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The Effect of TPACK Integrated Problem-Based Learning Model on Analytical and Creative Thinking Skills of the Students of Vocational High School Mitra Industri MM2100

  • Muhamad Hafidz Firdaus Priatama
  • Herminarto Sofyan
  • 2446-2450
  • Feb 11, 2025
  • Education

The Effect of TPACK Integrated Problem-Based Learning Model on Analytical and Creative Thinking Skills of the Students of Vocational High School Mitra Industri MM2100

Muhamad Hafidz Firdaus Priatama*, Herminarto Sofyan

Technical Vocational Education and Training, Yogyakarta State University

*Corresponding Author


Received: 10 January 2025; Accepted: 14 January 2025; Published: 11 February 2025


This study aims to reveal the difference in analytical and creative thinking skills between students taught with the TPACK-integrated problem-based learning (PBL) model and those taught with conventional learning models. This study uses a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design. It involves two classes: class X TSM 3 with 30 students as the experimental group and class X TSM 4 with 30 students as the control group. Data were collected using a test and analyzed using the independent t-test. The results showed significant differences in analytical and creative thinking skills between students taught with the TPACK-integrated PBL model and those taught with conventional learning models. In analytical thinking skills, the t-count value was 3.320 with a Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.002, indicating a significant difference. The experimental class had an average score of 63.667 for creative thinking skills, while the control class had 54, with a t-count value of 2.645 and Sig. (2-tailed) 0.010, also showing significant differences. Therefore, this research concludes that students taught using the TPACK-based PBL learning model have higher creative thinking and analytical abilities than students taught using the conventional learning model.

Keywords— learning model, quasi-experiment, significant differences, thinking ability, TPACK


Vocational education is an education that has a goal and focuses on preparing students from the beginning before entering the world of work and developing the skills to practice in the job they choose (Suyitno, 2020). Vocational education aims to prepare students with knowledge and skills before entering the world of work and produce skilled workers by society (Sutarna et al., 2020). Based on these goals, vocational education is expected to produce prospective workers who can adapt to the work environment and have skills relevant to industry needs (Suyitno, 2020). Based on the facts in the field, the unemployment rate at the vocational school level is increasingly worrying. Data published by the Central Statistics Agency in 2022 about the unemployment rate according to completed education stated that as many as 1,661,492 unemployed people were vocational school graduates. The data show that as many as 19.7% of the total unemployed in Indonesia are vocational school graduates. Based on a statement made by a researcher in charge of the FEB UI Demography Institute, Dwini Handayani, the cause of high unemployment at the vocational school level is the imbalance between expertise and the needs of the industrial world (Savitri, Devita, 2023). The lack of link and matching graduate qualifications with the industrial world is the cause of the limited number of graduates who are absorbed (Nuzulia, 2023). Based on the results of the study and analysis, soft skill competencies and technical competencies must be relevant to the needs of the business sector and industrial sector and the demands of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Soft skills and hard skills that must be possessed are the soul of graduates who have a leadership spirit and can master digital technology and communication and information media. Graduates must be able to control emotions and have an innovative spirit. They must also have broad insight critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The ability to understand the culture and cultural differences in society, confidence, and the ability to develop a career are also needed by vocational education graduates (Sugiarto, 2022). Based on the results of field research conducted, the critical thinking skills of vocational school students are still relatively low (Kurniawan et al., 2021). This condition is supported by the acquisition of measurement results that are still below the standard of achievement of critical thinking skills. A low level of critical thinking skills can be caused by many impactful parts, namely intrinsic and extrinsic factors in learning for students. This research was conducted by evaluating five elements of critical thinking, namely, arguments, assumptions, deductions, interpretations, and conclusions (Nanda et al, 2021). As shown by research conducted by Teguh Iman Perdana (2020), teaching models that emphasize real-world problems can help students become more creative. The average score for creative thinking skills is 78.37, with the highest score of 92 and the lowest score of 60. Results research on problem-based teaching model can help learners demonstrate higher levels of creativity. Based on the above problems, vocational school graduates do not have the skills of analytical thinking and optimal innovative thinking. Therefore, TPACK-integrated PBL learning should be used to improve creative thinking and analytical skills. Technological, psychological, and content knowledge (TPACK) is a classroom management system that combines technology to deliver teaching materials in the classroom (Wahyuningsih & Oktamarsetiyani, 2023). From this theory, it can be concluded that the TPACK-integrated problem-based teaching model is a learning approach that involves technology from every point of view and challenges learners with real problems.

Based on the results of observations in the field, students of SMK Mitra Industri MM2100 still need to improve their analytical and creative thinking skills, and they are still not fully participating in learning. This is because many teachers are still using the conventional teaching approach, such as lectures, discussions, and practice questions when teaching. The implementation of the TPACK-integrated PBL teaching model is expected to affect the student’s ability to think critically, analytically, and creatively to adapt to the needs of the 21st-century industry. In addition, it is expected that students will acquire the soft skills needed to work in the sector.


This research is experimental. It uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design of the control group design. The design of the quasi-experimental research with the control group design is shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Non-Equivalent Control Group Research Design

Population Pretest Treatment Posttest
X TSM 3 O1 X O2
X TSM 4 O3 O4

O1 and O3 are the conditions of the experimental and control classes before any treatment is given. O2 is an experimental class that has been given the treatment of the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model. Meanwhile, O4 is a control class that is not given treatment or conducts learning processes with a contemporary/previous learning model (lecture).

This research was conducted at Vocational High School (SMK) Mitra Industri MM2100 Putradarma Campus which is located at Jl. Rw. Pisang No.3, Sumberjaya, South Tambun District., Bekasi Regency, West Java with a concentration of motorcycle engineering expertise. This research was carried out from May to June 2024.

The population of this study is all class X students of SMK Mitra Industri MM2100 Putradarma, consisting of classes X TSM 1, X TSM 2, X TSM 3, and X TSM 4. Of the four X TSM classes, classes X TSM 3 and X TSM 4 were established as the sample of this study by using the simple random technique. From the two classes, random selection was carried out and class X TSM 3 was obtained as the control class and X TSM 4 as the experimental class.


This study was conducted to examine whether there is an effect of the use of the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model on the analytical and creative thinking skills of vocational school students. In this study, the researcher used two learning groups as the object of the research. Class X TSM 3, which is an experimental class, was given treatment by applying the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model in teaching and learning activities. Class X TSM 4, as the control class, is not given any special treatment and it uses the learning model that is usually carried out by teachers, namely the lecture method and doing assignments. The results showed that the analytical thinking ability of the experimental class increased significantly after the implementation of the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model. For creative thinking ability, there was also a significant effect on the experimental class after being given treatment. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis of the paired t-test technique which shows that there is a significant effect on the results of the pretest and posttest in the experimental class. The researcher also compared the results of the posttest of the two variables between the experimental class and the control class to prove the hypothesis that there was a significant difference between students who were taught using the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model and those who were taught with the conventional/previous learning model.

In analytical thinking skills, there was a big difference between the experimental and control classes. The experimental class had an average score of 63.5 for analytical ability, while the control class had an average score of 51.1 for analytical ability. This shows that the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model can significantly improve students’ analytical thinking skills. This is in line with the results of research conducted by Eva Nursa’ban, Ewisahrani, and Fathurrahmaniah in their article entitled “The Influence of PBL Models and Self Efficacy to Improve Analytical Thinking Skills” published in the journal INNOVATIVE: Journal of Social Science Research in 2024. The results of the research show that the PBL learning model can improve the analytical thinking skills of high school students (Nursa et al., 2024). In this study, PBL is carried out with the approach of integrating TPACK into the model, so that the results of the research show that TPACK-integrated PBL can improve the analytical thinking ability of vocational school students. In research conducted by Dian Aliza,, it was shown that the PBL learning model with the TPACK framework can improve analytical skills to solve problems (Pratidina & Nindiasari, 2023). The researcher also compared the results of the posttest of the two variables between the experimental class and the control class to prove the hypothesis that there was a significant difference between students taught using the TPACK-integrated problem-based learning model and students taught with the conventional learning model.

Table.2 The analytical thinking skill average score of experimental and control classes

Class Average score in analytical thinking skill
X TSM 3 63,5
X TSM 4 51,1

In analytical thinking skills, there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. In analytical ability, the experimental class had an average score of 63.5, while the control class had an average score of 51.1. This shows that the TPACK-integrated problem-based learning model can significantly improve students’ analytical thinking skills. This is in line with the results of research conducted by Eva Nursa’ban, Ewisahrani, and Fathurrahmaniah in their article entitled “The Influence of Problem-Based Learning and Self Efficacy Models to Improve Analytical Thinking Skills” published in the journal INNOVATIVE: Journal of Social Science Research in 2024. The results of the research show that the PBL learning model can improve the analytical thinking skills of high school students (Nursa et al., 2024). In this study, PBL was carried out with the approach of integrating TPACK into the model, so that the results showed that TPACK-integrated PBL could improve the analytical thinking ability of vocational school students. In research conducted by Dian Aliza,, it was shown that the PBL learning model with the TPACK framework can improve analytical skills to solve problems (Pratidina & Nindiasari, 2023).

Table 3. The creative thinking skill average score of experimental and control classes

Class Average score in creative thinking skill
X TSM 3 63,67
X TSM 4 54


Based on the results of the research “The Effect of the Use of TPACK-Integrated Problem-Based Learning Model to Improve Analytical and Creative Thinking Skills of Vocational School Students” which has been explained in the previous chapter, four conclusions can be drawn.

  1. The TPACK-integrated PBL model affects the analytical thinking ability of vocational school students. The experimental class had an average score of 63.5 while the control class had an average score of 51.1. From the difference in the average score, the experimental class that was taught by using the TPACK-integrated PBL model had a higher average score. This means that there is an effect of the TPACK-integrated PBL model on students’ analytical thinking skills in both classes.
  2. The TPACK-integrated PBL model affects the creative thinking ability of vocational school students. The experimental class had an average score of 63.667 while the control class had an average score of 54. From the difference in the average score, the experimental class that was taught by using the TPACK-integrated PBL model had a higher average score. This means that there is an effect of the TPACK-integrated PBL model on students’ creative thinking skills in both classes.
  3. There was a difference in analytical thinking skills between the experimental class that was taught by using the TPACK-integrated PBL learning model and the control class that was taught by using the conventional learning model. This is evidenced by the average post-test scores of the two classes. The results of the t-test showed a t-count of 3.320 > a t-table of 2.002 and a Sig. (2-tailed) number of 0.002. This means that there is a significant difference between the learning outcomes of students in the control class and those in the experimental class.
  4. There is a difference in creative thinking skills between the experimental class that was taught by using the TPACK-integrated PBL model TPACK and the control class that was taught by using the conventional learning model. The posttest results of the experimental class had an average score of 63.667, while the control class had an average score of 54. The results of the statistical test using the independent t-test statistical technique showed a t-count of 2.645 > a t-table of 2.002, and the Sig. (2-tailed) figure is 0.010. This shows that there is a significant difference between the students of the experimental class and the control class. The experimental class had higher creative thinking skills when compared to the control class.


This research was conducted at SMK Mitra Industri MM2100 Putradarma Campus which is located at Jl. Rw. Pisang No.3, Sumberjaya, South Tambun District., Bekasi Regency, West Java with a concentration of Motorcycle Engineering expertise. This research was carried out for one month from May to June 2024.

For subsequent research, it should include a wide range of students from all grades and a sample of several schools. In order to ensure that the results of the research are widely applicable in the scope of education.


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