Enhancing Purchase Intentions in Boutiques: A Study on Store Atmosphere, Social Media Marketing, and Consumer Lifestyles

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Enhancing Purchase Intentions in Boutiques: A Study on Store Atmosphere, Social Media Marketing, and Consumer Lifestyles

Enhancing Purchase Intentions in Boutiques: A Study on Store Atmosphere, Social Media Marketing, and Consumer Lifestyles

Sinarwaty, Nursaban Rommy & *Naqiah Amanda Putri
Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.51244/IJRSI.2023.101001

Received: 17 September 2023; Accepted: 27 September 2023; Published: 25 October 2023


The purpose of this study is to observe the simultaneous influence of store atmosphere, social media marketing and lifestyle on purchasing decisions and to partially test the individual variables of living environment, social media marketing and lifestyle. Shopper shopping lifestyle. Selection at Youfit Kendari Boutique. The subjects of this research are the consumers of Youfit Kendari Boutique. This study uses a quantitative approach with a total population of 85 employees. The number of samples determined by the census is , so the number of research samples is 85 consumers. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using more than one linear regression. The results of the analysis of this study concluded that the store atmosphere, social media marketing and lifestyle simultaneously have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. The store atmosphere therefore has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Social media marketing has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Lifestyle has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Lifestyle is the most dominant influencing variable in purchasing decisions.

Keywords: Store Atmosphere, Social Media Marketing, Lifestyle, Purchase Decision


Leaving an attractive impression on the consumer and evoking new developments in a product help the company to successfully influence the consumer when making a purchase. Multiple decisions are often involved in the complex purchasing decision process. A decision involves choosing one of two or more possible courses of action. According to Kotler and Keller (2016: 198), purchasing decisions are decisions in which customers choose from a variety of alternatives to purchase and enjoy goods or services. According to Kotler and Keller (2016: 198), consumers go through five steps before making a purchase decision: product selection, brand selection, purchasing channel selection, timing of purchase, and quantity.

Companies, especially retail businesses like the fashion industry, need to pay close attention to critical customer concerns. Creating a welcoming atmosphere in the store is believed to have a positive impact on business operations. According to a study by Pratiwi and Yasa (2019), store environment, social media marketing and lifestyle are aspects that can influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. One of the important tools that businesses can leverage beyond the store environment is the current development of social media, where everyone has access to and actively uses social media. According to Optima Web2, social media marketing is an online marketing activity that involves increasing a website’s visibility, exposure and presence on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Knowing customers’ lifestyles can provide companies or business owners with the opportunity to design and promote products so that consumers making purchasing decisions are satisfied with what they have chosen. Therefore, lifestyle can potentially influence customers’ purchasing decisions (Rahma and Yulianti (2019).

The boutique Youfit Kendari was chosen as the focus of this study. This fashion related company is one of the companies established since 2017. The first sales strategy was through social media platforms such as Facebook, Whatshap and Instagram. With time, the company now has an offline outlet. . For this business he started his business with catalog photos, then models and of course advertising.


Store Atmosphere

Store atmosphere is a planned atmosphere based on the target market that can encourage customers to purchase (Kotler, 2013). The store environment influences the emotional state of the shopper, which triggers or influences the purchase. The emotional state will produce two predominant feelings: pleasure and the awakening of desire. A pleasant atmosphere in the store can encourage customers to visit and buy.

According to Levy and Weits (2007), store atmosphere is the design of the environment through visual communication, lighting, color, music and scents to trigger customers’ perceptual and emotional responses and ultimately influence purchasing behavior. The right ambience in the store creates an attractive impression and helps to improve the image of a store in the eyes of customers, which undoubtedly influences purchasing decisions.

According to Sezgin et al. (2014), store atmosphere may include physical features as well as symbols associated with internal and external stores that attempt to evoke sentimental responses in shoppers to persuade them to make purchases or purchase decisions.

Foster (2008: 61) describes the store environment as a designed combination of physical messages. A change in planned environmental purchases that produces different emotional effects that can motivate customers to purchase activities can be described as a change in store atmosphere.

Social Media Marketing

According to Richter and Koch (2007), social media is an application, medium and online medium that facilitates connection, collaboration and sharing of content. Another definition of social networks is a collection of Internet-based applications that facilitate the creation and exchange of user-generated content and are based on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0.

According to Kotler and Keller (2012: 568), social networks enable customers to communicate text, image, video and audio information with each other and with companies and vice versa. Consumers will increasingly appreciate the importance of social media in improving business performance. Small businesses can use social media to sell their products and services as well as communicate and interact with customers to build strong relationships.

Social media is a type of internet-based media that allows consumers to participate. Social media is often portrayed as a pioneer of corporate marketing. According to Kotler and Keller (2012: 568), social networks enable customers to communicate text, image, video and audio information with each other and with companies and vice versa. Consumers will increasingly appreciate the importance of social media in improving business performance. Small businesses can use social media to sell their products and services as well as communicate and interact with customers to build strong relationships.

The existence of social media marketing facilitates online interactions between companies and their customers. The fees are not excessive and there is no time limit as long as you are connected to the internet. By promoting business operations, social media plays a role in building personalized relationships with customers and provides companies with the opportunity to access customers (Kelly et al., 2010).


The lifestyle of a community will be different from that of other communities. The lifestyles of individuals and certain groups of people also change dynamically from time to time. Lifestyle is essentially a behavior that indicates what difficulties exist in the minds of clients and tend to mix with many elements related to the client’s emotional and psychological problems (Nugroho, 2010).

According to Kotler and Keller (2012), a person’s lifestyle is the way in which he or she exists in the world, expressed through his or her activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle represents the complete interaction of a person with the environment. A person’s lifestyle includes all of his patterns of action and interaction in the world. Sutisna (2012) defines lifestyle as “a way of life that is identified by how other people spend their time (activities), seen from work, hobbies, shopping, sports and social activities, and interests (interests) expressed in food and Fashion consists of “, family, leisure and opinion (opinion) about oneself, social issues, companies and products.” Lifestyle encompasses more than just socioeconomic status or personality.

Sutisna (2012) defines lifestyle as “a way of life identified by how other people spend their time (activities), seen from work, hobbies, shopping, sports and social activities, and interests (interests), consisting of food, fashion, Family.” , leisure and opinion (opinion) about oneself, social issues, companies and products.” Lifestyle includes more than just socioeconomic status or personality.

Buying Decision

Purchasing decisions are a series of processes that begin when the consumer becomes aware of the problem, searches for information about a particular product or brand, and evaluates the product or brand’s ability to solve the problem, resulting in a purchase decision ( Tjiptono, 2014: 21).

According to Kotler and Keller (2012: 227), the purchase decision process is a five-stage process that consumers go through, starting with problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives that can solve the problem, purchase decisions and post-purchase behavior from them. which begin long before the purchase. What consumers actually do has a long-term impact.

According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2010), a decision is the selection of an action from two or more options. If a consumer wants to make a decision, they must have an alternative option. Consumer decision making involves all components of affect and cognition, including information, meanings, beliefs activated from memory, and attention and understanding involved in new translations in the environment. At the heart of consumer decision making, however, is an integration process that combines insights to evaluate and select one of two or more alternative behaviors. This integration process leads to a decision that is cognitively represented as a will to act..

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

After seeing the framework above, the hypothesis can be drawn as follows:

1. Hypothesis 1: Store Atmosphere, Social Media Marketing and Lifestyle Simultaneously Have a Positive and Significant Influence on Purchasing Decisions

2. Hypothesis 2: Store Atmosphere Has a Positive and Significant Influence on Purchasing Decisions

3. Hypothesis 3: Social Media Marketing Has a Positive and Significant Influence on Purchasing Decisions

4. Hypothesis 4: Lifestyle has a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions.


This study uses a quantitative method, where quantitative research is defined as research that structures and quantifies data in order to generalize it using a particular type of statistical analysis (Anshori and Iswati, 2009:13). In most cases, quantitative research directs the problem to a causal relationship (cause and effect), so the problem formulation can be described in terms of a relationship between different variables. The population of this study includes consumers of Youfit Kendari Boutique. Due to the unknown size of the population in this study, Ferdinand (2006) determined the number of samples to determine the sample and stated that at least five times the number of indicators used was required for the multivariate analysis. In this study, there were 17 indicators, so in this study the number of samples to be collected (5 x 17 indicators) was 85 consumers of Youfit Kendari Boutique.


Multivariate regression analysis test results can be see in the table below:

Model Test (R Square)

Table 3. Model Test (R Square)

Model R R Square
1 0.879 0.773

Source: Primary data processed, 2023


Store Atmosphere, Social Media Marketing and Lifestyle Simultaneously on Purchasing Decisions

According to the results of concurrent testing, there is a simultaneous influence between store atmosphere, social media marketing and lifestyle on consumers’ purchasing decisions in Youfit Kendari Boutique. This can be interpreted that consumers feel a good atmosphere in the store and the better Youfit Kendari Boutique uses social media marketing to inform consumers and the more suitable the consumer’s lifestyle with the products offered by Youfit Kendari Boutique is. The highest level of consumer purchasing decisions. high. Based on these findings, Youfit Kendari Boutique must continue to pay attention to these elements so that the business can continue..

This finding is consistent with the findings of Pratiwi and Yasa (2019), who found that store atmosphere, social media marketing, and lifestyle influence consumers’ purchasing decisions at Alleway Café. Furthermore, Padmadikara, Ariyanti, and Tantra (2021) found that lifestyle, store environment, and social

media marketing simultaneously influence consumers’ purchasing decisions in Dejima Kohii.

Store atmosphere on purchasing decisions

According to the results of hypothesis testing on the influence of atmosphere on purchasing decisions, store atmosphere has a positive and significant influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions of Youfit Kendari Boutique. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that providing a pleasant store environment that meets consumers’ expectations and provides a feeling of ease and serenity while shopping has a positive influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions. This also means that by Youfit Kendari Boutique’s excellent interior, exterior, display and layout designs will encourage customers to purchase the items on offer.

Social media marketing on purchasing decisions

According to the results of a study on the influence of social media marketing on purchasing decisions, social media marketing had a positive and significant influence on customers’ purchasing decisions at Youfit Kendari Boutique. This can be interpreted as the good marketing activities of Youfit Kendari Boutique by using social media as an intermediary with the consumers, which has a good influence on the consumers, the good information, the clarity of the products offered, the skills of the administrator around the consumers to give satisfactory answers, and the level of credibility. of social media accounts used by Youfit Kendari Boutique can drive consumers’ purchasing decision-making behavior.

Lifestyle on purchasing decisions

According to the results of hypothesis testing on the impact of lifestyle on purchasing decisions, lifestyle has a positive and significant influence on customers’ purchasing decisions in Youfit Kendari Boutique. This could be seen as Youfit Kendari Boutique offers fashion products that fit the lifestyle of its target customers and can encourage purchasing decisions. The appropriateness of supplying items with consumers’ lifestyle perspectives, such as: B. Compatibility with current trends or with the activities and professions of target consumers, could lead consumers to make purchasing decisions. According to test results, lifestyle is the most important factor when making a purchase decision. Therefore, it is important to always pay attention to the compatibility of items with consumers’ lifestyles so that customers want to buy from Youfit Kendari Boutique..


Store environment, social media marketing, and lifestyle all impact purchasing decisions. This means that the better the store environment, social media marketing and lifestyle compatibility of Youfit Kendari Boutique’s products, the higher consumers’ purchasing decisions will be. A store environment has a beneficial and significant influence on purchasing decisions. This suggests that the better the store environment in Youfit Kendari boutique, the higher the consumers’ purchasing decisions and the greater the influence of social media marketing on purchasing decisions. These results suggest that the better Youfit Kendari Boutique’s social media marketing efforts, the higher their purchasing decisions. Lifestyle influences purchasing decisions in a positive and important way. These results suggest that the better the lifestyle customization made by Youfit Kendari Boutique in their items, the higher the consumer’s purchasing decisions.

Interior display is the lowest average indicator in the store atmosphere variable. This requires Youfit Kendari Boutique’s attention to optimize it and make the store environment more comfortable. Possible measures include providing sufficient information about existing products, for example by displaying information signs, a clear price tag or other signs that are easy for buyers to understand. Since Kendari Youfit Boutique’s social media marketing is already good and can encourage consumers to visit Kendari Youfit Boutique, it is necessary to maintain or strengthen social media marketing activities to promote the boutique’s Youfit activities in the future to support. Current responses indicated that engagement indicators require attention. Continually maintaining positive interactions with customers or followers on Youfit Kendari Boutique’s social media account is intended to increase the effectiveness of social media marketing. In the lifestyle sector, continuous monitoring of social trends and offering relevant fashion products are expected to improve customers’ purchasing decisions. To strengthen the generalizability of the research findings, you can re-examine this research model or test it on a larger study object with greater sample coverage in future research.


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