The “Special Issue on Psychology,” featured within the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, serves as a dynamic platform to explore and discuss groundbreaking advancements and emerging trends in the field of psychology.
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Open Access for All
Years of Publishing Excellence
Reviewers from 71+ Countries
Countries Global Authorship
Share your groundbreaking research with an international audience
Be featured in the next edition!
We are now accepting submissions for the next issue of 2025. This is your opportunity to contribute to the year’s concluding edition and showcase your research to a global audience.
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the “Special Issue on Psychology.” This special issue aims to gather high-quality research and insights into a broad range of psychological topics. We invite submissions that contribute to understanding and addressing contemporary challenges in psychology, including but not limited to:
We invite submissions that address a wide range of topics, including but not limited to.
Publishing model | Open access
82 ( Total)
Authors from 40+Countries
Published Articles
Time to
First Decision
Submission to
Acceptance to
Publishing model | Open access
82 ( Total)
Authors from 40+Countries
Published Articles
Sri Lanka
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Psychology as well as Education and Sociology
Masinde Muliro University Of Science And Technology
Faculty of Physical Education, Port said University, Egypt
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Indexing And Abstracting
Open Access for All
Empowering Knowledge Sharing with 100% Open Access for All
Years of Publishing Excellence
Over a Decade of Trusted Knowledge Dissemination
Reviewers from 71+ Countries
A Worldwide Network of Expert Reviewers from Diverse Countries
Countries Global Authorship
A Global Overview of Authorship Trends Across Countries
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