The Society Motivation on Choosing Educational Institution of Al-Falah Silo High School
- Budi Hartono
- Mohamad Na'im
- Bambang Soepeno
- 909-923
- Feb 13, 2023
- Education
The Society Motivation on Choosing Educational Institution of Al-Falah Silo High School
Budi Hartono, Mohamad Na’im, Bambang Soepeno
Department of Social Studies Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher training, University of Jember
This study examines the society motivation on choosing educational institution of Al-Falah Silo High School in Karangharjo Silo Village, Jember, East Java. The society motivation is a process of encouragement in the form of their desires, goals, and needs about choosing an educational institution, and cannot be separated from the factors that influence it. The research design inj this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, documents, websites, and IDM. Then, the data are analyzed using data reduction method, data presentation, and drawing conclusion or verification. The results showe that the motivation of the society to choose Al-Falah Silo High School Education Institution because of the desire to seek knowledge, to get rid of ignorance, to be able to read the holy Qur’an, blessings, and prayers in Arabic, the desire to get blessings, and the need to stay in boarding school in order to strive for the formation of children’s character, and moral education as their generation. The motivation of the society to choose the Al-Falah Silo High School Education Institution is influenced by social psychological factors and the social factors around them.
Keywords: Motivation, Social Psychology, and Social
Society is a group of people who live in a certain area, work, and have positive mental and physical activities in various areas of life to realize various needs, interests, and goals to be achieved together (Ahmad, 1989). So that the society can continue its existence, through social interaction they pass on values, knowledge, skills and other forms of good behavior to each of its members so that they become a good generation (Nasution, 2014). In addition, the society in an effort to develop their generation to be better, also ask for help from educational institutions that they believed could realize their aspirations (Pidarta, 2013). The society awareness that education can improve the quality of life and the lives of their generation is their reason to continue to pursue education (Pidarta, 2013). Therefore, society and education have a close relationship with each other. In this context, education (in the sense of school) is one of the means to train students (as the generation of a society) which is designed in the form of learning experiences to develop knowledge, skills and various competencies that can be used as capital to fulfill their life necessities (Sagala, in Yuristia, 2017).
Motivation is a process of encouraging and maintaining goals by directing behavior, so the motivation can provide an explanation why society shows certain attitudes (Schunk, 2012). Researching the society motivation on choosing the Al-Falah Silo High School educational institution is important to do, because it can provide an overview of the desires, goals, and educational needs of the society. It is important because the existence of education is to improve the quality of society, and the society is the user of education in order to improve the quality of life in the surrounding area (Nasution, 2014). The motivation of the people to choose the Al-Falah Silo High School educational institution is also inseparable from the factors that influence it. These factors are psychological factors such as aspirations, perceptions, attitudes, and behavior, as well as social factors such as religious, social, economic, cultural, geographical conditions (Bahri, 2016). For this reason, this research is carried out as part of the roots of improving the quality of education based on society (Pidarta, 2013). The hope is that it will be useful for Al-Falah Silo High School in providing educational solutions that are relevant to the needs of the community and the community itself.
The Society Motivation on Choosing Educational Institution
The study of motivation should be a half of the study of human goals, desires or needs. Purpose is the meaning behind and the end of a symptom. Desire is a single act or satisfaction of a human being that is complex, relative, and gradual. Needs are a means of an end, not an end in itself (Maslow, 1984). Motivation is a psychological process that encourages someone to do something (Syar’i, 2020).
Society is every person in an area who cannot stand alone because they need other people, they together aim to achieve common goals that are increasingly perfect (Pidarta, 2013). Education is teaching things that students are ready to accept, through curriculum, school activities and cultural conditions that support the implementation of good education in synergy (Hergenhahn& Olson, 2008).
One of the motivations for people to choose educational institutions is the educational institutions in the pesantren environment. Islamic boarding school is a traditional Islamic educational institution to understand, vivify, and practice Islamic teachings (tafaqqah fiddin) by emphasizing the importance of morality as a guideline for social life (Mulyadi in Nizar, 2013). In the midst of the gradual development of the national education system, Islamic boarding school is gradually influenced to make change. The step of change begins with accepting the modernization of education through certain accommodation and innovation processes that are deemed appropriate and in accordance with the pesantren environment and the educational needs of the society, so that the society motivation towards pesantren education from day to day seems to be getting bigger (Zubaedi, 2012). Hence, nowadays it is not uncommon for Islamic boarding school which specifically manages religious education and also manages general education institution. This is what motivates society to choose educational institution located in Islamic boarding school in fulfilling the educational needs of their generation.
Understanding some of the needs that make someone to be motivated is to be able to grasp the reasons why someone is motivated. It should be realized that everyone definitely has motivation from one another, but the causes and motivations can be different so they need to be understood differently in overcoming them (Hill, 2009).
The Influence of Psychological Factors
Psychology has a special branch of knowledge called social psychology, namely knowledge that seeks to understand the origins and causes of individual behavior and thoughts in the context of social situations. Because social psychologists believe that a person’s action in various social situations is strongly influenced by the social cognition of the social situation. Understanding social cognition is actually the key to understanding complex patterns of social relation in society. For this reason, it is important to be stated here that the study of social psychology tries to understand the relationship between thinking and social behavior that appears (Baron & Byrne, 2004).
From the above understanding, social psychology can be concluded that it has two main elements, namely, individual behavior and social situations. Individual behavior cannot be separated from cognition, emotion, and motivation in human, and also cannot be separated from other human or the human culture that surrounds them (Faturochman, 2009). The social situation in question can be in the form of aspiration, perception, attitude, and behavior which is influenced by social interaction (Sarwono, 2019).
Aspiration is the desire to be more advanced than the current status which is different from ambition (Hurlock, 1978). Aspiration can be positive when it means success or achievement better than before, and will be negative when it means avoiding failure. Aspiration is also immediate (Immediate Aspiration) and remote (Remote Corporation). Immediate aspiration is a goal that someone wants to achieve in the near future or not too long ago, while remote aspiration is a goal that someone wants to achieve in the future (Hurlock, 1978). In relation to educational motivation, aspiration is meaningful ideas that describe desire, wishes, hope, goal or objective to be achieved or realized by someone, including parents, about children education whether through formal education or informal education.
Perception is a direct response or acceptance of absorption, or the process of knowing several things through the five senses. Perception can also mean view or opinion (Bahri, 2017). Perception can affect someone emotion, the surrounding facts can influence the formation of perception which then produce emotion. Perception can appear in the human brain through sensory observation and can produce response, namely in the form of impression in human consciousness. From these impressions, perception is born in the form of understanding, comprehension, view, opinion, or conclusion about a fact or phenomenon (Bahri, 2017). For example, when someone sees a school in a place with a magnificent building, has a large and clean yard, interspersed with shady trees, then the person perception (view) appears, for example he says the school is good. The conclusion like this is called the confinement process, namely the gradual narrowing of categories until the object actually gets a place to be perceived (Bahri, 2017). From the perception which is had by the society, then influence the attitude to choose and determine the educational institution that is undertaken.
Attitude is defined as a willingness to react (disposition to react) positively (favorably) or negatively (unfavorably) towards certain objects (Sarnoff in Sarwono, 2019). Attitude has three elements that is important to be known, namely cognitive, affective, and behavioral element (Slameto, 2015). Therefore, in determining a person attitude, he must at least know about an object, even if it is a little, in order to be able to respond to an object that can cause a tendency to behave, giving rise to an attitude (Slameto, 2015). Attitudes can be formed through several things, namely: 1) through repeated experiences or traumatic experiences. 2) through imitation (imitating), 3) through suggestion or advice from someone who is considered authoritative, 4) through identification (trying together) due to emotional attachment, For example, children imitate their father’s way of learning (Slameto, 2015). Attitudes can be increasingly seen in every individual and societal behavior because behavior can be an illustration of attitude in choosing educational institution.
In its explanation, behavior is everything that is done by human that can be observed through several things. Behavior is not like thought or feeling, can be observed, recorded, and learned (Riyanti, et al., 1996). Because behavior has a real form in the form of behavior (Sarwono, 2019) which originates from social actions (Illeris, 2011), as a result of social influence (Baron & Byrne, 2004). Behavior is a response from oneself to an object or thing around it (Skinner in Pangesti, 2021). The basic principle of behavior is the stimulus, the organism is the human being, while the response is caused by the presence of a stimulus both from within and from outside the human being. The effort to know behavior with a stimulus is to find out something that is really needed by human because every individual instinctively (natural instinct) can be driven to behave about what is really needed (Hergenhahn& Olson, 2008). For Tolman, understanding behavior is not just about responding to stimulus, but also acting on belief, expressing feeling, and pursuing goal (Hill, 2009).
The Influence of Social Factors
Social factor is a factor that is considered to influence society motivation to choose educational institution. In this view, the aim is to see an object using various perspectives of the social science to express a reality in an equitable manner about all aspects of people live (Miftahuddin, 2020). Below is an explanation of the social factors referred to above, for example geographical, social, economic, cultural, and religious factor.
Geographical factor, in this case is viewing the earth as a human habitation which consists of the natural environment and the human environment. Natural aspects such as location and distance (affordability) affect human life. Human aspects such as economic and sociological aspect also influence human life because these aspects have resulted in interaction, interrelation and adaptation to human. Active adaptation will make human life and the environment more sustainable (Daldjoeni, 2019). Talking about geographical factor is how to position space as a functioning geographic environment, that the earth is not an empty place and has no effect (Daldjoeni, 2019). This is what makes the understanding that the area affects the life of living things (Kartodirdjo, 1993).
Furthermore, social factor, it means that all aspects of human life have a social dimension, meaning that it contains many aspects of the life of society (Kartodirdjo, 1993). In this case social factor is understood as social reality that develops in a society that occurs due to action and interaction between people that are experienced factually (objectively) and subjectively meaningful. Social reality is a social process between people who are jointly involved in carrying out interaction, thus influencing thought and reality as well as the subjective awareness of each individual in a society (Johnson, 1994). Social factor in the live of society can be seen in its forms, such as economic life (livelihood, income), religion (obedience), culture (conserving), and others. Each of these factors has elements that follow and influence each other (Soekanto, 2002). In social factor, there must be element of education, religion, and others (Kartodirdjo, 1993; Purwanto in Nursam, 2017).
The next is economic factor. The Economic problem is a problem faced by most people, and the economic condition of the society greatly affect aspects of their live. The economic problem is the non-fulfillment of the needs for goods and services for individual or society, so they have to choose certain goods and services, how these goods and services are produced, and for whom the goods and services are. In principle, the solution to economic problem must be sought by fulfilling the greatest needs and using the smallest possible resources. Therefore, every individual or society must be able to choose well for all their needs for goods and services (Nopirin, 2016). The ability to choose goods and services well can reduce many constrained needs. For example addressing the need for education, health, culture and other areas of society must be able to adapt intelligently to the economic capabilities they have. Including adjusting their lifestyle and building their social structure, so that all their needs can be met properly (Ahmad, 1989).
Next is the cultural factor, which sees that culture is the ways of thinking and acting in each group, family, school and society, which are accepted and expected by every member of the group and society. In this case, culture is defined as social ideas and actions (Jenks, 2017). To preserve culture, of course, it requires cultural supporters to remain sustainable, therefore through offspring (grandchildren), and the surrounding community, culture can be passed on to humans or a group of people. However, one human effort alone is not enough, because it can find many shortcomings so it needs support from the whole community (Soekmono, 1973). Education is a place where humans are nurtured, grown, and developed their potential to respond to cultural developments. Education is also the process by which humans acquire culture, therefore education has an understanding where human live there is education with cultural characteristics (Pidarta, 2013). As a basic need, education in society exists to fight ignorance, because ignorance is a cultural problem that must be overcome. So with knowledge and education a society is able to overcome a culture that develops and is released and gets out of the clutches of other cultures, both regarding economic problems and other social problems (Ahmad, 1989).
The next is also religious factor. Religion is an institution that carries out the task so that society functions properly, both in the local, regional, national scope, and worldwide scale (Choidab et al., 2020). Religion is the most valuable part of all social life. It serves society by providing ideas, ritual, and feeling that will guide a person for living in society (Pals, 2012). The society acknowledgment of religion as a whole makes religion an acknowledgment of the existence of God and a vessel for submission to Him, and requires that humans as living beings created by God obey all commands and stay away from His prohibitions (Thrower in Yaqin, 2005). Religion as a belief held by society in God in its dynamics still has a very important function for people live. Apart from being a belief, and having a social function, religion is also a correction to the culture of a developing society because religion is a source of values and rules for people live. Hence, religion can work in society as a logical value and moral answer to cultural problem faced by society in a certain place, time and culture (Yaqin, 2005).
The design of this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. In determining the place of research, researcher uses a purposive sampling technique. This research is conducted in three villages, namely, Karangharjo Village, Harjomulyo Village and Pace Village, Silo District, Jember Regency. These locations are chosen because many people who continue their children education at Al-Falah Silo High School come from those three villages, so it is believed to be representative for describing the society motivation on choosing the Al-Falah Silo High School educational institution. The data obtained from this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data are obtained from main informant and supporting informant, namely people who send their children to Al-Falah Silo High School and sympathizers from each of these villages. While secondary data sources are documents, website and IDM (Building Village Index) obtained from the curriculum, student affairs, Administration, and Al-Falah Silo High School website and Karangharjo Village official. The researcher determines as many as twenty-seven key informants to describe this research phenomenon in a comprehensive and in-depth manner. The data collection technique uses in-depth interview and documentation. This interview is carried out intensively over a period of three months with sixteen people who sent their children to Al-Falah Silo High School and eleven people of sympathizers. Then, the researcher takes some photographs as documentary evidence from some of the informants
The data validity technique used in this study is including extending observation or interview, increasing persistence, triangulation, discussing with friends, and checking members. Data analysis consists of three streams of activities that occur simultaneously, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification
The people in this study are alumni of Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School or Al-Falah Silo High School who send their children to the institution. And also they are not Alumni of Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School or Al-Falah Silo High School, but send their children to the Al-Falah Silo High School Educational Institution. Furthermore, sympathizers of Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School who have not sent their children to that educational institution. It is from them that the researcher explores, collects, analyzes and presents descriptive data about their motivation for choosing the Al-Falah Silo High School Education Institution and the factors that influence it, maximally according to the aim and purpose of the research.
Based on location, the communities mentioned above are obtained from three villages, namely Karangharjo, Harjomulyo and Pace Villages. The three villages are the closest villages to one another, namely the border villages. Karangharjo Village is chosen because it is where Al-Falah Silo High School is located, and one of the Al-Falah Silo High School student bases, then Harjomulyo and Pace Villages are the other Al-Falah Silo High School student bases.
SMA Al-Falah Silo is a formal educational institution that was established in 1999. This institution is one of several institutions under the auspices of the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School Foundation. Geographically, Al-Falah Silo High School is in Parebalan Hamlet, RT 002 RW 006, Karangharjo Village, Silo District, Jember Regency, East Java Province. At first, the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School Foundation was a boarding school which was officially founded by KH. Syamsul Arifin in 1937 and did not manage formal education. Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School primarily was only focuses on teaching religious and social science. However, after becoming a foundation and as the talents, interests and knowledge of students developed in various aspects, several formal educational institutions were established, namely Al-Falah Silo Middle School and High School.
Since its establishment in 1999 Al-Falah Silo High School has graduated 21 batches of students until 2022. These graduates come from several areas around Karangharjo Village, Silo District, from outside Silo District, even from outside the Jember Regency area, for example Banyuwangi and Bondowoso Regency . Al-Falah Silo High School from the beginning academically opened two scientific majors, namely the MIPA and Social Sciences major. This educational institution is a private institution and is accredited C. As a formal educational institution, SMA Al-Falah Silo has a clear vision for the future, namely “Creating Students who are Faithful, Devoted, Achievement, Modest, Independent, and Care for the Environment, Love Culture, Love Indonesia, and Have Noble Characters”.
Al-Falah Silo High School in an effort to keep up with the development of the surrounding community conducts learning activities for 6 days starting from morning to noon. These activities consist of Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM), extracurricular activities, Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) activities, and Class Representative Deliberations (MPK), guidance for the National Science Olympiad (OSN) or the National Science Competition (KSN). This institution has Computer, Chemistry, and Library Laboratory to support student learning activities.
As an educational institution within the Islamic boarding school environment, Al-Falah Silo High School follows the rules set by the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School Foundation, namely every student who continues their education to Al-Falah Silo High School is obliged to stay at the Islamic boarding school during their education period, and is obliged to attend madrasah diniyah (religious) organized by Islamic boarding schools, as well as all Islamic boarding school regulations that are binding on students.
The Society Motivation on Choosing Al-Falah Silo High School
Motivation must be seen as a process rather than a product, therefore motivation is not observed directly but infers its presence from action (Schunk and Pintrich, 2014). The study of motivation is part of the study of human goal, desire or need. Purpose is the meaning behind and the end of a symptom. Desire is a single act or satisfaction of a human being that is complex, relative, and gradual. Need is a means of an end, not an end in itself (Maslow, 1984).
In line with the view above, the motivation of the society to choose Al-Falah Silo High School for their children is because of the desire to seek knowledge, both general knowledge and religious knowledge, because these two sciences are equally needed in people live. In this institution the children of the society get general knowledge and religious knowledge, because in the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School environment both general and religious education institutions are available, for general education it is run by Al-Falah Silo High School, while religious education is run by Madrasah Diniyah Al-Falah. This condition occurs because every children who continue their education at Al-Falah Silo High School is also obliged to attend the diniyah education organized by the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School Foundation.
The next motivation is the desire of the people to eliminate ignorance from general knowledge and religious knowledge. For this reason, the loss of ignorance can mean the fulfillment of the goal of improving human quality, regarding faith and intellect, so as to achieve physical and spiritual health. In accordance with what is conveyed by Hasbullah (2017) that society as thinking beings always wants to gain insights that they do not know through education in order to achieve progress. The society hope that with their children knowledge they will not be out of date like their parents, and can continue to receive a higher education than their parents. Children are expected to become ibnul ayyam, namely children who can exist in their time, are not old-fashioned, especially in terms of thinking, so they are able to face the demands of the times,
The motivation of the community to choose Al-Falah Silo High School is also driven by the desire to get blessings, namely ziyadatul khair (increased goodness). The society believes that Al-Falah Silo High School is a blessed place in seeking knowledge because it is in a boarding school environment. The boarding school environment is considered a good environment, and the prayers of teachers (caregivers) for their children are believed to be the reason for increasing kindness towards children so that they enter society later.
The society in choosing Al-Falah Silo High School is also motivated by the need to educate children to be able to read the holy Qur’an, shalwat, and prays that can answer the need of the surrounding society, because the surrounding village society still holds strong tradition. In the society life, religious traditions such as tahlilan, slametan, birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, and other religious rituals are still developing.The village conditions like this according to Soekanto (2002) have resulted the village society having the characteristic of always trying to build common feeling (aligning personal desires with group desires), and living together in a certain place. At certain moments, village people usually gather in one place in certain traditional rituals.
The next motivation that makes people interested in continuing their children education at Al-Falah Silo High School is the obligation to study. Parents’ limitations in educating their children themselves made them choose Al-Falah Silo High School as a place of education. Besides that, efforts to protect children from falling into promiscuity, free sex, and consuming drugs are also strong reasons for them choosing this educational institution. Al-Falah Silo High School as an educational institution under the Islamic boarding school foundation is believed by the society to be capable of character building for children. Traditions that develop in Islamic boarding schools, including the santri rules that apply in Islamic boarding schools can direct the value, attitude and behavior of children to be good.
However, the society hopes that Al-Falah Silo High School will continue to carry out educational development, so that it can answer the educational need of the society. For example, it is necessary to develop education in the field of Information and Communication Technology that is more adequate, and develop language majors, because so far it only has two teaching majors, namely the MIPA and IPS.
The Influence of Social Psychological Factors
Aspiration is an idea that describes the person desire, goal, and hopes to be more advanced in status than at present (Hurlock, 1978). The aspirations of each society are different from one another, because the thought and feeling in their souls are difference according to the social situation that surrounds them. The motivation of the society to choose Al-Falah Silo High School is because they have aspiration to prepare their children future. For the society, the future is not the same as the current period in all aspects of life, so it is necessary to provide children with sufficient education even to a higher level of education.
This aspiration cannot be separated from people thought about the current condition which has given rise to intense competition, and people concern about what the next 10 years and 20 years will happen to this world, therefore it becomes an obligation for the society to encourage children education to the higher education level. At present, it is difficult for graduates of high school level education to contribute to society, not because children do not want to be useful, but because the competition is so fierce that it is difficult for them to find opportunity to be useful.
People really want their generation to be a good generation, because in a good society the influence will be positive. In accordance with Syar’i’s view (2020) that parents as the head of the family for children are psychologically a group of people who live together in a residence where each family member feels an inner connection, resulting in mutual influence, concern, and surrender. From this explanation, it can be understood that society influences its family and its ideas and the educational aspiration is influenced by its social situation.
The society motivation to choose SMA Al-Falah Silo is also influenced by the status of alumni that develop in the society. When they see some alumni of Al-Falah Silo High School who they consider to have been successful in the community, for example becoming teachers, lecturers, village government officials, nurses, and midwives, the impact is on people aspiration to encourage their children to be successful like them, of course to achieve this, they must go through an educational process to a higher level.
However, it cannot be denied that the aspirations of the society to choose Al-Falah Silo High School are more committed to prioritizing knowledge than work, for them work is something that is destiny, depending on the time, because they think that the job dreams by their children in the future will not be appropriate with the expected reality. In line with Hurlock’s view (1978) that aspiration can have a positive meaning if they are sure about their future success, and can have a negative meaning if they try to avoid failure. Then aspiration can be immediate (immediate aspiration) because the goal to be achieved in the near future, and remote (remote corporation) because the goal to be achieved in the future.
The next factor influencing people motivation to choose Al-Falah Silo High School is perception. In this case, the public view about the institution is good. Because with the obligation to study for every student who continues their education at Al-Falah Silo High School, it has been considered to answer all the educational needs of children for the society, for example the need for general and religious education, disciplined character education, and strict control and assistance for students. Al-Falah Silo High School is also considered the best educational institution because it has output that is able to show its existence and role in society. Al-Falah Silo High School is also said to be advanced because it is supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure such as classrooms, teacher rooms, computer laboratories, chemistry, and libraries and other learning media and discipline, especially in carrying out education. Because of that, the society believes that this institution is capable of educating children to be trained, educating children to be good, moral, and educating children from all fields of science, and being able to realize the aspiration of the students. The condition of the teaching staff who are young, energetic, and have sufficient educational qualifications in accordance with the subjects being taught, creates a distinct impression on the community, which they then view Al-Falah Silo High School as a good educational institution.
In addition, Al-Falah Silo High School is an interesting educational institution according to the society because it can help people with limited economic ability to send their children to Al-Falah Silo High School. The assistance is in the form of relief and postponement of education funding for the poor.
It is also undeniable that the Al-Falah Silo High School educational institution is seen by the society as a safe and comfortable educational institution. It is safe because all the children are in the boarding house, they don’t interact much with the outside community, it is comfortable because parents fully surrender their children education to the boarding school, which allows parents to focus more on meeting the needsof their children education costs.
However, there are also some unattractive public views regarding Al-Falah Silo High School. According to them, Al-Falah Silo High School still needs to increase one or two teachers who have a low level of teaching discipline, because this situation affects the achievement of children education to be better. Certainly, consciously as an educational institution, Al-Falah Silo High School should continue to follow the development of the times, and all matters related to efforts to improve Al-Falah Silo High School in the future need to be continuously improved and prepared.
From the description above, it is accordance with Bahri’s view (2017) that perception is a view, opinion or conclusion about a fact or phenomenon that is around. Fact and phenomena that are around influence the formation of public perception which then generates emotion, so that impression appear in public awareness, such as good or bad impressions.
Perception then raises an attitude towards a society, namely a reaction to certain objects because they are considered valuable by a society (Sarwono, 2019). Attitude can be formed through experience, imitation, suggestion, and identification from society (Slameto, 2015).
So, the valuable experience experienced by the society about Al-Falah Silo High School is the attitude factor that motivates the society to place their children in this educational institution. Even people who have studied at Al-Falah Silo High School from an early age have introduced Al-Falah Silo High School to their children, so that when they grow up they are already familiar with the institution, can easily accept it, and becoming the education choice for them.
The factor of imitating between one society with another and also one child with another is caused by society high interest in this institution, and it has influenced their attitude to vote. It also needs to be acknowledged that suggestion and advice from the society leader, especially the Qur’an teacher, also influenced the society attitude to place their children in Al-Falah Silo High School. Another factor is the society belief that Al-Falah Silo High School can provide a sense of security and relieve anxiety for the community because it is located in an Islamic boarding school environment. It is accordance with Sarwono’s opinion (2019) this attitude is ego defense, namely effort to defend and protect the ego because of stimulus or situation that is considered dangerous, for example fear and (worry).
The society reaction to a phenomenon certainly produces behavior, namely concrete action based on belief, feeling, and effort to achieve goal. The basis of this behavior is important for society as a motivation to perform certain actions. Society behavior as individual appears because of the stimulus that comes from within and from outside the individual caused by the socialization and interaction between one community and another (Kinloch, 2009). Instinctively, someone in society is motivated to behave about something that is really needed (Hergenhahn& Olson, 2008).
The behavior of the society when choosing Al-Falah Silo High School as a place for their children education is to try to provide everything that children need for the successful of the educational process at that educational institution, including to strive for the success of children education in the future. For this reason, before they choose an educational institution as a place for their children study, they first look at and pay attention to the educational institution they want to choose, because the comfort factor of the educational environment influences people belief more strongly to choose an educational institution as a place for their children study. So, placing children in Al-Falah Silo High School is society behavior as a form of their belief that this educational institution is able to limit children from uncontrolled associations because they carry out strict regulations limiting students’ interaction with outsiders, thus giving a sense of security and comfort to the community.
After that, some of the society behavior while the children are in the Al-Falah Silo High School educational institution, namely, trying to meet the costs of the children education process, such as school fees, living expenses, completeness of uniforms and student free clothing. For the needs of students living expenses, the society meets their needs for one week, so that once a week the society comes to visit their children at the educational institution. It is at times to visit children that the society does not forget to take the time to give suggestions to children, such as encouraging children to study hard, actively participate in educational activities, encouraging children to continue pursuing education up to university.
The society behavior to suggest their children also leads to suggestions for children to obey teachers, follow school and pesantren rules, take certain times to complete Al-Qur’an readings, and be serious in learning, with the hope that the education of children will get better.
In order to encourage children to be more diligent in participating in Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) at Al-Falah Silo High School, the community also took the time to attend the school to meet the teacher to ask about their children presence in the KBM. Another form of behavior from the society towards their children is also such as giving advice to children not to get married immediately because they still have a long educational journey, it is better to continue to gain as much knowledge as possible so that they become knowledgeable and successful people in the future.
The society behavior towards children is not only that, for the problem of children intellectual development, skill, and attitude, the society especially adjusts to the potential of the children, even though some of them surrender completely to Al-Falah Silo High School while the children is in the institution. Some of the things described above are in line with Tolman’s view that behavior is not just about responding to stimulus but also acting on beliefs, expressing feeling, and pursuing goal (Tolman in Hill, 2009).
The Influence of Social Factors
Geographically the earth is a space as a place to live for people who have a certain influence. The space consists of the natural environment and the human environment. The natural environment influences human life as well as the human environment influences other human environment because the conditions of the surrounding environment result in interaction, interrelation and adaptation to society (Daldjoeni, 2019).
The motivation of the people to choose Al-Falah Silo High School cannot be separated from geographical factors. Natural aspects such as distance and the human aspect that surround them are factor that influence choosing Al-Falah Silo High School as an educational institution for children. The close distance is a motivating factor for the society to choose Al-Falah Silo High School, because the close distance makes it easier for the society to control children directly. Proximity includes influencing the pattern of society supervision of children more broadly, because neighbors and friends around help provide information about children. The close distance helps the community make it easier to visit children if there is an urgent need, because it doesn’t require expensive costs, and it’s easier to prepare everything.
Another illustration of the effect of the proximity of the society residence to Al-Falah Silo High School is that their decision to choose the institution is more certain, because with a close distance the society sees first directly the condition of Al-Falah Silo High School, so it doesn’t make the society confuses in making a decision. However, close distance is sometimes a challenge for the community because when the children does not feel comfortable in the hut, it is easy for him to return home, and if this continues the children may fail to undergo the educational process.
Social factors are social realities that develop in society that occur due to factual and meaningful actions and interactions between people (Johnson, 1994). The society motivation to choose educational institution can be influenced by social factors which are the reality around them, where there is mutual influence between the thought and awareness of everyone in society, and then it could be that one society with another is affected.
Some of the social realities that influence people motivation to choose Al-Falah Silo High School are suggestions and input from figures (teachers of the Koran) by giving several considerations. Some of the considerations are close consideration, adequate scientific discipline, and relatively inexpensive financing. Because some of the considerations given are acceptable to the community, they decided to send their children to Al-Falah Silo High School. Then the public interest, namely the desire of the society to follow their neighbors, the influence of friends when they are in Junior High School (SMP), many of whom go to Al-Falah Silo High School, and family factors, where one family have studied at the institution also influenced people motivation to choose.
The next social aspect that influences society motivation to choose Al-Falah Silo High School is the economic factor. Economic problem is a problem faced by the majority of the society, and the economic condition of the society affect aspects of the life of the society need (Nopirin, 2016). Basically, the solution to economic problem must be found, because people want all their needs to be met properly (Ahmad, 1989). For example, meeting the need for education, clothing, food, and housing which can be said to be varied (Deliarnov, 2016). For some people who have good economic ability, the cost of education at Al-Falah Silo High School is not a problem, it is not even difficult to fulfill it, they are without the burden of sending their children to Al-Falah Silo High School because it is quite cheap, including for the society middle-class economy, education funding at Al-Falah Silo High School is quite affordable, it is proven that the society is still able to overcome the obstacles they face in fulfilling education costs.
The economic condition of the village in which most of whom are still related to agricultural economic activities, traders, and a few are entrepreneurs, so in choosing education or schools they also adjust the choice of educational institutions to their economic capabilities, with the consideration that in the future children will not drop out of school. However, with the relatively affordable cost of education, there are things that the society educational need have not met, such as learning media that need to be added because they are not in balance with the required need. Talking about education based on quality, it is necessary to understand that superior educational institutions are of course with expensive educational costs, simple and economically cheap quality education, of course, also with all its limitation (Pidarta, 2013).
For some people who are classified as economically disadvantaged, the cost of education at Al-Falah Silo High School is not affordable, but because there are provisions for financing relief, and delays in paying school bills, the society is still able to cope and continue to send their children to Al-Falah Silo High School. Financing relief for underprivileged students can reach 50% and even for free if the governing board or the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School foundation provides other policies. Underprivileged society is also assisted by government assistance programs such as the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) and the Family Hope Program (PKH).
Another factor that also influences society motivation to choose Al-Falah Silo High School is cultural factor. In this case, culture is considered to be related to the ways of thinking and acting in every group, family, school, and society that are accepted and expected by every member of the family and society (Jenks, 2017). Culture can be preserved through heredity and the support of the whole society. However, culture can continue to experience development following the times, these changes occur either to be adjusted, perfected or replaced (Soekmono, 1973). To address these development certainly requires education.
The society strong motivation to continue their educational tradition for their children has made them place their children in Al-Falah Silo High School. The institution is considered to have raised them. Even though the times have changed in such a way, the society believes that the Al-Falah Silo High School Educational Institution can keep up with the times. Because this educational institution is located within the pesantren environment, it is available for general and religious education need. When children are equipped with general knowledge and religious knowledge, people believe that in the future they will be able to deal with the problems of life in this world and the life afterlife.
Education is a tool to fight ignorance, and stupidity is a cultural problem, with human education fostered, developed so that they are able to respond to the development of the times (Pidarta, 2013). So, in order to eliminate ignorance, it is necessary to place children in educational institutions that are quite advanced compared to their surroundings, because as the next generation, children must be prepared for the challenges of changing times that will be faced later.
The way people think about children education is also a cultural factor that influences society motivation to choose Al-Falah Silo High School. For the society, children must first receive education in the pesantren environment. In this place, people hope that their children are educated to have good behavior or moral so that they become the best generation in the future. The cultural factor that also influences is the people mindset to change their destiny, namely the people desire that the fate of their children is not the same as theirs, especially in terms of work, most of them are farmers, planters and breeders.
Furthermore, religious factor also influence the society motivation to choose SMA Al-Falah Silo. Religion is a belief system with complete behavior and always associated with the sacred. This behavior is then put together in a social community called a place of worship, where people show their obedience (Pals, 2012). Religion has several functions for society live, functioning as belief, social function, and correction to the culture of a developing society (Yaqin, 2005).
Religious people are definitely motivated to be good follower of their religion. Therefore, they have to learn their religion better. When people send their children to Al-Falah Silo High School, their motivation cannot be separated from this factor. In this educational environment, children are also required to study religion through Madrasa Diniyah Al-Falah. The religion as a belief is an inner strength that encourages society to lead children to study religion more deeply, so that by understanding a lot of religious knowledge children can become human beings who comply with religious orders and stay away from religious prohibitions. What means by obeying religious problem for example, being a children who obey worship, has good morals, becomes a children who obeys both parents, teachers, and is useful in social life.
Religion provides limitations to society regarding what can be done and what must be abandoned, regarding lawful and unlawful, good and bad, deed get rewards or sins. Understanding of values in religion is believed by the community to be able to limit children to things that are not necessary, such as committing disobedience to Allah, disobedient to both parents, disrespecting teacher, gambling, adultery, using drugs, so that religion is able to deliver children deal with the circumstances of the times well. Then, the religion teaches values to children continuously such as building obedience to worship Allah, obedience to both parents and teachers, having good moral, being honest, trustworthy, responsible, istiqamah, disciplined and tidy,
Religion serves society by providing ideas, rituals and feelings that can guide a person in living in society (Pals, 2012). The function of religious creation in social life can be beneficial to the surrounding community in several aspects, for example when there are tahlilan, yasinan, and nalso shalawatan the children are able to fulfill that need. So, this is also a factor influencing the society motivation to choose SMA Al-Falah Silo.
Religious education that teaches about law of human actions regarding halal and haram, good and bad, orders and prohibitions and sunnah encourages children with good personalities to be trusted by the society makes children able to fortify, and self-correct from cultural changes that are not in accordance with religious values and even those that can erode the order of social life of society.
The society motivation on choosing the Al-Falah Silo High School Education Institution is the processes that encourage their desire, goal, and need regarding children education. Based on the result of this research that has been carried out, the motivation of the society to choose Al-Falah Silo High School is because of the desire to seek general knowledge and religious knowledge, to eliminate ignorance, the need for children to be able to read the Holy Qur’an, blessings, prayers in Arabic, the desire to get blessings, the desire to place children in educational institution in the pesantren environment, as well as seek to build better children character. The society motivation is also influenced by the driving factors that are around it. Several factors influence people motivation in choosing this institution, namely social psychological factors which include aspiration, perception, attitude, and behavior. Then, the social factors also influence the society motivation, such as geographical, social, economic, cultural, and religious factors. From the meeting of the society educational needs that have been answered, they hope that Al-Falah Silo High School will always carry out development in meeting the educational need of students, so that they can answer community need, for example the development of education in the field of technology, namely in the field of Information and Communication Technology, and the development of language major, increasing the activeness of teaching teachers, and adding learning media that is balanced with the needs of students. Based on this, the following recommendations are made.
- The community should know more about the condition of the educational institution that will be selected in order to understand the direction of their children education, both regarding their knowledge, skill, and attitude, so that they are more precise in directing the future of their generation. This suggestion does not consider the AL-Falah Silo High School educational institution inappropriate, but how the society in choosing an educational institution need to add information about the chosen institution so that it further increases their trust and confidence in choosing this educational institution, including the motivation to choose another educational institution .
- To SMA Al-Falah Silo efforts to change, improve, develop and improve the quality of education must always be attempted. Several things need to be fixed and even developed, for example developing language major, increasing teacher activity, developing student skills that are more in accordance with the need of the times, such as developing Information and Communication Technology, developing language skills, developing learning media, and other aspects that need to be repaired can’t stop.
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