Moderating Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Internal Audit Practices and Public Expenditure Management of Government Organizations in Nigeria
Isoboye Jacob Damieibi (PhD) – May 2022- Page No.: 01-08
The study examined the moderating effect of information and communication technology on internal audit practices and public expenditure management of government organizations in Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of 350 staff in the five surveyed government organizations in Nigeria. The study used a questionnaire to elicit information from the respondents. The study applied descriptive and inferential statistical tools to analyze the data and test the hypotheses with the help of SPSS 22.0. The study found that the effect-based information and communication technology in a team, positively relates to the degree of knowledge sharing and learning intensity in the team. The study revealed that information and communication technology are used in internal auditing and this affects public expenditure management. It is suggested that information and communication technology be used increasingly so that the quality of internal auditing can be improved and accordingly, systematic planning and performing internal auditing operations in order to achieve efficient public expenditure management in public organisations. Furthermore, applying information and communication technology by internal auditing units of companies helps to engender efficiency. The results of the study have given a clear indication that information and communication technology have significant effect on internal audit practices and public expenditure management of government organizations. The study recommended that: The public sector administrators should use risk assessment to their advantage by encouraging government organisations’ staff with proficiency in information and communication technology application. Government organizations’ staff should update their knowledge with respect to risk assessment and allocative efficiency through the opportunities provided by information and communication technology solutions so as to be able to benefit from the strategic values of effective and efficient public expenditure management.
Page(s): 01-08 Date of Publication: 24 May 2022
Isoboye Jacob Damieibi (PhD)
Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
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Isoboye Jacob Damieibi (PhD) “Moderating Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Internal Audit Practices and Public Expenditure Management of Government Organizations in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.01-08 May 2022 DOI:
Practices of Personal Records Keeping among Employees in Tanzania: A Case of Selected Tertiary Colleges in Tanzania
Grace Traseas (MA IS), Julius T. Tweve (PhD) – May 2022- Page No.: 09-17
This study was carried out to assess the practice of employment personal records keeping among employees. The specific objectives of the study were to identify types of employment personal records kept by employees, to find out the place of keeping personal records by employees, to explore the impact of keeping employment personal records by employees, to determine the reasons influencing employees to keep their personal records and to determine the challenges facing employees in keeping their personal records. The study used descriptive survey design while simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to select 154 respondents. Primary data and secondary data were used while questionnaire and interview were used to gather primary data. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings indicate that there are types of employment personal records kept by employees such as appointment letter, confirmation letter, performance letter, promotion letter, annual leaves, employment letter, next of kin form, salary slip, birth certificate, educational certificates, awards, promotional letter, marriage certificate and title deed. The study also found that different places and means are used to keep records such as in the offices and home using special bags and computers. It was also indicated that employment personal records has potential benefits such as easy retrieval of information, easy tracking personal files, usefulness of information, getting their rights and for the future reference. Also to increase awareness, enhancing accuracy, increasing confidence and enhancing decision making. The study came up with challenges facing employees in keeping their personal records such as low level of awareness among employees to keep their personal records effectively and efficiently, misplacement of equipment used to store or keep records, quality of equipment or any mechanism used to keep records, inadequate space and lastly technical skills. Generally, the study concluded that there is the practice of personal records keeping among the employees at TPSC and DIT. The study recommended that there is a need to have training for better personal records keeping, space provision, budget allocation, and policy.
Page(s): 09-17 Date of Publication: 24 May 2022
Grace Traseas (MA IS)
Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC)
Julius T. Tweve (PhD)
Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo)
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Grace Traseas (MA IS), Julius T. Tweve (PhD), “Practices of Personal Records Keeping among Employees in Tanzania: A Case of Selected Tertiary Colleges in Tanzania” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.09-17 May 2022 URL:
Definitions of ‘Literature’ in Bangladesh EFL Context – an Empirical Study
Professor Dr. Salma Ainy – May 2022- Page No.: 18-28
This article attempts to explore various perceptions of the term ‘literature’ of English teachers in the Bangladesh EFL context. It also examines the relevance of using literary pieces in language classrooms in view of the negative beliefs of many teachers and learners in this regard. It is based on a study conducted with 20 teachers of English each from primary, secondary and tertiary levels in Bangladesh. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected from the participant teachers. The study reveals that in most cases teachers perceived ‘literature’ in a narrow and limited way. It is argued that a broader understanding of the term ‘literature’ may help in promoting learner autonomy and enhance learners’ sense of self-achievement, confidence, and self-reliance. It is also argued that proceeding from a broader sense of ‘literature’, reintroducing literary texts in the English classroom may create a positive impact on the learning and learners.
Page(s): 18-28 Date of Publication: 25 May 2022
Professor Dr. Salma Ainy
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur, Bangladesh
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Professor Dr. Salma Ainy “Definitions of ‘Literature’ in Bangladesh EFL Context – an Empirical Study” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.18-28 May 2022 DOI:
Effectiveness of Emerging Post Covid Teaching Approaches in Partido State University
Mariel R. Estrella – May 2022- Page No.: 29-36
Today’s pandemic changed the educational landscape in the Philippines. In Partido State University, covid-19 paved the way for new teaching approaches. The traditional face-to-face teaching suddenly shifted to online teaching. This study determined the emerging post covid teaching approaches, instructional strategies used by teachers, the challenges encountered by teachers and students, and the level of effectiveness of the teaching approaches. The study employed a descriptive research design and it used a survey questionnaire in google form to gather data from 52 teachers and 263 students in the seven campuses. The emerging post covid teaching approaches in Partido State University were the use of online learning approach indicated by 46 respondents, Teacher- Student Consultation by 38 respondents, and the “flipped classroom’’ by 34 respondents. To support the teaching approaches, teachers used instructional strategies. These were sharing learning resources to the students (48 respondents), use of flexible assessment policy (39 respondents), and asking the students more questions during synchronous classes (30 respondents). Despite the efforts to perfect the new teaching approaches, respondents were found to be constrained by some challenges. For both respondents, the common challenge encountered was the slow internet or unstable connection. Effectiveness of these emerging post-covid teaching approaches were measured through the presence of online sources, student engagement, technology, and presence of supplemental interventions. Among these, the use of technology to facilitate the teaching approaches was high among teachers with an average weighted mean of 3.39. On the other hand, for students, the post-covid teaching approaches was high in student engagement with 3.27 average weighted mean. With these findings, the study recommends the following 1.) ensure a more stable and stronger internet connection in the campus, 2.) train the students thoroughly in the new learning management system, and 3.) make online resources available.
Page(s): 29-36 Date of Publication: 25 May 2022
Mariel R. Estrella
Partido State University, Philippines
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Mariel R. Estrella “Effectiveness of Emerging Post Covid Teaching Approaches in Partido State University” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.29-36 May 2022 DOI:
“Assessing the Academic Performance of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo: An Implication to Remedial Teaching”
Alma R. Defacto, Ed.D. – May 2022- Page No.: 37-41
The study aimed to ascertain the Alternative Learning System (ALS) students’ performance when grouped according to demographic profile as the basis for designing a remedial teaching program. Employing the descriptive research design, ninety-two (92) students of ALS-Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Philippines, were the subjects of the study. The students were categorized according to demographic profiles such as age, gender, civil status, and grade entry point. Secondary data from the ALS Office were gathered, tabulated, computed, and analyzed using appropriate statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Results showed that ALS students had a “proficient” level of performance as a whole group. When grouped according to age, those below 22 years old had an “advanced” level while those above 22 years old had a “proficient” level. Both single and married were “proficient”. As to grade entry level, 3rd year High School had “advanced” level while the rest had “proficient”. The academic performance of ALS students was not significantly different when grouped according to gender, civil status, and grade entry-level. However, there was a significant difference when grouped according to age. Students who were 22 years old and below performed significantly better than those over 22 years old. Based on the findings, generally, ALS students have “proficient” academic performance. Regardless of gender, civil status, and grade entry-level, their academic performance is generally the same. However, age is a significant factor affecting ALS students’ performance. The researcher recommends that in designing remedial teaching among ALS learners, grouping the students by age group should be considered as each group may have different learning interests.
Page(s): 37-41 Date of Publication: 26 May 2022
Alma R. Defacto, Ed.D.
School of Education, Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Estancia, Iloilo, Philippines
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Alma R. Defacto, Ed.D., ““Assessing the Academic Performance of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo: An Implication to Remedial Teaching”” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.37-41 May 2022 URL:
Tea Drinking Attitude and Tea Addiction Symptoms among Kenyans
Joyzy Pius Egunjobi, Ph.D., Dr.AD, Stephen Asatsa, Ph.D – May 2022- Page No.: 42-46
Kenyans are known to consume lots of tea. This study investigated Kenyans’ tea drinking attitude and the possible traces of tea addiction. A correlation design was employed by using an online questionnaire to obtain information from 335 respondents who participated through voluntary sampling. The data were analyzed using descriptive inferential statistics. It was found that majority of Kenyans (95.3%) are tea drinkers with about 76.4% moderately consuming 1 to 3 cups of tea daily in the morning hours. There was no gender disparity in tea consumption. Addiction symptoms were experienced by 41% of Kenyan tea drinkers who experienced withdrawal symptoms such headache, tiredness, and disorientation, 49.1% craving for tea, 16.5% unable to stop drinking tea, and 36.9% feel stimulated by drinking tea. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of teacups consumed per day and addiction symptoms at Pearson correlation coefficient r (335) = .355, p < .001. It is recommended that while tea drinking is legal, those who experience loss of control over tea drinking and withdrawal symptoms should seek professional help.
Page(s): 42-46 Date of Publication: 26 May 2022
Joyzy Pius Egunjobi, Ph.D., Dr.AD
Psycho-Spiritual Institute (an affiliate of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa)
Stephen Asatsa, Ph.D
Department of Counseling Psychology, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya
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Joyzy Pius Egunjobi, Ph.D., Dr.AD, Stephen Asatsa, Ph.D “Tea Drinking Attitude and Tea Addiction Symptoms among Kenyans” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.42-46 May 2022 URL:
Factors Affecting Military Expenditure in Asean
Iman Agung RAMADHAN, Agus Tri BASUKI – May 2022- Page No.: 47-52
This study aims to determine whether economic growth, unemployment and investment affect military spending in five ASEAN countries consisting of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines in 2009-2019. This study uses secondary data with a period of ten years. Data obtained from the World Bank Indicators. This study uses panel data regression method with the selected model Fixed Effect Model. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it is obtained that there are two variables that affect military costs, namely economic growth and unemployment. Unemployment is the variable that has the most influence on military costs in the 5 Asean Countries. Meanwhile, investment has no effect on military spending. The ASEAN region is in a safe condition, so that military spending in ASEAN countries is quite stable from year to year. Political and economic stability in the ASEAN Region proves that increased investment does not encourage a significant increase in military spending.
Page(s): 47-52 Date of Publication: 26 May 2022
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia
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Iman Agung RAMADHAN, Agus Tri BASUKI, “Factors Affecting Military Expenditure in Asean” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.47-52 May 2022 URL:
Positive and Negative Politeness Strategies in Jessica Soho’s Political Interviews: A Linguistic Analysis
Aimee Ann B. Sanglitan and Maria Luisa S. Saministrado, PhD – May 2022- Page No.: 53-60
Much attention is given to politicians and the strategies that they use to be both cooperative and polite in the study of discourse and politics. Little attention is given to the important role that interviewers play in maintaining the conversation, and the strategies that they use not only on cooperation but also in politeness. This paper analyzes the way that Jessica Soho formulates her questions for political interviews. It also identifies the different politeness strategies she uses in order to maintain the conversation and arrive at preferred responses. Data was obtained through the transcript of five political interviews under the television program SONA of Jessica Soho, a well-known award-winning TV host. The results provided insights on political discourse and the role of politeness in political interviews.
Page(s): 53-60 Date of Publication: 26 May 2022
Aimee Ann B. Sanglitan
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Philippines
Maria Luisa S. Saministrado, PhD
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Philippines
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Aimee Ann B. Sanglitan and Maria Luisa S. Saministrado, PhD “Positive and Negative Politeness Strategies in Jessica Soho’s Political Interviews: A Linguistic Analysis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.53-60 May 2022 URL:
Body Shaming: Perspectivising Gender in Contemporary Discourses
Adjah Ekwang Adjah – May 2022- Page No.: 61-69
Body shaming is one gender construct that is aimed at ascribing negative comments on individuals’ body features. This has been considered from varying strands of study with apparent neglect to the typological and contextual indices of this act and its strategic construction in the media. Relying on the triangulation theoretical approach, the study adopted the pragmatic act theory complemented by polyphony, the theory of voice and intertextuality, and gender theories, to establish the nexus between body shaming and gender among Nigerian celebrities who are victims of body shaming. The study submits that typologically body shaming is enacted through same gender, other gender, and media construction within the contextual ambience of media trolling, conflict, relationship, family defence and reporting. From these findings it was submitted that body shaming act is instrumental to the proliferation of surgeries by women in order to fit into the “ideal” body structured engendered by the ideologies of (im)perfectionist ideology and is invariably salvaged through the advocatist ideology.
Page(s): 61-69 Date of Publication: 26 May 2022
Adjah Ekwang Adjah
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Adjah Ekwang Adjah, “Body Shaming: Perspectivising Gender in Contemporary Discourses” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.61-69 May 2022 URL:
Beliefs and Intentions to enact Positive Environmental Change: A Study of Undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Ms. Rebecca N. Peters & Engin BAYSEN PhD. – May 2022- Page No.: 70-78
This study assessed beliefs and intentions of the undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, to enact positive environmental change using a quantitative survey research design. Data was analyzed using simple percentage, and Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis.
Among other findings, results showed moderately high beliefs (3.97 mean) and intentions (3.56 mean), established a correlation between beliefs and intentions (r(399)=0.265, p=0.000), no significant difference between the beliefs according to gender (p=0.647), and no significant difference between the intentions according to gender (p=0.931). We concluded that the undergraduates believed in the occurrence of climate change, and its adverse implications on the environment.
Page(s): 70-78 Date of Publication: 26 May 2022
Ms. Rebecca N. Peters
Near East University, Turkey
Near East University, Turkey
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Ms. Rebecca N. Peters & Engin BAYSEN PhD. “Beliefs and Intentions to enact Positive Environmental Change: A Study of Undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.70-78 May 2022 DOI:
Climate field school as a panacea for climate change adaptation and mitigation for ecological sustainable and food production in agriculture. An overview
UCHI Dominic Terhile – May 2022- Page No.: 79-83
The review is on the important of climate field school for climate change mitigation and adaptation on environmental sustainable and food production in agriculture. The review is qualitative and it used secondary data from various literatures. It emphasized that agriculture is sensitive sector been threaten by climate change variations affecting farmers’ livelihood and creating extreme events of flood, wildfires, rainstorm, drought and heat waves on the land which is the only natural resources farmers depend on. The review further intensified the use of three approaches of food production sustainability, adaptation and mitigation of climate field school which stressed the need for, reduced related activities greenhouse gases emission and management processes for crops and livestock growth. The review categorized the various agricultural activities which emits greenhouse gases and the mitigations managing process which include reforestations, direct agricultural emission reductions, use of renewable energy sources as specific by climate field school for sustainable environment, adaptations and mitigations. The review identified limited information, knowledge, lack of local and indigenous indicators and dynamic variations of climate in various agro-ecological zones as some of the challenges in communication of climate change mitigations and adaptations in climate field school. The recommendations and conclusion include using participation approach for climate field school, encouragement partnerships of private, civil society organizations and International agencies, the use of good reforms institutional policies to support climate field school and consideration of social and gender considerations.
Page(s): 79-83 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
UCHI Dominic Terhile
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University Dutse, Nigeria
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Dimensions of Violence in Zimbabwe: Unpacking the Triggers and Effects of Machete Violence in Zimbabwe
Jonah Marawako – May 2022- Page No.: 84-93
This article illustrates that machete gangs in Zimbabwe are foot soldiers of the political elites with the Second Republic ventilating their dramatic proliferation. The paper interrogates the concept of state capture and the concept of natural resource curse in an endeavour to demystify the nature and scope of machete violence in Zimbabwe. The paper also noted that machete gangs are more active in mining communities like Kwekwe, Mazowe, Bubi, Mashava, Kadoma and Patchway. Machete gangs are largely connected to powerful politicians who are members of the gold cartels. Factors that trigger machete violence in Zimbabwe include but are not limited to the rapid increase in artisanal mining, climate change and escalating unemployment. The adverse effect of machete gangs is the pauperisation of the general population. The paper also examined the impact of the proliferation of machete gangs on women in the mining sector. Machete violence has aggravated an illicit economy, fuelled unjustified socio-economic deprivation and led to environmental degradation. The paper also unearthed that machete violence underpins and perpetuates the political culture of fear and repression in Zimbabwe. The study recommends a cocktail of reforms that need to be initiated to end machete violence, this includes the need to regularise and formalise the mining sector as well as comprehensive security sector reforms. The study is mainly ethnographic in scope as most of the data was collected through interaction with some members of the machete gangs and victims of machete violence. Documentary search was also used to augment ethnographies. The researcher interviewed machete gangs located in the aforementioned mining communities in Zimbabwe, in an endeavour to generalise how machete gangs are impacting the social, economic and political fabric.
Page(s): 84-93 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
Jonah Marawako
Lecturer, Department of Governance and Public Management, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
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Jonah Marawako “Dimensions of Violence in Zimbabwe: Unpacking the Triggers and Effects of Machete Violence in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.84-93 May 2022 URL:
The Trajectory of Traditional Authority in Contemporary Governance; The Ghanaian Experience
Anderson, Paul Kwaku Larbi – May 2022- Page No.: 94-100
The role of traditional authorities in local governance has evolved steadily in different parts of Africa. It is assumed that, in most parts of the continent, traditional authorities’ legitimacy enables them to play a lead role in local governance and development. This study scrutinizes the trajectory of traditional authority in contemporary governance. The objective is to review how social construction rooted in tradition is made to fit into contemporary society. Accordingly, an interpretive approach was adopted within a qualitative methodological framework which informed a case study as the research design type. Respondents were purposefully selected from the traditional council and local government functionaries in Nsawam-Adoagyiri, Suhum, and Cape Coast Municipalities in Ghana’s eastern and central regions. Data were obtained through one-on-one interviews, non-participant observation, documents, and material culture analysis. The findings of this study revealed that even though the role of traditional authorities in the community has evolved, post-colonial governments have not fully incorporated it into the local governance structure thereby restricting them to mere advisors and consultants on customs and traditions. Notwithstanding, traditional authorities are highly revered within the Ghanaian society with strong social bonds providing support as partners in development at the local level. Given that, this study recommends an operative institutional framework that not only involves traditional authority in local governance but duly involves and aptly defines their mandate in the community.
Page(s): 94-100 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
Anderson, Paul Kwaku Larbi
Center Planning for and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE), University of Siegen, Germany
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Anderson, Paul Kwaku Larbi, “The Trajectory of Traditional Authority in Contemporary Governance; The Ghanaian Experience” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.94-100 May 2022 DOI:
Assessing Human Resource Management Practices on Health Care Services in Banadir Region, Somalia
Mohamed Roble, Dr Isaac Mokono Abuga – May 2022- Page No.: 101-112
The study is aimed at assessing human resource management practices on health care services in Banadir region Somalia. Human capital was used in theoretical literature. Descriptive research design was used in the methodology. The study targeted three categories of employees in Banadir Region in Somalia namely; 17 top level management who comprise the heads of the health departments, 53 middle level management are the technical staff in the public hospitals who include medical officers, nurses, laboratory technologists, dentists, social workers and public health officers and 32 lower level management/support who include clerical officers, subordinate staffs, and secretaries. These makes a total population of 102 employees. Simple random sampling was applied to select 81 respondents in the respective strata. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods was used. Analysis of quantitative data was analysed through the use of mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was analysed through the use of content analysis. The findings indicated that training and development has a positive but insignificant effect on healthcare service delivery (β = .492, Sig = .134>.05). The results established there is an insignificant and negative effect of rewards and recognition on healthcare service delivery (β = -.224, Sig = .302>.05). The research noted a positive and significant effect of employee involvement on healthcare service delivery (β = .799, Sig = .048). This demonstrated that a change in employee involvement by a unit will lead to a 0.799 change in healthcare service delivery. Based on this, the research recommends that the county government should develop capacity building programmes that will help expand the competency and professionalism of health workers
Page(s): 101-112 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
Mohamed Roble
Post Graduate Student, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Dr Isaac Mokono Abuga
Post Graduate Student, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
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Mohamed Roble, Dr Isaac Mokono Abuga “Assessing Human Resource Management Practices on Health Care Services in Banadir Region, Somalia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.101-112 May 2022 URL:
Impact of factors that influence the satisfaction of real estate mortgage registrants: A Case Study in Yen Khanh District, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam
Pham Phuong Nam, Nguyen Van Hieu – May 2022- Page No.: 113-120
The purpose of the study is to determine the factors and their impact on the satisfaction of real estate mortgage registrants. The study investigated 95 real estate mortgage registrants and proposed a research model with 5 latent variables (5 groups of factors) and 19 observed variables. The model was tested using SPSS 20.0 software. 17 observed variables met the requirements and 2 variables that do not meet the requirements and are eliminated. The findings also indicated that credit factors have the strongest impact on satisfaction, followed by groups of factors of credit procedures; finance; personnel; equipment for mortgage registration with the corresponding impact level of 40.14%; 22.22%; 15.90%; 11.76%; 9.97%. The study prosed: raising loan levels, lowering interest rates, simplifying loan procedures, and reducing collateral appraisal fees. Applying the proposals will increase the satisfaction of mortgage registrants, reduce possible disputes, and at the same time ensure security and order and increase state budget revenue.
Page(s): 113-120 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
Pham Phuong Nam
Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam
Nguyen Van Hieu
Branch of Land Registration Office Yen Khanh District, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam
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Pham Phuong Nam, Nguyen Van Hieu, “Impact of factors that influence the satisfaction of real estate mortgage registrants: A Case Study in Yen Khanh District, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.113-120 May 2022 URL:
Covid 19: What Is the Lesson for the Future?
Francisco Soares Campelo Filho – May 2022- Page No.: 121-125
Humanity has faced the biggest problem in its post-World War II history. The pandemic caused by COVID 19 has taken the lives of millions of people around the world, exposing not only human fragility, but mainly that countries did not have the tools to provide an adequate response to such a serious problem. The measures adopted by the governments were unable to solve the problem and, to make things worse, even generated others, such as the collapse of economies around the world. The social isolation determined by the authorities recognized the inability and unpreparedness of governments to deal with the pandemic, having also generated an ideological debate that did nothing to solve the problem, but only to transform the serious crisis into a political discussion that can put the model of democracy, the rule of law and the allocation of powers at risk. But what is the main lesson to be learned from this crisis? Society is formed by the people who compose it, the same people who once elected democracy, the rule of law and the distribution of powers as being the closest model to the ideal of political and administrative organization in the civilized world. Governments should work for these people, always seeking the common good and thinking of them as human beings that they are, and not as mere “voters”. Making governments think, more comprehensively, about people, about the education of children and young people, and about the future, without any ideological bias, should be the main lesson left by COVID 19 to governments and humanity.
Page(s): 121-125 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
Francisco Soares Campelo Filho
Instituto Akdemus de Estudos Avançados em Ciências Sociais e Jurídicas
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Francisco Soares Campelo Filho “Covid 19: What Is the Lesson for the Future?” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.121-125 May 2022 URL:
Improving the Academic Services of As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia, through the Evaluation of Students’ Satisfaction
Iffah Budiningsih, Marliza Oktapiani, Elly Soraya – May 2022- Page No.: 126-132
The purpose of this evaluation research is to study and obtain empirical data about the level of satisfaction of students for academic services that have implications for efforts to improve academic services, which can improve the reputation of the university. The research method used survey methods with an affordable population of about 4000 students of As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. The sampling was done randomly with 733 respondents. The results of the study showed: a) the average assessment of student satisfaction with the University’s academic services in the category of ‘satisfied’ with an average assessment score = 3.8697 and this score still needs to be increased to 5.0 to improve the academic services of the University which have implications for improving the reputation of the university; b) The quality of academic services has a strategic role in meeting student satisfaction which has an impact on the emergence of high loyalty to the University, and it is expected that these students can be a ‘mouth promotion’ for the University; c) academic services that need to be improved include the ability and care of education personnel in providing quality & fast service; the ability and concern of the manager/leader and education staff of the Study Program/Faculty in providing quality academic services, and adequacy, accessibility & quality of supporting facilities of academic activities of students; d) The characters empathy, sympathy, and sharing must be strived to grow and develop into an inherent and settled character among education personnel or lecturers.
Page(s): 126-132 Date of Publication: 27 May 2022
Iffah Budiningsih
Faculty of Teaching and Educational Sciences, As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Marliza Oktapiani
Faculty of Islam Region, As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Elly Soraya
Faculty of Business Economic, As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Iffah Budiningsih, Marliza Oktapiani, Elly Soraya, “Improving the Academic Services of As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia, through the Evaluation of Students’ Satisfaction” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.126-132 May 2022 DOI:
Microfinance and its implications on Women empowerment: A case of Bulawayo Restaurants in Zimbabwe
Dr Barbara Mbuyisa – May 2022- Page No.: 133-139
Microfinance is a developmental tool which has proved to be effective in poverty alleviation, economic development and women empowerment although it has insufficiently penetrated the poor strata of the society at a global perspective. Literature on MFIs has been examined extensively over the past 15 years because there are controversial issues surrounding the benefits inherent to its implementation. The study seeks to examine the impact of MFIs on the empowerment of women who run restaurants in the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. A qualitative research design was used to ascertain the perceptions, beliefs and behavior of women towards the adoption of MFI as a tool for women empowerment. Purposive sampling was used to select 30 participants who run Restaurants in Bulawayo. The study concluded that lack of access to finance by women is a result of series of challenges experienced by MFIs such as inadequate capital and poor market outreach that need to be addressed by the government and regulatory authorities.
Page(s): 133-139 Date of Publication: 28 May 2022
Dr Barbara Mbuyisa
Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe
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Dr Barbara Mbuyisa, “Microfinance and its implications on Women empowerment: A case of Bulawayo Restaurants in Zimbabwe” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.133-139 May 2022 URL:
Bank ATM users’ perceptions towards ATM service quality: A structural equation modelling approach
Shamsuddeen Suleiman, Yasir Abdulkadir – May 2022- Page No.: 140-145
This measured ATM users’ service quality perceptions and subsequently examined the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the context of conventional banking system in Nigeria using structural equation modelling approach. The study adopts survey research in which questionnaires are randomly administered on customers of five banks randomly selected for the study Access Bank Plc, Fidelity Bank Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Guarantee Trust Bank Plc and United Bank of Africa Plc. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to measure the relationships between the constructs and the indicator variables. The results of CFA retained all the indicator variables. The findings of the study also indicated that there is a strong positive relationship between ATM service quality and customer satisfaction in Nigerian banking sector.
Page(s): 140-145 Date of Publication: 28 May 2022
Shamsuddeen Suleiman
Department of mathematical sciences, Federal University, Dutisin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria
Yasir Abdulkadir
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Umaru Musa Yar’adua, University, Katsina, Nigeria
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Shamsuddeen Suleiman, Yasir Abdulkadir “Bank ATM users’ perceptions towards ATM service quality: A structural equation modelling approach” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.140-145 May 2022 URL:
Making Youth a Leading Force for Promoting Agri-Food Systems, A Case of Rural Nakuru, Kenya
John Mathenge King’au – May 2022- Page No.: 146-150
Food insecurity remains a significant issue, with the developing world and more so a major challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa, which continues to pose a threat to the existence of millions of the inhabitants of the continent. The international community’s desire to create sustainable food systems in coming years will have long-lasting effects, not least for future generations. This paper review the implications of making youth a force in enhancing food systems. As the food systems discussions take off now and beyond, the enormous challenges of food security are intensifying. Thus, the youth’s future role in food systems is central in the transformation towards more sustainable and resilient food approaches. While it is recognized that youth have their own important roles to play in developing other systems, they also have a lot to give and gain through working with communities and applying their knowledge to local and global food challenges. Through youth empowerment and development of youth, as food systems change agents, they could become a leading force for positive change in their community and internationally. This paper present assessments of youth towards their engagement in food systems. The paper highlights a great number of initiatives shared by youth and institutions supporting them in agri-systems promotion. The paper argues that promotion of youth involvement in agri-enterprises has the catalytic effect of seeking solutions to food security issues. It concludes that improving agri-enterprises should be the main target of agrifood systems and remains an important source of employment and economic activity for Kenyan rural youth.
Page(s): 146-150 Date of Publication: 28 May 2022
John Mathenge King’au
Directorate of Research, Laikipia University, Kenya
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John Mathenge King’au, “Making Youth a Leading Force for Promoting Agri-Food Systems, A Case of Rural Nakuru, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.146-150 May 2022 URL:
Influence of student councils’ involvement in Student welfare activities on management of public secondary schools in Kisii County
Chepkawai R. Limo, Dr. Joseph K.Lelan, PhD, Prof. Kosgei Zachariah K.,PhD – May 2022- Page No.: 151-161
In the recent past there has been a large number of secondary schools’ unrests and other forms of indiscipline in Kenyan secondary schools. This happens despite inclusion of student councils in secondary school management. The objective of the study was to establish the influence of student councils’ involvement in welfare activities and management of public secondary schools in Kisii County, Kenya. The study was anchored on social systems theory and adopted mixed methods design. The target population was 140,948 respondents comprising of 104 principals, 2080 teachers, 1040 student leaders, 137,713 students and 11 Sub County Directors of Education. The sample size was 1066 respondents comprising of 31 Principals, 336 teachers, 289 Student leaders, 399 students and 11 Sub-County Directors of Education. Stratified, simple random sampling and purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents. Data collection was done through the administration of questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. Validity was determined using expert judgement, while reliability was determined using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics ie correlation analysis and linear regression with the aid of SPSS V26. From the linear regression model, (R2 = .199) shows that student councils’ involvement in student welfare accounted for 19.9% variation in management of public schools. There was a positive significant effect of student councils’ involvement in student welfare and management of public schools (β2=0.539 and p value <0.05). Therefore, an increase in student councils’ involvement in student welfare led to an increase in management of public schools. It was concluded that involving student council in students’ welfare activities influences management public schools in Kisii. The study recommends that students be involved in welfare activities to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the school administration and students.
Page(s): 151-161 Date of Publication: 28 May 2022
Chepkawai R. Limo
PhD Student, School of Education, Moi University, Kenya
Dr. Joseph K.Lelan, PhD
Dept. of Educational Management and Policy Studies, Moi university, Kenya
Prof. Kosgei Zachariah K.,PhD
Dept. of Educational Management and Policy Studies, Moi university, Kenya
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Chepkawai R. Limo, Dr. Joseph K.Lelan, PhD, Prof. Kosgei Zachariah K.,PhD “Influence of student councils’ involvement in Student welfare activities on management of public secondary schools in Kisii County” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.151-161 May 2022 URL:
An Investigation of Paragraph Writing Problems Encountered by Level 3 GFP Students: A Case of A’sharqiyah University, Sultanate of Oman
Bashir Abuelnour ELbashir – May 2022- Page No.: 162-168
This study aimed to identify the writing problems that are faced by level 3 General Foundation Programme (GFP) students and to find suitable strategies to deal with those problems. The study was conducted in A ’Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Sultanate of Oman, in September 2021. The rationale behind choosing level 3 was that teachers at the college level noticed that college students struggle with paragraph writing. The researcher used a descriptive research method (content analysis). Thirty-six level 3 students had been randomly selected and they had been informed to write a paragraph of 100-120 words on a given subject. The students’ paragraphs had been marked twice by six GFP teachers. The purpose was to pick out students’ mistakes and errors. The findings revealed that students encounter different writing problems: word choice, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, tenses, and sentence structure. In the light of those findings, some guidelines had been offered. For instance, students should read a lot; reading develops students’ vocabulary, grammatical structures, and knowledge of the world as well. In addition, the writing teacher should focus more on positive points of students’ writing and not the negative points. Moreover, teachers must praise students for their good attempts. Furthermore, teachers should, regularly, assign in-class writing activities. Finally, the writing teachers should share ideas and strategies on how to cope with paragraph writing problems.
Page(s): 162-168 Date of Publication: 28 May 2022
Bashir Abuelnour ELbashir
A’Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Sultanate of Oman
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Bashir Abuelnour ELbashir, “An Investigation of Paragraph Writing Problems Encountered by Level 3 GFP Students: A Case of A’sharqiyah University, Sultanate of Oman” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.162-168 May 2022 URL:
Idealized Influence and Church Leaders Performance, the case of Transformational Church Leadership Graduates
Abigael Demesi, Dr. Cavens Kithinji, Dr. Janerose Bibaara – May 2022- Page No.: 169-175
This study sought to investigate the influence of Idealized Influence on church leader’s performance focusing on the Pan Africa Christian University (PAC) Transformational Church Leadership (TCL) diploma program graduates of 2016 and 2017 in selected churches in Kenya.
The Transformational Leadership Theory guided the study. The study used pragmatism research philosophy to conduct a descriptive research. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected using survey and interviews respectively. This study adopted both stratified and purposive sampling. A sample of 158 graduates and 59 congregants/members from 14 Counties in Kenya, and 6 key informant interviews of senior organizational leaders were used to measure the variables of the study. The quantitative data was prepared and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22.0). The recordings from the zoom interviews were transcribed using and transferred to Miner Lite for coding and organized into themes. The study found out that leader’s idealized influence had a positive and significant correlation with church leader’s performance among graduates, with a Pearson correlation of r=0.527. The study revealed that idealized influenced graduates/church leaders modeled the taught Christian values, Christian disciplines and character which significantly influenced church growth. The study concluded that TCL trained church leaders practiced idealized influence which positively and significantly increased the church leader’s performance in Kenya. The study recommended the use of the TCL program to churches as a means of training church leaders to modeling Christian values, disciplines, and character and inspire the members/congregation enhance their performance and enable the church achieve its goals and objectives.
Page(s): 169-175 Date of Publication: 30 May 2022
Abigael Demesi
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership, Pan Africa Christian University
Dr. Cavens Kithinji
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership, Pan Africa Christian University
Dr. Janerose Bibaara
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership, Pan Africa Christian University
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Abigael Demesi, Dr. Cavens Kithinji, Dr. Janerose Bibaara “Idealized Influence and Church Leaders Performance, the case of Transformational Church Leadership Graduates” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.169-175 May 2022 URL:
Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students: A case study with reference to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Aruni Priya Aluthge – May 2022- Page No.: 177-192
The goal of this study is to identify the degree of entrepreneurial intention among engineering undergraduates in Sri Lanka considering students at the faculty of engineering at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura as a sample. It seeks to advance the theoretical discussion on the relationship between personality traits and perceived desirability and entrepreneurial intention. And it further reviews the relationship between entrepreneurship modules and students’ entrepreneurial intention, to identify the practical relevance of entrepreneurship education. This study used a quantitative method to gather primary data using a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was made available to the all students at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Due to COVID 19 pandemic challenges, only 83 students had responded with completed questionnaires that were eligible for the test. To test the hypothesis, the SPSS package was used. The findings of the study revealed a low level of students’ intention on entrepreneurship and their interest in the entrepreneurial effort. But students perceived desirability variable highlighted that there is a high chance for motivating students for entrepreneurship by sharpening those determinants. It is observed that effective entrepreneurship education can play a vital role in inculcating entrepreneurial intention. However, the recommendations for further study have been highlighted that a study should be conducted with a bigger sample from all universities in the country to understand the big picture of entrepreneurial intention among engineering students
Page(s): 177-192 Date of Publication: 30 May 2022
Aruni Priya Aluthge
A.P. Aluthge University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka
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Aruni Priya Aluthge, “Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students: A case study with reference to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.177-192 May 2022 URL:
Approaches for Bridging the Skill Gap of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Graduates towards Economic Recovery in a Recessed Economy in Nigeria
Owoso Joseph Oluropo (Ph.D), Chiso Njoku (Ph.D), CMRP. – May 2022- Page No.: 193-198
This study investigated the strategies for bridging the skill gap of technical vocational education and training (TVET) graduates towards economic recovery in a Recessed economy. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Three research questions guided the study and the population of the study comprised of sixty (60) vocational and technical education lecturers in TVET departments in Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Ijanikin and Michael Otedola Primary College of Education, Epe. Fourty (40) questionnaires were administered to the respondents and three (3) experts were engaged for face validation of the instrument. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument at 0.86. The paper identified problem solving skills and personnel management skills as some of the skill gaps in TVET, the paper also identified making of Students’ excursion compulsory in the curriculum of TVET as one of the strategies in bridging the skill gaps among others, the paper went further to state that inadequate funding of technical and vocational education is one of the setback of vocational and technical education. The study recommended among others that TVET institutions should work out modalities for training and re-training of TVET teachers in a way that will benefit both the Institutions and Industries in Nigeria and there should be adequate monitoring and supervision of student on the job training as well as adequate funding of technical vocational education and training by government
Page(s): 193-198 Date of Publication: 30 May 2022
Owoso Joseph Oluropo (Ph.D)
Lagos State University of Education, Otto-Ijanikin Lagos State Nigeria
Chiso Njoku (Ph.D), CMRP
Lagos State University of Education, Otto-Ijanikin Lagos State Nigeria
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Owoso Joseph Oluropo (Ph.D), Chiso Njoku (Ph.D), CMRP. “Approaches for Bridging the Skill Gap of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Graduates towards Economic Recovery in a Recessed Economy in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.193-198 May 2022 DOI:
Influence of Principals’ Allocation of Financial Resources to School Programmes on the Implementation of Performance Contracting in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya
Muli Geoffrey Munyao, Dr. Gideon Kasivu (Ed.D), Dr. Selpher Cheloti – May 2022- Page No.: 199-205
Misallocation and misappropriation of financial resources in leaning institutions has been the cause of misuse fraud and inefficiency, in educational institutions around the world. This has affected the implementation of Performance contacting (P C) in the institutions which necessitated the need for this study that investigated the influence of principals’ allocation of financial resources to school programmes on implementation of performance contracting in public secondary schools in Machakos County. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design using mixed method approach. The sample size of the study was 471 respondents comprising of 9 Assistant directors of education, 109 Principals’ and 354 Teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the directors, proportionate sampling to select the teachers and random sampling to select the principals to participate in the study. Validity of research instruments was ascertained using a pilot study while reliability of instruments was ascertained using Test- Retest technique. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and reported using graphs, charts and tables. Qualitative data drawn from open ended questions and interviews was transcribed into themes and reported in narratives. Coefficient of Correlation was used on hypotheses to determine the influence of principals’ allocation of financial resources to school programmes on implementation of performance contracting in public secondary schools in Machakos County. The study found there was a statistically significant relationship between allocation of financial resources and implementation of performance contracting at p level 0. 065.The study concluded that failure to allocate finance by principals and to PC activities influenced its implementation. The study recommended that School Boards of Management need to allocate finances to areas of priority in school to catalyze PC implementation.
Page(s): 199-205 Date of Publication: 30 May 2022
Muli Geoffrey Munyao
Doctorate student, Student, school of education, South Easter Kenya University, Kenya
Dr. Gideon Kasivu (Ed.D)
Doctorate student, Student, school of education, South Easter Kenya University, Kenya
Dr. Selpher Cheloti
Doctorate student, Student, school of education, South Easter Kenya University, Kenya
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Muli Geoffrey Munyao, Dr. Gideon Kasivu (Ed.D), Dr. Selpher Cheloti, “Influence of Principals’ Allocation of Financial Resources to School Programmes on the Implementation of Performance Contracting in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.199-205 May 2022 URL:
Elucidating Empirical Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Nigeria
Nwokeoma Bonaventure N (PhD) – May 2022- Page No.: 206-217
The crime situation in Nigeria and indeed other parts of the world continue to be monstrous despite the efforts of the criminal justice system. The foundation of overcoming this challenge may be found in the adherence to well articulated empirical research/studies aimed at understanding and providing solutions to the ramifications of crime problems in Nigeria. Therefore, there is the urgent need to examine and highlight the methods of research in criminology and criminal justice. This is a theoretical paper which relied on secondary sources, observations and desk reviews to collect data. The data collected were analyzed using relevant thematic schemes. Relevant themes like types of research, research ethics data collection, qualitative and qualitative research and actual research process were examined. It was recommended that adherence to empirical research rather than media reports is the pathway to solving the crime problem in Nigeria.
Page(s): 206-217 Date of Publication: 30 May 2022
Nwokeoma Bonaventure N (PhD)
Department of Sociology/Anthropology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
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Nwokeoma Bonaventure N (PhD) “Elucidating Empirical Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.206-217 May 2022 DOI:
Seasonal agricultural drought effects on small scale farmers crop production in Kakamega South Sub-county
Chelangat W, Mulinya C. and J.Mabonga – May 2022- Page No.: 218-221
Kakamega South Sub-County located in Kakamega is a rich agricultural area though mainly reliant on rain fed agriculture. Small scale crop farmers in the area have over the years had frequent crop failure due seasonal drought. There is prediction of increasingly dry conditions in much of African countries with Kenya being no exception leading to seasonal drought mainly in agriculture due to climate change. There is need for small-scale farmers to adapt to this phenomenon. The main objective of this study was to assess the effects of agricultural drought on small scale farmers and their adaptation strategies in Kakamega South Sub-County. Random Utility Model and Capability theories were used in this study. Triangulation research design was used in the study as this catered for both qualitative and quantitative data. The study made use of both primary data and secondary data which included questionnaires, interview schedules, Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and field observation to gather information on the effects of agricultural drought on agricultural produce. Secondary data on rainfall and temperature was collected from meteorological stations for a period of at least 35 years (1985-2020). Simple random sampling was used with a sample of 377 households using Krejcie and Morgan table (Krejcie & Morgan, 2004). Purposive sampling was used to sample information from agricultural offices and meteorological stations to obtain detailed information on the study problem. The results of this study established that Economic decline is positively correlated with decrease in crop production water availability. 96.1% of the respondents agreed that there are effects of agricultural drought on agricultural production while a paltry 3.9% were in disagreement. 74.2% of the respondents were affected by economic challenges, 15.5% faced social challenges, 8.7% by geographical challenges and lastly 1.6% by political challenges. The study recommends that rain-fed farming in Kakamega South sub-county needs to be complimented with drip irrigation, rain water harvesting and green house techniques to enhance sustainable crop production. There is also need to have accurate, reliable and customized weather information and weather advisories are timely developed and availed to the farmers.
Page(s): 218-221 Date of Publication: 31 May 2022
Chelangat W
Masinde Muliro university of Science and Technology
Mulinya C.
Kaimosi Friends university of Science and Technology (A constituent of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology)
Masinde Muliro university of Science and Technology
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Chelangat W, Mulinya C. and J.Mabonga “Seasonal agricultural drought effects on small scale farmers crop production in Kakamega South Sub-county” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.218-221 May 2022 URL:
Comparative Examination of Virtual Reality and Picture Making Artworks of students in University of Education, Winneba
Adu-Sakyi Augusta – May 2022- Page No.: 222-228
The study focused on a “comparative analysis of Virtual Reality and Picture making Artworks of students in University of Education, Winneba using the mixed research approach encompassing observation of students’ studio works and administration of questionnaires to twenty five (25) respondents from a population of one hundred (100) from the Department of Art Education in University of Education, Winneba. The sample size of 25 was arrived after theoretical saturation of students whose studio art works were not standard as well as leaving behind students who felt reluctant taking part in the study.
As regards the field observations, the researcher found out that the virtual reality of painting productions by picture making students were either abstract, conscious or emergent whilst concrete and unfolding were the field observations used to examine the ergonometric of media in the form of acrylic and 3D paint, colour, ink, and gouache. With respect to the findings from the questionnaires, 92% strongly agreed there was association between virtual reality and cultures of Ghana whilst 80% respondents strongly agreed virtual reality produced fast and hustle free pictorial artwork than the traditional artwork.
The researcher recommended that Virtual Reality should take the center stage in the teaching and training of students so as to cope with modernity instead of the traditional mode of pictorial drawing. It is also recommended that virtual reality in pictorial creations through studio works should be taught and taken seriously since only 8% of the respondents were familiar and could effectively engage in the exercise without much difficulty.
Page(s): 222-228 Date of Publication: 31 May 2022
Adu-Sakyi Augusta
(Tutor, Agogo College of Education, Ghana)
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Adu-Sakyi Augusta, “Comparative Examination of Virtual Reality and Picture Making Artworks of students in University of Education, Winneba” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.222-228 May 2022 URL:
Enhance students’ performance in weekday mode: A case study at University of Vocational Technology
D.D.D. Suraweera, K. G. Alahapperuma – May 2022- Page No.: 229-232
University of Vocational Technology delivers Bachelor of Technology degrees to students with National Vocational Qualifications. National Vocational Qualification holders are different from traditional full-time university students, as they possess highly employable diploma level qualifications. The university offers courses as both, weekday programmes and weekend programmes. Average performance of students in weekday mode has shown to be weaker compared to students in weekend mode. This study attempted to identify factors that affect performance of students in weekday programmes. Tinto’s model of student retention and drop out was used to conceptualise this descriptive survey study. Hard copies of a structured questionnaire were distributed among 97 participants, who have completed the degree in weekday mode. However, response rate was only 47.4 percent. The questionnaire addressed both, students’ individual factors and institutional factors related to their academic performance. Positive responses were received for both, individual and institutional factors. However, findings show that there is a great scope for improvement of factors related to both academic integration and institutional-related social integration in order to increase the graduation rate. Recommendations are to reveal the marking scheme just after each semester end examination and early release of results together with revision of continuous assessments with appropriate frequent feedback etc. Social factors of students may be improved with establishment of extra-curricular activities, sports and social events in academic calendar and introduction of more group activities during subject module delivery. Facilitation with better health services and provision of special training for student advisors are also recommended
Page(s): 229-232 Date of Publication: 31 May 2022
D.D.D. Suraweera
University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka
K. G. Alahapperuma
University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka
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D.D.D. Suraweera, K. G. Alahapperuma “Enhance students’ performance in weekday mode: A case study at University of Vocational Technology” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.229-232 May 2022 URL:
Availability of Assistive Technological Tools towards Academic Performance of Students Living with Disability (Visually Impaired) in Ekiti State Nigeria
Okoh, Maureen O. & Ajayi, Opeyemi – May 2022- Page No.: 233-238
This study examined the Availability of Assistive Technological Tools for Academic Performance of Students living with Disability (visually impaired) in Oke-Osun, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State. Descriptive case study research design type was employed. The population of the study was 20 students from the senior secondary school using a purposive sampling technique. A self-developed questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. It was divided into two sections. The section A consists of the biometrics of the students while the section B consisted of 20 item questions to know the availability of assistive technological devices among students living with disabilities. Both face and content validity were satisfied by expert after the construction of the instrument. Specifically, this study sought to investigate if there are available assistive technological tools, to investigate the use of these tools and the academic benefits of these tools among students living with disabilities (visually impaired) and determine the level of usage among male and female students living with disabilities. The findings of this study will be of immense benefit to students, teachers, policy makers, society and prospective researchers. The result showed that that there is significant difference between the student academic performance and usage of assistive technological tools. It also revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female level of usage of assistive technological tools. It was concluded that the use of the available assistive technological tools among the students living with disabilities improves academic performance. Therefore, it was recommended that assistive technological tools be used continuously in special schools especially among the visually impaired students. Parent and teachers for students with special needs should make frequent use of assistive technological tools for instruction in and outside the classroom not only to enhance academic performance but also to make students living with disabilities participate actively in their communities as responsible active citizens.
Page(s): 233-238 Date of Publication: 31 May 2022
Okoh, Maureen O.
Department of Educational Foundations Faculty of Education, Federal University of Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Ajayi, Opeyemi
Department of Vocational and Technical Education Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
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Okoh, Maureen O. & Ajayi, Opeyemi, “Availability of Assistive Technological Tools towards Academic Performance of Students Living with Disability (Visually Impaired) in Ekiti State Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.233-238 May 2022 URL:
Demographic Dynamics and Violent Conflicts in Nigeria
Dahiru Muhammed Kabiru, Ezekiel Ayiwulu, Choji V. Dung, Tasiu Muhammad, and Fatima, Sidi Sani – May 2022- Page No.: 239-242
Demographically, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with an average growth rate of 3.2% and an approximated population of 190 million people; the seventh world-wide, and the 8th largest exporter of oil and many other resources. However, Nigeria ranks low in human development index, with 39.1% of her population living below income poverty line of US$1.90 a day. These and many other factors combined to spur the various conflicts for which the country is now known, with its huge youth population as one of the most important factors in these perennial conflicts, especially the farmers-herders conflicts, which has become a near daily affair, especially since the return of the country to civil rule in 1999. This paper examines the roles of population dynamics on violent conflicts in Nigeria and its implications on national security and development through field surveys, focused group discussions, and literature review. The study has found out that the country’s huge youths population in addition to issues of governance, are potent tools in the perennial violent conflicts for which the country is known for (of late), and recommends that the state should ensure adequate governance; put in place effective national development policy that caters well for the youths and the nation as a whole.
Page(s): 239-242 Date of Publication: 31 May 2022
Dahiru Muhammed Kabiru
Department of Geography, Federal University of Lafia
Ezekiel Ayiwulu
Department of Geography, Federal University of Lafia
Choji V. Dung
Department of Geography, Plateau State University, Bokkos
Tasiu Muhammad
Department of Geography, Federal University of Lafia
Fatima, Sidi Sani
Department of Geography, Federal University of Lafia
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Dahiru Muhammed Kabiru, Ezekiel Ayiwulu, Choji V. Dung, Tasiu Muhammad, and Fatima, Sidi Sani “Demographic Dynamics and Violent Conflicts in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.239-242 May 2022 DOI:
Ethnic Hiring in Kenya as a Development Concern
Betty Muthoni, Njagi – May 2022- Page No.: 243-249
Ethnicity is a very sensitive and emotive subject that is not publicly discussed in Kenya when it comes to economic and social issues. But ethnicity has been known to influence our way of life in many ways especially politics and social interactions. However little regard has been paid to how ethnicity influences hiring in Kenya which has left many ethnic groups marginalized when it comes to employment. This study seeks to find the logic of employers’ ethnic hiring and how they deal with ethnicity when hiring to ensure competitive hiring when under pressure from different parties and in the interest of the organization’s growth and profitability. The study undertakes a desk review of theoretical and empirical studies and policy documents. This is done by looking at Kenya’s hiring and ethnicity environment. The study found there is lack of economic logic in ethnic hiring in Kenya and it is a social attitude that lacks substantive economic backing.
Page(s): 243-249 Date of Publication: 01 June 2022
Betty Muthoni, Njagi
Department of Economics, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P.O Box 62157, Nairobi, Kenya.
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Betty Muthoni, Njagi “Ethnic Hiring in Kenya as a Development Concern” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.243-249 May 2022 URL:
Grade Retention in the Eyes of Learners: A Subjective View from St Joseph Primary School in Mutare District
Senzeni Chiutsi – May 2022- Page No.: 250-257
The study explored the perceptions of grade retained learners at St Joseph’s Primary School in Mutare District. Fifteen repeated learners (aged 10 to 13 years thus from grade four to six) participated in the study. Altogether, there were fifteen (15) learners who repeated grades thus eight (8) 53% were boys and seven (7) 47% were girls. Because of the small number of grade retained learners, the researcher decided to use them all in the study. The fifteen automatically became the participants of the study. Qualitative approach was used. Semi- structured interviews were conducted and analyzed through phenomenological analysis. Based on the findings it is clear that twelve (12)80% of the learners who participated in the study viewed grade retention as a positive exercise. This was contrary to three (3) 20% who perceived grade retention negatively. They regarded the exercise as stressful and thus eventually failed to achieve its objective. The findings revealed that the policy had positive effects on academic performance. The following recommendations emerged based on the findings of this study. Schools should introduce weekend learning to help pupils who have been earmarked for grade retention. Teachers should also offer individualized attention to pupils earmarked for grade retention so that they can improve in their academic performance. Pupils should also be provided with extra time by school authorities at the end of the school term especially 1st and 2nd term with a focus on pupils whose academic performance shows weakness during the term. However, (Mainrades, 2002) carried out a content analysis study on grade retention on a global scale. The analysis indicated that the grade retention is usually used in poor countries. The situation of grade retention in Europea8n countries have decreased between 1980 and 2011 from 3, 1% to 2%. (Massachusetts, 2009). Global estimates published by World Health Organisation in 2016 indicate that about 1 in 20 of primary going children worldwide have undergone retention in their primary level.
Page(s): 250-257 Date of Publication: 01 June 2022
Senzeni Chiutsi
Intern Counselling Psychologist, Ministry of Education, Bulawayo, P O Box 206 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Senzeni Chiutsi , “Grade Retention in the Eyes of Learners: A Subjective View from St Joseph Primary School in Mutare District” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.250-257 May 2022 URL:
The Influence of Custom Values on Implementation of Accrual-Based IPSAS in Tanzanian Public Corporations
Williard Yohana Kalulu – May 2022- Page No.: 258-265
Accounting and auditing matters are central and have a justifiable connection to organizational and national development. The purpose of this paper is to assess the influence of custom values on implementation of accrual-based IPSAS in public corporations in Tanzanian. To attain this objective qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used whereby cross-sectional survey research design techniques of data compilation method were used. Both primary data and secondary data were involved in the form of interviews, document reviews and survey. Systematic and unsystematic random sampling and purposively sampling was used as sampling procedures in the study, this study involved with the sample size of 99 respondents from the Public Corporation. The findings reveal that statutory control is positively related to the implementation of accrual-based IPSAS while transparency and conservatism were found to be negatively related to the implementation of accrual-based IPSAS. The findings also revealed that only conservatism was found to be insignificantly related to the implementation of accrual-based IPSAS. The study recommended that the accrual-based IPSAS should be embraced by all stakeholders and prescribed as a basis for the preparation of public sector financial statements. Thus, the parliament and other government bodies should influence the implementation of accrual-based IPSAS in public sector organizations.
Page(s): 258-265 Date of Publication: 01 June 2022
Williard Yohana Kalulu
Research Scholar, Department of Accounting and Finance, The University of Dodoma, Dodoma, Tanzania
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Williard Yohana Kalulu “The Influence of Custom Values on Implementation of Accrual-Based IPSAS in Tanzanian Public Corporations” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.258-265 May 2022 DOI:
Science Learners’ Perspective towards the Use of Module and Social Media as a Tool for Remote Learning
Donna H. Gabor and Josel A. Galve – May 2022- Page No.: 266-275
This study aimed to present the perspective of senior high school students towards the use of modules and social media for remote learning and find out if there would be a significant difference in the student performance after the use of modules and social media. The modules were composed of a series of topics distributed to participants and were followed up with the users of social media, especially messenger and Facebook. The participants of the study were classified according to strand and grade levels: the HUMSS and STEM students who are grade 11 and 12 students. A total of 87 students participated in this study. Researchers created 15 items checklist form that is divided according to namely; Perceived Based on Usefulness of Module and Social Media, Perceived Student Self- Efficacy of Using Module and Social media, and Perceived Ease of Use of Module and Social Media was prepared and validated by the experts in subject matter for gathering data. The findings revealed that there was an increase in the performance of students in the pretest and post-test after the use of modules and follow-up through social media. T-test results revealed that there was a significant difference in the test scores of the students before and after using the module which can be used as a future reference for remote learning and as an additional teaching tool in physics.
Page(s): 266-275 Date of Publication: 01 June 2022
Donna H. Gabor
Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics,
University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao Iloilo 5023, Philippines
Josel A. Galve
New Lucena National High School, New Lucena Iloilo, 5005, Philippines
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Donna H. Gabor and Josel A. Galve, “Science Learners’ Perspective towards the Use of Module and Social Media as a Tool for Remote Learning” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.266-275 May 2022 DOI:
Strategic Leadership and Competitive Advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi City County
Agnes Wanja Nyawira, David Kiiru – May 2022- Page No.: 276-283
Enterprises derive competitive advantage from the implementation of strategic plans creatively and innovatively. A way of achieving a competitive advantage in an organization is to apply strategic leadership in the implementation process. This study evaluates the influence of strategic leadership on the achievement of competitive advantage among SMEs in Nairobi county. The study derived its guide mainly from the Porter five theory on achievement of competitive advantage among firms. The study was a cross-sectional survey that included 186 top and middle-level managers, who participated in the study by responding to online questionnaires as well as hand-delivered. Data for the study was analyzed through descriptive and inferential analysis. With a response of 164 respondents, the results of the study revealed that strategic leadership had a positive and significant influence on the competitive advantage of small and medium firms in Nairobi County. The study recommended frequent training of the employees on leadership, ethics, and integrity issues. The study further recommended that the employees should be aware of the goals, vision, and objectives of the organization at all times to enhance competitive advantage among SMEs in Nairobi City County.
Page(s): 276-283 Date of Publication: 01 June 2022
Agnes Wanja Nyawira
Kenyatta University, Department of Business Administration
David Kiiru
Kenyatta University, Department of Business Administration
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Agnes Wanja Nyawira, David Kiiru “Strategic Leadership and Competitive Advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi City County” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.276-283 May 2022 URL:
Desai’s Cry the Peacock- A journey to the voiced world
Mrs Jaya Jaiswal, Prof (Dr) Anita Kumari – May 2022- Page No.: 284-286
Women are the marginalised section of the society. But they cannot remain voiceless for long, they have to speak and find an outlet for their tears and fears, anguish and anger, thus register their existence. The voices resisting exploitation are fully aware of their own strength and dignity. The age-old existence of oppression, despair and suffering is common in the lives of marginalized classes across countries and continents. It’s an archaic system that has produced the men who run the country negotiate domestic and foreign policy and penned sexiest laws that made it easier for women to slide through the cracks. Woman is marginalised defined only by her difference from male norms and values in every country and culture. Anita Desai, one of the Indian novelists focussed on women’s situation in Indian society, whose leading voices has given the inner description of women’s inner world, her sensibility, her sulking frustration and the storm raging inside her mind. Her Cry The Peacock, presents the story of a young sensitive girl obsessed by a childhood prophecy of disaster. The novel points the role and contribution of patriarchy and patriarchal values towards misery, suffering, loneliness and unhappiness of women. Desai’s heroine in the novel chooses to remonstrate and fight against the general accepted norms and currents. The thoughts of the women protagonists in the novel are sure to crop up in her struggle to live their desired life. The main focus of the paper is to discuss a journey of a woman who confronts the gender-oriented tradition in search of her true self.
Page(s): 284-286 Date of Publication: 02 June 2022
Mrs Jaya Jaiswal
Research Scholar, Department of English, RKDF University, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Prof (Dr) Anita Kumari
Assistant Professor, Department of English, RKDF University, Ranchi, Jharkhand
[1] Desai Anita 1980 Cry, The Peacock New Delhi: Orient Paperbacks
[2] Maini Irma 1984. Anita Desai and Feminine sensibility. Commonwealth Quarterly 9.1
[3] Showalter Elaine 1985. Towards a Feminist Poetics. New Feminist Criticism. New York: Pantheon Books
Mrs Jaya Jaiswal, Prof (Dr) Anita Kumari “Desai’s Cry the Peacock- A journey to the voiced world” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.284-286 May 2022 DOI:
Determinants of International Reserves in Nigeria
Scholastica A. Abuh-Amasi, Nsikak J. Joshua, Margaret O. Onoyom – May 2022- Page No.: 287-297
Over the past decades, nations have accumulated international reserves to leverage foreign counterparts or protect themselves against external shocks resulting from integration. The factors identified by researchers as contributing to international reserve accumulation, however, have primarily been market factors. This study sets out to identify some distinct factors of the Nigerian economy. This is accomplished using annual data from 1970 to 2016. Several econometric methods, including the unit root test and Granger causality, were applied to test two hypotheses. The results showed substantial long-run correlations between the variables examined. Thus, the Error Correction Methodology (ECM) was used to investigate short-term and long-term relationships. Findings reveal that the accumulation of foreign reserves was significantly influenced in the long run only by aggregate exports EXPT and trade openness OPN since both variables were statistically significant at 5 percent. At the specified beak-point, there was an important structural change. Finally, Nigeria’s level of international reserves was significantly impacted by the quality of its institutions. Thus, the study recommends that policymakers maintain the current exchange rate regime in order to ensure world competitiveness. The research also suggested that the government take steps to improve and build strong institutions in order to promote transparency and accountability.
Page(s): 287-297 Date of Publication: 02 June 2022
Scholastica A. Abuh-Amasi
University of Calabar, PMB 1115, Calabar, Nigeria
Nsikak J. Joshua
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Calabar, Nigeria
Margaret O. Onoyom
University of Calabar, PMB 1115, Calabar, Nigeria
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Effects of modernization strategy on performance of department of immigration and citizen services in Kenya
Daniel M. Thirikwa – May 2022- Page No.: 298-303
Modernization as strategy has been widely discussed in the strategy field, where the majority of studies have examined the performance consequences of diversification. The study was anchored under Life Cycle Theory. The study populace was 124 representatives of the Department of Immigration and Citizen Services. The researcher utilized a straightforward separated arbitrary examining technique to choose a sample size of 74 respondents. Questionnaires were utilized which had open finished and shut finished inquiries to gather information which were then analyzed and information presented in tables showing Mean, frequencies and standard deviation for interpretation. The study recorded a response rate of 78%, with a gender ration of 60.3% of the respondent were male while 39.7% were female. modernization strategy yields a β value of 0.435 (effect) on the performance of the state department of immigration and citizen services in Kenya, and a p- value of 0.05 which is considered huge yet to weak levels. The study revealed that the organizations had adopted appropriate technologies suitable to context, that technology improvement had been streamlined to be in line with the competency desired and that it helped improve on the operations efficiency. The study recommended to the various scholars and academicians as it has made an important contribution to the scholarly world and in the general advancement of academic knowledge on turnaround strategies especially in the state owned organizations which mostly experience the decline in performance and end up closing doors.
Page(s): 298-303 Date of Publication: 02 June 2022
Daniel M. Thirikwa
Masters of Business Administration, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
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Daniel M. Thirikwa “Effects of modernization strategy on performance of department of immigration and citizen services in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.298-303 May 2022 URL:
Development of Indigenous Physics as Solution to Socio-economic Problems: Insights from Physics Teachers and Elders
Edson Mudzamiri, Conlious.J. Chagwiza, Ensleem. T .Madudzo – May 2022- Page No.: 304-313
The limited application of Indigenous Physics in the development programs of many nations has resulted in the emergence and reoccurrence of many socio-economic problems. This study argues that, if Indigenous physics including its teaching, learning and practice are demystified and developed people’s socio-economic problems can be solved. Indigenous physics is a reservoir of critical scientific knowledge, skills, technology and practices that are compatible with the people’s socio-economic contexts hence can offer solutions to problems such as energy crisis and those associated with climatic change as well as environmental degradation. Electricity shortages may be minimized by increasing its generation using Indigenous Physics Knowledge of electrostatics applied in creating of lightning that requires neither large dams, foreign currency nor large workforce. This qualitative study adopted Post-colonial theory ideas grounded in indigenous research paradigm. The participants were selected purposively, and interviewed. Teachers formed focus groups while Elders engaged in cultural talks at cultural meetings. Thematic data analysis revealed findings indicating that development of IP is possible and necessary as it can provide solutions to people’s problems. The study stimulates new thoughts and generates discussion on the wealth of Indigenous Physics Knowledge that can be used to solve socio-economic problems .
Page(s): 304-313 Date of Publication: 02 June 2022
Edson Mudzamiri
Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe
Conlious.J. Chagwiza
Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe
Ensleem. T .Madudzo
Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe
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Edson Mudzamiri, Conlious.J. Chagwiza, Ensleem. T .Madudzo, “Development of Indigenous Physics as Solution to Socio-economic Problems: Insights from Physics Teachers and Elders” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.304-313 May 2022 DOI:
Diponegoro War (1825-1830) In the Perspective of Total War Strategy
Dhiah Ayu Duwi Wahyuni, Sukma Wijaya, Jeffri Dominggus Ritiau, I Wayan Midhio – May 2022- Page No.: 314-318
Indonesia is one of the countries that implements a universal defense system, which in the universal defense system involves all people and all national resources, national facilities and infrastructure, and all regions of the country as a defense unit. The concept of the Universe War was born long before independence, at which time Indonesia was faced with a difficult and critical situation due to the arrival of the Dutch who wanted to spread their influence in the archipelago. With all the limitations it has, the Indonesian nation must fight to face the colonization carried out by the Dutch, both through diplomatic struggles and armed struggles. Both forms of struggle in the war are carried out guerrillaally, integrated, and supporting each other, and by mobilizing all their resources. Based on this phenomenon, the author was encouraged to analyze the birth of the concept of the Universe War which stemmed from the historical experience of the struggle of the Indonesian nation during the Diponegoro War. The discussion in this article uses qualitative research methods using a historical approach, where in the procedure of preparation through four stages, namely: heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The data analysis used is historical analysis, with an emphasis on sharpness in interpreting historical facts. From the analysis and research conducted, it can be proven that during the Diponegoro War, armed struggle and diplomatic struggle can run parallel and strengthen each other. The essence of equality has been embedded in both forms of struggle with the support and mobilization of the people, the deployment of all resources owned and the entire area of struggle.
Page(s): 314-318 Date of Publication: 02 June 2022
Dhiah Ayu Duwi Wahyuni
Study Program Total War Strategy, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defense University
Sukma Wijaya
Study Program Total War Strategy, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defense University
Jeffri Dominggus Ritiau
Study Program Total War Strategy, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defense University
I Wayan Midhio
Study Program Total War Strategy, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defense University
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Dhiah Ayu Duwi Wahyuni, Sukma Wijaya, Jeffri Dominggus Ritiau, I Wayan Midhio “Diponegoro War (1825-1830) In the Perspective of Total War Strategy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.314-318 May 2022 URL:
Trajectories of Curriculum Change in Initial Primary Teacher Education in Zambia
Kalisto Kalimaposo, PhD – May 2022- Page No.: 319-331
This chapter reviews trends in primary teacher education for the last five decades in Zambia. Since independence, Zambia has undertaken the following curriculum reforms in primary teacher education; the Zambia Primary Course(ZPC), The Zambia Basic Education Course(ZBEC), The Field Based Teacher Training Approach(FIBATTA) which was discontinued hardly three months of trial, The Zambia Teacher Education Reform Programme(ZATERP) piloted in three colleges of education, The Zambia Teacher Education Course(ZATEC-one year college based and one year school-based);the Zambia Teacher Education Course(ZATEC-two year residential course) and the current three year Diploma Primary Teacher Education Programme. The Ministry of Education upgraded all primary colleges of education to Diploma status and affiliated them to the University of Zambia. For a couple of years, the Ministry of Education back peddled and attached all Colleges of Education to the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ), a decision that was roundly condemned as a departure from the SADC protocol on education. Meanwhile, Colleges of Education which were under ECZ have now reverted to the University of Zambia with respect to quality assurance and programme supervision.
Page(s): 319-331 Date of Publication: 03 June 2022
Kalisto Kalimaposo, PhD
Department of Educational Psychology, Sociology and Special Education, School of Education, University of Zambia, Zambia
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Distress, Gratitude, and Online Coping Strategies in the Academe during the Pandemic (COVID-19) Epoch
Amelie L. Chico, DM FRIM – May 2022- Page No.: 332-336
COVID-19 is a global problem affecting Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This pandemic led to a strong reason among students who experience distress. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine students’ distress, gratitude and coping strategies in the academic during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings showed that adequate information and high-risk perceptions were accessible to students. Non-medical prevention measures were perceived as highly effective. There were students satisfied with the government’s actions to mitigate problems. Unwillingness to the online-blended learning approach, however, has been observed. Students used different approaches to deal with the problems of mental health challenges. During this COVID-19 pandemic among HEIs, it is important to address the mental health of learners.
Page(s): 332-336 Date of Publication: 03 June 2022
Amelie L. Chico, DM FRIM
University Professor/Research Coordinator
College of Business Administration Education
University of Mindanao –Panabo College
Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
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Amelie L. Chico, DM FRIM , “Distress, Gratitude, and Online Coping Strategies in the Academe during the Pandemic (COVID-19) Epoch” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.332-336 May 2022 DOI:
Formal Education a Multi – sided key in mitigating teenage pregnancy among secondary school children. A case of Munali area, in Lusaka Province, Zambia
Lungowe Wamunyima P, Margaret Mwale Mkandawire and Harrison Daka – May 2022- Page No.: 337-343
The purpose of this study was to explore the role of education in mitigating teenage pregnancy among secondary school children in Munali area, Lusaka. The study design was a case study in which interviews were conducted and questionnaires were distributed. This study took a total of 40 participants including 20 school teenage girls who happen to be the main characteristic feature for which this study was undertaken, 10 teachers, and 10 heads of department. In response to the educative measures in order to mitigate teenage pregnancy, among the findings the study found that there is need to promote community service activities, and providing education about birth control among the main measures to consider in order mitigate teenage pregnancies. Also, the study found that misinterpretation of children’s rights, lack of awareness and insight regarding the consequences of teenage pregnancy were among the major factors leading to teenage pregnancy. More so, it found that poor collaboration among school departments, lack of public awareness and programs, lack of sensitization workshops and having unqualified educators in terms of counselling both in the communities and schools were some of the challenges and barriers faced thereby leading to high levels of teenage pregnancies. The study recommended that parents should be actively engaged in partnership with the school, educators and social workers. In addition, that there should be collaboration among different school departments should be emphasized in order for better coordination of programmes about sex education and psychosocial; collaboration with healthcare services, schools and communities to engage trained educators who will be able to counsel learners in relation to psychosocial issues, as they are supposed to focus on the education of learners.
Page(s): 337-343 Date of Publication: 03 June 2022
Lungowe Wamunyima P
Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, School of Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka Zambia
Margaret Mwale Mkandawire
Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, School of Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka Zambia
Harrison Daka
Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, School of Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka Zambia
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Lungowe Wamunyima P, Margaret Mwale Mkandawire and Harrison Daka “Formal Education a Multi – sided key in mitigating teenage pregnancy among secondary school children. A case of Munali area, in Lusaka Province, Zambia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.337-343 May 2022 DOI:
The Effect of Identified Social ICT Platforms on Prevalence of Conflicts in Kenya
Dr. Jacob Asige Chavulimu, Ph.D., Prof. Godrick Bulitia Mathews, Ph.D. – May 2022- Page No.: 344-350
Information Communication Technology contributes immensely to the world economy. In Developed countries, ICT innovations are utilized for safety, economic improvement and health while much is yet to be realized in developing countries. Africa has advanced in ICT though not clear on how it enhances the people’s wellbeing apart from positive and negative causes on moral value erosion and wars. This paper sought to establish the influence of identified ICT platforms on conflict prevalence in Kenya. Specifically, the study objectives were to establish the effect of Facebook communication and information flow on conflict prevalence, establish the information flow through WhatsApp on conflict prevalence, determine the influence of Twitter on conflict prevalence and establish the influence of Instagram on conflict prevalence in Kenya. Social exchange and innovation theories were adopted. The population of the study will entail the general public with a sample of 384 respondents sourced through media. Simple random sampling was employed to get the sample respondents. Questionnaires were formulated and sent online through the media and feedback analyzed with the aid of SPSS. Reliability of the instruments was ensured using Cronbach’s reliability technique while validity was checked using content validity methods. The findings revealed a reliability coefficient of 0.83 for the overall instruments implying that it was reliable. Pearson product moment correlation and multiple linear regression models were mingled with descriptive statistics to obtain meaningful associations and ratings. The findings were presented in tables. First, it emerged from the demographic characteristics that most of the respondents, 200(52.6%) were aged 51-60, 171(45.0%) were male and majority of professionals worked in NGOs. The findings revealed that ICT platforms (social media) accounted for an overall significant variance of 72.1% in conflict prevalence. Facebook (β=.333, p<.05), WhatsApp (β=.329, p<.05), Instagram (β=.278, p<.05) and Twitter (β=.225, p<.05) has a significant effect on Conflict prevalence in Kenya. It was concluded that the selected social media ICT platforms contributed significantly to conflict prevalence in Kenya. The findings may be helpful to stakeholders in the ICT, scholars and conflict sector in controlling disruptive innovations and managing conflicts.
Page(s): 344-350 Date of Publication: 03 June 2022
Dr. Jacob Asige Chavulimu, Ph.D.
Division of Academics and Students Affairs, Murang’a University of Technology
Prof. Godrick Bulitia Mathews, Ph.D.
Division of Academics and Students Affairs, Masai Mara University
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Dr. Jacob Asige Chavulimu, Ph.D., Prof. Godrick Bulitia Mathews, Ph.D., “The Effect of Identified Social ICT Platforms on Prevalence of Conflicts in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.344-350 May 2022 URL:
Methodology in Teaching and Learning: a Paradigm Shift in Tertiary Education with Web 2.0
Ogunlade, Bamidele Olusola Ph.D, J. O. Akhigbe. Ph.D, O. V. Adeoluwa. Ph. D. – May 2022- Page No.: 351-355
This conceptual study looks at how Web 2.0 can be used to improve teaching and learning in tertiary institutions’ research processes. The study investigates the dynamic technical and philosophical developments in education, as well as how to put new technology into practice. It explores various aspect of Web 2.0 as well as the evolving perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education. The integration of appropriate pedagogies and Web 2.0 tools can help create and support collaborative student learning and teaching.
Page(s): 351-355 Date of Publication: 03 June 2022
Ogunlade, Bamidele Olusola Ph.D
Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology. Ikere-Ekiti, Nigeria
J. O. Akhigbe. Ph.D
Auchi Polytechic, Auchi, Nigeria
O. V. Adeoluwa. Ph. D.
Ekiti State University Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
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Ogunlade, Bamidele Olusola Ph.D, J. O. Akhigbe. Ph.D, O. V. Adeoluwa. Ph. D. “Methodology in Teaching and Learning: a Paradigm Shift in Tertiary Education with Web 2.0” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.351-355 May 2022 URL:
Students Pedagogical Competencies in Teaching Assistant Programs and Its Impact on Reinforcement of Learning in Partner Schools
Suwarsito, Hindayati Mustafidah, Mustolikh – May 2022- Page No.: 356-359
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program as launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, has had a tremendous impact on the qualitative development of education in Indonesia. As a form of support for the MBKM program, the Geography Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) held a Teaching Assistance program with partners from 3 public and private schools in Banyumas Regency. This program was attended by 19 students. The results of this Teaching Assistance program, students have pedagogical competence with an average value of 88.22. The competencies achieved include lesson planning, learning implementation, attitudes, and non-teaching activities. This activity not only has an impact on increasing the strengthening of learning in partner schools, but also has an impact on changes in the physical environment, culture, and school administration. The Teaching Assistance program needs to be continued because there are benefits that are felt by partner schools, although there are improvements that need to be made, namely this activity should be carried out in its entirety and it is necessary to provide students with basic knowledge about learning and administration.
Page(s): 356-359 Date of Publication: 04 June 2022
Geography Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
Hindayati Mustafidah
Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
Geography Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
[1] Dirjendiktikemdikbud, 2020, “Guidebook of Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka.” Dirjendikti, Jakarta.
[2] M. R. Baharuddin, 2021, “Curriculum Adaptation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Focus: Study Program MBKM Model),” J. Stud. Guru dan Pembelajaran, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 195–205.
[3] I. Rohiyatussakinah, 2021, “Implementation of MBKM and the Relationship of Curriculum Policy based on a Case of EFL Education in Japan,” J. English Lang. Teach. Lit., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 39–50.
[4] D. Sopiansyah, S. Masruroh, Q. Y. Zaqiah, and M. Erihadiana, 2022, “MBKM Curriculum Concept and Implementation,” Reslaj Relig. Educ. Soc. Laa Roiba J., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 34–41.
[5] T. M. Fuadi and D. Aswita, 2021, “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM): How to Apply and Constraints Faced by Private Universities in Aceh,” J. Dedik. Pendidik., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 603–614.
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Suwarsito, Hindayati Mustafidah, Mustolikh “Students Pedagogical Competencies in Teaching Assistant Programs and Its Impact on Reinforcement of Learning in Partner Schools” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.356-359 May 2022 DOI:
Competencies That the Pre-Service Performing Arts Teachers’ Lack in Their Preparation at Colleges of Education, Ghana
Ebenezer Osei-Senyah, Maxwell Adu, Samuel Kumih – May 2022- Page No.: 360-373
The study aimed at examining the special competencies that pre-service Performing Arts teachers’ lack in their preparation at Colleges of Education: Ghana. The descriptive survey technique of sequential exploratory mixed- method inquiry was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used to sample (514) respondents made up of (509) pre-service teachers’ and (5) tutors in the selected Colleges of Education in Ghana. The main instruments used for data collection was questionnaire and classroom observation. The study revealed that the pre-service Performing Arts teachers lack the following: singing skills, skills in creating pop song, conducting skills, skills in playing traditional drums, skills in playing Atεntεbɛn and Gyile, dancing skills, skills in playing western melodic instruments like trumpet, skills in creating drama or dance drama and melodic and harmony writing skills. It was recommended that the pre-service Performing Arts teachers should be deeply involved in all the activities that will lead to the total development of their cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.
Page(s): 360-373 Date of Publication: 04 June 2022
Ebenezer Osei-Senyah
Offinso College of Education
Maxwell Adu
McCoy College of Education
Samuel Kumih
Al-Faruq College of Education
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Ebenezer Osei-Senyah, Maxwell Adu, Samuel Kumih , “Competencies That the Pre-Service Performing Arts Teachers’ Lack in Their Preparation at Colleges of Education, Ghana” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.360-373 May 2022 URL:
Return on Capital Employed of Listed Manufacturing Companies and Government Spending on Infrastructures in Nigeria (1990 -2015)
Olajire Aremu Odunlade, Folajimi Festus Adegbie – May 2022- Page No.: 374-378
Government spending on infrastructures in various subsectors of the economy such as power, roads, education for human capital development and security is often directed towards increase in the production of goods and services and creating environment that will enhance the welfare of the citizens. However poor state of infrastructure in Nigeria, have been noted to be affecting the financial performance of manufacturing companies in the country. Our focus in this study was to link government spending on Power, Roads, Security and Human Capital Development with the micro variables of firm performance in the area of Return On Capital Employed (ROCE).The study adopted ex-post facto research design. The population of the study was 83 listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria as at December 31, 2016, from which a sample size of 20 was purposively selected based on availability of data covering the period from 1990 to 2015. Secondary data were obtained from published financial statements of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria, publications of government and the World Bank. Validity and Reliability of the data were based on the reports of external auditors and other regulatory agencies. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
The study found that government spending on Power, Roads, security and human capital development have no joint significant effect on ROCE (F(4, 21 ) = 0.523, the P-value associated with the F-value as is 0.720, this is greater than 0.05 indicating that there was no significant relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. adj R2 = -0.083. Coefficients of the independent variables show that Government spending on Power had positive but insignificant effect on ROCE (t=0.524, p>0.05). Roads had negative, insignificant effect on ROCE(t=-0.498, p>0.05) Security had negative but insignificant effect on ROCE (t(26) = -1.221, p>0.05), HCD had positive but insignificant effect on ROCE (t(26) = 0.823, p>0.05). The study concluded that government spending on infrastructural development in the areas of power, road, security and education did not impact on the Return On Capital Employed of manufacturing companies in Nigeria within the period of study. Sustainable industrial development requires adequate funding of infrastructures in Nigeria to reduce cost of operations and increase profitability level of manufacturing companies.
Page(s): 374-378 Date of Publication: 04 June 2022
Olajire Aremu Odunlade
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
Folajimi Festus Adegbie
Department of Accounting, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
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Olajire Aremu Odunlade, Folajimi Festus Adegbie “Return on Capital Employed of Listed Manufacturing Companies and Government Spending on Infrastructures in Nigeria (1990 -2015)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.374-378 May 2022 DOI:
An Examination of the Nexus between Law and Medical Ethics in the Procurement and Transplantation of Human Organs in Nigeria
Prof. Justus A. Sokefun, Prof Ak Anya, Dr Du Odigie – May 2022- Page No.: 379-390
The interaction subsisting between law and medical ethics, more particularly, legal control of procurement and transplantation of human organ in Nigeria is attractive premised on grounds of its history and the resultant effect of the conundrum in a heterogeneous society, largely made up of different religious beliefs. Against this backdrop, the authors examined the relational basis for the overall interaction between law and medical ethics, regard been had to the fact that medical practitioners are in the main saddled with the responsibility of procuring and transplanting of human organs aimed at restoring and where applicable reviving the health conditions of patients, notwithstanding the socio-cultural religious belief system of the individuals comprised in the Nigerian society. The authors argued that law should be a supportive instrument in providing a stabilising effect on all aspects of practice of medicine, inclusive of the process of obtaining consent of the patient, procurement and transplantation of human organs. Consequently, the paper therefore maintained the imperatives of having various social and legal systems evolve a similitude of standardised proceedings and ethos relating to the protection of the health of its population, even at the detriment of socio- cultural and religious systems as applicable in Nigeria. The institutionalisation of the medical regime sector will invariably lead to the control of medical practice in the process of obtaining consent, procurement and transplantation of human organs in a developing multicultural society.
Page(s): 379-390 Date of Publication: 04 June 2022
Prof. Justus A. Sokefun
Ph.D, B.L, Professor of Law, National Open University, Abuja, Nigeria
Prof Ak Anya
Ph.D, B.L, Professor of Law, Igbinedion University College of Law, Okada, Nigeria
Dr Du Odigie
Ph.D, B.L, Associate Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Benin, Nigeria
[1]. Mark J. Bliton and Virginia L. Bartlett, Exploring Clinical Ethics‟ Past to Imagine Its Possible Future(s), June, Volume 18, Number 6, 2018, American Journal of Bioethics, 55
[2]. If for instance, an automobile accident patient is brought to a medical practitioner with serious loss of blood, it would be unethical for the practitioner to refuse to administer blood drips on him. If the patient dies of loss of blood, the medical practitioner may face the Ethics Panel which, after examining the matter and giving him a fair trial, may suspend or expel him from the practice of the profession or exculpate him entirely from the allegation depending on the circumstances
[3]. The exception to this assertion is where a patient refuses blood transfusion, on personal basis. See the case of Medical and Dental Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal v Okonkwo [2001] FWLR (pt. 44) 542 and Dr Obioma Azubuike Okezie v Chairman, Medical and Dental Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (2010)LPELR-4717 (CA)
[4]. Blackstone‟s Commentaries 1 129: Blackstone must have relied on Saint Thomas Aquinas‟ view that the time of animation of the foetus began with quickening; Suma Theological Part 1 Question 75 Article 1 available at accessed 29 May, 2019
[5]. 2014.
[6]. Cap. 221 [Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004]
[7]. Cap 332 [Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004]
[8]. Cap. 357 [Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004]
[9]. Cap. 386 [Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004]
[10]. Cap. 463 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004]
[11]. Cap.131 of 1998 (SA)
[12]. Cap. 61 of 2003 (SA)
[13]. 2002 (SA)
[14]. Cap.29 of 2007 (SA)
[15]. Cap.1 of 2008 (SA)
[16]. Plato Phaedrus 270 c-d available at accessed 28 May, 2019
[17]. The admission qualifications are at least, 5 credit level passes at not more than two sittings in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and one other subject in the West African School Certificate Examination or National Examination Commission. This is exclusive of the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Examination in which a candidate must score not less than 180 points to qualify. The final point for admission is the Post-Universities Matriculations Examination which is administered by individual universities. The minimum score for admission is usually locally determined. The duration of study is 6 years with one year mandatory „houseman ship‟ after which the candidate is awarded the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS or MB ChB). After this, a person may be referred to as a Physician or Medical Doctor. The situation in South Africa is not different in that there are sacrosanct entry requirements for admission to study medicine. For a candidate to convert a Grade 12 score for admission into medicine, an admission point of 28 is required with an achievement level of 5 (60%) in Physical Sciences and Mathematics respectively and 4 (50%) in English Language.
[18]. In referring to previous epochal works on Ethics, Mark J, and Virginia L. Bartlett, I „.Exploring Clinical Ethics Past to Imagine its Possible Future(s)‟, volume 18, 2018 – Issue 6 page 55 noted as follows,„…contributing to moving beyond initial boundaries of the field, to providing investigations and to sustaining rigorous practice are crucial elements of clinical ethics origin stories and so deserve considerably more attention…‟
[19]. Adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association, September 1948. It reads; I solemnly pledge to concentrate my life to the service of humanity, I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity. The health of my patient will be my first consideration; I will respect the secrets which are confided in me, even after the patient has died, I will maintain by all means in my power, the honour and the noble tradition of the medical profession. My colleagues will be my brothers; I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene in my duty and my patient, I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception. Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity. I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.
[20]. Citizen Compendium, „Medical Ethics‟ available at
[21]. William Ruddick, „Medical Ethics‟ accessed 30 May 2019.
[22]. Ernest J Soulsby, „Resistance to antimicrobials in humans and animals‟ British Medical Journal (BMJ) (2005): 1219–1220.
[23]. John L. Couleha, The Medical Interview: Mastering Skills for Clinical Practice (Medical Interview) 5th edition (2005): 55
[24]. Mackie, J.L., and Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong, (New York: Penguin Books, 1977): 109.
[25]. The consequentialist‟s view on this is that the family‟s burden of the pain on their kin is lighter, knowing, at least, that he had died peacefully. The deontological approach is entirely different. The deontologist believes that lying is fundamentally wrong and that the family members are entitled to the truth about the circumstances of the death of their kin.
[26]. Ajayi S O, Raji Y, Salako B L, Ethical And Legal Issues in renal transplantation in Nigeria. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2016 : 27: 125
[27]. Ibid, at P. 125. See also Abubakar A Bakari, Umar S Abbo Jimeta, Mohammed A Abubakar, Sani U Alhassan and Emeka A Nwankwo, “Organ Transplantation: Legal, Ethical and Islamic Perspectives in Nigeria,” Nig. J. Surg. 18 (2) (2012): 53-60
[28]. The question may be asked, „whether law must possess a coercive element by way of sanction.‟ Is law devoid of its character as law on grounds of lacking an incidental element of sanction. Is „obedience‟ a necessary ingredient of law. It should be noted however, that compliance to effective laws is not in any an infraction to the existence of the given law.
[29]. Law Dictionary
[30]. The state as a matter of fact, and through its legislative arm is charged with law-making. Baring all odds, some jurisdictions are usually inclined in accommodating bills of private individuals, in the course of enriching its legal system.
[31]. There is need to emphasis the fact that laws aimed at achieving control of medical profession and incidental ethics are constitutive and manifesting forms of positive laws.
[32]. In this instance, he cited the case of a robber who inflicts an evil upon his victim who loses his money. This is primary evil. The secondary evil aspect of it is that a successful robbery will give the impression that robbery is easy. The effect of this is to weaken the sanctity of life and property in the community. The secondary evil aspect is more important than the primary evil in that the actual loss to the victim may well be considerably less than the harm against security, property and life, which are against the society at large.
[33]. Antal Szerletics, Paternalism: Moral Theory and Legal Practice, (2015) Warsaw Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences, New York available at accessed 20 may, 2019.
[34]. Dworkin, Paternalism: Some Second Thoughts (University of Minnesota Press, 1983): 107
[35]. Ibid.
[36]. In the practical sense, paternalism is a limitation of the right of the individual up to the point at which he ought to be protected by the State. Some of the ways of protecting the individual are contained in Chapter Four of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Chapter two of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The same type of provisions exist in jurisdictions where there are written constitutions like Ghana, America, Finland among others. These provisions protect the rights of individual from interference by the State and other persons. As was noted by the European Court of Human Rights in Neimeitz v. Germany 16 December 1992 paragraph 29, the rights ensure „the development without outside interference, of the personality of each individual in his relations with other human beings.‟
[37]. Notwithstanding the teleological paternalism of law, there are however, limits as observed by Dworkin. (1) The state must show that the behaviour governed by the proposed restriction involves the sort of harm that a rational person would avoid. (2) The calculations of a fully rational person, the potential harm restriction outweighs the benefits of the relevant behaviour. (3) The proposed restriction is the least restricted alternative for protecting against the harm. See generally Dworkin R, Ibid, at Pp. 109, 111.
[38]. Code of Medical Ethics in Nigeria, 2004 edition [Hereafter, Code of Medical Ethics]
[39]. Oxford Advanced learner‟s dictionary 82.
[40]. Berube M, The American Heritage Steadman‟s Medical Dictionary (Boston: 2002) 583.
[41]. Ibid.
[42]. Centre for Bioethics, “Ethics of Organ Transplant,” University of Minnesota, Centre for Bioethics, (2004) 5.
[43]. Ibid, at Pp. 7, 11.
[44]. [Hereafter, The Health Act]
[45]. Section 64, National Health Act 2014
[46]. WHO, “Human Transplants” accessed 15 January, 2018.
[47]. History of Organ and Tissue Donation, accessed 15 January, 2018
[48]. Ibid.
[49]. Ibid. Cf. with Nigeria, it is a known fact that the pioneer kidney transplant in Nigeria was carried out in 1999 at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. After this, Teaching Hospitals with facilities for kidney transplant in Nigeria have increased. They include the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Bayero University Teaching Hospital, Kano and lately St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos.
[50]. Fadare J. and Salako B., “Ethical Issues in Kidney Transplantation-Reflections from Nigeria,” Dove Press Journal (2010): 87.
[51]. Ibid.
[52]. In the communiqué issued at the first Scientific and Biennial meeting of the Transplant Association of Nigeria on 24 October, 2012, the Association noted that 160 kidney transplantations had been successfully performed in Nigeria. See also Ifeoma Ulasi and Chinwuba K. Ijoma, Transplantation, April 2016. Volume 100. Number 4 where it was asserted that only living donation is offered in Nigeria and that a total of 201 kidney transplants have been performed between 2000 and 2014. This may be compared with a 2009 report that at least 1000 kidney transplants are done in Egypt in a year. See Delmonico L. Francis, The Implications of Istanbul Declaration on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism, Current Opinion on Organ Transplantation: April 2009-Volume 14-Issue 2- page 116-119.
[53]. Kanniyakonil, Http:// organ donation.
[54]. Life, organ donationaccessed 30 January, 2018.
[55]. See for instance, the Organ Donation Foundation of South Africa, Transplant Links Charity of the United Kingdom, United Network For Organ Sharing of the United States and other organisations with such interest
[56]. Space constraint will not permit us do an in-depth investigation on consent. However, the following are the important factors to be considered in respect of consent. A. Mental and legal capacity to make the decision B. Consent without duress, undue influence and any form of coercion or misrepresentation It should also be noted the need for the availability of sufficient information on the proposed surgery to ground a decision. See generally Stauch M, et al Sourcebook on Medical Law, 2nd edition (London: 2000):119. See again, Medical and Dental Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal v Okonkwo (2001) FWLR (Pt. 44) 542, on consent, breach of Medical ethics, procedure of adjudication by the Medical and Dental Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. Furthermore, the justices in the case of Dr. Amos Adebayo v Chairman, Medical and Dental Practitioners Investigative Panel & Ors (2018) LPELR 45537 (CA) relied on some of the rationes in the case of Medical and Dental Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal v Okonkwo. It was decided inter alia that it was an act of professional negligence if a medical practitioner failed to obtain the consent of the patient (informed or otherwise) before proceeding on any surgical procedure, or course of treatment when such consent was necessary.
[57]. National Health Act, 2014, Act No 8
[58]. Section 54 provides that „Human organs obtained from deceased persons for the purpose of transplantation or treatment or Medical or dental training, shall only be used in the prescribed manner.
[59]. Section 56 provides for the purposes recognised under the Act for donation of the body as follows;(a) training of students in health sciences (b) health research (c) advancement of health sciences (d) therapy, including use of tissue in any living person; or (e) production of therapeutic, diagnostic and prophylactic substance.
[60]. Cap C24 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria of 2004.
[61]. Cap A16 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria of 2004. Nigeria being a federation of states, each state has its Anatomy Law. For instance, there is the Anatomy Law of Ogun State Cap 12 Laws of Ogun State of Nigeria of 2006, Anatomy Law, Cap 11 Revised Laws of Enugu State of Nigeria, 2004.
[62]. See section 3.
[63]. Cap C24 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria of 2004.
[64]. Cap C16 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria of 2004.
[65]. Act No. 61, 2003.
[66]. Regulation 2 of the Regulations Regarding the General Control of Human Bodies, Tissue, Blood, Blood Products and Gametes in Government Notice R180 of Government Gazette No 35099 of 2 March 2012.
[67]. Blackbeard M., “Consent to Organ Transplantation, TydskrifvirHeedendagseHollandsRomeinseReg, 66 (2003): 55.
[68]. Ibid.
[69]. Ibid at p. 56
[70]. Prabhu, Pradeep Kumar, Is Presumed Consent an ethically acceptable way of obtaining organs for transplant, Journal of Intensive Care Society, 0(0) 4
[71]. Shaw, David, Presumed Consent to organ donation and the family overrule, J Intensive Care Soc. 2017 May; 18(2) 96
[72]. Paul Flaman, “Organ and Tissue Transplants: Some Ethical Issues”, Accessed 10 July, 2018.
[73]. It is doubtful if Animal Rights Organisations will agree to the removal of organs from animals as they may perceive that as cruelty against animals notwithstanding the positive effects on humanity.
[74]. Ibid at f/n 88
[75]. Ibid.
[76]. Ibid.
[77]. Cap C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004. Section 450 provides that: Any person who wilfully and unlawfully kills, maims, or wounds, any animal capable of being stolen, is guilty of an offence and is liable for imprisonment for seven years if found guilty. 459 (i)(a) „any person who cruelly beats, kicks, ill-treats, over-rides, over-drives, over-loads, tortures, infuriates, or terrifies any animal, or causes or procures, or being the owner, permits any animal to be so used‟ Or (e) „subjects, or causes or procured, or, being the owner, permits to be subjected, any animal to any operation which is performed without due care and humanity is guilty of and offence of cruelty and is liable to imprisonment for six years or to a fine N50 or to both such imprisonment and fine.‟
[78]. Cap C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004
[79]. Labuschagne D and Carstens P A, The Constitutional Influence on Organ Transplants With Specific Reference to Organ Procurement, 17 Potchefstroom Elec. L.J. 207 (2014) 218
[80]. Abouna G, Medical Principles and Practice (Basel: Karger AG, 2003): 61.
[81]. Davis D. and Wolitz R., “The Ethics of Organ Allocation”, Staff Working Paper 5, accessed 7th November, 2018
[82]. Ibid at p. 4
[83]. See generally note 58 at P. 34
[84]. [Hereafter, HLA]
[85]. Note 58 at P.36
[86]. Ibid.
[87]. 87Ifeoma I, Ulasi and Chinwuba K. Ijeoma, Transplantation, April 2016, Volume 100. Number 4 page 695
[88]. 88.This literarily translated means „the transcended soul reincarnates fourteen times to atone for perceived sins before going into sublimation or eternity.‟ By this, relations are consoled with the fact that their dead relation will still return to them.
[89]. 89 See generally, the legislations on Health in Nigeria. See specifically, National Health Act, Medical and Dental Practitioners Act, Nursing and Midwifery Act, Pharmacy Act, Radiographers Registration Act and University Teaching Hospitals Act.
[90]. It should be noted that the age of the donor has always been a major problem in the procurement and transplantation of human organs. Some of the major reasons for this problem remains the issue of poverty, inaccessible and remote settlements and illiteracy.
Prof. Justus A. Sokefun, Prof Ak Anya, Dr Du Odigie, “An Examination of the Nexus between Law and Medical Ethics in the Procurement and Transplantation of Human Organs in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.379-390 May 2022 URL:
Meconium – Stained Amniotic Fluid in Labour – its Significance and Correlation to Early Maternal and Neonatal Outcome – A Prospective Case Control Study in A Tertiary Care Center
Samarawickrama NGCL, Pathiraja R, Gunasekara D, Withanathantrige MR – May 2022- Page No.: 391-397
Background: Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) is a well-known factor which associated with significant adverse pregnancy outcomes. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) occurs in about 5% of deliveries with MSAF and death occurs in about 12% of infants with MAS. The significance of meconium claimed to be varied from being entirely physiological, which exhibits sign of fetal maturity, to a sign of fetal distress as a response to hypoxic insult to the foetus. This study was carried out in a tertiary care centre; with the aim of detecting the significance of MSAF. Additionally, this study compares the fetal and maternal outcome in deliveries complicated by meconium-stained amniotic fluid and critically evaluates the associated predisposing maternal and fetal factors for MSAF.
Method: This prospective case-control study was carried out in Colombo South Teaching Hospital (University Professorial Obstetrics Unit), Sri Lanka. Women who presented to the unit with pre-defined selection protocol were recruited to the study until the sample size (n = 216 in each arm) is achieved. The Sample was categorized in to two groups depend on the presence or absence of Meconium-stained amniotic fluid. Mean, standard deviation, median and 95% confidence interval are computed for quantitative variables. Chi-square test is applied for calculating the statistical significance of variables such as grades of meconium and Apgar score at 95% confidence interval. The p-value <0.05 and 95% confident interval was utilised to assess the statistical significance.
Results: Presence of diabetes in current pregnancy was a significant risk factor for meconium-stained amniotic fluid at delivery with odd ratio of 2.397 (95% Confident Interval 1.203 - 3.568) and p value of <0.00.1.
There is a statistically significant association between the mode of delivery and the nature of meconium with odd ratio of 3.029 (95% Confident Interval 1.887 – 3.136) and p value < 0.001, when its moderate to thick meconium staining. Presence of moderate to thick meconium increase the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity with increased NICU admissions, which is both statistically and clinically significant with odd ratio of 2.412 (95% Confident Interval 1.674 - 3.199) and p value 0.005 when compared with thin meconium staining.
Overall, there is a 2-fold rise in operative vaginal deliveries and EM-LSCS (Emergency Lower Segment Caesarean Section) in the presence of MSAF which accountable for 67.3% of the deliveries compared to 37.2% in the clear liquor group.
The follow up of neonates at one month and three months of life, revealed no statistically significant concerns on the development of these babies in either arm of the study population.
Conclusion: Presence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid is one of the common indications for caesarean delivery. Therefore, the results of this study may help to reduce the number caesarean sections carried out when the meconium is detected during labour. Presence of thin MSAF can be physiological following gut maturation of term foetuses, thus utilization of continuous electronic fetal monitoring can reliably cut down the caesarean section rates without adding numbers to the adverse perinatal outcomes. On the other hand, timely interventions upon detection of abnormal Cardiotocography (CTG), such as operative vaginal delivery or EM-LSCS, can significantly minimise these adverse neonatal outcomes. Abnormal CTG in a clinical background of moderate to thick meconium is more alarming, which warrant urgent interventions compared to the presence of thin / lightly stained meconium.
Page(s): 391-397 Date of Publication: 04 June 2022
Samarawickrama NGCL
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Pathiraja R
Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
Gunasekara D
Professor, Department of Paediatric, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Withanathantrige MR
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Teaching Hospital Mahamodara, Sri Lanka
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Samarawickrama NGCL, Pathiraja R, Gunasekara D, Withanathantrige MR “Meconium – Stained Amniotic Fluid in Labour – its Significance and Correlation to Early Maternal and Neonatal Outcome – A Prospective Case Control Study in A Tertiary Care Center” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.391-397 May 2022 DOI:
Perception of marriage and divorce by married couples: Exploring the dimension and trends of divorce rate in South-East, Nigeria
Emmanuel Chimezie Eyisi, Joseph Ogbonnaya Alo Ekpechu, Innocent Nwosu, Jonathan Ukah, Emmanuel Orakwe – May 2022- Page No.: 398-410
The study investigated the rate of divorce in the South-Eastern region of Nigeria as a reflection of the perception of married couples on what is the essence of marriage and the bases for divorce. The study was conducted in two local governments areas and six communities in Anambra State South-East of Nigeria. Data were elicited through questionnaires administered on 195 respondents purposively and randomly selected among married couples in the study area. In-depth Interview (IDI) was also conducted on 45 couples. Data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The rate of divorce in the South-East; variability of divorce among groups and sections; the influence of modernisation and globalisation on the perception of couples and the impact of state intervention in marital stability constitute some of the major objectives of the study. Findings showed increasing rate of divorce; variability in divorce rates on the bases of education, social class, length of marriage and urban residence; increasing dissonance between traditional marital setting and influence of modernization values on the young couples; increasing level of empty shell marriage as reflected in the dilemma of couples towards divorce suits because of poverty, cost and complicated nature of divorce procedure to many couples. The study recommends a buoyant, stable society built on social justice that will rub off on the families as an important group in the society; a revitalisation of marriage counselling structures at the state, religious and NGO levels; and the strengthening of institutions that will be more committed to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) than a purely legalistic orientation in the handling of marital suits.
Page(s): 398-410 Date of Publication: 05 June 2022
Emmanuel Chimezie Eyisi
Department of Sociology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Joseph Ogbonnaya Alo Ekpechu
Department of Sociology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Innocent Nwosu
Department of Sociology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Jonathan Ukah
Department of Sociology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Emmanuel Orakwe
Department of Sociology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu Alike, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
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Emmanuel Chimezie Eyisi, Joseph Ogbonnaya Alo Ekpechu, Innocent Nwosu, Jonathan Ukah, Emmanuel Orakwe “Perception of marriage and divorce by married couples: Exploring the dimension and trends of divorce rate in South-East, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.398-410 May 2022 URL:
Rethinking Police Reform in Liberia: With Focus on Police Brutality
Dr. Ambrues Monboe Nebo Sr – May 2022- Page No.: 411-424
From a qualitative approach coupled with firsthand experience view as a form of ethnographic research, this paper rethinks police reform in Liberia with a focus on police brutality. Empirically, it established the veracity of rising police brutality in Liberia.
As its theoretical framework that explained the causes of police brutality, this article through assumption attributes the causes of police brutality in Liberia to the individual-level factors, organizational-level factors, and the public unawareness or lack of knowledge of the rules and procedures that guide police operations.
Under the organizational-level factors, it assumes that the failure of the reform to have infused behavior health training and emotional intelligence into the Basic Recruit curricula and advanced in-service training module that would have helped tackle the individual-level factors and educate the public about rules and procedures that guide police operations give rise to police brutality in Liberia.
It recommends an assessment survey that will inform the Liberia National Police decision to infuse BHT and EI in both BRT and advance in-service training at the Liberia National Police Training Academy and Training School.
Page(s): 411-424 Date of Publication: 05 June 2022
Dr. Ambrues Monboe Nebo Sr.
Department of Political Science, University of Liberia, Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice, African Methodist Episcopal University
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Dr. Ambrues Monboe Nebo Sr , “Rethinking Police Reform in Liberia: With Focus on Police Brutality” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.411-424 May 2022 URL:
Goals for Reading and Self-Efficacy among College Students
Nil Christopher V. Anania & Celso L. Tagadiad – May 2022- Page No.: 425-436
The purpose of this quantitative non-experimental descriptive-correlational study was to determine the significant influence of goals for reading towards self-efficacy of college students on campuses of a particular university. Researcher-made questionnaires on the two variables validated by the experts and subjected to pilot testing for reliability tests were conducted among college students in a specific private college. Then these questionnaires were administered considering a stratified random sample of 339 students. Data analysis tools used were weighted mean, Pearson-r, and regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results showed that all reading goals, curiosity, involvement, importance, recognition, grades, and competition are all at a high level. Moreover, all the indicators of self-efficacy, to wit, identifying learning needs and setting goals, selecting learning resources and materials, seeking social assistance, organizing the learning process and environment, monitoring, evaluating, and transferring acquired skills or information to other contexts are also in high level. Further, it was found that there was a significant relationship between goals for reading and self-efficacy. In contrast, domains of goals for reading that significantly influence self-efficacy are importance and competition, while the rest of the domains do not considerably influence self-efficacy. Through this research, the reading goals, as it influenced students’ reading self-efficacy, which in turn resulted in greater reading milestones and academic achievement and would help educators enhanced their instructional management abilities.
Page(s): 425-436 Date of Publication: 05 June 2022
Nil Christopher V. Anania
Department of Teacher Education, UM Panabo College, Panabo City, Philippines
Celso L. Tagadiad
Department of Teacher Education, UM Panabo College, Panabo City, Philippines
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Path Model Analysis on Academic Writing Motivation
Joyce B. Hernando & Elleine Rose Oliva – May 2022- Page No.: 437-454
The study’s main objective is to determine the best fit model in academic writing motivation. Additionally, the research aims to assure the significance of the relationship between the exogenous variables: metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, language exposure, language skills development, and the endogenous variable on academic writing motivation. The study used descriptive -correlational design and Path Model Analysis to determine the most appropriate model on academic writing motivation. Random sampling was used to determine the number of students on each campus. The data was gathered from four hundred (400) students under the education program from five (5) branches of the University of Mindanao: UM Tagum, UM Panabo, UM Peñaplata, UM Bansalan, and UM Digos. Survey questionnaires were used to gather data. The results revealed that the level of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, language exposure, development of language skills, and academic writing motivation was at a high level. Based on the results, it was clearly explained that the exogenous variable on metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, language exposure, language skills development, and the endogenous variable on academic writing motivation that can be seen in the fourth model was the most appropriate model for the research.
Page(s): 437-454 Date of Publication: 08 June 2022
Joyce B. Hernando
Department of Teacher Education, UM Panabo College, Panabo City, Philippines
Elleine Rose Oliva
Department of Teacher Education, UM Panabo College, Panabo City, Philippines
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Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Poverty Eradication in Egypt
Mahmoud Anber (PhD) – May 2022- Page No.: 455-464
It is generally assumed that by bringing decision-making about the provision of public goods and services closer to citizens, decentralization allows poor people to voice themselves more clearly, facilitates communication and information flows between local policy-makers and their constituents, and fosters improved accountability The main objective of this study was to analyze the effects of fiscal decentralization on poverty eradication in Egypt. The study objectives included (i) Analyze the effects of revenue decentralization on poverty Head count in Egypt.
(ii)Analyze the effects of expenditure decentralization on poverty reduction in Egypt.
The Cross-Governorates panel data from 2018 – 2020 was used. The published data was from government agencies, United Nation Development Programme and World Bank used. Various empirical models were estimated to find out the effects of Governorates own-source revenue and Governorates expenditure on poverty reduction in Egypt. The study established that as the share of own local revenue of sub-national government in total revenue increases, poverty levels decline. Own-source revenue was found to reduce poverty at low levels below 54.37 per cent after which further increase in own source revenue would increase poverty head count. Arising from the study findings, it is important for Governorates governments to have adequate own-source revenue to finance their expenditure as opposed to relying on intergovernmental transfers from national government. The revenue dimension of fiscal decentralization has a strong bearing on the ability of and incentives faced by local government to address basic service delivery needs. Further the study established that an increase in the share of Governorates expenditure will initially increase poverty but beyond a certain threshold it will work to reduce poverty. The researcher recommended that the national government should support and encourage Governorates governments to enhance their own-source revenue to finance their expenditure as opposed to depending on intergovernmental transfers. Governorates government need to prioritize health care needs as an effort to improve poverty reduction outcomes and human development
Page(s): 455-464 Date of Publication: 08 June 2022
Mahmoud Anber (PhD) .
Department of Economics Faculty of Commerce, Aswan University, Edfu.Sabaia City, Egypt
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Mahmoud Anber (PhD), “Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Poverty Eradication in Egypt” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.455-464 May 2022 URL:
Projection of Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP) Towards Net Zero Emission 2060 in Indonesia
Dessy Natalia, Donny Yoesgiantoro, Filda Citra Yusgiantoro – May 2022- Page No.: 465-471
Electricity is a strategic commodity in the country and the supply of electricity is one of the factors of national energy security. The supply of electricity is carried out with various sources, fossil energy and renewable energy sources. Global politics has focused on sustainability schemes so environmental issues have become a hot issue. The environmental issue has created a long-term target, namely Net Zero Emission 2060 and has led to the need for an energy transition that was formerly oriented to fossil energy to new and renewable energy (NRE). Coal-Fired Power Plants (CFPP) contribute emissions that are not environmentally friendly so they are not suitable for this purpose. Retirement of CFPP with 2 scenarios: 1) innovation in storage technology that is more economical to replace CFPP with NRE generators, 2) innovation in Carbon Capture, Usage, and Storage (CCUS) technology. The transition in the energy sector does not only affect technology but also has impacts on other sectors. Economic and social challenges arise along with the energy transition. This paper uses a qualitative method with literature studies.
Page(s): 465-471 Date of Publication: 08 June 2022
Dessy Natalia
The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Donny Yoesgiantoro
The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Filda Citra Yusgiantoro
The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
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Dessy Natalia, Donny Yoesgiantoro, Filda Citra Yusgiantoro “Projection of Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP) Towards Net Zero Emission 2060 in Indonesia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.465-471 May 2022 DOI:
Gender Difference in Test Anxiety among Psychology Students at the University of Cape Coast
Ruth Annan-Brew (PhD), Daniel Gyedu, Pious Afriyie Owusu – May 2022- Page No.: 472-476
Most learners live in a test-conscious, test-giving culture and their lives are in part determined by their test performance. It is anticipated that test anxiety is a universal problem for many students who are troubled by stress associated with taking tests that they experience substantial decrements in performance in evaluative situations. This study investigated the gender difference in test anxiety among Psychology students at the University of Cape Coast. Using a descriptive survey design and a proportionate simple random sampling technique, 157 students were sampled for the study. A questionnaire was administered to the participants. The data collected were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, and the students’ independent samples t-test. The result revealed no significant gender difference in the levels of test anxiety as well as how they cope with test anxiety. Testing schedules and inadequate preparation by students were identified as the two leading causes of test anxiety. It was recommended to the management of the university to ensure compliance with the implementation of the structured testing schedule by lecturers and the counseling center should engage in an intermittent educational program of their services to make students more aware and patronize their services when they become test anxious.
Page(s): 472-476 Date of Publication: 08 June 2022
Ruth Annan-Brew (PhD)
Education and Psychology Department, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Daniel Gyedu
Education and Psychology Department, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Pious Afriyie Owusu
Education and Psychology Department, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
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Ruth Annan-Brew (PhD), Daniel Gyedu, Pious Afriyie Owusu, “Gender Difference in Test Anxiety among Psychology Students at the University of Cape Coast” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.472-476 May 2022 URL:
Management of Education Services in Prisons: A Case Study
Akirapa Dianah Martha, Masagazi Joel Yawe – May 2022- Page No.: 477-484
In this paper we assess the management of education services in Uganda prisons, taking a case study of Luzira Upper Prison. Specifically, this study established the kind of education services provided to inmates in Luzira Upper prison, as well as sought to establish the relationship between jail term and the type of education services offered to inmates in Luzira Upper prison. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather the necessary data. With a single case study design. A questionnaire and an interview guide were used to collect data from inmates accessing education services, teachers, Prison Warders and senior prison staff purposively selected who composed the sample. (n=104) The study findings pointed to Vocational trainings, basic education in form of general subjects; creative art teaching lessons to the inmates among others. To establish whether jail term had a relationship with type of education service in Luzira Upper Prisons a correlation was computed, examined and interpreted using the Chi-Square Test. The results also pointed to a positive relationship between jail term and type of education program undertaken at Luzira Upper Prison by the inmates as indicated by (p = 0.565). This relationship is significant since the significance of 0.565 is discovered to be greater than 0.05. The study concluded that management of prison education services has a well-established curriculum with both vocational and academic courses being offered, the policy of voluntary participation to education is a major shortcoming leading to recidivism. We concluded that government needs to effectively increase finances to mitigate shortages arising from the education provision to inmates, strategically plan an expansion of the curricula to include skills targeting psycho social aspect in a restricted environment to allow complete rehabilitation after the inmate tenure. The study recommended that ministry of education and sports should not only make inmate education compulsory to all inmates but also take the leading role in adopting prison schools in on the list of community public schools in Uganda.
Page(s): 477-484 Date of Publication: 08 June 2022
Akirapa Dianah Martha
Department of Education, School of Education, Uganda Christian University, Plot 67-173, Bishop Tucker Road, Mukono, P.O. Box 4 Mukono
Masagazi Joel Yawe
Department of Education, School of Education, Uganda Christian University, Plot 67-173, Bishop Tucker Road, Mukono, P.O. Box 4 Mukono.
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Akirapa Dianah Martha, Masagazi Joel Yawe “Management of Education Services in Prisons: A Case Study” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.477-484 May 2022 DOI:
Swott Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment System: A Case Study of Geregu Power Plant Phase II, Ajaokuta, Kogi State, Nigeria
Alonge J.A, Samaila I, and Mundi R. – May 2022- Page No.: 485-491
The study examined the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends (SWOTT) of Environmental Impact Assessment system in Nigeria using Geregu Power Plant Phase II in Ajaokuta, Kogi state as case study. The study area population comprised of project’s host communities and other stake holders in the National EIA system. The purposive sampling method of data collection was used to select the samples. Five hundred (500) respondents contributed to the survey of which questionnaires were administered. The data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics for evaluation of respondents rating which includes, The Extent of National EIA System compliance, strengths and short comings of the National EIA System, Current practice of EIA System, Criteria influencing the national EIA System, Extent of improvement of national EIA System among others. Findings from the research indicate that the establishment of a regulatory Authority is one of the major strengths of the National EIA System. One of the major weaknesses of the national EIA system is the non-consideration of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), while on the opportunities is the tiered assessment. Threats mainly observed are the unacceptability and the misunderstanding of the multi-discipline nature of EIA, while the best global practices in the EIA process management is one of the major trends. As a result of the findings, it was recommended that there is a need to improve on the EIA System strength maximally, prioritize turning of the weaknesses of national EIA system to world class ESIA practise and to promote EIA system by taking advantage of opportunities. Furthermore, government cannot avoid ignoring the weakness of the EIA system and threat or fail to improve on the strength of the EIA system or value opportunity that need to develop the system and increase capacity of the EIA system operators.
Page(s): 485-491 Date of Publication: 09 June 2022
Alonge J.A
Department of Geography, Nassarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Samaila I
Department of Geography, Nassarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Mundi R.
Department of Geography, Nassarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
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Alonge J.A, Samaila I, and Mundi R. “Swott Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment System: A Case Study of Geregu Power Plant Phase II, Ajaokuta, Kogi State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.485-491 May 2022 URL:
Stress Management and Coping Strategies among Pregnant Students in Colleges of Education: A Case Study of Students in Akatsi College of Education
Alice Aku Agbogli, Yayra Amitor Kumatia – May 2022- Page No.: 492-499
Women experience and celebrate special events in their lifetimes such as pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy brings joy for most women in Africa because it is seen to be a fulfillment of womanhood. While pregnancy is usually associated with joy, the moment is equally associated with anxiety and fear especially if it is unplanned. There is evidence that pregnant students experience stress in the traditional Universities in Ghana. The purpose of the study was to examine the level of stress and the coping strategies used by pregnant students in Akatsi College of Education, specifically in terms of campus duties, academic workload, accommodation restrictions, and ways of coping with academic activities pregnancy. The study was a case study qualitative research using a semi-structured interview. Respondents encompassed six pregnant students who are still students of Akatsi College of Education. The majority of pregnant students in Akatsi College of Education experienced stress from the school environment in relation to their comfortability in terms of food, clothing, and accommodation. Pregnant students faced stigma from colleagues. Even though the pregnant students were not suggesting to the College to be given preferential treatment, a large number of respondents wished the college allows them to either rent accommodation outside campus or be given a room meant for only pregnant students. It was realised that the majority of respondents adopted coping strategies to deal with stress on campus. There is a need for a policy direction for Akatsi Colleges of Education for pregnant students to be allowed to rent outside campus or be given separate rooms. Also, there is a need for flexibility in the style of uniform and options for pregnant students on campus to cook their own food. Counselling/GESI units in Akatsi College of Education to institute measures to identify pregnant students and prepare them psychologically.
Page(s): 492-499 Date of Publication: 08 June 2022
Alice Aku Agbogli
Department of Social Studies and Liberal Arts (Social Studies Unit)
Yayra Amitor Kumatia
Department of Vocational and Technical Education (Home Economics Unit), Akatsi College of Education, Akatsi, Volta Region, Ghana
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Alice Aku Agbogli, Yayra Amitor Kumatia, “Stress Management and Coping Strategies among Pregnant Students in Colleges of Education: A Case Study of Students in Akatsi College of Education” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.492-499 May 2022 DOI:
Youth Unemployment in Somalia: A Case Study of Baidoa, Southwest State of Somalia
Mohamed Dhaqane Ali, Mohamed Deek Isack Hassan, Ibrahim Mohamed Yusuf, Ahmed Mohamed Nur, Omar Hassan Adan, Mohamed Aweys, Mohamed A. Eno – May 2022- Page No.: 500-507
This study examines the problem of unemployment in Baidoa city, the capital of Bay region in the Southwest State of Somalia. The results indicate that the root causes of unemployment among the youth are corruption, tribalism, lack of skills, inadequate education, and poor economy. The findings further reveal that the problem of unemployment, which leads to youth radicalization, increase of crime, and migration, can be curbed by eliminating the practice of tribalism, corruption and setting a proper strategy for job creation. While these are the perceptions of the 50 respondents surveyed in the study, suggestions and recommendations are given to various stakeholders to find solutions to the negative impact unemployment is causing to the youth in Baidoa.
Page(s): 500-507 Date of Publication: 09 June 2022
Mohamed Dhaqane Ali
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Hakaba Institute for Research and Training, Baidoa, SWSS
Mohamed Deek Isack Hassan
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Ibrahim Mohamed Yusuf
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Ahmed Mohamed Nur
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Omar Hassan Adan
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Mohamed Aweys
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Hakaba Institute for Research and Training, Baidoa, SWSS
St Clements University, Lausanne, Switzerland
Unicaf University, Larnaka, Cyprus
Mohamed A. Eno
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Hakaba Institute for Research and Training, Baidoa, SWSS
St Clements University, Lausanne, Switzerland
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Mohamed Dhaqane Ali, Mohamed Deek Isack Hassan, Ibrahim Mohamed Yusuf, Ahmed Mohamed Nur, Omar Hassan Adan, Mohamed Aweys, Mohamed A. Eno “Youth Unemployment in Somalia: A Case Study of Baidoa, Southwest State of Somalia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.500-507 May 2022 DOI:
Multinational Corporations, Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Nigeria: An examination of Etisalat Telecommunications Engineering Postgraduate Programme (ETEPP)
Ismail Bello, Asmau Isyaku Dutse, Sophia Kazibwe, Muzaare Gerald – May 2022- Page No.: 508-513
This study presents a case study on good practice regarding how Multinational Corporations (Etisalat) have contributed towards skills development in Nigeria towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The study examines how Etisalat Telecommunications Engineering Postgraduate Programme (ETEPP) has provided the needed training for academics and practitioners in the telecommunication sector through knowledge & technology transfer. A qualitative method of data collection and analysis was used for the study. Interviews were conducted and NVivo software was utilized in transcription, coding, and analysis of data from the interview conducted. This was supported with secondary data which includes journals, relevant books, periodicals, newspaper reports, internet sources, government releases, and pronouncement the findings of the study show that the ETEPP led to the creation of the first department of telecommunication engineering in Nigeria. In addition to this Etisalat in collaboration with Huawei technologies provided training and capacity building for Nigerians in order to ensure the sustainability of the program. Unlike what was obtainable before the ETEPP, telecommunication engineering training was basically done theoretically; the ETEPP provided hands-on training and provided trainees with a better understanding of the subject matter. This will no doubt go a long way in helping youths get skills needed for a technology driven world, thereby assisting Nigeria make considerable efforts towards SDGs.
Page(s): 508-513 Date of Publication: 09 June 2022
Ismail Bello
Department of Political and Administrative Studies, Kampala International University, Uganda
Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, Baze University, Abuja, Nigeria
Asmau Isyaku Dutse
Department of Political Science, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa, Nigeria.
Sophia Kazibwe
Department of Political and Administrative Studies, Kampala International University, Uganda
Muzaare Gerald
Department of Political and Administrative Studies, Kampala International University, Uganda
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Ismail Bello, Asmau Isyaku Dutse, Sophia Kazibwe, Muzaare Gerald, “Multinational Corporations, Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Nigeria: An examination of Etisalat Telecommunications Engineering Postgraduate Programme (ETEPP)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.508-513 May 2022 DOI:
Relationship between Risk Taking and Academic Achievement among form Two Students in Nairobi County, Kenya
Patricia Wakanyi Kimani, Dr Philomenah Ndambuki, Dr Samuel Mutweleli – May 2022- Page No.: 514-521
Low academic achievement in Nairobi County has been of great concern especially in the last few years. Research studies conducted earlier have attributed this to various causes including environmental and some psychological factors. This research focused on examining the relationship between students’ risk taking and academic achievement in Nairobi County, Kenya. Elkind’s Adolescent Egocentrism theory guided the study. Correlational design was adopted to demonstrate the correlation between the variables. The population of target was the entire year 2019 Form Two students in public high schools, Nairobi County. To select research location, purposive sampling was used while stratified sampling helped identify the class. Finally, simple random sampling procedure was applied in selecting participants. The study sample comprised of 738 students picked from eight secondary schools. Adolescents’ risk taking scale was adopted and used to evaluate students’ risk taking behaviour. In order to assess students’ academic achievement, records of examination grades maintained in individual schools were consulted. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze collected data. Multiple regression analysis was used to establish prediction model. The study results revealed a weak negative statistically non-significant correlation between risk taking and academic achievement r (738) = -.031, p > 0.05. Similarly, two subscales of risk taking were found to be negatively correlated to academic achievement though not significantly. Only general invulnerability subscale revealed a positive but weak and insignificant relationship with academic achievement. Therefore, the study recommended that educators and other relevant stakeholders consider looking into other factors that may be behind low academic achievement in students. This will allow for application of appropriate intervening measures.
Page(s): 514-521 Date of Publication: 09 June 2022
Patricia Wakanyi Kimani
Kenyatta University, School of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Philomenah Ndambuki
Kenyatta University, School of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Samuel Mutweleli
Kenyatta University, School of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, Nairobi, Kenya
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Patricia Wakanyi Kimani, Dr Philomenah Ndambuki, Dr Samuel Mutweleli “Relationship between Risk Taking and Academic Achievement among form Two Students in Nairobi County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.514-521 May 2022 DOI:
Female Student’s Socio-Economic, Socio-Affective and Academic Experience during Covid-19 Pandemic
Lycel Lagnason-Pacheco, Phd – May 2022- Page No.: 522-529
This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach which main objective aimed to determine the female students’ socio-economic, socio-affective and academic experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this determined the demographic profile of respondents as to course, year level, and family monthly income, the extent of female students’ life experience as a whole and in term of domestic, affective, academic, and social experience and the significant difference on female students’ life experience grouped according to course, year level, and family monthly income profile. Results revealed that in terms of demographic profile, the highest percentage as to the courses is the Teacher Education and the lowest is the BS Statistics. 30% is third year and 4.5% are fourth year. Moreover, 221 of them are having below Php 15,000 monthly income. In general, the extent of female students’ life experience got frequently experiences in terms of domestic, academic, affective, and social experience. In conclusion, the researcher identified no significant difference on female students’ life experience when grouped according to profile.
Page(s): 522-529 Date of Publication: 10 June 2022
Lycel Lagnason-Pacheco, Phd
Central Philippines State University
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Lycel Lagnason-Pacheco, Phd “Female Student’s Socio-Economic, Socio-Affective and Academic Experience during Covid-19 Pandemic” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.522-529 May 2022 URL:
Demanding Supply or Supplying Demand? An Analysis of ASEAN Economic Community-Building (1977-2015)
Jovito Jose P. Katigbak – May 2022- Page No.: 530-536
– This paper reviews ASEAN’s initiative of realizing economic integration and opens the discussion on the probability of its success using a theoretical lens espoused by Walter Mattli in his book The Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond. Due to the dichotomous nature of the traditional theoretical approaches, this study utilizes Mattli’s demand-supply approach to reconcile the role played by market factors and politics, specifically actors and institutions, for seeking deeper integration. Mattli contends that the demand condition is mainly supported by market players and big businesses with larger economic interests while the supply condition is provided by an ‘undisputed leader’ and “commitment institutions”. He underscored that the combination of these two sets of conditions will mainly contribute to a successful regional integration process. However, this paper argues that ASEAN’s inability to satisfy both conditions does not automatically translate to the region’s eventual failure in seeking deeper levels of integration.
Page(s): 530-536 Date of Publication: 10 June 2022
Jovito Jose P. Katigbak
International Studies Department, Far Eastern University
[1] ASEAN Key Figures 2020, ASEAN Secretariat, December 2020, (accessed 30 March 2021).
[2] Asian Development Bank, Asian Economic Integration Monitor October 2013, (Mandaluyong: Asian Development Bank, 2013).
[3] Walter Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration Europe and Beyond (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
[4] 4Ibid.
[5] Harold Demsetz, “Towards a Theory of Property Rights,” American Economic review – Papers and Proceedings 57 (May 1969), 350.
[6] Beth Yarbrough and Robert Yarbrough, Cooperation and Governance in International Trade: The Strategic Organizational Approach (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992), 11.
[7] Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration, 51.
[8] See Duncan Snidal, “Coordination Versus Prisoners’ Dilemma: Implications for International Cooperation and Regimes,” American Political Science Review 79 (December 1995), 923-942; and Arthur Stein, “Coordination and Collaboration: Regimes in an Anarchic World,” in Stephen Krasner, ed., International Regimes (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1983), 115-140.
[9] Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration, 53-56.
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[11] Elizabeth Urgel, The ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Partnership in Regional Economic Cooperation (Quezon City: Asian Center, UP Diliman, 1994), 13. Ibid. Ibid.
[12] Jugler and Chaisse, Competetiveness of the ASEAN Countries: Corporate and Regulatory Drivers, 8-10. Ibid. Ibid.
[13] Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), ASEAN 2030 Toward a Borderless Economic Community, (Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 2014), 10.
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[18] Siow Yue Chia, The ASEAN Economic Community: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects, ADBI Working Paper 440. (Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 2013). Ibid.
[19] Urgel, The ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Partnership in Regional Economic Cooperation, 35.
[20] Hidetaka Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, European Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol.6, No. 2 (2007), pp. 217-243, (accessed on 21 May 2015).
[21] Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, 235.
[22] ASEAN Business Advisory Council, 20 April 2015).
[23] Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, 236.
[24] ASEAN Business Advisory Council, (accessed 20 April 2015).
[25] ASEAN Business Club, ABC Forum 2014, September 8, 2014, 20 April 2015).
[26] Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, 237.
[27] Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, 236. Ibid.
[28] ASEAN Business Club, Structured channels for private sector’s industry based input and participation critically missing in ASEAN – impeding real partnership for meaningful integration, May 14, 2015, (accessed 29 December 2015).
[29] Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, 238-240.
[30] Yoshimatsu, Regional Integration and Business Interests: A Comparative Study of Europe and Southeast Asia, 230-32.
[31] Paolo Vergano, “The ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism and its Role in a Rules-Based Community: Overview and Critical Comparison,” Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Inaugural Conference, June, 30 2009, (accessed 22 April 2015).
[32] Mattli, The Logic of Regional Integration, 14.
[33] Rodolfo Severino, Southeast Asia In Search of an ASEAN Community: Insights from the Former ASEAN Secretary General (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006), 27-32.
[34] Rodolfo Severino, “The ASEAN Way and the Rule of Law, Speeches and Statements of the Former Secretaries-General of ASEAN Print,” (ASEAN Secretariat, July 12 2012), (accessed 22 April 2015).
[35] ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025, 32-33
Jovito Jose P. Katigbak, “Demanding Supply or Supplying Demand? An Analysis of ASEAN Economic Community-Building (1977-2015)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.530-536 May 2022 DOI:
Determinants of Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
Okere, Peter Anele PhD, Uzowuru, Lawrence Ndubuisi PhD, Uzokwe, Nnamdi PhD – May 2022- Page No.: 537-544
This study examined the determinants of financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria using time series annual data spanning from 1999-2020. The study used secondary data sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and World Bank Global Financial Development Data. Return On Assets (ROA) was used as a proxy for bank performance while some bank specific variables like Management Efficiency (MEF), Capital Adequacy (CAD) and Asset Quality(ASQ) and macroeconomic variable; Inflation(INF) were considered as the determinants. The data were analyzed using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). The stationarity test and cointegration test revealed that all the series were stationary at I(1) and adequately cointegrated respectively. The study revealed a positive and significant relationship between bank performance and the determinants considered in the model. The study also found that MEF, INF, CAD exerted significant negative relationship while ASQ displayed a significant positive relationship with bank performance in Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that banks should give due attention to their operational cost efficiency and leverage ratio, because too much expenses in relation with revenue and engaging in debts beyond their capacity will continue to have significant negative effect on their financial performance. Again, the Central Bank of Nigeria should review the regulatory capital review since the impact of capital adequacy on bank performance also depends on the quality of capital. The CBN should pressure the banks to increase the quality of capital they keep and reduce their holdings of hybrid capital structure since hybrid capital is of low quality.
Page(s): 537-544 Date of Publication: 10 June 2022
Okere, Peter Anele PhD
Banking and Finance Department, Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji
Uzowuru, Lawrence Ndubuisi PhD
Banking and Finance Department, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Imo State
Uzokwe, Nnamdi PhD
Banking and Finance Department, Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji
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Okere, Peter Anele PhD, Uzowuru, Lawrence Ndubuisi PhD, Uzokwe, Nnamdi PhD “Determinants of Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.537-544 May 2022 URL:
Fiscal Policy and Human Development in Nigeria (1986-2017)
Okere P.A. Ph.D, Uzowuru L.N Ph.D & Mbaeri C.C. Ph.D – May 2022- Page No.: 545-553
This study examined the effect of fiscal policy on human development in Nigeria using time series annual data from 1986-2017. The study used secondary data sourced from the Central Bank Nigeria annual statistical bulletin, World Development Indicator and Federal Inland Revenue Service publications. Fiscal policy instruments were proxied by government recurrent expenditure (GRE), government capital expenditure (GCE) and tax revenue (TRV) while human development was proxied by Human Development Index (HDI). The data were analyzed using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) which revealed that all the series were stationary and adequately cointegrated. The study revealed a positive and significant relationship between fiscal policy and Human development in Nigeria. The study also found that recurrent expenditure exerts positive relationship while the capital expenditure exerts positive but insignificant relationship. The tax revenue reveals negative though insignificant relationship also. The study recommends that government should restructure its revenue base to finance fiscal policy expansion rather than embarking on external borrowing. This can be achieved by improving its revenue sources and efficient pursuit of tax reforms which will help to minimize tax avoidance, diversion and invasion. Again, government fiscal policies should place greater emphasis on the principles of effective taxation aimed at promoting investment and the growth of the human development.
Page(s): 545-553 Date of Publication: 10 June 2022
Okere P.A. Ph.D
Department of Banking and Finance, Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji, Nigeria
Uzowuru L.N Ph.D
Department of Banking and Finance, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede Imo State, Nigeria
Mbaeri C.C. Ph.D
Department of Banking and Finance, Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji, Nigeria
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Okere P.A. Ph.D, Uzowuru L.N Ph.D & Mbaeri C.C. Ph.D, “Fiscal Policy and Human Development in Nigeria (1986-2017)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.545-553 May 2022 URL:
Law of Marriage and Divorce: The Role of Church in Upholding Marriage Sanctity and Providing Alternatives to Litigation
Professor Adeniyi Olatunbosun – May 2022- Page No.: 554-562
The paper reviews law of marriage and divorce as applicable to Christian couple. It highlights the concept of Christian marriage to be a permanent one- flesh union and specifically focuses on the issue of Christian home which is built on Godly values and divine lifestyles with the overall purpose that each home will portray God’s glory and be a witnessing platform in the society in particular and to the entire world in general. It dialectically appraises the institution of marriage and family in today’s society from socio-legal perspectives that have been gradually withering away the values of marriage as a divinely established institution ordained by God.
Page(s): 554-562 Date of Publication: 11 June 2022
Professor Adeniyi Olatunbosun
LL.B (Hons) (Ife), LL.M (Lagos), M.Phil., PhD (Ife), BL., Professor of Law and Vice Chancellor, Kola Daisi University, Ibadan, Nigeria
References are not available.
Professor Adeniyi Olatunbosun “Law of Marriage and Divorce: The Role of Church in Upholding Marriage Sanctity and Providing Alternatives to Litigation” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.554-562 May 2022 URL:
Compulsory Adjudication of International Court of Justice and Pacific Settlement of Kenya-Somalia Maritime Dispute
Adhiambo Lucy Felister, Dr. Francis Xavier Ichani – May 2022- Page No.: 563-573
Kenya and Somalia are among states that have accented to compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice on peaceful settlement of disputes. However, these two states are at odd over the verdict on international boundary delimitation passed by this court in regards to the Kenya- Somalia Maritime dispute. This study examined compulsory adjudication, carried out by the International Court of Justice, as means of resolving the Kenya Somalia maritime dispute. The specific objectives were: to explore the genesis of the maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia, to analyse international legal framework on peacefully settlement of maritime disputes and to evaluate the state reservation towards compulsory adjudication as an approach for pacific settlement of maritime disputes. The study reviewed relevant literature and analysed case studies of maritime disputes that have been resolved or pending to ascertain the suitability of compulsory adjudication, arbitration or other alternative mechanisms in resolving the Kenya-Somalia maritime disputes. This study was anchored on the theories of institutional liberalism and realism. Institutional liberalism recognises international law as a regime that governs states hence the states accentuation to international arbitration by the International Court of Justice. Realism is about state centrism, national interest and that preserving their autonomy is crucial hence states remain the main actors in decision making processes and there is no authority to challenge anarchy of states in either abiding or otherwise with the compulsory adjudication. This study utilized the mixed research design and relied mostly on the historical and explorative designs. The research was primarily qualitative and explored both primary and secondary sources. Primary data was sourced through both archival data retrieval, and field research. Archival data was collected in the Kenya National Archives. Field data was gathered through key informant interviews and Focused Group Discussions. The target population from which samples was drawn from includes members of the diplomatic community of the two countries, peace and security experts, politicians, legal experts and employees of the International Court of Justice. Secondary data was sourced from conference papers, books and journals. The data collected was grouped, corroborated, analysed through contents analysis and presented using the qualitative research techniques and using themes that are comparable to the research objectives. The major proposition of the study was that maritime disputes may be resolved either through compulsory adjudication and that the international law through it elaborate legal frameworks also anticipates the maritime disputes may be resolved through or diplomatic and bilateral engagements between the two conflicting states. However, states have reservation in submitting their conflicts for compulsory adjudication by the International Court of Justice. For such, both Somalia and Kenya were willing and unwilling to comply with international arbitration for a number of reasons including: third party bias among judges, salience of territorial issues under contestation, uncertainty over the outcomes of the process, the bargaining power of the competing states and the likelihood of armed confrontation between the belligerent states. Information gathered in this study was not only beneficial in providing a body of knowledge on understanding the role of compulsory adjudication in pacific settlement of the disputes, but also added to existential knowledge on international legal framework on maritime disputes and state reservation in judicial settlement of territorial and maritime disputes.
Page(s): 563-573 Date of Publication: 11 June 2022
Adhiambo Lucy Felister
Kenyatta University, Kenya
Dr. Francis Xavier Ichani
Lecturer, Kenyatta University, Kenya
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Adhiambo Lucy Felister, Dr. Francis Xavier Ichani, “Compulsory Adjudication of International Court of Justice and Pacific Settlement of Kenya-Somalia Maritime Dispute” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.563-573 May 2022 DOI:
Gender Difference in Students’ Attitude Towards English Language in Selected Senior High Schools in the Sunyani Municipality of the Bono Region of Ghana
Hawa-Kullu Mohammed – May 2022- Page No.: 574-580
This study investigated into the attitude of the Senior High School (SHS) students in the Sunyani Municipality towards the English language. Stratified sampling was employed to select 4 Senior High Schools for the study. Students and teachers of English were randomly selected from each school for the study. The data of this study was collected through a questionnaire. The data collected was subjected to both qualitative and quantitative analysis using SPSS Version. 22. The study findings reveal that the students have positive attitude toward English language However, girls had a more positive attitude towards English than boys while Single-sex schools were more positively disposed to English than mixed-sex ones. Efforts should be made to encourage students regardless of sex, to develop a more positive attitude to their study of English.
Page(s): 574-580 Date of Publication: 11 June 2022
Hawa-Kullu Mohammed
English Language Teacher, Presbyterian Senior High School, Bechem
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Hawa-Kullu Mohammed “Gender Difference in Students’ Attitude Towards English Language in Selected Senior High Schools in the Sunyani Municipality of the Bono Region of Ghana” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.574-580 May 2022 DOI:
Analysis of Cost Associated with Treatment of Road Traffic Injuries among Victims at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi City Kenya
Zablon anyenda Lipule; Dr Andre Yitambe; Dr Kenneth Rucha – May 2022- Page No.: 581-588
Previous studies have pointed out that road traffic injuries (RTIs) as a leading cause to fatalities of over one million victims globally per year which bears negative impact on health, economy and development of the society as a whole. Furthermore, young men and women at their most economic age group have been identified as the most vulnerable group to road traffic injuries (RTIs) resulting to mortality and very severe morbidity due disability. However, there is little or no published evidence on healthcare resource allocations and utilization after RTIs, especially in developing countries that include those in Africa.
Objective: The main objective of this study was to analyze the total hospital cost related to RTI (Road traffic injury) victims admitted for a period of 3 months. The study demonstrated effects of direct and indirect medical cost , productivity loss and hospital length of stay on total cost of road traffic injuries of RTI victims at KNH.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study design done at the Kenyatta Hospital Nairobi, surgical wards and Accident & Emergency. A sample (n=124) consisted of new victims admitted to the Hospital due to RTI from January 25th 2019 to 24th April 2019., this was two thirds of the sample size at 74% respondent rate who gave consent and all ethical approvals granted. The data collection of direct and indirect medical cost was by data extraction tool, testing of the tools was done at the surgical ward. Productivity loss of the victims was calculated by use of Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire (WPAIQ). SPSS version 22 was applied and descriptive statistics to show frequencies and Percentages for categorical variables (victim’s unique individualized characteristics). Multi Linear Regression Model Test was used test the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
Results: The study results indicated that direct cost factors (laboratory cost, A&E Charges and Diagnostic Cost) (X1: β1 =.199, P<. 047), (X3: β3 =.469, P< .037), and (X4: β4 =.029, P< .048) had a significant influence on the overall cost of treatment of RTI victims seeking treatment at the KNH, there was no significant relationship between Bed Charges (X2: β2 =.117, P>.689) and the cost of treatment of RTI victims seeking treatment at the KNH. The findings of the study also indicated that Y= 7.949+.001X1+0. 458X2+0. .239 X3+ 0. .305X4+e where a .199 change in direct cost, .117 changes in indirect cost, .469 change in total productivity cost and .029 changes in duration of stay in hospital influenced a unit change on the cost of treatment of RTI victims seeking treatment at the KNH. Most distribution of injuries was lower limbs at 51.6%
Conclusion & Recommendation: The study concludes that Road traffic accident is an economic burden to individual, family and country at large. The study recommends, need for an awareness on importance of National Hospital insurance fund (NHIF) as a universal health coverage fund for people at an affordable cost, there is need to reduce the indirect cost of treatment associated indirect cost of treatment, support to from one person or two further increasing productivity time associated with the injury. Further motion study on cost analysis will give a detailed insight on these area of study.
Page(s): 581-588 Date of Publication: 11 June 2022
Zablon anyenda Lipule
Masters of Science health management at Kenyatta University, School of Public health & Applied Sciences department of health management and informatics.
Dr Andre Yitambe
Senior Lecturer Kenyatta University, department of health management and informatics.
Dr Kenneth Rucha
Chair department and lecturer Kenyatta University department of health management and informatics.
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Zablon anyenda Lipule; Dr Andre Yitambe; Dr Kenneth Rucha, “Analysis of Cost Associated with Treatment of Road Traffic Injuries among Victims at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi City Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.581-588 May 2022 DOI:
Availability and Provision of Counseling for Pupils Affected by Post Election Violence in Kenya: A Case Study of Wareng District Eldoret Kenya
Carolyne Mabeya, H. M.N Kodero, Wambua Kyalo – May 2022- Page No.: 595-606
Children’s experience with violence has been linked to a variety of negative outcomes, one of particular importance being children’s school adaptation and success. The 2007 disputed general election that took place in Kenya brought about a lot of pain and suffering to the children. Many children experienced first-hand violence which might have affected their academic performance. The physical effect of a disaster such as the one experienced in 2007 in Kenya left hundreds of people dead and others displaced. The short-term emotional effect of violence, fear, acute anxiety, feeling of emotional numbness, and grief may also be obvious. For many victims, these effects fade with time, but for many others there may be long-term emotional effect, both obvious and subtle. Despite this little emphasis is being put on problems affecting the internally displaced victims most of whom are school going children.
Objectives: To assess the availability and provision of counseling for pupils affected by post election violence in Kenya.
Methods: A causal comparative research design was used. The independent variable was post election violence while the dependent variable was counseling. The study was guided by cognitive behavior theory. Stratified random sampling was used to select schools. The focus was on public primary school. The research population was primary school going children. Class 7 and 8 pupils, School heads and teachers were also used to get information. A sample size of 150 pupils was used. They were selected by random sampling. Data collection was done by use of questionnaires. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics. A biographical form was used to collect personal data. Piloting was done through test- retest approach within the target population. Reliability and validity was tested by use of consultation. Hypothesis was tested by use of chi-square.
Results: A vast majority117 (78%) of participants agreed that guidance and counseling services are available in their schools. The proportion of children who received counseling was 91 (60.7%).There was significant difference between Individual and Group Counseling, gender and Social economic status.
Conclusions: Counselling services were vital in schools affected by post- election violence and that is perhaps one of the reasons why pupils were able to cope and adjust after the violence. The proportion of pupils who received Counselling was higher showing a lot of ground work must have been done to enable students receive counselling services after the post-election violence. The type of counselling most preferred was group counselling suggesting that it was the easiest to offer to pupils affected by post-election violence. The gender factor played a big role in the sense that more female students accessed counselling than to their male counterpart an indication that females could have been the more affected during post-election violence Socio economic status of the parents affected counselling. Pupils of middle economic status received counselling more than the low and high income economic status.
Page(s): 595-606 Date of Publication: 14 June 2022
Carolyne Mabeya
Department of Educational Psychology, Moi University
H. M.N Kodero
Department of Educational and Policy Studies, Moi University
, Wambua Kyalo
Department of Educational and Policy Studies, Moi University
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Carolyne Mabeya, H. M.N Kodero, Wambua Kyalo “Availability and Provision of Counseling for Pupils Affected by Post Election Violence in Kenya: A Case Study of Wareng District Eldoret Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.595-606 May 2022 URL:
Influence of Institutional type and Academic Specialization on the Employability Skills of Undergraduate Students in Southwestern Nigeria
Prof. Babatunde Adeniyi Adeyemi, Associate Prof. Senimetu Ileuma, Mr. Moyosore Oluwatobi Beckley – May 2022- Page No.: 607-613
The study investigated the influence of institutions type on the status of adequacy of employability skills of undergraduate students. It also determined the influence of academic specializations (Science oriented, Arts/Humanities, and Social Sciences) on the status of adequacy of employability skills of undergraduate students and as well established the influence of academic specializations (Science oriented, Arts/Humanities, and Social Sciences) on the strengths and weaknesses of the undergraduates in relation to the identified employability skills. These were with the view of providing information on the importance of institutional type and academic specialization on the employability skills of undergraduate students in Southwestern Nigeria. The study employed Descriptive Survey research design. The population consisted of undergraduate students in Southwestern Nigeria. The sample size was made up of 540 undergraduate students that were selected from Federal, State and Private universities with emphasis on three core areas of socialization. Three research hypotheses were raised and verified. An adapted instrument was employed. The results showed that there was no significant influence of institutional types (federal, state and private) on the status of adequacy of employability skills of undergraduates in the study areas (F = 2.420, p > 0.05). The results also indicated that there was no significant influence of (Science Oriented, Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences) on the status of adequacy of employability skills of undergraduates in the study areas (F = 1.870, p > 0.05), whereas there was significant influence of (Science Oriented, Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences) on the strengths and weaknesses of undergraduates in relation to the employability skills in the study areas (F = 5.590, p < 0.05). The study concluded that institutional type is not a major determinant of the status of adequacy of employability, whereas academic specialization is a determinant of the strengths and weaknesses of the undergraduates in relation to employability skills.
Page(s): 607-613 Date of Publication: 14 June 2022
Prof. Babatunde Adeniyi Adeyemi
Institute of Education, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Associate Prof. Senimetu Ileuma
Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Education, Lead City University Ibadan, Nigeria
Mr. Moyosore Oluwatobi Beckley
Department of Arts and Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Education, Lead City University Ibadan, Nigeria
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Prof. Babatunde Adeniyi Adeyemi, Associate Prof. Senimetu Ileuma, Mr. Moyosore Oluwatobi Beckley, “Influence of Institutional type and Academic Specialization on the Employability Skills of Undergraduate Students in Southwestern Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.607-613 May 2022 URL:
Employee motivation, job satisfaction, live-work balance, material reward and career aspirations
Edward Augustine Benjamin Affainie – May 2022- Page No.: 614-617
Edward Affainie is experienced security and international relations professional with years of experience in the Ghana Armed Forces and the United Nations in complex political and security situations. Currently, he is the Deputy Security Adviser for the United Nations Department of Safety and Security in Zimbabwe and a Doctoral Researcher at the Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) Department at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. He previously worked at the United Nations Headquarters, where he moderated memorandums of understanding between the United Nations and member states to deploy troops for peacekeeping missions. He deployed and managed complex peacekeeping missions from startup to liquidation and served in various capacities in different peacekeeping missions in countries such as Cambodia, Southern Lebanon, Western Sahara, Liberia, Sudan, and South Sudan. His research interests are in the causes of war and conflict, management, leadership, governance, and security. His extensive length of professional experience as a military officer and an international civil servant contributes to his research interests. He retired from the Ghana Armed Forces at his peak career in 2010 at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and as the Deputy Director of Army Peacekeeping Operations at the Army Headquarters. He is a graduate of the Nigeria Command and Staff College and the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College.
Abstract: Companies and Organisations’ existence, stability, and productivity depend mainly on their employees. This essay explores the factors that affect employee motivation, intention, and behaviour. It also examines three of the most recent studies on employee motivation and subsequently analyses these studies’ findings against their chosen theoretical frameworks and assesses their contributions to the framework. The first study by Saraswathi (2011) hypothesises that different professions can influence how employees perceive motivational factors. The second study by Shaikh et al. (2019) hypothesises that motivators and hygiene factors are equally important in improving employee performance. The third study by Kyndt et al. (2012), hypothesises that although intrinsic motivators can contribute to employee’s intention levels, satisfiers may make the inconvenience disappear but do not alter the employees’ intention or behaviours.
The paper identifies gaps in knowledge that arise from these studies and further provides future research recommendations to understand employee motivation further.
The essay provides gaps in the study of employee motivation for researchers in this field to explore further to contribute to knowledge in the field.
Page(s): 614-617 Date of Publication: 14 June 2022
Edward Augustine Benjamin Affainie
POLSIS, University of Birmingham, U.K;
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Edward Augustine Benjamin Affainie “Employee motivation, job satisfaction, live-work balance, material reward and career aspirations” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.614-617 May 2022 DOI:
Building the Kapability of the Main Components of Defense in The Face of the Era of Society 5.0
Afrizah Hendra, Priyanto, Nunik Nurul – May 2022- Page No.: 618-621
This study aims to analyze the strategy of developing the capabilities of the main components of national defense. This study uses a qualitative approach, with a literature study method. The data sources come from articles published in 2020 to 2022. The analytical techniques used are content analysis, data processing and analysis using the Nvivo 12 Plus software. The results of the study found that the strategy for developing the main components of defense in the era of society 5.0 was carried out through education by paying attention to four main components, namely educational facilities, educational curriculum, educators and students.
Page(s): 618-621 Date of Publication: 14 June 2022
Afrizah Hendra
Republic Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Republic Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Nunik Nurul
Republic Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
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Afrizah Hendra, Priyanto, Nunik Nurul, “Building the Kapability of the Main Components of Defense in The Face of the Era of Society 5.0” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.618-621 May 2022 DOI:
Choice of Healthcare Services and Religious Affiliation: A Case Study of the Apostolic Church and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, Calabar, Nigeria
Nya John Ikpeme – May 2022- Page No.: 622-632
Proliferation of Faith-based clinics is giving a new dimension to health care services in Nigeria. Some religious organizations combine their spiritual healing with Orthodox medicine while others reject Orthodox medicine completely. This study examines two religious groups; The Apostolic Church (TAC) and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star(BCS) in Calabar South, Nigeria. An overview of the Profile of the church is presented here with highlights of their key beliefs in health and healing. The relationship between religious affiliation and choice of healthcare services is looked at with an aim to ascertain their preferred choice of health care and level of utilization of orthodox healthcare services. Action Theory was adopted as the working theory for this study. Gathering of data was done using the survey method with interview schedule. Findings show that members of BCS and TAC combine prayers with Orthodox healthcare services but BCS members use Orthodox healthcare services more for surgical cases. Respondents from both churches visit Chemist shops more than they attend hospitals. Further findings show that members from both churches use Orthodox healthcare services more for their children. TAC members use orthodox healthcare services more than BCS members. Recommendations made include increased sensitization of church members on the benefits of orthodox Healthcare services. Improved supervision of Chemist shops by registered Pharmacists to ensure the safety of users is also recommended.
Page(s): 622-632 Date of Publication: 15 June 2022
Nya John Ikpeme
Centre for General Studies, Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH), Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
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Strategy execution as determinant of deposit money banks’ customer satisfaction in Nigeria
Asikhia, Olalekan. U., Makinde Grace. O., Akinlabi, Bababtunde. A. & Adewole, Adekunle. A. – May 2022- Page No.: 633-638
Purpose: This study examined the effect of strategy execution on customer satisfaction in Deposit Money Banks (DMBs), Lagos State, Nigeria.
Methodology: This study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. A sample of 379 staff of eleven quoted DMBs in Lagos State, Nigeria was drawn from a target population of 69,793 using krejcie and Morgan sample size determination formular. Partial Least Square- Structural Equation Modeling was used to test the study’s hypotheses.
Findings: The results showed that strategy execution predicts significant changes in customer satisfaction of DMBs in Lagos State, Nigeria (Adj R2 = 0.425, p=0.000, Q2 =0.226).
Implications: Within the strategy execution framework, management communication and system of shared responsibility (organisational structure) offers the least consistent contribution to organisational performance (including customer satisfaction) compared with other strategy execution dimensions. Hence, the study recommends that management of the DMBs should re-energize their commitment to these dimensions, so that the companies can record higher level of customer satisfaction.
Page(s): 633-638 Date of Publication: 15 June 2022
Asikhia, Olalekan. U.
Department of Business Administration Babcock University Ilishan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
Makinde Grace. O.
Department of Business Administration Babcock University Ilishan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
Akinlabi, Bababtunde. A.
Department of Business Administration Babcock University Ilishan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
Adewole, Adekunle. A.
Department of Business Administration Babcock University Ilishan-Remo Ogun State, Nigeria
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Asikhia, Olalekan. U., Makinde Grace. O., Akinlabi, Bababtunde. A. & Adewole, Adekunle. A., “Strategy execution as determinant of deposit money banks’ customer satisfaction in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.633-638 May 2022 URL:
The Sociology of Poverty in Africa
Dr. Ambrues Monobe Nebo – May 2022- Page No.: 639-647
This paper explores poverty in Africa under the lenses of sociology by unpacking the main cause(s).
Methodologically, this paper employed a qualitative approach with particular emphasis on document analysis researched by some prolific scholars. It conceptualized poverty in Africa as a social problem.
As the theoretical frameworks explaining the sociology of poverty in Africa, the paper was guided by three theories; the individual deficiencies or behavioralist theory, the theory of Cultural Belief Systems that Support Sub-Cultures of Poverty, and the theory of economic, political, and social distortions or, the social progressive theory of poverty. Among these theories, the paper settled on the social progressive theory of poverty that attributes the cause(s) of poverty to economic, political, and social systems that cause people to have limited opportunities and resources with which to achieve income and well-being. It advances the argument that in Africa, poverty is artificial, created, grows and nurtured or fertilized by the economic and social policies our government makes and how they fund the instruments, policies created to counter poverty, and the safety net of public income supports. It also attributes rampant corruption that entrenched extreme poverty to the very same economic, political, and social systems.
Based on the social progressive theory considered as the main framework, this paper concluded that poverty is a deliberately constructed social phenomenon that is strategic to the personal interests or political agenda of politicians. As such, the urge to tackle poverty as they claim have always been a mere lips service and political rhetoric. It recommends that until Africa can deconstruct the economic, political, and social systems that benefit politicians’ personal interests at the expense of vulnerable youth, the continent will remain one of the poorest toppings on the list on this earth
Page(s): 639-647 Date of Publication: 15 June 2022
Dr. Ambrues Monobe Nebo
Sr. Doctor of Sociology
Department of Sociology, African Methodist Episcopal University, Department of Political Science, University of Liberia.
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Dr. Ambrues Monobe Nebo “The Sociology of Poverty in Africa” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.639-647 May 2022 URL:
Repositioning Indigenous Practices for Effective Childhood Education Globally
Fabinu F. A., Ogunleye, T. O., Morondiya, M.O and Eruobodo, O. M – May 2022- Page No.: 648-657
Indigenous education forms part of any nation’s heritage and therefore it is inseparable from
their way of life. This paper examined repositioning indigenous practices for effective childhood education in Epe community. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The sample consisted of two hundred (200) respondents in Epe community randomly selected for the study. A questionnaire titled ‘Repositioning Indigenous Practices for Effective Childhood Education Questionnaire (RIPECEQ)’ was used as instruments to generate data. The data was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentage, Mean and Standard deviation using weighted average, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficients and regression analysis. The result obtained indicated that, modern practices (X = 64.55) have higher mean scores than their indigenous practices on early childhood education (X= 62.80) and there was a positive significant correlation coefficient between indigenous practices and modern practices on early childhood education (r = 0.233; p<.05). More so, child’s active living and services, respect for elders, growth and development did not make significant contribution to indigenous practices in early childhood education. Child’s reasoning (β = -.140; t = 1.826; p<.005) and child’s culture (β = -.344; t = -2.836; p<.005) made significant contribution to indigenous practices in early childhood education. Lastly, weighted average of 2.48 indicated agreement with the fact that indigenous practices have significant importance on Early Childhood Education in Epe community. Based on these findings, there is need to adopt and integrate some of the traditional/indigenous practices into the modern education because it is rich in culture and helps in molding the child in terms of respect, character and the total development of a child.
Page(s): 648-657 Date of Publication: 15 June 2022
Fabinu F. A.
School Early Childhood Care and Primary Education, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education Noforija-Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
Ogunleye, T. O.
School Early Childhood Care and Primary Education, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education Noforija-Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
Morondiya, M.O
School Early Childhood Care and Primary Education, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education Noforija-Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
Eruobodo, O. M
School Early Childhood Care and Primary Education, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education Noforija-Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
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Fabinu F. A., Ogunleye, T. O., Morondiya, M.O and Eruobodo, O. M, “Repositioning Indigenous Practices for Effective Childhood Education Globally” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.648-657 May 2022 URL:
Human Rights Violations in Bangladesh and the Role of Law Enforcement Agencies: A Critical Analysis
Mst. Raeen Afroze, Masrur Abdullah Abid – May 2022- Page No.: 658-664
For the sake of maintaining peace and security, law enforcement agencies are regarded as a critical component of a democratic society. Furthermore, in recent years, violation of human rights by the law enforcement agencies of Bangladesh have grown substantially. The focus of our study is on the pattern of law enforcement agency infractions and their influence on Bangladesh’s law and order. The objectives of this article are to determine the causes of human rights violations in Bangladesh, to make present laws more effective in order to reform the Law Enforcement Agency and evaluate Bangladesh’s current human rights condition. The study is qualitative in nature, with Bangladesh’s case law serving as the primary source of data. The study found that seventy five percent of the detainees were tortured in police custody. This paper also suggests ways to close the gaps that plague our security forces and change them into a force which operates by, under and for the law.
Page(s): 658-664 Date of Publication: 16 June 2022
Mst. Raeen Afroze
Lecturer, Department of Law & Human Rights, Varendra University, Bangladesh.
Masrur Abdullah Abid
Lecturer, Department of Law & Human Rights, Varendra University, Bangladesh
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Mst. Raeen Afroze, Masrur Abdullah Abid “Human Rights Violations in Bangladesh and the Role of Law Enforcement Agencies: A Critical Analysis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.658-664 May 2022 DOI:
Understanding Poverty in Samar, Philippines: A Sociological Perspective
Dr. Abigail M. Cabaguing, Jordan Joseph G. Villanueva – May 2022- Page No.: 665-669
Poverty in the Philippines remains a challenge. In a recent nationwide self-rated survey of the Social Weather Station, more Filipino households consider themselves poor despite the positive feedback on one of the government’s poverty alleviation programs, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4PS). This qualitative study utilized a phenomenological approach to explore the reasons behind this claim. It explored the experiences of poverty from the lower class status, particularly the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries. The study revealed that norms and practices in the family might contribute to their claim of poverty, such as poor lifestyle choices, difficulty prioritizing needs, lack of parenting style, and extended family. Parents’ low education and lack of financial literacy are seen as another factor of poverty. Likewise, religion plays a part in responding to poverty. Participants assert that there is psychological comfort in experiencing poverty because of their religious convictions. Thus, it can be reasoned that sociological factors can affect poverty.
Page(s): 665-669 Date of Publication: 16 June 2022
Dr. Abigail M. Cabaguing
Samar State University, Philippines
Jordan Joseph G. Villanueva
Samar State University, Philippines
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Dr. Abigail M. Cabaguing, Jordan Joseph G. Villanueva, “Understanding Poverty in Samar, Philippines: A Sociological Perspective” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.665-669 May 2022 DOI:
A Foreseeable Epidemic: Cholera Outbreak in Panay Island, Philippines at the Initial Years of the 20th Century
Sarreal D. Soquiño – May 2022- Page No.: 670-678
Epidemic of deadly diseases has been viewed as instrument of change. It can introduce modifications to affected population. The cholera outbreak in Panay at the advent of American rule was preceded by an epidemic of the same disease in Manila sometime in 1902. This serious public health crisis hastened the capitulation of the Panay population to foreign rule.
The method adopted in this study is purely historical research. Archival materials, particularly primary sources, including basic concepts from the health sciences are vital materials for the formulation of this paper. This study took shape based on the assertion that the growth of public health in colonized countries served as a component of Imperialism.
The outbreak began in Manila in March 1902, and rapidly spread to its neighbouring provinces until it reached Panay by August of the same year. Between 1902 and 1906, 33, 562 cases of cholera were recorded in Panay, and 23, 909 perished. This weakened the armed resistance to American aggression which hastened the capitulation of the provinces of Panay to another form of colonial rule. Alongside the establishment of American-sponsored provincial governments in the island, the Philippine Commission introduced a public health program designed to address the problems generated by the outbreak. This public health system served as reliable agent in the pacification campaign.
The local residents expected the reappearance of the disease amidst its deadly presence in Manila. Viewed by experts as a sanitary problem, provincial governments and American health officials educated the public on the importance of sanitation and hygiene. Currently, experts confirm the belief that sanitation prevents an outbreak.
This paper recommends further study on the contribution of outbreak of lethal diseases in shaping the 20th century Philippine public health system.
Page(s): 670-678 Date of Publication: 15 June 2022
Sarreal D. Soquiño
Associate Professor, Filamer Christian University, Philippines
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Sarreal D. Soquiño “A Foreseeable Epidemic: Cholera Outbreak in Panay Island, Philippines at the Initial Years of the 20th Century” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.670-678 May 2022 URL:
Effect of Psychological Preparedness on Pre-Retiree Retirement Planning Behaviour: A Case Study of Employees of The County Government of Nakuru, Kenya
Rose Walubengo, S Kipchumba – May 2022- Page No.: 679-692
Retirement is a period of major changes with diverse consequences in the lives of employees depending on the level of planning and preparedness. Initially, studies focused more on the post-retirement period. However, recently, there has been a shift towards retirement preparedness and planning. In addition, financial aspects dominated retirement planning at the expense of psychological and social preparedness that also play an integral part in the process. This is despite abundant evidence of adverse psychological consequences that characterize pre-retirement and post-retirement stages. Therefore, in addition to finance, it is important to assess the effect of the various constructs of psychological preparedness on pre-retiree retirement planning behavior. This study sought to assess the effect of psychological preparedness on pre-retirees’ retirement planning behavior using a case study of the County Government of Nakuru, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to: determine the effect of future time perspective, retirement goal clarity, perceived financial knowledge, financial planning activity level and perceived savings adequacy on pre-retirees’ retirement planning behaviors of pre-retirees in the County Government of Nakuru, Kenya. The study adopted a case study research design. The target population included the 419 employees at the County Government Head Quarters in Nakuru town in the year 2019. A random sample of 116 employees was selected and included in the study. The study conducted quantitative data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25.0 for Windows. The study found out that psychological preparedness significantly influences retirement planning behaviors. However, the level of financial planning activity and goal clarity were the most important dimensions of psychological preparedness.
Page(s): 679-692 Date of Publication: 17 June 2022
Rose Walubengo
MHRM student, Egerton University, Faculty of Commerce, Business Administration Department, Kenya.
S Kipchumba
Lecturer, Egerton University, Faculty of Commerce, Business Administration, Department, Kenya.
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The Impact of Tax Revenue on Economic Growth: Evidence from Indonesia
Dwi Orbaningsih, Agus Eko Sujianto – May 2022- Page No.: 693-697
Theoretically and empirically explain that tax revenue has an impact on economic growth. This study is intended to conduct a review of tax revenue and economic growth in Indonesia. Research data was collected from the World Bank from 1972 to 2019. The results of this study indicate that tax revenues can significantly increase economic growth, and the correlation of tax revenues with economic growth is strong so that it is recommended for the government to continue fiscal policy with strict management to avoid the bad consequences of the policy.
Page(s): 693-697 Date of Publication: 17 June 2022
Dwi Orbaningsih
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gajayana University of Malang, Indonesia
Agus Eko Sujianto
Professor, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University, Tulungagung, Indonesia
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Dwi Orbaningsih, Agus Eko Sujianto, “The Impact of Tax Revenue on Economic Growth: Evidence from Indonesia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.693-697 May 2022 DOI:
A Descriptive Study of the Growth Strategies Adopted by Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Harare, Zimbabwe (2009 – 2021)
Nothando Tshuma, Simbarashe Gwata, Smarntha Shonhiwa, Amos Mpofu – May 2022- Page No.: 698-704
The role played by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in economic development is substantial, hence their progression and viability is of major concern. This study aimed to describe the growth strategies adopted by SMEs in Harare. A descriptive survey research design was used. In the first strand quantitative data was collected through questionnaires from sixty-one SMEs. In the second strand qualitative data was collected through interviews with thirty selected participants from the first strand. Research findings show that the key strategy used by SMEs is networking market penetration, market development, human resource strategy, diversification strategy and product development strategy. Education was the most prominent factor affecting the choice of strategy. The study recommends SMEs to make use of growth strategies that are in line with their vision and mission. A thorough analysis of the environment wherein they operate should be done before they use a particular growth strategy.
Page(s): 698-704 Date of Publication: 17 June 2022
Nothando Tshuma
National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo Zimbabwe
Simbarashe Gwata
National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo Zimbabwe
Smarntha Shonhiwa
National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo Zimbabwe
Amos Mpofu
National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo Zimbabwe
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Nothando Tshuma, Simbarashe Gwata, Smarntha Shonhiwa, Amos Mpofu “A Descriptive Study of the Growth Strategies Adopted by Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Harare, Zimbabwe (2009 – 2021)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.698-704 May 2022 URL:
An Analysis of The Factors That Affect Adoption of Growth Strategies by SMEs
Tshuma Nothando, Simbarashe Gwata, Smarntha Shonhiwa, Amos Mpofu – May 2022- Page No.: 705-713
The nature and scope of Zimbabwean enterprises has significantly changed in the last two decades. Small and Medium Enterprises now drive the economy hence the widespread interventions and emphasis on them by government and other stakeholders. However, these SMEs still struggle to grow. A major cause could lie in the growth strategies that they employ. This study sought to analyse the factors that affect adoption of growth strategies by SMES.A descriptive survey was used. The study divulges that owners or managers who have attained tertiary education are more likely to adopt market penetration strategy, product development and human resource strategy rather than marketing strategy. Research results also showed that technology significantly influences their adoption of growth strategies. Those SMES with formal organisational structure are likely to adopt marketing strategy. The SMEs are recommended to be proactive when choosing growth strategies. Environmental scanning is essential before they embark on a particular growth strategy in order to be informed of the circumstances that may hinder the successful implementation of the growth strategies
Page(s): 705-713 Date of Publication: 17 June 2022
Tshuma Nothando
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Simbarashe Gwata
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Smarntha Shonhiwa
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Amos Mpofu
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
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Tshuma Nothando, Simbarashe Gwata, Smarntha Shonhiwa, Amos Mpofu, “An Analysis of The Factors That Affect Adoption of Growth Strategies by SMEs” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.705-713 May 2022 URL:
Entrepreneurial Intentions, Capabilities and Skills of Business Students in Selected Universities in Pampanga
Manuelita G. Valencia, DBA, Mary Rose M. Tayag, MBA, and Judy L. Rodriguez, DBA – May 2022- Page No.: 714-720
This study focuses on the Entrepreneurial Intentions, Capabilities, skills of business students in selected universities in Pampanga. The study adopted a descriptive and correlational design using a questionnaire focusing on the respondents’ profile, entrepreneurial Intentions as well as the students’ capabilities and skills. Stratified random sampling was used to determine the respondents. The findings of the study showed that the students disagreed on their entrepreneurial intentions in terms of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs. The students assessed themselves with low entrepreneurial capabilities and skills. Inferential statistics showed that the behavioral and control beliefs have significant difference with school, gender, course, and year level. The course and average monthly allowance have a significant difference with normative beliefs. The significant relationship between entrepreneurial intentions, capabilities, and skills was also identified. Recommendations include promoting more entrepreneurial activities like trade fairs, product planning, business incubation, and other subjects that will be experiential to the students and may create positive behavioral and normative beliefs. These will likewise augment their capabilities that will influence their control beliefs. The curriculum and syllabi may be revisited to ensure the integration of these activities. Discussions on the opportunities that await them and the different business endeavors that they may enter into depending on their skills, should be part of the learning activities to ensure their normative beliefs. Successful entrepreneurs can be partners in honing the students and allow them to have hands-on and adequate internship experience to serve as spurring factors for their entrepreneurial intention.
Page(s): 714-720 Date of Publication: 17 June 2022
Manuelita G. Valencia, DBA
College of Business and Accountancy, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines
Mary Rose M. Tayag, MBA
College of Business and Accountancy, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines
Judy L. Rodriguez, DBA
College of Business and Accountancy, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines
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Manuelita G. Valencia, DBA, Mary Rose M. Tayag, MBA, and Judy L. Rodriguez, DBA “Entrepreneurial Intentions, Capabilities and Skills of Business Students in Selected Universities in Pampanga” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.714-720 May 2022 URL:
Effect of Corporate Human Capital on Financial Performance of Quoted Nigerian Agricultural Firms’ (2007 – 2020)
Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude, Chisom Njideka Ezeaku, Chimarume Blessing Ubah and Dr Felicia Akujinma Anyanwu – May 2022- Page No.: 721-726
This study examined the effect of corporate human capital on financial performance of quoted Nigerian Agricultural firms. The agricultural sector in Nigeria are faced with a lot of challenges (use of crude equipment’s in farming, improper information, agri-marketing, etc.) which hinder productivity. Specifically, the effect of human capital efficiency, capital employed efficiency and structural capital efficiency on return on assets was ascertained. Secondary data for a period 2007 to 2020 were sourced from the annual reports of all the firms quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The Panel Ordinary Least Square (POLS) and the Granger Causality test were the technique employed in estimating the models. The result of the analysis revealed that human capital efficiency and structural capital efficiency have significant effect on return on assets; Agricultural firms should improve their human capacity development (workforce be up to date on ever changing technology) to enhance productivity. This is based on the significant effect of human capital efficiency on return on assets. More investment on human and their growth in the agricultural sector is recommended as it is a significant key for the success.
Page(s): 721-726 Date of Publication: 18 June 2022
Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Chisom Njideka Ezeaku
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Chimarume Blessing Ubah
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Dr Felicia Akujinma Anyanwu
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
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Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude, Chisom Njideka Ezeaku, Chimarume Blessing Ubah and Dr Felicia Akujinma Anyanwu “Effect of Corporate Human Capital on Financial Performance of Quoted Nigerian Agricultural Firms’ (2007 – 2020)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.721-726 May 2022 URL:
Abuse of Power by Government Applications on Government Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Edralin Hayckel, S.IP, Prof. Dr. Sri Zul Chairiyah, M.A – May 2022- Page No.: 727-731
In a democratic country, government power is obtained from the consent of the people, that the people are sovereign and give legitimacy to the power they want. The principle of popular sovereignty states that no individual, group of people or an elite has the right to determine and impose (demand with threats) how others should obey. Indonesia, which is led by a president and assisted by ministers, must be able to use the power and authority it has properly and responsibly. In government policies, there are moral rights and obligations of individuals aimed at the welfare of the wider community. Apparatus who have good morals will produce and implement policies with an orientation to the public interest. However, there are still government officials, including the Minister of the Second Advanced Indonesian Cabinet, who are considered to have abused their power with corruption that is not in accordance with legal, social, religious and humanitarian norms, even during the limited period due to the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic. That power can influence the actions of a government official towards policies that should be carried out properly, as well as the level of awareness of the individual if the power he has belongs to the people, not private property for the benefit of individuals or an elite group, so that public trust in the government can be well maintained.
Page(s): 727-731 Date of Publication: 18 June 2022
Edralin Hayckel, S.IP
Master Student of Political Science Study Program at Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Sri Zul Chairiyah, M.A
Professor of Political Science at Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia
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Edralin Hayckel, S.IP, Prof. Dr. Sri Zul Chairiyah, M.A, “Abuse of Power by Government Applications on Government Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.727-731 May 2022 DOI:
The Role of Knowledge Creation in Knowledge Management: A case of Sri Lankan Research Officers
L.A.K.C. Dahanayaka, D.M. Endagamage, and S.R.S.N Sudasinghe – May 2022- Page No.: 732-739
There are considerable levels of gaps identified in ‘Knowledge Creation’ (KC) and ‘Knowledge Management’ (KM) at individuals’ level as well as the organizational level. The present study examines whether the ‘Social Capital’ (SC) and ‘Information Technology Capability’ (IT) have any significant impact on KM and determine the mediating role of KC on the above relationship in the public sector Research Institutions in Sri Lanka. The study follows the positivistic philosophy and used the hypothetico-deductive method. A questionnaire-based survey was used to collect data and it was done as a cross-sectional survey with a self-administered questionnaire. The population is defined as the research officers in Public Research Institutions in Sri Lanka and the selected sample was 220. The successful response rate is 67%. The findings confirmed that SC and IT have a significant impact on the KM with the model accuracy as 31.3%. When the KC mediates the relationship from SC to KM and IT to KM, the explained variation of the KM can be enhanced up to 61.2% and 45.2% respectively. Therefore, the research institutions should pay special attention to KC while facilitating for SC, IT and KM.
Page(s): 732-739 Date of Publication: 18 June 2022
L.A.K.C. Dahanayaka
Assistant Registrar (Programme), Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka
D.M. Endagamage
Senior Lecturer, Department of Decision Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
S.R.S.N Sudasinghe
Director General, National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka,
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L.A.K.C. Dahanayaka, D.M. Endagamage, and S.R.S.N Sudasinghe “The Role of Knowledge Creation in Knowledge Management: A case of Sri Lankan Research Officers” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.732-739 May 2022 DOI:
Defense Strategies for Large Island and Cluster of Small Island in Preparation for Modern Warfare
Emir Zulkarnain Mokodompis, Joni Widjayanto, Helda Risman, Wayan Nuriada – May 2022- Page No.: 740-744
The war between Russia and Ukraine opened the eyes of the entire international community about the potential for modern wars and third world wars, especially for Indonesia which implemented the defense strategy of the major islands. The strategy is oriented towards building defense forces on large islands, so as to protect themselves from attacks from the enemy and provide protective assistance to small islands located nearby. But the concept of defense that focuses on large islands needs to be reviewed for its suitability to face the threat of modern warfare, especially proxy wars, which instead focus on small and outer islands that are not the main focus of defense force development. Based on this, this research was carried out with the aim of examining the suitability of the defense strategies of large islands to deal with modern warfare, as well as the development of strategies that can effectively face modern warfare. The Research method that was used for this study literature. The research used the secondary method of data collection. The method of data analysis was content analysis. The results stated that the defense strategy of the big islands has loopholes, making it less effective to deal with the threat of modern warfare in the form of proxy wars. The development of a strategy that can be done is to establish the radar defense strategy as one of the orientations in the defense strategy of the big island. Thus, the construction of defenses on large islands is not only oriented inward, but also to the surrounding small islands. Practically speaking, the defense concept is part of the defense of large islands that prioritizes the implementation of joint tni trimatra operations that are conventional and non-conventional, which have a wider scope to reach all areas of small islands around large islands.
Page(s): 740-744 Date of Publication: 18 June 2022
Emir Zulkarnain Mokodompis
Total War Strategy Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University
Joni Widjayanto
Total War Strategy Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University
Helda Risman
Total War Strategy Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University
Wayan Nuriada
Total War Strategy Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University
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Emir Zulkarnain Mokodompis, Joni Widjayanto, Helda Risman, Wayan Nuriada, “Defense Strategies for Large Island and Cluster of Small Island in Preparation for Modern Warfare” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.740-744 May 2022 DOI:
Influence of Learners’ Characteristics and Enabling Inputs on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry
Okafor, N & Fajugbagbe, O – May 2022- Page No.: 755-761
This paper examined the influence of learners’ characteristics (prior knowledge and school readiness) and enabling inputs (instructional, infrastructural facilities and human resources) as well as school type on secondary school students’ achievement in chemistry. Three research questions guided the study. Correlational and quantitative research designs were adopted which involved a sample of 469 Senior Secondary School 2 (SS2) chemistry students from Anambra State. Three instruments were used in data collection which include: Learners Characteristics Rating Scale (LCRS); Enabling Inputs Rating Scale (EIRS) and Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT). Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, step-wise and multiple regression analysis. Results show that school types, prior knowledge and teaching-learning materials had highest influence on students’ achievement in chemistry. Also, a joint influence of teaching-learning materials, infrastructural facilities and human resources on students’ achievement in chemistry was obtained. The paper concludes that adequate attention should be given to learners’ characteristics and enabling inputs to foster quality education in Nigeria as stipulated in the senior secondary school chemistry curriculum. The paper suggests that schools should be adequately prepared in providing stimulating, inspiring and learner-friendly classroom environments for meaningful teaching and learning of chemistry to take place.
Page(s): 755-761 Date of Publication: 18 June 2022
Okafor, N
Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Fajugbagbe, O
Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria
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Okafor, N & Fajugbagbe, O “Influence of Learners’ Characteristics and Enabling Inputs on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.755-761 May 2022 URL:
Understanding Informed Consent: An in Depth Analysis
Katwa, Joseph Kigen, Joyce Lugulu – May 2022- Page No.: 762-769
Introduction: The history of informed consent started at the same time with the advent of calls for regulation in health related research. This was done in reaction to the Nuremberg trials of 1947 when Nazi physicians conducted abhorrent medical research on prisoners held within concentration camps. Despite the publication of the Nuremberg Code and the trying of Nazi doctors for abuse of human rights, cases of other researchers still subjecting human participants to unethical research continued to emerge. Informed consent evolved in response to failures by researchers to respect the dignity of human subjects. They failed to ensure that participants were given the full power to decide whether or not to participate in their researches.
Objective: This study sought to examine research participants’ views when giving informed consent in the researches they have taken part in.
Methods: This was a qualitative study done using in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for data collection. The target population was exclusively people who had participated in health-related research and who resided at Kapseret. Snowball sampling method was used to select 102 participants of both genders. They were divided into 12 focus groups discussion of 8 to 9 members each. To have homogeneous groups, gender, age and educational level were considered when forming the groups. To enable the FGDs to discuss intimate issues freely, participants of the same age group were placed together. Males and females were grouped separately. Collected data was transcribed and FGD-generated themes which were finally analyzed.
Results: Participants showed evidence of having understood and given informed consent before taking part in health related research. However, their consent seems to have been influenced by other factors which they gave more priority. As such, an IRB requirement demand that participants understand consent forms before signing, the reality at the research site is different. Before assenting to take part in a research, participants would want to know the benefits that would accrue to them. An example is that of participants’ valuing money paid as transport refund so much that it seems to be compelling them into joining research.
Conclusion: There is a greater need to educate research participants concerning research and benefits. As much as justice demands that participants should benefit from what they have participated in, it should be made clear to the participants that the said benefit comes if the research yields positive results.
Page(s): 762-769 Date of Publication: 20 June 2022
Katwa, Joseph Kigen
Moi University School, College of Health Sciences, Eldoret, Kenya.
Joyce Lugulu
Department of Medical Education, Moi University School of Medicine
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Katwa, Joseph Kigen, Joyce Lugulu, “Understanding Informed Consent: An in Depth Analysis” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.762-769 May 2022 URL:
Dynamic Managerial Capabilities on Firm Performance: Evidence from Travel Agencies and Tour Operators in Kenya
Dr. Titus M. Kising’u & Ruwaida Hassan Mwajambia – May 2022- Page No.: 770-783
Purpose: The general purpose of this research was to examine the effect of dynamic managerial capabilities on firm performance in travel agencies and tour operators in Mombasa County, Kenya. Specifically, the research sought to determine the effect of managerial human capital capability, managerial social capital capability, and managerial cognitive capability on firm performance in travel agencies and tour operators in Mombasa County, Kenya.
Drawing on the resource-based theory, dynamic capabilities theory, and dynamic managerial capabilities theory, the research utilized a positivist research philosophy and a non-experimental research methodology. The research paper utilized correlational research design and a cross-sectional survey design for testing noncausal relationships among variables. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 29 travel agencies and 86 tour operators in Mombasa County, Kenya. A cross-sectional survey-based approach was used to collect primary data gathered using self-administered structured questionnaires delivered through the drop and pick method. Data was processed and entered into the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 26 to create a data sheet to be used for analysis. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis was performed to confirm or deny the relationship between the variables. Multiple linear regression analysis was used for hypotheses testing.
Findings: Findings revealed that dynamic managerial capabilities had direct positive effect on firm performance. The results indicated that managerial human capital capability, managerial social capital capability, and managerial cognitive capability were able to positively and significantly predict firm performance.
Practical implications
Managers and policy makers within the travel and tourism sector should to focus on strengthening dynamic managerial capabilities to improve the performance of travel agencies and tour operators as they recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
This research generates novel insights into how dynamic managerial capabilities predict firm performance in the context of travel agencies and tour operators. However, the current research has a number of limitations, some of which offer fruitful avenues for future research. Future research could examine into how dynamic managerial capabilities predict firm performance in other sectors or in other regions
Page(s): 770-783 Date of Publication: 20 June 2022
Dr. Titus M. Kising’u
Ph.D, Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT), Mombasa, Kenya
Ruwaida Hassan Mwajambia
Masters candidate, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT), Mombasa, Kenya
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Dr. Titus M. Kising’u & Ruwaida Hassan Mwajambia “Dynamic Managerial Capabilities on Firm Performance: Evidence from Travel Agencies and Tour Operators in Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.770-783 May 2022 URL:
Physical and Social Self-Concept and Lesbianism Tendencies Among Senior Secondary School Girls in Uvwie Local Government Area (L.G.A.) Of Delta State, Nigeria
Denwigwe, C.P., Edward, A.N., Arop, L., Azubuko, A. H., and Asuquo, P.N. – May 2022- Page No.: 784-788
The study investigated the influence of physical and social self-concept on lesbianism tendency among senior secondary school girls in Uvwie Local Government Area (L.G.A) of Delta State, Nigeria. The ex-post facto research design was used for this study. Three research hypotheses were formulated to guide this study namely: 1. Physical self-concept does not significantly influence lesbianism tendencies among senior secondary school girls.2. Social self-concept does not significantly influence lesbianism tendencies among senior secondary school girls. The hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. A sample of 218 senior secondary school girls was randomly selected from a population of 2,112 senior secondary school girls in Uvwie L.G.A. of Delta State, Nigeria. The Self-concept and Lesbianism Tendency Questionnaire (SLTQ) was the instrument for data collection. It was face-validated by two experts in Measurement and Evaluation and one expert in Guidance and Counselling at the University of Calabar, Nigeria. The reliability of the instrument was established through a trial test which yielded a Cronbach alpha reliability estimate of between 0.73 and 0.85 making the instrument to be deemed reliable. The independent t-test statistical technique was the statistical tool for data analysis. Findings revealed a significant influence of physical self-concept on lesbianism tendency and a significant influence of social self-concept on lesbianism tendency among the secondary school girls who participated in the study. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that professional counsellors should play a unique role in addressing issues related to sexual orientation while also making conscious efforts toward shaping the right behaviours.
Page(s): 784-788 Date of Publication: 20 June 2022
Denwigwe, C.P.
Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Edward, A.N.
Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Arop, L.
Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Azubuko, A. H.
Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Asuquo, P.N.
Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Calabar, Nigeria
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Denwigwe, C.P., Edward, A.N., Arop, L., Azubuko, A. H., and Asuquo, P.N., “Physical and Social Self-Concept and Lesbianism Tendencies Among Senior Secondary School Girls in Uvwie Local Government Area (L.G.A.) Of Delta State, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.784-788 May 2022 DOI:
Differences in Knowledge and Practice of Health Information Management among Health Care Managers in Urban and Rural Districts of Ghana: A Comparative Study
Richmond Bediako Nsiah, Solomon Anum-Doku, Dominic Nyarko, Wisdom Takramah, Gbiel L. Ngmenlanaa, Gifty Sefaah Owusu, George Hector Amonoo, Gilbert Dagoe, Sabina Appiah, Justice A. Boahen – May 2022- Page No.: 789-793
Health care managers in urban settings have a greater advantage over their rural counterparts when it comes to the needed essential training and logistics such as access to constant information technology and communication media to ensure effective health information management among health facilities. This assumption perceived health care managers in urban settings to have adequate knowledge and practice of health information management compared to their rural counterparts. This study, compared means scores of knowledge and practice of health information management among rural and urban health care managers in 67 conveniently selected government health facilities from 1st February to 10th March 2022 in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The study consisted of 37 (55.2%) urban and 30 (44.8%) rural managers of government health facilities (N= 67). Adequate health information management knowledge levels for rural and urban settings were 36.7% and 34.3% respectively. The level of adherence to good health information management practices for rural and urban were 53.3% and 43.2% respectively. The study revealed no statistical difference in the mean scores for knowledge t(65) = -0.08, p = 0.94 and practice t(65) = -0.59, p = 0.56 of health information management between rural and urban settings. Continuous capacity building tailored to health information management is paramount to ensure adequate knowledge and practice to improve health information practice among health facility managers in both rural and urban settings.
Page(s): 789-793 Date of Publication: 20 June 2022
Richmond Bediako Nsiah
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
Solomon Anum-Doku
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
Dominic Nyarko
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
Wisdom Takramah
School of Public Health, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho, Ghana
Gbiel L. Ngmenlanaa
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
Gifty Sefaah Owusu
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
George Hector Amonoo
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Central Region, Ghana
Gilbert Dagoe
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
Sabina Appiah
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
Justice A. Boahen
Public Health Department, Ghana Health Service, Ashanti Region, Ghana
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Richmond Bediako Nsiah, Solomon Anum-Doku, Dominic Nyarko, Wisdom Takramah, Gbiel L. Ngmenlanaa, Gifty Sefaah Owusu, George Hector Amonoo, Gilbert Dagoe, Sabina Appiah, Justice A. Boahen “Differences in Knowledge and Practice of Health Information Management among Health Care Managers in Urban and Rural Districts of Ghana: A Comparative Study” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.789-793 May 2022 DOI:
Effect of Public Debt on the Economic Growth of Nigeria (1986 – 2020)
OChima Kenneth Anachedo, Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude*, Dr Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba and Andrew Izuchukwu Nnoje – May 2022- Page No.: 794-800
This study examined the effect of public debt on economic growth in Nigeria. Specifically, the effect of domestic debt and external debt on real gross domestic product was ascertained. This study applied a test of causation to determine the effect of public debt on economic growth in Nigeria from 1986 to 2020. The secondary data were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin of various issues. The dependent variable is economic growth measured by real gross domestic product, while the independent variable is public debt measured by domestic debt and external debt. The short-run relationship depicted that domestic debt has insignificant negative relationship with economic growth in Nigeria, whereas external debt has positive significant relationship with economic growth. With respect to the effect of domestic debt and external debt on economic growth, the granger causality test revealed that there is a bidirectional causal relationship between domestic debt and economic growth in Nigeria. This is to say that domestic debt has significant effect on economic growth. Similarly, it was also found that economic growth exerts significant effect on domestic debt. Though external debt would not be considered as an evil fiscal policy arrangement of the government, external loans contracted should be properly and efficiently channeled to capital expenditure which improves the manufacturing sector capacity, generates employments and reduced poverty which ultimately result in the acceleration of the pace of economic growth
Page(s): 794-800 Date of Publication: 21 June 2022
Chima Kenneth Anachedo
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Dr Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Andrew Izuchukwu Nnoje
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
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OChima Kenneth Anachedo, Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude*, Dr Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba and Andrew Izuchukwu Nnoje “Effect of Public Debt on the Economic Growth of Nigeria (1986 – 2020)” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.794-800 May 2022 URL:
Sand Extraction and Its Impact on the Livelihood of Rural People of Bangladesh: Evidence from Brahmaputra River
Md Golam Rabbani, Professor Pradip Kumar Panday – May 2022- Page No.: 801-807
The demand for sand has risen dramatically as a result of rising urbanization and industrialization. Sand becomes a scarce resource. In Asia, sand demand is described as “non-linear.” For example, China used more sand to produce concrete in 2011 and 2013 than the United States did in the whole twentieth century. The government delegated sand extraction to private parties. Sand grabbers take sand in a variety of unlawful and unexpected ways since it is considered a successful industry. Illegal sand extraction has negative consequences for the riverine ecology and people’s livelihoods. Most newspaper articles focus on the negative effects of unlawful and sand mining in underdeveloped nations like Bangladesh, where a large number of people rely on river-based economies to meet their fundamental necessities. Academics have mostly disregarded the social aspects of sand extraction. In this regard, the purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of sand extraction on the lifestyle of people living along riverbanks and chars. Primary data was obtained from Chilmari (Sub-district), Kurigram, where the Brahmaputra River has an impact on people’s lives in various ways, in order to achieve the research’s goals. Using primary and secondary data, it can be concluded that unlawful and unplanned sand extraction contributed significantly to the destruction of the river-based ecology and environment. Individuals, communities, and states lost human, natural, social, and physical capital (property) as a result of degraded ecosystems and environments. Finally, it had an impact on the life of Bangladesh’s riparian people.
Page(s): 801-807 Date of Publication: 21 June 2022
Md Golam Rabbani
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
Professor Pradip Kumar Panday
Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
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Md Golam Rabbani, Professor Pradip Kumar Panday, “Sand Extraction and Its Impact on the Livelihood of Rural People of Bangladesh: Evidence from Brahmaputra River” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.801-807 May 2022 URL:
Understanding The Aspect of Socialization in The Market Context Today
Dominic Mukoza – May 2022- Page No.: 808-817
The lifestyle of human beings and the texture of their social life necessitate aspects of learning, copying, relating, interacting and conforming to the norms and values agreed upon in any social setting. The aspect of interdependence in any society is indispensable amongst human beings. The article treats markets as social structures embedded with diverse relationships, mutual interactions, connectivity and networks, that open up avenues for socialization to occur through its process of learning and internalization. It is undeniable that every social setting exhibits some norms and values that regulate its members. Markets too as public spheres contain norms, rules and values, which market actors learn, copy, and internalize. The article seeks to unveil the fact that market actors hail from diverse cultural backgrounds. As they enter into markets, they interact, learn, internalize and adopt some behavioral components that in one way or the other reshape and mould their patterns of behaviors.
Learning and adapting new behaviors however, may depend from one individual to the other. Some people may develop instrumentally rational behaviors (actions pursued for their own sake), and others may develop ego-centered behaviors, some may be economically or socially oriented towards value commitment. The article considers how the above mentioned and many other aspects of behaviors are moulded, and nurtured in markets through various aspects of mutual interactions, relations, and learning. It studies the above from an outlook of socialization as a process that helps to mould them.
The article reviews the nature of markets today in Tanzania, and some factors that influence the buying and selling behaviors. It makes use of both empirical and theoretical sources of data, and it uses a conceptual framework that embodies the two approaches. The conceptual framework adapted is based on Pickton & Broderick model of consumer behaviors (2005), which explains the relations among various aspects of consumer behaviors. It makes use of qualitative approach towards its data collection and thematic analysis of the data presented.
Page(s): 808-817 Date of Publication: 21 June 2022
Dominic Mukoza
Department of Sociology, St. Augustine University of Tanzania
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Dominic Mukoza “Understanding The Aspect of Socialization in The Market Context Today” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.808-817 May 2022 URL:
Survey Analysis of Women’s Extra Rights Including Quota- How Far It is Truly Needed or Asked from Job Seekers Whether It is Constitutionally Approved or Not
Sunanda Majumdar, Khalid Mahmud Bappy, Sheikh Mehbuba Moitree, Md. Sarjahan Hossain – May 2022- Page No.: 818-823
The research article reflects upon the most talked about topic regarding Women’s Empowerment and how it relates to the concept of Women’s Quotas in Job Seeking Sectors. The Paper includes the debate or argument that today’s youth comprise while looking for a job, points out the standard against women quotas and views of the general public regarding the issue. The research report shows us the perspective of different gender and whether they want the women quotas to be abolished or reformed or not. The article shows the successes of women empowerment through quotas and their clashes, constitutional justifications of women empowerment in different countries, focusing on the alternative solution that the government can make. It concludes with the theme of whether Women’s Empowerment can be enshrined without women quotas or not.
Page(s): 818-823 Date of Publication: 21 June 2022
Sunanda Majumdar
Department of Port and Shipping Management, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
Khalid Mahmud Bappy
Department of Maritime Law and Policy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
Sheikh Mehbuba Moitree
Department of Maritime Law and Policy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
Md. Sarjahan Hossain
Department of Maritime Law and Policy, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
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Sunanda Majumdar, Khalid Mahmud Bappy, Sheikh Mehbuba Moitree, Md. Sarjahan Hossain, “Survey Analysis of Women’s Extra Rights Including Quota- How Far It is Truly Needed or Asked from Job Seekers Whether It is Constitutionally Approved or Not” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.818-823 May 2022 URL:
The Threshold Effect of Domestic Public Borrowing on the Nigerian Economy
Raymond Osi Alenoghena, Justin Amase, Adolphus Arhotomhenla Aghughu – May 2022- Page No.: 824-833
TLike many other developing countries, the Nigerian government has increased domestic borrowing recently. This study examines the nonlinear relationship between domestic borrowing and economic growth, covering 1980 and 2019. The study adopts the threshold regression approach to establish the switching point between domestic borrowing and economic growth in Nigeria. The results reveal that the domestic borrowing and economic growth threshold is 14.88% of GDP with an inverted U-shaped curve. The maximum turning point of the variables implies the application of the debt Laffer Curve in Nigeria, showing that domestic borrowing is favourable to the economy before the threshold. However, additional domestic borrowing after the threshold induces an adverse effect on the economy. Also, the regression results of the non-varying threshold measures show that while the effect of external debt has been positive and significant on economic growth, gross fixed capital formation and inflation were negative and significant. Therefore, while recommending more rigorous monitoring and efficient utilisation of domestic borrowed funds by the government, the study emphasises the application of the threshold of 14.88% of GDP on domestic borrowing in the country.
Page(s): 824-833 Date of Publication: 22 June 2022
Raymond Osi Alenoghena
Dept. of Economics, University of Lagos, Akoka Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.
Justin Amase
Prsidential Economic Advisory Council, Federal Secretariat, Phase II, Abuja, Nigeria
Adolphus Arhotomhenla Aghughu
Auditor General for the Federal Government of Nigeria and Chairperson, African Union Board of External Auditors, Audit House, Central Business District (CBD), Abuja, Nigeria.
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Raymond Osi Alenoghena, Justin Amase, Adolphus Arhotomhenla Aghughu “The Threshold Effect of Domestic Public Borrowing on the Nigerian Economy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.824-833 May 2022 DOI:
Effects of Intellectual Capital Cost on Performance of Selected deposit Money Banks Quoted in Nigeria
Akinsulire, Oyemolu Olugbenga – May 2022- Page No.: 834-844
The lack of consensus in reporting on the impact of intellectual capital cost on overall organizational value necessitated the current study. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the effect of intellectual capital (IC) and its various components on the financial and market performance of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks (DMBs). Data for the study were extracted from the audited financial statements of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) listed on the Nigerian Exchange over a ten-year period (2011-2020) as at 31st December 2020, and independent variables derived from Public’s (2000) Modified Value-Added Intellectual Capital Adequacy Ratio (MVAICAR) components were regressed against dependent bank performance metrics (Return on Assets (ROA) and Market to Book value of equity proxy by Tobin’s Q (TQ). Expo facto design was employed and the multiple regression technique was used to determine the existence of relationship between the variables. Human Capital Adequacy Ratio (HCAR), Relational Capital Adequacy (RCAR), and Capital Employed Adequacy Ratio (CEAR) were all positively and significantly related to ROA (P=0.000,0.000,0.0400 =0.003,0.439,0.067 at 5 percent significant level), whereas Structural Capital Adequacy Ratio (SCAR) was positively related but insignificant (P=0.130 =0.011at 5 percent). HCAR and RCAR, on the other hand, were favorably and considerably associated to Tobin’s Q (P=0.001,0.0.009=5.03,3.31 at 5 percent significance level), whereas CEAR and SCAR were positive but negligible (P=0.972,0.644=0.04,0.48 at 5 percent significance level). The findings from the study revealed that investing in overall intellectual capital components have a positive and significant effect on the financial and market performance of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks and recommend that regulators should incorporate Intellectual Capital investment as part of the framework for improving and reinforcing banks reporting system on performance and value.
Page(s): 834-844 Date of Publication: 22 June 2022
Akinsulire, Oyemolu Olugbenga
Babcock University, Nigeria
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Akinsulire, Oyemolu Olugbenga, “Effects of Intellectual Capital Cost on Performance of Selected deposit Money Banks Quoted in Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.834-844 May 2022 URL:
Application of Rules and Regulations on Students’ Involvement in Arson at public boarding secondary schools in Migori County, Kenya
Jannes Okinyi K’odero, Wilson A. P. Otengah, Lazarus Millan Okello – May 2022- Page No.: 845-853
In the last 20 years there has been global increase of episodes of school unrests characterized with violence and arson attacks. They resulted to destruction of schools’ property and death. Arson persists with latest cases seen in 2021. Past studies have not focused on social and cultural aspects in learning institutions as possible causes of arson. The study focused on the application of rules and regulations on students’ involvement in Arson at public boarding Secondary schools in Migori County. Descriptive Cross-sectional survey design. It involved 380 students of form 3 and 4 from 28 public boarding secondary schools which had experienced Arson from 2017 to 2020; and 28 KII’s. Probability sampling techniques were used to arrive at the respondents, KII’s were purposively selected. Questionnaires and FGDs were used on main respondents; and interview schedule for KIIs. Quantitative data was analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlations and presented in graphs, tables and charts. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. It was revealed that utilization of school rules and regulations had a positive significant relationship (r= .447, p<.05) with students’ involvement in arson. Further, informal discussion on school rules and regulations had a positive significant relationship (r= .487, p<.05) with students’ involvement in arson. The study recommends that the ministry of education should outline the guidelines for formulation of school rules and regulations
Page(s): 845-853 Date of Publication: 22 June 2022
Jannes Okinyi K’odero
Rongo University Kenya
Wilson A. P. Otengah
Rongo University Kenya
Lazarus Millan Okello
Rongo University Kenya
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Jannes Okinyi K’odero, Wilson A. P. Otengah, Lazarus Millan Okello “Application of Rules and Regulations on Students’ Involvement in Arson at public boarding secondary schools in Migori County, Kenya” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.845-853 May 2022 DOI:
The Prevalence of Kidnapping for Ransom in Karenbana Parish, Kontagora Diocese, Nigeria
Sebastine Musa Dogmo, Dr. Elijah Macharia Ndung’u, Sr. Marilyn Atimango – May 2022- Page No.: 854-858
Since the late 1990s, kidnapping in Nigeria has become increasingly a thing of concern, and like wildfire, it is ravaging towns and cities. The main objective of this study is to assess the relationship between kidnapping for ransom and victims’ psycho-spiritual well-being. This article is devoted to one of the objectives, the prevalence of kidnapping for ransom in Karenbana Parish, Kontagora Diocese, Nigeria. This research examines kidnapping for ransom and the Psycho-Spiritual wellbeing of the victims in Karenbana Parish of Kontagora Diocese, Nigeria. The study’s findings show a moderate relationship between kidnapping for ransom and victims’ psycho-spiritual well-being, with Pearson’s correlation coefficient of two variables of r=.377**, implying that kidnapping has had a moderate impact on victims’ psycho-spiritual well-being in Karenbana Parish of Kontagora Diocese. The theories for this research were Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and William Glasser’s Choice theory. The target population was 17,000 according to the Annual Diocesan Statistics as at December, 31, 2020 comprising of men, women and youth/children. 391 chosen as the sample size but only 309 were validly returned questionnaires out of which 15 participants were purposively chosen for interview. 94.5% of respondents agree that kidnapping has been rampart in their area, which means there is a high rate of kidnapping for ransom. The research also revealed that 86.7% of the respondents believe that God loves them and cares about them, which shows a high level of psycho-spiritual well-being. The study will be beneficial to Government, the Church, and the local community and for psycho-therapists who engage in helping victims.
Page(s): 854-858 Date of Publication: 22 June 2022
Sebastine Musa Dogmo
Pycho-Spiritual Institute of Lux Terra Foundation, Abuja, Nigeria at Marist International University, College, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr. Elijah Macharia Ndung’u
Lecturer Department of Counseling Psychology Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya
Sr. Marilyn Atimango
Pycho-Spiritual Institute of Lux Terra Foundation, Abuja, Nigeria at Marist International University, College, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
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Sebastine Musa Dogmo, Dr. Elijah Macharia Ndung’u, Sr. Marilyn Atimango, “The Prevalence of Kidnapping for Ransom in Karenbana Parish, Kontagora Diocese, Nigeria” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.854-858 May 2022 URL:
Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund, Government Expenditure on Agriculture and Agricultural Output in Nigeria 1990 – 2020
Dr Christopher Mmaduabuchukwu Okpala, Dr Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba and Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude – May 2022- Page No.: 859-867
The effect of agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund and government total expenditure on agriculture on agricultural sector’s contribution to real gross domestic product was evaluated in this study. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin serves as the data bank for the time series data from 1990 to 2020. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique was employed in estimating the models. The OLS result revealed that agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund has a positive significant effect on agricultural sector’s contribution to real gross domestic product. On the other hand, the effect of government expenditure on agriculture on agricultural sector’s contribution to real gross domestic product is positive but not significant. There is the need for the government to inject more funds into agricultural financing schemes, especially the agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund and also ensure that the funds are effectively disbursed for agricultural activities. Government expenditure on agriculture should be increased to reflect the importance of this sector to the economic development and growth of the country. The budgetary allocation of the government on agricultural sector should not only be increased but measures should be taken to ensure that the budget is released and implemented as at when due.
Page(s): 859-867 Date of Publication: 22 June 2022
Dr Christopher Mmaduabuchukwu Okpala
Department of Banking and Finance, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State, Nigeria
Dr Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude
Department of Banking and Finance, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, PMB 5025, Awka, Nigeria
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Dr Christopher Mmaduabuchukwu Okpala, Dr Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba and Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude “Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund, Government Expenditure on Agriculture and Agricultural Output in Nigeria 1990 – 2020” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.859-867 May 2022 URL:
High School Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge About Stem Education: The Ordinal Logistic Regression Model
Charles Kojo Assuah, Robert Benjamin Armah, Rufai Sabtiwu, Grace Abedu & Stephanie Assuah – May 2022- Page No.: 868-879
This study analyses high school mathematics teachers’ knowledge about STEM education. Three hundred and fifty (350) Senior High School teachers, comprising one hundred and eighty-one (181) males and one hundred and sixty-nine (169) females, selected from schools in the central region of Ghana, participated in the study. The proportional odds model of the ordinal logistic regression comprising a five-point Likert scale (i.e., highly not aware, not aware, neutral, aware, highly aware) dependent variable, and continuous and nominal predictor variables were used for the study. The results indicated that the significant predictors were math attitude, teacher competency in math, motivation, Asanti, Fanti, Ewe, Ashanti, Bono, Northern, Savannah, and Volta, P < .05. These variables either significantly decreased or increased the predicted log odds of falling at a higher level of the outcome variable while holding the other variables constant. The Exp(β) provides the odds ratio associated with each predictor, with a 95 % C. I. The adjusted odds ratio for Math attitude was 2.56, with a C.I of -.34-.32. The adjusted odds ratio for Teacher competency in Math was 1.08, with a C. I of -.17-.33, the adjusted odds ratio for Motivation was 2.25, with a C. I of -.56- -.02, the adjusted odds ratio for Fanti was 2.23, with a C. I of .08-1.31 and the adjusted odds ratio for Islam was 1.10, with a C.I of -1.41-1.22. The implication of the study is that the government could enact laws that would make it mandatory for all science and mathematics teachers to use a comprehensive integrative STEM curriculum for instruction. This integrative curriculum must have science, technology, engineering, and mathematics components appropriately selected. The study concludes that teachers should reorient their perspectives and understanding of their self-efficacy beliefs about STEM education. The government, municipal, and district education offices could organise periodic professional development programmes on STEM education for teachers to possess specific personal and professional characteristics
Page(s): 868-879 Date of Publication: 29 June 2022
Charles Kojo Assuah
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Education, Winneba
Robert Benjamin Armah
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Education, Winneba
Rufai Sabtiwu
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Education, Winneba
Grace Abedu
Unipra South Inclusive Basic Schools, Winneba Basic Schools, Winneba
Stephanie Assuah
Department of Science Education, University of Education, Winneba
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Charles Kojo Assuah, Robert Benjamin Armah, Rufai Sabtiwu, Grace Abedu & Stephanie Assuah ” High School Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge About Stem Education: The Ordinal Logistic Regression Model” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.868-879 May 2022 URL:
Health Situation for Elderly Persons in Developing Societies: The Case of Cameroon
Teke Johnson Takwa (PhD) – May 2022- Page No.: 880-884
This study examines the health situation of elderly persons in Cameroon using data from the 2005 General Population and Housing Census. This health situation is measured via the prevalence of chronic diseases,disabilities and life expectancy after 60. This study reveals that 6% of elderly persons in Cameroon suffer from at least one disability with blindness being the most prevalent. 5.8% of them suffer from at least a chronic infection with hypertension being the most frequent, followed by diabetes. With proper diagnosis, prevalent rates of chronic infections could be much higher. At 60, life expectancy is 15.4 years and by age 80, this expectancy has dropped to only 4.2 years. Life expectancy for elderly women is higher than that of elderly men.Gaps for life expectancy for both elderly women and men reduce with age and become almost zero after 89 years. The elderly population is increasing in Cameroon at a time when the health care systemis not yet fully developed to handle their complicated health situations. There is need to develop geriatric health care with emphasis on early diagnosis, and treatment of chronic infections and disabilities as well as need to subsidize health care costs for the elderly. There is also need to advise younger generations against risky behaviours that expose them to chronic infections before they reach old age.
Page(s): 880-884 Date of Publication: 30 June 2022
Teke Johnson Takwa (PhD)
Demographer, Central Bureau for Censuses and Population Studies, Yaoundé-Cameroon
Lecturer, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Bamenda, Cameroon
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Teke Johnson Takwa (PhD) “Health Situation for Elderly Persons in Developing Societies: The Case of Cameroon ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.880-884 May 2022 URL:
Thermal Performance and Energy Efficiency of Naturally Ventilated Classrooms: A Case Study on Some Urban School Buildings Located in Bangladesh
A. F. M. Mohiuddin Akhand – May 2022- Page No.: 885-891
The paper mainly concentrates on the thermal performance of the naturally ventilated classrooms of the urban school buildings in Sylhet in Bangladesh. The focus lays on the significance of naturally ventilated classrooms in specific climatic zones the energy efficiency issues where some of those pictures based on the review of the prevailing ideas in the literature and case studies as well. The notion of the thermal impacts due to the natural ventilation is not merely a perceptual entity but also a physical reality. The aim behind the study is to determine the characteristic features of natural ventilation to visualize the theme of thermal environment inside of the classrooms and to understand the collective impacts from the present scenario of ventilation pattern. But, now, it has been identified that the concept of naturally ventilated buildings encompasses the energy efficiency, identity and amiability of the existent features. It comprises a significant physical comfort, healthy thermal environment and also minimizes the use of electricity and energy as well.
Page(s): 885-891 Date of Publication: 30 June 2022
A. F. M. Mohiuddin Akhand
Department of Interior Architecture, Shanto-Mariam University, Dhaka
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A. F. M. Mohiuddin Akhand “Thermal Performance and Energy Efficiency of Naturally Ventilated Classrooms: A Case Study on Some Urban School Buildings Located in Bangladesh ” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.885-891 May 2022 DOI:
Economic Stabilization Policy in Nigeria: Reassessing the Classical-Keynesian Uncertainty Controversy
Mbah Catherine Chidinma, Okoli Chike Kingsley, Uzonwanne Maria Chinecherem(PhD), Orjime Simon Mtswenem – May 2022- Page No.: 892-899
The economic theory proposes adjustment in the lending interest rate as a means of attaining macroeconomic stabilization through inflation targeting. The inability of policymakers to bring about the desired change in inflation without looking at the past values of the lending interest rate and inflation draws us into the economic uncertainty debate between the Classical and Keynesian schools of thought. Using the lending interest rate as a proxy for macroeconomic stabilization policy, this study determined whether it is the classical assertion that the future behaviour of economic variables can be perfectly predicted from historical data that holds for Nigeria, or it is the opposite notion of Keynes. This was done by analyzing trends in Nigeria’s lending interest rate, inflation rate and economic growth over the period of 1986 to 2020. The relevance of macroeconomic stabilization policy in Nigeria was also examined using a structural vector autoregressive model. Findings agreed with the Keynesian notion that due to uncertainty, the future behaviour of economic variables cannot be predicted by historical data. This has made the macroeconomic stabilization policy in Nigeria ineffective. However, the policy is still relevant in Nigeria and should not be undermined. The study recommends alternative policy options such as formulating an employment-targeting stabilization policy alongside the inflation targeting policy as this may likely stabilize the economy and also prepare the economy for economic uncertainty.
Page(s): 892-899 Date of Publication: 30 June 2022
Mbah Catherine Chidinma
Department of Economics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Okoli Chike Kingsley
Department of Economics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Uzonwanne Maria Chinecherem(PhD)
Department of Economics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Orjime Simon Mtswenem
Research and Development, Young Afro-Leaders Network.
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Mbah Catherine Chidinma, Okoli Chike Kingsley, Uzonwanne Maria Chinecherem(PhD), Orjime Simon Mtswenem “Economic Stabilization Policy in Nigeria: Reassessing the Classical-Keynesian Uncertainty Controversy” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.892-899 May 2022 DOI:
Performance of Local Governments in Zimbabwe under The COVID 19 Pandemic: A Case of Mvurwi and Harare
Luxon Mutsakani, Anesu Mironga – May 2022- Page No.: 900-906
The article sought to assess the performance of local authorities in Zimbabwe during the pandemic. Harare city Council and Mvurwi Town Councils are the two local authorities who are considered in the analysis. The article undertakes a wide scope review of literature in order to conceptualise the problem under study. The study was a qualitative study that made use of case study approach. A sample of 20 officials from the two local authorities under study were selected conveniently. Data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Findings show that the two local authorities are located one hundred kilometers from each other’s but they are facing similar challenges. Findings showed that both Mvurwi and Harare local authorities continued to provide services to rate payers. This was despite the challenges emanating from the pandemic. One of the main challenges faced was the decrease in revenue collected by the local authorities. The closure of businesses during the hard lockdown period contributed to this. Service delivery was negatively impacted by the fall in revenue as councils’ capacity to provide the same was seriously curtailed. Local authorities were unable to pay service providers. Falling revenue meant that the local authorities were unable to acquire these necessities and the implications for service delivery and performance were expectedly negative. Local authorities have actively participated in the fight against the pandemic. For instance, local authorities have established quarantine centres for all suspected Covid-19 cases. Safe to conclude that the COVID pandemic has grossly affected the service delivery aspect of local authorities in particular Harare City Council (HCC) and Mvurwi City Council (MCC) through depriving revenue collection and setting aside all resources generated by local authorities towards fighting the COVID and pandemic through the procurement of personal protective clothing, construction of isolation centres and procurement of vaccines. The local authorities are engulfed in a plethora of challenges which continuously deters progress. It is best that a political establishments view development with a shared vision. Further it was recommended that a more collaborative approach be adopted by local authorities and the central government in order to optimize service delivery. Local authorities should tap into various forums globally so as to identify best practices in service delivery implementation and emulate these. The pandemic has exposed cracks in the healthcare system at all level and local authorities ought to work to address these
Page(s): 900-906 Date of Publication: 30 June 2022
Luxon Mutsakani
College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance, Africa University
Anesu Mironga
College of Business, Peace, Leadership and Governance, Africa University
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The Link between Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Planning in the Ghana Forestry Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
Mercy Serwah Owusu Ansah, Emmanuel Oppong Peprah – May 2022- Page No.: 907-914
The study explores stakeholder engagement and strategic planning in Ghana’s forestry sector. Stakeholder engagement has been studied in sustainable development over the past two decades, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to “leave no one behind.” Indeed, emerging approaches to sustainable development emphasize the need to create relationships with stakeholders and the search for appropriate methods to include stakeholders in local strategic planning—this literature review analyses how stakeholders have been involved in strategic planning in Ghana’s forestry sector. The aim is to identify possible opportunities for developing governance structures that enhance stakeholder participation in policy and strategic planning. Aligning forest stakeholders around a shared purpose will contribute to the sustainable management of the resource
Page(s): 907-914 Date of Publication: 30 June 2022
Mercy Serwah Owusu Ansah
Graduate School, Valley View University, Accra, Ghana Director, Tropenbos Ghana
Emmanuel Oppong Peprah
Management and Public Admin. Dept., Faculty of Business, Accra Technical University, Accra, Ghana
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Mercy Serwah Owusu Ansah, Emmanuel Oppong Peprah “The Link between Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Planning in the Ghana Forestry Sector: A Systematic Literature Review” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) volume-6-issue-5, pp.907-914 May 2022 URL: