Special Issue on Education | Education Collection

The “Special Issue on Education”, featured within the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, serves as a dynamic platform to explore and discuss cutting-edge developments in the realm of education.

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Open Access for All
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Years of Publishing Excellence
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Reviewers from 71+ Countries
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Is the special issue on education an open-access publication?

Yes, the special issue on education follows the principles of open access. All content published within this special issue of this  Education Journal is freely accessible to the global community, promoting an inclusive and barrier-free exchange of knowledge in the field of education

Do published articles in the special issue receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?

Yes, all published articles in the special issue on education are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The DOI for our journal is 10.47772/IJRISS. The DOI ensures the permanence and accessibility of each published work, allowing for easy citation and retrieval.

What is the ISSN for the special issue on education?

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is 2454-6186. This unique identifier facilitates accurate identification and indexing of publications.

Who can submit to the special issue?

We welcome submissions from academics, researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders in the field of education. Contributions from diverse perspectives and backgrounds are encouraged.

What is the focus of the special issue on education journal?

The special issue focuses on innovative approaches, emerging trends, and impactful research within the field of education.

How will submissions be reviewed for the special issue on education?

Submissions for the special issue will undergo a rigorous blind peer-review process. Authors can expect timely feedback from expert reviewers.

Is there a publication fee for accepted submissions in the special issue?

Yes, there is a publication fee associated with accepted submissions for the special issue. However, we have affordable fees in place to promote research and ensure accessibility for all contributors.


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