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The Role of Women Crisis Center (WCC) Nurani Perempuan in Handling Sexual Violence Cases in Padang City

The Role of Women Crisis Center (WCC) Nurani Perempuan in Handling Sexual Violence Cases in Padang City

Putri Diva Febrin Maharani

Bachelor Student of Political Science Program at Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia


Received: 18 July 2023; Revised: 24 July 2023; Accepted: 29 July 2023; Published: 24 August 2023


This article discusses the role played by one of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the city of Padang, namely the Women Crisis Center (WCC) Nurani Perempuan in handling cases of sexual violence in the city of Padang. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method using sources relevant to the research topic. The results of this study use indicators of the role of NGOs which show that the role carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan has fulfilled three role indicators, namely the role as a countervailing power seen through its actions in leading demonstrations and mobilizing masses as well as conducting audience activities with the government. The role as an intermediary institution between the community and the state is seen through assisting victims with counseling services and providing safe houses as well as providing policy proposals through monitoring and evaluation activities. The role of an institution that carries out the mission of community empowerment is seen through conducting gender socialization, conducting community meetings, and disseminating information about sexual violence through the distribution of pamphlets on the WCC Nurani Perempuan social media page.

Keywords: Sexual Violence, role, non-governmental organizations, WCC Nurani Perempuan, Indonesian government.


Sexual violence can be interpreted as an act that also includes acts of sexual harassment to coercion on others in the form of forcing unwanted sexual activities carried out without obtaining consent from the victim [1]. According to research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012, sexual violence is defined as any sexual act, an attempt to obtain sexual acts, in the form of unwanted sexual comments or approaches, or an act that leads to one’s sexuality using coercion, and is carried out by anyone, in any form and regardless of the relationship with the victim [2].

            Indonesia itself has been declared one of the countries with sexual violence emergency [3]. Therefore, various protection efforts by the government for women and children in Indonesia have been carried out, one of which is the enactment of Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning Sexual Violence as a form of protection for victims of sexual violence in Indonesia. Supporting central government policies through the ‘Sexual Violence Crime Law or UU TPKS’ and considering the increasing cases of sexual violence in universities, the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology also issued Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) No. 30 of 2021 concerning the prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities as one of the efforts to reduce the number of sexual violence in Indonesia, especially in universities.

            Meanwhile, cases of violence that occurred in West Sumatra Province were also included in a fairly high category. This can also be said to be quite concerning, especially since violence against women is not something that can be considered trivial. Based on data obtained through documents on cases of violence against women and children of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Police in 2019[4], the number of cases of violence that occurred in Padang City became one of the cases that had the highest number of 171 cases when compared to other cities such as South Pesisir Regency with 142 cases and also West Pasaman Regency with 64 cases. In Padang City, cases of sexual violence and domestic violence have also become the two highest cases of violence over the past three years with the same number of 11 cases.

            According to Sumintak & Idi, cases of sexual violence that occur in Indonesia can be said to be an iceberg phenomenon, where of the many cases of sexual violence that occur only a few are reported to the authorities. Sexual violence can also occur anywhere and by anyone, even in an environment that should be able to protect [5]. This can be seen through various cases of sexual violence that occur in the campus environment. Reporting from Tribun news, one of the cases that continues to be a hot topic is the case of sexual violence committed by one of the lecturers with the initials KC who teaches at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra against 8 female students. Of the 8 female students, there was one victim who experienced sexual violence to rape. The campus stated that it had taken firm action against the lecturer in accordance with the applicable code of ethics [6].

            Based on a statement given by the director of WCC Nurani Perempuan in the news media Tribun news, the sexual violence experienced by the victims left a deep trauma. The Universitas Andalas Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force has also offered the victim to follow up on this sexual violence case with the police, but the victim said she was not willing. This is because of the fear that the victim has of his fear of not being able to graduate from campus. The fear that victims of sexual violence have to report to the police or other authorities makes them prefer to report the case to one of the organizations or institutions that are concerned about protecting women from sexual violence, namely the Women Crisis Center (WCC) Nurani Perempuan. Of the eight female students who became victims, there were five female students reported cases of sexual violence to one of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Padang City [6].

            WCC Nurani Perempuan is one of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Padang City which was established in 1999. And on October 8, 2002 this institution was officially legalized and on November 20, 2002 it was under the auspices of the Zilla Nisa Foundation [7]. Based on a video uploaded on the Australian Volunteers Program Youtube channel as in [8]entitled “Providing support with Nurani Perempuan in Indonesia”, the WCC Nurani Perempuan focuses on issues regarding gender-based violence and the protection of women. It provides services to women who are victims of sexual violence and provides assistance in the form of care, support, resources, and law enforcement, as well as by providing safe houses for victims to recover. WCC Nurani Perempuan also provides integration services in the community, counseling, and gender education. WCC Nurani Perempuan also has a focus on prevention and policy advocacy at the local and national levels.

            In this case, WCC Nurani Perempuan has various roles that not only accompany victims of sexual violence but also advocate government policies that can protect victims of sexual violence by carrying out various efforts to prevent sexual violence against women in Padang City. Sexual violence cases handled by WCC Nurani Perempuan not only come from universities but also cases that occur in the general public. Another case is a case of sexual violence in the form of rape of a minor committed by his neighbor, a victim with the initials MT aged 10 (ten) years who is also a deaf sufferer. WCC Nurani Perempuan assisted the victim until the perpetrator was sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years.

            Through research conducted by Yesa as in [7], it can be seen that Nurani Perempuan participates in providing policy proposals for the protection of women and children to the government. One of them is through monitoring and evaluation activities carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan to the Provincial Legislative Council of Padang City (DPRD) in 2014-2018 regarding the Children’s Regional Regulation to prevent cases of sexual violence which according to him still lacking in implementation. Nurani Perempuan proposed that the bylaw could be drafted in more detail and make changes to several articles, especially regarding curfew regulations for women in Padang City. Even at that time, the WCC Nurani Perempuan was invited to make a run-bylaw, but when it was submitted to the Provincial Legislative Council of Padang City (DPRD), only general regulations were issued and not detailed about victims because large funds were needed.

            In carrying out its role as an NGO that focuses on opposing all forms of gender-based violence, WCC Nurani Perempuan carries out various advocacy activities in handling cases of violence and policies that discriminate against women. As reported by the Nurani Perempuan social media page, since 2016 WCC Nurani Perempuan has carried out various activities in the form of gender socialization to increase public awareness of sexual violence against women. As in several posts on @nuraniperempuan Instagram account, the Nurani Perempuan team held a community meeting to discuss strengthening community organizations that work for the elimination of violence against women. Through several activities carried out by WCC Nurani, it can be seen that WCC Nurani Perempuan has become one of the institutions that make its existence and role quite important and known by many people, especially in Padang City.

            Based on research conducted by Susantiin [9], WCC Nurani Perempuan also has a role that always tries to encourage the government, especially the legislature, to make policies that can protect women and children who are victims of violence, so that various regulations prepared can favor victims. Some forms of advocacy against the government As reported through the social media page of Nurani Perempuan there are several documentation of activities carried out by Nurani Perempuan such as participating and taking part in leading demonstrations and mobilizing the masses to carry out a 16-day campaign against violence against women by distributing pamphlets and conducting silent actions, as well as by participating in hearings at the Provincial Legislative Council of Padang City (DPRD).

            This research certainly has a different focus and purpose from previous studies where in some previous studies emphasized the legal perspective, but this study also has a different research focus, which emphasizes more on the main political perspective on the role carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan in carrying out various advocacy activities to the government or other related institutions. The role given by WCC Nurani Perempuan as the only institution that has a focus on the issue of gender-based violence in Padang City is certainly very interesting to be studied, especially WCC Nurani Perempuan is also often the main topic in national news and is also often invited to be a speaker at several webinars which shows that WCC Nurani Perempuan has become one of the institutions known by many people and has various important role.


       This research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach which according to Sugiyono is a method that has a function to describe or provide an overview of an object under study through the data that has been obtained as it is without conducting analysis to make generally accepted conclusions[10]. This research uses a qualitative approach descriptively because this research is related to the role of non-government institutions, so researchers are required to disclose factual data directly through interviews in accordance with the situation that is happening.

The data in this study was obtained through the process of interviewing informants and also by conducting documentation studies through several supporting documents directly provided by informants, previous research, journals, and also through social media accounts belonging to the main informant. In this study, the triangulation method was carried out by juxtaposing and correlating the data that had been obtained based on the results of an in-depth interview with one of the informants listed in the Analysis Unit above as well as through supporting documents provided by informants and also obtained through informants’ social media pages. This study uses the concept of indicators of the role of NGOs by Rahardjo [11], namely the role as a countervailing power, the role as an intermediary institution between the community and the state, and the role as an institution that carries the mission of community empowerment.


       The results of this research are the findings of researchers during research on one of the Non-Governmental Organizations in the city of Padang, namely the Women Crisis Center (WCC) Nurani Perempuan based on the phenomenon that is the focus of this research, namely the Role of WCC Nurani Perempuan in handling cases of sexual violence in the city of Padang. Like NGOs in general, WCC Nurani Perempuan is a non-profit organization established specifically to carry out protection and service efforts for women who are victims of violence. Based on observations through various secondary data and interviews with several informants, the following is a presentation of research results on the role carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan in handling cases of sexual violence in the city of Padang.

       Cases of sexual violence against women that continue to increase are becoming public attention, including by various institutions that focus on gender issues. One of the institutions that continues to be highlighted by the public in the city of Padang is WCC Nurani Perempuan. WCC Nurani Perempuan’s involvement in several cases of sexual violence that occurred in the city of Padang has made the institution phenomenal in the community of the city of Padang. This can be seen through WCC Nurani Perempuan’s social media page which continues to show its participation and involvement in several gender advocacy and socialization activities in the city of Padang.

       In discussing the role carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan, researchers use role indicators by M. Dawam Rahardjo where an NGO has three main roles, namely having a role as a countervailing power, having a role as an intermediary institution between the community and the state, and having a role as an institution that carries out the mission of community empowerment [11].

Role as a countervailing power

       In this case, it includes the role of NGOs as a complementary, namely complementary, or as something that is used as a counterforce between the roles carried out by the government. The role played by NGOs is seen through efforts to control, prevent, and stem acts of domination and manipulation carried out by the government against society. The role of NGOs as a countervailing power includes policy advocacy through lobbying that can influence public policy, political statements, and actions in the form of demonstrations.

       Based on information obtained by researchers through the @nuraniperempuan Instagram account, WCC Nurani Perempuan’s role as a countervailing power can be seen through policy advocacy activities carried out such as taking part in leading demonstrations and mobilizing masses to carry out anti-violence against women campaign activities, as well as conducting audience activities with local governments. Based on information obtained through WCC Nurani Perempuan’s social media, there are several activities carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan that reflect its role as a countervailing power.

       WCC Nurani Perempuan carries out its role through advocacy activities in the form of leading demonstrations and mobilizing the masses to carry out campaign activities. The campaign activities carried out were in the form of campaigns in commemoration of International Women’s Day and the 16-Day Anti-Violence Against Women Campaign. The form of mass mobilization carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan is in the form of distributing pamphlets through social media. This role is carried out as a form of annual action carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan a non-governmental organization that focuses on issues of gender-based violence.

       In addition, on Nurani Perempuan’s Instagram account, it can be seen that WCC Nurani Perempuan is also involved in audience activities with the local government, namely the Provincial Legislative Council of West Sumatra (DPRD). This hearing activity was carried out as a form of urgency and encouragement to the government to immediately pass the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence. This activity is carried out with the aim that victims of sexual violence can be better protected by the legal umbrella and prevent sexual violence in the future.

Role as an Intermediary Agency Between Society and State

       This includes the role of NGOs by acting as mediators related to relations between communities and the state or government, communities with NGOs, and between NGOs. The role of NGOs as intermediary institutions includes means to communicate between members of the community, cooperation between actors, and maintaining that the rights owned by the community can be protected together.

       Based on information obtained by researchers through WCC Nurani Perempuan’s social media pages and also through previous research by Nikmah Sri Muliani Yesa as in[7], the role of WCC Nurani Perempuan as an intermediary institution between the community and the state can be seen through providing counseling services to victims, conducting community meetings by discussing strengthening community organizations that work for the elimination of sexual violence against women,  and by providing policy proposals to the government through monitoring and evaluation activities.

       In carrying out its role as an intermediary institution between the community and the state, WCC Nurani Perempuan also assists victims by providing counseling services to victims of sexual violence. WCC Nurani Perempuan assists victims not only through counseling services but also through the provision of safe houses. Safe houses are intended for victims of sexual violence who get rejected by the surrounding environment, as well as a place to calm down and protect themselves from perpetrators of violence (if the perpetrator is his family or closest relative) [7]. This is done as an effort to protect and also restore the victim’s psyche so that there is no perception of victim blaming.

       One of the other forms of role carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan is to provide policy proposals through monitoring and evaluation activities to the Provincial Legislative Council of Padang City (DPRD) in 2014-2018 regarding regional regulations for children to prevent cases of sexual violence which according to her are still lacking in implementation. WCC Nurani Perempuan proposed that the regional regulation could be drafted in more detail and make changes to several articles, especially regarding curfew regulations for women in Padang City. This is done as a form of WCC’s role as a non-governmental institution that focuses on protecting women.

Role as an Institution that Carries the Mission of Community Empowerment

       This includes the role of NGOs by taking action in the form of developing the capacity of an institution, productivity, and independence of groups in the community to build self-reliance, and also realizing independence through participation. The role of NGOs as institutions that carry out the mission of community empowerment includes providing education, organizing, and mobilizing in the community [12]-[13].

       The role as a community empowerment can be seen through several activities carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan such as conducting gender socialization to increase public awareness by being a speaker at several meetings, webinars, and talk shows that focus on discussing and supporting the elimination of violence against women. Then by empowering the community, and by distributing pamphlets through social media containing information about sexual violence against women.

       Through its social media pages, it can be seen that WCC Nurani Perempuan often conducts gender socialization by being a speaker at several meetings, webinars, and also talk shows that discuss the elimination of violence against women. This can show that the existence of WCC Nurani Perempuan can be said to be quite important in society, which can be proven through WCC Nurani Perempuan who is often trusted to be a speaker. This gender socialization is carried out with the aim of increasing public awareness of cases of sexual violence, as well as so that people understand more about sexual violence and how to behave toward those who are victims of sexual violence.

       As a non-governmental organization originating from within the community and formed with the aim of achieving community welfare, WCC Nurani Perempuan is involved in empowering communities in the city of Padang. Based on information obtained through @nuraniperempuan Instagram account, it can be seen that one form of WCC Nurani Perempuan’s involvement in empowering the community is during community meeting activities in Pasie Sabalah, Koto Tangah District. The meeting was attended by 40 women, most of whom worked as fishmongers. At that time, WCC Nurani Perempuan held discussions related to strengthening community organizations that work for the elimination of violence against women. This is done as a form of the role of NGOs that participate in empowering the community so that the community can understand more about violence against women, especially sexual violence.

       In carrying out its role, WCC Nurani Perempuan participates in disseminating information related to sexual violence and violence against women. He conveyed this through the distribution of pamphlets through social media containing general information about sexual violence that can be accessed by the entire community. In addition, this is also done with the aim of preventing sexual violence so that people who were previously unfamiliar with various issues of gender-based violence can better understand the issues of gender-based violence, one of which is sexual violence against women.


     The condition of sexual violence both in the world and in Indonesia itself can be said to be quite concerning. In handling cases of sexual violence that occur, it cannot only rely on the government, but the role of other institutions is needed so that the handling carried out can be better. One of them is the existence of non-governmental institutions that focus on sexual violence issues. The role carried out by this non-government institution can help the government and also indirectly be able to prevent acts of domination and manipulation by the government in handling cases of sexual violence.

       This study discusses the role carried out by one of the non-governmental organizations in the city of Padang, namely WCC Nurani Perempuan in handling cases of sexual violence. The role of WCC Nurani Perempuan as a countervailing power can be seen through policy advocacy activities carried out such as taking part in leading demonstrations and mobilizing the masses to carry out anti-violence against women campaign activities, as well as conducting audience activities with local governments. The role as an intermediary institution between the community and the government can be seen through the provision of counseling services to victims and by providing policy proposals to the government through monitoring and evaluation activities. The role as a community empowerment can be seen through several activities carried out by WCC Nurani Perempuan such as conducting gender socialization to increase public awareness by being a speaker at several meetings, webinars, and talk shows that focus on discussing and supporting the elimination of violence against women. Then by conducting community meetings by talking about strengthening community organizations that work for the elimination of sexual violence against women. In addition, by disseminating information about sexual violence through the distribution of pamphlets on WCC Nurani Perempuan’s social media pages.


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