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Submission Deadline-20th July 2024
Special Issue of Education: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

The Influence of Study Habits and Attitudes to the Academic Performance of Junior High School Students: A Correlational Study

  • Labrador, Raniere Kervin M
  • Lumaad, Mikaela Izabelle A
  • Amihan, Sophia M
  • Balaba, Keziah S.
  • Diagoso, Samantha Bea N
  • Fernandez, Nelsony M
  • Gildore, Krishna T
  • Gumban, Adrian B.
  • Pelandas, Angel Mae G
  • Sana, Cristine Joy A
  • Selegencia, Peter July T
  • Krystal Joy M. Clamares
  • Anna Marie O. Pelandas
  • 2116-2129
  • May 18, 2024
  • Education

The Influence of Study Habits and Attitudes to the Academic Performance of Junior High School Students: A Correlational Study

Labrador, Raniere Kervin M1., Lumaad, Mikaela Izabelle A1., Amihan, Sophia M1., Balaba, Keziah S.1, Diagoso, Samantha Bea N.1, Fernandez, Nelsony M1., Gildore, Krishna T1, Gumban, Adrian B.1, Pelandas, Angel Mae G.1, Sana, Cristine Joy A1., Selegencia, Peter July T1., Krystal Joy M. Clamares, PhD2., Anna Marie O. Pelandas, MAEd2

1Department of Education, Senior High School Students, Philippines

2Department of Education, Senior High School Teachers Division of Davao de Oro, Philippines


Received: 26 April  2024; Revised: 08 May 2024 ; Accepted: 10 May 2024; Published: 18 May 2024


This study explored the influence of study habits and attitudes on the academic performance of junior high school students Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. The study also aimed to determine the level of study habits and study attitudes in terms of their respective indicators, determine the significant relationship between the variables, and determine what domains of study habits and attitudes influenced their academic performance. This study utilized a quantitative, non-experimental correlational design with 305 respondents among junior high school students. The average weighted mean, Pearson R, and multiple regression analysis were the statistical tools used in this study. The results of the study showed a high level of study habits among junior high school students in terms of budgeting time, taking examinations, reading ability, note-taking, and memory. In addition, the results showed a high level of study attitudes in the junior high school students regarding self-confidence, perception, motivation, and enjoyment. Furthermore, the study observed a high correlation and a significant relationship between study habits and attitudes. This led to the rejection of the null hypothesis. Lastly, all domains of study habits and attitudes showed high ratings as perceived by students.

Keywords: STEM, Study Habits, Study Attitudes, Academic Performance, Philippines


In the United States, there were ongoing concerns about declining academic performance and achievement gaps among students (Bouchrika, 2024). Students often faced challenges like feeling overwhelmed, struggling with sleep, skipping classes, managing social and academic life, and dealing with procrastination, which hindered their academic performance and prospects in the workplace (Christian, 2021). Public schools in Pakistan struggled with the student’s academic performance which not only affected their self-esteem, causing distress and ultimately leading to dropout, but academic performance was influenced by personal and family factors such as socioeconomic status, study attitudes, class attendance, high school grades, and academic self-confidence, in addition to factors like teaching quality, study habits, family size, and parental engagement (Tadese et al., 2022).

 Academic performance on a global scale was a topic of concern that has garnered significant attention in recent years (Al-Tameemi et al., 2023). It is widely recognized that various factors, including educational systems, socio-economic disparities, and cultural influences, contributed to the variations in academic outcomes among nations (Alsaad et al., 2023).

In the Philippines, one of the key issues in any educational institution is poor study habits among pupils (Aquino, 2019). Study habits were presumed to be a promising indicator of students’ scholastic standing and academic success (Salva et al., 2022). Moreover, good study skills increase aspects of one’s attitude such as confidence, competence, and self-esteem, and reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines (Orb, 2023). The academic performance problem, a study in St. Paul, Bulacan found that study habits gave rise to positive results in students’ study attitudes (Tus, 2023).

Research in Davao conducted by Alipio (2020) stated that many students have experienced a decrease in their performance in school due to having little to no motivation to learn and a high level of external locus of control. Moreover, Capuno et al. (2019) found that students who reported high levels of stress and anxiety were more likely to adopt unhealthy study habits, leading to poorer academic performance. In contrast, llandelar et al. (2021) emphasized the positive correlation between students’ time management skills and academic success and highlighted the importance of effective planning. Moreover, in the locality of Mawab, many students frequently engaged in procrastination that resulted in cramming and sacrificing the quality of their study for time ultimately leading to a poor acquisition of knowledge and an impact on their grades. This poor time management behavior is typically caused by a negative view of certain topics being taught to them or the task given to them, which greatly amplifies their demotivation to aim high for their performance.

Research Objectives

1.To determine the level of study habits on junior high school students in terms of:

1.1 budgeting time;

1.2 taking examinations;

1.3 Reading ability;

1.4 note taking; and

1.5 memory.

2.To determine the level of study attitudes of junior high school students in terms of:

2.1 self confidence;

2.2 perception;

2.3 Motivation; and

2.4 enjoyment.

3.To determine the level of academic performance of junior high school students in terms of:

3.1 perceived academic competence;

3.2 learning goal orientation; and

3.3 performance goal orientation.

  1. To determine the significant relationship between students’ attitudes and academic performance among junior high school students.
  2. To determine the significant relationship between study habits and academic performance among junior high school students.
  3. To determine which domains in attitude influence academic performance.
  4. To determine which domains in student study habits influence academic performance.


As indicated by the study of Jafari (2019), study habits and the academic performance of junior high school students has a strong positive correlation. Effective study habits played a pivotal role in improving academic outcomes and fostered a positive attitude toward learning (Coursera, 2023). Additionally, these study habits had a broader impact, encompassing budgeting time management, exam preparation, reading skills, note-taking, and memory retention, which cultivated a positive educational attitude, nurture intrinsic motivation, and elevate the students’ overall learning journey (Tong, et al., 2022). Consequently, assessing and nurturing effective study habits became indispensable in helping students realize their academic potential, as underscored by Intania & and Sutama (2020).

This research study emphasized the vital nature of the connection between a student’s attitude and academic performance that are intricately linked to a dynamic interaction between self-confidence, perception, motivation, and enjoyment (Vu, et al., 2022).Study attitude exerts a profound influence on academic performance, a positive study attitude foster academic achievements (Zaman, 2023). Students who maintain a constructive study attitude tend to display higher levels of motivation, resilience, and a willingness to confront academic challenges (Wang et al. 2021).

Moreover, Partovi’s research (2019) shedded light on the direct impact of developing positive attitudes toward studying on academic performance. It was observed that students who exhibited a positive attitude toward their studies tend to excel in their academic pursuits and achieve better outcomes (Micari & Pazos, 2021). Conversely, students with poor study habits and negative attitudes toward learning, as highlighted by Rowell (2021), often encountered hurdles in attaining their academic goals. This further reinforced the strong correlation between study habits, study attitudes and academic performance within the context of this research study. Interconnected domains of study habits, study attitude, and their influence on academic achievements reinforced a strong correlation and was pivotal in guiding students on their educational journey toward success (Chen, et al., 2023).

The preceding presentations and discussions of various literature significantly help and bring focus to the importance of study habits and attitude in academic performance. The cited literature also assisted the researchers in recognizing that study habits and attitudes have a significant relationship that influences the academic performance of junior high school students at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School in the future.


This study employed a quantitative, non-experimental research approach, employing a correlation technique. This method was chosen to describe the current state of the situation during the study and investigate the factors contributing to a specific phenomenon. Correlation research involves gathering data to assess whether a measurable relationship exists between three variables. It aims to determine the strength and direction of this relationship but doesn’t establish causation (Gay et al., 2006).

This survey used a stratified and simple random sampling method and was centered on obtaining quantitative data about the phenomenon. The quantitative component entailed designing an appropriate questionnaire for the target respondents to answer the questions. The data collection process was centered on the utilization of this questionnaire. The focus of the study was to determine how study habits and study attitudes affect the academic performance among junior high school students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Population and Sample

Stratified and simple random sampling was used in the selection of the respondents. The subjects of the study were the 1,475 junior high school students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. Most behavioral research should use a sample size of at least 30 and no more than 500, as bigger sizes might result in Type II errors (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). They are the ideal respondents for this study because they engage in different study habits and attitudes in learning. A sample size calculator software, developed by Raosoft, was used to determine the appropriate sample size. Stratified sampling was then used to divide the determined sample size among the four grade levels, and simple random sampling was used to randomly select the participants at each grade level. The respondents could withdraw anytime if they feel threatened by the conduct of the study. There were 346 total population and 72 respondents from grade level A, 391 total population and 81 respondents from grade level B, 433 total population and 89 respondents from grade level C, and 305 total population and 663 respondents from grade level D.

Statistical Tool

The following statistical tools were utilized for the data analysis and interpretation.

Mean. This statistical tool was used to attain the multi-variant variables of study habits and study attitudes to the academic performance among Junior High School Students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Pearson (r). This statistical tool was used to determine the significance of the relationship between study habits and study attitude to the academic performance among Junior High School Students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Multiple regression analysis. This statistical tool was used to determine the influence of study attitude and study habits on the academic performance among Junior High School Students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.


Level of Study Habits

Table 1 shows the level of Study habits among Junior High School students in terms of budgeting time, taking examinations, reading ability, note taking, and memory. The overall mean is 3.80 described as high with a standard deviation of 0.70. The high level could be attributed to the high ratings given by the respondents. This implies that the respondent’s responses to the level of academic performance are positive in terms of budgeting time, taking examinations, reading ability, note taking, and memory. And enhancing these habits can positively influence academic performance (Rayo et al., 2020).

The cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 3.96 or high for taking examinations with a standard deviation of 0.66; 3.88 or high for note taking with a standard deviation of 0.71; 3.85 or high for memory with a standard deviation of 0.66; 3.81 or high for budgeting time with a standard deviation of 0.69; and 3.51 or high for reading ability with a standard deviation of 0.78.

Table 1. Level of Study habits

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive Equivalent
Budgeting time 3.81 0.69 High
Taking examinations 3.96 0.66 High
Reading ability 3.51 0.78 High
Note taking 3.88 0.71 High
Memory 3.85 0.66 High
Overall 3.80 0.70 High

Level of Study Attitudes

Table 2 presents the mean scores of study attitudes as perceived by the Junior High School students in terms of self-confidence, perception, motivation, and enjoyment. The overall mean is 3.80 with a verbal equivalent of high with a standard deviation of 0.73. This indicates that the respondents’ responses to the level of study attitudes are very much positive in terms of self-confidence, perception, motivation, and enjoyment. These positive traits fostered deeper engagement with studies, resulting in improved academic outcomes (Kim, et al, 2019).

The cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 3.85 or high for motivation with a standard deviation of 0.74; 3.83 or high for perception with a standard deviation of 0.70; 3.79 or high for self-confidence with a standard deviation of 0.67; and 3.74 or high for enjoyment with a standard deviation of 0.81.

Table 2. Level of Study Attitude

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive Equivalent
Self-confidence 3.79 0.67 High
Perception 3.83 0.70 High
Motivation 3.85 0.74 High
Enjoyment 3.74 0.81 High
Overall 3.80 0.73 High

Level of Academic Performance

Table 3 presents the mean scores of academic performance of Junior High School students in terms of perceived academic competence, learning goal orientation, and performance goal orientation. The overall mean is 3.85 with a descriptive equivalent of high with a standard deviation of 0.70.

This indicates that the respondents’ responses to the level of academic performance are very much positive in terms of perceived academic competence, learning goal orientation, and performance goal orientation. The outstanding academic performance observed among senior high school students highlights the importance of addressing variables such as academic competence and learning goal orientation to further enhance their educational outcomes (Tus, 2020).

The cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 3.97 or high for performance goal orientation with a standard deviation of 0.69; 3.93 or high for learning goal orientation with a standard deviation of 0.72; and 3.64 or high for perceived academic competence with a standard deviation of 0.70.

Table 3. Level of Students’ Learning Engagement

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive Equivalent
Perceived academic competence 3.64 0.70 High
Learning goal orientation 3.93 0.72 High
Performance goal orientation 3.97 0.69 High
Overall 3.85 0.70 High

Significance on the Relationship Between Study Habits and Academic Performance 

One crucial purpose of this study is to determine whether or not study habits have a significant relationship with academic performance among Junior High School students. Pearson’s r was used to determine the correlation between the two variables.

Likewise, the results revealed that study habits and academic performance do have a significant relationship. This result is due to a p-value of <.001, which is less than the 0.05 p-value. Hence, this leads to the decision that the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between study habits and academic performance among Junior High School students is rejected. Moreover, Pearson’s R value which is 0.706 further means that there is a high correlation between study habits and academic performance. Likewise, according to Kwakye (2020), although the studies evaluated were done in various contexts with diverse groups of students, the findings demonstrated that students’ study habits have a considerable impact on their academic success.

Significant Relationship Between Study Attitudes and Academic Performance

Another crucial purpose of this study is to determine whether or not Study Attitudes have a significant relationship with Academic Performance among Junior High School students. Pearson’s r was used to determine the correlation between the two variables.

Likewise, the results revealed that study habits and academic performance have a significant relationship. This result is due to a p-value of <.001, which is less than the 0.05 p-value. Hence, this leads to the decision that the null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant relationship between study attitudes and academic performance among Junior High School students is rejected. Moreover, Pearson’s R value which is 0.750 further means that there is a high correlation between study attitudes and academic performance. Likewise, according to Alhadabi and Karpinski (2020), academic performance are influenced by personal attributes like motivation and self-efficacy.

Multiple Regression Analysis on the Influence of Study Habits and Academic Performance

Using the Multiple Regression Analysis, the data revealed that the influence of study habits and academic performance among Junior High School students has an f-value of 61.970 and a corresponding significance p-value of <0.001 which was significant.

This means that the level of study habits influences the academic performance among Junior High School students since the probability is less than 0.05. The R square of 0.509 implies that 50.9% of the academic performance among Junior High School students is influenced by the level of study habits, while 49.1% remaining were not covered by the study and are influenced by other factors.

Multiple Regression Analysis of the Influence of Study Attitudes on Academic Performance

Using the Multiple Regression Analysis, the data revealed that the influence of study attitudes and academic performance among Junior High School students has an f-value of 101.581 and a corresponding significance p-value of <0.001 which was significant.

This means that the level of study attitudes influences the academic performance among Junior High School students since the probability is less than 0.05. The R square of 0.575 implies that 57.5% of the academic performance of Junior High School students is influenced by the level of study attitudes, while 42.5% remaining were not covered by the study and is influenced by other factors.


Level of Study Habits

The findings of our study revealed that the junior high school student’s level of study habits is high, this means that the result of our research conducted at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School was positive. The students’ ways and strategies to make a more effective and efficient learning experience to achieve great performance are evident. This study aligns with the study of Amri (2019), which states that study habits are one of the numerous elements that go into the learning process for students, and this crucial element has the power to affect students’ success in their academic studies. Additionally, this skill is also described as any action that makes it easier to understand certain topics, work through a problem set, or memorize all or any of the information offered (Jafari et al., 2019). According to Tus (2023), a student’s success hinges on their abilities, intelligence, and actions, with effective study habits such as completing homework, active class participation, time management, focus, and hard work demonstrating a notable positive impact on academic performance. To conclude, the students care about their grades, and they make an effort through habits that aid their studies. In regards to note-taking, it’s noteworthy to observe that students consistently engage with a commendable level of activity and enthusiasm. This heightened involvement is indicative of their proactive approach towards assimilating information, actively participating in the learning process, and striving to comprehend the subject matter more comprehensively. The diligence and energy invested in the act of taking notes underscore the students’ commitment to acquiring knowledge and maximizing their understanding of the academic material.

Level of Study Attitude

In the previous chapter, a significant elevation in the study attitudes of junior high school students was observed as high, indicating a strong inclination towards academic pursuits. This positive background lays the groundwork for comprehending the profound impact study attitudes can exert on academic performance. Expanding on this groundwork, Zaman (2023) meticulously explores the pivotal role played by positive study attitudes, shedding light on their catalyzing effect on student success, he not only emphasizes the significance of positive study attitudes but also underscores the connection between fostering such attitudes and the potential for academic achievement, revealing a symbiotic relationship. The insights provided by Wang (2021) highlight those students who maintain a constructive study attitude tend to display higher levels of motivation, resilience, and a willingness to confront academic challenges.

Furthermore, in motivation, a robust level of study attitude, as emphasized by Steinmayr et al. (2019), emerges as a pivotal determinant of academic success, encompassing motivational beliefs, task values, goals, and achievement motives. The emphasis on motivation underscores that motivated students, as illustrated by Milacci (2019), exhibit improved concentration, resilience, and goal-driven behaviors, showcasing their ability to stay focused, take initiative, and independently plan their education. These interconnected perspectives of motivation and study attitude, as presented by these scholars, reinforce the profound significance of fostering a positive study attitude for achieving sustained academic success in practical research endeavors. This aligns with the foundational understanding of the impact of study attitudes on academic performance.

Level of Academic Performance

The academic performance at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is commendable, as indicated by our research among junior high school students. The positive results suggest that many students demonstrate high proficiency and that their academic performance has been consistently praised as exceptionally strong. This proficiency is expected to contribute to their successful transition to senior high school. The findings of this study align with Husaini and Shukor’s (2023) assertion that academic performance refers to a student’s achievements in various educational activities, such as exams, coursework, and other assessments, it encompasses grades, test scores, and overall success in academic pursuits. Additionally, academic performance is a multidimensional construct encompassing knowledge, skills, and persistence (Masud et al., 2019).

Moreover, the definition of academic performance evolved to encompass various dimensions beyond academic achievement (Shaheen, 2023). Also, Liem (2019) highlights the importance of assessment methods in comprehending and enhancing academic performance. This indicates that a student’s performance in academics can be complex and requires effort to understand, despite that, it is still a necessary process to address issues within it and boost their performance in school. A follow-up study by Bekkerin (2022) emphasized the positive influence of class participation on student performance. Additionally, academic achievement has been closely associated with student-peer relationships (Yu et al., 2023). Finally, citation behaviors have been associated with academic success (Atkinson & Thornton, 2022).

Significant Relationship Between Study Habits and Academic Performance

The study establishes a significant link between study habits and academic performance among junior high school students, emphasizing the deliberate cultivation of effective study habits for heightened performance and accelerated goal achievement. Building on this foundation, Dierking’s Learning theory (1991) underscores the diverse methods of studying such as note-taking, reading, examinations, and time budgeting as a crucial asset to learning. The theory also suggests that effective memory strategies across sensory modalities enhance overall learning success. Good study habits can be learned and developed by everyone, and it makes learning more fruitful, efficient, and pleasurable (Coursera, 2023). However, there are also bad study habits. There are bad habits that only cause damage to the learning experience of students (Powell, 2020). As a result, according to Alcontin (2021), one must make intelligent choices when it comes to their study habits because they play a significant role in deciding their future. Finally, the process of developing good study habits lasts a lifetime, and since people are always learning throughout their lives, it is a process that takes years to develop (Bhagat & Wadhawan, 2021).

Furthermore, by deliberately cultivating effective study techniques and learning tactics, you will be able to stay motivated and accomplish your objectives more quickly and effectively (Orb, 2023). These abilities can and should be taught and learned, hence it is advised that education professionals, such as university lecturers and professors, start by introducing students to appropriate study habits or abilities (Sasi & Hsu, 2020). Additionally, Drew (2023) adds to this by stating that a regular and consistent study routine and strategy will improve academic achievement. In a nutshell, study habits undeniably do have a significant role in a student’s academic performance and can sometimes even become a deciding factor, and this can be significantly improved by developing these study habits and creating strategies.

Significance of the Relationship Between Study Attitudes and Academic Performance        

The results of this study pointed out the significant relationship between study attitude and academic performance of the students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. The findings of this study align with Ford’s (1992) Motivational Theory, this theory proposes that goal-setting, self-efficacy, and positive emotions interact to provide motivation which contributes to their study attitudes. This highlights the major role of the student’s attitude and views towards studying in their ability to learn and overall performance. Moreover, Burbage et al. (2023) also state that study attitude serves as the lens through which individuals interpret and make sense of their environment, significantly influencing how students engage with learning experiences and respond to challenges. It encompasses their interpretations of the relevance, engagement, and effectiveness of these elements in the learning process (Mao et al., 2021). All in all, perception involves how students view their learning environment, academic subjects, and instructional methods (Aljaraideh et al., 2019). Since learning and studying is a mind’s effort, it is recommended to have a well-prepared mind and controlled emotions.

Additionally, it is aligned with the statement of (Zaman, 2023), that study attitude exerts a profound influence on academic performance, with a positive study attitude catalyzing student success. Furthermore, Paul-Mgbeafulike (2023) highlights the intricate connection between a positive study attitude and sustained academic progress. Successful learners view the learning process as an enriching journey rather than an arduous task, fostering perseverance in the face of difficulties (Chan et al, 2023). This positive view is one of the primary causes of their success. To conclude, the student’s attitude towards studying always comes along with them in their academic journey, and this can greatly influence not only the difficulty of the journey but also how much they gain from it. Hence, it is necessary not only to have a positive and flexible learning mindset but also to maintain it, to gain consistent progress and achieve a great academic performance.

Multiple Regression Analysis on the Influence of Study Habits on Academic Performance

The results of the regression analysis demonstrate a significant impact of study habits on the academic performance of Junior High School students. The respondents gave a high rating to all the domains, indicating positive responses in areas such as budgeting time, taking examinations, reading ability, note taking, and memory. Furthermore, a study anchored by Orb (2023) indicates that by deliberately cultivating effective study techniques and employing prudent time management, students can stay motivated and achieve their goals more efficiently. Budgeting time assists students in breaking down their academic workload into manageable pieces and allocating specific time for each task (Timeular, 2022). In a nutshell, the ability to organize daily activities and make sure that the limited time is spent productively is crucial for academic success.

In terms of taking examinations, it can alter the results and performance of a student in class just by doing adequate preparation. The preparation can reduce stress and boost the child’s confidence, ultimately resulting in improved exam performance, making it less stressful than last-minute cramming (Hanoi, 2023). Moreover, successful students begin their day with a nutritious breakfast, allow ample time for reaching the exam venue, and ensure they have all essential items, such as pencils, pens, a calculator, water, and tissues (Yang, 2020).

Multiple Regression Analysis on the Influence of Study Attitudes on Academic Performance

The regression analysis investigating the influence of study attitudes on academic performance among junior high school students reveals a significant correlation. Factors such as self-confidence, perception, motivation, and enjoyment play a significant role, indicating that fostering positive attitudes in students is key to boosting their academic performance.

According to research conducted by Zaman (2023), study attitude profoundly influences academic performance, with a positive study attitude catalyzing student success. Self-confidence has an impact on how well students learn (Hasan et al., 2020). As anchored by Al-Haddad et al., (2022) self-confidence can boost students’ academic performance. In essence, self-confidence catalyzes learning as it encourages a positive attitude towards learning, fosters resilience in the face of academic challenges, and ultimately, contributes to improved academic performance.

On the other hand, perception involves how students view their learning environment, academic subjects, and instructional methods (Aljaraideh et al., 2019). In a study noted by Meral (2019), students’ attitudes on perception showed how students perceived and interpreted their own educational experiences to attain academic success. Positive perception fostered deeper engagement with studies, resulting in improved academic outcomes (Kim, et al, 2019).


Conclusions are drawn based on the results of the study. The findings of this study revealed that the Junior High School Students’ level of study habits is high, which means that the result of our research conducted at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School was positive. The students’ ways and strategies to make a more effective and efficient learning experience to achieve great performance are evident. In the previous chapter, a significant elevation in the study attitudes of Junior High School students was observed as high, indicating a strong inclination towards academic pursuits. This positive background lays the groundwork for comprehending the profound impact study attitudes can exert on academic performance. Moreover, the academic performance at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is commendable, as indicated by our research among Junior High School Students. The positive results suggest that many students demonstrate high proficiency and that their academic performance has been consistently praised as exceptionally strong. The study establishes a significant link between study habits and academic performance among Junior High School students, emphasizing the deliberate cultivation of effective study habits for heightened performance and accelerated goal achievement. Furthermore, study attitude exerts a profound influence on academic performance with a positive study attitude catalyzing student success. Self-confidence is an individual’s attitude about their aptitudes and skills.

These results, in contrast to expectations, emphasize the value of productive study habits in raising academic achievement. Students can stay motivated and accomplish their goals more quickly by purposefully developing efficient study and learning strategies. Furthermore, several characteristics, including enjoyment, motivation, self-confidence, and perception, are important, suggesting that encouraging students to have a positive outlook is essential to improving their academic success. Academic achievement is significantly impacted by study attitude, with a favorable study attitude accelerating student progress.


The Department of Education (DepEd) officials may develop and adapt new versatile teaching methodologies to assist students in developing positive habits and attitudes. Alternatively, they could employ the best academic performance of each student and foster a stable educational setting by providing teachers with sufficient learning materials. It is also recommended that DepEd authorities develop a proposal that will promote the effective use of school libraries and ICT laboratories, in addition to providing students with the space and instructional materials they need. It’s also advised that educational programs, counseling, and extracurricular activities be implemented in schools. Workshops and enrichment contests can help students maintain their motivation and positive learning attitudes, while conferences and seminars can help teachers strengthen their teaching skills. In addition, relationships between teachers and students can be developed to create a positive learning environment. Lastly, future research could further investigate the relationship between a student’s academic performance and study habits and attitudes to foster new perspectives and acknowledge deeper understanding in educational endeavors.


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