Institutional Reforms and Mechanisms for Public Financial Accountability in Nigeria: Finding a Recourse to Horizontal Arrangement
Olubunmi D. APELOKO, Celestine O. JOMBO – March 2019 Page No.: 01-10
This paper examines the various institutional reforms and mechanisms put in place to engender public financial accountability in Southwestern Nigeria. The paper utilised both primary and secondary sources of data collection to interrogate the roles of some public institutions and mechanisms for engendering probity in the management of public funds. The primary data were sourced through questionnaire administration and conduct of in-depth interviews (IDIs). A total of 512 copies of questionnaire, constituting 40% of the whole population, were administered to different officers in the selected MDAs. Also, a total number of 49 respondents were selected for interview. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data collected. The results showed that various institutional reforms as well as other mechanisms put in place to engender public financial accountability comprises the inclusion of grass-root people into budget preparation (47.3%), strengthening of legislative oversight (57.6%), adoption of ICT and modernization of both internal and external auditing (62.4%). The paper concludes that there were reforms in financial accountability institutions and mechanisms in all the sampled states through which democratic consolidation was ensured at different degrees. .
Page(s): 01-10 Date of Publication: 14 March 2019
Olubunmi D. APELOKO
PhD, Department of Public Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria.
Celestine O. JOMBO
Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Nigeria, and Doctoral Candidate in Political Science at the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa
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Olubunmi D. APELOKO, Celestine O. JOMBO “Institutional Reforms and Mechanisms for Public Financial Accountability in Nigeria: Finding a Recourse to Horizontal Arrangement” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.01-10 March 2019 URL:
A Study on Self Esteem among HIV/AIDS Affected People
Dr. Winnie Joyce. A – March 2019 Page No.: 11-13
The government of India estimated in the year 2009, there were about 2.40 million people are living with HIV. In this estimation, about 83 % of the people are in the age group of 15-49 years. This is partly because a large part of the world population is young. One fifth of the world population is between 10 and 19 years of age. Since the HIV/AIDS syndrome is essential sexually transmitted disease.
Self-esteem is an essential ingredient in creating and maintaining hope, health and a quality life with HIV/AIDS. Many people living with HIV/AIDS have problems with self-esteem. An attempt has been made in this research to analyse the present status of persons living with HIV / AIDS problem and possible strategies to sort out the issues, social relationship, support measures, self-esteem and quality of life. The researcher made an attempt to describe the characteristics of the HIV/ AIDS person and tested few variable. This study was descriptive in nature. The findings were majority of the respondents 45% belonged to age group of 31-40 years, majority of the respondents 63% of males affected and majority of the respondents were 62% in rural area. Medical social workers assess the psychosocial functioning of patients and families and intervene as necessary. Interventions may include connecting patients and families to necessary resources and supports in the community; providing psychotherapy, supportive counseling, or grief counseling; or helping a patient to expand and strengthen their network of social supports.
Page(s): 11-13 Date of Publication: 14 March 2019
Dr. Winnie Joyce. A
Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Dr. Winnie Joyce. A ” A Study on Self Esteem among HIV/AIDS Affected People ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.11-13 March 2019 URL:
The Influence of Transformational Leadership towards Employee Feedback Seeking Behaviour
Yang Ching Hian, Ying-Leh Ling – March 2019 – Page No.: 14-22
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and employee feedback seeking behaviour in construction industry. The study also identified the influence of transformational leadership towards employee feedback seeking in construction industry. The study targeted on 50 employees who were involved in the Sarawak Highway project Kuching, and stratified random sampling technique was used for the sampling. Data was collected using Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Avolio & Bass, 2004) and Cavanaugh Feedback Seeking Questionnaires (Cavanaugh, 2016). Pilot study was conducted, in which Alpha Cronbach coefficient of 0.949 was obtained that deemed the survey approach reliable. Pearson’s correlation and linear regression analysis techniques were used to analyse the data. The results showed that there were strong positive and significant correlation between both inspirational motivation (r = .405, p <.01) and intellectual stimulation (r = .306, p <.05) with employee feedback seeking behaviour. The study further depicted that employee feedback seeking behaviour was significant influenced by intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation. The study has shown that there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee feedback seeking behaviour. The study further indicated that transformational leadership significantly influences employee feedback seeking behaviour in construction industry, thus encouraging frequency of feedback seeking among employees.
Page(s): 14-22 Date of Publication: 16 March 2019
Yang Ching Hian
Wawasan Open University, Malaysia
Ying-Leh Ling
Politeknik Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia
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Yang Ching Hian, Ying-Leh Ling “The Influence of Transformational Leadership towards Employee Feedback Seeking Behaviour” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.14-22 March 2019 URL:
The Effects of Integration of Entrepreneurship Education for Self-Reliance among Graduates of N.C.E in North Central Zone of Nigeria
Abubakar, M.B, Ajinuhi, S.A, Hassan, Y. Imufutau, S.A. – March 2019 Page No.: 23-30
The study examines the effects of integration of entrepreneurship education for self-reliance among graduates of NCE with emphasis on vocational education students of Federal and State colleges of education in North Central zone of Nigeria. Six (6) colleges of education in the North Central of Nigeria were used in the study with three (3) from federal and two (2) from state colleges of education. The instrument used was questionnaire and the population sample comprises of 196 respondents. Four research questions and four hypotheses were formulated which guided the study. The research questions and the hypotheses were answered using the IBM SPSS statistical package version22.The major findings include: there is no significant relationship between level of awareness and students interest in vocational entrepreneurship, but a significant relationship exists between teachers’ competency and the provision of employable skills for students. The findings also reveal that a negative and non-significant relationship exists between community available resources and the teaching and learning of vocational entrepreneurship education. Based on the findings from the study, the following recommendation were made: There is need for student’s awareness of existing employment opportunities in vocational entrepreneurship education right from secondary school which will serve as guide to prospective students that will venture into such discipline.
Page(s): 23-30 Date of Publication: 16 March 2019
Abubakar, M.B
School of Secondary Education, Vocational Programmes, Federal Collage of Education Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria
Ajinuhi, S.A
School of Secondary Education, Vocational Programmes, Federal Collage of Education Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria
Hassan, Y.
School of Secondary Education, Vocational Programmes, Federal Collage of Education Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria
Imufutau, S.A.
School of Secondary Education, Vocational Programmes, Federal Collage of Education Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria
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Abubakar, M.B, Ajinuhi, S.A, Hassan, Y. Imufutau, S.A. “The Effects of Integration of Entrepreneurship Education for Self-Reliance among Graduates of N.C.E in North Central Zone of Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.23-30 March 2019 URL:
Federal Character Principle and the elusive idea of Unity in Contemporary Nigeria: Aspects of Law, Politics and Policy
Adesanya Tolulope & Tenibiaje Mobobola – March 2019 Page No.: 31-35
Nigeria is made up of at least 250 ethnic groups, forcibly merged together by the British government. Shortly after amalgamation and boundary adjustments in 1914, three major ethnic groups emerged while several ethnic groups were classified as minor groups. This unprecedented event made for the domination of a group over others.
This political and administrative anomaly created room for minority oppression and inequality and it became so glaring with its resultant manifestation, leading to a civil war. The aftermaths of the war led to struggles of uniting the country and reconcile the historical differences; the Nigerian government introduced a number of programs or policies such as State Creation, National Youth Service Scheme, Unity Schools and the Federal Character Principle .
Page(s): 31-35 Date of Publication: 18 March 2019
Adesanya Tolulope
Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
Tenibiaje Mobobola
Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Adesanya Tolulope & Tenibiaje Mobobola “Federal Character Principle and the elusive idea of Unity in Contemporary Nigeria: Aspects of Law, Politics and Policy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.31-35 March 2019 URL:
Government Agricultural Spending and Agricultural Output in Nigeria (1999-2012)
Dr. Ikwuba Agnes – March 2019 Page No.: 36-44
This paper examines the effect of government agricultural spending on agricultural output in Nigeria. The model built for the study proxy Agricultural Output as the endogenous variable, a function of rate of government expenditure on agriculture, management level (dummied), technological level (dummied), labour in use proxy as the exogenous variables. Annual time series data was gathered from central bank of Nigeria, statistical bulletin, national bureau of statistic (NBS) CBN economic and financial Review bulletin and CBN annuals reports spanning from 1999 to 2012. The study used descriptive test statistic and econometric techniques of Augmented Dickey- Fuller (ADF) unit root test, and Engle Granger single line co-integration test for empirical analysis. The results of unit root suggested that, all variables in the model are stationary at a level. The co-integration test shows that, long- run equilibrium relationship exist among the variables. The study recommends that measures should be undertaken to drive agricultural sector through consistent policies, robust funding, and infrastructural development, judicious use of allocated resources and above all, a genuine democracy and good governance in Nigeria in order to achieve a corresponding output/performance of the sector in Nigeria.
Page(s): 36-44 Date of Publication: 19 March 2019
Dr. Ikwuba Agnes
Department of Sociology, Benue State University Makurdi, Benue State-Nigeria
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Dr. Ikwuba Agnes “Government Agricultural Spending and Agricultural Output in Nigeria (1999-2012)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.36-44 March 2019 URL:
History and National Integration in Nigeria: An Empirical Overview
Mile Terwase Joshua- March 2019 Page No.: 45-49
In contemporary Nigeria, one would have thought that the rich Nigerian history, its immense human and natural resource endowment, with its democratic attempt so far, a credible effort towards national integration of its society would have been well fostered and achieved. But what one is witnessing so far today, seems to boil down to the fact that we have not yet started and national integration is even a non-issue in national discourse. But the crises that has been sky rocketing the country today so far which made many to call out for all forms of restructuring, have much of its roots traced to this crucial question of national integration. The trust of this paper therefore, is to examine the issue of national integration in Nigeria through an empirical historical perspective with the aim of finding the way forward to the present Nigerian quagmire.
Page(s): 45-49 Date of Publication: 19 March 2019
Mile Terwase Joshua
Ph.D , Educational Foundations and General Studies, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
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Mile Terwase Joshua, “History and National Integration in Nigeria: An Empirical Overview” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.45-49 March 2019 URL:
Ethical Leadership as a Panacea to Organization Conflict in Nigeria
Chibuzor Obi Jude, Keyna Marie Chizoma Eshika, Mallam Joel Tisan, Ndana Salihu Danlami – March 2019 Page No.: 50-56
Many questions on what is the most effective way to handle conflict in public organizations triggered the rationale behind this paper. This paper was an exploration of ethical leadership as a panacea to the organizational conflict in Nigeria. By determining the extent to which ethical leadership can eliminate organizational conflict in Nigeria public organizations. The research work primarily used secondary sources of data in order to unearth issues surrounding organizational conflict. Theory and investigator triangulation were applied in order to ensure the validity and reliability of our findings. The area of concern has attracted many conferences, workshops, and dialogues about the future of Nigerian public organizations as other efforts to eliminate organizational conflicts seemed abortive. The paper explored ethical leadership and found it to comprise essential elements such as humility, fairness, responsibility, respect for others, independence, accountability, and transparency among others. Using Principal-Agency theory, Utilitarian theory and theory of justice and fairness to analyze conflicting situations in an organization discovered that selfish interest, lack of honesty, political interference and lack of humility, injustice among others tend to spring organizational conflict which now leads to organizational-underdevelopment as team spirit is far in the workplace. There is the tendency that the organization will continue to wallow in the militating situation. We recommend that ethical leadership qualities as highlighted in the work should be imbibed in the Nigerian public organizations though, private organizations are not excluded.
Page(s): 50-56 Date of Publication: 19 March 2019
Chibuzor Obi Jude
M.Sc., Department of Public Administration, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
Keyna Marie Chizoma Eshika
MPhil/Ph.D., Department of Public Administration, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
Mallam Joel Tisan
M.Sc., Department of Public Administration, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
Ndana Salihu Danlami
MPhil/Ph.D., Department of Public Administration, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
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Chibuzor Obi Jude, Keyna Marie Chizoma Eshika, Mallam Joel Tisan, Ndana Salihu Danlami “Ethical Leadership as a Panacea to Organization Conflict in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.50-56 March 2019 URL:
Challenges of Privacy Protection in the New Media Era
Oriola, M.O, Akase, T.M, Akilla, M.O, Agbele, D.J- March 2019 Page No.: 57-61
This paper considers the challenge of privacy, in relation to the practice of journalism in the era of new media technologies. It draws attention to complications in the issue of privacy and the need for ethical obedience when new media journalists go about gathering and disseminating news stories. The paper also touches on what constitutes the invasion of privacy and how Nigerians have/can deliberately put their right to privacy in danger. Factors that makes privacy protection a challenge in the new media era were also critically examined.The paper equally analyses the ethical provisions of journalism that protects privacy of Nigerians as well as the provisions of the Nigerian constitution on the matter, both provisions were weighed against each other.
Page(s): 57-61 Date of Publication: 19 March 2019
Oriola, M.O
Ph.D, Department of Creative Arts, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria
Akase, T.M
Ph.D, Department of Mass Communication, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Akilla, M.O
Ph.D, Department of English Studies, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria
Agbele, D.J
Department of Mass Communication, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
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Oriola, M.O, Akase, T.M, Akilla, M.O, Agbele, D.J” Challenges of Privacy Protection in the New Media Era” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.57-61 March 2019 URL:
Impact of Insurance Deepening on Economic Growth in Nigeria
Michael Chukwunaekwu Nwafor – March 2019 Page No.: 62-67
This paper examined the impact of insurance deepening on economic growth in Nigeria. Data spanning from 1990 to 2016 was obtained from CBN Statistical Bulletin, 2016 and NAICOM database. Data was imported into SPSS and analyzed using SPSS version 25.0. Finding revealed that insurance deepening has significant impact on economic growth of Nigeria, this impact was further qualified by the slope which had negative sign, emphasizing that the relationship between insurance deepening and economic growth is inverse.
Page(s): 62-67 Date of Publication: 19 March 2019
Michael Chukwunaekwu Nwafor
Department of Accounting and Finance, Godfrey Okoye University Enugu, Nigeria
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Michael Chukwunaekwu Nwafor “Impact of Insurance Deepening on Economic Growth in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.62-67 March 2019 URL:
Retirement Preparation of Ordained Ministers of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana
Esther Agbodeka – March 2019 Page No.: 68-74
The objective of the study was on retirement preparation among Ordained Ministers of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana.
Primary data in the form of questionnaires and interviews were used in the data collection and the study employed the qualitative approach in research, relying on the grounded theory in its theoretical framework. Purposive sampling technique was used to recruit twenty-eight (28) ordained Ministers of the Presbyterian Church who were still in active service, eight (8) retirees and five (5) top management members for an in-depth interview. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were imported into NVivo (11) for analysis of the data collected.
The researcher found out that the practice of planning was greatly contingent on the type of Ordained Ministers and the monthly allowance they received. Tent Ordained Ministers who worked as professionals and performed additional Ministerial duties in the church were entitled to national pension schemes. However, Non-Tent Ministers relied on their personal savings for financial planning. Psychologically, Ministers made little preparation because of the absence of a retirement planning policy in the Church. This had therefore created anxiety and a state of uncertainty about retirement. Socially, Ministers acquired their own accommodation and invested in their children education as a form of social security. The study further found that retired Ministers had to rely on their social relations to meet their financial and social needs. The absence of such social support resulted in psychosocial and financial challenges during retirement.
The study further discovered that Retired Ministers who had planned their retirement were believed to be happier and had less financial challenges.
It was therefore recommended that Housing scheme should be instituted by the Church to assist Ministers to acquire their own houses before retirement. The Church must develop a policy for retirement for various workers of the Church. This is required to guide Ministers and other workers to plan and prepare for retirement. The existing Provident Fund, insurance scheme for full-time Ministers should be extended to the tent Ministers too. The Church should take the SSNIT contributions of its Ministers seriously as a way of planning for the Ministers who sacrifice their all for God’s flock. Additionally, it was recommended that there should be a scholarship package for children of Ministers who accept postings to deprive areas.
Page(s): 68-74 Date of Publication: 19 March 2019
Esther Agbodeka
Ph.D (Cand.), (10214850), University of Ghana-Legon, Accra, Ghana
Reference are not available.
Esther Agbodeka “Retirement Preparation of Ordained Ministers of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.68-74 March 2019 URL:
Dual Mode University in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC): Successes, Challenges and Solutions
Leonorah Tendayi Nyaruwata – March 2019 Page No.: 75-82
Dual mode offering of university education is a fast growing phenomenon around the world. While an increasing number of higher education conventional institutions is transforming into dual mode, their reasons for transforming, successes achieved and challenges faced have not been well documented. The factors influencing transformation of conventional universities to dual mode have also not been well documented. It is of significance to interrogate why single mode open and distance learning (ODL) universities are not transforming to dual mode, that is, incorporating the conventional mode yet they seem to be increasing enrolment numbers in leaps and bounds. While there is a lot of information concerning successes and challenges experienced in both conventional and open and distance higher education institutions, there is a paucity of information on these experiences about dual mode higher education institutions. The study examined how dual mode is enhancing internationalisation of university culture in the global village. It is, therefore, the aim for this paper to interrogate and document the SADC dual mode higher education institutions’ successes and challenges in order to improve the academic performance of the students. The study used qualitative approach, interpretive philosophy and case study design. Data were generated through interviews and document analysis. The data were analysed through constant comparison analysis technique. The population of the study comprised distance education institutes directors and lecturers. One of the key findings was dual mode university increase access, enrollment and revenue and this led to the conclusion that conventional and DE learning environments are complementary and advance internationalisation of higher education. The main recommendation was that DE centers and institutes become autonomous in order to run the units effectively and efficiently to produce quality products.
Page(s): 75-82 Date of Publication: 20 March 2019
Leonorah Tendayi Nyaruwata
Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe
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Roles of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Curbing Electoral Violence in Rivers State, Nigeria
Maduabuchukwu Prince Ajie, Chivuikem Isaac Dokubo, Chima Christian Ibekwe – March 2019 Page No.: 83-87
This study focused on the roles of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in curbing electoral violence in Rivers State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design guided the study. The population comprised 42 Technical and Vocational Education and Training lecturers in Rivers State University and Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. No sampling was done as the population was manageable. Three research questions and one hypothesis was formulated for the study. A questionnaire titled “Role of TVET in Curbing Electoral Violence” (RTVETCEV) was developed to elicit responses from the respondents. The instrument was validated by three experts in the fields of Vocational and Technology Education and Training and Political Science. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha Reliability coefficient. Statistical Mean was used to answer the research questions while standard deviation was used to determine the homogeneity in the responses of the respondent and z-test was used to test the hypothesis. The reliability coefficient achieved was 0.84. The study found that youth unemployment, quest by politicians to acquire power at all cost are some of the causes of electoral violence in Rivers State. The study showed that Technical and Vocational Education and Training plays the vital role of helping to groom youths to be self-reliant and meaningfully engaged by equipping them with the required technical and vocational skills. Among the recommendations in the study is the establishment of well-equipped vocational and technical education training centres in each of the 23 Local Government Areas of Rivers State for the training of youths.
Page(s): 83-87 Date of Publication: 22 March 2019
Maduabuchukwu Prince Ajie
Department of Metalwork Technology, Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Chivuikem Isaac Dokubo
Department of Vocational/Technology Education, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Chima Christian Ibekwe
Department of Vocational/Technology Education, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
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Maduabuchukwu Prince Ajie, Chivuikem Isaac Dokubo, Chima Christian Ibekwe “Roles of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Curbing Electoral Violence in Rivers State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.83-87 March 2019 URL:
Occupational Health Hazards of Women Farmers in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State- Nigeria
Venatus V. Kakwagh – March 2019 Page No.: 88-93
This study was carried out to determine the occupational health hazards that women farmers face in Nigeria with a particular focus on Ankap Local government area of kogi State –Nigeria. The study has shown that women are very important and active participants in the agricultural sector in Nigeria. The study has however, opined that in spite of the crucial role women play in agricultural production, policies in Nigeria have not been formulated to address the hazards they face in performing their agricultural activities. Due to this neglect, women have continued to face different levels of hazards with significant effect on their lives and consequently on agricultural productivity. Since women are very important actors in agricultural production in Nigeria, and their poor health impacts negatively on agricultural productivity, there should be improvement in rural social services. This is to reduce the negative effect of poor health on rural productivity. The health of rural women should be integrated into a rural development policy especially the primary health care structure. Emphasis should be particularly placed on environmental protective measures, health promotion and wellbeing measures and agricultural safety. To this regard, there should be collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies of government. Also, researches should be conducted so as to design simple and affordable hand tools such as planters, threshers, for farmers so as to reduce the drudgery of farm work. Farmers should be educated through enlightenment campaigns with active participation by agricultural extension workers on how to avoid the dangers of the chemicals especially herbicides and pesticides they apply to their crops. Women (and farmers generally) on their part should always endeavour to wear protective clothing.
Page(s): 88-93 Date of Publication: 22 March 2019
Venatus V. Kakwagh
Department of Sociology, Kogi State University, Anyigba-Nigeria
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Venatus V. Kakwagh “Occupational Health Hazards of Women Farmers in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State- Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.88-93 March 2019 URL:
Gendered Impact of Zimbabwe’s Transitional Justice: Too Little Too Late
Lilian Chaminuka – March 2019 Page No.: 94-100
The gendered impact of transitional justice after Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle is similar to early efforts in other countries to try and address massive and systematic human rights violations that are largely gender blind. The paper takes a historical analysis highlighting how government chose not to specifically address sexual violence, nor did they examine how women had been distinctly impacted by the war of liberation. There was a pervasive silence regarding violence against, harm to, and the degradation of women with female ex combatants becoming recipients of piecemeal policies and fragmented efforts to accommodate them. The process and what has been done for the Zimbabwean woman is either too little or has been done too late as the legacy of this violence endures long after independence was achieved in 1980. This is not to say government has done absolutely nothing as some gains have been made in building a gender balanced society that factors in contribution of women. The study which employed the qualitative approach, revealed that women are not particularly happy as they feel more can be done as the realities they face today under study show a continuum in the violence exercised against them, their subordinate role, their oppression, the threats and harassment they endured in the past and present lack of economic resources to live a dignified life. The paper is based from a broad study that was undertaken by the author in her studies at the Africa University in 2014.
Page(s): 94-100 Date of Publication: 23 March 2019
Lilian Chaminuka
Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe
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Lilian Chaminuka “Gendered Impact of Zimbabwe’s Transitional Justice: Too Little Too Late” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.94-100 March 2019 URL:
Social Studies Student Teachers’ Views on the implementation of Learner-Centred Approach in Zambian Primary Schools
Robinson Mambwe- March 2019 Page No.: 101-109
The study explored social studies student teachers’ views on the implementation of learner-centred teaching and learning approach in Zambian primary schools. Triangulation research design which collected both quantitative and qualitative data was used. This involved survey questionnaires which were distributed to 600 third year student teachers who were randomly sampled from 6 primary colleges of education using class registers provided by respective college registrars. Out of 600 questionnaires, 561 were returned back representing a return rate of 93.5%. Face to face interviews were also conducted with student teachers who were conveniently sampled from three colleges. The total students who participated in the interviews were 21. The interviews collected detailed qualitative narratives regarding student teachers’ experience with implementation of learner-centred approach. The findings of this study pointed to the fact that the policy emphasis on using learner-centred approach in the teaching learning process has not really taken off in Zambian Primary Schools.Most student teachers reported that the traditional teacher led classrooms still dominate and characterise classroom in primary schools. A number of challenges ranging from low literacy levels, over enrolments (high number of pupils per class), inadequate time allocated per subject lesson per day, and lack of teaching and learning materials were cited for the non-implementation of leaner-centred approaches. The teachers however expressed positive attitude towards learner-centred approach citing among other benefits promotion of learner participation, improved retention of knowledge among learners, development of problem solving skills, motivation of learners and ownership of the learning process by learners. Since the fundamental goal of teaching social studies through learner-centred approach in schools is to help students become responsible, critical, reflective, and active citizens who can make informed and reasoned decisions about the societal issues confronting the local, state, and global community respectively (Yilmaz, 2008), the study concluded that the views of primary teachers did not inspire the realisation of this goal. The study recommends school based programmes aimed at capacity building on how apply learner-centred methods in classroom situations with high numbers of pupils and low literacy levels among other deterrent factors.
Page(s): 101-109 Date of Publication: 23 March 2019
Robinson Mambwe
School of Education, University of Zambia
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Factors Affecting Quality of Building Construction Projects in Informal Settlements within Nairobi City County, Kenya
Nyaga G. Juster, Samuel Thiong’o – March 2019 Page No.: 110-116
Construction industry plays a major role in the development and achievement of society’s goals, contributing to about 10% of the Gross National Product (GNP) in industrialized countries and, it constitute 60-70% of the national wealth and about 20% of the annual wealth creation in less developed countries. Despite of the weight given to the construction industry, quality of construction projects has been questioned as indicated by widespread collapse of building structures in Kenya. This study sought to find out factors contributing to the quality of construction projects with the focus on the effects of technical factors and economic factors. A descriptive research design was adopted. The target population of 412 completed and ongoing projects was used, which had a workforce of 1678, from which a sample of 30% (503) was selected. Primary data was collected using questionnaire. Statistical Package for Social Statistics V 22.0 was used to analyses the data. Descriptive statistics indicated study variables were very important as shown by high values of mean and the opinions of respondents had low variations as shown by low values of standard deviation. The study findings indicate that technical factors and quality of the construction projects are positively and significantly relate (r=0.145, p=0.005) and economic factors and quality of construction projects are positively and significantly related (r=0.076, p=0.001). The study concludes that technical and economic factors contribute to the quality of construction projects in informal settlement and should be given weight they deserve. The study recommends that the government should ensure there is documentation and enforcement of the policies, systems, processes and procedures to help the construction practitioners manage construction work effectively.
Page(s): 110-116 Date of Publication: 23 March 2019
Nyaga G. Juster
Tutorial Fellow, Management University of Africa, Kenya
Samuel Thiong’o
Tutorial Fellow, Management University of Africa, Kenya
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Nyaga G. Juster, Samuel Thiong’o “Factors Affecting Quality of Building Construction Projects in Informal Settlements within Nairobi City County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.110-116 March 2019 URL:
A Theoretical Analysis of the Legal Status of Transgender: Bangladesh Perspective
Sunjida Islam – March 2019 Page No.: 117-119
In Bangladesh, the number of transgendered peoples are increasing day by day. These transgendered peoples are commonly known as ‘Hijra’ in the society. They are normally looked down because they are not treated as normal human beings in the society. They are brutally neglected by the society and the government as they don’t have the approved gender identity. This hijra group of people are received recognition from the government of Bangladesh as ‘Third gender’. But the government has not yet enacted any laws for the benefits of hijras to ensure their legal rights, sociological rights and political rights also. Recently many countries of the world have enacted some specific laws regarding the status of transgender community to protect their legal, social and political rights. In some Asian, South Asian and European countries the transgendered group are also acknowledged as the third gender group. Now-a-days most of the transgendered people of the world including Bangladesh are living critically and miserably because of their unsettled rights. They are also living in fair and detachment due to different types of superstitions and frustrations. This article has an assertion and provided some recommendations which may help to enact a separate law for hijras to protect their different rights like social, legal, political and others. This paper may also assist to bring some changes of the status of hisra community.
Page(s): 117-119 Date of Publication: 23 March 2019
Sunjida Islam
Lecturer, Department of Law, Rajshahi Science & Technology University, Natore, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
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Sunjida Islam “A Theoretical Analysis of the Legal Status of Transgender: Bangladesh Perspective” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.117-119 March 2019 URL:
Analysis of the Effect of the Working Environment to the Job Satisfaction of the Air Hostesses (With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Airlines)
H.M.W.M.Herath, W.G.N.S.C.D.Wijerathna- March 2019 Page No.: 120-123
Air hostess job position is not similar to any other career because they are the people who are met very firstly when anyone flies to some other country. Air Hostesses can be called as the unofficial country ambassadors because they spread out the culture of the country, warm welcome and the grand hospitality to the outer world. The first impression about the country where is yet to be visited is made with the cordial welcome and the courteous service of the flight attendant. Air hostess is not just a lady who serves food and beverages to the passengers while travelling on a flight. She needs to take care of the safety and security of all the passengers on board. That’s actually not a easy task to do as a lady. There were victorious air hostesses who are considered as heroines in the industry. Ms.Neerja Bhanot – a purser for Pan Am flight 73 and her lost her life while protecting the passengers when the flight was hijacked by terrorists on 5th of September 1986 in Karachchi, Pakisthan. Still her name is remembered just because of the bravery she had and the way she protected the passengers. Air hostess should be such a character to face for any type of difficulties by protecting all the people’s lives.
Page(s): 120-123 Date of Publication: 23 March 2019
Department of Management Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
Department of Management Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
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H.M.W.M.Herath, W.G.N.S.C.D.Wijerathna, “Analysis of the Effect of the Working Environment to the Job Satisfaction of the Air Hostesses (With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Airlines)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.120-123 March 2019 URL:
The Relevance and Applicability of the Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment Clause in International Trade Agreements
ROBINSON, Monday Olulu, OBAYORI, Joseph Bidemi – March 2019 Page No.: 124-128
The paper examines the relevance and applicability of the Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment Clause in International Trade Agreement. The paper articulates other World Trade Organization (WTO) standards, such as National Treatment and the International Minimum Standards. The MFN is an instrument adopted by WTO to reduce discrimination and enhance transparency in international exchange of goods, services, investments, and property rights. The paper revealed that the MFN standards are substantive acknowledgement of the classical liberal approach to international trade, as expounded by Smith, Harberler, etc. The paper noted that developing countries have not benefitted sufficiently from the various treatment standards. First, trade have not been so liberalized by the industrialized countries because of protectionist regimes, while low capital, manpower and technological exports of the LDCs have limited the chances of the poor countries to benefit from trade agreements. A liberal trade agreement anchored on MFN and other standards of the multilateral institutions will culminate in an agreement between unequals. The LDCs do not have the investment capacity. Thus the opportunities provided by the various treatment standards are reaped by the superior partners on the agreement between the LDCs and the industrialized countries. The paper suggests that LDCs should explore more of Bi-lateral agreements. In Bi-lateral agreement the developing countries, using experts can negotiate trade agreement that will accommodate the economic policy of government and development plans. It is also instructive that African countries improve in the production of capital goods and technology for export. Export of tertiary goods and technology will launch African countries into the competitive world trade.
Page(s): 124-128 Date of Publication: 23 March 2019
ROBINSON, Monday Olulu
Department of Economics University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
OBAYORI, Joseph Bidemi
Department of Economics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria
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ROBINSON, Monday Olulu, OBAYORI, Joseph Bidemi “The Relevance and Applicability of the Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment Clause in International Trade Agreements” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.124-128 March 2019 URL:
Green HR Practices and Its Impact on Employee Work Satisfaction – A Case Study on IBBL, Bangladesh
Sabbir Hassan Chowdhury, Sanjoy Kumar Roy, Murshedul Arafin, Sifat Siddiquee – March 2019 Page No.: 129-138
Green HR is a buzzing issue in the current world. The green HR practices are very emerging concept for a green organization (e.g. green bank) and also for the environment and for the planet. But the matter is that the implementation of Green HR is solely dependent on the management as well as on the employees and in considering this policy, employee work satisfaction should also be considered. This paper is attempts to reveal the impact of Green HR practices in the banking sector in context of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd (IBBL) on the employee work satisfaction. For this purpose the researchers take data of 100 samples from various branches of IBBL and run Spearman correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The study reveals that there is positive relationship among the green HR practices and employees work satisfaction. And green HR practice positively and significantly affect employee work satisfaction in the context of banking sector which is surely creating a new horizon in the field of banking practices. From the study organizations of Bangladesh can get a specific view about successful endeavor in enhancing the work satisfaction level of employees what is beneficial for the organization and also for the human and earth.
Page(s): 129-138 Date of Publication: 24 March 2019
Sabbir Hassan Chowdhury
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sanjoy Kumar Roy
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Murshedul Arafin
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sifat Siddiquee
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Sabbir Hassan Chowdhury, Sanjoy Kumar Roy, Murshedul Arafin, Sifat Siddiquee “Green HR Practices and Its Impact on Employee Work Satisfaction – A Case Study on IBBL, Bangladesh” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.129-138 March 2019 URL:
External Environmental Factors and Failure of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria
Dr Salihu Abubakar – March 2019 Page No.: 139-144
This study examines the relationship between external environmental factors and failure of SMEs in Lagos metropolis, using samples of failed SMEs in Lagos metropolis. Questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the sampled failed SMEs using snow ball method. The data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The outcome reveals that external environmental factors have significant impact on the failure of SMEs in Lagos metropolis, and financial inadequacy (FI) is the major contributing factor to the failure of SMEs in the Lagos metropolis; followed by market competition (MC), market demographics (MD), and inadequate infrastructure (II). In order to reduce SMEs failure and achieve significant positive contribution of SMEs sub-sector to the economic development of the state, the study recommends that government and relevant stakeholders should create an enabling business environment with financial support to SMEs, fair competition, sound market places and adequate infrastructures.
Page(s): 139-144 Date of Publication: 26 March 2019
Dr Salihu Abubakar
Department of Business Administration and Management, Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria
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Dr Salihu Abubakar “External Environmental Factors and Failure of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.139-144 March 2019 URL:
Work-Life-Balance: The Nigerian Organizational Experience (A Study of Selected Banks in Ebonyi State)
Ogar, Cassius Ayam, Amanze, Darlane – March 2019 Page No.: 145-157
This paper was conducted to investigate the effect of work-life-balance on employees’ performance in an organization. The key objective of the study was to examine the implication of work-life-balance on workers commitment and performance. The problem that necessitated the study was the time frame between resuming and closing of work by employees, which does not permit work flexibility, commitment, job performance and leisure. Research questions such as: what are the implication of work-life-balance on workers’ commitment and performance? were asked and hypotheses such as: work interference with leisure and personal life has no significant effect on commitment of employees in organizations was formulated to guide the researchers. Current literatures from different scholars were reviewed to further buttress the discourse. The Survey research design with an interpretivist research philosophy was adopted. The population of the study covered 145 respondents of the selected banks and the Taro Yamane formula was adopted to determine the sample size of 106 respondents of the banks through the use of simple random sampling technique to draw responses from the target sample population. Data collected were analyzed using the Cronbach Alpha technique in testing the hypotheses. The notable finding of the study revealed that, employee assistance programme has a significant influence on performance of employees. The researchers recommended that there should be adequate and consistent implementation of employee assistance programmes within commercial banks. This will not only benefit the employees but it will also enable the employees to come more productive and efficient towards their duties.
Page(s): 145-157 Date of Publication: 26 March 2019
Ogar, Cassius Ayam
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) Nigeria
Amanze, Darlane
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) Nigeria
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Ogar, Cassius Ayam, Amanze, Darlane “Work-Life-Balance: The Nigerian Organizational Experience (A Study of Selected Banks in Ebonyi State)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.145-157 March 2019 URL:
Socioeconomic Impacts and Damages Encountered with Re-activated Landslide in Udawatta Area – A Case Study from Hanguranketha Area in Nuwara Eliya District
J. D. S. N. Siriwardana – March 2019 Page No.: 158-161
A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Developing countries suffer the greatest costs when a disaster hits. More than 95 percent of all deaths caused by hazards occur in developing countries, and losses due to natural hazards are 20 times greater in developing countries than in industrialized countries. Disasters may disrupt the normal conditions of existence and causing a level of suffering that exceeds the capacity of adjustment of the affected community. Among all the disasters, landslide had become the most commondisaster in the country within short period of time in the recent past. The social impacts of landslides may consequences to human populations who were lived within the affected area that alter the day to day life-styles, livelihood patterns, cultural integrity and social network of affected families. The study revealed that one of the major landslide which were occurred in the Hanguranketha divisional secretariat inNuwaraEliya district having comprehensive impacts on human lives which may cannot easily be unravelled.
Page(s): 158-161 Date of Publication: 26 March 2019
J. D. S. N. Siriwardana
Geologist, Landslide Research and Risk Management Division, National Building Research Organization, Sri Lanka
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Implementation of Bonded Zone Facilities in Indonesia
Ita Sulistyawati, Adi Sulistiyono, Moch. Najib Imanullah – March 2019 Page No.: 162-167
This paper discussed the issue of efforts to increase users of bonded zone facilities and increase exports in the industrial sector by analyzing new regulations to create policies that facilitate and stimulate export activities. The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) issued a new regulation on Bonded Zones aimed at increasing investment and encouraging export growth. This study was a normative legal research using a statute approach, carried out by examining all laws and regulations relating to the addressed legal issues. Through the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 131/PMK.04/2018 concerning Bonded Zones and the Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise Number PER-19/BC/2018 concerning Management of Bonded Zones, DJBC seeks to provide certainty and various facilities to users of export and import services.
Page(s): 162-167 Date of Publication: 26 March 2019
Ita Sulistyawati
Law Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Adi Sulistiyono
Law Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Moch. Najib Imanullah
Law Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
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Ita Sulistyawati, Adi Sulistiyono, Moch. Najib Imanullah “Implementation of Bonded Zone Facilities in Indonesia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.162-167 March 2019 URL:
The Role of Islamic Economic System in Tackling Poverty in a Society
Aminu Yakubu, Dahiru Usman – March 2019 Page No.: 168-170
Poverty is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction in a society. It is also a major causes of social, Religious and political conflicts. It is pertinent to note that the conventional western base economic system has failed and the world is moving forward looking out for a strong and reliable system that will stand the taste of time. The west over a decade ago has suffered a lot on the issue of financial meltdown which resulted into objected poverty. This therefore is what prompted the research to examine the role of Islamic system in alleviating poverty in the society. The study use contest analysis in analysing the data and the corpuses is the Qur’an and Hadith of the prophet (S.A.W). The also find out that the existed economy system totally failed and there is need for remedy.
Page(s): 168-170 Date of Publication: 26 March 2019
Aminu Yakubu
Adamawa State Polytechnic Yola College of Continuing Education Islamic Studies Department,
Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDE), University Science Malaysia
Dahiru Usman
Department Arabic Medium, Federal College of Education, Yola, Nigeria
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Aminu Yakubu, Dahiru Usman “The Role of Islamic Economic System in Tackling Poverty in a Society” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.168-170 March 2019 URL:
Governance Factors Affecting Citizens Participation in District Performance in Rwamagana District, Rwanda Local Government
NDAGIJIMANA Ibrahim – March 2019 Page No.: 171-180
The purpose of this study was to assess the persistent reasons behind limited participation of citizens in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the performance contract in the local government of Rwanda
The study also has investigated the factors and actors contributing and influencing citizens participation as well as causes for low levels of citizen participation. A total of 97 respondents from among the citizen’s members were interviewed through questionnaires. Others were local leaders; Executive secretaries of sector and District Executive members and Councillors were also interviewed and involved in the FGD.
Data were analysed, interpreted and presented the results using tabulations, figures and graphs. The analysis showed that the citizens were participated in the performance contract in the local government and people were participating through budget consultation meetings, performance contracts planning, monitoring and evaluation though at appreciable level using various citizen participation channels that government of Rwanda initiated.
The analysis also showed that, the government of Rwanda is politically willing and committed to work transparently and make accountable all leaders including both at central and local through provision of various citizens participation channels including community outreach’s (Inteko z’abaturage), community work (Umuganda), parent’s evening forums (Umugoroba w’ababyeyi) to mention but a few.
The study showed the benefits of citizen’s participation in the performance contracts implementation as well as speed up the implementation of the government programs and policies towards, middle income country as per Vision 2020. Among the benefits of engaging active citizens participation in the local government performance contracts includes increase of citizen ownership, transparency, accountability and social, economic development, which doesn’t leave anyone behind.
The study also indicated that there is significant relationship between active (strong) citizen’s participation and the local government performance contracts implementation and this towards good governance.
It noted that, participatory governance as a subset of good governance since it consists of state- sanctioned institutional processes that provide effective avenues to citizens to exercise their rights to voice their ideas, to vote constantly, directly and indirectly, and to contribute to the formulation and implementation of performance contract in the local government which in turn, produce substantial changes in their lives.
Despite the government efforts, study showed some weaknesses to be fixed in the local government layers (Village to Districts) being the incidence of low citizens participation, ineffective implementation of performance contracts, decrease of ownership and unsustainable development which were mentioned to weaker citizen’s participation in local government performance contract. It was therefore recommended that, people is the first owner and partner of local government success that influencing the good governance principles which contribute positively the active citizen’s participation in performance contracts.
Page(s): 171-180 Date of Publication: 28 March 2019
PhD Student, Governance and Leadership, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
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NDAGIJIMANA Ibrahim “Governance Factors Affecting Citizens Participation in District Performance in Rwamagana District, Rwanda Local Government” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.171-180 March 2019 URL:
Youth, Luxury and the Willingness to Pay
Suleiman Ocheni – March 2019 Page No.: 181-189
The concept of luxury has existed for as long as the emergence of hierarchies in society, and has been in a constant state of flux ever since. At its inception it was characterised by exclusivity, superior quality and price. However, as it has evolved over time it has come to mean different things to different people, meaning that the motivation for consuming luxury products change from place to place and even between groups within the same society. A comprehensive review of the literature available on this topic revealed a gap; the motivation of undergraduate students for consuming luxury products still remains unclear. The aim of this study is to study undergraduate students in the United Kingdom and determine whether or not they are willing to pay premium prices for luxury products. This paper goes a step further and also examines their motivation for this behaviour. A qualitative inquiry was carried outon six respondents with the help of semi-structured interviews. This study concluded that students are in fact willing to pay premium prices for luxury, but only if they are satisfied that they were able to get the best deal. This research also reveals that undergraduate students in the United Kingdom are more interested in luxury items if they offer a previously absent convenience, therefore, are willing to pay a higher price for this expediency.A conceptual framework has also been proposed to aid luxury marketers in targeting undergraduate students.
Page(s): 181-189 Date of Publication: 28 March 2019
Suleiman Ocheni
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Suleiman Ocheni “Youth, Luxury and the Willingness to Pay” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.181-189 March 2019 URL:
Human Capital Flight, Remittances and the Problem of Achieving Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa
Samuel B. Adewumi, Chinedu J. Ogbodo, James E. Onoh – March 2019 Page No.: 190-197
The research employed data from twenty African countries namely: Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Senegal, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Zambia, South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique; and with variables such as real GDP, stock of physical capital, labour force, remittances received, per capita income, human capital flight-proxied by net migration, education-proxied by secondary school enrolment and technology- proxy by total factor productivity. The data were collected for the rage of 40 years (1977-2016). The result shows that remittances, per capital income, labour force, stock of physical capital, education and total technology exert positive relationship with economic growth, while human capital flight shows non-significant relationship with economic growth. We therefore recommend proper channeling of remittances in productive activities, as remittances can serve as compensation for human capital flight.
Page(s): 190-197 Date of Publication: 28 March 2019
Samuel B. Adewumi
Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Chinedu J. Ogbodo
Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
James E. Onoh
Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
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Role of Community Involvement in Peace Building: A Case of Mount Elgon in Bungoma County, Kenya
Ronald E Wanda, Joyce Muchemi, Nyandoro K Obondi & Ogachi O Nyamora – March 2019 Page No.: 198-207
All over the world conflicts in communities materialize because of many reasons. At the community level, social changes often occur very often as a result of a conflict. The conflict that took place in Mt Elgon between 2006 and 2008 was devastating in many ways; it left many dead and destroyed many a property. This study was to assess community participation in peace-building in the Mt Elgon area between 2007 and 2017. The study also sought to assess the use of indigenous or traditional methods of conflict resolution embedded in restorative practices, as well as establish the role that Mount Elgon’s Residents Association (MERA) played through its programmes in peace-building in the area. The study revealed a yawning need for younger community members to be more involved in peace-building activities in the Mt Elgon area. The study further revealed that those aged between 35 and 54 years largely thought that their traditional culture and indigenous practices was central to their peace-building efforts in their locality.
Page(s): 198-207 Date of Publication: 28 March 2019
Ronald E Wanda
Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Joyce Muchemi
Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Nyandoro K Obondi
Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Ogachi O Nyamora
Mount Kenya University, Kenya
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Ronald E Wanda, Joyce Muchemi, Nyandoro K Obondi & Ogachi O Nyamora “Role of Community Involvement in Peace Building: A Case of Mount Elgon in Bungoma County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.198-207 March 2019 URL:
Application of Competitor Focused Accounting (CFA) Method as Competitive Advantages in Foods and Baking Enterprises in Kano, Jigawa and Bauchi States of Nigeria
Sabo Usman; Musa Muhammed Bello – March 2019 Page No.: 208-216
The paper explores the application of competitor focused accounting (CFA) method as competitive advantages in foods and baking enterprises in Kano, Jigawa and Bauchi states of Nigeria. The population of the study is made up of all foods and baking enterprises in the three states out of which nine (9) enterprises three (3) from each state have been selected to form the sample of the study. The one-sample t-test and the frequency table have been used in the analysis of the data. Ninety (90) questionnaires have been administered out of which seventy eight (78) have been collected. The findings of the study reveal that all aspect of competitor focused accounting method captured in the study (Competitor Cost Assessment, Competitor Position Monitoring, Competitor Appraisal based on Financial Statement) are significantly used in the foods and baking enterprises in the three (3) states. It is recommended that the competitor focused accounting method should be more formally used in food and baking enterprises in the states. Finally, they should introduce comprehensive accounting system by ensuring that record keeping and preparation of financial statements is given utmost regards as it has received less concentration.
Page(s): 208-216 Date of Publication: 29 March 2019
Sabo Usman
Musa Muhammed Bello
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Sabo Usman; Musa Muhammed Bello “Application of Competitor Focused Accounting (CFA) Method as Competitive Advantages in Foods and Baking Enterprises in Kano, Jigawa and Bauchi States of Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.208-216 March 2019 URL:
Access to Credit Facilities and Tax Compliance among SMEs: Evidence from Nigeria
Salawu, R.O., Adegbie, F. F., Oladejo, O.F. – March 2019 Page No.: 217-225
We investigate the impact of access to credit on tax compliance among SMEs in Nigeria. The need to generate revenue to meet up with the running of government activities has been a focus of every government across the globe, and SMEs are vital to revenue generation in emerging economies like Nigeria. We employ a survey of 400 SME operators in Nigeria. The findings reveal that there is a positive and significant relationship between access to credit and tax compliance (α=0.715, t(395)=15.637, p=0.000). The implication is that access to credit facilities contributes significantly to tax compliance among SMEs operators in Nigeria. The study concluded that access to credit facilities contributed significantly to tax compliance among SMEs operators in Nigeria. The study recommends that the Central Bank of Nigeria, Bank of Industry, Development Bank of Nigeria, Bank of Agric, Ministry of Finance and other government agencies involves in intervention fund should set up a technical committee that will monitor the disbursement and monitoring of intervention funds for SMEs so as to ensure that the SMEs operators access the fund and also to see that the fund is channeled for the purpose to which it was disbursed.
Page(s): 217-225 Date of Publication: 29 March 2019
Salawu, R.O.
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilishan –Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Adegbie, F. F.
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilishan –Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Oladejo, O.F.
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilishan –Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
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Science Classes at the Primary Schools of Bangladesh: Classroom Practice and Challenges
A K M Obaydullah and Nusrat Jahan – March 2019 Page No.: 226-230
This study presents of classroom practice about primary science at the primary schools of Bangladesh. Various video graphs, personal observations and research findings along with some reports depicts that the Primary Science classroom situation in the primary schools of Bangladesh is below standard. The participants of this study were 40 primary School teachers from 40 schools purposively sampled based on qualities like teachers activities and classroom facilities. Teachers still now follow the traditional system of classroom practices about primary science because of lack of potential knowledge and classroom management skills, lack of motivation towards teaching and lack of professional satisfaction. In that reason have some bad effect on the learning of the student. So, some recommendations have been proposed to confirm quality primary science classroom practice at the primary schools of Bangladesh. However, now a days the situation is changed with the many steps of the government which should be a matter of comfort for the future generations
Page(s): 226-230 Date of Publication: 02 March 2019
A K M Obaydullah
Instructor, URC, Primary and Mass Education Ministry, Bangladesh.
Nusrat Jahan
Lecturar, Department of Islamic History, Government Ispahani College, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Local Government Fiscal Autonomy and Its Impact on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria
Chijioke Basil Onuoha, Henry Ufomba – March 2019 Page No.: 231-241
In the literature on the structure of government and its impact on development in the grassroot there is a resurgence in the focus on the role of Local Government as government in the grassroot level in stimulating economic activities that will significantly improve the general well-being of the populace and contribute to sustainable economic development. Situated within this focus, this study examined the impact of Local Government fiscal autonomy on the performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMSE) in Nigeria. Using a questionnaire as instrument the study adopted a survey method and collected data from 248 entrepreneurs from the three senatorial districts of Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria. The correlation analysis of the data showed two insightful results-both the level of Local Government fiscal autonomy and its level of expenditure have significant impact on the performance and profitability of SMSEs. It therefore recommend for higher Local Government fiscal autonomy as an important step to stimulate inclusive economic activities and growth.
Page(s): 231-241 Date of Publication: 30 March 2019
Chijioke Basil Onuoha
PhD, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Henry Ufomba
Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
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Chijioke Basil Onuoha, Henry Ufomba “Local Government Fiscal Autonomy and Its Impact on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.231-241 March 2019 URL:
Factors for Teachers’ Low Use of ICT in Secondary Schools in Tanzania
Shima Dawson Banele – March 2019 Page No.: 242-246
ICT in education shifted classroom activities from traditional to technological mediated teaching and learning paradox. There are need to understand factors abided to teachers only on low use of ICT in secondary schools classroom teaching and learning activities. Purpose of the study dwelled to influence stakeholders on current ICT devices available in schools and teachers’ influencing factors replicated to low use of technologies so that to step in Tanzania secondary schools. Descriptive cross sectional survey research design bedded into ethnographic methods allowed narrative nature of teachers’ norms and attitudes to emerge. 50 teachers, 12 heads of schools and 12 secondary schools from Kibaha district were selected using simple stratified and purposive procedures. Data was collected using structured checklist observations and Focus Group Discussion techniques. Reliability of the data collection instruments was determined by split-half method. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics; however the study findings had implication on use of ICT in secondary classroom.
Page(s): 242-246 Date of Publication: 30 March 2019
Shima Dawson Banele
The Open University of Tanzania, Faculty of Education, P.O. Box 23409, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Shima Dawson Banele “Factors for Teachers’ Low Use of ICT in Secondary Schools in Tanzania” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.242-246 March 2019 URL:
Application of Cognitive Restructuring Counselling Technique in Managing Couples with Infertility Problems
ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, YARO, Hauwa Bodinga – March 2019 Page No.: 247-253
This study examines the application of Cognitive Restructuring counselling techniques in managing couples with infertility challenges. The paper identified the favourable conditions concept/ types of infertility which includes: Primary and Secondary infertilities. Causes of infertility in men such as low or absence of sperm cells while in women it includes irregular or absence of menstrual cycle among others were highlighted. Also the explanation of cognitive restructuring, application of cognitive restructuring counselling techniques in managing couple with infertility challenge were discussed, they include: Changing the irrationals and believes with rational ones some preventions/suggestions were made such as providing the psychological needs such fertility clinics, subsidized medication, among others. For couples with infertility challenges which goes a long way in improving their chances of bearing children.
Page(s): 247-253 Date of Publication: 31 March 2019
ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka
Department of Educational Foundations, Usmanu Danfodiyo Unoversty, Sokoto, Nigeria
YARO, Hauwa Bodinga
Department of Educational Foundations, Usmanu Danfodiyo Unoversty, Sokoto, Nigeria
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ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka, YARO, Hauwa Bodinga “Application of Cognitive Restructuring Counselling Technique in Managing Couples with Infertility Problems” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.247-253 March 2019 URL:
Accounting Information System as an Aid to Decision Making Process in Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
Olalekan Oladipo Akinrinola, Enyi Patrick Enyi, Ishola Rufus Akintoye – March 2019 Page No.: 254-263
Information is indispensable for decision making in any business organisation. Accounting Information System (AIS) performs a vital role in decision making in banks. Inadequate attention to the quality and reliability of the information on which decisions are made largely contribute to the failure of the use of accounting information in businesses leading to inaccurate decisions to the detriment of the organisation. This study examined the influence of AISon decision making of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (DMBs).Survey research design was adopted for the study with employees of all licensed commercial DMBs in Nigeria totaling 100,590 constituted the study population. The sample size comprised 420 randomly selected staff in the operations, information technology, finance and control functions. The data collected, through the use of questionnaire, were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics through the use of the ordered logistic regressions. The study established that AIS has a significant positive effect on decision making process (β=3.432, 1.534, 2.612 and 2.992; W(402)=19.122, 2.586, 13.965 and 15.797; p= 0.000, 0.108, 0.000 and 0.000; R2 = 0.473). The null hypothesis that accounting information system does not significantly affect the decision making process was rejected with the model p-value of 0.000.The study concluded that decision making process is influenced by quality of accounting information system across DMBs in Nigeria and that AIS practices are similar in the DMBs. The study recommended that management of DMBs should continuously evaluate their accounting information system and ensures that the qualitative characteristics are not compromised.
Page(s): 254-263 Date of Publication: 31 March 2019
Olalekan Oladipo Akinrinola
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
Enyi Patrick Enyi
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
Ishola Rufus Akintoye
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
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Olalekan Oladipo Akinrinola, Enyi Patrick Enyi, Ishola Rufus Akintoye “Accounting Information System as an Aid to Decision Making Process in Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.254-263 March 2019 URL:
Effect of Counselling in Teenage Mothers Academic Performances in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
Lydia Cheptoo Koech, John Simiyu, Herbert Ndimo – March 2019 Page No.: 264-280
Many girls suffer denied childhood due to teenage pregnancy, and the shame associated with the pregnancy do not allow the young mothers the opportunity to come back to school and therefore missed lifetime opportunities for the groups affected. Teenage pregnancy is widespread in the world, with Sub-Saharan African been the most affected in terms of the number of young mother and school drop outs. The exact impact of teenage motherhood on education is not well presented and therefore this study explored using qualitative and quantitative methods. The main purpose of the study was to assess the effects of teenage motherhood on academic performance in public secondary schools in Uasin-Gishu County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to assess the status of teenage motherhood in public secondary schools, to assess effects of teenage motherhood absenteeism on academic performance, to assess the perception of teenage motherhood repetition of class on academic performance, to assess effects of teenage motherhood self-esteem on academic performance, to find out challenges faced by teenage mothers. The study was informed by Resiliency Theory. The descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The target population included 392 school teenage mothers drawn from 144 public secondary within Uasin-Gishu County. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the public secondary schools while the purposive sampling technique was used to select the respondents of the study. Data was analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The major findings from the study showed that teenage motherhood negatively affected academic performance due inability to raise funds to feed themselves and their children. Constant absenteeism and lack of adequate time to accomplish school tasks due to divided attention led to repeating of classes which in turn affected their self-esteem and confidence. It was also established from this study that most schools had strategies in place to enhance mother return to school policy which included a no-abortion policy and guidance and counseling services. Conclusions arising from the findings are as follows: Most of the teenage mothers are not able to attend school five days a week; majority of the respondents have repeated classes involuntary and their self-esteem is low due to hurdles they face in their schooling. Recommendations arising from this study are: teenage motherhood should not be a reason for school drop-out, rather these youth should be assisted to develop resilience; teenage mothers should be motivated and provided with all the support they need for their schooling; no teenage mother should be forced to repeat classes missed since this reduces their self-esteem; and guidance and counseling services should be offered to all stake holders to facilitate easy transition from teenage motherhood to student hood.
Page(s): 264-280 Date of Publication: 02 April 2019
Lydia Cheptoo Koech
Department of Education Technology, University of Eldoret., P. O. Box 1125-30100 Eldoret, Kenya
John Simiyu
Department of Education Technology, University of Eldoret., P. O. Box 1125-30100 Eldoret, Kenya
Herbert Ndimo
Department of Education Technology, University of Eldoret., P. O. Box 1125-30100 Eldoret, Kenya
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Lydia Cheptoo Koech, John Simiyu, Herbert Ndimo “Effect of Counselling in Teenage Mothers Academic Performances in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.264-280 March 2019 URL:
Ejagham Cross Border Re-integration between Cameroon and Nigeria 1916-1961
Raphael Achou Etta (PhD) – March 2019 Page No.: 281-287
The 1913 colonial boundaries which came on the heels of a series of Anglo-German border agreements from 1885 officially divided the Ejagham community putting them astride in the German and British territories of Cameroon and Nigeria, respectively. This colonial administrative surgery was plotted along the Cross River and the Awa stream which lay within the Ejagham land. These natural waterways that hitherto served as an economic vacuum for loose exploration and exploitation became lines of political and economic division among the Ejagham of the two territories. The German attempt to rigidly control and prevent the flow of goods and people to the British territory seriously affected, although did not completely perturb the interactions among the Ejagham of both sides in all spheres of life. The article on this premise posits that the German departure from the territory and British succession was a blessing for the Ejagham communities severed by the colonial borders. The British decision to jointly administer the Southern Cameroons as an integral part of South Eastern Nigeria reinvigorated the firm resolve for the Ejagham to re-establish economic and socio-cultural integration on both sides of the border.
Page(s): 281-287 Date of Publication: 02 April 2019
Raphael Achou Etta (PhD)
University of Bamenda, Cameroon
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Evaluation of the Assessment Programme in Special Education Schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria
Mohammed Gishiwa, Luka Yelwa Barde, Waziri Garba, El-jajah, Musa Hassan Elzaman, Tabita Sule Gaba – March 2019 Page No.: 288-294
This study investigated the evaluation of the assessment programme in special education schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria. There were 4 purposes that guided the study. 4 research questions and 4 null hypotheses was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study was 100 subjects comprising school administrators and classroom teachers of senior secondary schools in Yobe State. The Sample size of 100 elements comprising teachers were selected for the study. A structured questionnaire with 20 items was used to gather data using five likert format rating scale. The statistical tool used in the analysis of 4 research question was mean and standard deviation while Chia-square was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of this study revealed that special education graduates can compete favorably in the labour market and they should not be discriminated against in the labour market, special education graduates can compete favorably in the labour market and they should not be discriminated against in the labour market certificates issued in special schools is valid the quality of the certificate is considerably equal to those obtainable in normal conventional schools, there need for including some subjects the curriculum of special schools especially vocational training bearing in mind the nature of deformity in each group of the students. Bauchi governments should offer special train in, and in-service training to teachers in the field of special education in special schools. The overall result indicates that there is statistically significant difference in evaluation of the assessment programme in special education schools in Bauchi State. This study also recommends Bauchi State Government to provide available teaching materials in special schools.
Page(s): 288-294 Date of Publication: 04 April 2019
Mohammed Gishiwa
Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria.
Luka Yelwa Barde
Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria.
Waziri Garba, El-jajah
Yobe State Teaching Service Board Damaturu Yobe State, Nigeria.
Musa Hassan Elzaman
Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria.
Tabita Sule Gaba
Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria.
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Mohammed Gishiwa, Luka Yelwa Barde, Waziri Garba, El-jajah, Musa Hassan Elzaman, Tabita Sule Gaba “Evaluation of the Assessment Programme in Special Education Schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.288-294 March 2019 URL:
Understanding the Causes of Students’ weak Performance in Geography at the WASSCE and the Implications for School Practices; A Case of Two Senior High Schools in a Rural District of Ghana
Moses Ackah Anlimachie – March 2019 Page No.: 295-311
The study investigates the causes of students’poor performance in Geography at the West Africa SeniorSchool Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Ghana. To inform policy and practice on how policymakers, educators, teachers, students and communities/parents could better collaborate to improve teaching and learning, and students’ learning outcomes in Senior High Schools in Ghana. The study argues that linking the classroom to students’lifeworlds through practical and fieldwork activities make learning attractive, practical and permanent to students. This is fundamental to improve students’achievements while maximizing relevant educational outcomes for national and community sustainability.
Page(s): 295-311 Date of Publication: 05 April 2019
Moses Ackah Anlimachie
School of Education, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
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Moses Ackah Anlimachie “Understanding the Causes of Students’ weak Performance in Geography at the WASSCE and the Implications for School Practices; A Case of Two Senior High Schools in a Rural District of Ghana” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.295-311 March 2019 URL:
Zimbabwe 2018 Elections: Shattered Hopes for Change and Economic Recovery
Cosmas Chikwawawa – March 2019 Page No.: 312-316
This paper presents an analysis of the 2018 harmonised presidential, parliamentary and local government elections in Zimbabwe, a Southern African country with a population of about 14 million people, which gained independence from Britain in 1980, following an armed struggle. The elections engendered hope for change and development against the backdrop of a debilitating and prolonged economic crisis. Although this is a controversial position, the Zimbabwean society associated electoral democracy with economic development. AsBratton and Masunungure (2018) note, Zimbabweans were tentatively hopeful that fair and free elections would break the trend of past disputed elections, restore leadership legitimacy and launch economic reforms. The paper looks at the pre-election period, the vote casting day and the post-election period, with a view to assessing the credibility of the election. The paper concludes that the elections in a large measure lacked credibility and were not free and fair by any standard, yielding a disputed outcome, which left the country mired in political tension and economic decline. As such, the election left the generality of the Zimbabwean populace deeply disillusioned, with their hopes of returning to democracy and economic revival depressingly shattered.
Page(s): 312-316 Date of Publication: 05 April 2019
Cosmas Chikwawawa
PhD student, College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance, Africa University, Mutare, Zimbabwe
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Cosmas Chikwawawa “Zimbabwe 2018 Elections: Shattered Hopes for Change and Economic Recovery” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.312-316 March 2019 URL:
Socio-Economic Profiles of Beekeeping Farmers in Marigat, Baringo County – Kenya
Chemwok C. K, Tuitoek D. K, Nganai S. K. – March 2019 Page No.: 317-321
Knowledge of demographic characteristics of farmers is very critical in the design, implementation and review of policies geared towards adoption of new technologies by farmers. This study was set to establish the demographic profiles of bee keeping farmers in Marigat, Baringo County. The paper estimated the mean, median, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, Skewness, kurtosis, Jarque-Bera and probability of each demographic variable. The results are presented below. The paper recommends policy makers to consider demographic characteristics of beekeeping farmers when designing policies.
Page(s): 317-321 Date of Publication: 05 April 2019
Chemwok C. K
University of Eldoret, Kenya
Tuitoek D. K
Moi University, Kenya
Nganai S. K.
Moi University, Kenya
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Chemwok C. K, Tuitoek D. K, Nganai S. K. “Socio-Economic Profiles of Beekeeping Farmers in Marigat, Baringo County – Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.317-321 March 2019 URL:
Causes, Prevention and Solutions to Domestic Violence against Women in Cameroon: A Qualitative Study of Opinions from Perpetrators and Victims
Teke Johnson Takwa, Johnson Sambitla Tita-Fangmbung – March 2019 Page No.: 322-327
Information on domestic violence against women in Cameroon comes essentially from various operations of Demographic and Health Surveys and is essentially quantitative and incomplete for the proper understanding of this social ill. Quantitative data has revealed that the frequency of this ill in Cameroon is high and even higher than many other sub-Saharan countries. In order to better grasp how the key perpetrators of domestic violence (men) and the main victims (women), perceive the causes, consequences, prevention and solutions to the problem, a focus group discussion of six women and five men was organized in each of Cameroon’s ten regional capitals. The study revealed that despite divergent perceptions of gender-based domestic violence, both female and male discussants in a majority considered it bad and good for elimination. However, some men feel that it can be good if it is mild and aimed at correcting the wrongs of a woman. Some women, especially in the South, East and Centre regions of Cameroon, feel that some degree of domestic violence against them is necessary to serve as an expression of love. On a whole, both men and women participants at the focus group discussions see gender-based domestic violence as a social ill that needs religious, traditional, judiciary and administrative authorities to combat as well as individual self-control.
Page(s): 322-327 Date of Publication: 06 April 2019
Teke Johnson Takwa
Central Bureau for Censuses and Population Studies, BUCREP, Yaoundé-Cameroona
Johnson Sambitla Tita-Fangmbung
PhD Student in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building, Atlantic International University Honolulu USA.
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Teke Johnson Takwa, Johnson Sambitla Tita-Fangmbung “Causes, Prevention and Solutions to Domestic Violence against Women in Cameroon: A Qualitative Study of Opinions from Perpetrators and Victims” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.322-327 March 2019 URL:
Access and Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts Information on Maize Crop Production in Vihiga County, Kenya
Ambubi Andrew Josephert, Cholo Wilberforce, Mulinya Caroline, Paul Obino Ong’anyi – March 2019 Page No.: 328-338
Vihiga County has been faced by drastic reduction of maize crop yields in recent years making the realization of food security unattainable. The county live in absolute poverty, and therefore food insecure. The purpose of this study was to exploit the extent of access and use of seasonal climate forecast information by small-scale maize farmers on maize crop production in Vihiga County. The scope of the study mainly focused on evaluating the influence ofaccess and use of seasonal climate forecast information as the most adaptive strategy on maize crop production. This study was conducted through descriptive survey research design. This study targeted a population of 3,234 households of small-scale farmers with > 1 to 4 acres of land. The sample size of 153 households was used in the study. A systematic sampling technique was employed by purposeful selection of three constituencies of Hamisi, Vihiga and Luanda. Secondly, by purposeful selection of three wards of Muhudu, Mungoma and Luanda South that cut across agricultural zones in the county. Finally developing a sample frame of 3,234 households. Meteorologists and crop officers were purposefully sampled based on their availability. Primary data on the access and use of SCF information on maize crop production were collected by use of pre-tested Questionnaires. The secondary data was collected by use of Key Informant Interview Schedule for meteorologist and crop officers for the period 2004-2014 on rainfall, temperature, and maize crop production. Data was analysed both in descriptive and inferential using Microsoft software’s. Descriptive analysis was used to assess the extent of access and use of SCF on maize crop production. Correlation analysis was used to establish the relationship between access and use of SCF and maize crop production in Vihiga County. The information obtained provided a feedback on the extent to which farmers are responding to seasonal climate forecasts information and provided a framework for improving maize crop production in Vihiga County. The study showed that there is a decline in maize crop production in Vihiga County and yet farmers accesses and uses SCF information. Where by the number of bags per acre dropped from 21.5 bags to 15.2 bags between (2004-2014). The study found that there is no significant relationship between access, use (r=0.018588, p=0.098141). The study concludes that futher research need to be conductedin the area to find out the main cause of decline in maize production in Vihiga County.The study however recommends the County government and the NGO’s in Vihiga County to come up with interventions strategies that may help small-scale farmers to increase maize crop production.
Page(s): 328-338 Date of Publication: 06 April 2019
Ambubi Andrew Josephert
Department of Geography, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Cholo Wilberforce
Department of Health Sciences, Masinde Muliro University, Kenya
Mulinya Caroline
Department of Geography, Masinde Muliro University, Kenya
Paul Obino Ong’anyi
Department of Geography, Kibabii University, Kenya
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Ambubi Andrew Josephert, Cholo Wilberforce, Mulinya Caroline, Paul Obino Ong’anyi “Access and Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts Information on Maize Crop Production in Vihiga County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.328-338 March 2019 URL:
The Adoption and Use of Online Transactions in Retail Banking: The Case of Gwanda Town in Zimbabwe
Cinderella Dube, Victor Gumbo – March 2019 Page No.: 339-343
Online transaction services have been in use in the banking environment for the past few decades. Their use is attracting more and more organisations due to the convenience that they offer to customers as well as the efficiency offered to banks. The adoption and use of online transactions in banks has been generally accepted in many parts of the world. However, there has been little information on the adoption and use of online transactions in Zimbabwe in general and in Gwanda in particular. The study thus sought to find out the adoption and use of online transactions in retail banks in Gwanda town in Zimbabwe. The adoption and use of online transactions was also explored in terms of gender and age differences. In this study, the online transactions examined were Internet Banking, Automated Teller Machines (ATM) and Mobile Banking. The study took an exploratory and mixed methods approach where interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data. The results revealed that although banks had adopted online transactions, the adoption and use by customers was still low. There were no gender based disparities with regards to the adoption of online transactions under study. However, the study found out that the younger generations adopted more online transactions than the older generation. The study recommended customers to adopt the online transactions adopted by banks. Banks were also urged to use age-based marketer persuasion tools in order to persuade both the younger and older generations to adopt online transactions.
Page(s): 339-343 Date of Publication: 07 April 2019
Cinderella Dube
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
Victor Gumbo
University of Botswana, Botswana
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Cinderella Dube, Victor Gumbo “The Adoption and Use of Online Transactions in Retail Banking: The Case of Gwanda Town in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.339-343 March 2019 URL:
Social Laws of Intolerance “On the Metaphysics of Terrorism and Genocide”
Munthir Chel’loob – March 2019 Page No.: 344-349
Bigotry alone does not lead to disasters and cause genocides to occur; other different types of ideas may entail this possibility. Ironically, even tolerance may be leading to similar results. The reason is that tolerance may become a pretext for excluding those who do not believe in it; that is, people who may think that they are tolerant may work towards the exclusion of those who are different from them in the name of defending tolerance.
I attempt to expose the concepts of tolerance and extremism and reach the functioning actors, on the social level, who shape the genocide laws governing the events of cultural, ethnic and religious exclusion, the paradox of tolerance and the fallacy of using reason to reach consensus between humans. I also attempt to resolve the contradictions of anti-tolerance attitudes by using the concept of common sense.
Page(s): 344-349 Date of Publication: 07 April 2019
Munthir Chel’loob
Kufa University, Iraq
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Munthir Chel’loob “Social Laws of Intolerance “On the Metaphysics of Terrorism and Genocide”” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) vol.3 issue 3, pp.344-349 March 2019 URL:
An Ethical Assessment of the Impact of Inequitable Land Ownership Patterns on Women’s Economic and Social Rights: A Case Study of Mumbwa District
Shadrick Chembe, Dr. Anthony Musonda – March 2019 Page No.: 350-356