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Development Management Model of Teacher’s Global Competence and Complexity Leadership Based on the Merdeka Curriculum

  • Eliana Sari
  • Wiratri Anindhita
  • Muhammad Mulyadi
  • Dwi Purwoko
  • Madhakomala
  • Durotul Yatimah
  • Ade Imas Rismayanti
  • 216-226
  • Jan 4, 2025
  • Leadership

Development Management Model of Teacher’s Global Competence and Complexity Leadership Based on the Merdeka Curriculum

Eliana Sari1, Wiratri Anindhita2, Muhammad Mulyadi3, Dwi Purwoko4, Madhakomala5, Durotul Yatimah6, Ade Imas Rismayanti7

1,2,5,6State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

3,4National Research and Innovation Institution, Indonesia

7Labschool Cibubur, West Java, Indonesia


Received: 05 December 2024; Accepted: 09 December 2024; Published: 04 January 2025


This study aims to produce: 1) A product of a global competency measurement instrument for senior high school teachers, 2) A product of a measurement instrument for the complexity of leadership of senior high school principals, and 3) A product of a global competency development model based on the complexity of leadership for senior high school teachers in DKI Jakarta, and 4) A product of a training module for developing global competencies for senior high school teachers in DKI Jakarta. The unit of analysis of this study was SMA Penggerak in DKI Jakarta, with respondents of SMA Penggerak Batch I teachers totaling 301 teachers taken by proportional random sampling. Measurement of teacher global competence was carried out by distributing questionnaire instruments compiled based on 3 (three) core elements of teacher global competence, namely: 1) Teacher disposition, 2) Teacher knowledge, and 3) Teacher skills (Tichnor-Wagner, et al, 2019). Meanwhile, measurement of complexity leadership was carried out by distributing questionnaire instruments compiled referring to 3 (three) components of complexity leadership, namely: 1) Administrative leadership, 2) Adaptive leadership, and 3) Enabling leadership (Uhl-Bien et al., 2009). This study uses the SEM model with data processing techniques using Wrap PLS. The results of the design of the complexity leadership and global competent teacher measurement instrument show a high level of validity and a perfect level of reliability, so it is very suitable for use in this study. The results of the complexity leadership hypothesis test on global competent teachers show that there is a significant influence. The results of measuring the complexity leadership dimensions on global competent teachers also show that each dimension has a significant influence, where the empowering leadership dimension has the most significant influence.

Keywords: Global teacher competency, complexity leadership, independent curriculum.


Globally competent teachers will guide their students to develop a global mindset that is open to new thoughts and ideas, develop positive values and attitudes that will equip their students to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, and understand the positive and negative implications of developments in the world for their local communities (Sari, et al, 2019). Globally minded teachers will collaborate with various parties to advance education innovatively and creatively while upholding the values believed in by the local community (Sari, et al, 2024; Junedi, Mahuda & Kusuma, 2020). A teacher not only teaches lesson content, but also acts as a liaison between generations. Teachers help students interpret their cultural heritage in the context of a changing world, preparing them to become globally minded individuals but still rooted in local traditions (Kerkhoff & Cloud, 2020; O’Connor & Zeichner, 2011). Some efforts that teachers can make to improve global competence include: 1) Teachers and students together create a classroom atmosphere that celebrates diversity, 2) Improving learning experiences to allow students to interact within a framework of cultural diversity, 3) Encouraging students to connect, communicate, and learn with students from other countries using technology, 4) Facilitating intercultural communication between students on a regular basis, and 5) Encouraging students to learn other languages and cultures (Godara, 2017; O’Connor & Zeichner, 2011).

In 2024, the Merdeka curriculum was officially established as the national curriculum, after the launch of the Merdeka curriculum and the Merdeka Learning platform episode 15 on February 11, 2022 by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim ( The Head of the Education Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Agency (BSKAP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Anindito Aditomo stated that 80 percent of schools at all levels throughout Indonesia have implemented the Merdeka Curriculum.

Sekolah Penggerak Program in DKI Jakarta

Sekolah Penggerak Program is a partnership and collaboration program between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Regional Government where the commitment of the Regional Government is the main key. The Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office is committed to supporting and continuing the PSP since the first batch was launched in 2021. There are many benefits that the Regional Government will obtain through this School Mover Program, including: 1) Accelerating the improvement of the quality of education in the region; 2) Improving the competence of Education Unit HR; 3) Making learning more enjoyable and meaningful; 4) Opportunity to get an award as an Education Mover Region; 5) Becoming a reference area for good practices in developing Mover Schools, and 6) Multiplier effects from Mover Schools to other Schools ( The number of Mover Schools in DKI Jakarta is cumulatively greater than Mover Schools in other provinces in Indonesia.

Table 1: Growth in the Number of Sekolah Penggerak in DKI Jakarta

Educational level Force I Force II Force III Amount
PAUD 7 60 23 90
SD 18 102 22 142
SMP 14 51 17 82
SMA 13 25 4 42
SLB 2 8 0 10
Total 366

Sumber:, processed by researchers (2024)


This research uses the Gall, Gall & Borg (2007) research and development procedure. The unit of analysis of this study was SMA Penggerak in DKI Jakarta, with the research population being SMA Penggerak Batch I teachers totaling 423 teachers). The research sample was SMA Penggerak Batch I teachers who had participated in the school mover training program, which was taken by proportional random sampling. Measurement of teacher global competence was carried out by distributing questionnaire instruments compiled based on 3 (three) elements, namely: 1) Teacher dispositions, 2) Teacher knowledge, and 3) Teacher skills (Tichnor-Wagner, et al, 2019). Measurement of complexity leadership was also carried out by distributing questionnaire instruments to teachers which were compiled referring to 3 (three) dimensions, namely: 1) Administrative leadership, 2) Adaptive leadership, 3) Enabling leadership (Uhl-Bien. et al, 2009). Data analysis used SEM (Wrap PLS) after previously conducting validity and reliability tests.

Table 2: Data on SMA Penggerak in DKI Jakarta

No Force I Force  II Force  III
1 SMAN 21 – East Jakarta SMA Global Mandiri SMAN 112 – West Jakarta
East Jakarta
2 SMAN 42 – East Jakarta SMAN 102 – East Jakarta SMAN 77 – West Jakarta
3 SMAN 50 – East Jakarta SMAN 107 – East Jakarta SMAS CALVIN West Jakarta
4 SMAN 71 – East Jakarta SMAN 64 – East Jakarta SMAS KANAAN West Jakarta
5 SMAN 89 – East Jakarta SMAN 9 – East Jakarta
6 SMAN 93 – East Jakarta SMA Prestasi Prima, East Jakarta
7 SMAS LABSCHOOL SMAS Muhammadiyah 11
Jakarta Timur East Jakarta
8 SMAS PKP – East Jakarta SMAS Pusaka 1 East Jakarta
9 SMAN 109 – South Jakarta SMA Islam Al-Azhar Jakut
10 SMAN 28 – South Jakarta SMAN 110 – North Jakarta
11 SMAN 70 – South Jakarta SMAN 18 – North Jakarta
12 SMAN 86 – South Jakarta SMAS Dharma North Jakarta
13 SMAS IS AVICENA SMAS Tarakanita 2
South Jakarta Jakarta Utara
14 SMA IT Almaka
West Jakarta
15 SMAN 94 – West Jakarta
16 SMAN 95 – West Jakarta
17 SMAN 96 – West Jakarta
18 SMAS Al Huda
Cengkareng West Jakarta
19 SMAS Cinta Kasih Tzu
Chi West Jakarta
20 SMAS Dian Harapan
West Jakarta
21 SMAN 29 – South Jakarta
22 SMAN 38 – South Jakarta
23 SMAN 74 – South Jakarta
24 SMAN 82 – South Jakarta
25 SMAS Bakti Idhata South Jakarta
13 25 4

Source:, processed by researchers (2024)

This study uses the SEM model with data processing techniques using Wrap PLS. In SEM there are 3 (three) activities simultaneously, namely checking the validity and reliability of the instrument (confirmatory factor analysis), testing the relationship model between variables (path analysis), and obtaining a suitable model for prediction (structural model and regression analysis). A complete modeling basically consists of a measurement model and a structural model or causal model. The measurement model is carried out to produce an assessment of validity and discriminant validity, while the structural model is a modeling that describes the hypothesized relationships. To perform SEM data processing more easily, you can use the help of statistical software. Currently, various software is available for SEM data processing, including Lisrel, AMOS and Smart PLS.


Results of Research Respondent Data

Characteristics of Research Samples

The unit of analysis of this research is SMA Penggerak in DKI Jakarta, with a research sample of SMA Penggerak teachers totaling 301 teachers taken by proportional random sampling, namely a random sampling technique by considering the proportion of each region. The following are the names of the driving schools in DKI Jakarta that are the research samples,

Table 3: Profile of Respondent

No School Name Region Total
1 SMA Negeri 18 Jakarta North Jakarta 22
2 SMA Negeri 110 Jakarta North Jakarta 29
3 SMA Islam Al Azhar North Jakarta 15
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Total 66
1 SMA Negeri 112 Jakarta West Jakarta 21
2 SMA AL Huda Cengkareng West Jakarta 16
3 SMA Negeri 94 Jakarta West Jakarta 24
4 SMA Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi West Jakarta 15
Total 76
1 SMAN 42  Jakarta East Jakarta 22
2 SMAS LABSCHOOL East Jakarta 37
Total 59
1 SMA Negeri 77 Jakarta Central Jakarta 31
2 SMA Kristen Kanaan Central Jakarta 17
1 SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta South Jakarta 35
2 SMA Negeri 74 Jakarta South Jakarta 17
Total 52
Total Amount 301

Source: Processed by researcher (2024)

Results of the Complexity Leadership Measurement Instrument Design

The results of designing the complexity leadership measurement instrument design using the theory of Uhl-Bien et al (2009), where the conceptual framework of the complexity leadership theory includes three interrelated leaderships, namely administrative leadership, adaptive leadership and empowering leadership. Measurement of the complexity leadership variable is carried out through 3 (three) dimensions, namely: (1) Administrative leadership dimension, with 6 indicators, namely: 1) Top-down oriented, 2) Formal with a fixed pattern, 3) Planning and coordination towards results, 4) Efficiency and effectiveness, 5) Focusing on alignment and control, and 6) Represented by hierarchical and bureaucratic functions. (2) Adaptive leadership dimension, with 2 indicators, namely: 1) Bottom-up oriented, and 2) Informal and emergency. (3) Empowering leadership dimension, with 2 indicators, namely: 1) Top-down catalyst, and 2) Memimpin keterikatan. Secara rinci hasil perancangan instrumen pengukuran perilaku complexity leadership kepala sekolah oleh guru, dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini. Leading engagement. In detail, the results of designing the principal’s complexity leadership behavior measurement instrument by teachers can be seen in the table below.

Table 4: Results of Designing Complexity Leadership Measurement Instruments

No Variable Dimension Indicators Items
1 Complexity Leadership Administrative Leadership 1) Top-down orientation 1, 2, 3
2) Formal with fixed patterns 4, 5, 6
3) Planning and coordination towards results 7, 8, 9
4) Efficiency and effectiveness 10, 11, 12
5) Focus on alignment and control 13, 14, 15, 16
6) Represented by hierarchical and bureaucratic functions 17, 18
Adaptive Leadership 1) Bottom-up oriented 19, 20, 21
2) Informal and emergency 22, 23, 24
Empowering Leadership 1) Top-down catalyst 25, 26, 27, 28
2) Leading engagement 29, 30

Source: Processed by researcher (2024)

Results of the Design of the Global Teacher Competence Measurement Instrument

The results of the design of the global teacher competence measurement instrument using the theory of Tichnor-Wagner, et al. (2009), where the conceptual framework of the global competent teacher theory includes three interrelated components, namely knowledge and understanding, skills, and attitudes and values. Measurement of the global teacher competence variable is carried out through 3 (three) dimensions, namely: (1) Dimension of knowledge and understanding, with 3 indicators, namely: 1) World knowledge, 2) Understanding globalization, and 3) International academic knowledge. (2) Dimension of skills, with 3 indicators, namely: 1) Communicating in a foreign language, 2) Communicating across cultures, and 3) International academic communication. (3) Dimension of attitudes and values, with 2 indicators, namely: 1) Intention to interact, and 2) Open attitude. In detail, the results of the design of the global competent teacher behavior measurement instrument can be seen in the table below.

Table 5: Results of Designing Global Competent Teacher Measurement Instruments

No Variabel Dimension Indicators Items
1 Global Competent Teacher Knowledge and Understanding 1) World knowledge 31, 32, 33
2) Understanding globalization 34, 35, 36, 37
3)International academic knowledge 38, 39, 40
Skills 1)Communicate in a foreign language 41, 42, 43
2)Communicating across cultures 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
3)International academic communication 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Attitudes and values a.Intention to interact 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
b.Open attitude 60, 61, 62, 63

Source: Processed by researcher (2024)

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a structured method used to determine whether the findings of a study provide evidence to support a particular theory that is relevant to a larger population. The principle of hypothesis testing is to compare sample values (research data) with hypothesis values (population values). The size of the difference between these two values determines whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. Results of Hypothesis Testing Complexity Leadership on Global Competence Teachers. The results of the hypothesis test of the Complexity Leadership variable on Global Competence Teachers can be seen in the image below.

Figure 1. Results of Hypothesis Testing of Complexity Leadership variable against Global Competence Teacher variable (Data processed by researcher (2024)

In more detail, the value of the results of the hypothesis test of the complexity leadership variable against the global competent teacher variable can be seen in the following table. Table 19. Results of the Hypothesis Test of the Complexity Leadership Variable against the Global Competent Teacher Variable.

Table 6: Hypothesis Test Results of the Complexity Leadership Variable on the Global Competent Teacher Variable

Estimate SE t P value
Complexity Leadership     0,447 0,029    15,416   0,000

Source: Processed by researcher (2024)

Structural Model of Complexity Leadership Hypothesis Test Results on Global Competence Teachers

The results of the hypothesis test of the complexity leadership variable on global competent teachers, namely 0.447, can be seen in the structural model of complexity leadership on global competent teachers in the image below

Figure 2. Results of Hypothesis Testing of Complexity Leadership variable against Global Competence Teacher variable (Data processed by researcher (2024)

Hypothesis Test Results of Complexity Leadership Dimensions on Global Competence Teachers

The results of the hypothesis test of the Complexity Leadership variable on Global Competence Teachers can be seen in the image below.

Figure 3. Results of Hypothesis Testing of Complexity Leadership Dimensions on Global Competence Teachers (Data processed by researchers (2024)

In more detail, the test results of the influence of the complexity leadership dimension on global competent teachers can be seen in the table below.

Table 7: Results of Hypothesis Testing of Complexity Leadership Dimensions on Global Competent Teachers

Dimension of Complexity Leadership Estimate SE t P value
Administrative Leadership 0,160 0,077 2,075 0,039
Adaptif Leadership 0,169 0,082 2,049 0,041
Empowering Leadership 0,179 0,089 2,011 0,045

Source: Processed by researcher (2024)

Structural Model of Hypothesis Test Results of Complexity Leadership Dimensions on Global Competence Teachers

The results of the hypothesis test of complexity leadership dimension on global competent teacher are as follows: The estimated influence of administrative leadership dimension on global competent teacher is 0.160, the estimated influence of adaptive leadership dimension on global competent teacher is 0.69, and the estimated influence of empowering leadership dimension on global competent teacher is 0.79, can be seen in the structural model below.

Figure 4. Structural model of complexity leadership dimensions towards global competent teachers (Data processed by researchers, 2024)

Summary of Hypothesis Test Results of the Dimension of Complexity Leadership on Global Competence Teachers

Table 8: Summary of Hypothesis Test Results of Complexity Leadership Dimensions on Global Competent Teachers

Hypothesis Estimate P Value Decision %
H1 The influence of complexity leadership on globally competent teachers 0,447 0,000 Supported Hypothesis
H2 The influence of administrative leadership on globally competent teachers 0,160 0,039 Supported Hypothesis 32%
H3 The influence of adaptive leadership on globally competent teachers 0,169 0,041 Supported Hypothesis 33%
H4 The influence of empowering leadership on globally competent teachers 0,179 0,045 Supported Hypothesis 35%

Data processed by researchers, 2024

Based on the results of testing the complexity leadership dimension hypothesis on global competent teachers, it was found that the empowering leadership dimension is the dimension with the greatest influence among the other dimensions because it has the largest estimated influence of 0.179 among the three dimensions.


Based on the results of the data processing that has been presented above, the results of this study can be concluded as follows: The results of the design of the complexity leadership measurement instrument for SMA Penggerak teachers in DKI Jakarta are proven to be valid and reliable, so this instrument can be used to measure the complexity leadership of all SMA Penggerak teachers in the DKI Jakarta area. The results of the design of the global competent teacher measurement instrument for SMA Penggerak teachers in DKI Jakarta are proven to be valid and reliable, so this instrument can be used to measure the global competent teacher of all SMA Penggerak teachers in the DKI Jakarta area. The results of the design of the global competent teacher management model based on complexity leadership for SMA Penggerak teachers in DKI Jakarta in detail can be seen in Figure 10, namely the structural model of complexity leadership towards global competent teachers, where 3 (three) dimensions of complexity leadership, all show a significant influence on global competent teachers, where empowering leadership has the strongest significance on global competent teachers. Global competent teachers of SMA Penggerak in DKI Jakarta can be developed to many other SMA in the DKI Jakarta area. Development of global competent teachers can be done through measuring global competent teachers to other SMA teachers in the DKI Jakarta area, especially through measuring the components of knowledge and understanding, skills, and attitudes and values.


1.    Thank you to the Research and Community Service Institute of Jakarta State University for funding this research

2.    Thank you to the national innovation research institution for collaborating on this research

3.    Thank you to the education department of DKI Jakarta government for collaborating in this research


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