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The Effect of Person-Job Fit, Job Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Job Performance (Study on the Indonesian Experiential Learning Association)

  • Puguh Dwi Kuncoro
  • Martinus Parnawa Putranta
  • 3444-3454
  • Aug 26, 2024
  • Management

The Effect of Person-Job Fit, Job Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Job Performance (Study on the Indonesian Experiential Learning Association)

Puguh Dwi Kuncoro, Martinus Parnawa Putranta

Department of Management, Faculty of Business & Economics, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University


Received: 15 July 2024; Accepted: 22 July 2024; Published: 26 August 2024


The outbound activity service provider business has excellent prospects. Especially now that outbound service providers have become part of the partners of large companies to improve the quality of human resources owned by the company. This study was conducted to know the effect of person job fit on job performance through job satisfaction and self-efficacy, on instructors who are members of the Indonesian Experiential Learning Association (AELI). The research method used is descriptive quantitative with analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS), a component-based predictive model with a variance- or component-based approach. The results showed that person job fit affects job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and job performance. Job satisfaction affects job performance, self-efficacy affects job performance, person job-fit affects job performance through job satisfaction, and person job fit affects job performance through self-efficacy.

Keywords: Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Person Job Fit, Self-Efficacy


The world of tourism, which is increasingly complex and offers many services, is of particular interest to several parties, both managers and tourists (Achsa et al., 2020). One of the most popular businesses is outbound activity. Most tourists, both domestic and foreign, are very enthusiastic in enjoying this type of tourism. Outbound tourism, which is favored by various groups, offers a type of tourism that not only brings pleasure, but there are many activities in it that contain learning, cooperation, and active collaboration between participants. The interest of tourists in outbound can be addressed properly by the tour manager by further improving the instructor’s job performance so that tourists are more satisfied doing outbound activities (Prasetyo et al., 2020).

Job performance is one of the constructs that play an important role in achieving the performance of an organization (Simarmata et al., 2017). Job performance is the behavior or activities carried out by instructors when working, which are directed towards organizational goals and objectives. Job performance is an influential factor in the context of the organization. This will help managers to understand, explain and predict as well as measure and improve employee job performance in a company (Sari, 2020). Job performance relates to the individual aspects that exist within a person and according to the abilities they have when doing a task or job (Pusparani, 2021). One of the factors that influence job performance is the person-job fit that individuals have. Asmike and Setiono (2020) explained that instructors must have the ability to adjust to the work they do, because of efforts in self-adjustment, instructor performance can be seen and may increase in the process. Person-job-fit is the level of fit between individuals and certain requirements of their jobs (Hasan et al., 2021). The principle underlying person-job-fit is the instructor’s personal experience embedded in him including knowledge and emotions that contribute to performance (Saufi et al., 2020).

Person-job-fit, is not enough to simply recruit instructors, but must be based on the individual’s fit with the job, as well as the fit with the values and culture of the organization (Kodden, 2020). The importance of person-job fit is to maintain a workforce with a high commitment to the organization, comfortable at work and able to adapt to their work. This is expected to increase their competence in facing business competition that is changing very rapidly (Fatimah & Gunawan, 2023).

Building good instructor job performance, apart from understanding person-job fit, can also pay attention to job satisfaction and self-efficacy (Isnaini, 2020). Dyta (2020) defines job satisfaction as an attitude of satisfaction with the material and one’s feelings at work, as well as general attitudes. In short, job satisfaction is an emotional experience that leads to a sense of satisfaction with work, which is related to salary or wages, facilities, work environment, and so on. Factors that significantly affect instructor job satisfaction are challenging work, decent pay, a good work environment, and good interpersonal relationships between coworkers (Ayundasari et al., 2017).

Apart from job satisfaction, there is also self-efficacy which can affect job performance. Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in achieving work tasks and behaviors, which means it is not the skill itself. However, the level of individual belief whether the individual can complete work behavior with his skills, which is the core concept of social cognitive theory and directly affects individual thinking, motivation and behavior (Peng & Mao, 2014).

Outbound training activities in Indonesia are a tangible manifestation of the nation’s contribution in advancing Indonesia’s human resources in the form of experiential learning activities (Sujono et al., 2021). Experiential learning and out-of-the-box thinking are currently considered as effective learning methods (Sudarmanto et al., 2021). Therefore, many large companies or government agencies are willing to invest in this field in order to get quality and loyal human resources. This opportunity is utilized by many business actors to provide training or training activity provider services outdoors (outbound) (Pujaningtyas et al., 2019).

In the current development, outward bound or later in Indonesia better known as outbound is used as a method of individual and group management training with outdoor media packaged in the form of interactive games that are simulative, structured design and assessment of participants to develop certain skills with the main objective of improving the quality of human resources (Wardhani et al., 2020). This activity is widely used both individually and in groups. Providers of outbound training services in Indonesia are covered by a parent organization called the Indonesian Experiential Learning Association or abbreviated as AELI (Yunaida & Rosita, 2018). AELI applies Experiential Learning (EL) based learning methods in each of its outdoor activities. Experiential learning itself is a learning process using an experiential approach that participants get through four aspects, namely: 1) trainees have concrete experiences; 2) these experiences are observed and reflected; 3) experiences are abstracted, conceptualized, then generalized; and 4) generalizations are tested in new situations that lead to concrete experiences (Sepdanius et al., 2018).

In this regard, the Indonesian Experiential Learning Association (AELI) states that certification for outbound guides is absolutely necessary, because it is related to the outdoors which requires security and safety for clients (Mahriani et al., 2020). Research conducted by Liang et al. (2022) and Wijaya & jaya (2021) states that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on job performance through job satisfaction. This shows that person-job fit has a relationship with job performance which is influenced by job satisfaction intermediaries in an organization or company.

Research conducted by Choirunissa et al. (2020), Song et al. (2018), and Peng & Mao (2014) states that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on job performance through self-efficacy. This shows that person-job fit directly has a relationship with job performance in an organization or company through the intermediary variable self-efficacy. Both studies have similarities in the main variables in this study, namely: person job fit, job satisfaction, self-efficacy and job performance. In addition, the object of research in this study is also different from previous studies. Based on this background explanation, researchers are interested in further examining the relationship between person job fit, job satisfaction, self-efficacy and job performance at AELI.


The form of this research is cross sectional which is research conducted through data collection, where data is collected in only one observation or measurement (Cooper & Schindler, 2019). This study was conducted to examine the role of job satisfaction and self-efficacy in the relationship between person-job fit and job performance. The research was conducted at the Association of Experiential Learning Indonesia (AELI) which is engaged in the outbound business industry. The research was conducted on instructors who are members of AELI from December 20, 2023 to April 20, 2024. The population in this study were all instructors at various outbound businesses incorporated in AELI. In this study, sampling used Purposive Sampling technique. The specific criteria for this research sample are outbound instructors who are members of AELI with a minimum work experience of two years. The number of samples used in this study were 175 respondents.


In this study, primary data was obtained through filling out questionnaires by respondents. According to Sugiyono (2020), a questionnaire is a data collection method that is carried out by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to be answered later. The questionnaire in this study will be divided into five parts with the following details:

  1. The first section contains respondent characterization, namely identity, gender, age, education, and position.
  2. The second section contains 9 statements related to the person-job fit variable as an independent variable which refers to Kristof-Brown et al.’s research (2005).
  3. The third section contains 11 statements related to job satisfaction variables as intervening variables which refer to research (Iriani et al., 2023).
  4. The fourth section contains 8 statements related to the self-efficacy variable as an intervening variable which refers to McAuley’s (1985) research.
  5. The fifth section contains 7 statements related to job performance variables as the dependent variable which refers to the journal Demir et al., (2015).


The data that has been obtained from this research is then processed for analysis. Descriptive analysis of respondents was conducted to classify respondents based on gender, age, and latest education using SPSS software. Descriptive analysis of variables was carried out to determine the respondents’ assessment of the research variables consisting of person-job fit, job performance, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy using SPSS software. Furthermore, to analyze the influence of all research hypotheses, data analysis techniques were carried out using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) inferential statistical method. According to Hair et al. (2017), SEM works efficiently with small sample sizes, and complex models, and is practical so it does not make assumptions about the underlying data. SEM is a combination of two powerful statistical approaches, namely exploratory factor analysis and structural path analysis, which allow simultaneous assessment of the measurement model and structural model (Hair et al. 2017).


Respondent Characteristic

This study presents respondents by looking at several categories, namely gender, age, and latest education. The criteria written in the questionnaire have the aim of describing the personal circumstances of instructors who are members of AELI. Based on the data obtained in Table 1, most of the respondents were male instructors (66.3%). Almost half of the respondents were between 25 and 35 years old (46.3%). Meanwhile, more than half of the respondents had a bachelor’s degree (56.6%).

Table 1 Distribution of respondent characteristics based on gender, age, and last education

Characteristic Notes n %
Gender  Man









Age < 25 th

25 ≤ x < 35 th

35 ≤ x <45 th

≥ 45 th












Last Education  Senior High School















Description: n = number of respondents, % = percentage of respondents

Variable Characteristics

The person job fit variable consists of 9 statement items measured by the mean value of the indicators on each variable. The highest mean value is 3.43 with the statement “Matters regarding needs at work can be met properly” (Table 2). This means that person job fit related to matters related to job needs must be fulfilled properly to support operational activities while working. Meanwhile, the lowest mean value is 3.11 with the statement “I have intellectual expertise that suits my job”. This means that person job fit is related to the intellectual expertise of instructors who are members of AELI, only a few or a small proportion have suitability for the work expertise they pursue.

The job satisfaction variable consists of 11 statement items measured by the mean value of the indicators on each variable. The highest mean value is 3.55 with the statement “I am motivated to achieve achievements while working in this company” (Table 2). This means that job satisfaction is related to the motivation of instructors who are members of AELI, most of whom want to achieve high achievement or achievement at work. While the lowest mean value is 3.26 with the statement “I am willing to obey the rules in the company”. This means that job satisfaction is related to the instructor’s willingness to comply with the rules of the outbound company incorporated in AELI, it turns out that only a small proportion do so.

Table 2 Distribution of items with the highest and lowest values of each observed variable

No Variable Statement Number of Respondents’ Answers Mean
1 2 3 4 5
Highest Rated Statement
1 Person Job Fit Matters regarding needs at work can be fulfilled properly 0 33 39 97 6 3,43
2 Job Satisfaction I am motivated to achieve while working in this company. 10 27 30 72 36 3,55
3 Self Efficacy I have been successful in doing work in the outbound field 0 5 29 75 66 4,15
4 Job Performance Neglecting my duties adversely affects other colleagues 14 23 54 61 23 3,32
Lowest Rated Statement
1 Person Job Fit I have intellectual skills that suit my job 16 14 89 47 9 3,11
2 Job Satisfaction I am willing to obey the rules that exist in the company 7 36 57 54 21 3,26
3 Self Efficacy I have a strong physical condition in outbound work. 0 12 77 54 32 3,61
4 Job Performance I am aware of the responsibilities listed in my job definition 18 57 53 36 11 2,80

Description: 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree

The self-efficacy variable consists of 8 statement items measured by the mean value of the indicators on each variable. The highest mean value is 4.15 with the statement “I have been successful in doing work in the outbound field” (Table 2). This means that self-efficacy is related to the instructor’s efforts, the majority of which have been successful in doing work in the outbound field. While the lowest mean value is 3.61 with the statement “I have a strong physical condition in the field of outbound work”. This means that self-efficacy related to the instructor’s strong physical condition in the outbound field of work is only a small part that has it.

The job performance variable consists of 7 statement items measured by the mean value of the indicators on each variable. The highest mean value is 3.32 with the statement “Neglecting my duties adversely affects other colleagues” (Table 2). This means that job performance is related to the work performance of instructors who are members of AELI, with the majority stating that neglecting tasks or work can affect the performance of the team or other people in the company. While the lowest mean value is 2.80 with the statement “I realize the responsibilities listed in my job definition”. This means that job performance related to the instructor’s responsibility for his work is only a small part that realizes it.

SEM Analysis

Data analysis in SEM-PLS functions to display the model in a visual form made using a path diagram. According to Hair et al. (2019), the path diagram illustrates the hypothesis and the relationship between variables used in this study to be estimated in structural equation modeling analysis. The depiction of variables or constructs is in the form of circles or ovals and the manifest indicators of variables are rectangles. The type of relationship is represented by the direction of the arrow, both in the measurement model and the structural model.

Figure 1 Standardize solution on the proposed model using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

Figure 1 Standardize solution on the proposed model using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

According to Hair et al (2019) convergent validity is the extent to which the latent variable explains the variance of its indicators. Assessment of this validity is by carrying out an evaluation of the outer loading of the indicator. The minimum value set for outer loading is ≥ 0.7 (Hair et al, 2019). Based on Figure 1, it is known that all indicators have a value> 0.7, so the convergent validity value using the outer loading results above can be said to be valid or fulfilled.

Reliability test is measured by Cronbach alpha and composite reliability values. If the Cronbach alpha value> 0.7 and composite reliability> 0.6, the test results can be said to be reliable (Hair et al. 2019). The results obtained from these tests are described in Table 3. The test results in table 4.11 show that each variable has a Cronbach alpha value> 0.7 and composite reliability> 0.6. Thus, the reliability test conducted in this study has met the specified requirements.

Table 3 Reliability test results on observed variables

  Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability
Job Satisfaction (Z1) 0,940 0,948
Job performance (Y) 0,908 0,927
Person Job-Fit (X1) 0,955 0,962
Self-Efficacy (Z2) 0,921 0,935

Description: Cronbach alpha > 0.7 and composite reliability > 0.6

Hypothesis testing is done by looking at the original sample estimates (O) value which serves to see the direction of the influence between variables, t-statistics (T), and p-values (P) which serves to see the level of significance derived from the influence itself. The existence of a positive influence is characterized by an original sample value close to +1, then for a negative influence it is characterized by an original sample value close to -1. The effect between variables is significant characterized by the value of t-statistics> 1.98 or p-values <0.05 (significance level). Based on the results of the influence test in Table 4, it is known that all hypotheses are supported, which means that Person job-fit affects job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and job performance. Then job satisfaction also affects job performance. As well as self-efficacy which also affects job performance.

Table 4 Results of direct effect test on all hypotheses of observed variables

Path Original Sample (O) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values Notes
Person Job-Fit (X1) -> Job Satisfaction (Z1) 0,912 84,342 0,000 H1: Accepted
Person Job-Fit (X1) -> Self-Efficacy (Z2) 0,908 100,940 0,000 H2: Accepted
Person Job-Fit (X1) -> Job performance (Y) 0,103 3,550 0,000 H3: Accepted
Job Satisfaction (Z1) -> Job performance (Y) 0,726 10,431 0,000 H4: Accepted
Self-Efficacy (Z2) -> Job performance (Y) 0,166 2,086 0,037 H5: Accepted

Notes: t-statistics > 1.98 and p-values < 0.05

Meanwhile, the indirect effect test (Table 5) found that Person job-fit affects job performance through job satisfaction. Then Person job-fit also affects job performance through self-efficacy.

Table 5 Indirect effect test results on all hypotheses of observed variables

Path Original Sample (O) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values Notes
Person Job-Fit (X1) -> Job Satisfaction (Z1) -> Job performance (Y) 0,662 9,794 0,000 H6: Accepted
Person Job-Fit (X1) -> Self-Efficacy (Z2) -> Job performance (Y) 0,150 2,103 0,036 H7: Accepted

Notes: t-statistics > 1.98 and p-values < 0.05


The results of the descriptive analysis emphasize that the average respondent has a male gender with an age range of 25 ≤ x < 35 years, and the majority has an educational history as a bachelor. If we pay closer attention to the age of the instructors, it can be concluded that the millennial generation mix dominates in the outbound service business sector incorporated in AELI. This is supported by Amrozi’s research (2018) which states that the presence of the millennial generation in the field of tourism service work is currently increasing and dominating. Millennials are not afraid of being challenged, work very well in teams and are very confident (Leuwol et al., 2023).  In addition, there are also quite a lot of undergraduate graduates who dominate tourism service jobs in Indonesia today (Darsana & Wijaya, 2016).

Hypothesis 1 in this study is acceptable and in accordance with research conducted by Hasan et al. (2021), Wijaya & Jaya (2021), and Masykuroh & Muafi (2021) which state that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. People who fit their jobs tend to have good job satisfaction, this shows that person-job fit directly has a relationship with job satisfaction in an organization or company. Person-job fit is defined as the suitability of an individual for a job that is not only related to personal abilities but also the ability to do work in accordance with the assigned tasks (Lutfiyah et al., 2020). The ability to do a good job according to company regulations can lead to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction conditions will arise if the instructor likes the salary and job facilities more than other aspects such as the work environment or coworker relationships, then the instructor is said to be satisfied with his job because the instructor’s love for the job as a whole is positive (Liang et al., 2022). The relationship between person-job fit and job satisfaction is the ability and suitability of individual values that can do work in accordance with the satisfaction felt in doing work in the workplace and work environment.

Hypothesis 2 in this study can be accepted and is in accordance with research conducted by Peng & Mao (2014) which states that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy. Nugraha & Wardhani (2022) explain about person-job fit which is a form of satisfaction from individuals regarding the work they have or are doing so that they do not feel overburdened by the work they do. Meanwhile, self-efficacy can also be interpreted as an assessment of the ability to mobilize the motivation, cognitive resources, and actions needed to meet goals and situational demands (Carter et al., 2018). The relationship between person-job fit and self-efficacy is the ability and suitability of individual values that can do work in accordance with organizational directions and guidelines. This is followed by the confidence that exists in the individual in achieving results in a job optimally. Therefore, if person job-fit is associated with self-efficacy in a work achievement, it can lead to a condition of individuals who feel confident to complete the job supported by an understanding of the work performed.

Hypothesis 3 in this study is acceptable and in accordance with research conducted by Liang et al., (2022), Wijaya & Jaya (2021), and Rajper et al., (2019) which state that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on job performance. The more someone has a good person-job fit, the higher the performance that can be shown. Person-job fit is the suitability between the instructor and the job obtained, by looking at the abilities possessed by the instructor and the demands of the work assigned (Kakar et al., 2021). Job performance is a combination of abilities and traits, effort, and support which is measured through the production or work results that have been achieved by a person (Prahastiningrum et al., 2023). The significant relationship between person-job fit and job performance can be seen from the instructor’s ability to adjust individual values to do work based on the direction of the leadership and organizational guidelines, so that work results can be achieved optimally.

Hypothesis 4 in this study is acceptable and in accordance with research conducted by Wijaya & Jaya (2021) which states that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on job performance. The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is a sense of satisfaction with the work achievements that instructors have done in their work environment, so that they can achieve the work results expected by the company. A significant relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, it can be interpreted that the job satisfaction felt by the instructor to achieve good performance, this can be indicated that the things received by the instructor are in accordance with what is expected, therefore the performance can be achieved well.

Hypothesis 5 in this study is acceptable and in accordance with research conducted by Ayundasari et al. (2017) and Song, et al. (2018) which state that self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on job performance. According to Dyta (2020), self-efficacy is an individual’s belief about what he can do in a particular task and responsibility. Dama & Ogi (2018) suggest that job performance is the quality and quantity of work achieved by an instructor in carrying out tasks in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. The relationship between self-efficacy and job performance is the self-confidence possessed by individuals, so that they can do work in accordance with company directions and procedures, and are expected to achieve optimal work results.

Hypothesis 6 in this study is acceptable and in accordance with research conducted by Liang et al., (2022) which states that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on job performance through job satisfaction. Person job-fit is a way to measure how individual characteristics meet the demands of the work environment, especially for instructor jobs (Anindita, 2020). Job performance is a description of the level of achievement of task implementation in an organization, in an effort to realize the goals, objectives, mission, and vision of the organization (Bleskadit et al., 2020). Job satisfaction will arise if the instructor is in accordance with the salary and job facilities more than other aspects such as the work environment or coworker relationships, then the instructor is said to be satisfied with his job because the instructor’s love for the job as a whole is positive (Liang et al., 2022).

The relationship between person-job fit and job performance through job satisfaction is the ability and suitability of individual values that can do work in accordance with organizational directions and guidelines, and are expected to achieve optimal work results. The optimal work results can be influenced by individual job satisfaction in doing work in their environment. If there is a significant relationship between person-job fit, job satisfaction and job performance, it can be interpreted that the work fit for instructors with the company is successfully achieved, so that the job satisfaction felt by instructors can encourage the achievement of good performance and even increase, this can be indicated that the work environment, conditions and work situations can support instructors to develop. In addition, there are things that instructors receive that are in accordance with what is expected, therefore their performance can be achieved well and even increase.

Hypothesis 7 in this study is acceptable and in accordance with research conducted by Song et al., (2018) and Peng & Mao (2014) which state that person-job fit has a positive and significant effect on job performance through self-efficacy. Job performance is a result of the work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him which is based on skills, experience and seriousness and time (Zulkarnaen et al., 2018). Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in achieving a task and work behavior, which means not the skill itself, but the level of individual belief whether the individual can complete the work behavior with his skills, which is the core concept of social cognitive theory and directly affects individual thinking, motivation and behavior (Peng & Mao, 2014).


Based on the results and analysis in this study, it is concluded that Person-job fit has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. People who fit their jobs tend to have good job satisfaction, this shows that person-job fit directly has a relationship with job satisfaction in an organization or company. Then Person-job fit has a positive and significant influence on self-efficacy The relationship between person-job fit and self-efficacy is the ability and suitability of individual values that can do work in accordance with organizational directions and guidelines. This is followed by the confidence that exists in the individual in achieving results in a job optimally.

Person-job fit has a significant influence on job performance. The more someone has a good person-job fit, the higher the performance that can be shown. The significant relationship between person-job fit and job performance can be seen from the instructor’s ability to adjust individual values so that they can do work based on the direction of the leadership and organizational guidelines, and work results can be achieved optimally. Furthermore, job satisfaction has a positive influence on job performance. Self-efficacy also has a positive and significant influence on job performance. In addition, person-job fit has a positive and significant influence on job performance through job satisfaction. The relationship between person-job fit and job performance through job satisfaction is the ability and suitability of individual values that can do work in accordance with organizational directions and guidelines, and are expected to achieve optimal work results.

The last conclusion is that Person-job fit has a positive and significant influence on job performance through self-efficacy. The relationship between person-job fit and job performance through self-efficacy is the ability and suitability of individual values that can do work in accordance with organizational directions and guidelines, and are expected to achieve optimal work results. The optimal work results can be influenced by individual self-efficacy in doing their work.


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