The Perception of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Organizational Support among Extension Workers in Nigeria.
- Grace Emmanuel
- Dalibu Bakari
- Baraya Sunday Gideon
- 757-763
- Oct 3, 2023
- Information Communication Technologies
The Perception of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Organizational Support among Extension Workers in Nigeria.
*Grace Emmanuel, Dalibu Bakari & Baraya Sunday Gideon
Department of Agricultural economics and extension, Faculty of Agriculture Taraba State University , Taraba State, Nigeria .
*Corresponding Author
Received: 29 August 2023; Accepted: 02 September 2023; Published: 03 October 2023
The study assesses the perception of ICTs and organizational support among extension workers in North central Nigeria. Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire to 291 respondents, simple random sampling method was employed. Mean, frequency, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and Multi-linear regression were used for data analysis. Findings reveal a moderate level of ICTs training, high level of ICTs application and moderate level of Perceived organizational support. Based on result from the Bivariate correlation, the result revealed a positive and significant correlation between ICTs application (r=0.309) and job performance at P<0.01. The findings indicated that, among all the variables used in the multi linear regression based on the stepwise method ICTs training, work experiences explained 37%, 58% respectively Quantity work while only about 47% ICTs training and 48% perceived organizational support explained Quality of work. ICTs training and Perceived organizational support was also able to explained 43% and 45% Speed of work respectively.
Keywords: Information communication technologies, training, utilization, perceived organizational support, extension workers, and job performances
The world is said to be a global village due to the exploitation in information and communication technologies (ICT). ICT refers to as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information. These technological tools and resources include computers, the internet (websites, blogs and emails), live broadcasting technologies (radio, television, webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio and video players and storage devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, visio /video-conferencing, etc.) UNESCO (2017). It has become a game changer in boosting productivity and efficiency in different fields of knowledge especially Agriculture. Wolfert et al., (2017) observed that technological advancement in the area of digital platforms such as e-commerce, agro-advisory apps, big data, computational power, and satellite systems like remote sensing, among others, quicken communication and information sharing among farmers in recent years. ICT has the potential to increase the capacity of farmers to meets demands through collective learning, sharing time-sensitive information such as market prices, disease outbreak, improving effectiveness of extension programs and structures, involving farmers in assessing their own needs, promoting brainstorming by multiple stakeholders, creating innovative technologies for development, promoting business and credibility (Mustapha et al.,2022).
For ICT-based extension to be effective, both the general public and extension personnel have to be competent in using technology (Hamernik and Crosby, 2015). According to Vijayraghavan and Singh (2005) development of requisite competencies amongst the extension workforce within extension organizations is directly linked to training of extension personnel. Furthermore, Madukwe (2006) opined that the increased use of information and communication technologies in extension requires continuous training of personnel of extension service delivery in any country. Training constitutes a basic concept in human resource development. Training has to do with developing a particular skill to a desired level through instructions and practice. Therefore, in the context of this study ICT Training means the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an extension agent about ICT.
Problem Statement
The rate at which ICT application is increasing in every sector of the world has triggered the development of variety of ICT applications in the Agriculture sector to aid effective and timely access to information by farmers, extension agents and other players within the sector. According to Anh et al.,(2019), ICT Applications have the potential to identify and find solutions to some of the numerous problems faced in the field of Agriculture, which includes prolonged droughts, pest and diseases outbreaks, seasonality and spatial dispersions of farming; high transaction costs and information asymmetry.
Employers-Employee’ relationship is a critical factor that determines the conduciveness and harmony of a working environment. The manner employees interpret how an organization values them may be vital for determining their attitudes benefiting the organization (Baheshtifar and Zare 2012). One gauge of this relationship is expressed in Perceived Organizational Support (POS). POS is the degree to which employees perceives the organization cares about their well-being and values their contribution (Robbins et al., 2018). When workers sense support and compassion from association, they will then put forth an effort to help attain organization goals. A satisfied employee finds his/her job less stressful, regularly attends work, is committed to the organization, readily engages in prosocial behaviors, does not consider leaving his/her job, and likely to have improved job performance (Kreitner et al., 2002)
One underlying factor that keeps affecting agricultural development in Nigeria is availability and accessibility of competent extension workers. This is because they are the bridge between the farmers and research institutes, Government, policies makers and other key players in the sector. In advanced food sufficient countries, agricultural extension is seen as the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education. The world and its environment are changing which implies that extension workers must also change in tandem with these developments by gaining requisite knowledge and skills on how to use modern ICTs. The need to train the extension workers on ICT cannot be over-stated. According to Yakubu et al., (2013), the benefits of ICT were not fully utilized due to poor training among others. There is also the need to evaluate how the extension workers view the organization support available to them. This study intends to assess level ICT Training and Application and Perceived Organizational Support among extension workers in North Central States in Nigeria.
For the purpose of this study, random sampling method was employed. The total population of agricultural extension workers (1,279) that was obtained in the four States of north central Nigeria will stand an equal chance to be drawn as the sample size. A proportion of 22.7% will be drawn from the total population of agricultural extension workers selected from each of the four State in the north central Nigeria. The selection will be based on the standard recommended by Toluhi, I. O (2001), who reported that, a selection between 10 to 30% of the population could be use in selection of sample size from target population. The following are the objectives of the study;
- to examine the level of ICTs training, application and perceived organizational support
- to determine the relationship between level of ICTs application (IVs) and job performances among the extension workers.
- to identify the extent to which ICTs training, explain the variance in each dimension of job performance.
Table 1: Population and Sample Size of the Respondents
State | Total Population Size | Sampling |
Plateau | 305 | 69 |
Benue | 427 | 97 |
Nasarawa | 289 | 66 |
Abuja | 259 | 59 |
Total | 1,280 | 291 |
Sources: The population size of Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) Plateau, Benue, Nasarawa and Abuja (2020).
ICTs training Profiles
This section presented and was able to discussed the levels of ICTs training profile. The constructs were measured on 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1-5. In the study the mean level of 1 to 2.33 were considered low, 2.34 to 3.66 were regarded as moderate and whereas 3.67 to 5 were considered high. of Agricultural extension workers in South central Nigeria had been determined using frequency and percentage. The results are presented on the Tables 2 below.
Table 2: ICTs training Profiles
Level | Frequency | Percentage | Mean | St.D |
Low 1-2.33 | 1 | 0.3 | 2.33 | 0.477 |
Moderate 2.34-3.66 | 194 | 66.7 | ||
High 3.67-5.00 | 96 | 33 | ||
TOTAL | 291 | 100 |
Source: Field Survey 2022
The descriptive analysis on the ICTs training of agricultural extension workers on Table 4.2 showed that the total average mean score is 2.33 and average standard deviation of 0 .477. Out of the total number of 291 respondents, 1 (.3) were in low level, 194 (66.7) were in their moderate level and 96 (33.0) were in their high level. This implies that majority of the respondents were at the moderate level of ICTs training. Therefore, they need more training to enable them obtained additional skills in order to achieve high level of training to efficiently carry out their duty. The result corresponds to the findings of Nyarko and Kozári, (2021).
ICTs application profile
This section presents and discussed the levels of ICTs application profile. The constructs were measured on 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1-5. In the study the mean level of 1 to 2.33 were considered low, 2.34 to 3.66 were regarded as moderate and whereas 3.67 to 5 were considered high. The respondents had been determined using frequency and percentage. The results are presented on the Tables 3 below.
Table 3: ICTs application profile
Level | Frequency | Percentage | Mean | St.D | |
Low 1-2.33 | 32 | 10.9 | 3.68 | 0.88 | |
Moderate 2.34-3.66 | 79 | 27.2 | |||
High 3.67-5.00 | 180 | 61.9 | |||
TOTAL | 291 | 100 |
Source: Field Survey 2022
Based on the mean score of 3.68, and standard deviation of 0.88, as shown on Table 4.3, the descriptive analysis shows that, out of 291 respondents, 61.9 % were of the perception that they were in their high level, 27.2% showed moderate level and 10.9 % of the respondents reported a low level of ICTs application. This finding implies that, most of the respondents had high level of ICTs application. The findings are in line with the work of Onyemekihian (2021), which reported that majority of agricultural extension workers 72.3% used the ICT in their extension services delivery to farmers.
Perceived organizational support profile
This section captured and discussed the levels of Perceived organizational support profile. The measurement was carried out on 5 point Likert scale ranging from 1-5. In the study the mean level of 1 to 2.33 were considered low, 2.34 to 3.66 were regarded as moderate and whereas 3.67 to 5 were considered high. The respondents had been determined using frequency and percentage. The results are presented on the Tables 4 below.
Table 4: Perceived organizational support (POS) profile
Level | Frequency | Percentage | Mean | St. D | |
Low 1-2.33 | 91 | 31.3 | 3.00 | 0.83 | |
Moderate 2.34-3.66 | 108 | 37.1 | |||
High 3.67-5.00 | 92 | 31.6 | |||
TOTAL | 291 | 100 |
Source: Field Survey 2022
The mean score 3.0 standard deviation of 0.83 of the overall number of respondents (291) on Table 4.4 revealed their perception on level of perceived organizational support. The findings indicated that, 31.3% of the respondents were in their low level of perceived organizational support, 37.1% were in their moderate level while 31.6% were in their high level of perceived organizational support. This implies that most of them had moderate level of perceived organizational support at (37.1%). The study is in line with that of Ladebo et al., (2005), who reported that, the overall ratings showed that the respondents moderately agreed to the views that their organizations were supportive. It was also supported by Eisenberger eta l. (2016) who opined that it is therefore clear that employees mostly feel moderately to highly valued by their organization.
Relationship between ICTs application and job performances of the respondents
The result on Table 5 presented and discussed the bivariate correlation between ICTs application and Job performances of agricultural extension workers.
Table 5: The relationship between ICTs application and job performances (N=291)
Pearson correlation co-efficient | P-Value | |
0.309** | 0.000 |
**Correlation significant at 0.01 level
The result revealed that, there was a positive and significant correlation between ICTs application (r=0.309) and job performance of agricultural extension workers at P<0.01. This implies that, there was a moderate effect in the relationship between the two variables. The result further implies that, as ICTs application increases or decreases, job performances of extension workers tends to move in same directions. The result was significant at 99% confidences level. The r2 0. 5476 shows about 54.8% variances between variables. The result is in consistence with that of the study of Onyema, Chiemek (2023) who found that there is a significant positive correlation between ICT usage and the level of employee performance.
The ICTs explain the variances in job performance.
The findings indicated that, among all the variables used in the multi linear regression based on the stepwise method, only ICTs training and one of the respondents demographic (experiences) was related to Quantity of work. The result revealed that, the R2 value of ICTs training was 0.37, thus implying that ICTs training explained 37% on Quantity of work of the respondents. The result also showed that the respondents characteristics in terms of work experiences was related to Quantity of work, with R2 value of 0.58, this shows that work experiences of respondents explained Quantity of work in terms of job performances with about 58%.
Table 6: Multi linear regression between independent variables and Quantity of work
Variables | R2 | Std Err. |
1. ICTs training | 0.37 | 0.06532 |
2. Experiences | 0.58 | 0.06498 |
Table 6 indicated that, among all the variables used in the multi linear regression based on the stepwise method, only ICTs training and one of the respondents demographic (experiences) was related to Quantity of work. The result revealed that, the R2 value of ICTs training was 0.37, thus implying that ICTs training explained 37% on Quantity of work of the respondents. The result also showed that the respondents characteristics in terms of work experiences was related to Quantity of work, with R2 value of 0.58, this shows that work experiences of respondents explained Quantity of work in terms of job performances with about 58%.
Table 7: Multi linear regression between independent variables and Quality of work
Variables | R2 | Std Err. |
1. ICTs training | 0.47 | 0.44298 |
2. Perceived Organizational support | 0.48 | 0.43707 |
The result on Table 7 revealed that, based on the stepwise method used, only ICTs training and perceived organizational support was related to Quality of work. The result revealed the R2 value of ICTs training to be 0.47, this shows that ICTs training explained 47% on Quality of work of the respondents. The result also showed that perceived organizational support was related to Quality of work, with R2 value of 0.48 this shows that perceived organizational support explained Quality of work in terms of job performances with 48%.
Table 8: Multi linear regression between independent variables and Speed of work
Variables | R2 | Std Err. |
3. ICTs training | 0.43 | 0.44333 |
4. Perceived Organizational support | 0.45 | 0.4371 |
The result on Table 8 revealed that, among all the variables used in the multi linear regression only ICTs training and perceived organizational support was related to speed of work. The result revealed that, the R2 value of ICTs training was 0.43, thus implying that ICTs training explained 43% on speed of work. It was also indicated that perceived organizational support was related to Quality of work, with R2 value of 0.45 this shows that perceived organizational support explained Speed of work with about 45%. The results from the findings ascertained the link that existed between ICTs training, perceived organizational support and the speed of work of the agricultural extension workers.
Findings reveal moderate level of ICTs training, high level of ICTs application and moderate level of Perceived organizational support. Based on result from the Bivariate correlation, the result revealed a positive and significant correlation between ICTs application and job performance of the extension workers. It was also revealed that, among all the variables used, ICTs training, work experiences explained 37%, 58% Quantity work respectively. About 47% ICTs training and 48% perceived organizational support explained Quality of work. 43% of ICTs training and 45% of Perceived organizational support was also able to explained the Speed of work. It was recommended that, Government should.
The authors acknowledged the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (tetfund) for funding this research. The authors also thank the Directors of Agricultural development program of Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe and Taraba. The extension agents, agricultural officers, enumerators and editors for their contributions to this article.
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