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The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on employee’s Performance in Ghana Army in Accra, Ghana

The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on employee’s Performance in Ghana Army in Accra, Ghana

1Sanderson Kyeraa Yeboah (Ph.D)., 2Henrietta Mary Davis. M.A (HRM), 3Andoh Nicholas (Ph.D).

1School of Education, Department of Business Education Valley View University, Ghana.

2OLA College of Education, General Administration (HR department)

3School of Education, Department of Business Education Valley View University, Ghana.


Received: 15 August 2024; Accepted: 22 August 2024; Published: 30 August 2024


The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of human resource management practices on employees’ performance in the Ghana Army. The specific objectives of the study are to establish the effect of career development on employee performance in the Ghana Army, assess the effect of compensation on employee performance in the Ghana Army, examine the effect of performance appraisals on employee performance in the Ghana Army and investigate the effect of recruitment on employee performance in Ghana Army. The study used a quantitative approach to collect data from the respondents in the Ghana Army. The study employed a descriptive survey design. Primary data was collected utilizing a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages and regression analysis was used to examine the effect of human resource management practices on employee performance. The study findings indicate that career development, compensation, performance appraisal, and recruitment have statistically significant positive effects on employee performance in the Ghana Army. Recruitment and selection have a statistically significant positive effect on employee performance in the Ghana Army. This study, therefore, recommends that the management of the Ghana Army should regularly review compensation and appraise employee to increase their performance.

Keywords: training, career development, compensation, employee performance


Background to the Study

The human resource management (HRM) is attracted a great deal of attention because of its potential impact on organization’s survival and prosperity. Human Resource management practices is the framework for helping employees develop their skills, knowledge, and abilities, which in turn improves an organization’s effectiveness (Sablok, et al. 2017). Training and development as human resources management aims at assisting employees to develop their skills, knowledge, and abilities, which in turn improves an organization’s effectiveness (Sarinah, et al. 2017). It helps organizations develop their workforce through employee training and career development, which improves organizational effectiveness and performance. The focus of all aspects of human resource development is on developing a superior workforce so that the organization and its employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers (Satish, 2020).

Another form of HRM practices is Performance appraisal which is the regular review of an employee’s job performance and overall contribution to a company (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017). Employee performance appraisal is very important to increase profits so as to create welfare for all employees. Employee performance appraisal is one form to determine whether it is in accordance with the set targets or not (Indiyati et al., 2021).  Heywood, Jirjahn and Struewing, 2017) postulate performance appraisal as a process to improve employee’s work performance by helping them realize and use their full potential in carrying out the organization’s missions and to provide information to employees and managers for use in making work related decisions.

Employee compensation contains the benefits that an employee receives in exchange for the service they provide to their employee. Compensation includes monetary payments like bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards, and sales commission, as well as non-monetary perks like a company-paid car, and company-paid housing (Ramirez, 2017). Compensation contains the benefits that an employee receives in exchange for the service they provide to their employer. Employee compensation is generally one of the largest costs or expenses for any organization. Compensation includes monetary payments like bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and sales commission, as well as nonmonetary perks like a company-paid car, company-paid housing (Ramirez, 2017). The compensation awarded to the employee is dependent on the volume of effort exerted, the nature of job and skill.

Career advancement is the professional development path that involves moving from an initial position to a higher position within an organization or industry (Greer & Kirk, 2022). Its relevance to performance lies in employees’ motivation to increase productivity due to clear advancement opportunities (Naa et al., 2021). The advancement process usually requires skill development and knowledge, which, in turn, enhances an individual’s ability to handle more complex tasks (Sakamoto, 2019). Career advancement also serves as recognition for good contributions, creating an environment where rewards for high performance can enhance overall employee motivation and satisfaction (Madhani, 2020). It is important organisations assist their workforce to acquire the essential skills, competencies and expertise to effectively address the continuously changing requirements of the organization in the Ghana Arm force (Hasan & Chowdhury, 2023). The relevant skills and expertise can be acquired through career development plans that can assist employee to achieve their career goals (Madhavan, Venugopalan, Gupta, & Sisodia, 2023). Rubin and Edwards (2018) studied the influence of career development on employee performance.  Findings showed that career development and organizational culture had positive and significant influence on employee performance.

Motivation is an encouragement from within a person to achieve what is desired, or work motivation is a driving force to get a job done effectively (Hasibuan, 2019). Motivation is one of the important things because it will increase an employee’s work enthusiasm to produce good performance. If motivation is high, performance will also increase and vice versa. The more often motivation is given to employees, the more employee performance increases. Motivation is a key factor in employee performance. A number of studies have been conducted on the topic of motivation and its effects on employee performance. Several studies from Emerald Publishing have found that there is a significant relationship between motivation and employee performance (Hues, Bernthal, & Bolles, 2018; Shang & Hsieh, 2019).

To increase employee performance, and ensure productive and efficient workforce, for any organization, proper HRM practices are necessary. This is because efficient human resources are the key to increase employees’ performance. Good employee performance is the desire of every company. Performance is identified by the capacity of the organization to be able to identify opportunities and innovations in achieving its general goals (Asiedu et al., 2020). Employee performance is proven by the quality of work in completing any given job quickly and precisely so that it can achieve the targets set by the organization (Sopiah et al., 2021). The study examines the effect Human Resource Management Practices which basically covered the career development, compensation, performance appraisal and how these HRM practices affect employee performance in Ghana Army a case study in Accra.

Statement of the Problem

Hamid (2014) suggests essential factors that affect performance are training and development, career advancement, level of work motivation and performance appraisal. Employee performance will be enhanced if there are proper human resource management practices are applied. From observations found that there are still employees who arrive late, use more than the specified break time, perform below the expectations, unmotivated and lack career development to enhance their level of performance. The organisation’s training and development programmes, career development is low which affect employee performance. The researcher’s personal observation at Ghana Army show that the HRM practices has been poor and this negatively affect the employees’ performance in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra. This problem compelled the researcher to examine the human resource management practices and its effect on effect on employee performance using Ghana Army a case study in Accra. A review of the past studies showed that some studies have been done on human resource management such as on the job training (Bartlett, 2011), Career planning (Ssesanga and Garrett, 2005) and reward scheme (Flatt & Jacobs, 2018) in other countries with varied conclusion. Research conducted by (6 Anggapraja, 201; Syafdiana 2020) shows that simultaneously the application Human Resource management practices has a significant positive effect on employee performance. In contrast to research (Simanjuntak, 2021), which shows that human resource management practices no significant effect on employee performance (Simamora, 2004); (Hasibuan, 2016).

These studies showed that little studies have been done on the effect of human resource management practices on employees’ performance in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra. Therefore, this study seeks to fill the gap by examining the effect of human resource management practices on employees’ performance in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of human resource management practices on employees’ performance in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra.

Objective of the Study

The specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. Establish the effect of career development on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra
  2. Assess the effect of compensation on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra
  3. Examine the effect of performance appraisals on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra.
  4. Investigate the effect of training and development on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra.

Research Questions

The following research questions will guide the study:

  1. What are the effect of career development on employee performance of in the Ghana Army in Accra?
  2. What are the effect of compensation on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra?
  3. What are the effect of performance appraisals on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra?
  4. What are the effect of training and development on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra?

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study would inform the policy makers in formulating appropriate HRM policies and strategies for enhancing the employee performance in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra. The study will be key in adding knowledge to the academicians and scholars who may wish to conduct research related to the human resource management practices. This is because the study will add value to the existing body of knowledge since it will recommend on human resource management practices on employee performance. Moreover, it will broaden the existing literature besides adding more insight to the available knowledge as well as act as a source of literature for institutions of higher learning.


Conceptual Review

The Concept of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Also, HRM practices, such as training and development, career development, performance appraisal and compensation and rewards, manage the retention of talents and skills to achieve organizations’ goals (Ana et al., 2019). According to Armstrong (2016) the goals of HRM are supporting the organization in achieving its objectives by developing and implementing human resource (HR) strategies that are integrated with the business strategy (strategic HRM) to contributing the development of a high performance culture ensuring the organization has the talented, skilled and engaged people it needs, creating a positive employment relationship between management and employees and a climate of mutual trust and encouraging the application of an ethical approach to people management

The effect of career development on employee performance

Manggis, Yuesti and Sapta (2018) studied the effect of career development on employee performance and found that revealed that profession advancement has positive and significant effect on employee performance. According to (Sari & Dewi, 2020; Imna & Hassan, 2015) employee career development have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.  Nasution, Mariatina and Zahreni (2018) showed that career development had positive and significant influence on employee performance. Career development entails the management of a person’s growth and progress in his or her own career. Career development involves various alternatives such as developing abilities, preserving current skills and getting ready for the future ahead of just receiving promotion (Çiğdem & Belgin, 2014).

Empirically, studies by (Ramadhani, Muis, & Amar, 2020; Sari & Dewi, 2020) show that when employees perceived career development practices are more positive, it has a significant and positive effect on employee performance (Imna & Hassan, 2015). Similarly, most of the research shows that enhancing CD opportunities causes to increase in employee performance Also, some studies found that when organizations poorly practice CD, although it has a significant and negative influence on employee turnover intention (Manthi, Kilika, & Kimencu, 2018).

Effect of compensation on employee performance

Empirically, some studies conducted by (Aleem & Bowra, 2020) showed that reward and compensation practices (R&C) cause to increase employee performance. It was also found in other contexts that R&C practices have significant and positive effects on employee performance (Hanai & Pallangyo, 2020).  Mmbusa (2019) findings of the study showed that compensation such as good salary bundle can enhance staff member motivation, minimize staff member turnover and rise performance, motivation plans inspire employees for higher performance and efficiency. Study conducted by researchers (e.g., Akter &Husain, 2016) showed that compensation and rewards have strong positive effect employees’ performance. For achievement of the employee as well as organizational performance.

Effect of performance appraisals on employee performance

Tanveer, et al. (2011) study revealed that performance appraisal has positive effect on employee performance According to Jouda (2016) study found that performance appraisal increase employee performance and efficiency on the university performance. Ruwan (2020) concluded that Organizations can improve their operations the use of effect performance appraisals. Similarly, a study conducted by Tesema and Soeters (2019) established that performance appraisal has a positive relationship with employee performance.  An appropriate performance appraisal system provides a basis for evaluation of an employee’s performance and improves employee performance ((Malik, Baig, & Manzoor, 2020; Aleem & Bowra, 2020).

Training programme is very critical for academic staff job performance in tertiary institutions. Ogunode, et al. (2023) maintained that employee training and development program is a program that equips workforce with techniques and modern pedagogy strategies that helps them to better connect with, manage and enhance their performance. Employee training and development programs, when conducted in the right manner and with the right content, have the power to train employee to sharping their skills and hence performance improvement. The training is meant to improve staff professional skills and knowledge. Training enables staff to gain the knowledge required to perform their duties while contributing to organizational development (Ogunode, Ukozor & Chijioke, 2024). These training programs are designed to help staff learn different skill sets to perform their daily tasks efficiently, improve overall performance, develop efficiency in their job, and avoid violations of laws and regulations (Ogunode, Ukozor & Chijioke, 2024).

Employee performance

Mangkunegara (2019) defines employee performance as a qualified and quantified performance of an employee in doing his job according to his responsibility as an employee. Quantity is the outcome which can be measured how far a person can be successful in achieving his goal, while quality is how a person makes many mistakes, disciplined, and punctual. Working time is referred to the amount of a person’s attendance, his lateness, and his length of service in the previous year. Employee performance is a work result achieved by someone in carrying out their work duties by the standards given in quality, quantity, and timeliness (Ahmad, 2023).  Employee performance will be needed to increase organizational productivity, employee performance determines the organization because it is required to carry out their duties with full responsibility so it is very important to maintain (Agista et al., 2021). Performance is an action to do work to be more active so that work is expected to be completed faster and better (Kusuma et al., 2021). A good job can only be created from strong human resources. Every organization really wants its employees to have the skills, competencies to enable them the duties assigned to the employees. According to Ahmad (2023) employee performance is the result or performance of employees assessed in terms of quality and quantity based on work standards determined by the organization.  Monalis (2020) further added that performance is the process of consolidating goal placement, assessment, and performance development in a single, shared system to ensure employee performance results are by their role in contributing to achieving company goals. Adzima (2019) states that performance results from work achieved by a person based on job requirements. Employee performance is a core interest for any organization as it reflects the organizational productivity by reflecting the employee’ ability to attain the goals as planned.

Conceptual Framework

The section presented the conceptual framework to further explain and link the concepts understudy. The framework was provided to organise the study’s ideas and also make conceptual differences. The framework provided a pictorial view which was useful for organising empirical research. The conceptual framework showed the independent variables which career developments, compensation, performance appraisal and recruitment and the dependent variable is employee performance.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Source: Andoh (2024).

Figure 1: The conceptual framework of this study includes four independent variables and one dependent variable. Independent variables are factors that influence the dependent variables variable. The independent variables in the study consist of the work itself, recognition, salary and allowances. The dependent variable is employee performance.

Empirical Review

Ijigu (2015) examined the effect of human resource Practices on employee performance in the case of ministry of trade and industry. The Correlation results indicated that recruitment and selection, Reward management, Performance appraisal and training and development were significantly and positively correlated with the employee performance in MOTI. In regression analysis recruitment (29.3%) and selection and reward management (23.7%) have greater effect on employee performance in the ministry. In general, the variation of 45.9% of employee performance due to the predictors of Human resource practices (recruitment and selection, and Reward management, Performance appraisal and training and development).

Jouda, Ahmad and Dahleez (2016) examined the impact of human resource management practices (HRMPs) on employee’s performance at Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) in Palestine. The findings of this research study have reported that HRMPs (recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and incentives, performance appraisal) are positively related to employee’s performance. Nasution, Mariatin and Zahreni (2018) conducted a study on the influence of career development on employee performance at Bank Pembangunan Daerah. The study used quantitative approach which involved 242 permanent employees of Bank Pembangunan Daerah. The result of statistical analysis showed that career development had positive and significant influence on employee performance. Again, Onwumelu and Dialoke (2018) investigated the impact of human resource development on employee performance in Rivers State, Nigeria. Finding revealed that training has a positive impact on employee performance. Also, organizational development impact positively on the performance because of the X2 values is 70.862 greater than the tabulated value of Eshetu (2022) assess the effect of human resource practice on employee’s productivity. The population of this study was conducted to Head office employees of Zemen bank. The total numbers of employee belonging to the Head office are 349 and from which a sample of 262 was be drawn. This research was used both descriptive and explanatory research design because it enables the study to clearly investigate the characteristics and nature of the study undertaken and the cause-and-effect relationship with explanatory and dependent variables of the study. The data was gathered from primary sources through the use of structured questionnaires. To answer the research questions, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequency tables and econometrics analysis both person correlation and multiple regression was used. The results of the study shown that out of five independent variables three variables (Performance appraisal, Employee involvement and compensation) found to be statistically significant effect on employee productivity in Zemen bank. The results of multiple regressions revealed that Training, performance appraisal, career plan, employee involvement and compensation had a positive and significant effect on employee productivity. Based on the finding of the study Training is imparting a specific skill to do a particular job while development deals with general enhancement and growth of individual skill and abilities through conscious and unconscious learning.

Shiferaw (2022) examined the impact of training, performance appraisal, and compensation as HRM practices on employees’ performances at Bule Hora University, Ethiopia. Thus, the selected HRM practices have a significant impact on employees’ commitment, punctuality, trust, and deliverables in both quality and quality negatively. It is also indicated that the practices have also impacted the productivity of the university. Thus, there are significant relations between training, performance appraisal, and commitment. The study discussed the theories that relates to the objectives of the study. The chapter also discussed the key concepts understudy and also presented the study’s empirical review with respect to the research objectives. Finally, the study presented the conceptual framework to provide a pictorial view of its research objectives.


Research Design

The study used descriptive survey design research. The design provides thoughtful insights into a given topic, provides flexibility, better inferences and helps to generalise results The quantitative approach was employed for the purpose of the study. The target population consist of staff of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra.

Sample and Sampling Procedures

The final sample size was determined using the formula by Kothari (2004) as given below:

n=N/(1+N(e)2 )


n = sample size,

N= population universe and

e= the confidence level

The formula adopted a confidence level of 95% and the margin of error is therefore 0.05% which is acceptable in social science research. The break down for each of the group is calculated as follows:

n=N/(1+N(e)2 )

n=  189/(1+189(0.05)2 )

n=  189/(1+189(0.0025))

n =  189/1.30=128

The simple random sampling technique was used to 128 respondents. The simple random sampling technique gives each member an equal opportunity to be selected

Data Collection Instrument

The study employs primary source of data using questionnaire. The questionnaire was adopted from a scale developed by Yusoff et al. (2020) that comprises items performance appraisal and compensation. The use of questionnaire ensure anonymity, permit use of standardized questions and ensure uniform procedures. The questionnaire was measured on 5-points Likert ranging from 5=Strongly Agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neutral, 2= Disagree and 1=Strongly Disagree. The questionnaire consisted of four sections. The section A of the questionnaire covers the demographic information of the respondents such as age, experience, gender and educational qualification. Section B covered the items on effect of career development on employee performance of the Ghana Army a case study in Accra. Section C covered the items the effect of compensation on employee performance of the Ghana Army a case study in Accra. Section D covered the items on the effects effect of performance appraisals on employee performance of in the Ghana Army a case study in Accra.

Reliability of the Instrument

A Cronbach Alpha (alpha) test was carried out to ensure the instrument’s reliability. recommend that acceptable alpha is at least 0.70 or above. Masilamani and Aris (2009) recommend that acceptable alpha is at least 0.70 or above.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher personally administered the questionnaire and respondents were assured of confidentiality of any information given by them on the questionnaire. The data collection took o four working days from Monday to Friday.

Data processing and Analysis

the inferential statistical tool specifically linear regression was employed to analyse the third objective of the study. The study met the following assumptions underpinning the use of linear regression: uniformity of variation, data linearity and independence, sample adequacy (≥30) and the data should have a normal distribution (Brown, 2014; Little & Rubin, 2014).


Demographic Characteristics of the Respondent

The study gathered on gender, age, number of years’ respondents have worked, educational background and marital status of the respondents. The responses are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage (%)
Male 62 48.4
Female 66 51.6
Total 128 100.0
Responses Frequency Percent
below 20 years 4 3.1
20-29 34 26.6
30-39 43 33.6
40-49 27 21.1
50-59 16 12.5
 Above 60 years 4 3.1
Total 128 100.0
Number of years have you been in this business Frequency Percent
0-5 Years 40 31.3
6-10 35 27.3
11-15 25 19.5
16-20 18 14.1
21years and above 10 7.8
Responses Frequency Percent
WASSCE 25 19.5
Diploma 64 50
Bachelor’s Degree 31 24.3
Master’s 8 6.3
Total 128 100.0

Source: Field Survey (2023)

The results in Table 3, shows that the majority 51.6% of respondents were females whilst 48.4% were females. Results showed that female were more that the males male. The results also show that (33.6%) represented 30-99 and was followed by that within the age group of 20-29 which is 26.6%. Moreover, 21.1% of the respondents were within the age group of 40-49. The respondents within the age range of 50-59 was 12%. The finding showed that ages of 30-99 years. This gives meaning to this survey’s finding that the majority of the respondents are young. The education qualification showed that the majority 50% of the respondents had Diploma qualification, followed by 24.3% who had Bachelor’s Degree, 19.5% of the respondents had WASSCE, and 6.3% had Master’s qualifications. These results imply that the respondents had obtained good qualification and will able to understand the issues under discussion. They were able to provide credible information on effect on human resource management practices on employee performance in Ghana Army.

Table 2: Correlations between human resource management practices on employee performance in Ghana Army.
Employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra Career development Performance Appraisal Training and Development Rewards_compensation
Employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra Pearson Correlation 1 .605** .684** .585** .493**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 160 160 160 160 160
Career development Pearson Correlation .605** 1 .654** .388** .338**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 160 160 160 160 160
Performance Appraisal Pearson Correlation .684** .654** 1 .582** .311**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 160 160 160 160 160
Training and Development Pearson Correlation .585** .388** .582** 1 .335**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 160 160 160 160 160
Rewards and compensation Pearson Correlation .493** .338** .311** .335** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 160 160 160 160 160
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 2 presents the correlation analysis of human resources management practices and employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra.  The results showed that career development has strong positive correlation with employee performance (r = .605**, p < 0. 05). This result is statistically significant implying that career development contributes to employee performance. The results further showed that performance appraisal has strong positive correlation with employee performance in Ghana Army (r = .684**, p < 0. 05). The results established that training and development has strong positive correlation with employee performance (r = .585**, p < 0. 05), there was a moderate correlation between rewards and compensation and employee performance (r = .493**, p < 0. 05). The finding agreed with (Abu & Kamol, 2018; Kumar, 2015) found statistical significant positive correlation between career development, training and development, performance appraisal, rewards and compensation and employee performance and performance. The findings aligned with that of Nor, et  al., (2020) who established that human resource management practices  such as training and development, performance appraisal and compensation have statistically significant positive effect on employee performance

Regression Analysis

In order to conduct the regression analyses, regression assumptions such as normality teat, multi-colinearity, autocorrelation were checked to avoid inaccurate interpretation of the data. The study checked the normality test assumption using histogram as shown in Figure 2

Diagnostic tests and results

Diagnostic tests were performed to verify the fit of the regression model to the data. The regression analysis is based on the five assumptions of normality, linearity, no heteroskedasticity, no multi-collinearity and independence of residuals. A model fits the data if these assumptions are met (Hughes & Sharrock, 2016). In order to conduct the regression analyses, regression assumptions such as Normality teat, Multiolinearity, autocorrelation were checked to avoid inaccurate interpretation of the data. The study checked the normality test assumption using histogram as shown in Figure 2

Figure 2: Regression Standardized Residual

The findings show that the histogram of the regression standardized residual displays an approximately normal curve. This means that the normality assumption was met (Garson, 2012). The histogram showed that the data was normally distributed and does violate the regression as assumption.

The study also used the used a normal P-P plot was also used to test for normality. The results are shown in Figure 3

Figure 3: Observed cum Prob

The results showed that the data is normal. The graph revealed that the points spread around the diagonal line and therefore follows the direction of the diagonal line and the points do not move away from the diagonal line. The findings show that the plot of the regression standardized residuals is approximately along the straight line in Figure 3. This means that the residuals were normally distributed (Garson, 2012).

Figure 4: Regression Standardized Predicted Value

Durbin Watson Test

Durbin-Watson is a test statistic that is used to check and detest whether the is autocorrelation problem. The findings show that the Durbin-Wartson statistic was 1.717. This means that the assumption of independence has been met because the value is within the acceptable range of 1.5 to 2.5 (Garson, 2012). The assumption of no autocorrelation between the residuals was also tested using the Durbin-Watson statistic for the second model where the dependent variable was the return on equity.

Multicolinearity Test

It is also assumed that the independent variables are uncorrelated. The assumption of no multicollinearity was examined using VIF and tolerance for the model where financial performance was the dependent variable. The results are shown in Table 3

Table 3: Multicolinearity Test

Tolerance VIF
Compensation and Rewards .552 1.812
Career Development .445 2.246
Training and Development .634 1.576
Performance Appraisal .836 1.196

Source: Field Survey (2023)

The findings show that the Compensation had a VIF of 1.812 and a tolerance of 0.552. The Career Development had a VIF of 2.754 and a tolerance of .445. Training and Development had VIF of 1.576 and a tolerance of .634. The Performance appraisal had a VIF of 1.196 and a tolerance of .836. Findings indicated that there were no multi-collinearity issues as all independent variables had tolerance greater than 0.2 and VIF less than 10, and therefore all independent variables were included in the multiple regression model (Garson, 2012). The model summary results are presented in Table 4.

Table 4: Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .782a .611 .601 1.52800 1.448
a. Predictors: (Constant), Rewards and compensation, Performance Appraisal, Training and Development, Career development
b. Dependent Variable: Employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra

Source: Field Survey (2023)

The study conducted Multiple Regression analyses to examine the effect of human resource management on employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra.  The results showed that, the coefficient of determination R-Square was .611; indicating that independent variables (employee compensation, Performance appraisal, training and development, Career development) in the model jointly explained about 61.1% of the variation in employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra.  This means that 38.9% of the variation in employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra can be explained by other factors not included in this study. The findings of the study agree with several researchers (Aburumman et al., 2020; Boon et al., 2019; Kalyanamitra, Saengchai, & Jermsittiparsert, 2020; Jeffrey & Prasetya, 2019) who found that rewards and compensation, career development, training and has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance.

The results in Table 5 presents the ANOVA results at 95% level of significance. The ANOVA results showed how the regression equation fits the data and predict the dependent variable as shown in the Table 5 below.

Table 5: ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 568.481 4 142.120 60.871 .000b
Residual 361.894 155 2.335
Total 930.375 159
a. Dependent Variable: Employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra
b. Predictors: (Constant), compensation, Performance Appraisal, Training and Development, Career development

Source: Field Survey (2023)

As shown in Table 7, the F-statistic of the estimated model is F (4, 155) = 60.871, p< 0.05. Since the P-value is less than the 5% (0.05) significance value, the study concludes at the 5% significance level that the estimated model is significant for examining the relationship among the independent and dependent variable. The results showed that performance appraisal, compensation and rewards, training and development, Career development has statistically significantly predicted employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra.

Table 6 presented the coefficient of the regression model to give adequate to explain how the independent variables predict the dependent variable as presented in Table

Table 6: Regression Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 2.394 .733 3.266 .001
Career development .172 .054 .216 3.208 .002 .552 1.812
Performance Appraisal .220 .049 .337 4.491 .000 .445 2.246
Training and Development .138 .039 .224 3.566 .000 .634 1.576
Compensation .582 .133 .240 4.381 .000 .836 1.196
a. Dependent Variable: Employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra

Source: Field Survey (2023)

The study conducted the multiple regression analysis to examine the effect of HRP on employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra. The Multiple Regression Model was as follows: Y = 2.394+ .582X1 +.172X2+.220X3+138X4+e

Y= Employee performance

X1= Compensation

X2 = Career development

X3= Training and development

X4= Performance appraisal

e = Error term

It was evident in the results that when all holding all other variables constant, employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra be at 2. 665.  The beta value of compensation and rewards (B= .582, t = 4.381, p <0.5). The results showed that a unit increase in compensation while holding all other factors constant, would leads to .582 increase in employee performance in Ghana Army. This was statistically significant since p<0.05. This results showed that compensation has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance in Ghana Army. The findings implied that whenever both financial and non-financial compensation increases in Ghana Army by one unit by one unit, employee performance is also increased by 582. This result shows that having a clear and market-based salary or compensation has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance in Ghana Army.  This means that compensation play key role in increasing employee performance and making employee more productive in their duties and responsibilities. The results further revealed that compensation for employee make the strongest unique contribution to explaining the employee.  The finding support that of Huabis, Islam and Atiya (2023) who found that attractive compensation to employee has significant positive impact on employee performance.

 The findings agreed with that of Imna and Hassan (2015) who found that compensation has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance Hassan (2022) findings showed that reward and compensation (R&C) practices had significant and positive effects on employee performance.  Attractive compensation packages can lead to employee motivation and commitment making employees feeling more secured to performing the responsibilities assigned to them. Moreover, provide good compensation packages will make employees feel valued and motivated to improve work performance and pay attention to providing opportunities. career paths to employees who excel to motivate them in their careers. The findings of the study are similar to that of Aslam and Nisar (2016) who found that rewards and compensation has significant mediating effects on employee retention. The findings further support that of (Bayraktar, Araci, Karacay & Calisir, 2017; Khalid & Nawab, 2018) who found that reward and compensation have statistically positive effect on academic staff retention.  The finding further confirmed that of (Rombaut & Guerry, 2020) whose findings showed that reward and cmpenseation has statistically significant positive effect on employee retention.  The findings further support that of (Hanai & Pallangyo, 2020; Khalid & Nawab 2018) whose findings established that rewards and compensation have a statistically significant positive effect on positive employee health service.

The finding aligned with several Scholars researchers (Kalyanamitra, Saengchai, & Jermsittiparsert, 2020; Malik, Baig & Manzoor, 2020; Hanai, & Pallangyo, 2020; Khan 2020) who found that attractive rewards and compensation can influence employees to stay and work for their institutions, especially where these rewards and compensation are perceived by employees to be fair. The findings are in line with that of talent (Hom et al., 2019; Al Jubouri, 2023) who posited that employers must create and foster a work environment that supports employee performance, productivity, and retention (Lwin, 2022). Implementing various strategies such training and development, effective performance appraisal, rewards and compensation, promoting employee engagement, investing in employee leadership and development, providing opportunities for growth and creating a positive work environment that can effectively reduce turnover and retain valuable

The results showed the beta value of career development as (B =.172, t = 3.208, p < 0.5). This implied that 1unit increase in career development while holding all other factors constant would lead to 172 increase in employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra. The results showed that career development has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra since p < 0.05. The findings of the study agreed with Studies by (Al-Okaily et al., 2022; Elrehail et al., 2023; Hsu et al., 2013; Igudia, 2022)  whose findings that career development has a positive effect on employee performance. Imna and Hassan (2015) found that when employees perceive career development practices as more positively, they become more engaged and stay to work for the istitutins. Study by (Alatailat et al., 2019;  Aldhafeeri et al., 2016; Aljuhmani et al., 2022; Gulia & Gehlot, n.d.; Suárez-Rodríguez et al., 2018) established that career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.On the other hand, Hassan (2022) study found no significant effect of career development on employee performance.

The findings further showed that the beta value of training and development is (B =.138, t = 3.566, p < 0.5). The findings implied that 1unit increase in training and development while holding all other factors constant would lead to .138% increase in employee retention. The findings implied that training and development has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance. The study findings are in line with several researchers (Alajlani & Yesufu, 2022; Cox & Graham, 2009; Hechter & Vermette, 2014) who found that training and development has a statistical significant positive effect on employee performance.  The finding showed that increase in training and development increase in employee performance. The findings are similar to that of (Sari & Nizam, 2020; Imna & Hassan, 2015) who found that training and development has statistically significant positive effect on employee retention. On the contrary, the finding was different from that of (Murtiningsih, 2020; Jehanzeb, Aldakhil, Hamid, & Khan, 2017; Wijesiri et al., 2019; Ozolina-Ozola, 2014)) who found no significant effect of traning and development on employee performance.

The findings showed that the beta value of performance appraisal is (B =.220, t = 4.491, p < 0.5). The findings implied that 1 unit  increase in performance appraisal while holding all other factors constant would lead to 220 increase in employee performance Ghana Army in Accra.  The findings show that performance appraisal has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance Ghana Army in Accra. The findings aligned with that of several Scholars (Malik, Baig, & Manzoor, 2020; Aleem & Bowra, 2020; Jeffrey & Prasetya, 2019) whose findings showed that performance appraisal has statistically positive effect on employe performance Ghana Army in Accra. The findings the study found that career development has statistically significant positive effect on employee performance. The study also found that the presence of rewards and compensation has significant positive effect on employee performance. The study showed that attractive compensation to motivate employees to performance well.   The study concluded that rewards and attractive compensation packages play a vital in increasing employee performance. The study found that career development, compensation training and development has statistically significant effect on employee performance.


The following conclusions made based on the findings of the study:

The study also found that compensation has statistical significant positive effect on staff retention.

The study established that career development has statistical significant positive effect on employee performance.  The study concluded that career development is one of the key factors that contributes to employee performance.

The study found that training and development has statistical significant positive effect on employee performance in Ghana Army in Accra. The findings implied that strengthening training and development program would contribute to employee performance.

The study also found that performance appraisal has statistical significant positive effect on employee performance. It is important the Ghana Army establish fair performance appraisal system with regular feedback to employee to identify on their strengths and weaknesses.


Based on the study findings, the following recommendations were made;

The study recommends the management of Ghana Army in Accra should consider organizing for trainings and seminars for the employees as this will help to increase employee skills, loyalty and competence making them more willing to work harder for the success of Institution.

The study also recommends that the management Ghana Army in Accra should consider instituting career counseling programs which will assist employees in exploiting their strengths and potential and avoiding mismatches between individual aspirations, capabilities and organizational opportunities. Career counseling will also help on improving organization’s effectiveness and assist employees in achieving their individual needs. This study recommends that there should be an awareness campaign of all career development programs within the institution that will help in developing the career path of the employees as this will boost the morale and ultimately the productivity of staff.

The study recommends that management of Ghana Army in Accra should design attractive compensation packages for employee to enable them give their best. The compensation packages should include bonuses, salary perk and other forms of employee benefits that will make them intrinsically motivated and committed to work.

Suggestions for Further Research

The study employed the descriptive survey to examine effect of human resource management practice on employee performance. The study used only questionnaire in gathering data to analyze the data collected. The suggests that future researchers should use interview guide in addition to the questionnaire to gather qualitative data to give the respondents opportunity to share their views on determinants of employee retention.


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