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The Role of Job Satisfaction in Mediating the Physical Work Environment and Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance (Study at Karticentra Artha Rural Bank Semarang)

  • Prihatin Tiyanto
  • Priagung Hutomo
  • A. S. Sukawijaya
  • 2583-2597
  • Jul 19, 2024
  • Environment

The Role of Job Satisfaction in Mediating the Physical Work Environment and Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance (Study at Karticentra Artha Rural Bank Semarang)

*Prihatin Tiyanto, Priagung Hutomo, A. S. Sukawijaya

 Faculty of Economics and Business University 17 August 1945 Semarang

*Corresponding Author


Received: 09 June 2024; Accepted: 22 June 2024; Published: 19 July 2024


Since the Covid-19 Pandemic, many BPR (rural bank) have gone bankrupt, an average of 6 BPR have collapsed every year, this is not only due to economic conditions, but also due to business governance due to the large number of frauds. Business governance cannot be separated from the environment and leadership, resulting in a decline in BPR performance. This research aims to analyze the work environment, spiritual leadership to improve employee performance, through job satisfaction. The population in the study were all employees of PT. BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang and all 51 respondents were taken as samples. The analysis tool used is SMART PLS ver 3.00. The findings show that job satisfaction is able to mediate the work environment to improve employee performance, likewise job satisfaction is able to mediate spiritual leadership to improve employee performance.

Key Words: work environment, spiritual leadership, job satisfaction and employee performance


Employee performance is the result of work in terms of quality and quantity achieved by employees (Mangkunegara, 2019). Performance is the most important measure of company quality. Employees are said to have good performance if they are able to produce work that exceeds the standards of the established criteria (Sitepu et al., 2020).

The physical work environment is all physical conditions found around the workplace that can influence employees either directly or indirectly (Sedarmayanti, 2017). A conducive physical work environment can provide a feeling of comfort and security, so that it directly or indirectly has a positive impact on the people in it. A good and conducive physical work environment means employee work optimization can be achieved well, whereas if the work environment is less conducive and less comfortable, it can reduce employee performance (Astuti & Mulyadin, 2022).

The second factor that influences employee performance is spiritual leadership style, namely leadership that uses spiritual values ​​as core beliefs, core values ​​and philosophy in its leadership behavior (Azmy et al., 2021). Spiritual leadership is demonstrated by perseverance, having high ideals, integrity, giving hope, empathy, honesty, patience, trustworthiness, loyalty to the company and humility. Spiritual leadership as a concept is believed to be the result of the decline in human values, the loss of professional ethics and ethical behavior. Leaders who emphasize spiritual values ​​are able to awaken latent motivation in others which turns out to increase work satisfaction and performance (Rachmawan & Aryani, 2020).

Another factor that influences employee performance is job satisfaction, namely a person’s feelings about their work which are produced by their own efforts and supported by things outside themselves regarding work conditions, work results and work itself (Sinambela, 2017). Employee job satisfaction is met if their needs include salary, promotion opportunities, supervision from superiors, and others. It is believed that job satisfaction felt within oneself will motivate employees to work better, so that it is hoped that employee performance will increase (Adhyasa & Noermijati, 2020).

Based on the results of previous research, there are research gaps or differences in research results: Research by Indah & Riana (2020), Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), and Arianto & Septiani (2021), found that the physical work environment has a positive effect and significant to employee performance. In contrast, research by Lilyana et al., (2021) and Astuti & Mulyadin (2022) found that the physical work environment had a positive but not significant effect on employee performance.

Research on the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance has been carried out by Permana et al., (2021), Hidayaturrochman et al., (2022), Novis et al., (2022), and Ramadhania & Gael (2022), finding that spiritual leadership has a positive effect and significant to employee performance; Meanwhile, research by Rachmawan & Aryani (2020) and Azmy et al., (2021), found that spiritual leadership had a positive but not significant effect on employee performance.

Based on data from PT. BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang, 2023. shows that there is a business phenomenon that many employees’ performance achievements as seen from the performance assessment in 2021 and 2022 have not yet met the expected targets, such as on time completion of work from 78.93% to 78.13%. The decrease in performance assessment is service to customers from 75.34% to 72.56%, the lack of initiative and creativity in work has decreased in assessment from 2021 to 2022. This has an influence on the job satisfaction of each employee and ultimately has an impact on decreasing the assessment employee performance.

Research Purposes

The objectives to be achieved in this research are:

  1. Analyze the effect of the physical work environment on employee performance?
  2. Analyze the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance?
  3. Analyze the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance?
  4. Analyze the influence of the physical work environment on employee performance through job satisfaction?
  5. Analyze the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance through job satisfaction?

Relationship between Variables

1. The Influence of the Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance

The research results of Indah & Riana (2020) explain that the better the physical work environment created by the company for its employees at work will have a positive impact on improving employee performance. The research results of Maulidiyah & Divine (2020) explain that a better, more comfortable and safer work environment will have a positive influence on improving employee performance. The results of research by Sitepu et al., (2020) state that a conducive physical work environment will improve employee performance. This is reinforced by the results of research from Arianto & Septiani (2021) which states that the physical work environment has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Based on this description, the hypothesis proposed is:

H1: The physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

2. The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance

The research results of Permana et al., (2021) state that the higher the level of spiritual leadership style in a company, the more positive impact it will have on improving employee performance. Hidayaturrochman et al., (2022) stated that the better spiritual leadership implemented in the company would have a positive influence on improving Novis et al., (2022) which stated that increasing spiritual leadership would have a significant positive effect on improving employee performance. Ramadhania & Gael’s research results (2022) state that spiritual leadership can have a significant positive effect on improving employee performance. Based on this description, the hypothesis proposed is:

H2: Spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

3. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

The research results of Maulidiyah & Divine (2020) state that the higher the level of job satisfaction felt by employees, the positive impact it will have on increasing employee performance. The research results of Rachmawan & Aryani (2020) state that the high job satisfaction experienced by each employee can have a positive influence on improving employee performance. The results of research by Sitepu et al., (2020) suggest that the job satisfaction felt by employees in a company will be able to improve employee performance. This is reinforced by research results from Permana et al., (2021) and Ramadhania & Gael (2022) which state that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Based on this description, the hypothesis proposed is:

H3: Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

4. The Influence of the Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction

The research results of Maulidiyah & Divine (2020) suggest that a better, more comfortable and conducive work environment will have a positive influence on increasing job satisfaction, so that it will have an impact on increasing employee performance. The results of research by Sitepu et al., (2020) state that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of the physical work environment on employee performance. Based on this description, the hypothesis proposed is:

H4: The physical work environment has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction.

5. The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction

The research results of Rachmawan & Aryani (2020) state that high spiritual leadership can give employees a sense of satisfaction at work, so that it will have a positive impact on improving employee performance. The research results of Permana et al., (2021) state that high job satisfaction will strengthen the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance. Results from Ramadhania & Gael (2022) state that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance. Based on this description, the hypothesis proposed is:

H5: Spiritual leadership has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction.

Research Model Development


Population and Sample

The research population used was all employees of BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang with a total of 51 people. Considering that the population in this study is only 51 people, the entire population will be used as the research sample. The sampling technique in this research uses the census method or saturated sample, namely the sampling technique when all members of the population are used as samples (Sugiyono, 2019). The number of samples in this study was 51 respondents. The data source in this research is primary data, namely a data source that is directly provided to the data collector or obtained from the data collector (Sugiyono, 2019). The primary data source was obtained directly through a questionnaire given to employees of BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang. Meanwhile, secondary data came from literature and journals. Tertiary data comes from the results of observations in the field. Data was taken by distributing questionnaires to all respondents. The questionnaire was assessed based on the respondents’ answers on a Likert scale, namely a scale of 5 to a scale of 1 from strongly agree to strongly disagree (Sugiyono, 2019).

Operational Definition of Variables

No Variables Operational definition Indicator
1. Physical Work Environment (X1) The physical work environment in the form of space, physical layout, noise level, equipment in the workplace, materials around the workplace which can influence employee attitudes and behavior when carrying out work both directly and indirectly 1. Lighting/lighting in the workplace

2. Air circulation in the workplace

3. Noise at work

4. Smells in the workplace

5. Safety at work

2. Spiritual Leadership (X2) The spiritual leadership style upholds spiritual values ​​as a guide to leadership behavior in order to motivate its members to have a long-term vision, excel in the value of hope, have altruistic love, have involvement with self and others and also provide hope and affection to their subordinates. 1. Honesty and fairness

2.Concern and appreciation for subordinates

3. Motivation for subordinates

4. Openness to accepting change

5. Humility

3. Job Satisfaction (Z) An emotional state shown in a positive attitude towards one’s work and the environment in which one works based on one’s own efforts and supported by things such as working conditions, work results and the work itself which is reflected in work enthusiasm, discipline and work performance 1. The work itself

2. Salary

3. Promotional opportunities

4. Supervision/supervisor

5. Relationships with colleagues

4. Employee Performance (Y) Achievements or work results achieved by an employee both in terms of quantity and quality are in line with the responsibilities given in a certain time period in accordance with work standards, goals or targets that have been previously determined to achieve company goals. 1. Working quantity

2. Quality of work

3. Punctuality of work time

4. Presence

5. Collaboration

6. Initiative

Source: Developed for research, 2023.


Descriptive Research Respondents

Identity Respondents

Table 1 shows that of the 51 employees of BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang, the majority are male employees with 34 people (66.7%), while the remaining 17 people (33.3%) are female employees. This means that many companies need male employees to work in the field, such as marketing or billing, so that they can work more optimally. At BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang, it is dominated by employees aged between 36 and 40 years with a total of 15 people (29.4%), while the fewest are employees aged more than 50 years with a total of 3 people (5.9%). This shows that employees in BPR are of productive age or working age, to achieve predetermined work results. Most of the employees who work at BPR Karticentra Artha Semarang have undergraduate education with 23 people (45.1%), while at least 2 people have postgraduate education (3.9%). This shows that if employees have high education, employees have good knowledge, abilities, skills and quality of work so that the results are more optimal. These results also show that of the 51 employees who work, most have worked for 11 to 15 years with a total of 13 people (25.5%), while the least have worked for more than 20 years with a total of 6 people (11.8%). This shows that many employees are experienced so they have the ability and expertise to work, and are effective and efficient in achieving employee performance.

Figure 1 Structural Model (Outer Model)

Source: Primary data processed, 2023

Convergent Validity Test

The basis for determining the convergent validity test with outer loading is that if the loading factor value is between 0.6-0.7, then it can be said to be valid. The results of outer loading can be seen in table 1 below:

Table 1 Outer Loading Results

Physical Work Environment Spiritual Leadership Job satisfaction Employee performance
X1.1 0,726
X1.2 0,719
X1.3 0,730
X1.4 0,730
X1.5 0,780
X2.1 0,712
X2.2 0,706
X2.3 0,701
X2.4 0,704
X2.5 0,795
Z.1 0,847
Z.2 0,854
Z.3 0,889
Z.4 0,757
Z.5 0,703
Y.1 0,797
Y.2 0,891
Y.3 0,857
Y.4 0,832
Y.5 0,828
Y.6 0,821

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Table 3 shows that from the analysis results, the loading factor value for each indicator for each variable is greater than 0.70. This result means that each indicator of each physical work environment variable, spiritual leadership, job satisfaction and employee performance can be said to be valid.

The second way of testing convergent validity is done by looking at the Average Variant Extracted (AVE) value. If the AVE value is greater than 0.5, then it is said to be valid. The Average Variant Extracted (AVE) results can be seen in table 2. below:

Table 2. Average Variant Extracted (AVE) Test Results

Variabel Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Physical Work Environment 0,544
Spiritual Leadership 0,525
Job satisfaction 0,661
Employee performance 0,703

Sumber: Data primer diolah, 2023.

Table 2 shows that these results can be concluded if each measure of each variable is said to be valid.

Discriminant Validity Test

The discriminant validity test is carried out using the Fornell-Larcker Criterion, namely by comparing the average variance extracted (AVE) square root value of each variable with the correlation between other variables in the model. A variable will be said to be discriminantly valid if the root value of the AVE or Fornell-Larcker Criterion is greater than the correlation value with other variables. The results of the Fornell-Larcker Criterion can be seen in table 3 below:

Table 3. Fornell-Lacker Criterion Results

Spiritual Leadership Job satisfaction Employee performance Physical Work Environment
Spiritual Leadership 0,724
Job satisfaction 0,536 0,813
Employee performance 0,616 0,778 0,838
Physical Work Environment 0,252 0,517 0,549 0,737

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Table 3 proves that the Fornell-Larcker Criterion value for spiritual leadership is 0.724, where this value is greater than the correlation value with other variables. This also applies to other variables such as job satisfaction, employee performance, and the physical work environment, so that each variable measuring discriminantly can be said to be valid.

Composite Reliability Test

The variable reliability test is carried out by looking at the Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values, and both values ​​must be greater than 0.70. The composite reliability test results can be seen in table 4 below:

Table 4. Composite Reliability Results

Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability
Physical Work Environment 0,792 0,856
Spiritual Leadership 0,773 0,846
Job satisfaction 0,869 0,906
Employee performance 0,915 0,934

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Table 4 shows that from the reliability test results, the Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values ​​for each physical work environment, spiritual leadership, job satisfaction and employee performance variable are greater than 0.70. This means that each variable used can be said to be reliable, so that it meets the requirements for research.


The R-Square test or coefficient of determination is used to determine the extent of the ability of the independent variables in the model to explain variations in the dependent variable. The R-Square value in this analysis is between zero (0) to one (1). The R Square value criteria are 0.67 as a strong model, 0.33 as a moderate model, and 0.19 as a weak model. The R-Square test results can be explained as follows:

Tabel 5 Hasil R-Square

R Square R Square Adjusted
Job satisfaction 0,443 0,420
Employee performance 0,693 0,673

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Table 5 shows that the R-Square value of the first model is 0.693. This means that the physical work environment, spiritual leadership and job satisfaction can explain 69.3% of the variation in employee performance variables, while the remaining 30.7% of the variation in employee performance variables can be explained by other variables that were not studied. The R-Square value shows that the first model is a strong model.

The R-Square value of the second model is 0.443. This means that the physical work environment and spiritual leadership can explain 44.3% of the variation in the job satisfaction variable, while the remaining 55.7% of the variation in the job satisfaction variable can be explained by other variables that were not studied. The R-Square value shows that the first model is a moderate model.


The f-square value aims to determine the criteria for the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. For the assessment, the f-square category is divided into three, namely if the influence value is 0.02 – 0.15 it is a weak influence, the value 0.15 – 0.35 is a moderate influence, and a value of 0.35 or more is a strong influence. The f-square results can be seen in table 6 below:

Table 6 f-Square results

Job satisfaction Employee performance
Physical Work Environment 0,281 0,105
Spiritual Leadership 0,315 0,191
Job satisfaction 0,481

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Table 6 shows that from the analysis results obtained, the criteria for the influence of the work environment on job satisfaction are 0.281, including moderate influence, spiritual leadership on job satisfaction is included in the criteria for moderate influence with a value of 0.315. The influence of the physical work environment on employee performance is included in the weak influence criteria with a value of 0.105, the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance is included in the moderate influence criteria with a value of 0.191, and the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance is included in the strong influence criteria with a value of 0.481.

Inner VIF Values

The inner VIF values ​​test or multicollinearity test is used to determine the existence of strong intercorrelation between independent variables. The condition that must be met is that there is no strong correlation between the independent variables. The basis for decision making is that if the VIF value is <5, the model does not have symptoms of multicollinearity. The results of the inner VIF values ​​test can be seen in table 7 below

Table 7 Inner VIF Values ​​Test Results

Job satisfaction Employee performance
Physical Work Environment 1,068 1,367
Spiritual Leadership 1,068 1,404
Job satisfaction 1,796

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Table 7 shows that the results of the inner VIF values ​​obtained for each independent variable used in each model have a VIF value smaller than 5. This means that there is no strong correlation between the independent variables used in both the first and second models, so it can be concluded that all models The result is that there is no multicollinearity.

Model Fit

The model-fit test is carried out to determine whether the resulting model is fit, so that the model is suitable for use. The model_fit test in this research will be carried out using SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) which can be interpreted as a tool for measuring model fit. The criteria for model fit are by looking at the SRMR value, if the SRMR value is <0.10 or <0.08, it shows that the model is fit. The model fit test results can be seen in the following table:

Table 8 Model Fit Results

  Saturated Model Estimated Model
SRMR 0,074 0,074

Source: Primary data processed, 2023

Table 10 shows that from the model_fit results, the SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) value for both the saturated model and the estimated model is 0.074 and 0.074. This value is less than 0.08, so it can be concluded that the resulting model is fit.


Q-Square can measure how good the observation values ​​produced by the model are and also the estimated parameters. A Q-Square value greater than 0 (zero) indicates that the model has predictive relevance value. The Q Square test results can be seen in the following table:

Table 9 Q-Square Results

Spiritual Leadership 255,000 255,000
Job satisfaction 255,000 189,074 0,259
 Employee performance 306,000 164,733 0,462
Physical Work Environment 255,000 255,000

Source: Primary data processed, 2023

Table 9 shows that the results of the analysis show that the value of each Q-Square value from the first model is 0.462, and the second model is 0.259, where these values ​​are greater than 0, so it can be said that the two models produced have a good predictive value. relevant (predictive relevance) or can predict well.

Path Coefficient

The path coefficient (Path Coefficient) is used to measure the extent to which the physical work environment, spiritual leadership, and job satisfaction influence employee performance, as well as the extent to which the physical work environment and spiritual leadership influence job satisfaction. This path coefficient has a value that ranges from -1 to 1. If the value is in the range 0 to 1, it indicates a positive influence, while if the value is in the range -1 to 0, it indicates a negative influence. The path coefficient results can be found in the following table:

Table 10 Path Coefficient Results

Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values
Physical Work Enviorenment -> Employee Performance 0,210 0,220 0,084 2,490 0,013
Spiritual Leadership-> Employee Performance 0,287 0,304 0,135 2,520 0,012
Job satisfaction -> Employee Performance 0,515 0,487 0,143 3,594 0,000
Physical Work Enviorenment-> Job Satisfaction 0,408 0,417 0,132 3,099 0,002
Spiritual leadership -> Job Satisfaction 0,433 0,441 0,127 3,421 0,001

Source: Primary data processed, 2023

Table 10 shows that the results of the analysis show that the physical work environment, spiritual leadership and job satisfaction variables have a positive effect on employee performance. These results also show that physical work environment variables and spiritual leadership have a positive effect on job satisfaction.

Based on table 10, the results of hypothesis testing can be explained as follows:

H1: The physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance

The t statistical value of the physical work environment variable on employee performance is 2.490 with a P-value of 0.013. These results show that the statistical t value is greater than the t table value, namely 2.490 > 1.96, and the P value of 0.013 is smaller than 0.05. The decision is to accept the alternative hypothesis, meaning that hypothesis one (H1) which states that the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance is statistically acceptable.

H2: Spiritual Leadership has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance

The t statistical value of the spiritual leadership variable on employee performance is 2.520 with a P-value of 0.012. These results show that the statistical t value is greater than the t table value, namely 2.520 > 1.96, and the P value of 0.012 is smaller than 0.05. The decision is to accept the alternative hypothesis, meaning that hypothesis two (H2) which states that spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance is statistically acceptable.

H3: Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance

The t statistical value of the job satisfaction variable on employee performance is 3.594 with a P-value of 0.000. These results show that the statistical t value is greater than the t table value, namely 3.594 > 1.96, and the P value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. The decision is to accept the alternative hypothesis, meaning that hypothesis three (H3) which states that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance is statistically acceptable.

Mediation Test

The mediation test was carried out using the path coefficient value. The intervening test in the research is shown by the coefficient value of Specific Indirect Effects which was carried out using Smart Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS). The results of the path analysis of the influence of the physical work environment and spiritual leadership on employee performance through job satisfaction are as follows:

Table 11 Mediation Test Results

Original Sample (O) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values
Physical Work Environment -> Job Satisfaction -> Employee Performance 0,210 0,203 0,087 2,409 0,016
Spiritual Leadership -> Job Satisfaction -> Employee Performance 0,223 0,216 0,093 2,392 0,017

Source: Primary data processed, 2023.

Based on table 11, the mediation test of the influence of the physical work environment and spiritual leadership on employee performance through job satisfaction can be explained as follows:

H4: The physical work environment has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction

The t statistic value of the specific indirect effect of the physical work environment variable on employee performance through job satisfaction is 2.409 and the p value is 0.016. This value shows that the t statistic value is greater than the t table value of 2.409 > 1.96 and the p value of 0.016 is smaller than 0.05. The decision is to accept the alternative hypothesis, meaning that Hypothesis six (H6) which states that the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction is statistically acceptable. These results show that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of the physical work environment on employee performance.

H5: Spiritual leadership has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction

The t statistic value of the specific indirect effect of the spiritual leadership variable on employee performance through job satisfaction is 2.392 and the p value is 0.017. This value shows that the t statistic value is greater than the t table value of 2.392 > 1.96 and the p value of 0.017 is smaller than 0.05. The decision is to accept the alternative hypothesis, meaning that Hypothesis seven (H7) which states that spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction is statistically acceptable. These results show that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance.


1. The Influence of the Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that hypothesis one has been accepted, which means that the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. These results mean that by creating an increasingly comfortable and conducive physical work environment in the company, the performance produced by employees will increase. These results are in line with the research results of Indah & Riana (2020), Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), Arianto & Septiani (2021) which state that the physical work environment has a significant positive effect on employee performance.

2. The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that hypothesis two has been accepted, which means that spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. These results mean that with spiritual leadership implemented in the company, the performance produced by employees will increase. These results have supported the research results of Permana et al., (2021), Hidayaturrochman et al., (2022), Novis et al., (2022) and Ramadhania & Gael (2022) which stated that spiritual leadership has a significant positive effect on improving performance employee.

3. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that hypothesis three has been accepted, which means that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. These results mean that the higher the job satisfaction felt by employees in the company, the more the employee’s performance will increase. These results are in line with the results of research by Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Rachmawan & Aryani (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), Permana et al., (2021) and Ramadhania & Gael (2022) which state that job satisfaction influences positive and significant on employee performance.

4. The physical work environment has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction.

Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it shows that the hypothesis can be accepted. This means that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of the physical work environment on employee performance, so that job satisfaction functions as an intervening variable between the physical work environment and employee performance. These results also show that the job satisfaction felt by employees can be influenced by the physical work environment available to employees, so that it can have a positive and significant impact on increasing the resulting performance. These results have supported the research results of Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), Arianto & Septiani (2021) which stated that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of the physical work environment on employee performance.

5. Spiritual leadership has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction.

Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it shows that the hypothesis can be accepted. This means that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance, so that job satisfaction functions as an intervening variable between spiritual leadership and employee performance. These results also show that the job satisfaction felt by people can be influenced by the application of spiritual leadership carried out by company leaders, so that it can have a positive and significant impact on the resulting increase in performance. These results support the research results of Rachmawan & Aryani (2020), Azmy et al., (2021), Permana et al., 2021, Ramadhania & Gael (2022) which state that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of spiritual leadership on employee performance.

Theoretical Implications

  1. The physical work environment is one part of management or Human Resources management which must be created to make it more comfortable and conducive. Therefore, if the physical work environment becomes more comfortable and conducive, it will have a positive effect on improving employee performance. These results support research by Indah & Riana (2020), Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), and Arianto & Septiani (2021) which states that the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
  2. Spiritual leadership is a process in managing Human Resources that must be implemented optimally in a company. This is because implementing good spiritual leadership will have an effect on increasing employee performance. These results have supported the research results of Permana et al., (2021), Hidayaturrochman et al., (2022), Novis et al., (2022), and Ramadhania & Gael (2022) which stated that spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on performance. employee.
  3. Job satisfaction is part of one of the goals that must be prioritized in Human Resources management. Therefore, if the job satisfaction experienced by employees in the company is higher, it can have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. These results have supported the research results of Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Rachmawan & Aryani (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), Permana et al., (2021) and Ramadhania & Gael (2022) which stated that job satisfaction has a positive effect and significant to employee performance.
  4. A physical work environment must be created optimally in a company, because having a comfortable and conducive physical work environment will increase job satisfaction. These results support the results of research by Maulidiyah & Divine (2020), Sitepu et al., (2020), and Arianto & Septiani (2021) stating that the physical work environment has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
  5. Spiritual leadership must be implemented optimally in a company, because implementing good spiritual leadership can have an effect on improving employee performance. These results support the research results of Rachmawan & Aryani (2020), Azmy et al., (2021), (Permana et al., 2021; and Ramadhania & Gael, 2022) which state that spiritual leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.


  1. BPR must always improve the physical work environment created in the workplace, especially with regard to reducing noise levels. For example, by using sound-absorbing materials in the office so that external flares cannot be heard coming in, using furniture with soft surfaces, using headphones or earphones when listening to music, respecting each other when talking.
  2. BPR leaders must increase the application of spiritual leadership styles, especially those related to honesty and justice, increase openness to accept change. For example, by always implementing a culture of transparency in every decision making, implementing fair policies for all levels of employees, open communication, involving employees in all activities and every decision making that involves employee interests.
  3. BPR must be able to increase job satisfaction, especially with regard to salaries and promotional opportunities provided. This can be done by implementing a fair and regulated salary and bonus system for employees, providing promotion opportunities to all employees by providing training and developing work skills and expertise to employees, so that employees will have the ability and work expertise to master other positions.

Future Research Agenda

  1. For future research, it is hoped that we will also add open questions for respondents to express their opinions about the variables asked, so as to get stronger and more detailed answers to the questions asked.
  2. For further research, it is also hoped that increasing the number of independent variables used will hopefully increase job satisfaction and employee performance. For example, by adding variables of task complexity, financial compensation, non-financial compensation, teamwork, innovative behavior so that the results obtained are better and more accurate or greater in predicting job satisfaction and employee performance in the long term and get greater prediction results and more convincing


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