The Role of Family Communication and Parenting on Children’s Social Behavior
- Iin Avitasari
- Dhanik Sulistyarini
- 1180-1185
- Nov 7, 2024
- Communication
The Role of Family Communication and Parenting on Children’s Social Behavior
Iin Avitasari, Dhanik Sulistyarin
Master of Communication Science, Lampung University, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Received: 24 September 2024; Accepted: 05 October 2024; Published: 06 November 2024
Child social behavior influenced by interaction in family and parenting patterns. This research aims to understand the role of family communication and foster patterns in forming child social behavior by using method studies library to gather information from trusted sources. The results of the study show that good family communication and positive parenting patterns have a significant influence on the development of children’s social behavior. Effective communication, including each other listening and expressing emotions with healthy, helps children develop social skills. By Because of that, parents recommended To increase family communication And apply supportive care patterns, such as involving children in conversation, paying attention to their feelings, and giving consistent direction
Keywords: Family Communication, Parenting, Social Behavior, Children.
The role of family communication and parenting on children’s social behavior has been a significant research topic in the field of developmental psychology. Effective communication between family members and positive parenting have an important impact in shaping children’s social behavior, including the ability to interact, empathize, build healthy relationships, and resolve conflicts constructively.
Recent research also emphasizes the importance of understanding the influence of family communication and parenting on children’s social behavior in the context of changing modern family dynamics. Factors such as digital technology, busy lifestyles and evolving gender roles influence the way family communication and parenting are implemented by parents. Therefore, recent research has focused on exploring these dynamics and their impact on children’s social behavior.
The role of family communication and parenting on children’s social behavior is a topic that continues to interest researchers. It is important to continually update our knowledge of this relationship, especially by engaging with the latest research in the field of family communication and parenting on children’s social behavior: Recent research by (Smith, 2012) highlights the importance of open and responsive family communication in shaping children’s social behavior. Through a longitudinal study involving a number of families, researchers found that children who experience positive communication with their family members tend to exhibit better social behaviors, including the ability to empathize, social skills, and healthy conflict resolution.
On the other hand, research by Jones and team (2021) emphasizes the importance of consistent and attentive parenting in shaping children’s social behavior. In their study, they found that children who were given parenting that combined clear rules with high responsiveness from parents tended to exhibit more positive social behaviors, including the ability to share, cooperate, and respect differences.
This study also included a recent study by Wang et al. (2023), which explored the role of environmental factors in the relationship between family communication, parenting and children’s social behavior. Their research found that environmental factors such as social support from family and community can moderate the influence of family communication and parenting on children’s social behavior. In other words, children who live in a supportive environment tend to exhibit more positive social behavior even though they may face less effective family communication or less responsive parenting (Prabaswara & Supratman, 2022).
This research uses literature review. Literature review in a scientific study is an important part of the overall steps of the research method (Sumarwan, Kartika, & Saputri, 2024). According to (Aprinawati, 2017), library research is not just a matter of reading and recording literature or books as many people often understand so far, what is called library research or often called library study, is a series of activities related to library data collection methods, reading and recording and managing research materials. There are 3 reasons why using library research, namely: 1) the research problem can only be answered through literature research, 2) literature study is needed as one of the separate stages, namely a preliminary study to understand more deeply the new symptoms that are developing in the field or in society, 3) library data remains reliable to answer the research problem. Thus, library research by using library sources to obtain research data so that library research can limit activities only to library collection materials without requiring field research (Sumarwan, Kartika, & Avitasari, 2024).
Family Communication
Family communication refers to the process of exchanging information, ideas, emotions, and meanings between family members. It involves various forms of verbal and nonverbal communication, including speech, facial expressions, eye contact, touch, body language, and messages conveyed through everyday behaviors.
Family communication has a very important role in shaping family relationships and dynamics. It influences how family members understand, interact and support each other. Effective communication in families creates strong emotional bonds, builds trust, facilitates coordination and collaboration, and helps overcome conflicts and challenges that may arise (Daulay et al., 2023).
Family communication refers to the process of information sharing, understanding, and interaction between family members. It involves verbal and nonverbal communication that allows family members to relate to each other, build relationships and solve problems together. Some important aspects of family communication include:
- Verbal communication: This involves the oral use of words in everyday conversations. For example, family members talk to each other, ask questions, answer, and discuss various topics.
- Nonverbal communication: In addition to words, family communication also involves body language, facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures and physical demeanor. These nonverbal gestures can convey strong emotions, feelings and messages without using words.
- Active listening: One important aspect of family communication is the ability to listen actively. This means paying full attention to what other family members are saying, trying to understand their perspectives, and showing interest and empathy in what they have to say.
- Effective communication in conflict: Conflict is inevitable in every family relationship. Therefore, it is important to develop effective communication skills in handling conflict. This includes the ability to express opinions clearly, but also listen to and understand the viewpoints of other family members.
- Nonverbal communication of affection: Expressing affection, care and support to family members is also an important part of family communication. This can be done through touch, hugs, smiles and other small actions that convey positive feelings and love.
Family communication in the context of this study refers to the pattern, quality, and effectiveness of communication between family members. Family communication theory states that open, honest, responsive and mutually supportive communication within families can shape healthy relationships, build trust and promote children’s social development (Fitzpatrick, M. A., & Ritchie, 2017).
Parenting Patterns
Parenting is one of the most important factors in the formation of a child’s personality and development. Parents have the main role in guiding, educating, and caring for their children, and the parenting style applied by parents can have a significant influence on children’s development in various aspects of life.
Parenting encompasses the various decisions and actions taken by parents in meeting the physical, emotional, social and developmental needs of children. It involves parenting style, parental involvement, level of control and discipline, and communication between parents and children. Parenting can reflect the values, beliefs, culture and experiences of the parents.
Previous research has shown that parenting patterns have a significant influence on children’s development. Authoritative parenting, which combines high involvement with clear expectations and consequent discipline, tends to result in better outcomes in terms of independence, self-confidence, academic achievement and positive social behavior in children. In contrast, authoritarian, permissive, or indifferent parenting can contribute to behavioral problems, lack of independence, and suboptimal child outcomes.
However, it is important to remember that parenting is not absolute and contextual. Each child and family is unique and has differences in values, culture and background that can influence the parenting style applied. In addition, parenting patterns can also change as children develop and family situations change (Lasut et al., 2023).
In the context of this study, previous research has highlighted the importance of parenting in relation to children’s social, emotional, and behavioral development. Through good parenting, parents can help children develop social skills, empathy, problem-solving, and the ability to adapt to social norms and rules (Karomah & Widiyono, 2022).
In this study, we will focus on the influence of parenting on children’s social behavior. We will explore the relationship between parenting and the development of children’s social behavior in the context of everyday life. This research is expected to provide a better understanding of how parenting can shape children’s social behavior and its implications in education and parenting.
Through a deeper understanding of parenting, it is expected to provide valuable insights for parents, educators, and professionals in an effort to improve the quality of parenting and create an environment that supports children’s healthy social development. (Iryanto, 2021) Parenting refers to the approaches, strategies, and behaviors used by parents in caring for, educating, and raising their children. Parenting can include various aspects, such as rules and boundaries, forms of discipline, communication, emotional support, responsiveness, and involvement in the child’s life (Sih Ageng Lumadi & Loura Sari, 2023).
There are several types of parenting patterns that are commonly recognized in research, namely:
- Authoritarian parenting style: In this parenting style, parents tend to be highly controlling and enforce strict rules. They may be less responsive to the child’s needs and desires, and tend to use physical punishment or threats as a form of discipline.
- Authoritative parenting style: This parenting style is characterized by a combination of warmth, responsiveness, and emotional support with clear and consistent boundaries. Parents who apply the authoritative parenting style listen to the child, provide explanations, and facilitate the child’s participation in decision-making.
- Permissive parenting style: In this parenting style, parents tend to be highly involved and impose less strict limits. They tend to accept children’s requests with few clear restrictions or consequences.
- Uncaring parenting style: This parenting style is characterized by low parental involvement or lack of responsiveness to the child’s needs and wants. Parents may not be emotionally or practically involved in the child’s life.
Keep in mind that parenting can vary between individuals and cultures, and no one parenting style is perfect. Each parenting pattern has a different impact on a child’s development, including in terms of independence, social behavior, self-esteem, and emotional well-being.
Children’s Social Behavior
Children’s social behavior refers to the way children interact and communicate with others in a social setting. It includes social skills, empathy, cooperation, problem solving, self-regulation, and the ability to adapt to social norms and rules. Children’s social behavior plays an important role in forming relationships with peers, family members, and adults, as well as in developing social skills needed in everyday life. According to (Taman & Bima, 2022) Several factors can influence children’s social behavior including the influence of the family environment, interactions with peers, educational experiences, and the broader social context.
Parents and family members play an important role in shaping children’s social behavior through parenting, communication, and role models shown to children. Interactions with peers and experiences in the school environment also provide opportunities for children to learn and develop social skills. Social behavior refers to the way individuals interact with others in a social context. It includes a range of actions, attitudes and skills used in interpersonal relationships. Social behavior involves interactions with peers, family members, co-workers, and members of society in general.
Social behavior involves various aspects, including communication skills, empathy, cooperation, self-regulation, and problem solving. It includes the ability to understand and respond to the feelings and needs of others, recognize and respect social norms and rules, and adapt to various social situations (Agustriandri, 2021).
Social behavior can develop along with individual growth and development. Children learn and hone social skills through interactions with adults and peers. They learn to recognize facial expressions, control emotions, share, cooperate in groups, as well as resolve conflicts and solve problems.
Positive social behavior has many benefits. Individuals with good social skills tend to have healthier and more fulfilling relationships with others. They can build strong social networks, have effective communication skills, and are able to work together in teams. In addition, positive social behaviors also contribute (Mahyiddin et al., 2023) to the development of interpersonal skills, increased self-confidence, and success in a variety of environments, including education and employment.
However, it is important to remember that social behavior is not something static or fixed. It can be influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental influences, parental upbringing, education, and individual life experiences. Also, each culture or society can have different social norms that influence the social behavior of individuals in that context.
In social research and development, it is important to understand and analyze social behavior in a broad and complex context. The goal is to identify factors that influence social behavior, understand the process of its development, and design interventions or programs that promote positive social behavior.
With a better understanding of social behavior, individuals can improve their social skills, strengthen existing social relationships, and contribute to the formation of a more harmonious and inclusive society.
Based on findings from study this, it is recommended that parents increase skills communication they with follow training or relevant seminars. This is important for create atmosphere open family and support, where child feel comfortable for express feeling and his needs. Besides that, the implementation pattern responsive care very recommended, where parents give enough attention to behavior and emotion children, and compile clear rules accompanied by support emotional. Involving child in activity family, such as game or discussion, can help they Study interact with Good And understand values social.
Important Also for public and institution education for collaborate in create supportive environment communication family and pattern foster positive, through social programs and education involving parents and children. Finally, research more carry on required For explore influence factors culture And social to communication family And pattern foster, so that intervention can customized For various context culture . With follow recommendation this , it is expected quality communication in family And pattern foster can increase , support development behavior positive social on child .
Family communication and parenting play a very important role in shaping children’s social behavior. Effective communication between family members allows for understanding, emotional support and the development of healthy relationships. Parenting, including the parenting style applied, also has a significant effect on children’s social behavior.
Good family communication, through verbal and nonverbal interactions, allows children to learn to communicate well, understand social norms, and build positive interpersonal skills. When family members listen actively, speak politely, and pay attention to each other’s feelings and needs, children can learn to express themselves well and understand others’ perspectives.
In addition, parenting has a significant impact on children’s social behavior. Authoritative parenting style, which includes a combination of clear rules and emotional support, tends to produce children who have good social skills, independence and better adaptability in social interactions. On the other hand, an authoritarian or permissive parenting style that lacks clear boundaries can have a negative impact on children’s social behavior, such as discipline problems, low independence, or difficulties in interacting with others.
In order to shape positive social behavior in children, it is important for parents to adopt balanced parenting, with a combination of clear rules, positive involvement, emotional support, and open communication. Good family communication also needs to be emphasized, including active listening, speaking respectfully, and facilitating constructive dialogue between family members.
By engaging in positive family communication and supportive parenting, parents can help children develop good social skills, such as the ability to communicate effectively, empathetic understanding, healthy conflict resolution, and positive relationships with others.
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