Systematic Literature: Psychological Well-Being In Adolescent Al-Qur’an Memorizers
- Muhammad Sholahuddin
- Eko Wahyu Nurdiansyah
- Iswinarti
- 1825-1829
- Jan 8, 2025
- Psychology
Systematic Literature: Psychological Well-Being in Adolescent Al-Qur’an Memorizers
Muhammad Sholahuddin1, Eko Wahyu Nurdiansyah2, Iswinarti3
1,2Master of Psychology, University Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia
3Faculty of Psychology, University Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Received: 06 December 2024; Accepted: 10 December 2024; Published: 08 January 2025
The desire to continue studying to a higher level is the desire of every individual. Choosing a place of study is something that must be considered carefully by both parents and teenagers. Choosing to study at an Islamic boarding school-based madrasa with a focus on memorizing the Al-Quran is the right choice for some parents and teenagers. Psychological well-being in teenagers who memorize the Koran is the goal of parents and teenagers. In order to achieve psychological well-being in teenagers who memorize the Al-Quran, there are several factors, one of which is parental support. Purpose: This journal will discuss the psychological well-being of teenagers who memorize the Al-Quran. Method: this research uses a systematic literature method with the inclusion of journals in Indonesian, the journal is available in full text, the journal examines the psychological well-being of teenagers who memorize the Al-Quran, the population studied is teenagers from Islamic boarding school-based schools who memorize the Al-Quran, the journal was released in 2014-2024. Results: a positive influence was found on teenagers memorizing the Al-Quran with parental support. Not only that, learning outcomes or completion of memorizing the Al-Quran also affects the psychological well-being of teenagers who memorize the Al-Quran.
Keywords: Psychological Well-being, Memorizing the Al-Quran
Continuing studies to a higher level is the desire of every individual and parent. The confusion of choosing a school/madrasa for a favorite child for some parents should be considered more in order to print the character of a child. The development of the times of various kinds of schools/madrasas is increasing with a variety of advantages. Education is one of the basic human needs. Education has a very important role in the development of a person’s self-realization, especially in building the nation and state. Education can also be done anytime and anywhere as long as life lasts, this makes education must always develop following the times from generation to generation, so that education can be the answer to the needs of all the challenges of the times (Dini, Nainggolan, & Aulia, 2023). Broadly speaking, education can be obtained through formal, informal and non-formal channels. Formal education channels include elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities. Pesantren-based schools/madrasas are not far from the word dormitory, which is a place for students to gather due to the many activities that must be carried out so that it is necessary to stay in the dormitory. In this case, schools/madrasas for the junior high school / MTs level for Quran memorization are required to live in dormitories or in words that are often used are boarding schools.
Memorizing the Qur’an is a noble attitude and activity, by maintaining and preserving the authenticity of the Qur’an both from writing and reading as well as pronunciation or pronunciation techniques. As a student who memorizes the Qur’an, the activities that must be carried out at the boarding school are not just memorizing the Qur’an, but students must also follow all the activities that have been determined at the boarding school. These activities can hinder the process of students memorizing the Qur’an, because the activities in the boarding school can be said to be dense. With these dense activities, it can cause the physical to be easily tired and tired, it can also reduce adequate sleep hours, along with the lack of self-awareness of students in doing muroja’ah or repetition of memorization that has been deposited with the teacher. (Dini et al., 2023) in their research found that some students often feel tired, irritable, confused, eat a lot, feel hopeless, sleep a lot during activities, feel pressured by the demands and responsibilities they carry.
Psychological well-being is a very important aspect in the development of individual life. A person who has high psychological well-being is characterized by being able to master the environment well, having the will to continue to develop, being able to relate well with others, having independence, having a purpose and meaning of life, and having positive thoughts about himself (Choriroh, 2022). Related to the concept of psychological well-being, the results of the literature review show that the concept of psychological well-being begins with the philosophy of the meaning of the “good life”, which produces two views, namely hedonic and eudaimonic. In science, the hedonic philosophy underlies the theory of subjective well-being, while the eudaimonic philosophy underlies the theory of psychological wellbeing (Abidin et al., 2020). Psychological well-being is the desire to find out about their abilities as a whole and have a need to feel psychologically healthy. Psychological well-being can provide many benefits, one of which is maintaining health (Rahayu & Setiawati, 2019). A person can be seen to have psychological well-being when he gets pleasure, feels satisfied, so that this becomes the reason for living the joy of life (Sari, 2021). Another characteristic of someone who has high psychological well-being is avoiding psychological problems, which is characterized by the ability to be involved in the welfare of others, optimistic about living life and feeling bound and involved with activities as a student santri (Munawaroh & Wahyuningsih, 2018).
This study uses a literature systematic method with guidance using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) on national journals that examine psychological well-being in adolescent Quran memorizers. Journal search using Google Shcoolar database. The inclusion criteria of the journals reviewed are: 1) Journal in Indonesian language; 2) Journal is available in full-text; 3) Journal examines the psychological well-being of adolescents who memorize the Quran; 4) The population studied was adolescents who memorized the Qur’an; 5) Journals released in 2014-2024; 6) journals released in Indonesia. Exclusion criteria are: 1) Journals that are not in accordance with the topics discussed; 2) Systematic review and literature review journals; 3) Duplicate journals; 4) journals other than using the Indonesian language.
The search was conducted with the keywords ((“psychological well-being” OR happiness) AND (“al?quran memorizer” OR “hafiz al?quran”))
Figure 1. PRISMA diagram: Systematic Review Stage
Psychological well-being is a condition in which individuals accept themselves as they are, are able to establish close relationships with others, have independence from social pressure, are able to control the external environment, have a meaning in life and are able to realize their potential continuously (Ryff, 1989).
To realize psychological well-being there are several influencing factors. According to Ryff (1989) the factors that influence the dimensions of psychological well-being are age, gender, socioeconomic status, social support factors, religiosity, and personality.
Individuals’ perceptions of themselves will change over time. All perceptions formed at each stage of development play an important role in the process of understanding psychological well-being. Significant life changes stem from maturity in the process of self-evaluation in past, current and future lives.
Several studies have found it difficult to draw conclusions regarding differences in psychological well-being between men and women. Gender has an influence on psychological well-being, but on the other hand, it does not. This depends on the context of the theme being studied. There is a difference between psychological well-being in men and women when related to self esteem in both. In a meta-analysis study conducted by Pinquart and Sorensen, there was no difference in psychological well-being in men and women with a range of ages from adulthood to old age.
Psychological well-being is an indicator of good mental function and is an encouragement to explore the potential of the individual. psychological well-being is also needed so that individuals can increase effectiveness in various fields of life, one of which is in social adjustment (Hardjo & Novita, 2017).
Social support is a description of behavioral expressions in the form of support given by one individual to another individual who has an attachment in his life. Social support from people who are meaningful in one’s life can contribute to improving one’s well-being. The social support provided aims to provide support in achieving life goals and well-being. Sarason (2013) explains that one way to overcome difficulties and develop new competencies in others is with social support which is done by helping others. Social support is also a supporter of interpersonal processes that are useful for promoting developments in life such as experiences of adversity and opportunities to grow without any difficulties (Feeney & Collins, 2015) Based on the description above, it shows that there is a relationship between social support and psychological well-being in Qur’an memorizers, with the interpretation of the correlation coefficient being at a moderate level of relationship with a positive relationship direction, which means that the higher the social support, the higher the psychological well-being. Conversely, the lower the social support, the lower the psychological well-being in the memorizers of the Qur’an.
It relates to the social activities that individuals participate in such as being active in organizations, the quality and quantity of activities carried out, and with whom social contacts are made. Good relationships by maintaining the quality of social relationships with the environment will reduce the emergence of conflict and improve psychological well-being in life. In several studies it was found that social isolation, loneliness, and loss of social support will increase the risk of reduced life expectancy.
Carry out updates on quality teaching and learning activities that encourage students to be independent and not centered on the instructions of educators. Then after the process of teaching activities is improved, the next discussion is about learning outcomes, from this it can be seen the ability of students to enjoy teaching and learning activities by paying attention to learning objectives according to the curriculum (Lillah, 2022).
List of things that affect psychological well-being
Table 1. Journal Findings
No | Penulis | Subjek | Outcame |
1. | Sinta Mulifa Sari. (2021) | Student | Social support in college students greatly affects psychological well-being |
2. | Ulfatul Munawaroh & Hepi Wahyuningsih (2018) | Student | The higher the tawadhu, the higher the psychological well-being. |
3. | Uvik Zumrotul Choiriroh (2022) | Teenagers/students | Psychological well-being experienced by adolescents is different but tends to be high based on aspects of self-acceptance, aspects of positive relationships with others, aspects of autonomy / independence, aspects of environmental control, aspects of life goals and aspects of personal growth. |
4. | Hana Fitri Ikrima Dini, Eben Ezer Nainggolan, & Sayidah Aulia (2023) | Teens | The higher the self-regulation, the higher the psychological well-being. |
5. | Qonita Lillah (2022) | Student | Quran memorization has a significant effect on psychological well-being. |
6. | Ida Ike Rahayu & Farida Agus Setiawati (2019) | Student | Gratitude and forgiveness have a positive effect on psychological well-being in adolescents. |
7. | Fitri Ariyanti Abidin et al (2020) | Teens | psychological well-being of adolescents which consists of 10 dimensions, namely positive affect, negative affect, self-confidence, positive relationships, future orientation, self-development, emotional management. |
Psychological well-being is the desire to find out about one’s abilities as a whole and has a need to feel psychologically healthy. Psychological well-being can provide many benefits, one of which is maintaining health. And very helpful in the learning process or the process of adolescents memorizing the Qur’an. One of the factors that affect the psychological well-being of adolescents memorizing the Qur’an is social support, in this case, parents when providing social support to adolescent children memorizing the Qur’an will affect the level of psychological well-being of the child. Likewise, the learning outcomes of adolescents memorizing the Qur’an when the memorization is completed smoothly will affect the level of psychological well-being in these adolescents.
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- Ryff, C. D. (1989). Happiness is everything, or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57(6), 1069.
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