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The Effect Analysis of Hedonic Motive and Browsing on Impulse Buying Through Shopping Lifestyle (Empirical Study on Bad Fox Independent Clothing Products)

The Effect Analysis of Hedonic Motive and Browsing on Impulse Buying Through Shopping Lifestyle (Empirical Study on Bad Fox Independent Clothing Products)

Refi Ardiansyah, Fahruddin Salim, Supriadi Thalib
Postgraduate Directorate, Magister of Management, Pancasila University, Jakarta-Indonesia
*Corresponding Author


Received: 17 February 2023; Revised: 22 March 2023; Accepted: 28 March 2023; Published: 28 April 2023


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hedonic and search motives on impulsive purchases through a shopping lifestyle on Badfoxindependent). The sample for this study were consumers who had shopped online at Clothing Badfoxindependent in the South Jakarta and Depok areas, totaling 150 people. The analysis technique in this study used Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis with SmartPLS 3.0. The results of the study show that hedonic motivation and browsing have a direct effect on impulsive buying. The shopping lifestyle mediates the effect of hedonic and search motivation on impulse buying. The R Square value for the Shopping lifestyle variable obtained is 0.298 or 29.8%. These results indicate that Hedonic and Browsing motives together have an influence of 29.8% on the Shopping lifestyle, while the remaining (1-R Square) 70.1% is a major contribution of influence given by other factors that are not studied. The R Square value for the Impulse buying variable obtained is 0.653 or 65.3%. These results indicate that Hedonic, Browsing and Shopping lifestyle motives together have a 65.3% influence on impulse buying, while the remaining 34.7% (1-R Square) is contribution to the influence exerted by other factors that are not influential.

Keywords: Hedonic motive, browsing, shopping lifestyle, impulsive buying


The increasing development of information technology has resulted in e-business or e-commerce also continuing to grow. Thus making it easier for a consumer to search for information through browsing. Consumers who like shopping have a greater tendency to search for information through browsing. Consumers who shop with hedonic motives by browsing can feel pleasure in examining visual elements at retailers. The rapid internet network also indirectly brings a new phenomenon or a new lifestyle among people who like to take advantage of internet facilities, one of which is online shopping.As is well known, many necessities such as fashion, electronics are offered on the internet and offer convenience in how to shop and pay. Thus, it really has the potential for impulse buying online.Based on 16 sub-sectors, there are three sectors that contribute the most to Indonesia’s GDP, namely culinary, fashion and crafts. The fashion industry is a potential creative industry in Indonesia. Fashion products are the second largest contributor to creative industry exports, with a total contribution of Rp. 76.78 trillion or 9.51 percent of the total exports of creative products. The fashion industry also increases state revenue, this industry also has a positive value because it can absorb labor and provide national business fields, the fashion industry dominates the creative industry sector by 54.32 percent with a workforce absorption of 3.838 million people, from 1,107,956 business units . In 2019 the fashion industry contributed Rp. 641.8 trillion to Indonesia’s GDP. Of this amount, the fashion sub-sector contributed 28.29 percent or the equivalent of Rp. 181.5 trillion. (F Rio Winto, 2021)One of the Clothing Brands that has a special theme is Badfoxindependent. Badfoxindependent is a new clothing brand in the city of Jakarta. Badfoxindependent itself was formed starting in November 2015. At first the owner of Badfoxindependent had worked at a clothing brand in Jakarta. Then came the idea to build his own clothing brand. Moving on from this idea, the owner began trying to develop concepts and plans to create a Badfoxindependent clothing brand.Real evidence of the rapid development of the creative fashion industry in the city of Bandung is the development of Factory Outlet (FO), Distribution Outlet (Distro) and Clothing outlets from 2018-2020 as shown in the following table:

Table 1.1 Types of the Creative Fashion Industry in Greater Jakarta

Type of Business Years
2018 2019 2020
Distro 400 booth 517 booth 530 booth
Clothing 340 booth 483 booth 514 booth
Factory outlet 160 booth 211 booth 306 booth

Sumber: Sixtydegree Magazine, 2021

Based on the data in table 1, the current phenomenon is that there are many Distro, Clothing and Factory Outlet outlets popping up in the city of Jabodetabek. Clothing creative business in 2018-2020 increased rapidly to 514 clothing outlets in the city of Jabodetabek. from year to year the type of creative clothing industry has increased, this shows that many entrepreneurs are opening businesses in the fashion sector, especially clothing which is favored by teenagers in fashion trends.Based on Badfoxindependent Clothing sales data, it has fluctuated, offline sales in 2020 have decreased compared to 2019, but online sales in 2020 are higher than in 2019. This is due to the Covid-19 case, where in early 2020 there was a policy issued by the government of the Republic of Indonesia, which imposes operational restrictions on business activities so that there are no crowds, and narrows the spread of the Covid-19 virus. With the enactment of restrictions on community activities, many business people or entrepreneurs are holding back in each of their businesses, thus impacting conventional sales.Consumer purchasing decisions, especially impulse buying decisions, can be based on individual consumer factors that tend to behave in an affective manner. This behavior then makes the customer have a shopping experience. This experience can be grouped into hedonic shopping value. Hedonic shopping motivation is the behavior of individuals who shop excessively to fulfill their own satisfaction. The reason a person has a hedonic nature includes many needs that could not be met before, then after the needs are met, new needs emerge and sometimes these needs are higher than beforeImpulse buying is a phenomenon that dominates buying behavior in retail businesses. This can be seen from a survey which found that on average 64% of consumers often buy something that was not planned beforehand, while the number of consumers who make purchases according to what was planned before is only around 15%. (Temaja, Rahanatha, Yasa, 2015)Impulse buying or unexpected purchases are very prone to occur, because every individual wants to always look good. Consumers often buy a product without planning in advance. The desire to buy often appears in stores or at malls, and consumers often make a decision. Purchase decisions that are made are not necessarily planned, there are impulse buying due to stimulation of the shopping environment (Edwin and Sugiyono, 2011).One of the factors that influence impulse buying is the hedonic motive. Hedonic motives are the basis for evaluating shopping experiences more than the information they collect or the products purchased. Consumers shop for fun. Hedonic motives shop not only to buy goods but also to socialize with friends to seek entertainment. Hedonic benefits are feelings that are feelings, namely feelings of pleasure, feelings of relief, feelings of pleasure. (Subagio, 2011)Consumers who shop with hedonic motives by browsing can feel pleasure in examining visual elements at retailers. The rapid internet network also indirectly brings a new phenomenon or a new lifestyle among people who like to take advantage of internet facilities, one of which is online shopping. As is well known, many necessities such as fashion, electronics are offered on the internet and offer convenience in how to shop and pay. Thus, it really has the potential for impulse buying online. In addition, buyers at a younger age have a tendency to be more impulsive than the above age group. This is because today’s youth are faced with complex lifestyle choices. Adolescents who are still at the stage of searching for self-identity, so much imitate what is seen and heard through the media, including social media. It is not surprising then that it is easy for teenagers to be “tempted” to do online shopping to fulfill their lifestyle.In addition to hedonic motivation factors, browsing or surfing also influences impulse buying. Browsing or surfing is the activity of “surfing” on the internet. This activity can be analogous to walking in a mall while looking at shops without buying anything (Taslim and Septianna, 2011).Another factor that influences impulse buying is shopping lifestyle. Cahyono et al. (2016: 191) states that shopping lifestyle is a person’s way of allocating time and money for various products, services, technology, fashion, entertainment, and education in shopping that reflect differences in social status. He added that shopping lifestyle refers to consumption patterns that reflect one’s choices about how to spend time and money.Based on the literature review, the hypothesis in this study is as follows.

a.   The influence of Hedonic Motives has a positive effect on Shopping lifestyle

Consumers who shop with hedonic motives, the shopping style of a consumer will also be more exaggerated at the online shop. Shopping or shopping is a hobby or pleasure in itself. Many people carry out activities of buying products or shopping even though they don’t need these products. As a lifestyle, shopping activities are considered to increase the prestige of these consumers. Based on research by Dayang Asning Kosyu, Kadarisman Hidayat, Yusri Abdillah (2014) shows that there is a positive effect of hedonic motives on shopping lifestyle

b. Influence of Browsing on Shopping lifestyle

Browsing allocates a lot of their time for browsing so they can increase the number of their purchases (Iyer, 1989 in Gültekin and Özer, 2012).Browsing activity as an initial stage in the impulse buying process has several meanings from a number of previous studies. Browsing activities can be considered as a way to get information that will be used during a visit to a shopping center, a way to get information for hidden/unclear purchases, a direct comparison of prices. Browsing or surfing is like walking in a mall while looking at shops without buying anything. (Taslim and Septiana, 2011)The more frequently consumers conduct information searches (browsing) on online media, the more they influence their shopping lifestyle. This is because consumers sometimes search for information on online media to add shopping references. Usually consumers browse without any intention to buy, and only for fun and or information gathering.Based on research by Putri and Rinuastuti (2017) shows that there is a positive effect of browsing on shopping lifestyle.

c.   The influence of Hedonic Motives has a positive effect on impulse buying

According to (Gültekin and Őzer, 2012) which states Hedonic Motives have a significant influence on impulse buying. In addition, consumers who shop with hedonic motivation, the level of impulsive purchases at online shops will also be higher. This is because when someone is shopping with hedonic motives, he will not consider the benefits of the product so that the possibility of impulsive purchases will also be higher.Based on the theory explained by Pattipeilohy et al., (2018) the hedonic theory states that all human actions, whether consciously or not, basically have one goal, namely to seek pleasure and avoid painful things. Hedonic consumption tendencies are consumption experiences related to feelings, fantasies, pleasures, sensory influences that affect one’s emotional experience.Impulse purchases play an important role in fulfilling the hedonic desires associated with hedonic consumption (Gultekin, 2012). This role supports the conceptual relationship between hedonic shopping motivation and impulsive buying behavior. This means that consumers are more likely to engage in impulse purchases when they are motivated by hedonic desires or by non-economic reasons such as pleasure, fantasy, and social emotional satisfaction (Gultekin, 2012).Consumers who shop hedonic will ignore a plan during the shopping process. This illustrates that hedonic consumption is closely related to impulsive purchases. The results of research conducted by Japarianto (2014) show that there is a positive influence between hedonic shopping tendencies on impulsive purchases. Consumers can be moved directly to make impulse purchases because of the desire to fulfill their personal needs, such as pampering themselvesMuch research on impulse buying has been linked to psychological variables (personality, self-regulation, etc.), hedonic experiences (pleasure to shop, emotional state, mood) and situational variables (available time, money, etc.) in the context of shopping.Based on research by Putri Dina Purnama Dewi (2015), Ningrum, Nimas Putri Widiya (2021) Toto Pribadi Sampurno & Winarso (2021) shows that there is a positive influence of hedonic motives on impulse buying

d. The influence of browsing has a positive effect on impulse buying

Browsing or surfing is the activity of “surfing” on the internet. Consumers allocate more of their time for browsing so that they can increase the number of their purchases (Iyer, 1989 in Gültekin and Özer, 2012).Browsing activity as an initial stage in the impulse buying process has several meanings from a number of previous studies. Browsing activities can be considered as a way to get information that will be used during a visit to a shopping center, a way to get information for hidden/unclear purchases, a direct comparison of prices. Browsing or surfing is the activity of “surfing” the internet. This activity can be analogous to walking in a mall while looking at shops without buying anything (Taslim and Septianna, 2011). According to Bloch et al, “browsing is an in-store inspection of a product for information and/or recreation without intention to buy” which is defined as an observation or inspection of a product in a store in obtaining information and or entertainment without any intention to buy. Browsing activities can be considered as: how to get information to be used during a visit to a shopping center, how to get information for hidden or unclear purchases, a direct comparison of prices.The more frequently consumers conduct information searches (browsing) on online media, the more impulsive they buy at the online store. This is because consumers sometimes search for information on online media to add shopping references so that the possibility of impulsive purchases when these consumers are browsing is relatively large. Usually consumers browse without any intention to buy, and only for fun and or information gathering.Based on research by Gültekin and Özer (2012) and Sampurno (2015) shows that there is a positive effect of browsing on impulse buying.

e. The influence of shopping lifestyle has a positive effect on impulse buying

Everyone has a different lifestyle, even in shopping activities, shopping is something that is much favored by consumers to fulfill their needs. Shopping lifestyle is a lifestyle that refers to how a person lives, how they spend their time, money, purchasing activities carried out, their attitudes and opinions about the world in which they live (Levy, 2009).Shopping lifestyle according to Betty Jackson in Japarianto (2011: 33), is an expression of lifestyle in shopping that reflects differences in social status. The way we shop reflects status, prestige, and habits.The results of previous research by Chusniasari, (2015) and Kosyu, Hidayat, & Y, (2014), concluded that shopping lifestyle has a significant effect on impulse buying.

f.   The influence of hedonic motives on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle.

Shopping activities become a person’s lifestyle in their daily life, to make ends meet. Things like this often make a person have a tendency to hedonism. Hedonism itself is influenced by several factors, one of which is the hedonic motive. The hedonic motive is something that can move or encourage a person to fulfill his need for pleasure or material enjoyment as his main goal. The hedonic motive itself is created because of someone’s passion in shopping which is influenced by something new or a new trend. According to Kosyu, et al (2014) the reason a person has a hedonic nature is because there are many needs that could not be met before, then after these needs are met, new needs emerge and sometimes these needs are more priority than previous needs.Lifestyle is a pattern of action that distinguishes one person from another. The large number of needs for primary and secondary goods makes consumers always fulfill their every need and desire, this is what underlies the creation of a Shopping Lifestyle. Shopping Lifestyle refers to a person’s consumption patterns that reflect how to spend time and money.Zablocki and Kanter (Japarianto and Sugiharto, 2011) revealed that Shopping Lifestyle shows a way that a person chooses to allocate income, such as in terms of funds for various products, as well as certain alternatives. Consumers in making or deciding purchases are influenced by factors such as advertising and trends. Every consumer has a different view in responding to these advertisements and trends. This way of spending money and time is a reason for someone to make excessive purchases, such as buying products they don’t need.This excessive purchase is usually influenced by the existence of attractive offer stimuli offered by retailers (Kosyu, et al 2014). A sense of fulfillment of one’s needs and desires will motivate a person to make unplanned purchases. Situations like this occur because of an inner urge so they decide to buy the product without thinking about it and which may not be listed on the shopping list, this kind of behavior is usually called impulsive behavior. A person’s impulsive behavior is influenced by the urge from himself to meet his needs right now. The existence of encouragement from one’s self when seeing the products offered by retailers allows one to make unplanned purchases (Impulse Buying).The results of previous research conducted by Setyningrum, Arifin and Yulianto (2016), concluded that hendonic motivation influences impulse buying through shopping lifestyle.

g.   The effect of browsing on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle

The business world in online shops, especially in fashion products is increasing and the competition is very tight, this is indicated by the many online sites that we can find on the internet, besides that the products offered are very many and also of various types such as, electronics, fashion , sports equipment. With this, it is very easy for consumers to choose the needs they want by browsing.Consumer needs affect the lifestyle or lifestyle. The number of new fashion trends that have sprung up makes consumers want to always follow developments. According to Levy (2009) shopping lifestyle is a lifestyle that refers to how a person lives, how they spend their time, money, purchasing activities carried out, their attitudes and opinions about the world in which they live. This way of spending time and money is used by some consumers to make excessive purchases, one of which is driven by attractive stimulus offers offered by online shop entrepreneurs. A sense of dependence on the ever-changing world of fashion has made some people become hedonists and are motivated to always update their daily fashion styles by making unplanned purchases. When consumers do window shopping or just walk around, they explore places they have never visited or frequently visited. This has the potential for impulse buying online. According to Utami in Kosyu (2014) impulse purchases are purchases that occur when consumers see a particular product or brand, then consumers become interested in getting it, usually because of an attractive stimulus from the store. The results of previous research conducted by Sampurno & Winarso (2015), concluded that browsing influences impulse buying through shopping lifestyle. Based on the literature review and hypothesis development, the framework in this study is as follows (Figure 1):

Fig.1:-Model Penelitian


The research method used in this study is to use quantitative methods in the form of descriptive analysis and causality. The sample of this research is 150 respondents. The data analysis performed was quantitative analysis using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method from the SmartPLS statistical package.


Descriptive Statistical Analysis

This descriptive analysis is an analysis of the hedonic motives, browsing, shopping lifestyle and impulse buying variables where the analysis will be carried out based on the results of the respondents’ statements on each question in each variable.The average value of Hedonic Motives is 4.27, this means that consumers give very good perceptions of statements on the Hedonic Motives variable. The highest average value is found in the statement Shopping is an alternative to dealing with stress, with a mean value of 4.34. In the statement that they like to shop to look for new model trends, the lowest average value is 4.19.In every person certainly has a hedonic nature. This hedonic nature appears when someone is in a shopping center. Hedonic shopping describes the value of the shopping experience which includes fantasy, sensory stimulation, excitement, fun, curiosity and delusion of joy.The average value of the Browsing variable is 4.09, this means that respondents agree to purchase online products through internet browsing.The highest average value is found in the statement Time is more efficient when shopping through online stores, with a mean value of 4.14. The lowest value is found in the statement that the Badfoxindependent online shop offers a greater discount, with a mean value of 4.05.Browsing or surfing is the activity of “surfing” on the internet. This activity can be analogous to walking in a mall while looking at shops without buying anything (Taslim and Septianna, 20011). Consumers allocate more of their time for browsing so that they can increase the number of their purchases (Gültekin and Őzer, 2012). In addition, the time spent browsing also increases the amount of exposure. If the exposure period increases, the shopping stimulus increases and consumers may feel how much they need a particular product.The Shopping Style index value is 4.01, this means that the consumer’s shopping lifestyle is in the high category. The highest average value is found in the statement Displaying advertisements in the Badfoxindependent online shop attracted me to visit, with a mean value of 4.15. The lowest value is found in the statement that they are more interested in shopping at online stores because they save energy, with a mean value of 3.91.Shopping lifestyle is a lifestyle that refers to how a person lives, how they spend their time, money, purchasing activities carried out, their attitudes and opinions about the world in which they live. A person’s lifestyle in spending money makes a new trait and characteristic of an individual.The average value of impulse buying is 4.18, this means high impulse buying. The highest average value is found in the statement When buying, I did not consider product quality, with a mean value of 4.24. The lowest value is found in the statement of buying a product at the Badfoxindependent online shop because of attractive offers, with a mean value of 4.12.Impulse purchases are often experienced by someone when shopping in shopping centers. According to Wahyu Prasetyo, Edy Yulianto and Srikandi Kumadji, (2016) impulse purchases are purchases that occur when consumers see a particular product or brand, then consumers become interested in getting it, usually because of an attractive stimulus from the store.

Calculation results with SEM-PLS

In this study, model testing was carried out by showing the value of R2 in endogenous latent constructs. The hypothesis in this study will be tested using the path coefficient values and p-values which are presented as follows.

Structural Model

Fig. 2: – Structural Model

Tabel 2. Value of Path Coefficient

Construct correlation Path Coefficient Critical T ratios P values
Hedonic motive à Shopping lifestyle 0.266 4.198 0,000
Browsing à Shopping lifestyle 0.400 7.045 0,000
Hedonic motive à Impulse buying 0.258 4.362 0,000
Browsing à Impulse buying 0.369 5.417 0,000
Shopping lifestyle à Impulse buying 0.404 6.280 0,000

Tabel 3. Value of Determinant Coefficient (R2)

  R Square R Square Adjusted
Hedonic motive dan Browsing à Shopping lifestyle 0.298 0.289
Hedonic motive, Browsing and  Shopping lifestyle à Impulse buying 0.653 0.646

   Source: Data is processed using PLS softwareIn the table above, it can be seen that the R Square value for the Shopping lifestyle variable obtained is 0.298 or 29.8%. These results indicate that Hedonic motives and Browsing together have an influence of 29.8% on Shopping lifestyle, while the remaining (1-R Square) 70.1% is the contribution of the influence exerted by other factors not examined.Then the R Square value for the Impulse buying variable obtained is 0.653 or 65.3%. These results indicate that Hedonic motives, Browsing and Shopping lifestyle together have an influence of 65.3% on impulse buying, while the remaining (1-R Square) 34.7% is the contribution of the influence exerted by other factors not examined.


1. The Effect of Hedonic Motives on Shopping Lifestyle

The results of data processing prove that Hedonic Motives has a significant effect on shopping lifestyle because it has a t-count value of 4.198. This proves that the higher the hedonic motive, the shopping lifestyle will increase. The hedonic motive is something that can move or encourage a person to fulfill his need for pleasure or material enjoyment as his main goal. The hedonic motive itself is created because of someone’s passion in shopping which is influenced by something new or a new trend.Hedonic motives will be created by the desire to shop for someone who is easily influenced by the latest models and shopping becomes one’s lifestyle to meet daily needs. Kotler and Keller (2012: 151) state that consumer buying behavior is strongly influenced by four characteristics, namely cultural, social, personal, and psychological. This psychological factor is strongly influenced by motivation, perception, learning, as well as beliefs and attitudes. Through hedonic shopping motives, consumers can get a new and characteristic shopping lifestyle that influences their shopping style.The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Musriha (2011) which states that hedonic motives have a significant influence on shopping lifestyle. The conclusion from this hypothesis is that a shopping lifestyle can be created and developed through the hedonic nature that emerges from customers. These hedonic customers can become targets for the existing market to come up with an idea in developing their product through the customer’s consumptive lifestyle. 2. Influence of Browsing on Shopping lifestyleThe results of data processing prove that browsing has a significant effect on shopping lifestyle because it has a t-count value of 7.045. The results showed that the higher the Browsing activity, the higher the shopping lifestyle.Information search can occur through intentional or unintentional searches. In general, a consumer will receive an advertisement, or information on a product being promoted, so that he will accidentally add information to a product he will buy later, whereas when a consumer is at the decision-making stage, he will seek deeper information, namely through the seller. or companies, catalogs, friends, family members, and through consumer experiences (Sukiwun et al., 2014).Thus, the results of this study support the research conducted by Gültekin and Özer (2012) which states that browsing has a significant influence on shopping lifestyle.

3. The Effect of Hedonic Motives on Impulse Buying

The results of data processing prove that Hedonic Motives has a significant effect on impulse buying because it has a t-count value of 4.362. The results of the study show that the higher consumers shop with hedonic motives, the higher the level of impulsive purchases on online media. This is because, when a person purchases hedonistically, he will not consider the benefits of the product so that the possibility of impulsive purchases will also be higher. Thus, the results of this study support the research conducted by Gültekin and Özer (2012) which states that Hedonic Motives have a significant influence on Impulse Buying. This means that the first hypothesis proposed in this study is supported.The higher consumers shop with hedonic motivation, the level of impulsive purchases on online media will also be higher. This is because, when a person purchases hedonistically, he will not consider the benefits of the product so that the possibility of impulsive purchases will also be higher.When shopping, someone will have positive emotions wanting to buy the product without prior planning in the form of a shopping list note. Semuel (2006) also explains that unplanned purchases mean activities to spend money that are not controlled, and mostly on goods that are substantially not needed by consumers. Meanwhile, according to Scarpi (2006) argues that hedonic shopping describes the value of the shopping experience which includes fantasy, sensory stimulation, excitement, fun, curiosity and imaginary joy. The feeling of joy that arises from consumers who shop hedonistically, raises a behavior to buy goods that are substantially not really needed by consumers.Attractive offers such as discounts offered by Stradivarius, make consumers tend to shop beyond their needs. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Gültekin and Özer (2012) which states that hedonic shopping motives have a significant influence on impulse buying.The higher consumers shop with hedonic motives, the higher the level of impulsive purchases on online media. This is because, when a person purchases hedonistically, he will not consider the benefits of the product so that the possibility of impulsive purchases will also be higher. Based on research conducted by Gültekin and Özer (2012) it shows that there is a positive influence of hedonic motives on impulse buyThe conclusion of this hypothesis is that the hedonic nature of customers is one of the most important aspects to form impulse purchases. When customers already have a sense of pleasure and joy when buying a product, then unplanned purchases can arise by themselves. This can be a reference for marketers in increasing sales of their products through hedonic shopping motivation.Based on research by Gültekin and Özer (2012) shows that there is a positive effect of hedonic Motives on Impulse Buying.

4. The influence of browsing on impulse buying

The results of data processing prove that browsing has a significant effect on impulse buying because it has a t-count value of 5.417. The more frequently consumers conduct information searches (browsing) on online media, the more they will influence the level of impulsive purchases at the online store.Browsing can be the reason for unplanned or sudden consumer behavior. After consumers have browsed, they suddenly feel a strong urge to buy. According to Park et al (2005) states that consumers can make impulsive purchases after browsing.Consumers who allocate more time for browsing can increase their interest and the number of purchases of goods they want (Iyer, 1989) in (Gültekin and Özer, 2012). In addition, the time spent browsing also increases the amount of exposure. If the exposure period increases, it can increase shopping stimuli and consumers may feel how much they need certain products (Jarboe and McDaniel, 1987) in (Gültekin and Özer, 2012).The more frequently consumers conduct information searches (browsing) on online media, the more impulsive they buy at the online store. This is because consumers sometimes search for information on online media to add shopping references so that the possibility of impulsive purchases when these consumers are browsing is relatively large. Usually consumers browse without any intention to buy, and only for fun and or information gathering.Based on research conducted by Gültekin and Özer (2012) shows that there is a positive effect of browsing on Impulse Buying.

5. The Effect of Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying

The results of data processing prove that shopping lifestyle has a significant effect on impulse buying because it has a t-count value of 6,280. The results of this test indicate that the Shopping Lifestyle variable has a significant influence on the Impulse Buying variable. Levy (2009) states that Shopping Lifestyle is a lifestyle that refers to how a person lives, how to spend time and money, purchasing activities carried out, their attitudes and opinions about the world in which they live. How to spend time and this can be used by consumers to make unplanned purchases because of the offers provided by online stores. Furthermore, Loudon and Britta (1993) argue that Impulse Buying has three characteristics, which include product characteristics that can influence unplanned purchases. Characteristics of the product itself that influence unplanned purchases, such as low prices. Through Shopping Lifestyle one can make unplanned purchases with low prices or discounts that fulfill a shopping lifestyle. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Japarianto and Sugiharto (2011) which stated that Shopping Lifestyle has a significant influence on Impulse Buying.Shopping lifestyle refers to consumption patterns that reflect a person’s choices about how to spend time and money. The higher a person’s shopping style, the greater the level of impulsive purchases on online media.Shopping lifestyle is currently used to adjust social status by choosing well-known brands. Supported by the advantages of Stradivarius which has a simple, trendy fashion style and a favorite of middle and upper class socialites. According to Levy (2009) shopping lifestyle is a lifestyle that refers to how a person lives, how they spend their time, money, purchasing activities carried out, their attitudes and opinions about the world in which they live. This way of spending time and money is used by some consumers to make excessive purchases, one of which is driven by attractive stimulus offers offered by online shops.The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Atchariyachanvanich and Hitosi in Okada (2007) which states that consumer lifestyles such as lifestyles in dealing with other people, innovative lifestyles, price-oriented lifestyles, have been tested to influence buying behavior. From the results of calculating the total effect in this research model, it proves that the variables of this study, namely hedonic motives and shopping lifestyle, have a very large magnitude of influence on impulse buying. The conclusion of this hypothesis is that a person’s lifestyle when shopping can be used as an important factor for marketers in increasing product sales through the formation of impulse purchases from these customers.Based on research by Japriyanto and Sugiharto (2011) shows that there is a positive influence Shopping Style on Impulsive Buying.

6. The effect of hedonic motives on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle.

Based on the statistical parameters, it shows that the tcount of 3,140 is greater than the ttable of 1.96 at a significance level of 5%. This means that the Hedonic motive for impulse buying through shopping lifestyle. Thus Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that the shopping lifestyle is a mediation between hedonic motivation and impulsive buying.Hedonism motivation is influenced by several factors, one of which is the hedonic motive. The hedonic motive is something that can move or encourage a person to fulfill his need for pleasure or material enjoyment as his main goal. The hedonic motive itself is created because of someone’s passion in shopping which is influenced by something new or a new trend. According to Kosyu, et al (2014: 3) the reason a person has a hedonic nature is because there are many needs that could not be met before, then after these needs are met, new needs emerge and sometimes these needs are more priority than previous needs.Lifestyle is a pattern of action that distinguishes one person from another. The large number of needs for primary and secondary goods makes consumers always fulfill their every need and desire, this is what underlies the creation of a Shopping Lifestyle. Shopping Lifestyle refers to a person’s consumption patterns that reflect how to spend time and money. Shopping Lifestyle is a way that someone chooses to allocate income, such as in terms of funds for various products, as well as certain alternatives. Consumers in making or deciding purchases are influenced by factors such as advertising and trends. Every consumer has a different view in responding to these advertisements and trends. This way of spending money and time is a reason for someone to make excessive purchases, such as buying products they don’t need.This excessive purchase is usually influenced by the existence of attractive offer stimuli offered by retailers (Kosyu, et al 2014). A sense of fulfillment of one’s needs and desires will motivate a person to make unplanned purchases. Situations like this occur because of an inner urge so they decide to buy the product without thinking about it and which may not be listed on the shopping list, this kind of behavior is usually called impulsive behavior. A person’s impulsive behavior is influenced by the urge from himself to meet his needs right now. The existence of encouragement from one’s self when seeing the products offered by retailers allows one to make unplanned purchases (Impulse Buying).The results of previous research by Setyningrum, Arifin and Yulianto (2016), concluded that hendonic motivation influences impulse buying through shopping lifestyle.

7. The effect of browsing on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle

Based on statistical parameters, it shows that the tcount of 4.883 is greater than the ttable of 1.96 at a significance level of 5%. This means that browsing has an effect on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle. Thus Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that the shopping lifestyle mediates between browsing or surfing the internet and impulse buying.Shopping lifestyle is a lifestyle that refers to how a person lives, how they spend their time, money, purchasing activities carried out, their attitudes and opinions about the world in which they live. This way of spending time and money is used by some consumers to make excessive purchases, one of which is driven by attractive stimulus offers offered by online shop entrepreneurs. A sense of dependence on the ever-changing world of fashion has made some people become hedonists and are motivated to always update their daily fashion styles by making unplanned purchases. When consumers do window shopping or just walk around, they explore places they have never visited or frequently visited. This has the potential for impulse buying online. According to Utami in Kosyu (2014) impulse purchases are purchases that occur when consumers see a particular product or brand, then consumers become interested in getting it, usually because of an attractive stimulus from the store. The results of previous research conducted by Sampurno & Winarso (2015), concluded that browsing affects impulse buying through shopping lifestyle.


Hedonic motives are proven to have a significant influence on shopping lifestyle. Hedonic motives will be created by the desire to shop for someone who is easily influenced by the latest models and shopping becomes one’s lifestyle to meet daily needs.2.      Browsing is proven to have a significant influence on shopping lifestyle. In general, a consumer who is browsing will get information on the product being promoted so that he will accidentally shop for the product he sees.3.      Hedonic motives are proven to have a significant influence on impulse buying. The higher consumers shop with hedonic motivation, the higher the level of impulsive purchases. This is because, when a person purchases hedonistically, he will not consider the benefits of the product so that the possibility of impulsive purchases will also be higher.4.      Browsing is proven to have a significant influence on impulse buying. The more frequently consumers perform information searches (browsing) on online media, the more it affects the level of impulsive purchases. This is because consumers sometimes search for information on online media to add shopping references so that the possibility of impulsive purchases when these consumers are browsing is relatively large.5.      Shopping lifestyle is proven to have a significant influence on impulse buying. Shopping lifestyle refers to consumption patterns that reflect a person’s choices about how to spend time and money. The higher a person’s shopping style, the greater the level of impulsive purchases on online media.6.      Based on the research results, hedonic motives influence impulse buying through shopping lifestyle. This means that the shopping lifestyle is a mediation between hedonic motivation and impulsive buying.7.      Based on research results Browsing has an effect on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle. This means that the shopping lifestyle mediates between browsing or surfing the internet and impulse buying.


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