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Social Marketing Communication Strategy Analysis Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) in Digital Socialization to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

  • Abyan Daffa Ulaa.
  • Suciati.
  • Erwan Sudiwijaya
  • 1-26
  • Dec 3, 2024
  • Public Health

Social Marketing Communication Strategy Analysis Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) in Digital Socialization to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

Abyan Daffa Ulaa., Suciati., Erwan Sudiwijaya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Received: 04 November 2024; Accepted: 11 November 2024; Published: 03 December 2024


President Jokowi issued Presidential Decree Number 7 of 2020 on March 13, 2020, by forming the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The implementation of the Task Force can involve and/or coordinate with ministries/non-ministerial government agencies, central and regional government agencies, the private sector, and other parties deemed necessary. This phenomenon was captured by the Muhammadiyah community organization by establishing the MCCC (Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center). Muhammadiyah has proven to be the institution that cares most about handling Covid-19. The task of this institution is to provide digital socialization to the Indonesian people, especially in the behavior of preventing the transmission of COVID-19. This research is descriptive, using data collection techniques such as interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model from Miles and Huberman, while the data validity test uses source triangulation. The research findings state that MCCC carries out a series of stages of digital socialization in handling COVID-19. Environmental analysis is done by updating information about COVID-19 news data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Targeting is determined by taking the productive age of 18-34 years. Designing includes the use of the tagline “Optimistic in Facing COVID-19, which is socialized through social media starting from the website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. MCCC also collaborates with partners, including Muhammadiyah TV, Kompas TV, Suara Muhammadiyah, LensaMu, Narasi TV, Gramasurya, and DFAT Australia. Government policy in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 23 of 2023 concerning guidelines for handling COVID-19 is the legal basis for MCCC in carrying out its duties. Some of the challenges in implementing COVID-19 prevention communication strategies include resource readiness, effective and targeted communication, and local culture and beliefs. In the final stage, MCCC provides reporting as an evaluation of the results of activities every 3 months. The success of the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen through various strategic and measurable outcomes developed through comprehensive programs. The steps taken by MCCC have received widespread appreciation from various groups, including the general public, government, and international institutions. The award reflects MCCC’s significant contribution in helping to overcome the impact of the pandemic.

Keywords: Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center, Muhammadiyah, YouTube, Ministry of Health, ministerial regulations


Positive confirmation: The first case of COVID-19 in Indonesia was announced directly by President Joko Widodo Republic Indonesia on March 2, 2020. The first patient comes from Depok City, West Java. The Minister of Health confirmed that the patient was infected with a dangerous virus, from an inhabitant of Malaysia who was also accompanied by another inhabitant of another country, Japan. President Jokowi issued Presidential Decree Number 7 of 2020 on March 13, 2020, by forming the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The implementation of the Task Force may involve and/or coordinate with ministries/non-ministerial government agencies, central and regional government agencies, the private sector, and other parties deemed necessary. Funding required for the activities of the COVID-19 Acceleration Handling Task Force, as referred to in this Presidential Decree, is charged to the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget, Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, and/or other legitimate and non-binding sources by the provisions of laws and regulations (, 2022).

The increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has had various impacts on the way social and economic public. Covid-19 has almost destroyed the socio-economic conditions of the community. As a consequence, the process of socialization prevention of COVID-19 in Indonesia was done in a way fast by the government in response to this pandemic. Various efforts have been made by the government And various parties related, to give information, education, as well as guidance to the public about things prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This digital socialization aims to increase public understanding of the importance of implementing health protocols, such as wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and washing hands hand with soap to avoid crowds. Efforts cover education about the symptoms of Covid-19, the method of Handling beginning If infected, as well as the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure. Prevention of COVID-19 in Indonesia involving various party start from the government center, government area until the organization community (, 2020).

Formation of Acceleration Task Force Team Handling of Covid-19 is under the coordination of the Ministry of Health and Body National Countermeasures Disaster (BNPB) is doing enforcement normal new for public And acceleration vaccination. The COVID-19 task force works under the direction and is responsible directly to the President. They have several duties, starting from coordination from the level center until capable work reaches the scope of government most small Neighborhood Association /Citizens Association level. However, performance Group Task COVID-19 in several areas still experiences stagnation (Vunny Wijaya, 2020).

Limited access to health facilities provided, Transparency of information, accuracy of patient data, and so on are issues faced by the Covid task force. This data is reinforced by the results of the Indonesian Political Indicators survey. (2020), that there is a Respondent Which not satisfied with the performance of group COVID-19. As many as 55 percent said they were quite satisfied with the performance COVID-19 cluster. As many as 8.7 percent said they were very satisfied, 24 percent less satisfied, and not satisfied at all as much as 1.9 percent, not satisfied at all know/don’t know the answer as much as 10.4 percent (Vunny Wijaya, 2020).

Thus this pandemic poses a major challenge for the government and the public in an effort to handle and control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In this emergency, assistance is needed from various parties, including community organizations, such as Muhammadiyah. The Study Institute Muhammadiyah’s Strategic and Development Agency (LKSP) released the results of a survey organization community Which state Muhammadiyah became the institution most cared in countermeasures against COVID-19 in Indonesia (, (2020). The following is the Muhammadiyah survey data on the organizations that care most about the COVID-19 pandemic.


Muhammadiyah LKSP Survey Graph Most Popular Organizations Care Moment Covid-19 Pandemic

Figure 1: Muhammadiyah LKSP Survey Graph Most Popular Organizations Care Moment Covid-19 Pandemic

Source:, 2020

Figure 1 above shows that organizations have very little interest in the public during the pandemic COVID-19. The majority answer Muhammadiyah (17.26%), Bond Doctor Indonesia (16.51%), Nahdlatul Ulama (12.55%) and Volunteers Indonesia solidarity with Corona (10.47 percent), other institutions (16.13%). The results show that community interests are relevant not only for disaster relief and helping, but also for the advanced interest public during a crisis (, 2020).

This shows that Muhammadiyah has a commitment And contribution big in facing the pandemic, Muhammadiyah is the organization that cares most about handling COVID-19. Muhammadiyah received this recognition for several reasons including: With to form team Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC), Muhammadiyah has shown commitment And his spirit in helping overcome crisis. MCCC not only functions as center coordination but also becomes the end spear of various efforts in countermeasures pandemic. Step this shows that Muhammadiyah has excellent capacity and concern for a crisis country. (Falahuddin. 2020).

Muhammadiyah also has a network of hospitals and facilities Muhammadiyah Health is spread throughout Indonesia. More than 86 Muhammadiyah Hospital has become a reference for treating patients with Covid-19. Service This covers maintenance intensive for patients who have shown positive test results, as well as the handling of thousands of patients who have been treated in monitoring COVID-19. Not only service Hospital Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah, they also carry out community education about the prevention of COVID-19. They campaign through media social, and webinars, and look in advance to increase awareness public about the importance of healthy practices (interview with MCCC chair, February 2020)

As a Muhammadiyah task force, MCCC has a way different view of seeing a problem or disaster because of that, Muhammadiyah assesses the transmission of the COVID-19 virus as falling into the category of non-natural disasters. Muhammadiyah always blends text-normative Al-Qur’an and Hadith with modern science in considering and determining a catastrophe. Although it is a popular group that spreads language renewal, Muhammadiyah keeps maintaining perspective inclusive in observing reality social, like COVID-19 in Bayani’s perspective, Burhani, and Irfani (textual, contextual, spiritual). Muhammadiyah rejects atomistic and partisan views, incredibly exclusionary views reason states that disasters occur due to mystical things no there is a relationship with disaster.

The formation Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) is a form of actual involvement and contribution to Muhammadiyah in opposing COVID-19. Mandate PP Muhammadiyah this is the result of coordination between the General Health Development Council (MPKU) with the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) or the Disaster Management Agency (LPB). In its implementation, team MCCC to include representative LAZISMU, Research and Development, Dikdasmen, and all Muhammadiyah Ortom including ‘Aisyiyah. The Mission main MCCC is to carry out program prevention And COVID-19 control (, 2020).

Muhammadiyah through MCCC can collaborate and help performance countries to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak through prevention namely in the form of education and public health, mitigation, vaccination, and lastly psychosocial. MCCC becomes Muhammadiyah Ambassador to participate in as well as collaborate with various parties for one objective: united combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Muhammadiyah through MCCC works together with dozens of partners from the government, private companies, media, to NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) inside and outside the country.  One of the partners working with the same MCCC is the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Cooperation between MCCC and Unicef entitled Child Protection, which contains activities mentoring psychosocial. Through program This, campaign-related psychosocial understanding is promoted through various channels.

This is what illustrates the need for a social marketing strategy applied by the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) during the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia. A strategy communication marketing social is an action that is patterned through planning. Marketing communication strategy Social media can be a medium for the official stance of the Muhammadiyah organization to disseminate COVID-19 prevention programs to the community (Firman and Rahman, 2020). Of course, socialization by MCCC must involve digitalization due to the limitations of offline activities. Aswati’s research (2019) regarding Marketing Communication Strategy to Increase Activities Vaccine Moment Pandemic Covid-19” concluded that there exist limitations in activities implemented during condition pandemic Covid -19, so organizations need to decide on the use of digital media to communicate information about the socialization of vaccination programs, and adapt the concept of integrated marketing communications to digital.


Social Marketing

Kotler (2005) defines social marketing as the design, implementation, and control of programs that seek to increase the acceptance of ideas, social ideas, or social causes among groups targeted. Marketing Social utilizes concepts of market segmentation, consumer research, concept development, communication, facility, intensive, And theory exchange To maximize response from group target. According to Andreasen (2006), marketing, and social implementation marketing techniques start from the analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs designed to influence behavior to increase the welfare of the public. Pudjiastuti (2016) also states that Marketing or social marketing is a strategy that aims to overcome various prosocial problems that develop in public. This strategy takes advantage of two fields of knowledge: using communication techniques and considering principles of marketing.

The difference between social marketing and marketing commercials that is : (Kotler, Robert, and Lee, 2002):

  1. In marketing commercials, process marketing especially turns in sales of goods and In social marketing, the marketing process is used to sell and change behavior.
  2. In the commercial sector, the main goal is financial gain. Remember the focus on profit financial, marketer commercially selects the main target segments that provide profit the biggest in Whereas in social marketing, the main objective is profit individual or social. In social marketing, the target is selected based on different criteria, including social priorities, ability to reach audiences, and readiness to change.
  3. In the commercial sector, because it focuses on selling goods and services, then the competitors are those who offer goods and services which Whereas in marketing Because the focus in sales behavior, its competitor’s behavior at the moment or on target.

Kotler and Lee state that the recipient’s main benefit in marketing social is the general public. Marketing social covers strategy setting, communicating, and delivering value to influence behavior target adopters which will be profitable (Tjandra Conny and Jofi Puspa, 2012). Kotler and Zaltman (2002) stated that the purpose of social marketing is to give benefit the public in a way overall no interest and the benefits of an organization. The goal of social marketing should be in the form of changing behavior. Social marketing is about influencing behavior using process planning which is systematic and applies marketing principles and techniques, and the intention is to provide benefits for society. Some characteristics of marketing social among others (Lutfiana Innez and Dessy Kania, 2014):

a. Change behavior

Social marketing emphasizes change activities in the behavior of groups of people, not just changes in behavior on knowledge or attitude.

b. Change behavior is usually natural, voluntary

The essence of the social marketing approach is to achieve a level of understanding and empathy for the target market to find motivation and personal gain to connect to behavior product offerings.

c. Use principle and marketing technique

Principle marketing which most base is applied orientation consumers to create products with an understanding of what consumers know, believe, and do. The product is positioned for exciting target markets, for example, in increasing health, preventing the occurrence of accidents, and protecting the environment.

d. Choose and influence the target market

Marketers know that the market is a diverse population, each own aspirations, desires, and needs. A priority “segment” was chosen and targeted based on the characteristics of the consumer.

e. Recipient benefit is individual, group, or public overall

The recipients are mainly from social marketing programs to individuals through the improvement of health And quality his life, whereas the public becomes Healthy and creates a more productive population.

Benefit communication social marketing according to Adi Saputra (2010)  is to raise awareness of social issues, and influence attitudes which at a later stage will encourage change in behavior good individuals and also collective, as well as strengthen knowledge, attitude, And behavior (Risk BS and Yatri IK, 2017). Social marketing aims to change ideas, attitudes, marks,  and trust about something new for an individual or some group target adopter. Target Adopters are people who accept and adopt social marketing products (Riska Merinda Purba And M. Kholid Mawardi, 2017).

In marketing principle, the marketing mix consists of four elements that support each other Which other For happen a marketing certain. Marketing aims to get profit, whereas social marketing is not for profit. The four elements of the marketing mix according to Kotler are Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. Promotion (Pudjiastuti, 2016). The following explanation of the marketing mix that is used as social marketing elements:

a. Products

Product social is what is just offered to the market to be noted, obtained, used, or consumed to meet the needs, desires, and hopes of the public to get a better quality of life. Social products issued by the government can be in the form of information, education, and politics.

b. Price

Price forms are divided into two groups, namely non-monetary cost and monetary cost. Monetary costs are in the form of money that must be spent to obtain a social product, whereas non-monetary costs are in the form of time And risk which is caused Because of accepting the product of a certain society.

c. Place

A social product will not be able to reach the audience if its existence is far from the position audience. Therefore product social must brought closer to the audience so that easy accessible. Placement and distribution of tangible social products of course is different from intangible social products (not natural). The process of distributing actual products can be done as commercial products, while social products are in the form of ideas or practices distributed through communication.

d. Promotions

In promoting social products, social marketing must differentiate who targets adopters and which targets them. For the target which is nature mass use communication mass, whereas for the target individual, the promotion can be using a direct approach such as counseling. Goldman in Bensley and Jody (2009) state elements addition in marketing social that is partnership and policy. Partnership refers to the critical meaning of work the same with organizations for handling problems which is so complicated that organizations do not need alone in face it. Policy refers to on need to deal with environmental and contextual changes that occur, such as changes in community legislation, which must be carried out to support behavioral change.

Marketing Social Stages

Program marketing social in its implementation needs stages that must passed so that the program can run effectively. As explained by Kotler and Robert (2002) process of social marketing consists of analyzing the social marketing environment, researching and selecting the population adopter target, designing the strategy for social marketing, planning program social marketing, arranging, implementing, controlling, and evaluating social marketing programs. Following explanation social marketing process:

a. Analyzing the Social Marketing Environment

The first step in the social marketing process is to analyze the environment around Which becomes the target marketing social. The objective environment analysis of social marketing is for social marketers to understand the problems that is in the target environment of social marketing. At this stage, the background of the problem or issue that occurs is found so that social marketers can design a program that aims to overcome problems in the environment.

b. Research and Selecting the Population Adopter Target

Researching and selecting the target adopter population is the stage at which social marketers determine target adopters right. Program. The research aims to understand what needs target adopters and identify competitors or behavior competitors which there is on target adopters.

c. Designing Social Marketing Strategies

Social marketing strategy aims to determine a plan for reaching objective social marketing. Strategy social marketing needs to be designed in the form of total cost marketing, mix marketing, and allocation marketing. On stage, this social marketer first formerly sets objectives so that can decide on expenditures required to achieve program objectives. Furthermore, to reach the objective program, social marketers must allocate a budget to in social marketing mix. The mix in social marketing is Product, Price, Place (distribution), Promotion, Partnership, and Policy.

Social marketing needs to be planned with a strategy that is ripe, like what is defined by for expert. According to Peter and Olson (in Damos, 2000), social marketing social is related to programs and strategies which is designed to change behavior to conform to values that are considered reasonable by consumers and also the public. Which is designed to change behavior by values that are considered reasonable by consumers and the public.

Apart from using 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion), Andreasen (2006) added elements with 2P, namely Policy (Policy) and Partnership (Partnership). Here is an explanation of 2P:

1. Policy

Policy making is based on agreement between party and party which is related to program Work. The policy is expected to provide encouragement and motivate the audience to change their behavior. Policies are made by an institution as a basis for implementing the program so that it runs by the objectives. The policy usually involves the government.

2. Partnership

To run its program, an organization or institution needs cooperation with parties outside so that program the achieve its goals. Social marketing would be meaningless if the partnership was not made into an objective organization. Changing the behavior audience requires time which is long, for that reason, cooperation or partnership is important to support a successful program.

d. Planning Social Marketing Mix Programs

On-stage planning social marketing program, social marketer plan program which more details for implemented in achieving the goals. The planning stage is not separated from mixed marketing social, which means the planning program must customized with mixed social marketing starting from Products, Price, Place, Promotion, Partnership, and Policy. This shows that stage program planning allows social marketers to design a systematic program that will be aimed at the target adopters so that the objective program can achieved.

e. Organizing, Implementing, Controlling, and Evaluating the Social Marketing

Stage final in process marketing social is arranged source Power marketing, applying for program, control performance program, and evaluate results from implementation program. Organizing related to organizations that operate program social marketing matters.  This also covers structure organization in applying program social marketing, such as who in the organization is involved directly or indirectly in the implementation of the program and what tasks each person there performs in the organization.

Controlling is controlled marketing social to guard against deviations from the social marketing program so that the program can implemented under planning and capable reach the objective program. Evaluating in social marketing means assessing whether the program implemented has achieved its goals changes or targets that have been set. In other words, evaluation can identify the effectiveness of programs social marketing implemented. Even though so evaluation is not only carried out after the program implementation is completed but from the beginning until the implementation program and during the program still in progress there needs to be evaluation.

Communication Strategy of Social Marketing

Strategy communication delivery message/information in social marketing can be done by implementing a combination of traditional approaches within a strategic management framework. Public Relations. Strategy starts with planning, implementation activity, as well as communication which is integrated with utilizing communication technology (Ruslan, 2016). Strategy communication marketing social in to communicate social marketing according to Ruslan (Riski BS and Yatri IK, 2017) is as follows:

  1. Communicator, needs to explain or convey the work program to the public at a time and act as moderator to represent an organization or institution to the public and on the contrary.
  2. Message is something that needs to be delivered to the recipient through a technique campaign specific in the form of an idea, idea, information, or activity certain for known understood, and accepted at the same time by the the public.
  3. Media is a means or tool for conveying a message or as a mediator between communicator with communicant.
  4. The communicator is the target audience in communication.

Promotion in social marketing is done based on target adopters which targeted. Pudjiastuti (2016) explains for target nature of mass promotion which uses approach communication mass whereas target individuals with a direct approach, that is :

a. Approach through Communication Mass

Lee and Kotler (2012) state that mass media is needed when a group of big people needs to be given information and be persuaded quickly regarding the problem or desired behavior. There is a need, and perhaps a sense of urgency, so that the audience “knows, believes, and does something”. A typical type of mass media for social marketers includes advertising, publicity, popular media and entertainment, and board-name government.

b. Approach Direct

Kotler in Pudjiastuti (2016) explains promotion with an approach direct can done through selective communication or personal communication. Selective Communication is used in cases where the target audience can be reached at a lower cost-effectively through targeted media channels or when they need to know more than is available within format media mass. General types of media selective including letters direct, flyers, brochures, posters, and the internet (Lee and Kotler, 2012). Personal communication is sometimes important for achieving behavioral change goals such as face-to-face meetings face to face, seminars, and training. This also is a method which effective and efficient or creates social And makes it more seen (Lee And Kotler, 2012). Communication in a way personally rated powerful in influencing the attitudes and behavior of the audience. Its nature is to look in advance to make it easier the occurrence interaction Which leads back so that the feedback is fast and direct. Its nature face to face allows for clear simulation of a product’s social certain. Can arrested clearly by the audience so that more effective in changing attitudes and the behavior of the audience (Pudjiastuti, 2016).


The type of this study is qualitative descriptive. Qualitative research is intended to understand a situation.  To explain with Details as well as deep about portrait conditions in a natural setting by what happens in the field (Nugrahani, 2014). For method in this study is a qualitative case study. A case study is a method study that discusses in a way deep about individuals, institutions, groups, and so on over some time (Sugiarto, 2015).

The object of research is Marketing Communication Strategy Social Analysis Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center in Digital Socialization of Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19. As for place Which will made into a location study on study this that is Office Leader Center Muhammadiyah which is located at Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 23, Terban, Subdistrict Gondokusuman, City Yogyakarta, Area Special Yogyakarta 55223. The informants for this research were selected using the technique of purposive sampling. According to Sugiyono (2017), purposive sampling is a technique of taking sample source data with consideration certain. In this study, criteria are determined which can be used as data sources, namely:

  1. Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center as the person in charge main answer from MCCC
  2. Coordinator Division Dissemination Information and Publication as guarantor answer executor strategy promotion And distribution related educational information COVID-19.

Data collection techniques are the methods used to gather data needed For answer formulation problem study (Noor, 2017). Technique collection data used in this study are in-depth interviews and study documentation. Qualitative research data analysis is a process that systematically For deciding parts which each other the relationship between the parts and the whole of the data collected with the objective of manifest clarification or typology. Activity researchers analyze data in qualitative research to determine data essential through interpreting, grouping data in groups certain as well as looking for the relationship between these groups (Afrizal, 2016).

Researchers used interactive analysis using the Miles and Huberman model. Miles and Huberman emphasize that qualitative research data collection is collected through different data collection techniques, such as interviews, observation, documentation, quotations, and methods through a voice recorder. The large amount of data must be processed and analyzed before being used. Based on this model the analysis data consists of three-channel activity in a way simultaneously, namely:

  1. Reduction data, that is, summarize and sort things, which mainly focus on the essential stuff.
  2. Data presentation, namely the description of a set of information or data that already arrange, gives the possibility of the existence of withdrawal conclusion And taking action.
  3. Drawing conclusions or verification, namely activities at the end of qualitative research. Researchers are expected to be able to reach the findings and carry out verification, both in terms of meaning and truth Which is agreed by the subject place the research was carried out. The meaning formulated by the researcher from data must tested for truth, compatibility, and power.

This research uses the technique of triangulation source data in a validity study. William Wiersma in Sugiyono (2017) defines triangulation in credibility testing as checking data from various sources in various ways and at various times. Triangulation of sources in this study was carried out by check data obtained through a number of sources/informants.


At this stage, the implementation of MCCC social marketing is presented and analyzed through 5 stages, as stated by Kotler and Roberto.

Analyzing the Social Marketing Environment

Before applying social marketing, it is critical to consider the situation. Analysis also requires a structured approach. If carried out in a structured manner, the process stages of social marketing will go well. Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) does environmental analysis based on data references derived from the Government, namely the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Health Unit Covid-19’s duties as coordinator for handling Covid-19. Data from the government includes the number of patients with COVID-19 and patients who healed until patients what was asked Already died in the world. He did an analysis based on top-down data from the central government. MCCC can find updated prevalence figures for increased exposure to COVID-19.

Social marketing in health includes several activities aimed at and designed to improve personal and public health through health promotion, including behavioral change, health education, health risk detection, and health promotion and maintenance (Ministry of Health, 2013). Therefore, the most accurate data must be obtained from the relevant ministry, the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The media environment the consumer community can access can also form the segment chosen as the target (Haley, 1995). The information obtained by consumers will affect a person’s understanding. Someone from various media sources, such as newspapers, magazines, and television, obtains this source of information. Information about the environment can also be obtained from friends, references, family, doctors, health experts, scientific articles, or formally from company promotions. The media selection can also indicate the demographic characteristics of the consumer segment chosen as consumers who care and are aware of the environment. With public health information, they know how far they should respond in the form of behavior, namely supporting government programs to minimize the transmission of COVID-19.

Researching and selecting the target adopter

Analysis and election targets are significant for the perpetrator’s social marketing. Second matter This continuous with each other. The target must be determined by research so that the message you want to convey gets through to the target audience. This research aims to determine the target For analyzing the social marketing environment based on the interview results with Agus Syamsudin, who was chairman of Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center, which was carried out in June 2024, the MCCC target range age 18-34 years. Based on the Covid-19 Handling Task Force report reference (2022), case infection virus Corona in the group age productive reached (75.6%) as of Thursday, April 7, 2022. If detailed further (26.6%) cases of Covid-19 happen in groups aged 19-30 years. You followed the age group 31-45 years (28.9%) and (20.1%) in the age group 46-59 years. Therefore, education and increasing awareness of the dangers of COVID-19 and how to deal with it in the 18-34 age group are assessed as very important. Determination target target: This is done every beginning month in the implementation program monthly in meeting coordination. Every field and division in the structure of MCCC attends the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center.

In the modern communication era, communication programs no longer target a general audience to be influential but rather primary and segmented audiences. Therefore, choosing which segment is most influential or most appropriate for the message to be delivered is necessary. Kotler and Lee (2016) offer three steps for selecting audience segments: sorting the population into homogeneous groups, evaluating each segment based on several factors, and determining one or more segments to be sorted. In conducting segmentation, four characteristics are generally analyzed: demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and level of relationship with the brand (Duncan, 2008). Meanwhile, Kotler and Lee (2016) added geographic segmentation to these four characteristics. Demographic audience segmentation usually includes age, education, income, gender, occupation, ethnic group, and religion. After determining which audience segment will be the campaign’s focus, the next step is to identify obstacles, drivers, other activities that are competitors to the campaign, and other sources they trust. These things are then called insights (Kotler & Lee, 2016). With this insight, a clearer picture will be obtained between the audience segments that we determine with the prevailing attitudes and behaviors. With this map, the direction of the campaign will be more precise. Thus, MCCC is still limited to demographic segmenting based on age, not detailed information like education and employment.

Designing social marketing objectives and strategies

The social marketing program design discussed here is related to the strategy MCCC used in social marketing. MCCC’s target audience is active social media users aged 18- 34. For That, MCCC compiles marketing social strategy along with the program must be as enjoyable as possible so that users of social media are interested in accessing the content MCCC. Therefore, the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center Socialization program is through social media, starting from websites, Instagram, and YouTube; of course, the programs carried out are made as interesting and creative as possible. Possible so that target interested for reading and also consume. Here is an example of Instagram as a digital media supporting socialization:

Figure 2: MC Instagram Profile View

Source: Catch screen Instagram @mucovid19, year 2024

One of the social media platforms widely used​ by MCCC is Instagram. Instagram became the Wrong One Most Lots followers, with 7,194 followers. Digital content is presented chiefly based on images, memes, infographics, and quotes from the figure, Which become a reference in content MCCC. Digital marketing, according to the American Marketing Association (AMA), is the activities, institutions, and processes facilitated by digital technology in creating, communicating, and delivering values to consumers and other stakeholders (Kannan & Li, 2016).

The content provided or presented on MCCC social media must be attractive and content. Some things to consider include the theme, posting time, and caption:

1. Themed

Themed content will make users who see it comfortable and not bored. It can consist of unique content for each season. Content that is explicitly created for each season will seem exclusive.

2. Posting time

According to company data, the right time to post to get good results is in the morning at 07.00. Posting in the morning will be effective because people tend to check their gadgets when they wake up before starting their activities. Then, the right time to post is after lunch break at 1-2, when people start to get bored with their activities and need more time to start their activities after resting. The last is at night, above 7 pm, but 9 am at the latest. Many people only actively use their gadgets after finishing all their activities and take time to relax before going to bed to play with their gadgets.

3. Caption

The sentences that must be used to complete the photo or video content above are meaningful and easy to understand. For content containing products, it would be better to use a caption to describe the product. Instagram users now tend to use the Instagram story feature, which only lasts 24 hours; after 24 hours, the content will disappear. Stayhoops needs to pay attention to this to maintain its consistency on Instagram. Instagram stories also have the advantage of directing consumers to the Stayhoops landing page in the form of a website. Simply uploading product photos and interacting with consumers, such as using polling features and others (Agustina, 2019). Examples of MCCC content that meet the three criteria above:

Figure 3: Meme Material about Optimistic Messages Face Covid-19

Source: Instagram MCCC (@mucovid19)

Idea theme marketing social MCCC has a Key Message: Optimism in Facing Covid. The main message from the social marketing MCCC is that the public is more optimistic about it. We are eradicating the COVID-19 plague and inviting the public To change their behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing health protocols according to the guidelines issued by MCCC during the pandemic outbreak covid-19 hit.

The composition of the mixture in social marketing is products, price, place (distribution), promotion, partnership, and Policy. Five elements This makes formulation mix marketing become an arrangement that is complex and needs astuteness. As explained by Kotler and Lee (2016), for products, the core product of a social campaign is the benefits that will be obtained if they follow the campaign message. The actual product is the existing instructions for behavioral change, and the segmented product is the added value obtained after the behavioral change. PricePrice is very different from commercial marketing. In social marketing, what is included in the Price is the expenditure that will be borne due to the following behavioral change – whether it is profitable or detrimental. The concept of Price in this social campaign is that if goodness is spread, it will inspire others. Place refers to implementing the desired behavioral change. The Place can also be related to where the audience can benefit from a campaign offering notable behavioral change transactions. The last marketing mix is promotion. Promotion includes message development, determining the messenger who will deliver the message, and the communication channels used. The leading media for this social campaign is social media, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, although the first media broadcast was through television commercials (TVC).

The analysis of each element of the social marketing mix that has been formulated by MCCC is as follows:

a. Products

Formulation of a product involves the design And enhancement of existing service products through enhancement so that with this product, there will be an impact that will be felt.  Findings data from product MCCC mention that product social is to form awareness among the public about ideas/ideas about COVID-19 education in dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19 so that the public understands. Ready life side by side by protocol health applies. Product social This is packed with the tagline “Optimistic Face it Covid-19”. In determining the product, there must also be an increase in the product so that the target marketer feels an impact; as far as a review to product social in compilation strategy, MCCC social marketing, in general, is interrelated with each other, starting from designing ideas/concepts to packaging social product, which expected capable for give impact differently.

b. Price

In the data findings regarding the prices of MCCC social products, MCCC generally states that product pricing not only questions Price but shapes the time paid To adopt change behavior target marketing (Kotler, 2006). Therefore, the MCCC determines how much time the public can change behavior by accessing health education materials about COVID-19. They receive book guides and news/report programs for free.

The purpose of Price in social marketing can be explained through exchange theory. In the marketing system, exchange is the exchange of goods, services, or resources between two or more parties to benefit from meeting needs. In social marketing, products are often complex to promote because they have a high ‘price’. Products such as behavior and attitudes require a long-term commitment and cannot be sold as quickly as products in commercial marketing. If the benefits of changing behavior are considered more significant than the ‘price’ to be paid, then the acceptance of the behavior is also greater (Gordon, 2013). Therefore, balancing the benefits and costs incurred by the target audience must concern campaign organizers. As Lefebvre (2011) expressed, aligning incentives and costs means convincing people to use new ways to calculate risks and benefits.

c. Place

Regarding place distribution product social, MCCC has established its social products distributed through social media channels. For reach matters, MCCC has various social media platforms that can reach an audience of media users. This is in line with what Kotler (2016) said: “selection and management of business channels used for distribute products or services and also to serve market target, as well as a product social no will reach an audience if its existence is far from the audience’s position. Therefore, product social must be brought closer on the audience so that easy accessed”. From the statement, the researcher sees that MCCC has already chosen social media to reach the audience because social media is considered a place distribution easily accessed by the community.

One of the popular frameworks called DRAGONS, which is an acronym for Dialogue, Relatability, Authenticity, Giving, Opinion, Niche, and Sales, was introduced by Dorothy Lung, which aims to help in the formulation of a business strategy when utilizing social media. Dialogue discusses how to manage social media accounts to listen and create a dialogue with consumers to create engagement, for example, by interacting by replying to comments, replying to direct messages, posting interactive content that can trigger responses, and interacting with incoming responses. Relatability is things related to consumers. Content relatable to consumers in the context of universities, such as content that displays images of campus mascots and logos, images of campus staff or students who look friendly, and activities to invite positive sentiment from the audience.

Authenticity is about how businesses can create an authentic image of a business so consumers can take it seriously. It can build engagement with the audience, such as likes, shares, or reposts, to expand its reach online or build business credibility. Given where on social media, a business needs to provide value to its audience. The form of this value can be content that provides entertainment or insight that the audience can apply. The formation of value requires interaction between actors (organization-consumer, consumer-consumer) so that the business can convey the message and become meaningful (Holmqvist et al., 2020).

Opinion is where a business can provide a perspective on a problem or phenomenon for the audience, for example, with testimonial content from previous alums who share their experiences during college. Niche, where a business needs to focus its strategy on a specific target market group that fits the desired consumer character. Sales, where companies need to be observant not only of sales potential but also other opportunities such as maintaining relationships with followers, reading the desires or expectations of the audience towards the business, and building audience trust.

d. Promotion

Various promotional methods by MCCC aim to provide education on preventing COVID-19 through protocol health, which applies. Media promotion starts with websites, audio-visual creation, guidebooks, media print, and interactive stage talk shows/dialogue. When carrying out promotional activities, the things that must be considered are elements used to inform and persuade the market about products And services (Kotler, 2006). Referring to the statement, MCCC chose the program broadcast, Which is done through social media to inform about products. Promotion media social media is targeted at followers and viewers of MCCC.

Figure 4: Posts Material Education in Account Twitter MC

Source: Catch screen Instagram @mucovid19,2022

Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center added program material through social media such as Instagram, Twitter, page Facebook, And the channel’s official website. Wrong One program is done through the YouTube channel. MCCC created a video tutorial on preventing the COVID-19 outbreak until the ILM video (Advertisement Public Service). This refers to the presentation of MCCC’s internal research and data in the grouping of social media used to implement program marketing among them: YouTube (23,399 views), Facebook (4,863 views), Instagram (13,759 views), Twitter (7,346 views).

Figure 5: MC Educational Video Reach Graph on Social Media

Source: Data Research Internal MCCC, 2022

With data, we are making video tutorials on health protocols and public service announcements to socialize education about COVID-19. Part enormous more viewers Like access media YouTube compared to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. To convince the market or target marketing social, promotion is to hold a unique program to invite the public in a way direct to socialization COVID-19 prevention through campaigns such as competitions to make pamphlets, brochures, pocket books, posters, and physical products. Then, it will be spread out directly and digitally.

e. Partnership

Building network cooperation becomes important in social marketing strategy. Kotler conveyed that to run his program, an organization or institution needs cooperation with the parties outside so that the program can achieve its objective.  Social marketing not will there is that if partnership (Policy) No is made into an objective organization. Referring to the working partners built by MCCC, which adjusted to the needs of each activity program, partnerships braided by MCCC were rated as good enough to reach the success of each program and its activities. MCCC and its partners also agreed to reduce the impact of the increase in COVID-19. This is the main objective.

Besides programs done with social media, it also stages event competitions to write Opinions with the theme “Positive Spirit during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. This competition was participated in by people aged 15-40 years without any specific requirements. In addition to the two programs above, MCCC also collaborates with media partners that cooperate with several events such as Webinars and talk shows. The media partners are done so that there is a benefit for the parties and media partners who are involved. MCCC will be able to assist MCCC’s performance in socializing social marketing programs so that the public understands more about education knowledge regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

Table 1: Media Partner MC

No Name Media Partner Product Content
1. TV Muhammadiyah Covid-talk, Event Live Streaming, News Reportage, Conference Press.
2. Social media Official Association Muhammadiyah @lensamu, @muhammadiyah News of activities, Information Circular Official about COVID-19, Memes/Quotes, Infographics.
3. Narration TV Activity news And Video Activity
4. Compass TV Activity news And Video Activity
5. Voice Muhammadiyah Article, Opinion, news activity
6. Grammar Print Book Guide, Banners, Billboard

Source: Data Division Dissemination And Information MC, 2022

f. Policy

In frame market product social, social marketing does not only focus on programs and activities, it will but there is an agreement between the parties concerned regarding program Work. According to Kotler, a policy is expected to encourage and motivate the audience to change their behavior. This program runs according to the objectives. The Policy usually involves the government. The birth of government policy through the regulation of the Minister of Health Number 23 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Handling Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19) is also a contribution of MCCC. Policy This is the output we want to achieve, namely to minimize the plague of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This Policy is undoubtedly welcomed Good by Muhammadiyah through MCCC to collaborate against the pandemic outbreak Covid -19. An indication of the effectiveness of IMC, run by a company or organization, is marked by prospective buyers buying our products and services and not only buying once or once but several or repeatedly. However, it is not necessarily so; of course, there is a standard process until arriving at a decision and attitude to buying, namely awareness, knowledge, preference, conviction, and purchase behavior (Kristian, 2013). Going through the 6 Ps above at least brings society through a process starting from increasing knowledge, awareness, belief, and doing.

Planning social marketing mix programs

Moment applies program marketing social needs to develop objectives that include social campaign programs. Social marketing aims to engage the public, help them change their behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, and implement health protocols according to MCCC guidelines. A study by MCCC through report call center psychosocial became the primary foundation for developing this social marketing program. The report says that many of the public still lie about knowledge methods and how to respond to COVID-19  daily according to applicable health protocols. The Lotlic is optimistic about the COVID-19 pandemic based on the research results.

The success of a campaign is determined not only by the clarity of the message, creative quality, and good execution but also by the company’s planning and implementation strategy and evaluation. This planning is needed to determine the target audience, the right message, the goals to be achieved, and how to measure its success. Good planning and implementation will produce the impact desired by the organization (Eagle, 2013).

While MCCC makes various considerations to anticipate public behavior after receiving a message, this is proven by an evaluation report on the audience’s response to the program (interview with the Chairperson of MCCC, June 2022). When the audience experiences persuasion about an innovation, they will usually pay attention to the following things:

  1. Relative advantage (relative advantage) whether this innovation will be able to provide benefits or not.
  2. Compatibility (Harmony). Is the innovation to be diffused in harmony with existing values, beliefs, needs, customs, and brand tastes in the society concerned?
  3. Complexity: is the innovation complicated?
  4. Tryability (can be tried) is whether the innovation can be tried on a small scale before acceptance.
  5. Observability (can be seen) whether the innovation results can be seen directly with the eye.

(Hermawan Kertajaya. 2003)

Organizing, Implementing, Controlling, and Evaluating the Social Marketing Effort

In the stages of organizing, the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) determined Who the guarantor answered the program. It distributed the job description to each person in charge (Interview results with Chairman MCCC Agus Syamsuddin, MM, data June 16 June 16, 2024). For the broadcast program itself, the responsibility for implementing the program lies with given to the MCCC and its divisions, of course, cooperating with the party’s partner work.

Implementation or implementation of program marketing is carried out according to a predetermined program design, and program implementation is guided by the program design determined (Kotler & Roberto, 2006). The analysis related to each implementation program Which has been implemented by party MCCC is as follows:

Broadcast programs are the realization of design methods and media promotion through a social marketing mix. The one included in the category program broadcast is :

a. Compilation And Publishing Fatwa The Tarjih Muhammadiyah about Covid-19

Muhammadiyah Tarjih Fatwa on Prevention COVID-19, published by Assembly The Tarjih PP Muhammadiyah Work. The same with MCCC is comprehensive and relevant for helping the community undergo religious life during a pandemic. This Fatwa emphasizes the importance of guarding health and safety and complying with health protocols as a form of worship and social responsibility. Improvement awareness, which is effective, and implementation of appropriate, expected regulations can contribute to the effort to control the spread of COVID-19.

There are two Tarjih fatwas that explain the importance of preventing COVID-19 and COVID-19 protocol With health. Folof Lowing explains more details regarding the fatwa:

Table 2: Table Explanation Fatwa Tarjih about COVID-19

No Fatwa The Tarjih Muhammadiyah Explanation Contents Fatwa
1 Fatwa Tarjih #5 Should be comply instructions/protocol about social (physical) distancing at home For Always Guard Distance Social (Social Distancing): Referring to on guard distance physique between individual To reduce the distribution of the virus. Including avoiding crowds, meeting in amount big, And guard distance minimum One meters With a person other. Foundation Religion:

–      Guard Health: Guarding the health of yourself and others is part of the teachings of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “Do not do something which harms you alone or others.

–      Prevent Damage: According to the principle purpose of sharia, preventing loss (dar’ul mafasid) is prioritized over obtaining profit. Therefore, the guard distance physique is used to avoid the distribution of disease, and an action recommended during the COVID-19 plague is still taking place. It is both the Qur’an and hadith:

From Ash Hurairah (it is narrated that ) He said: The Messenger of Allah said: Don’t person Sick mixed up with Which person Healthy [HR Muslim].

195, [2]: Al-Baqarah QS Don’t You drop yourself to in destruction

2 Fatwa The Tarjih #4 Prevention efforts transmission of the COVID-19 outbreak as jihad, as well as action Which brings risk transmission   as cruel Prevention Transmission as Jihad: Understanding Jihad: In this context, jihad does not only mean war physique but also all forms of effort/effort to achieve the objective, which is glorious. Efforts to stop the transmission of COVID-19 are classified as jihad because of the need to work hard and commit to guarding public health and safety.

Foundation Religion:

People in Islam are recommended to comply with protocol health, such as using face masks, washing hands, guarding the physique, and following vaccinations. Do action prevention. It is considered a form of worship And jihad fi, God willing (fight in road Allah), Because aiming to protect oneself And other people from danger.

Risk distribution is considered cruel because, in Islam, it means doing an action That harms or hurts other people. In the context of the pandemic, actions can increase the risk of transmission of COVID-19, like not complying with the proper protocol for health or, on purpose, ignoring health recommendations, which is considered cruel action.

Matter This is in harmony with QS. The Holy Prophet [5] paragraph 32, Whoever kills a human being, not instead of another human being, or for causing corruption on earth, it is as if he has killed all mankind. Whoever saves the life of a human being, it is as if he has saved the life of all mankind.

Source: Website 2021

Figure 6: PP Circular Muhammadiyah on Guidance Eid Prayer During the Pandemic

Source:, 2022

Tarjih Fatwa is issued to guide morals and guidance to religion that are clear to the public and the people of Islam, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This fatwa also aims to encourage the public to comply with health protocols and contribute to efforts to prevent transmission. No less important is to emphasize that maintaining health and the safety of yourself and others is part of obligation, morals, and religion.

In social groups, group discussion processes, or group communication, the role played by community leaders, or what is commonly called opinion leaders is usually very dominant. He is generally used as a role model or a place to ask questions from the broader community, either polymorphically or monomorphically. In diffusion, social marketing is often under pressure from its target audience. In social marketing, the audience will find it more difficult to abandon long-rooted habits. Social marketing has more consumers who oppose what is offered (Kotler, 1993).

b. Management website official MCCC

In general, design and duration update information regarding various matters relating to COVID-19 educational products and development programs is displayed in an informative way on the MCCC website. According to the website author, MCCC, This is a place distribution product whose display design and message content are very easy to understand and easily accessed by the public, time And anywhere. In frame promote program COVID-19 prevention broadcast among young people and users active social media. Through the website, information will be distributed to promote its social products. The channel official from Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) is The official channel contains content about COVID-19 prevention, COVID-19 education, and activity results. Many things that have been implemented are published on the website and made into the news. For the frequency of uploading content eve,ry 1 Sunday, very the day Wednesday. Following the appearance of the official website of Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center, There are as follows:

Figure 7: Appearance website MC

Source: ,2022

The MCCC website is under the implementation of the Media Dissemination division, which is responsible for always being up to date with content and news content activity MCCC and material related to COVID-19 education. It is done with the hope that the public can access the website anywhere and anytime to dig up information related to the pandemic Covid-19.” (Interview with Budi Santoso, Head of the Information and Communication Dissemination Division MCCC. June 2024).

Chakti (2019) explains that providing genuinely relevant and valuable content for prospects and customers to help them solve problems is better than just throwing products or services. According to Sanawiri and Iqbal (2018), content marketing is not just an ordinary post; it is specifically designed to interact, relate, and give the impression that users know more about something.

c. Dissemination of information through video education and tutorial prevention of COVID-19 through YouTube.

MCCC utilizes audio-visual media to describe profound material in detail, which shapes text into the format of video education to prevent COVID-19. It is necessary because the information text form will have a different translation when people are not exemplified through supporting images or video tutorials. Thus, the target of social marketing feels that video content can better explain complex concepts with methods That are easier to understand. It is especially applicable to tutorials, demonstrations, or materials education. The dissemination of information through audio-visual (video), according to MCCC media. It is rated effective for ages 18-34 years who actively use social media in their daily lives.

Figure 8: Mualimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Guide to Using Masker

Source: Youtube MC, 2022

Uploaded audio-visual content via YouTube is still a favourite for social media users to access the platform. In addition, educational materials about the COVID-19 pandemic need guidance on technical reenactment and order method simulation. Through the method of promotion past audio-visual (YouTube), this can be understood in a way that details the audience access, especially for teenagers for the duration uploaded on the educational video. This diverse, average 7-minute duration was created. Social media can be used as a social marketing communication channel for teenagers. However, social media must unite to make channel selection more effective. The low engagement of substantive content compared to non-substantive content is a challenge faced by social marketing on social media. Frequency, consistency and influencer involvement are some strategies that can be implemented to overcome this problem (Elwani and Kurniawan, 2020).

Figure 9: View the YouTube channel MCCC

Source: Catch screen Youtube, 2022

The use of YouTube media by the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center is an effective strategy for disseminating information and education on COVID-19 prevention. YouTube’s broad reach, accessibility, visual content, and interactiveness, as well as its ability to spread information quickly and accept input in an instant, have made YouTube a tool that is very valuable in fighting the pandemic. MCCC has already used the platform to increase awareness, knowledge, and compliance with the public protocol of health and COVID-19 precautions. The total is already more than 241 videos uploaded, and it has gotten 3.250 thousand subscribers since this YouTube channel was created in 2020.

Sustainable growth and success of companies/institutions are synonymous with using social media. Social media has become essential to business strategy, brand recognition, revenue growth and customer satisfaction enhancement (Raisinghani, 2012).

d. Procurement Book Guide and Educational Media Print

To support digital socialization, MCCC created a guidebook and printed educational media. Media print has become very important Because it shows that the urgency of the COVID-19 outbreak is anytime, anywhere, by anyone will have an impact if the public does not do things to prevent COVID-19. Besides that, printed educational media and guidebooks also use simple, easy-to-understand language and attractive designs for the public.

In promoting social products, Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center does not immediately restrict social media like websites. Social media also moves and spreads with a print of its social products. This print media aims to be a media education to the target audience. This educational media is differentiated into 2: media print indoor and media print outdoor. Making media education print: This is implemented every 1 year at the beginning of the beginning implementation program.

Several examples of indoor media education include leaflets, posters, And book guides. As documented in the pictures below:

Figure 10: MCCC print media

Source: Documentation MCCC, 2022

For media print outdoors, there is a similar billboard and banner education, which are installed strategically.

Figure 11: Media education print outdoor MCCC

Source: Documentation MCCC, 2022

e. Organizing the COVID-19 Talk Talkshow Program at Your TV

Collaboration between MCCC and DFAT partner Australia covers the distribution of 1,700 guide prevention COVID-19 in 34 regencies in Indonesia, 340 Muhammadiyah volunteers participated and carried out education around using vehicle education (mobile vehicles) for the hashtag #stayathome. Sixty-five large billboards in 13 provinces in Indonesia were used to educate the public about COVID-19 prevention protocol, organize a program, talk show/dialogue, and interact with source persons and the audience. This COVID-19 talk was collaborated directly by TV Digital, owned by the Association Muhammadiyah, TvMu. The episodes discussed, and the themes taken are varied and, of course, present resource persons who are an appropriate theme taken in every episode.

Figure 12: Talk show

Source: TV- Mu, 2022

Since 2020, the COVID-19 talk program has been held routinely every Tuesday and Wednesday from 16:00- to 1,7:00, and the whole talk program has been held from September to December 2021. The COVID-19 talk event format, with the present two sources, comprises persons from experts in his field and are accompanied by a host, who arranges the course of the discussion and asks for answers during the ongoing program.

Table 3: Summary of Implementation Various Program MCCC

No Program Media Which used Frequency
1. Compilation and Issuance of Fatwa The Tarjih Muhammadiyah About Business Covid Prevention-19 electronic online Media or website and dissemination on the website of  MCCC Content on an update every 1times in a week (adapt request MCCC in terms of the fatwa on tarjih related with Covid-19)
2. Website management official MCCC Website News content and information related to education COVID-19 are updated 1 times every day Post
3. Dissemination of video information education and tutorial on COVID-19 prevention through YouTube. Youtube platform There are 2-3 video contents uploaded in 1 week.
4. Book Procurement Guides and Media Education Print indoor and outdoor Media print 2 times production in a month
5. Organizing Talk show program  COVID-19 Talk on Your TV Electronic Media, via live streaming YouTube Broadcast live twice a week, held on Tuesday and Wednesday at 16:00-17:00

Source: Data Division Dissemination And Information MCCC, 2022)

Monitoring steps are carried out by MCCC every 3 months in the form of reporting results. Several reports include data on the distribution of medical devices, beneficiaries, psychological consultation services, distribution of necessities, reports on cooperation with WHO, and so on (MCCC documentation, 2021). Explicitly, there have yet to be any tangible steps to formulate deficiencies in program implementation. The monitoring and evaluation steps test whether the plan carries out the campaign. In monitoring, information will be obtained on obstacles and supports so that implementation can run smoothly. Evaluation is carried out to determine whether a campaign program is successful and to determine what will be measured (Kotler and Lee, 2016).


Implementing social marketing by Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) was carried out through various stages, from environmental analysis to evaluation. A social marketing communication strategy is carried out by MCCC in order to change people’s behaviour through the new normal in anticipating the spread of COVID-19). Until the implementation stage, all processes went well, but MCCC has not been carried out optimally in the evaluation stage. The implementation of a social marketing program for socializing COVID-19 prevention by the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) is as follows:

  1. Analysis of environment marketing social done by MCCC by looking at the updated figures for the increase in COVID-19 cases. Through the information on the figures from the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Task Force Covid-19, MCCC can prepare programs for education prevention of COVID-19, which will implemented.
  2. Target determination is done twice yearly in the Annual Coordination Meeting organized by MCCC. Every member of the MCCC structure attended this coordination meeting to set target targets based on the results of research by the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Government’s Covid-1COVID-19orce related to the number of COVID-19 9 exposures based on The biggest target is the productive age, namely 18 to 34 years.
  3. After all the target planning processes above are completed, the MCCC party determines the social marketing program based on the planning of the results. Program broadcasts are realizing the promotional methods and media established in the social marketing mix. The program​ is unique for reaching the community directly in the field through an interactive dialogue format through online media. Some platforms used for digital socialization are websites, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter—the largest audience on YouTube media.
  4. For the process of organizing social marketing programs, MCCC determines the work responsibilities according to the party responsible for implementing each program. The selection of responsible parties is also by the competence and capabilities of Human Resources (HR), and of course, cannot be separated from the role of cooperation with work partners. The parties involved also include media partners and overseas partners from Australia.
  5. The actual program implementation process is carried out consistently based on a goal-oriented design and adjusted to the established social marketing mix, including organizing broadcast programs and talk shows through social media. However, MCCC has not used influencers as content lures.
  6. For the monitoring and evaluation process, MCCC holds it every 3 months. This process has 4 stages, namely (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementation, and (4) reporting. The MCCC evaluation process is still based on the achievement figures for programs that have been implemented. The success of the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen through various strategic and measurable outcomes developed through comprehensive programs. Several indicators of success include: first, the wide coverage of health services throughout Indonesia, where the community has access to emergency services and COVID-19 treatment, especially through the Muhammadiyah Aisiyah Hospital Network (RSMA). Second, public awareness of health protocols is also a key indicator monitored through field surveys and compliance reports. Third, the success of distributing aid, both in the form of personal protective equipment, basic needs, and financial assistance. Fourth, increasing the recovery rate is a direct step in assessing the quality of health services provided.
  7. Some challenges in implementing the COVID-19 prevention communication strategy include:
  1. Resource readiness: including medical personnel, health equipment, and human resources to support the communication plan, including volunteers.
  2. Effective and targeted communication: It is very difficult to disseminate accurate information and not cause panic in the community amidst the conflicting information about COVID-19.
  3. Local culture and beliefs: To ensure that the community can receive and implement messages, MCCC must innovate in communication approaches that are more appropriate to the local context.

h. The steps taken by MCCC have received wide appreciation from various groups, including the general public, government, and international institutions. The award reflects MCCC’s significant contribution in helping to overcome the impact of the pandemic, while also increasing public trust in the role of civil society organizations in crises.


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