The Effect of Anxiety Level on Athlete’s Performance
- Eko Wahyu Nurdiansyah
- Muhammad Sholahuddin
- Iswinarti
- 2246-2253
- Jan 11, 2025
- Psychology
The Effect of Anxiety Level on Athlete’s Performance
Eko Wahyu Nurdiansyah, Muhammad Sholahuddin, Iswinarti
University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Received: 11 December 2024; Accepted: 14 December 2024; Published: 11 January 2025
Anxiety is an emotion that arises as a result of a person’s absorption due to a threatening situation for no apparent reason. Anxiety competing is something that is considered in the field of psychology in the last period of time, especially in sports psychology. In overcoming anxiety in athletes before and during the match requires several supporting factors such as self-confidence, motivation, mental toughness, mental training, gender and internal and external in athletes. Purpose: This journal will discuss the level of anxiety of athletes before and during the match in the athlete’s sports performance. Methods: This study uses a literature systematic method with inclusion of journals using English, Indonesian language journals, journals available in full text, journals examining athlete anxiety before matches, journals examining anxiety during matches, journals released in 2019-2023. Results found that there are several factors that cause athlete anxiety before and during matches, athlete motivation, athlete confidence, mental training, gender differences and mental toughness and different tribes.
Keywords: Athlete anxiety, before, during the game, factors) 3-7 words
Sport is a complex thing, sport can be seen from various points of view. Related to achievement as one of the goals of sports, many factors influence the achievement of these achievements. (Handoyo, 2020). Sport itself is one of the physical and psychological activities of a person that is useful for maintaining and improving the quality of one’s health. According to Giriwijoyo (2005), exercise is a series of regular and planned body movements that a person does consciously to improve their functional abilities. Sport is also an activity that can train the human body not only physically but also mentally. (Nissa & Soenyoto, 2021) Talking about sports, you will find many things, ranging from victories, championships, trophies, pride, even to disappointment, failure. Physical, psychological, environmental, and other factors can influence a person in the process of achieving achievement. One of the factors that contribute to achievement is psychological factors. Psychic factors are factors that arise from a person’s psychic such as tension, excitement, confidence and anxiety. Every athlete or player must have felt tension, excitement, anxiety and confidence. These factors are psychological turmoil that occurs due to the stimulus that comes. Anxiety and confidence as psychological factors can affect the player’s performance in the match. Sports activities contain many values, besides people who do sports activities have goals such as for health, pleasure and leisure, it is also universal in sports inherent in the values of struggle, pioneering, cooperation, competition, respect, integration communication, physical endurance and mental endurance, togetherness, responsiveness, leadership and decision making, honesty and sportsmanship, and others (Kemenpora, 2017). (Nurdiansyah & Jannah, 2021).
Performing a complex training process is the main goal to achieve high performance. (Rahmalia, Meiriyani, & A’la, 2022) According to (Parena, Rahayu, & Sugiharto, ) what needs to be done to achieve maximum sports achievement is to start with the selection of athletes by paying attention to several variables such as talent, physical excellence in accordance with the specified standards, mental, and age. (Mahardika & Suripto, 2022). An achievement in sports can be achieved if training is applied in a quality, and structured manner by considering all elements for maximum achievement. An athlete must have good physical and psychological qualities. Some research provides an explanation of how important the role of psychology is in developing and improving athlete performance. Anxiety is an emotion that arises due to a person’s absorption due to a threatening situation in him without clear cause. Anxiety competing is something that is considered in the field of psychology in the last period of time, especially in sports psychology. (Akbar Pangestu & Wahyudi, 2021). (Wattimena, 2015) states, anxiety can arise because of situations that occur at that time or have occurred from what has been experienced in which there is also a binding threat. (Yuandika & Wismadi, 2022). So anxiety can be concluded that something that exists in a person is uncertain and is considered to threaten oneself. Anxiety is a negative thought that affects a person’s mentality with the appearance of tension and increased body function systems that previously aroused him to be anxious about his abilities. (Darmawan & Susanto, 2021).
There are three aspects of anxiety, namely emotional aspects, cognitive aspects and physiological aspects. (Pratama & Susanto, 2023). The emotional aspect is anxiety related to an individual’s understanding of the psychological impact and anxiety such as tension, sadness, self-deprecation and concern. The cognitive aspect is anxiety related to thoughts about fears and worries that interfere with concentration. The physiological aspect is anxiety that relates to physical reactions to fear and worry. The problem of anxiety is divided into two, namely caused by external factors and internal factors.
State anxiety (A-state) is an anxious situation that comes from a condition and event. Trait anxiety (A-trait) is the level of anxiety contained in the personality of each athlete (Akbar & alficandra, 2023). There are athletes who have an indecisive personality in making decisions and vice versa. Somatic anxiety is physiological changes associated with the onset of feelings of anxiety. Somatic anxiety is a physical symptom when individuals feel anxiety(Raibowo et al., 2023). Symptoms of physical anxiety include: (1) There is a dramatic change in behavior, restlessness or uneasiness and difficulty sleeping; (2) The occurrence of muscle stretching of the neck muscles, shoulders, abdomen especially in the muscles of the extremities; (3) There is a change in the rhythm of breathing; (4) There is muscle contraction in the chin, around the eyes and jaw. While psychologically, namely: (1) Disturbances in attention and concentration; (2) Emotional changes; (3) Decreased self-confidence; (4) Obsession arises; (5) No motivation. (Khilmi, et al., 2022).. The relationship between anxiety and sports that often occurs is the anxiety experienced by athletes when competing, this is certainly a negative side that can affect performance and harm an athlete. The impact of tension on the performance of movement skills in athletes includes anxiety, emotions, muscle tension, flexibility, and coordination. Self-confidence is strongly associated with the consistency of positive emotions, such as joy and happiness, while low self-confidence is associated with negative emotions such as anxiety, doubt and depression.
Formulation of the problem
Based on the background that has been described, the following problem statement can be formulated:
- Athlete Anxiety in Matches
Anxiety is a psychological factor that is often experienced by athletes during matches. It has an impact on the athlete’s ability to concentrate, emotions, and physical performance, thus hindering the achievement of optimal performance. How can anxiety management help improve athlete performance in competitive situations?
- The Role of Self-Confidence in Suppressing Anxiety
Low self-confidence is often associated with negative emotions, such as anxiety and doubt, which negatively impact athlete performance. How does self-confidence influence the reduction of athletes’ anxiety levels, especially during competition?
- The Relationship Between Anxiety and Athlete Performance
The tension and anxiety experienced by athletes affects not only mental aspects, but also physical aspects, such as coordination, flexibility and muscle stability. To what extent does anxiety affect the final outcome in sports competitions?
- Strategies to Improve Athlete Performance
Given the internal and external factors that affect athlete performance, including anxiety and self-confidence, how can sport psychology strategies be applied to improve the psychological quality of athletes to achieve optimal performance
Problem Objective
Based on the background described, here are the relevant research objectives:
- Identify the Effects of Anxiety on Athlete Performance
To find out how anxiety, both in the form of state anxiety and trait anxiety, affects athletes’ concentration, emotions and physical abilities during a match.
- Analysing the Role of Self-Confidence in Managing Anxiety
To analyse how an athlete’s level of self-confidence contributes to reducing anxiety levels and maintaining emotional stability during a match.
- Evaluating the Relationship between Psychic Factors and Athlete Performance
To evaluate how the relationship between psychological factors, such as anxiety and self-confidence, plays a role in athletes’ maximum performance.
- To develop sport psychology strategies to improve athlete performance
To design sport psychology-based strategies that can help athletes manage anxiety, increase confidence and maximise performance in competitive situations
The study used a literature systematic method with guidance using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) on international journals and national journals that examined anxiety before and during the match in athletes in the match. Journal search using googlescholar database. The inclusion criteria for the journals reviewed were: 1) The journal is in English; 2) The journal is available in full-text; 3) The journal examines the anxiety of athletes before the match; 4) The journal examines the anxiety of athletes during the match; 5) The population studied consists of athletes aged adolescents to adults; 6) The journal was released in 2019-2023; 7) The population studied was high school students, university students, and university students. The population studied was high school students, university students and members of the co team; 8) The population consists of several regions in Indonesia and abroad.
Searches were conducted with keywords: anxiety or athlete / anxiety athlete, fear, anxiety, panic, worry, unrest, ((anxiety OR anxiety OR fear OR worry OR anxiety OR panic) AND (athlete OR athlete).
Figure 1. PRISMA diagram: Systematic Review Stages
Athlete Motivation
Motivation is the drive within the athlete that causes the desire or desire to be able to achieve something that is dreamed of. Athlete achievement is the result of a combination of training and athlete motivation, so this motivation is considered important in achieving the goal of maximum athlete achievement. There are two types of motivation in sports, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a strong drive from within that causes someone to participate. Athletes who have intrinsic motivation usually have a mature personality, honest, sportive, diligent, confident, and disciplined. Motivation has a role in reducing anxiety in athletes so that athletes can bring out good abilities and relatively stable increases in performance.
Self-confidence is a belief in oneself to achieve something / target that has been determined. According to Hardiyono, B. 2019, the relationship between self-confidence and achievable achievements is very close, this is also related to mental strength, where this mental strength will help determine the various actions and decisions taken by rock climbing athletes, so that the form of action taken is a representation of the ability of his mind to control activities in accordance with his wishes. Self-confidence is an ability in athletes that will help athletes in reducing the anxiety they experience before and during the match with a tone of self-confidence it will cause confidence in the abilities that have been done during training.
Gender is a set of characteristics tied to masculinity, femininity, these characteristics affect gender (male and female). In athletes’ anxiety which is influenced by gender factors because the female gender has a more unstable mood than men. This greatly affects the anxiety of athletes when competing or before competing.
Internal and external factors
Internal factors of anxiety in influential athletes are fear in themselves and excessive worry in themselves will affect conditions in increasing athlete anxiety. External factors of athlete anxiety are more about the support of opposing supporters when in the audience which affects athlete anxiety when competing. The anxiety experienced by athletes with internal and external factors is very influential on the athlete’s performance before and during the match.
Mental Toughness
Mental toughness is a measure of individual resilience and individual confidence that can predict success in sports, education, and work. The existence of mental toughness in athletes will be useful for improving athletes’ abilities in matches and in training it can also reduce anxiety in athletes and athletes will have a sense of physical and psychological resistance that is useful for their performance.
Mental Training
Mental training is a way for an athlete to increase self-confidence, motivation, and concentration when training, before the match or during the match. There are several kinds of mental training for athletes such as self talk training, self hypnosis and mental imagery training. The existence of mental training has an effect on reducing psychological mental such as anxiety and lack of confidence in athletes, with the mental training athletes will have the urge to improve their abilities from physical and mental.
Congenital Anxiety and Momentary Anxiety
Momentary anxiety is anxiety felt by athletes at a certain time, this fear occurs disproportionately in certain situations, and is only temporary. For example, before a match. Congenital anxiety is anxiety that is more persistent and spreads to various aspects of an individual’s life. Athletes have various anxieties in themselves such as those that are momentary in the match alone and there is an innate anxiety that settles in the individual as his personality.
Tribal differences in athletes have an influence on the anxiety they experience, this is because when looking at various tribes in Indonesia that are diverse, they give a sense of worry and anxiety when before the match and during the match. Because the various tribes in Indosia will bring out their character and attitude to a certain event, especially in athlete anxiety. The athletes who take part in the competition are scattered from various tribes and characters, it is also very influential on the anxiety of each athlete when before the match or competition and during the match or competition
The following is an analysis of the theories relevant to the above discussion, based on the main points:
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Theory
The theory of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation within the framework of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is highly relevant. Intrinsic motivation comes from internal drives such as pleasure or a sense of fulfilment, whereas extrinsic motivation is triggered by external factors such as rewards or recognition. Athletes with intrinsic motivation tend to have better emotional resilience in coping with pressure compared to athletes dominated by extrinsic motivation.
Self-Efficacy Theory
According to Albert Bandura, self-confidence is influenced by previous experience, observation of others (modelling), and social support. Self-confidence is also closely related to achievement, as it provides confidence in the athlete’s ability to face challenges.
Multidimensional Anxiety Theory
This theory explains that anxiety in sport consists of cognitive anxiety (negative thoughts) and somatic anxiety (physiological reactions). Athletes with high levels of cognitive anxiety will experience impaired focus and performance, while somatic anxiety has a more dynamic pattern.
Mental Toughness Theory
This theory describes mental toughness as the ability to stay focused, confident and resilient in difficult situations. describe four main aspects of mental toughness: control, commitment, challenge and confidence, which contribute to emotional stability and optimal performance.
Gender Theory and Social Psychology
Gender-related social psychology perspectives suggest that hormonal and social factors influence anxiety levels. Women often experience greater emotional fluctuations than men, which can have an effect on competitive pressure.
Socio-Cultural Factors in Sport Psychology
Ethnic and cultural differences influence athletes’ mindsets and emotional responses to certain situations. Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions can explain how athletes from different backgrounds respond to pressure and anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Theory
CBT is relevant in dealing with momentary and inbuilt anxiety. The theory focuses on how negative thought patterns can be changed to more positive ones to improve emotional control and self-confidence.
Environmental Interaction Theory and Individual Psychology
External factors such as crowd support or the atmosphere of the competition can affect an athlete’s psychological state. This shows the importance of the interaction between internal and environmental factors in creating emotional experiences.
No. | Author | Subject | Outcome |
1 | Hardiyono, Bayu. (2020) | Rock Climbing Athletes Regional Training Center (PELATDA) Pengprov Federation Rock Climbing Indoesia (FPTI) South Sumatra totaling 30 people | There are 2 factors that affect athlete anxiety, namely intrinsic and extrinsic factors. intrinsic factors are in the form of morale, competitive experience, negative thoughts, complacent thoughts, while extrinsic factors are coaches and managers, spectators, opponents, referees, infrastructure, weather. |
2 | Rahmalia, Apriliyanti, Armen, Meriani, Faridatul A’la. (2022) | The subjects in this study were all 21-year-old soccer athletes Putra Wijaya FC, totaling 25 people. | There are 2 factors that affect athlete anxiety, namely intrinsic and extrinsic factors. intrinsic factors are in the form of morale, competitive experience, negative thoughts, complacent thoughts, while extrinsic factors are coaches and managers, spectators, opponents, referees, infrastructure, weather. |
3 | Puri, Mahardika, Suripto, Agus, Widodo. (2022) | Salatiga City Judo athletes totaled 20 athletes consisting of 12 male and 8 female athletes. | There are 3 factors that affect athlete anxiety, namely somatic, anxiety in competing and athlete concentration. |
4 | Nissa, Erzha, Choiri, Soenyoto, Tommy, (2021) | The subjects of this study were 84 martial arts athletes who were divided into 8 types of martial arts. | There are 3 internal factors that affect athlete anxiety, namely mental toughness. Internal factors include innate anxiety, self-confidence, positive and negative. External factors include the sport, coach, skill level, match situation, and competition experience. |
5 | Pangestu, Muhammad, Raffi, Akbar, Wahyudi, Ahmad, Rizanul. (2021) | the research subjects were 11 holy tread martial arts athletes. | Factors that affect athlete anxiety are age and external factors such as audience support. |
6 | Hindiari, Yuandika, Wismanadi, Himawan. (2022) | Subjects amounted to15 athletes coartim | Factors that affect anxiety are emotional in athletes then physiological from athletes and cognitive. |
7 | Wahyu, Eko, Jannah, Miftakhul. (2021) | Subjects totaled 80 athletes in ukm | Factors affecting athlete anxiety are caused by gender, innate anxiety and momentary anxiety. |
8 | Darmawan, Susan, Indra, Himawan, (2021) | Subjects totaled 30 athletes | Factors that influence athlete anxiety are the mental toughness experienced by athletes and psychological factors such as worry and fear. |
9 | Seongkwan Cho, Hun, Hyuk, Choi, Youngsook Kim, 2019) | Subjects totaled 368 athletes | Mental training is something that can affect athletes’ anxiety before and during competition and gender differences also affect various anxieties in athletes. |
10 | Dzihan, Khilmi, Ayu, Nerri, Lestari, etc. (2021) | Subjects totaled 30 athletes | The factor of providing motivation is very influential on the anxiety felt by athletes in matches and before competing. |
11 | Reza, Ridza, Pratama, Nugroho, Susanto, (2023) | Subjects totaled 30 athletes | Factors in concentration before the match and during the match affect athlete anxiety and there are psychological factors that cause athlete anxiety. |
12 | Setiabudi, Agung, Danang, Ari, Santoso (2020) | Students in the Uniba cup volleyball competition | The ethnic diversity of students participating in volleyball competitions is a factor that affects athletes’ anxiety. |
13 | Ramadhani, Annisa, Amalia, Jumain (2019) | Subjects totaled 33 athletes | Intrinsic factors such as competition experience, negative feelings, feelings of self-satisfaction of technical ability. Extrinsic factors are the coach’s war, the role of the audience. This is the cause of athlete anxiety |
Anxiety is a sense of worry, fear, anxiety and distrust of one’s abilities, while athlete anxiety is fear, anxiety and fear of self when in a match before or during the match. (Seongkwan, Kim, & Choi, 2019).. sports anxiety as an athlete’s feeling that something unwanted and unpleasant will happen. anxiety is a natural disorder of feelings (affective) characterized by feelings of deep and sustained fear or concern, not experiencing a disturbance in assessing reality, personality still remains intact (not experiencing a personality rift / splitting of personality), behavior can be disturbed, but still within normal limits. Athlete anxiety is influenced by several factors in the match and before the match, namely gender, innate anxiety, misguided anxiety, motivation, mental toughness, self-confidence, and internal and external factors in the match and mental training. This sense of anxiety in athletes can affect performance in athletes when before and during the match. With the above factors it will be useful to be able to reduce or be able to prevent mental decline in athletes.
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