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Understanding the Principles of Islam Conflict with Western Democracy

Understanding the Principles of Islam Conflict with Western Democracy

Kawsar Mia

M.A in Islamic History & Culture, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100.


Received: 07 February 2025; Accepted: 13 February 2025; Published: 17 March 2025


Islam is the come full circle and the complete code of human life. Islam provides heading in choosing the scope of right and generous exercises at each level of human life, from the individual to the state. It is the epitome of the code of life that Allah, the Producer and Master of the universe, has revealed for the heading of mankind. As a religion, Islam stands for add up to convenience and submission to Allah and the foremost objective is the welfare of this life and the salvation of the from now on. However, Western democracy is one of the most popular and accepted forms of governance in the contemporary world. This research illustrates the principles of Islam and took up two main objectives, namely: The Islamic governance, and The Western democracy. The research results that the author obtained are as follows: In terms of many significant issues, checking objectives, methodologies, and organization, Islam can be seen to be in conflict with Multi-Party democracy. The most imperfection of Liberal democracy is that everybody is equal while selecting a ruler. His/her caliber or intellectual level isn’t considered.  “Say, O Prophet, Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” (Quran 39:9). Democracy is failed here.

Keywords: Islamic Principles, Western Democracy, Conflict, Constitution, Governance.


Agreeing to modern times, human life is the amalgamation of person and collective life. Person life is bifurcated into three spaces: Doctrine, Ceremonies and Social Traditions. Within the same way, there are three circles of collective life: Social, Financial and Political Frameworks. It is thought that Religion is as it were in connection to person life, and it has no concern with collective life. As a result, Secularism has risen. In any case, Islam is the ideal and total code of human life, and it gives direction in all these perspectives of life. Especially, Islam has an unmistakable and one of a kind political and government framework based on Islamic Shariyah. This framework envelops both person and collective human life. Such type of comprehensive political and government framework isn’t given by any other religion but Islam. Allah said:

Say, “[0 Muhammad] we believe in Allah and within the Disclosure given to us, and Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac Jacob and the Tribes. We accept the Disclosure sent to Moses, Jesus and all other Prophets from their Master. We make no refinement between them, and to Him, we yield.” (3:83; 2:136)

He has uncovered to you (O Muhammad) the sacred writing with truth, affirming that which was uncovered sometime recently as He uncovered the Torah and the Gospel recently as a direct to mankind and has uncovered the Model (for judging between right and off-base). (3:3-4)

On the other hand, western political and government framework is “Democracy”. Basically, majority rule government is the government of the individuals, by the individuals, for the individuals. It isn’t an ample framework for people. It has a few certain disadvantages. This paper represents the elemental contrasts between Islam and Western vote-based system are, in specific, issues such as administration, the discretionary framework, reason of the state, relationship between the state and citizens, duties and obligations and of the citizen, responsibility of the ruler and the control of the individuals.

Aim of the Study: The aim of this research is to examine the conflict between Islamic governance and Multi-party system. The objectives include:

  1. To describe the pillars and the fundamental principles of Islam with comprehensive meanings.
  2. To identify the characteristics of Islamic governance with providing some compelling information from the reliable sources.
  3. To analyze the drawbacks of Western democracy with the comparison of Islamic governance.


The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach to the literature study method using both the primary and the secondary data in the form of literature. First and foremost, the primary sources are used to formulate the Islamic principles on governing system, where as the secondary materials, including books, journal articles, and encyclopedias were consulted to illustrate the Western democracy and compare with the Islamic fundamental thoughts and beliefs.


The Definition of Islam: The word Islam has Arabic root meaning to at times down, to acknowledge, the peace, total accommodation, yield and compliance. The religion Islam is characterized as ‘the total and add up to accommodation to one and only ALLAH’. This is often the excellence of Islam that taking after one maker makes the adherent quality, evacuate the uncertainty, and increment their submission. Allah said: Say, “[0 Muhammad] we believe in Allah and the Disclosure given to us, and Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac Jacob and the Tribes. We accept the Disclosure sent to Moses, Jesus, and all other Prophets from their Ruler. We make no refinement between them, and to Him, we yield.” (3:83; 2.236).:He has revealed to you (O Muhammad) the scripture with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as a guide to mankind and has revealed the Criterion (for judging between right and wrong). (3:3-4). All of them called humankind to the way of the Master, the way of submission to Allah. All of them gave the same message, and all of them stood for the same cause: Islam.

Islam is the second-largest religion in the world with more than 1.8 billion followers (Grinin, 2019). The numbers of followers of Islam are increasing rapidly and hence it becomes the fastest growing religion in the world (Anadolu, 2009). The reasons behind the quick spreading of Islam are its honesty, completion, arrangement to each issue, nature, flexibility, flexibility from race and locale, and cherish. The major reason for its attractiveness is that it is the gift and blessings of ALLAH, which is the Creator, the Mighty, and the Lord of the universe (Hussain, 2024 & Yom, 2017).

Islam gives strength, power, truthfulness, sympathy, and personal values to all of its followers. Islam has different characteristics which them a unique, eternal, complete, and true path of life. Although, Islam is completely indigenous and natural, it is helping the followers in every aspect. These properties are mentioned in the Quran (Muslim holy book) and Hadiths (the words and actions of the last prophet Muhammad S.A.W). Unity, truthfulness, humanity, universality, eternal, balance, simplicity, sympathy, and equality are some of the marked and unique properties of religion Islam (Hussain, 2024).

The Pillars of Islam: Our adored prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. said ‘Islam has been built on five [columns]:  affirming that there’s no divinity commendable of worship except Allah which Muhammad is the Courier of Allah, setting up the Salah (Namaz, Supplication), paying the Zakat (mandatory charity), performing the Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House of Kaaba, and fasting in Ramadan.” (Bukhari:8). Agreeing with the above-mentioned hadith, Islam is like a building that has five columns. It could be a well-known reality that no building stands without its columns, so, solid, changeless, and strong columns must be there to keep the building kept up. The same is true for Islam which has five columns each one has its properties including (I) affirming that there’s no divinity commendable of revere but Allah which Muhammad is the Delivery person of Allah, (ii) building up the Salah (Namaz, Supplication), (iii) paying the Zakat(obligatory charity), (iv) perform the Hajj (journey to Makkah) to the House of Kaaba, and (v) fasting in Ramadan. These pillars show that Islam is like a building with five compulsory columns and cannot stand without any of them. The fundamental confidence of Muslims is to accept within the one and as it were ALLAH, the delivery people, the heavenly books, the presence of blessed messengers, the life after passing, and the rewards of their deeds on restoration day (Hussain, 2024).


Justice and Fairness: Equity is one of the elemental standards of Islamic Open Organization. Islam emphasizes guaranteeing equity in all circles of human life. Bad form and separation are entirely precluded in Islam. It recognizes the concept of ‘Al-Adl’ (which suggests equity, and ‘al-Ihsan’ (which implies benevolence to guarantee equity and decency in human life (Mohamad, 2021). Allah swat. says within the Quran- “Indeed, Allah commands equity, grace, as well as liberality to shut relatives. He precludes obscenity, evil, and hostility. He instruments you so maybe you’ll be mindful” (Quran, 16:90).

 Islam propels its followers to guarantee equity in all activities as Muslims know that they got to do all things within the nearness of Allah swat. It has been said within the Sacred Quran as takes after- “Indeed, Allah commands you to return believe to their legitimate proprietors, and after you judge between individuals, judge with reasonableness. What a respectable commandment from Allah to you! Without a doubt Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing” (Quran, 4:58). The verse from the Quran addresses people in positions of specialist, emphasizing the significance of satisfying all obligations by guaranteeing that each individual gets their legitimate share and fair-mindedly arbitrating debate. Equity is unpredictably tied to a sacrosanct commitment, a obligation placed upon people to be carried out with most extreme truthfulness and genuineness (Ismail, 2010). Subsequently, the individuals locked in in open organization, from the Islamic point Accountability is another significant principle of Islamic administration. Muslims are accountable to Allah for their every action. They must obey the directions of Allah to achieve His pleasure both here and in the hereafter. Hence, the understanding of the essence of accountability to Allah is reflected in the Islamic public administration. of view, are anticipated to guarantee.

Accountability and Responsibility: The framework of responsibility in Islamic organization is three-dimensional. Firstly, it is based on an authoritative hierarchal arrange where subordinates are responsible to their seniors; besides, chairmen are specifically responsible to the individuals; and thirdly, responsibility to God (Allah) on the Day of Judgment (Noor,2006).

Allah swt said within the heavenly Quran- “Be mindful of the Day once you will ˹all˺ be returned to Allah, at that point each soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and none will be wronged” (Quran, 2:271) and “We have bound each human’s fate to their neck. And on the Day of Judgment, We are going bring forward to each ‘person’ a record which they will discover laid open”. And it’ll be said, “Read your record. You ˹alone˺ are adequate this Day to require account of yourself” (Quran, 17:13-14).

Responsibility and obligation, as concepts in Islam, are not constrained to the sacred Quran’s 1 or 2 Ayat (verses). Or maybe, it has been centered all through the whole sacred text (Kenzy, 2023). Islam guides its supporters through these instruments to advance responsibility for their activities, which eventually makes a difference in anticipating debasement and capable authority beneath the Islamic authoritative framework.

Rule of Law: The run the show of law is an necessarily portion of Islamic organization and is profoundly established in Islamic statute that envelops ethical and moral objectives at the side lawful standards. The prime sources of Islamic law are the heavenly Quran and Sunnah, serving as directing standards and contain rules to encourage the administration of the Muslim world. Assessing the run the show of law in Islam includes two measurements: firstly, guaranteeing that the people regards the law as maintained by open chairmen, and furthermore, guaranteeing that the state is prepared to uphold the law when open organization falls brief of accomplishing the set up objectives adjusted with confidence, country, and societal values (Chandio, 2021).

Morals and Ethical quality: Islam offers a total code of life laid out by moral values, and its rules are loaded with ethical enlightening for the individuals of all sections of society (Ibrahimi & Yusoff, 2017). The moral and ethical logic of Islam contains a vital part in Islamic organization for forming open officials’ conduct and directing decision-making forms. Islamic organization requires solid adherence to the moral standards of Islamic instructing, enveloping a wide run of values and ethics. These standards make a sense among directors that the specialist and obligation vested in them are sacrosanct as agents of the majestic Allah (Noor, 2006).

Participative Decision-Making: Participative decision-making is empowered in Islamic Organization for advancing equity, collaboration, and collective obligation. This approach is connected with one of Islamic administration’s critical standards, i.e., ‘Shura’. The Arabic term ‘Shura’ alludes to discussion or common deliberation. Allah swt emphasizes participative and collective decision-making within the sacred Quran, as He notices “Who reacts to their Ruler, build up supplication, conduct their issues by shared discussion, and give from what we have given for them” (Quran, 42:38). “It is out of Allah’s kindness simply ˹O, Prophet˺ have been tolerant with them. Had you been pitiless or hard-hearted, they would have certainly deserted you. So, exculpate them, inquire Allah’s absolution for them, and counsel with them in ˹conducting˺ things. Once you make a choice, put your believe in Allah. Unquestionably Allah cherishes those who trust in Him” (Quran, 3:159).

The entire strategy of an Islamic organization, such as from beginning to the choice of the state’s head and other individuals who bargain with the control, must be conducted by ‘Shura’ or consultative chamber. The hone of ‘Shura’ was the strategy connected at all levels whereas prophet Muhammad (PBUH) chosen authority for state issues (Mufti, 2003). Masliis Shura was built up by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for regulating the government undertakings. A number of individuals for this ‘Shura’ or Consultative Committee were designated, including a researcher, head of Muhajirin (Transient), head of Ansar (Nearby people of Medina) and commander of the armed force. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) served as a commendable show for society by illustrating a significant regard for and adherence to the rule of Shura. He effectively grasped the prevailing opinions and points of view of the Board, indeed when they separated from his claim, representing a commitment to collective decision-making and meeting (Rozali, 2020).

Corruption Free Administration: Islamic lessons entirely disallow debasement, recognizing it as Haram (taboo). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed on this forbiddance through different portrayals (Hadiths). One such Hadith is as follows after It was described by ‘Abdullah bin Amr that the Delivery person of Allah (PBUH) said: “May the Revile of Allah be upon the briber and the bribe recipient” (Sunan Ibn Majah: 2313). This Hadith shows that bribery is regarded as a grave sin in Islam. Muslims are educated not to share in any frame of bribery, whether within the capacity of advertising or tolerating it under any circumstances (Bougatef, 2015).

Allah SWT coordinated within the sacred Quran as follows- We educate him: “O David! We have unquestionably made you a specialist within the arrive, so judge between individuals with truth. And don’t take after ˹your desires or they will lead you off track from Allah’s Way. Doubtlessly those who go off track from Allah’s Way will endure a serious discipline for ignoring the Day of Reckoning” (Quran, 38:26) Performing obligations with judgment and commitment and for human welfare isn’t as it were fundamental within the intrigued of the association, but it could be a devout obligation for Islamic directors. In this manner, separated from their organization commitments, they will have to be responsible to Allah on the Day of Judgment. Such sentiments and awareness act as a mental obstruction among the chairmen against regulatory assertion and degenerate inclinations (Noor, 2006).


Definitions: Majority rule government, which determines from the Greek word “demos,” or “people,” is characterized, essentially, as government in which the incomparable control is vested within the individuals. In a few shapes, vote based system can be worked out straightforwardly by the individuals; extend social orders, it is by the individuals through their elected operators. Or, within the paramount express of President Abraham Lincoln, popular government is government “of the individuals, by the individuals, and for the people.” Popular government has developed as a exceedingly affluent political system amid the course of the 20th and 21st centuries. In a majority rule government, people have the correct to unreservedly select their favored religion. Usually due to the law based system’s arrangement of equal rights for all citizens beneath the law. The framework known as Demokrita, which signified administration by the people, was the first incarnation of popular government.

Concurring to Schumpeter (1947), popular government is characterized by the people’s capacity to work out their choice in favoring or dismissing the people who would administer them (1947, 2).This articulation advances the execution of constituent forms to choose pioneers who precisely speak to the inclinations of the individuals. Agreeing to Abraham Lincoln, majority rule government can be characterized as a form of administration that’s characterized by its establishment within the collective will and cooperation of the citizenry, eventually serving their interface (Lincoln, 1862).

The rise of Democracy: The presentation of popular government into the Athenian city-state happened amid the period of Cleisthenes’ reproduction in 508–7 BC, meaning its critical and comprehensive selection. At the same time, Pericles developed as a conspicuous political figure amid the period traversing from 461 to 429, some time recently encountering a transitory decrease in impact taking after Athens’ overcome by the Oligarchic city-state of Sparta. Agreeing to Roper (2012), the Peloponnesian War concluded in 404. The fruitful usage of vote based system on a worldwide scale has however to be accomplished. In a wide setting, majority rule government capacities as a frame of administration that maintains and jam all freedoms instead of exclusively including frameworks that make choices without the assention of their citizens. Vote based system is broadly seen as a framework of administration wherein all people are anticipated to maintain a sense of balance through the fulfillment of particular obligations and commitments. Majority rule government, as a political framework, basically emphasizes the center standards of guarding human rights and guaranteeing responsibility to the masses, regularly through the system of agent administration. The defending of individuals holds foremost significance inside the setting of popular government, as law based administration places significant emphasis on maintaining the elemental rights of people and guaranteeing their non-deprivation.


Concept of Resistance in Islam and Popular government: Restriction must exist in Western majority rule governments. This equitable framework is considered deficient without restriction. The Western powers attempt to prompt the resistance to hold the administering party in its unfeeling clutches, to comply with its requests, and to keep it as its slave. As a result, the administering party works at the command of the Western powers and in such a way that its control remains intaglio. And so the total nation gets to be a slave to non-Muslim Western powers.

In Islamic administration, the authoritative handle isn’t supreme since the preeminent control has a place to Allah. He works under the supervision and direction of the widespread law that’s Quran and Sunnah and Shura (board). This Shura isn’t the resistance but the bunch that’s capable for keeping the Caliph on the proper way. Shura is the elective of the cabinet. As there’s no concept of opposition in Islam but Islam permits for helpful and remedial feedback as it were. The Shura and common masses have the control that in the event that the head of state isn’t making the proper choice, at that point they can evacuate him. But it cannot evacuate the ruler without reason. “If the circumstance of the ruler changes due to which he isn’t qualified for the post, at that point the Shura can evacuate him.” (Mawardi, 1978).

Islamic and Western Stance about Constitution: The structure of Muslims is the Qur’an and Sunnah. Typically the widespread of law, there’s no question around it. This structure is free from alter and the world is incapable to bring such a structure. The Heavenly Prophet said that “I am clearing out two things between you, one is the Qur’an and the other is the Sunnah. As long as you hold quick to both of you, you’ll not go astray.” Whereas in popular government, a specific portion of a nation is its vital paramount; that they ought to be represented by the structure which they themselves have surrounded. This man-made structure keeps changing day by day. Each progressive ruler proceeds to scramble the primary structure.

Caliphate isn’t Fascism: A few western researchers and ideologues have attempted to display Islam as anti-democratic and intrinsically dictator. By distorting Islam in this way, they look to prove that Islam incorporates a set of values second rate to Western generous majority rule government and could be a barrier to the worldwide advance of civilization. This misguided judgment moreover advances Israel’s claim to be the sole majority rule government within the Middle East (David, 2002). Hazrat Umar (R. A) said, “Caliphate is based on common consultation.” It is essential for the caliph allude to”>to allude to the Majlis-e-Shura. Caliphate isn’t a tyranny. Individuals who malign the Caliphate and say that the Caliphate is the title of dictatorship. In fact, they are uninformed of the Islamic Caliphate framework. Allah Himself says that the work of Muslims is done by shared meetings. In this manner, to say that the Caliphate could be a fascist is a suspicion based on ignorance of the Islamic framework of government government’s economic developmental plans. The government plays a vital role in empowering community members in entrepreneurship to contribute to the country’s economic expansion.


Infringement of Human Rights: Nations like Israel, France, Germany, the USA, Russia, and the UK cannot imply to be equitable in the wake of wars such as Ukraine vs Russia, and Israel vs Palestine. These nations have either gotten to be directly or by implication included in the last-mentioned wars that have claimed the lives of guiltless citizens. A few of these nations such as the USA, Russia, and Israel have attacked foreign countries coming full circle in infringement of human rights. The most important reason why South

Africa has taken Israel to the Worldwide Court of Equity (ICJ), is the genocidal acts it has committed against Palestinians, which have been experienced for a long time immemorial. This as well could be a infringement of human rights of the most elevated extent. Israel has proceeded to shell Palestine, particularly Gaza indeed in the midst of universal calls and the UN call for a ceasefire. This has too included its assaults at Rafah, a put known to be pleasing Palestinian displaced people. Israel cannot claim to be a equitable state when it falls flat to regard other states with its proceeded imperialistic approaches.

Political elites: Wike, Silver, and Castillo (2019:1) highlight the taking after concerning citizens’ outrage at political elites; Outrage at political elites, financial disappointment and uneasiness around rapid social changes have fueled political change in districts around the world in later a long time. Anti-establishment pioneers, parties, and developments have developed on both the right and cleared out of the political range, now and then challenging crucial standards and education of generous majority rule government. A few political pioneers tend to disregard the way they strolled towards achieving popular government. After picking up power, they frequently sink into extravagance and disregard the satisfaction of guarantees made amid political campaigns. Equitable standards are damaged. Citizens regularly take to the boulevards requesting arrangements of fundamental administrations from the government. Most political leaders will before long disregard their visits to communities to persuade them to vote and the reasons why they ought to vote. Guarantees made to citizens amid the propelling of manifestos and campaign revives will be overlooked. Citizens will be stirred to the reality that their votes are taken for a ride. This will compound pressure and disappointment which can incite dissents and riots. 

Imperialism: The activities and exercises of the US against Japan and Germany after the Moment World War proclaimed a unused measurement within the discernment of majority rule government and government. America has continuously implied to be an minister of popular government, in the midst of an radical approach to numerous nations, particularly in Europe. The US has been seen to be attacking a few European and Center East nations such as Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, etc. Riedel (2020:2) composes; On July 17, 1958, the Iraqi armed force ousted the foremost pro-Western government within the Center East, the Hashemite government that ruled Iraq and Jordan. Ruler Faisal II and his family were brutally killed.

Segregation, Hatred, Contempt and Narrow mindedness: The Israeli government has always shown these components towards Palestinians for numerous a long time in the midst of the progressing war. The bombarding of Israel by Hamas on the 7th of October 2023, has been utilized by the Israeli government as a substitute to seek after segregation, hatred, contempt and narrow mindedness against Palestinians. The Israeli government cannot in any way, claim the status of being a equitable nation. O’Dell (2024:3) composes the taking after on the Israeli vs Palestine war since its starting in October 2023; Israel has proceeded its assault of the Gaza Strip, which started on Oct. 7 taking after a Hamas-led assault against Israel that slaughtered around 1,200 Israelis and captured more than 200 prisoners. In reaction, Israel propelled a “complete siege” on Gaza, counting cutting off its get to nourishment and power and pursuing “the deadliest and most destructive” military campaign in later history, the Related Press detailed. The Israeli government has been backed and supported by the US in its intrusion of Palestine, which has been a hone for a long time since the starting of this struggle. The US has fizzled to act in its control to set up peace in that locale because it has gotten to be clashed. Without a doubt, the majority rule government of the US government can be addressed in this occasion.

Broken guarantees: In a overview conducted by the Seat Inquire about Middle, Kent (2019:1) highlights the taking after report; Over 27 countries in 2018, individuals were more disappointed than fulfilled with the way popular government is working in their nation. This held particularly genuine in a dozen nations where negative sees of vote based system outpaced positive ones by more than 10 rate focuses. The most issue indicating to the disappointment of majority rule government was broken guarantees by the political authority. Kent (2019) emphasizes the taking after; The 12 nations most disappointed with their vote based system included four – Mexico, Greece, Brazil and Spain – where eight in ten or more were disappointed with the state of popular government, and another five where six in ten or more communicated disappointments: Tunisia, Italy, South Africa, Argentina and Nigeria. The Joined together States was near behind, with 58% communicating despondency with the way popular government is working. Broken guarantees are said to have played a essential role in citizens’ disappointment within the last mentioned nations. For case, in Greece this was made clear by retirees walking in Athens on the 27th of Walk 2018, to challenge cuts to their annuities. Nigeria, Ghana, Sudan, and a few African states are too seen as violators of vote based systems. Numerous more illustrations can be seen, which demonstrate disappointment with citizens taking up the roads, and walking to government workplaces to create requests in giving essential law based administrations.


The prevailing form of voting in the democratic world is unacceptable from an Islamic point of view. The reasons for this are as follows.

  • Candidates run race campaigns to induce a lion’s share of votes. These campaigns take put within the frame of rallies, traditions, and gatherings which too spread chaos within the nation. They spend most of their profit to form these campaigns effective. After coming to control, they return to the national treasury to form up for that financial misfortune.
  • Competition between the parties or candidates turns into enmity. Competitive feelings emerge against each other. Allah has illegal it. “The devotees are brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah simply may get mercy” (Quran 49:10). The current equitable races devastate this brotherhood. This fashion of race may be a horrendous act. “Satan only wants to cause between your ill will and scorn through intoxicants and betting and to deflect you from the recognition of Allah and supplication. So will you not desist?” (Quran 5:91).
  • Vote could be a valuable thing. But in the long run, the open is uninformed of its significance. Affluent candidates purchase their conclusions for cash. And the individuals too offer their supposition and take the cost that there’s open bribery. Hazrat Abu Huraira (R. A) Detailed that the flag-bearer of Allah, peace and gifts be upon him, “cursed those who offer bribes and acknowledge bribes in judgments.” (Sunan al-Trimidhi:1336).
  • In this equitable age, flexibility of speech is transparently permitted. Writers attempt to stifle the truth by getting to be spokespersons of certain belief systems. News coverage has too ended up a commerce. Be that as it may, journalism is the voice of heart and heart. But within the field of majority rule legislative issues, it is bought for a number of coins. On the off chance that an endeavor is made to boycott it, the prerequisites of majority rule government are abused and endeavors are made to coercion the government.
  • Subsequently, the current democratic system is illegal in any way. This framework is opposite to the Islamic framework. Islam does not require western vote based system.
  • Islam isn’t as hardened because it is seen. “Do not raise your children the way [your] guardians raised you, they were born for diverse time”, Hazrat Ali (R. A). It is exceptionally much clear to a awesome degree that Islam gives room for elucidation and adaptability. The presidential shape of government needs a few revisions such as the strategy of selecting the president (ruler) which is our center issue examined in this article as well. By actualizing and embracing all Islamic standards and especially taking after the strategy with respect to the choice of president (ruler), the presidential shape of government can win in modern times.


Muslim thinkers from North Africa to Southeast Asia, from Central Asia to the Middle East, are doing their best to develop an Islamic program of democracy based on such key Islamic political concepts as shura and khi-lafah. Shura, regarded both as an alternative for and as synonymous with democracy, is located in the historical context by presenting examples from the prophetic and pious caliphate periods as well as with modern reinterpretations in order to lay the foundations of “Islamic democracy.” Quran, Sunnah and Islamic values demonstrate that Islamic administration is the require of the hour for the welfare of humankind within the show world and the total annihilation of common disunity and outside fear and threat is conceivable as it were with the foundation of this Islamic overseeing framework. In today’s society where the showcase for kill is hot, bullying and unrest are rampant; all this can be an item of the Western framework of vote based system. The as it were way to spare society from all these tribulations is to repulse this equitable framework and set up an Islamic framework of government.


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