Strategic Management of Character Building in Integrated Islamic Elementary Schools East Kalimantan
- Rusmiati Indrayani
- Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto
- Widyatmike G. Mulawarman
- Hasbi Sjamsir
- 368-373
- May 11, 2024
- Education
Strategic Management of Character Building in Integrated Islamic Elementary Schools East Kalimantan
Rusmiati Indrayani, Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto, Widyatmike G. Mulawarman, Hasbi Sjamsir*
Mulawarman University Samarinda, East Kalimantan, INDONESIA
*Correspondence Author
Received: 20 March 2024; Accepted: 02 April 2024; Published: 11 May 2024
The purpose of this research is to describe management functions in character development at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT Yabis). This research used a qualitative approach with a case study method. The case being investigated is the SDIT Yabis character-building program. Data collection tools used were in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document. Miles and Huberman’s interactive model data analysis, which includes data collection, reduction, display, and verification In data reduction, an open coding process is used. The data validity test is based on technique and source triangulation. The results of this study found that strategic formulations in the planning process produce superior and competitive products. The three wheels of strategy, namely, learning the Qur’an with the Ummi method, habituation, and example, have equipped students with cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities. The fact that using appropriate learning methods has resulted in students being able to read and recite the Qur’an even in children as young as 7-8 years old.. SDIT Yabis’s distinct personality is formed by his love of reading. An exemplary character model is shown by the behavior of the teachers, who are disciplined in carrying out the “One Day, One Juz Tadarus” Al Qur’an program.
Keywords: management, strategy, character building, one day, one juz.
The low interest in reading in society, especially in the low-interest in reading The Qur’an is the main problem faced to examine the root of the problem the failure of national character education. The problem of low interest in reading the Qur’an ultimately affects people’s interest in studying the Qur’an and practicing the contents of the Qur’an. Even though as a guide to life lead people to the path of safety and happiness in the world hereafter. The human need for understanding the contents of the Qur’an is very urgent and cannot be delayed. An interest in studying religious teachings should have started from cultivating feelings of love for the holy book of the Qur’an. As the word Allah SWT. “Those to whom We have given the Book, they read it as it is they should have believed in him. And whoever disobeys to him, it is they who are the losers” (QS: 2: 121)
Attention to the main issues regarding the procedures for living a healthy life already regulated by the Qur’an starts from the growing awareness of reading the Qur’an among adherents of Islam. But the fact about low behavior and interest in reading and learning the Koran is easy to find in life public. This assumption is supported by research results (Hanafi et al., 2021), (Suyatno, 2015). Understanding religious teachings begins with an understanding of the content of Al-Qur’an, through the basic ability to master the recitation of the Qur’an. Department of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia stated that the benefit of learning to read and write Al The Qur’an is to make it easier for students to understand the contents of the Qur’an as a guideline for life (Nalysta & Kosasih, 2021). Meanwhile, in the interpretation of Jalalain (As-Suyuthi & Al-Mahalli, 2003) stated that the benefits of learning the Qur’an are to get peace of mind. This is an interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an: surah: Ar Ra’du: 28).
The causes of difficulty reading the Qur’an need to be identified immediately in serious handling. Because the formation of the basic human character that survived 6 (insan kamil) begins with an understanding of religion. From there it should start a love for the Qoran by building motivation to learn to read the Koran Quran correctly. One step to overcoming reading difficulties, Al The Qur’an is the use of proper teaching methods and habits to read the Qur’an every day (Nalysta & Kosasih, 2021). Mastery of reading correlated with the spirit of loving reading the Qur’an. Research Supriyadi about the importance of enthusiasm for learning the reading of the Qur’an (2018) research conducted by Martiningsih (2021) concluded that learning the Qur’an is very important to do from an early age.
This learning is an effort to understand religious teachings as well as a medium forming a powerful religious character since elementary school age. It’s time to become the entry point to start the improvement movement towards the crisis problem character or moral crisis suffered by this nation. (Wulandari & Christian,2017), (Yakoub 2019), (Widodo, 2018) (Rochman, 2019), (Zulkarnain, 2021), (Liana, H. 2018).
To realize a human being with noble character (akhlakul karimah) through education then the efforts made by the Yabis integrated Islamic elementary school Bontang prepares long-term and large-scale planning. Choice The strategy set by the school is the use of learning methods effective in learning the Qur’an. This refers to the theory of excellence strategic (Porter & Strategy, 1980) (Porter, 2012) which emphasizes the aspect of difference (difference) as the best value. At the research locus, the policy of learning to read A Qur’an is the flagship program of the school. Al-Qur’an learning which applied with the right method succeeded in forming the character of Al’s love of reading Quran. With earnest effort (hard work character) and discipline (istiqomah tadarus), the school has provided students with; the ability to master the material and skills to read the Qur’an correctly.
This study found the use of learning the Qur’an, namely the Ummi method, the mastery of material and skills can be mastered by students even by second-grade elementary school students (ages 7-8) years. Besides the character likes to read and hard work, from the strategy of getting used to reading the Koran, the character is formed discipline, honesty, independence, hard work, responsibility, and tolerance.
This research provides evidence that the strategy of character formation through activities Al-Qur’an learning can lead students to become superior individuals and have a competitive edge in the future. Implementation of strategic management character building supports SD IT Yabis to appear different with excellence the best value strategy offered to answer the wishes of society to basic religious needs.
This research used the case method with a qualitative approach. Refer to the interactive model of Miles and Huberman with consideration that the program in question is unique. The best Al-Qur’an reading program in the last 75 years. The program can deliver students aged 7-8 years skilled and proficient in reading the Qur’an fluently according to Tajwid.
Data collection used in-depth interview techniques to research subjects. Participant informants or resource persons were selected based on their consideration of mastery of the required data. Observation of school environment and learning activities, as well as study documents obtained from theory, articles, and school archives.
Data analysis refers to Miles and Huberman by interactive model, with steps; data collection, reduction, display, and verification data. Test the validity of the data using technique and source triangulation.
Strategic management is a process or series of decision-making activities and decisions that are fundamental as well as comprehensive accompanied by the determination of methods implementation, created by top management and implemented by all levels within an organization to achieve goals namely; superior and competitive in the future. (Certo 2010, Blatstein 2012, (Yunus, 2016). For to face the ever-changing educational environment need to rely on the strength of internal resources. Internal resource strength contributes to success in the form of competitive advantage that prevails in the long term (Ahmadi, 2020). To get to a superior and competitive school, the principal needs to implement strategic management functions in carrying out activities and education.
The term “strategic” adopted from the realm of military science requires top management can anticipate change and deal with its problem. To be able to survive against any movement of change then careful analysis of the context of the educational environment is needed. Although in fact, the world of education is not a battlefield, its similarities with the battlefield lie in the important role of strategic management to achieve goals.
This study reveals that internal customer satisfaction in education, especially for parents is to see their children can read the Qur’an correctly even though the academic average is average (Wwcr. parents,2022). Factors such as busy parents and limited knowledge and religious understanding (Wwcr. parents, 2022) are the reason for submitting the education of children in schools labeled Islam. This demand becomes the entry point) for an integrated Islamic elementary school to meet customer satisfaction Internal education is parents. As a service institution that “produces educated human beings, through integrated curriculum content, schools can provide value in the best way to prepare students to be diligent in worship and discipline (reading the Qur’an) every day (Mission of the Yabis School, 2021).
This strategic opportunity is exploited by SD IT Yabis to survive during change. Superior products produced are the realization of the ability of students who have the awareness to implement prayer services and the ability to read the Qur’an according to Tajwid. Product These excellent graduates are highly accepted in society.
In the research context, the reality of education places three-wheeled practices strategy namely; effective teaching, habituation, and exemplary as character-building strategies to improve the quality of education (Yureva, 2016). Appropriate educational system image and policies are involved at every stage of strategy through technical analysis and successive modifications. it becomes determining factor for the successful implementation of strategic management as well as a differentiator. (Amoli & Aghashahi, 2016).
Starting from the planning function. Strategic choices made by the head school are to determine the learning of the Qur’an with the Ummi method as a flagship program to realize the vision and mission of education in schools (Wwcr. Fauzi,2022).
The flow of decision-making is carried out in layers, starting with the opinion poll from teachers to top management level decision-making to issue a superior program policy for learning the Qur’an with the Ummi method. The strategic plan is a blueprint for the direction of education at SDIT Yabis. strategic plan in the form of a superior program then implemented in the implementation of activities concerning the operational plan (RENOP), namely program, budget, and procedure refers to the procedure for implementing the Ummi method.
In the implementation stage of learning activities the Ummi method is supported by the strength of human resources totaling 29 people (the ratio of students one grade to one teacher), procedures the Ummi method of learning is strictly applied according to sequence predetermined learning (Wwcr. Umi, 2022, Fauzi, 2022, Syahnan, 2022). The use of pure reading and listening techniques which are the core activities can cultivate the character of hard work, a love to read, and being responsible. Implementation of teaching, habituation, and exemplary is a package of activities separate but supports the main activity, namely teaching.
At the strategic control stage of the teacher element, activities are carried out which refers to the ten pillars of the quality of the Ummi method. (Ummi This stage places regular Al-Qur’an reading training and training activities and teacher certification activities as a quality control instrument for the professional competent teacher.
Implementation of teaching as the main strategy carried out for 10 hours a week. This fact fosters awareness to become accustomed to it all at once a tool to shape the habit of reading the Qur’an every day.
Habituation is carried out both by students and teachers teaching the Koran. habituation as derivative activities of teaching effectively show the successful implementation of character formation, this statement is supported by Liana, H., 2018. In cultivating habituation behavior to form character, in addition to the habit of reading the Qur’an every day, there are almost no or no effective strategic tools to grow interested in reading at school and home. This proves that the role of the principal in determining the strategic choice of character building is an important factor supporting the success of education in schools. While from the student element, through the monitoring book/activity achievement book habit of reading the Qur’an both at school and home, activities Habituation can be monitored regularly and measurable. Habitual activities can form honest, independent, responsible, and hard-working characters. Habituation reading the Qur’an both at school and at home is an achievement parameter program implementation. Through data from achievement books/monitoring, books obtained performance checks to ensure learning materials are mastered by students are good.
Each child gets private services for mastering the material from volumes one to eight until Tajwid. In addition to learning and habituation activities, this research also found that the character of fondness of reading is formed from a behavioral model exemplary displayed by teachers of the Qur’an. A special program was initiated by the Ummi school management, namely One day one juz, Al tadarus activities One Juz of the Koran every day is running actively. This one-day one juz exemplary strategy becomes a powerful character-building tool in realizing the spirit loves the Koran.
From the teacher’s example, students get a good character model that can be used as an example, namely reading the Qur’an every day without stopping. Three wheels strategies, namely teaching, habituation, and exemplary are recognized by students (Aulia, 2022) as a motivation to learn to read the Qur’an correctly. Aulia too revealed that after having the ability to read the Qur’an, he want to memorize the Qur’an 30 juz. With the blessing of the noble Qur’an, third-class student SDIT Yabis, who has read the Qur’an fluently up to chapter 6, stated; someday want to be a resident of heaven because of the blessings of the Qur’an.
At the strategic assessment stage of character formation, learning methods Ummi requires student performance checks to ensure ability personally. The name of this strategic assessment activity refers to the pattern of responsibility for scientific writing in universities. is the term munaqosyah used as a due diligence test at the institutional level Inner material due diligence among others; coaching volumes 1 to 6, fashohah, Gharib, and recitation.
Exam This was carried out by the Ummi Foundation (Ummi This mode refers to the implementation of a closed session. After students complete the stage this is why the school held an open teaching activity / public test. Fellowship activity public examination is a kind of holding a doctoral promotion session at the level S-3 education. Assessors in public incubation/test activities consist of a team of reading experts Al Qur’an and Tajwid from Ummi foundation center Surabaya and school stakeholders (parents, community leaders, and government)
Implementation of the three wheels strategy of character formation, teaching, habituation, and exemplary implementation based on strategic management turned out to be successful in forming the character of students who excel students in mastering reading the Qur’an according to the law of Tajwid. The character likes to read that is formed not a single or stand-alone character.
Accompanying characters attached to characters like to read, namely: hard work, honesty, independence, responsible, and tolerance. From this study, a complete picture is obtained that the ability of managerial principals to determine strategic choices and capture accuracy. Opportunities can produce students with superior character to answer the needs of the Muslim community for educational services in integrated Islamic elementary schools.
Strategic management implemented in an integrated Islamic elementary school (SDIT) Yabis Bontang, East Kalimantan, has proven to be able to help schools prepare superior and competitive graduate products. Strategic thinking school principals in planning can be seen in the superior program policies Qur’an learning school with the Ummi method.
In the implementation stage, the integration of the three strategic wheels namely teaching, habituation, and exemplary refers to the procedures and quality standards set by the Ummi Foundation. The result is a character who likes to read the Qur’an which is followed by derived characters namely; honest, independent, responsible, tolerant, and hard working. The most strategic control activity is the exemplary teacher in the program one day one juz.
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