise students’ learning motivation as stated by (Sanjaya, 2014) namely: (a). Clarify the goals to be achieved. Clear goals can foster students’ motivation to learn. The more precise the goals to be achieved, the stronger the students’ learning motivation will be. Therefore, educators need to explain the goals before implementing learning. (b). Raise learning motivation. Students will be motivated to learn when they have an interest in learning. Ways to foster student interest include: (1) Connect the learning material to be taught with the needs of students. 2) Adjust the learning material to the level of experience and abilities of students. (3) Use various learning models and strategies in a varied manner. (c). Create a pleasant atmosphere in learning (d). Give reasonable praise for each student’s success. (€). Give an assessment (f). Give comments on the results of students’ work. (g). Create competition and cooperation. Efforts need to be made by educators so that the learning process is successful.
Educators must be creative and innovative in carrying out the learning process. Characteristics of students with learning motivation are as follows: (1). Diligent in facing tasks (can work continuously for a long time, never stop before finishing). (2). Persistent in facing difficulties (not easily discouraged). Does not require external encouragement to perform as well as possible (not easily satisfied with achievements that have been achieved) (3). Shows interest in various activities (for example, development issues, religion, politics, economics, corruption, eradication of all criminal acts, immorality and so on). (4). Prefers to work independently. (5). Gets bored quickly with routine tasks (things that are mechanically repetitive so that they are less creative) (6). Can defend his opinion (if he is sure of something) (7). Does not easily let go of what he believes in. (8). He Enjoys finding and solving problemsAccording to (Sudjana, 2011) learning outcomes are a person’s abilities after receiving his learning experience..
Winata et al. (2020), learning achievement is “the level of student success in learning subject matter at school, which is expressed in the form of scores obtained from test results regarding a number of specific subject matters”. Based on the opinion above, it can be understood that learning outcomes have a broader scope of meaning than learning achievement. Learning achievement is often only expressed in scores or values that are known after being measured with a test. Meanwhile, learning outcomes are seen from values or scores and include qualitative assessments (attitudes, behaviour, character, and so on).
According to Howard Kingsley, learning outcomes are divided into 3 groups, namely (1) skills and habits; (2) knowledge and understanding, and (3) attitudes and ideals in (Sudjana, 2011). This shows that learning outcomes include all aspects that occur in students after a very long learning process, both internal and external. According to (Sardiman, 2007), “learning outcomes are direct results in the form of student behavior after going through a teaching and learning process that is in accordance with the material being studied”. The goal of every learning is a change in student behaviour. If there is no significant change in behaviour after the learning process, the learning is declared a failure. Learning outcomes can be interpreted as the output of the learning process. Slameto (2010), the output is influenced by physical, psychological and fatigue factors, which are grouped as internal factors. At the same time, the external factor group includes family, school and community factors. Social emotions contribute very strongly to learning outcomes and students’ learning achievements in the learning process. The role of the family, especially parents, is vital and cannot be replaced by people or sophisticated tools or facilities. The first and foremost responsibility for education lies with the family, especially parents. An activity can be categorized as a learning achievement if the following elements are met: (1) There is a behaviour change. (2) Changes occur from the results of training or experience. (3) The changes involve Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor aspects. The abilities of students in the teaching and learning process by Benyamin Bloom, as quoted (Sudjana, 2011) broadly classified into three domains as follows: (1) Cognitive Domain, related to attitudes towards intellectual learning outcomes consisting of six aspects, including knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. (2) Affective Domain, related to attitudes and values , consists of five aspects: sensitivity in receiving stimuli, responses to reactions, assessment, organization, and internalization. (3) Psychomotor Domain, related to learning outcomes of individual skills and acting abilities.
Social-emotional has a strong influence on learning motivation, which impacts student learning achievement. The results of the simple regression test showed a figure of 0.423, meaning that the formation of social-emotional has a significant effect on student shopping motivation and learning achievement, as evidenced by the increase in learning motivation and learning achievement each semester. The stronger the formation of a person’s social-emotional skills, the stronger motivation and learning achievement will affect success in their studies.
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Towards enhance the effectiveness of technology integration in teaching economics and social science courses, ultimately improving educational outcomes and preparing students for the demands of the digital age, this paper recommends the following:
- The college should prioritize the provision of readily available technical support to assist students and lecturers in overcoming ICT usage difficulties. This could involve establishing help desks, organizing training sessions, or appointing dedicated IT support staff.
- Emphasis should be placed on ensuring that ICT devices and platforms provided by the college are user-friendly and intuitive. User experience should be prioritized in the selection and design of technology solutions to facilitate seamless integration into teaching and learning activities.
- Efforts should be made to sustain and strengthen the supportive environment for ICT integration, including encouraging peer collaboration, recognizing and rewarding innovative teaching practices, and facilitating continuous professional development for lecturers.
- The college should explore avenues to expand access to ICT resources, particularly for students with limited prior knowledge of Initiatives such as providing ICT literacy courses, improving internet connectivity, and establishing computer labs can help bridge the digital divide among students.
- Regular evaluation of ICT integration initiatives should be conducted to assess their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Feedback mechanisms should be established to solicit input from students and lecturers, ensuring that ICT policies and practices remain responsive to evolving needs and challenges.
- more so, the government should endeavour to ensure the development of the rural hinterland by providing basic facilities that can drive ICT integration into Nigerian education most importantly in the rural area.
- Finally, students from diverse departments and multiple colleges of Education should be involved in future studies to ensure the reliability of this research findings. While additional variables be incorporated to enhance the explanatory power of predictors, considering the variations in research
Executive Summary
The world today is going digitally gaga, and technology is taking over the whole system. The reverse of technology today, in all aspects of life, especially in teaching and learning cannot be compromised especially in teaching courses in arts and social science. In line with this fact, there is an astute need to make a U-turn from the dogmatic/traditional methods of teaching and learning Economics toward a digitalized and technological-based teaching and learning system. This study to be undertaken therefore is a skill-based and observational research aimed at looking at students’ outcomes using different modern-technology-based teaching methods using some multimedia.
The study sources data from both primary and secondary sources. The primary source consists of student academic performances in arts and social science courses in the period of using modern technology-based teaching methods in selective courses. The secondary source is students’ responses to a questionnaire titled: to generate their experiences in the selected courses and over the periods when modern technological gadgets were not introduced. Means were used for the descriptive data analysis, while multiple linear regression analysis tested the hypotheses at the multivariate level.
It is believed that the result of the research is an epoch-making contribution to the field of teaching and learning in general and School Arts and Social Sciences in particular.
When the study is completed, the researchers intend to organize a workshop/seminar on the discovery(ies). And make available their findings to the general public particularly the stakeholders (i.e. School administrators in secondary and tertiary institutions, educational administrators, ministry, departments and agencies of education, and UNESCO to mention but few.
Motivation Statements
There are three motivation statements for the paper.
- Closing the Educational Technology Gap: In an era where technology is reshaping the educational landscape, there exists a critical need to investigate the acceptance and utilization of technology in teaching and learning. By examining the UTAUT model in the context of social science courses at FCT College of Education Zuba, this research aims to bridge the gap between theoretical frameworks and practical implementation, offering valuable insights to enhance the effectiveness of technology integration in education.
- Enhancing Learning Outcomes through Technology: Education plays a pivotal role in shaping societies, and technology has the potential to revolutionize how knowledge is imparted and acquired. This research seeks to explore the UTAUT model to uncover factors influencing the acceptance of technology by both lecturers and students at FCT College of Education Zuba. The ultimate goal is to identify strategies that can optimize the use of technology, ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes in the field of social sciences.
- Empowering Lecturers and Students for the Digital Age: As technology continues to evolve, lecturers and students must adapt to remain competitive and engaged in the learning process. This research aims to empower lecturers and students at FCT College of Education Zuba by examining the UTAUT model within the specific context of social science courses. By identifying barriers and facilitators to technology acceptance, this research can inform policies and practices that equip both lecturers and students with the digital skills necessary for success in the 21st century.
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The researcher is full of appreciation to the TeTFUND, NIGERIA for believing in my scholarly prowess, and their sponsorship of this research. my appreciation also goes to the management team of Federal Capital Territory College of Education, Zuba – Abuja for assisting me with the necessary facilities and equipment to carry out this study.